Triple Beam BalanceALPS
Triple Beam BalanceALPS
Triple Beam BalanceALPS
Period __
1. Listen and watch carefully to the
demonstration on how to use the Triple
Beam Balance.
2. You and your partner will share a triple
beam balance.
3. Check to see that the Pointer is pointing to zero.
4. If it is not, check to see that all the Riders are all the way to the left at the Zero mark.
5. Adjust the balance by turning the Adjustment Screw slowly until it points to zero.
6. Place the known brass weights onto the pan and practice measuring until you are comfortable using
the balance beam. Start with the largest mass, 200 g, and work your way down to the smallest mass, 1
7. Find the mass of the unknown film canisters.
8. Record canister letter and mass in Table 1.
4. What canister had the largest mass? Canister _________ with _______ grams
5. Was it easier to find the mass of an object with a lot of mass or a little amount of mass? Explain.
2 - 3 complete sentences on what you learned.