Cal Checklist
Cal Checklist
Cal Checklist
The following pages present the A2LA Calibration Program Requirements (dated September 2005 in !he!"list format# All laboratories seeki ! a""re#itatio i t$e Calibratio %iel# &'st &eet t$ese s(e"i%i" re)'ire&e ts* i a##itio to t$e !e eral re)'ire&e ts "o tai e# i ISO+IEC ,-.2/: 2../0 A$S%&$CSL '5(0)*)*++(, This !he!"list also in!ludes the requirements in A$S%&$CSL '5(0)*)*++( that are not !o-ered b. %S/&%0C *1025 or the A2LA Calibration Program Requirements# Laboratories see"ing a!!reditation to A$S%&$CSL '5(0)* must meet these additional requirements# A!!reditation to A$S%&$CSL '5(0)* is o(tio al0 Site Calibration, Additional a!!reditation requirements spe!ifi!all. appli!able to laboratories performing !alibrations at !lient sites are !ontained in a separate !he!"list2 3A2LA Spe!ifi! Criteria for the A!!reditation of Site Testing and Site Calibration Laboratories# Be%ore t$e assess&e t* t$e laborator1 is aske# to "o&(lete all o% t$e #o"'&e t re%ere "e i#e ti%iers asso"iate# 2it$ t$e ea"$ o% t$e s$a#e# re)'ire&e ts0 T$e laborator1 is also aske# to (la"e a ti"k &ark i t$e 1es 345* o 3N5 or ot a((li"able 3NA5 s(a"e %or ea"$ re)'ire&e t 3s$a#e# a # ' s$a#e#50 This helps both the laborator. and the assessor(s prepare for the assessment and ma. sa-e a signifi!ant amount of assessment time and !ost# The appropriate 4do!ument referen!e5 should in!lude qualit. manual2 laborator. manual2 S/P2 et!# referen!es# The noted referen!es should spe!if. pro!edure number2 page number and se!tion number2 if possible2 where ea!h !he!"list item is addressed# Assessor Instructions: Review the laboratorys documented quality system to verify compliance with the applicable documentation requirements. Assess to verify that the documented quality system is indeed implemented as described. Record comments related to any requirement on the space provided. Assess the laboratorys technical competence to perform specific calibrations or specific types of calibrations. Record comments related to calibrations on the Method Review Matrix. All deficiencies must be identified and explained in the assessor deficiency report. Laborator. $ame, 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Cit., 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 State, 6666666666666 6ate, Lab Code, Assessment %6, Certifi!ate 8(s , 7777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777
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A2LA Calibratio Pro!ra& Re)'ire&e ts C$e"klist To the best of m. "nowledge2 all laborator. do!ument referen!es below as well as a!tual laborator. pra!ti!es ha-e been assessed for !omplian!e with the rele-ant !lauses of the A2LA Calibration Program Requirements and of A$S%&$CSL '5(0)*)*++( (if appli!able # An. areas of non!omplian!e ha-e been full. des!ribed in the Assessor 6efi!ien!. Report# A2LA Assessor Signature, 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 6ate, 777777777777777777777
Re)'ire&e t A2LA Calibratio Pro!ra& Re)'ire&e ts 2#*#* Calibration inter-als for ea!h measuring instrument or standard shall be established to !ontrol the probabilit. of !alibrations being out)of)toleran!e at the end of the !alibration inter-al# The method used to establish and ad>ust inter-als shall be do!umented and based upon a determination of the standard?s performan!e# 0quipment re!ords shall in!lude the measured -alue for ea!h parameter found to be out of toleran!e during !alibration or -erifi!ation# 2#*#2 a @here an intrinsi! standard or s.stem is used as a standard2 the following requirements appl., dire!t intrinsi! standard or s.stem)to)intrinsi! standard or s.stem !omparison with $%ST or an a!!redited laborator. shall be !ondu!ted at appropriate inter-als to ensure the !orre!t realiAation of the measurandB do!umented !alibration histor. of the de-i!e used to measure differen!es between intrinsi! standard or s.stem and un"nown -alues shall be maintainedB do!umented !alibration histor. of the intrinsi! standard or s.stem !omponents (e#g#2 the time base of the referen!e frequen!. !ounter in a Cosephson -oltage arra. s.stem
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Re)'ire&e t shall be maintainedB d do!umented e-iden!e of periodi! !he!"s on s.stem pre!ision and stabilit. (e#g#2 lea"age !urrents2 ground loops2 thermal emf?s2 step integrit.2 trapped magneti! fluD2 noise2 and mi!rowa-e power impinging on a Cosephson -oltage arra. shall be maintained# Calibration !ertifi!ates and reports The un!ertaint. of reported measurements shall be stated as the a!tual un!ertaint. of the measurement2 not as the a!!redited best un!ertaint. unless that best un!ertaint. a!tuall. applies# An indis!riminate use of the best un!ertaint. listed on the A2LA s!ope of a!!reditation as the un!ertaint. of an a!tual !alibration is not >ustified# Laboratories are permitted to issue !ertifi!ates with a statement of !omplian!e (i#e#2 !onforman!e to a spe!ifi!ation relating to the metrologi!al aspe!ts of spe!ifi!ations# %n su!h !ases the laborator. shall ensure that, * the spe!ifi!ation is a national or international standard or one that has been agreed to or defined b. the !ustomer# the measurements needed to determine !onforman!e are within the a!!redited s!ope of the laborator.# when parameters are !ertified to be within spe!ified toleran!e2 the asso!iated un!ertaint. of the measurement result is properl. ta"en into a!!ount with respe!t to the toleran!e b. a do!umented pro!edure or poli!. established and implemented b. the laborator. that defines the de!ision rules used b. the laborator. for de!laring in or out of toleran!e !onditions#
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Re)'ire&e t ( the !ertifi!ate relates onl. to metrologi!al quantities and states whi!h !lauses of the spe!ifi!ation are !ertified to ha-e been met#
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ANSI+NCSL :/;.<,<,==; A##itio al Re)'ire&e ts < O(tio al Italic type is used to indicate where Z !"#$ differs from $%"& in otherwise similar requirements. 5#2 h 5#(# The qualit. manual and related qualit. do!umentation shall !ontain the laborator.?s s!ope of !alibrations . The qualit. s.stem adopted to satisf. the requirements of this Standard shall be re-iewed at least once a year b. the management to ensure its !ontinuing suitabilit. and effe!ti-eness and to introdu!e an. ne!essar. !hanges or impro-ements# Calibration pro!edures shall !ontain the required range and toleran!e or un!ertaint. of ea!h item or unit parameter being !alibrated or -erified# %n addition2 the pro!edures shall !ontain the generi! des!ription of the measurement standards and equipment needed with the required parameter2 range2 toleran!es or un!ertainties2 and spe!ifi!ations for performing the measurement of the !alibration or -erifi!ation2 and&or representati-e t.pes (manufa!turer2 model2 option that are !apable of meeting the generi! des!ription for the measurement standards# The pro!edures shall be !onsistent with the a!!ura!. required2 and with an. standard spe!ifi!ations rele-ant to the !alibrations&-erifi!ations !on!erned# @here it is ne!essar. to emplo. methods that ha-e not been well)established2 these shall be sub>e!t to agreement with the !ustomer2 be full. do!umented and -alidated2 and be a-ailable to the !ustomer and other recipients of the relevant reports#
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Re)'ire&e t **#5 Tamper)resistant seals shall be affiDed to operator a!!essible !ontrols or ad>ustments on measurement standards or measuring and !alibration equipment whi!h2 if mo-ed2 will in-alidate the !alibration# The laborator.Es !alibration s.stem shall pro-ide instru!tions for the use of su!h seals and for the disposition of equipment with damaged or bro"en seals# 0a!h !ertifi!ate or report shall in!lude at least the following information, a b a title2 e#g# Certifi!ate3B 3Calibration Report32 or 3Calibration
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name and address of laborator.2 and lo!ation where the !alibration was !arried out if different from the address of the laborator.B unique identifi!ation of the !ertifi!ate or report (su!h as serial number and of ea!h page2 and the total number of pagesB name and address of !ustomer2 where appropriateB des!ription and unambiguous identifi!ation of the item !alibratedB !hara!teriAation and !ondition of the !alibration itemB date(s of performan!e of !alibration where appropriateB identifi!ation of the !alibration pro!edure used2 or unambiguous des!ription of an. non)standard method usedB referen!e to sampling pro!edure2 where rele-antB an. de-iations from2 additions to or eD!lusions from the Page 5 of 1
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Re)'ire&e t !alibration method2 and an. other information rele-ant to a spe!ifi! !alibration2 su!h as en-ironmental !onditionsB " measurements (in!luding where appli!able 3as found3 data 2 eDaminations and deri-ed results2 supported b. tables2 graphs2 s"et!hes and photographs as appropriate2 and an. failures identifiedB a statement of the estimated un!ertaint. of the !alibration results (where rele-ant B a signature and title2 or an equi-alent identifi!ation of the person(s a!!epting responsibilit. for the !ontent of the !ertifi!ate or report (howe-er produ!ed 2 and date of issueB where rele-ant2 a statement to the effe!t that the results relate onl. to the items !alibratedB a statement that the !ertifi!ate or report shall not be reprodu!ed eD!ept in full2 without the written appro-al of the laborator.# spe!ial limitations of useB and tra!eabilit. statement# The laborator. shall notif. !ustomers promptl.2 in writing2 of an. !ustomerEs measuring and test equipment found signifi!antl. out)of)toleran!e during the !alibration& -erifi!ation pro!ess# Geasurement data shall be reported so that appropriate a!tion !an be ta"en# @here a laborator. sub)!ontra!ts an. part of the !alibration2 this wor' shall be placed with a laboratory complyin( with the requirements of this )tandard *A+)I,+-). Z !"#$# $//!0 # The laborator. shall ensure and be able to demonstrate that its sub)!ontra!tor is !ompetent to perform the a!ti-ities in question and complies with the same
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Re)'ire&e t criteria of competence as the laboratory with respect of the wor' bein( sub#contracted # *F#2 @here a !omplaint2 or an. other !ir!umstan!e2 raises a !on!ern regarding the laborator.Es !omplian!e with the laborator.Es poli!ies or pro!edures2 or with the requirements of this Standard or otherwise !on!erning the qualit. of the laborator.Es !alibrations2 the laborator. shall ensure that !omplaints in those areas of a!ti-it. and responsibilit. in-ol-ed are promptly resolved #
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