Growth Trends of Pakistan Textile Industry
Growth Trends of Pakistan Textile Industry
Growth Trends of Pakistan Textile Industry
TEXTILE INDUSTRY OF PAKISTAN .................................................................................................. 3 GROWTH TREND DURING LAST 10 YEARS.................................................................................. 4 RESAONS FOR DECLINE IN GROWTH ........................................................................................... 5 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 7
TEXTILE INDUSTRYS ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION Exports 60% Manufacturing 46% Employment 38%
Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan
Textile sector is considered as the backbone of the economy. On the other hand, it is facing tough competition in the international market due to increase in cost of production, which is making it less competitive than the neighboring countries India, Bangladesh & China. According to Pakistan Textile Journal, Pakistan is among top 10 textile exporters of the world. Textile export of world over is about $400 billion out of which China tops the list with present export of $55 billion, followed by Hong Kong $38 billion, Korea $35 billion, Taiwan $16 billion and Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan $11billion each. During FY 2010-2011 textile exports of Pakistan have continued to grow in the first nine months. According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) and the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan TDAP, textile exports grew by 30.38% from July 2010 to March 2011. It showed a positive sign in the constant dwindling textile industry of Pakistan; however this increase can be attributed to the rise in the price of cotton and other inputs along with a significant increase in terms of quantity as well.
This table shows the growth trend of industrial sector during last 10 years. Since 2002 it was steadily growing and it increased abruptly in 2004 showing a jump from 5%20% growth. This sudden sharp curve was due to higher input prices along with the record high exports to US making it seventh largest market for US cotton. During 2007, Pakistan economy went through worst political and economic instability due to Aliya Ahmed (Senior R&D Officer)
Benazir Bhuttos assassination followed by unstable law and order situations. Moving ahead in 2008 the textile sector showed record negative growth due to financial church in global economy resulting in slow down in economy growth chased by soaring oil, food and other commodity prices, softening of external demand and turmoil in the international financial market. The economy is also going through the most terrible energy crisis affecting the performance of the textile industry.
shedding and the instant rise in the Electricity tariff. They said that the industry has already been crippled due to record high load shedding. 5- Removal of subsidy on Textile sector:The provisions of Finance Bill 2009-10 are not textile industry friendly at all. Provisions like reintroduction of 0.5% minimum tax on domestic sales, 1% withholding tax on import of textile and articles, 16% Federal Excise Duty on banking and insurance services besides withdrawal of exemption of 16% sales tax and 4% withholding tax on machinery and parts in the Finance Bill 2009-10 are badly affecting already crippled industry. 6- Lack of new investment:Pakistan textile industry is facing problem of Low productivity due to its obsolete textile machineries. To overcome this problem and to stand in competition, Pakistan Textile Industry will require high investments. 7- United States & EU cuts imports of textile from Pakistan:US & EU are the major importer of Pakistan textile which creates a huge difference in export of Pakistan textile after imposing a restriction on import of Pakistani textile goods. 8- Raw material Prices:Prices of cotton & other raw material used in textile industry fluctuate rapidly in Pakistan. The rapid increase in the price raw material affects the cost of production badly. Due to increase in the cost of production the demand for export & home as well decreased which result in terms of downsizing of a firms resulting in unemployment. 9- Export Performance of the Textile Sector:Due to high cost of production, power shortage and stiff competition with regional players, the export performance of Pakistan textile sector is suffering badly. 10-Effect of Inflation The increase in inflation causes the increase in the cost of production of textile good which return in downsizing. The double digit inflation is also affecting exports of textiles. 11-Supply chain management: Another problem contributing in the poor performance of our textile sector is the absence of efficient supply chain management and centralized framework. Many economic and political factors limit the ability of the exporters to meet their commitment timely and may also result in losing business in future. Aliya Ahmed (Senior R&D Officer)
Recommendations for the growth of the textile sector are as follows;
Technology interventions
Sophisticated technology should be introduced to compete with the other countries (India, Bangladesh & China) in the global market in term of cost and quality.