CV Febry-1
CV Febry-1
CV Febry-1
TO :
I've learned a lot about Your company profile from an email t at made me attracted to apply for becomin! an employee in your company a" an admini"trative "taff. I'm male# $8 year" old and "in!le# !raduated from %&I 'H(&)( 2 *)+ at ,o!or - ere I ma.ored in "oft-are en!ineerin! /pro!rammer"0 but my ma"ter in t e field of )12%I)3'I( I ave a !ood per"onality# a "tron! de"ire# and e4tremely "elf5motivated. In "upport of my ability# I am 6uite familiar -it )icro"oft 7ffice# )icro"oft 8indo-"9:;# 8I<'78+ =# and t e Internet. >or you are con"idered I enclo"e my *urriculum ?itae and te"timony. I t an@ you and -aitin! for t e opportunity for per"onal intervie-".
Yours Faithfully,
Hp : 089686220593
Febry !rati"i#
CONTACT INFO $ome %ddress ) Mobile !ho,e 1mail & 0-./-/2200.3 & febryprati"imahgaretalomboa,2gmail)3om & Depo' Baru (l)*eli +o 4
PERSON DETAILS Full +ame !la3e / Date of Bor, +atio,ality 6e,der $ealthy Marital Status !erma,e,t 8eside,3e & Febry !rati"i & S4*51+6 !%*4# 00 February 1..0 & 7,do,esia & F1M%*1 & 6ood & Si,gle & 7,do,esia
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2010 9 2013 Ma:or SM; & 8e'ayasa !era,g'at *u,a' programmer# & 587 D$%8M% 2 B<6<8
EDUCATIONAL SKILL Mi3rosoft =i,do"s / >! / =i,do"s? System <peratio,al @omputer <ffi3e =ord, 1A3el# @ashier !atty @ash ;,o"ledge %bout 7,ter,et PERSONALITY Study fastly, 3a, to lear, i,tegrity, able to "or' as team or i,diBidual, high motiBatio, , leadership, respo,sibility, dis3ipli,e, 3reatiBe, i,,oBatiBe a,d hard "or')