So3153 Takehome Test

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SO3153 Take-Home Exam Value: 20% Due: Nov. 15 (send by email to [email protected]) Choose 4 of the following 8 questions.

Each answer should be 500-800 words (for a total of 2000-3200 words). You are welcome to use any sources you like (including the text, online resources, journals, your own thinking, etc.). Where you use the ideas of other people, make sure that you cite the sources appropriately. 1. Many authors now question the future of the modern nation-state system in an era in which globalization is the dominant trend. What challenges do nationstates face? What do you believe will be the future of the nation-state system? 2. When you think of the various issues facing humanity that we have talked about in this course, what do you fear? What can governments or other institutions do to make you feel more secure? When you think of the future, are you generally optimistic or pessimistic? Explain and give examples (that is, what makes you feel hopeful or what causes you to feel despair?). 3. Following the Second World War a number of international agencies were established in an effort to rebuild nations devastated by the war and create a global infrastructure that would ultimately create a more peaceful, just and prosperous world. In your opinion, how effective have these institutions especially the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank been in pursuing this goal? Please explain your view. 4. Two trends of political globalization have been the evolution of human rights as a concept and the spread of democratization. What has been the context in which these ideals have gained power? Do you think that these ideologies will continue to expand into the future? Why or why not? 5. The Millennium Development Goals focus on eight areas for change. Identify these goals and discuss the effectiveness of this approach for global poverty reduction. Are we likely to accomplish these 8 goals by 2015? Why or why not? Once the target date of 2015 is behind us, what strategy should the UN adopt for further development efforts? 6. We watched the highlights of the Munk Debate on Foreign Aid in class (in which Stephen Lewis and Paul Collier spoke in favour of Aid and Dambisa Moyo and Hernando de Soto spoke against Aid) What is your view of this topic? What were the key points made by each of the debaters? 7. Many people today are concerned by the lack of political engagement among youth and young adults. Watch this interview in which BBCs Jeremy Paxman and

comedian Russell Brand talk about political participation List the arguments that Brand makes and then discuss his views. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? How do Brands arguments compare with Annie Leonards videos, The Story Of Solutions and the Story of Change? 8. Read about the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Harvest of Letters Campaign at Write and send a letter (or email) to your Member of Parliament (postage is free and you can find his/her address here): stalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC. Take a picture of the letter or scan it if its a hard copy and send it to me as evidence that you have done it (or send me a copy of the email). Youll find lots of help on the CFGB webpage.

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