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Solution For Installation Error For HP Devices - Windows Vista and Win 7

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Solution for Installation Error for HP Devices Windows Vista and Win 7

We have detected that you were unable to successfully complete the installation for your HP device. All of the files that we attempted to install have been removed. Follow the procedures in this document to install your HP device after receiving an installation error. Please make sure you have turned off and restarted your PC before trying the steps outlined below.


Step 1: Run t e Dis! "leanup utilit#

The software installation process uses certain system folders for preparing files for installation. Periodically these folders need to be cleared. Prior to installing again run the !isk Cleanup utility which will help you" !elete temporary #nternet files !elete downloaded program files $mpty the %ecycle &in !elete files from the temporary folder !elete files created by other Windows tools %emove unused optional Windows components

To use the !isk Cleanup utility" '. Click Start ( ) click $ll Pro%ra&s click $ccessories click S#ste& 'ools and then click Dis! "leanup. *. After the !isk Cleanup utility analy+es the hard drive a report with a list of options appears on the computer. Click the appropriate check bo,es to remove unwanted files from the computer and then click (). -. Click *es on the confirmation screen that appears on the computer.

Step +: Reinstall HP Software

Note &efore starting the installation process again please confirm the following" .nplug the ./& cable from the device (if you are connecting to the printer via ./& cable). 0ake sure your PC has been rebooted at least once since the failed installation.

%einstall the HP software by re1inserting the C! that came with your device. Please follow the onscreen instructions and connect t e ,S- ca.le onl# w en

pro&pted .# t e software. The illustration below shows a typical ./& connection. /i%ure 1 "onnection fro& P" to HP device 0#our P" and HP device ,S- port locations &a# differ sli% tl# fro& t is illustration1

Not e

#f the ./& cable is connected to a ./& hub or a docking station for a laptop it could cause the installation to fail. Try connecting the ./& cable directly to the computer during the device installation (when prompted).

Step 2: 'e&poraril# Disa.le Startup Software

#f you were again unable to successfully install your HP device you may need to temporarily disable startup software. Windows allows many programs and processes to run immediately upon startup. These programs may be preventing you from installing the HP /oftware. These directions e,plain how to temporarily disable these programs and processes while installing the HP device. (/tep 2 below will e,plain how to re1enable the startup software.) '. Click the Windows icon on the Windows task bar ( Searc te,t field and then press $nter. ) type msconfig in the Start

*. The S#ste& "onfi%uration ,tilit# appears. #f the radio button ne,t to 3ormal startup is currently selected follow the steps under Nor&al Startup3 #f the startup option is set to /elective follow the steps under Selective Startup3

Nor&al Startup '. Click the circle ne,t to /elective /tartup and uncheck the checkbo, ne,t to 4oad /tartup #tems. *. Click the Services tab. checkmark on Hide All Place a 0icrosoft

Selective Startup '. !isable the /tartup #tems a. Click the Startup tab. b. 0ake a list of items that are checked. 5ou will need this

/ervices. -. Click the Disa.le $ll button.

list to set your computer startup items back to what it was before. c. Click the Disa.le $ll button. *. !isable the /ervices a. Click the Services tab. b. Place a checkmark on Hide all 0icrosoft /ervices. c. 0ake a list of items that are checked. 5ou will need this list to set your computer service items back to what it was before. d. Click the Disa.le $ll button.

/i%ure + S#ste& "onfi%uration ,tilit# Window

-. Complete the 0/Config process a. b. c. Click the $ppl# button. Click the () button and a new window will pop1up. Click the Restart button to continue. .pon restarting your PC you will get a /ystem Configuration .tility window.

Place a checkmark on the 6!on7t show this message89 checkbo, and click the () button.


After completing /tep : below don;t forget to restore the startup software that you temporarily disabled. (/tep 2 gives you the instructions for restoring the startup software.) Without restoring your startup software your PC may not function the way that you e,pect.

Step 4: Reinstall HP Software

Note &efore starting the installation process again please confirm the following" .nplug the ./& cable from the device (if you are connecting to the printer via ./& cable). 0ake sure your PC has been rebooted at least once since the most1 recent failed installation.

%einstall the HP software by re1inserting the C! that came with your device. Please follow the onscreen instructions and connect t e ,S- ca.le onl# w en pro&pted .# t e software. The illustration below shows a typical ./& connection. /i%ure 1 "onnection fro& P" to HP device 0#our P" and HP device ,S- port locations &a# differ sli% tl# fro& t is illustration1

Step 5: Re6ena.le Startup Software

#f you disabled startup software (in /tep -) to install the HP /oftware you;ll want to restore those applications and services at /tartup. Without restoring your startup software your PC may not function the way that you e,pect.

'. Click the Windows icon on the Windows task bar ( ) and then type msconfig in the Start Searc field .and then press $nter. The S#ste& "onfi%uration ,tilit# appears. *. #f you followed Nor&al Startup in /tep -" !isable /tartup /oftware above (or if you want to return to a 3ormal /tartup) follow Nor&al Startup below. #f you want to customi+e the programs that run at startup follow Selective Startup to proceed. Nor&al Startup Click the circle ne,t to 3ormal /tartup. Selective Startup '. Click the Startup tab. *. Place a checkmark on every item that is in your list of checked startup items for the startup tab from /tep -. -. Click the Services tab. :. Place a checkmark on Hide all 0icrosoft /ervices. 2. Place a checkmark on every item that is in your list of checked startup items for the /ervices tab from /tep -. -. Completing the 0/Config process a. Click the $ppl# button. b. Click the () button and select %estart to restart your computer.

Step 7: 8ive ,s /eed.ac!

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/or /urt er Help

#f you are still unable to install the HP software please contact HP technical support. /upport options and availability vary by product country<region and language. To find contact information for your region click the appropriate link below" #f you are in the .nited /tates click here. =utside of the .nited /tates click here.

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