DKG Nov 13 Newsletter
DKG Nov 13 Newsletter
DKG Nov 13 Newsletter
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Nov. 16 Meeting at ""/,, arahs @ineyeard A5eservation due $y -ov. ". to <ynnB. Dec. 14 Christmas Brunch ",/,, C 5osemont (ountry (lu$ A(hecks to Diana =ones &y Decem$er #B.
November Meeting. &ar$ &altrinic will lead a discussion on her $ook, 6 1ounder 1or 6ll, availa$le on 6ma7on. If you order it on the 0indle, you will $e pleased to read a review $y 6nne perry. Our meeting will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16 at Sarahs Vineyard on Steels Corners oad a!ross "rom #lossom at 11$%&.
Open M. 0ay 1ranks addressed some (O-%?-% concerns and changes that have come up regarding our 2$ig3ticket4 donation to 8residents <etter "39 their pre3school, &uilding &locks (hapter 8rograms . program. Our mem$ership agreed that we want our purchase to relate to the students, and 0ay will research this further. Items $eing considered were a laminating machine and paper as well as HAPPY some printers. Mem$ers told 0ay to use THANKSGIVING her judgment in making the purchase, and they particularly liked her suggestion of headphones for the children to use with their computers. 0ay will keep us posted. 5emem$er you can donate $ooks
8lease let me know $y Nov. 1% if you are attending $y calling me at ..,3 *9*3#"", or emailing me at lasente:; !e will $e a$le to order appeti7ers, salads, etc. off the menu as well as wine. <ooking forward to this meeting. 5ita ano will provide the scholarship $asket.
peaking of meetings, =udy !hite has it all arranged at 5osemont (ountry (lu$ for our Christmas #run!h on Dec. ">. %he cost is )"+.,,, the same as last year. %he committee will arrive at */., to set up and regis3 tration $egins at ",/,,. (offee and tea will $e availa$le. !e will have a short meeting followed $y 1ran Howells auction to $enefit the !orld 1ellowship cholarship. he has
@olume #, Issue
8age 9 of .
out to Delta 0appa Damma 8hi (hapterE-O% %O DI6-6B to Diana =ones $y 'e!. (, )&1% at :+# (lark, %allmadge, Ohio >>9#+. 8lease do this $y the deadline so that she can enjoy our meetings too and not $e overwhelmed with taking checks at the door. 5emem$er that it is a $usy day with raffle sales and auction monies to $e collected. 0ay 1ranks and I will do the scholarship $asket. Hopefully, we will have an 6nne 6. and @irginia perry cholarship to award. Membership *ppli!ations are due to tephanie 6$ood $y Oct. .", 9,".. !e inducted +aren ,oulos into 8hi (hapter on %hursday night. 6s you know, 0aren was our speaker at the eptem$er meeting and told us a$out Foung Draduates, which is one of her many organi7ationsG others include organist at t. @incents (hurch, =unior !omens (ivic (lu$, an active mem$er of the Dreek (hurch including many hours devoted to their festival. 0aren taught ?nglish in the 6kron 8u$lic chools at =ennings Middle chool and at Darfield High chool. he is married to <arry 8oulos and has two children, ð and Deorge.
0aren 8ouloss email, which is 2poulos1!eo/rr/(om / 8lease add these changes to your year$ook as well as the program for the 9,".39,"> that follows. I will send two copies of the year$ook to state and will make copies for our new mem$ers. If you need another copy, please let me know, and I will make one for you as well.
Membership Numbers. Diana =ones told us that we are at ",,H of our mem$ership num$ers from last year, which is awesome. 6ll mem$ers renewedI !ay to go 8hi (hapterI 0aren 5edovian is still a mem$er all the way from Dayton. he also gave a generous donation to Open M and said in her note to me, 2!riting these notes surely makes me miss the great times we had in 6kron. I pray that my grandniece in %eJasKwill enjoy the love, friend3 ship, warmth, and professional integrity all of us have $een $lessed to share.4Diana also informed us that Cindy *r!uri has returned to the area and eJpressed interest in rejoining our chapter. Her email information is (%!thiaar(uri1+mail/(om/ Hope you can join us at our -ovem$er meeting, (indyI
Consider being an o""i!er. 6fter four years plus the earlier two years, I am running out of steam, $ut have volunteered to $e the president with a change in how we do things. I will do the organi7ational meeting and follow up with the 8residents <etter that is included in our newsletter as well as any mini3newsletters that might come up. I will also $e the contact for the state and international levels and will do the necessary reports. !e will need a new slate of officers and committees will need to $e filled as well. 6lso, each meeting and its venue and speakers will $e handled $y individual mem$ers. %hat means that we will need meetings for eptem$er, Octo$er, -ovem$er, Decem$er, and 9,"> dates to $e determined. !e should pro$a$ly make a decision on this in 6pril. 8lease consider $eing on the nominating committee.
Other !hanges to our yearboo- include an email change for <ynn Fohem. It is $ep%ohem1+mail/(om/ 6lso, please add
Our .ounders 'ay will $e held on May "#, 9,"> at %angiers 5estaurant. =oint (ouncil no longer has access to a checking account, so we will handle the financial responsi$ilities chapter $y chapter. %hey asked each of the four chapters to place a )#L.,, down payment, which we did. 6ll of our reservations will $e handled $y the individual chapters with a check sent in $y each. !e are in charge of the centerpieces and the door pri7es. !e discussed the centerpieces and agreed that they would $e $askets of apples, and each mem$er will receive 2an apple for the teacher4 taken from the centerpieces. 8lease donate a $asket for this projectG you can $ring it to the -ovem$er or Decem$er meetings. <et me know if you want to help shop for and wrap the door pri7es. &ecause of these changes, =oint (ouncil is no longer a$le to award a scholarship and is encouraging the four chapters to
award their own. !e are already doing this, so kudos to us. !e can also invite our scholarship recipient to the May luncheon and introduce her.
<ynn 6sente
8hi (hapter 8rograms for 9,".39,">G please add this to your year$ook.
1. July 8, 2013 organizational meeting at Paneras on Howe Road
e!tem"er #, 2013 !i$ni$ and !otlu$% dinner at &ynn 'sentes home with !rogram !ro(ided "y )aren Poulos, *oung +raduates
3. ,$to"er 1-, 2013 .r. /ari Hal%o(i$h0 ,hio 1irst &adies 2intage 3lothing and Jewelry .ontinos Restaurant 45oint meeting with 6eta 7i8
9. :o(em"er 1;, 2013 11000 a.m. at arahs 2ineyard on teels 3orner Road with !rogram !ro(ided "y 6ar" 6altrini$ on her "oo%, ' 1ounder 1or 'll< note the date $hange =rom our organizational meeting, "ut this is the date that a!!eared in the =irst newsletter.
>. .e$em"er 19, 2013 10000 a.m. at Rosemont 3ountry 3lu" with !rogram !ro(ided "y 1ran Howell and mem"ershi!. Remem"er0 au$tion items =or ?orld 1ellowshi! and holiday attire