Appendices:: Appendix # 1: Scavenger Hunt Student Handout
Appendices:: Appendix # 1: Scavenger Hunt Student Handout
Appendices:: Appendix # 1: Scavenger Hunt Student Handout Within this picture: a) Find 5 different geometric shapes and OUTLINE the shape with the markers provided. b) LIST the correct names for the shapes you found in part a) below: Acceptable answers: The above has several possible shapes outlined for teacher reference. Triangle Oval Circle Cylinder Square Pentagon Rectangle Rectangular prism Trapezoid etc. CLUE: In the near future this may become the most valuable natural resource despite the fact that the Earth appears to be drowning in it. Its a good thing every hallway in our school gives us easy access to it! Your next task will be located at one of these stations in the West wing. This = water and therefore students will find the next task a water fountain in the West wing hallway. TASK: Sometimes this school can feel like a maze! Its lunch time, you are hungry and you need to get to the cafeteria before they run out of tater tots (your favorite!). Starting at the star find the path you must take to reach the cafeteria (marked by the happy face).
http:// /www.archjrc.c com/childsplac ce/images/maz if CLUE: Th he trebuchet is a French war r machine that t has been revi ived in a mode ern day game which w pits moody avian agai inst swine. To complete this task you mus st find a feathe ered friend (of the plushy va ariety) and aid him to victory! Students should d recognize tha at they must go o to the Scienc ce classroom as s Miss Montgo omery and Mis ss Kang keep p an angry bird d on their desk k. TASK: Now w that you hav ve found our fine f feathered hero/heroine, your group mu ust position th he trebuchet so o that the angry bird plushy will w hit the pig ggy target whe en launched in n order to recei ive your next puzzle p piece. CLUE: Bones to a huma an body are ___ __________ to a house? Your r next task wil ll be located in n the room whe ere you can ge et hands on experience work king with this material. m T construction lab. The TASK: You u must recreat te this picture e twice using tw wo different mediums. m You can c choose from: play-dough h, wood block ks, playing car rds or lego.
PLEASE DO D NOT TOUCH THE DIOR RAMAS! THE E GRADE 9s HAVE H WORKE ED VERY HAR RD ON THEM M AND ARE E GRACIOUSL LY LETTING OUR O CLASSE ES USE THEM M!! The Grade e 9s have crea ated dioramas for their biodiversity unit. Pick P two of the e dioramas to make m comparisons between while w completin ng the followin ng questions: A Title of diora A) ama: D Describe the cli imate this dior rama represen nts: D Describe the lan ndscape within n this diorama a: Li ist 2 different types of animals you see: 1. 2.
Dupuis,Kang,Montgomery&Song S
List 2 natural resources you see: 1. 2. 3. B) Title of diorama: Describe the climate this diorama represents: Describe the landscape within this diorama: List 2 different types of animals you see: 1. 2. List 2 natural resources you see: 1. 2. 3. CLUE: Triangles are often used to represent different dynamics in various contexts. In our school we can see this representation emphasizing proportionality in our diets. Your next task is located next to this poster. In the cafeteria beside the buffet bar. TASK: Using what you already know about the format of hierarchies complete the two below: 1 for Renaissance Europe 1 for a natural food web