Animals Reading

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Read the following text and complete each blank with one suitable option from the box. Each word can be used only ONCE. There are five extra options that you will not need. 0 is an example.

I was born in a large village (now a small town) in Hungary, called Sikls. I was surrounded by 0. animals , consequently I didnt take notice of them. There were chickens and geese in our garden; horses in the streets cars were still such rarities that when we heard the 1._________ of one, we ran out to the street to watch it. We lived in the centre of Sikls, its Piccadilly Circus, so cows did not go out in the morning and return in the 2. _________ with their bells ringing; but cows were familiar animals. Birds interested me 3. _________. We lived opposite the Town Hall which had a clocktower. On the top of 4. _________ tower a family of storks lived. I loved those big, beautiful birds. Their arrival meant the arrival of spring, too. They liked 5. _________ on the hands of the town clock. The municipal authorities once decided that the face of the clock 6. _________ be covered by a glass, but it was never done. We, in our own house, had a family of migratory birds. They 7. _________ more or less at the same time as the storks and were busy rebuilding and redecorating their nest just under the doorway. They were part of our home and I knew about their existence as I knew about the existence of chickens and the geese, 8. _________ I was not really interested in them. When later, in London, I 9. _________ the expression birdwatching, its meaning had to be explained to me. Who watches birds? And why? My father tried to explain to me that the migratory birds left for Africa in order to get away from our cold winters, and returned with the good weather. But I still couldnt see 10. _________ was so wonderful about it. Adapted from George Mikes Tsi-Tsa

KEY: 0. animals 1. sound 2. evening 3. more 4. the 5. resting 6. should 7. came 8. but 9. heard 10. what

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