No Huddle System PDF

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Number 1 2 3 4 5 Hand Signal Index finger Horns I love you Four Five Number 6 7 8 9 0 Hand Signal Index finger down Horns down I love you down Four down Fist

Run Game
Blocking Wedge rap Inside !one "raw $ead "raw Stretch Speed %ption Shovel Name Sneak Slice Zone R or Q Draw Lead Dart Speed ronco Number 0 1-2 3-4 5 6 7-8 9-10 &&&&&& Hand Signal Smash fist to opposite hand Index finger across neck "raw a s#uare with index fingers Single six shooter wo six shooters hrow a dart "riving car 'roud of belt buckle

Name !n "#t Ra% Lion (o Hand Signal 'oint at (ibs 'ull chest out Name R $ & ' Z Q

Hand Signal Salute ) arms W hands * hands !orro


Name )*eck Start ",er !.% done "n t*e line 1" 2ow 1" 4 1 Hand Signal Index finger check mark Incomplete pass wo claps and point to them Wave to $%S ,ake w- hands .rossed arms Name +ake -nder )enter /#n Ri0*t Le3t Hand Signal Fish hook in mouth +B hands $ooking down a gun humbs up humbs down


ype /0/ 102 3mpty 10/ 3mpty 10/ "ouble Wing /025/ /025/ Name Do#5le6 1rip6 7ant*er &ide &in06 /*o6t Spread Hand Signal "ouble fist overhead raveling .law Wide 4rms "umbo 3ars Fingers under chin 'raying hands then split

Name Bubble Flair Slip (ocket Number 15-16 25-26 -----85986: 95996 Hand Signal Slide hands (ocket taking off

ype Normal pace 2 ,in6 7$imit ,otion8 1 Set plays &&&&&& Name Stor% Li0*tnin0 8ttack ;#ddle Hand Signal (aining fingers Index lightning FS9 .hop Fingers meshing

Name +lorida +ri6co +ollow +re6no +ender +alcon Hand Signal :ator 4rms $imp wrist Fingers walking Flex chest 'lay :uitar .hicken "ance Name o6ton alti%ore andit a%a #33alo enc* Hand Signal "rinking ea :uns at hips Basketball "ribble Horns on head Hit (ear or Sitting Name ( Hand Signal

!owa !ndiana )ro66 &*eel Di0 end &*ip S*ake Wipe across chest Waving the runner home "ig with shovel ouch toes Indiana ;ones Whip "o the twist 1rade )*an0e S%oke 1*row5ack R 1*row5ack

3ating corn Shooting Hoops Hand shake .lerk giving change back Smoke .igarette Smoke .igarette< flip butt Salute< .igarette< flip butt

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