Magick and Theurgy
Magick and Theurgy
Magick and Theurgy
T heurgy [email protected]
What is the purpose of the Initiatory Path? We are both spiritual and physical beings. Our physical body has an immortal soul that was embodied at birth. This is descended from the divine planes. Upon death, the soul will leave the body and return for a time to the spiritual world. Initiation and the practice of theurgy help us cross the threshold of death in full awareness in order to control our post-mortem life. Without this control and training provided by an authentic Initiatory Order, the soul will be subject to different influences and reborn without any possibility of influencing this choice. Initiation in association with precise ritual training is fundamental, not only for the improvement of the present life, but also for what will follow after death. This matter is of too great importance for anyone to leave aside. What is Theurgy? Theurgy is a spiritual tradition based on the belief that specific rituals can be used to elevate the soul and ascend to the Divine, which is the goal of our earthly life. Are theurgic rituals different from magic? Yes, magic is the use of powers and unknown abilities that everyone has. We have many hidden abilities, also known as extra-sensory perception. These are, for example, scrying, telepathy, out-of-body experience, etc. Magic makes use of these inner powers and develops them. They can also be used as tools in theurgic practice. Can I practice these rituals independently? Yes, but only to a certain extent. Individual practice is fundamental and essential. However, various elements can only be taught, shown, or given directly by those who have received these keys. It is the same for Initiation. What is an Initiatic Order? An Initiatic Order is a group of individuals perpetuating a spiritual tradition passed through rituals called Initiations.
The members of such an Order follow a theoretical and practical training to enable them to progress on the spiritual path. These practices are verified and validated by the Initiators having already crossed these steps. The Initiatic Order of the Aurum Solis represents a tradition dating back to pre-Christian times.
What is the difference between an Initiatic Order and religion? Religion and Initiation are two spiritual dimensions that are compatible. Religion is a manifestation of faith manifested by an attachment to a set of beliefs. A religion usually involves the presence of an intermediary or priest. An Initiatic Order is an individual process that requires no human intermediate. Everyone is invited to experience for his or herself the spiritual and invisible planes. It is therefore possible to verify for ones self the reality of what is said and to use the ritual tools that are provided. What is an egregore? The egregore is an invisible power that is created by a group working ritually. The egregore of Aurum Solis is the result of the work done since the highest antiquity by the masters of this tradition. Power, purity and integrity of this invisible presence is ensured by a chain consisting of sacred objects, as well as the ongoing ritual work of each companion. The link of each Initiate to the egregore allows him to experiment safely with the ritual techniques. It also allows them to use this protection in their secular and spiritual life. Do you teach how to develop psychic powers? Yes! It is important to understand that this development is not an end in itself. In the same way that you can learn to swim, you can learn to use these hidden powers. They will become tools that Aurum Solis will teach you to use wisely. Does Aurum Solis teach the traditional occult sciences? Yes; these occult sciences are the foundation of any serious training. Among the main subjects taught are Qabalah, astrology, Hermeticism,
the Tarot of the Immortal Divinities, visualization, meditation, magnetism, and sacred pronunciations.
Does Aurum Solis accept men and women? Egypt was the country that gave the most important status to women. Today as in the past, the Aurum Solis makes no difference between genders in validating a new Initiate. What is the difference between the Ordo Aurum Solis and other Initiatic Orders? The Ordo Aurum Solis is rooted on three essential aspects constituting an authentic Initiatic Order: 1 - The direct link received by the Grand Master which ensures the connecting link with gold chain. Only one person can be chosen and consecrated by the previous Grand Master. 2 - The power to give and connect to the egregore of the Order; 3 - the giving of sacred and consecrated items. We must add to this, a collective work of each companion, absolute integrity from each of the officers and a full theurgic system in direct succession from its origin. Is there a probationary period before being initiated? Yes, there is a period called Pronaos which last approximately 9 months. A set of rituals and individual practices are performed at home which allow you to experience various aspects of the Tradition of the Aurum Solis. At the end of this period you can ask to be Initiated. On which criteria are we accepted in this period of Pronaos? The doors of Pronaos are open to anyone who truly wishes to undertake this experience. However, Initiation is validated only after this period of Pronaos is completed successfully. I am interested and I am eager to begin this training. How should I proceed? Just visit the website of the Aurum Solis ( and register to the Pronaos. You can also write directly to the secretary of the Aurum Solis ([email protected]).