Edmodo Aler10-30-13
Edmodo Aler10-30-13
Edmodo Aler10-30-13
Reader Response Theory (Rosenblatt, !"#, $%%&' The (eanin) of the te*t is not in the story itself, but rather in the reader+s transaction with the te*t.
The ,ew -iteracies (-eu, Kinzer, Coiro, . Ca((ac/, $%%&' -iteracy beyond that of traditional print, which also includes (ultiple literacies related to (ulti(edia
0roble(s that teachers encounter with i(ple(entin) hard1bound readin) response 2ournals include3 the a(ount of ti(e needed to personally respond 4to each student, the trouble with havin) to physically transport the 2ournals to )rade, and the lac/ of (otivation to )et students to write 5uality responses. 4 The purpose of this study was to e*plore the benefits and challen)es of i(ple(entin) an online readin) response for(at with ele(entary students. 6dditional Research 7uestion 8hat co(ponents are i(portant when considerin) i(ple(entin) an online readin) response
possible solution to proble(s that teachers encounter with i(ple(entin) hard1bound readin) response 2ournals was an online readin) response (ethod for readin) wor/shop.
is a free, secure, online social environ(ent accessed by four (illion teachers and students )lobally (www.ed(odo.co('.
;arcia Si((ons noted, =<f they+re doin) (y wor/ while they thin/ they are playin), < li/e that> ( www.ed(odo.co('. :d(odo provides a safe environ(ent for interaction and )ives teachers opportunities to create )roups for students. <n this learnin) environ(ent, teachers can collaborate with students by sharin) innovative web lin/s and e*chan)in) ideas on an on)oin) basis.
Teacher Candidate Surveys n?&" Teacher Survey n? :d(odo posts between teacher candidates and fourth )rade students, n?@A <RB consent fro( KSU and fro( the school district The study be)an in Cctober $% and ended in ;ay $% $ :le(entary school data, enrolled @D , ! .&E eli)ible for freeFreduced lunch
&!.@ E Gispanic, A".#E 6frican 6(erican #.#E 8hite A.&E 6sian
Students were (otivated and e*cited to have an account that loo/ed li/e a Haceboo/ account. They were e*cited about e*chan)in) ideas with university students on :d(odo. Durin) an initial S/ype session they as/ed about the university, and they as/ed university students why they wanted to be teachers.
Dear Ms. Kelsey I havent read that book, but my teacher said that she has that book on the shelf. I am reading a funny book thats almost the same as Dairy of a Wimpy Kid. The book is called ig !ate. "ave you ever heard of that book# Do you like funny books# I hope you do. The more you read, the better you get .$ike my teacher says, reading is the most important part of the day. I %ill never give up on reading. &eading is the best. I love fiction. Do you like fiction or nonfiction# I hope I get some ne% books that I havent read before. I hope I get some on 'hristmas. I %ant a book that I like. (fter thanksgiving its 'hristmas. )our pen pal, *()
April 10, 2012
Dear Ms.$isabeth, I havent responded to you in a long time. It seemed like a long spring break. I finally finished +eronimo ,tilton. !o% Im reading this book called Im Dying to Meet )ou. Its about %hen this guy moves into this house and this ghost is supposed to be his neighbor. They lived in a big house. The guy made rules and one %as that if the neighbor %anted to talk to him he had to %rite letters to him. The ghost looked inside of the guys secrete dairy. "e is a %riter. "e %as trying to finish this book. ut he fail asleep so the ghost put him into bed and tucked him in. Its kind of %eird that they have to %rite letters to each other %hen they communicate to each other. Im on page -./. What page are you on in the "unger ooks# Whats happening inside of the book# Were having this contest called turn off the T0. Its %hen you keep the T0 off for one %eek and find something else to do. Well, I hope I hear from you again. ,incerely, *ay
< was able to )ain insi)ht into the types of boo/s children in )rades A1D en2oy ( ' <t allowed a (ore in1depth, personal correspondence fro( the teacher (!' <t is an en)a)in) way to use technolo)y (!' The technolo)y aspect (otivated the student (#' <t )ave the students a chance to practice usin) technolo)y while also wor/in) on readin) (&' <t was a )reat to )ive the student thou)ht1 provo/in) 5uestions so that they could put (ore into their readin) ($' -ess wor/ for one teacher($'
The students were off1tas/ (#' Cr)anization and consistency (@' < would for)et to chec/ and see when the student posted (&' < didn+t face any challen)es. :verythin) was )reat. (A'
:nsure all students respond Try to have a scheduled ti(e to write bac/ all at once ;a/e sure you have enou)h co(puter availability Consider havin) students reply bac/ in )roups Be prepared, and have (any 5uestions to as/ Teachers should share an e*e(plar on an anchor chart, displayed in the classroo(. :ncoura)e the students to stay on tas/ Research the boo/s they are readin) Be encoura)in)
=< en2oyed this way of readin) response. <t was unli/e anythin) < have done before.> =:d(odo was a new and interestin) site that < will use (ore often as a future teacher.> =<t was actually a )reat e*perience for (e because < have never seen or heard of this bein) done.>
This could be done on a )lobal scale1U.S. classroo(s conversin) with schools elsewhere. Students can write fro( a character+s point of view to another character :d(odo can be used to poll students 0rofessional -earnin) Co((unities
-eu, D.I., Ir., Kinzer, C.K., Coiro, I.-., . Ca((ac/, D. ($%%&'. Towards a theory of new literacies e(er)in) fro( the <nternet and other infor(ation and co((unication technolo)ies. <n R.B. Ruddell . ,.I. Unrau (:ds.', Theoretical models and processes of reading (Dth ed., pp. D"%J @ A'. ,ewar/, D:K <nternational Readin) 6ssociation. Rosenblatt, -.;. ( !"#'. The Reader, the Text, and the Poem. CarbondaleK Southern <llinois University 0ress. Rosenblatt, -.;. ($%%&'. The transactional theory of readin) and writin). <n R.B. Ruddell and ,.I. Unrau, Theoretical models and processes of reading. Dth ed., A@AJ A!#. ,ewar/, D:K <nternational Readin) 6ssociation.