BCG and GE Analysis On Idea Cellular
BCG and GE Analysis On Idea Cellular
BCG and GE Analysis On Idea Cellular
A US $28 billion corporation, the Aditya Birla Group is in the league of Fortune 500. It is a
multinational corporation based in Mumbai, India with operations in 25 countries. The group is a
major player in all the industry sectors it operates in. The Group has been adjudged the best
employer in India and among the top 20 in Asia by the Hewitt-Economic Times and Wall Street
Journal Study 2007. The origins of the group lie in the conglomerate once held by one of India's
foremost industrialists Mr. Ghanshyam Das Birla. He bequeathed most of these companies to his
grandson, Mr. Aditya Vikram Birla – the father of the current Chairman of the group, Mr. Kumar
Mangalam Birla. Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla is the grandson of Mr. Basant Kumar Birla, who
heads his own independent business conglomerate. Several other members of the Birla Family
own and run their independent business groups.
Aditya Birla is organized into various subsidiaries that operate across different sectors. Among
these are viscose staple fibre, non-ferrous metals, cement, viscose filament yarn, branded
apparel, carbon black, chemicals, Modern retail (under the 'More' brand of supermarkets, and
also under the Trinethra, and Fabmall brands until recently), fertilizers, sponge iron, insulators,
financial services, telecom, BPO and IT services. The Group consists of four main companies,
which operate in various industry sectors through subsidiaries, joint ventures, etc. These are
Hindalco, Grasim, Aditya Birla Nuvo, and UltraTech Cement.
We have focused on the Idea Cellular SBU of Aditya Birla Group. It is One of India's leading
GSM mobile service operators; IDEA Cellular is headquartered in Mumbai and has over 30
million subscribers. Innovation is central to IDEA's Value Added Service products. It was the
first to offer 'Global SMS' in over 540 networks across all technology platforms. It has also
acquired Modi family’s Spice. But then it even faces tough competition from various major
players. The leading Mobile Networks today in India are Airtel, Vodafone (sold by Hutchinson
Essar to Vodafone), BSNL, MTNL, Orange, Aircel, Tata Indicom, Idea, BPL etc. Each of these
companies has a tough competition with one another. BSNL & MTNL being government sectors
have more advantages than other Private sector Companies.
Strategic Business Unit- Idea Cellular Limited
Idea Cellular Limited has a share of 12% in the total GSM telecom market in India (as on
Mar’08). The Entire Telecom Industry is growing at a rate of 25% as compared to the base year
2006-07. This can be termed as a moderately growing Industry and it is expected to grow in the
coming years. We are thus
putting the middle line of the
vertical axis in our BCG
matrix as 15% as a division
between low and high
The first BCG matrix will be
plotted for Idea Cellular
Limited, our chosen SBU,
with respect to the market
leader, Bharti Airtel. Taking
the market share of Bharti as 1X, the relative market share of Idea comes as 0.39X. The BCG
matrix thus, would look like as under.
BCG Matrix of Idea Cellular Limited with respect to Airtel
(in %)
0.39X 0.1X
GE Matrix
The GE matrix for Idea Cellular will be made keeping the following two major dimensions:
1. Market Attractiveness
2. Business Strength
Market Attractiveness: This dimension forms the Vertical axis of the GE matrix. The factors
which we have considered which may affect the industry attractiveness for our SBU are:
1. Overall Market Size: IDEA operates in an industry which has overall revenue of Rs. 125
Billion and has a subscriber base of 261.07 million customers. Thus it has a huge target
audience and we need to give substantial weightage to this factor. We have given it 0.20
out of 1.0.
2. Market Growth Rate: The telecom industry is growing at 25%. As previously stated,
this can be considered as a moderately growing and having high growth opportunities
with the growth of Indian economy. But in the current recession scenario, we decided to
give it a little less weightage of 0.15 out of 1.0.
3. Profitability: Telecom industry net profits just increased from 12% to 14% from the last
fiscal year. Due to no such significant increase in profitability as compared to sales, we
have given it a weightage of 0.10 out of 1.0.
4. Technological Development: With new technologies like 3G knocking at the doors of
Indian telecom sectors, technological development will be an important factor to be
considered in the business policies towards our chosen SBU. Hence a weight of 0.15.
5. Global Opportunities: Bharti has started making forays into global markets. With the
expected entry of many foreign players in the near future, this can open the door for
global opportunities for Indian players. Hence the weightage of 0.10.
6. Market Rivalry: Indian telecom sector is an Oligopoly where 80% of the market share is
picked by only 4 players. Also the future guarantees the entrance of several big global
names in this sector. Hence clearly market rivalry weighs above others at 0.20 out of 1.0.
7. Pricing: Being an Oligopoly, pricing strategies are a key for any player to make profits in
such a competitive sector. Thus we have given it equal weightage as technology and more
than even factors like profitability and growth rate.
Weightage Rating(1-5) Weighted Score
Overall Market Size 0.20 4 0.8
Market Growth
0.15 4 0.6
Profitability 0.10 3 0.3
0.15 4 0.6
Opportunities 0.05 5 0.25
Market Rivalry
0.20 5 1.0
Sales Distribution
Effectiveness 0.10 3 0.3
Advertising and
Effectiveness 0.15 4 0.6
Pricing strategies
0.05 4 0.2
Sales Distribution
Effectiveness 0.15 3 0.45
Advertising and
Effectiveness 0.15 4 0.60
Market Rivalry
0.20 5 1.0
The factor for Industry attractiveness will remain same for market leader as well. Bur the
competitive strength will differ and so the weights and ratings. It is evident from our above
assumptions about Airtel that they will lesser rating to profit margins and more towards
advertising and promotional effectiveness and brand reputation. The GE matrix of Airtel will
look like as under:-
HI 3
G .66
5 3.66
2.33 1
The GE matrix for Airtel indicates that it lies in the 1st quadrant corresponding to high market
attractiveness and strong competitive strength. 1
Market Rivalry
0.20 5 1.0
Key Competitive
Weight Rating(1-5) Weighted Score
Market Share 0.10 4 0.40
Market Growth
0.10 4 0.40
Profit Margin
relative to 0.10 3 0.30
0.10 4 0.40
Brand Reputation
0.15 3 0.45
Sales Distribution
Effectiveness 0.05 5 0.25
Advertising and
Effectiveness 0.15 4 0.60
Pricing strategies
0.10 4 0.40
HI 3
G .66
5 3.66
2.33 1
Plotting the GE matrix for Vodafone, we found that it lies in the quadrant corresponding
to High market attractiveness but average internal evaluation, i.e. average business strength. 1
• Increasing the mobile circles which are at present are only 11, so there is always a need to
expand its services.
• Target the rural segment in India which is expected to grow by 15% every year
• Launch different types of packages as per the requirements for different segments of the
• Provide more high end services like GPRS, mobile internet services
• Collaboration with different service providers on global basis to provide better facility to
customers on roaming.
• Tracing out the search patterns which are left untapped by the competitors to reveal new
Backward Integration – In July 2008 Swedish equipment supplier entered into a contract to
provide technology “Ericsson Mobile organizer” to Idea cellular enabling its subscribers to serve
email facility on its cell phones.
Forward Integration – Company operate approximately 589 Idea” n “U and other showrooms
which supplement the distribution channels and provide customer service.
Horizontal Integration: Idea acquired the Modi family’s stake of 40.8% in spice which
ultimately in a way increased the market share of Idea. This can be seen as horizontal integration
Strategic Alliance
1) Product alliance
Idea should form product alliance with a company that has a strong brand image and
carry a promotion for one another. E.g. Acer in collaboration with Ferrari launched Acer
Ferrari laptops which are catering to high end niche segment having high specifications
and high price.
2) Promotional Alliance:
Idea should form promotional alliances in collaboration with big movie houses or big
retail brands to promote their products. Recently SONY Viao had a promotional alliance
with “James Bond” latest movie “Casino Royale”.
4. Marketing Management, 11th Edition, Philip Kotler