ZTE Tarjetas
ZTE Tarjetas
ZTE Tarjetas
Fig- 2.3
2-1 General:2-1.1 Abbreviation and capacity: - Dense wave division multiplexing is a second wonder in the field of fibre optics. DWDM is a technology which transmit multiple of signals at different wavelengths on same fibre. These wavelengths are in C band of EDFA (Erbium doped fibre amplifier) within wavelength range of 1550 to 1570 m. The ITU grid of standard frequency and wavelength with 100 GHz spacing is given in chart. The centre frequency is 193.1THz corresponding to wavelength 1552 m. There are three types of DWDM systems:1. LH :- Long haul up to 80 Km and 22 dB loss (0.28 x 80 = 22.4 dB) 2. VLH :- Very long haul up to 120 Km and 33 dB loss 3. ULH :- Ultra long haul up to 160 Km and 44 db loss DWDM combines maximum 32 Optical signals with different wavelengths and transmit over on a single fibre cable. The transmission 32 wavelengths after multiplexing over a single Optical fibre at one end and de- multiplexing at the other end. One wavelength carry one STM-16 system, so it is a transmission of:63 X 16 = 1008 Trbs of 2 Mb 1008 X 32 = 32256 Trbs of 2 Mb and in terms of channels, 32256 X 30 = 9, 67,680 channels. So these many channels transmission taking place on a single fibre, out of which some s are dropped, added on the route. Mostly DWDM systems are a National Ring. In this way saving of fibre is achieved by DWDM network. DWDM works on 1550 m window, so fibers are to be tested for 1550 m, if not acceptance tested previously. All 32 wavelengths are dense together in one band so it is called DWDM. System Make :ICOMM/ ZTE and ITI Working wavelength :1529- 1565 m Transmitted wavelength :32 s Maximum capacity :80 GB (2.5 GB x 32) Maximum transmission distance: - 800 Km Working frequency : - 195.2 THz to 192.10 THz (1 THz = 1000 GHz) First channel :192.1 THz Channel Spacing : - 100 GHz N.B. Pl. see the Rack front view and block schematic of DWDM in Fig. 2-1 to 2-4
O OM M to U-
Fig. 2-4
In the above Block schematic:1. OTUT :- Optical Transponder Unit Trans 2. OTUR :- Optical Transponder Unit Receive 3. OMU :- Optical Multiplexer Unit 4. ODU :- Optical Demultiplexer Unit 5. OBA :- Optical Booster Amplifier 6. OPA :- Optical Pre- Amplifier 7. OLA :- Optical Line Amplifier 8. OADM :-Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer 9. OSCT :- Optical Supervisory Channel Terminal 2-1.2 Functions of various modules:Transponder Optical signals are transmitted on a specific wavelength, forwarded to multiplexer and reverse in Receive direction. OBA To boost up the power of all signals to high power maximum up to +20 dBm to send on fiber. OPA- The received signals are pre amplified with a gain of +17 dB in LH and +17 dB in LH and +20 dB in VLH system. OMU All 32 wavelengths are combined and multiplexed into an aggregate optical signal. ODU It de-multiplexer received aggregate signals into individual signal. OLA- It amplifies low signals carrying for both A and B direction with a gain more than +20 dB OADM At an intermediate system add or drop of some optical channels and transport of it carried out on same fiber. Advantages of DWDM:1. DWDM is transparent to any bit rate digital / analogue. 2. Channels are independent. 3. SDH system e.g. one STM-16 working on two fibers capacity is 1008- 2 Mb where as on same fiber DWDM capacity is 32256 2 Mb, so it is economical. 2-1.3 ITU-T Band allocation:C band (Blue) - 1530 1542 m C band (Red) 1547 1560 m L band 1560 1620 m Optical Supervisory band 1500 1520 m These systems are working with optical line Amplifier. In LH system there are maximum 8 sections(section loss 22 dBm) with 7 OLA and in VLH system maximum 3 sections (section loss 28 dBm) with 2 OLA. In DWDM system transmission of all 32 channels of STM-16 / 2.5 Gbits carry over a single Trans and Receive fiber. 2-1.4 Optical windows:It is the region of optical spectrum where attenuation is low. First window 850 m Second window 1310 m (S- Band) Third window 1550 m (C Band) Fourth window - 1625 m (L- Band)
2-1.5 Meters required for DWDM system A/T:1. Power Meter (any make) 2. DTA set ANT-20 E 3. Optical Attenuator (any make) 4. Optical Spectrum Analyzer [OSA-30] ONT-30 Germany 5. Patch Cords:- SCPC- SCPC : Both blue (Straight connector pencil cut) SCPC- FCPC: Blue- Yellow (Fixed connector pencil cut) 2-1.6 Specification of LH and VLH DWDM system:Sr.No 1 Where? OTUT Trans power with data Without data Receiver sensitivity Overload I/P to OTUT O/P of OTUT OTUR Trans power Receiver sensitivity Overload Total I/P power OBA in OBA out OLA in OLA out OPA in OPA out OSC in OSC out OSNR at OBA Mon local with data and 12 channel loop Working wavelength of OSC Max chl power difference OTUR in OTUR out OMU in OMU out ODU in ODU out OBA Gain OPA Gain OLA Gain LH -3 to +1 < -10 -28 -9 -10 to -3 -3 to 0 -3 to +1 -28 -9 -3 -8 to -3 +20 max -8 to -3 +20 max -8 to -3 +12 max -33 to -28 -7 to 0 17.5 1510 10 10 dB -26 to -14 -3 to +1 -3 to 0 -8 to -3 -3 to 0 -26 to -14 > 22 > 17 > 20 VLH -3 to +1 -21 >0 -18 to -12 --3 to +1 -31 -9 -8 to -3 +20 max -16 to -11 +20 max -16 to -11 +12 max -7 to 0 Same as per LH > 22 > 20 > 20
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2-1.7 The ITU-T Grid: Nominal central frequencies In THz 196.1 196.0 195.9 195.8 195.7 195.6 195.5 195.4 195.3 195.2 195.1 195.0 194.9 194.8 194.7 194.6 194.5 194.4 194.3 194.2 194.1 194.0 193.9 193.8 193.7 193.6 193.5 193.4 193.3 193.2 193.2 193.1 193.0 192.9 192.8 192.7 192.6 192.5 192.4 192.3 192.2 192.1 65 Nominal central wavelengths ( m) 1528.77 1529.55 1530.33 1531.12 1531.90 1532.68 1533.47 1534.25 1535.04 1535.82 1536.61 1537.40 1538.19 1538.98 1539.77 1540.56 1541.35 1542.14 1542.94 1543.73 1544.53 1545.32 1546.12 1546.92 1547.72 1548.51 1549.32 1550.12 1550.92 1551.72 1552.52 1553.53 1554.73 1554.13 1554.94 1555.75 1556.55 1557.36 1558.17 1558.98 1559.79 1560.61
2-2 Acceptance Testing of DWDM 2-2.1 Local A/T of DWDM (ZTE Make) 1. Just like an OFC System. There are four phases of DWDM A/T as below:1. Infrastructure A/T, 2. Local A/T of equipment, 3. Through A/T, 4. Stability A/T. 1. Infrastructure Test: - The infrastructure test to be carried out as mentioned in Para -1 of Test schedule and to be filled as per OFC Test schedule, earlier explained in OFC system. Voltage drop and Earth resistance is important test. - Note down assigned frequency and corresponding wavelength of all 32 channels. 2. Measure wavelength at TO (Trans Out) by OSA (Optical Signal Analyzer) Start Optical signal analyzer- Display ON- Press OSA, - Navigation page- Display of graph on table in DWDM mode, - Select wavelength. - CHL and corresponding wavelength are displayed in the table - Take print outs or note down wavelength of all channels Limit 0.16 m. 3. Transpower of Trans Transponder: - Connect SCPC- FCPC Patch cord to Power meter and to TO of Transponder. and read Trans power . Limit as per table. - Same power can be red out in OSA also, Note down. - On LCT maintenance- diagnosis- OTUF work mode- individual channel. 5. Receiver Sensitivity of Trans Transponder make connection as per Fig. 2-5.
Tran sponder
ANT -20
10 dB
Fig. 2-5
- Make Test set up of Transponder, ANT-20 and variable attenuator as above by using SCPC, FC-PC Patch Cords. - Map STM-16 Optical Signal structure in ANT- 20 as below: - Optical- STM-16-AU4-VC4-140-Unframed-Tx = Rx - O.K Tx Remember, connect I/P to ANT- 20 by 10 dB attenuator only. Open Performance Analysis and increase attenuation gradually, Observe single error, Ascertain actual attenuator reading by connecting power meter to variable attenuator. Limit :- -28 dBm Go to higher side of attenuator so as to observe single error again and this is a overload point. Limit: - -9 dBm.
5. BER Test: - With same set up, keep -20 dBm attenuation and get loop O.K, - Monitor BER on all channels for 1 minute. - There should not be an error for 0 and 20 PPM. 6. Test on receive Transponder: - Note down assigned Wavelengths corresponding to the frequency. - Measure all Wavelengths at RI (Receive Input) of Receive Transponder. - Check Transpower of Receive Transponder at RO (Receive out). - Receiver sensitivity and overload point test is same as per Trans Transponder. 7. Combined Jitter test on STM-16 Optical interface:- Loop OBA out to OBA in with 20 dB pad , - Signal structure of STM-16 optical interference is already available on screen. - With same set up of STM-16, start combined jitter test. - Open Jitter Generator and Anomaly Detector, - Click AM OFF- Select HP1+LP and note down peak to peak. Jitter values, - Repeat same by selecting HP2 + LP filter. - Carry out this test for 0, +15 and -15 PPM for all 32 s. - Here HP1 - LP = 5 KHz + 20 MHz & HP2 - LP = 1 MHz + 20 MHz. - Limit: HP1- LP < 0.5 UIPP HP2- LP < 0.1 UIPP 8. Test on Multiplexer: - Connect OSA Meter at MUX out i.e. I/P to OBA. - Select table and S/N figures are displayed. - Limit is > 21 dBm. - Same time print out can also be taken. - For example one print out attached h/w. - Both graph or tables print out is possible if graph mode or WDM mode (Numerical) is selected.
Test on booster Amplifier: - Arrange all channel loops in tandem with data. - Measure OSNR (Optical Signal to Noise Ratio) at OBA out. - OSA- Graph configure centre1577.50 auto, - Select start wavelength as 1540 m and stop 1565 m, - Select span 25 m threshold level. - Take printouts. - Verify maximum channel difference that should be < 10 dB. 10. Total launched power: - To find out the gain of OBA and OPA, Measure I/P power to these amplifiers at OBA/OPA IN and O/P power at OBA/OPA out . - Calculate gain for the both amplifiers. - Read levels on Power Meter and LCT both. - Limit Please see limit table. 11. Test of optical supervisory control (OSC):- OSC monitors and controls the system and uses separate Laser of wavelength of As 1510 10 m. - Wavelength: - Connect OSA at OSC out and measure wavelength 1510 10 m. - Trans power can be measured by LCT and OSA both. - Specification is as per chart or can be measured by power meter.
12. Alarm test :Alarms: R-LOS R-LOF R-OOF IN-PWR-High IN-PWR-Low R-LOS R-LOS R-LOF R-OOF Board Status
Local A/T of STM- 16 MUX: - If a new installation is being done for this DWDM system up to 2 Mb terminations, then please see OFC A/T of STM-16 in OFC system chapters.
2-2.2 OLA ( REG STATION ) Local and Hop Test 1. At OLA station only Optical line amplifier and OSCT are installed in a sub rack for both direction and both OLAs are connected by patch cord to FDF in both direction. 2. Measure Receive power in both direction and note fibre no. connected. 3. Calculate exact level according to the distance of hop. Limit: - 0.25 dB/Km. 4. Note down sub rack particulars and position, Sr.no. of a sub rack. 5. Carry out Voltage drop test as usual. 6. Note down Earth resistance. Limit :- 0.5 7. Check of OLA gain: - Measure I/P power and O/P power in both direction of OLA and calculate OLA gain of both. Amplifiers which should be 20 dB. I/P Limit: - -11 to -16 dBm O/P Limit: - +20 dB maximum. 8. Check of OSCT power: A] With Power meter - Measure power at OSC 1 and 2 out. Limit:-0 to -7 dBm. Measure OSC 1 and 2 in power. B] With Optical Spectrum Analyzer- Connect ONT- 30 to OSCL out 1 & 2, - Select WDM on ONT- 30- Select Table, - Wavelength, power, S/N and frequency are displayed on ONT-30 screen, - Note down the readings along with printout. 9. OSNR check at OLA in both directions: - [With all channels 1 to 1 loop at A station and loop at B station with STM-16 optical data]. - Connect OSA at OLA Mon and note down wavelength, Power, S/N, Frequencies of all channels in both directions.
2-2.3 Through A/T 1. Receive power: - Measure Receive power by Power meter through SCPC- FCPC Patch cord on FDF. - Note down Tx and Rx fibre used in both directions along with fibre distance, and - Calculate loss as per specifications i.e. 0.25 dB/ Km, If not within limits, ask to improve it. - Measure Receive power at OPA in before and after10 dB pad through SCPCFCPC patch cord, measure power at OPA out. - Measure same power at ODU In before and after 10 dB pad at OPA out. 2. Test of pre amplifier (OPA) and Demultiplexer (ODU):- Connect OSA at OPA Mon. - Press WDM for OSNR and power, optical signal to noise ratio and power reading is displayed, take out print out .For example: - One print out attached herewith. - Note down maximum channel. Power difference which should be < 10 dBm Attach both reading print out with results. 3. BER test on STM-16 Optical interface :- Ask distant station to loop, OBA out to OPA In, - Carry out BER test in tandem loop for 0, 15 PPM by mapping STM-16 -Optical signal structure in ANT-20, for 5 Minutes each i.e. 0, 15 PPM - The BER test to be carried out at each station for all transponders, or individual transponders loop also can be arranged to carry out this test . 4. Input jitter Test: - Ask loop from distant station OBA out to OPA In (with 20 dB pad), - Select frequencies in jitter analyzer as - 0.012 Hz, 0.1, 1.0, 5.0, 20, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 20000 KHz in table of Jitter Test in ANT-20. - Start , and after 5 minutes all jitter values are displayed, - Fill up in the table for all channels, check as per the limits i.e. 5 KHz -100 KHz 1.5 UIPP 500 KHz - 20 MHz 0.15 UIPP. - Reading of one A/T Test are as follows for example only. 0.012 KHz > 800 0.1 KHz > 100 1.0 KHz > 20 5.0 KHz > 20 20 MHz > 0.60 5. O/P Jitter test: Limits: HP1- LP (5 KHz- 20 MHz): 0.5 UIPP HP2- LP (1 MHz- 20 MHz): - 0.1 UIPP - Same set as above, - Select the HP1- LP and HP2- LP filters ,
- Note down O/P jitter peak- peak readings displayed on ANT-20 screen. 6. Received power levels at RI Mon point. - Measure wavelength at RI by OSA. - Measure power at RI by OSA and by LCT both. - Take print out of OSNR on OSA. - Limit: - > 21 dB. 7. O/W test for Selective and omnibus calling:- Note down the O/W No. and make selective as well as omnibus call. - Verify speech and ring by calling to all stations. 8. OSC Rx power and wavelength :- Measure Receive power and wavelength of optical supervise channel. - Limit as per table. 9. Synchronization test: - As per STM-16 system. 10. Alarms :- Verify alarms as mentioned below On OBA card I/P LOS- Critical Low O/P power- Major Card extract Board mismatch-Minor Card interchanged Board mismatch-Minor Some alarm severity are displayed on NMS as follows:Sr.no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type of alarm Loss of I/P power Loss of signal Loss of frame UAS BER for 15 min. o/o limit ES for 15 min. o/o limit SES for 15 min. o/o limit UAS for 15 min. o/o limit BER, ES, SES, UAS for 24 Hrs o/o limit Severity Major Critical Critical Critical Major Major Critical Critical Major
11. Stability test: - Arrange loop so as to cover whole Ring and put on stability for 48 hours with all precautions. 12. Limit : - % ES ---- 0.018 % SES--- 0.00023 % DM --- 0.023