Annual Business Meeting October 2008

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Audit Division Annual Business Meeting Agenda October 16, 2008, Augusta, GA 6:00pm 7:30pm

Call to order: Business: Welcome and introduction by John Mascaro, Division Chair. Verify a quorum is present in order to conduct business (2 division elected officers and 3 voting members of the division management committee.) John Mascaro Chair, Nancy Boudreau, Secretary, Peter Gauthier VP Admin, Cindy Miller, Membership Chair, George Callender, Chair-Elect The first business is the reading and approval of the minutes. Minutes are posted on the website and all members received an email with a link to the minutes. Are there any corrections to the minutes? Approved / corrected. Approved as is by unanimous vote. Reports: Division Chair John Mascaro: Overall Division Activities and Accomplishments: John called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. John talked about the plan to move the division forward and give the members what they are looking for. He requested the help of the membership regarding input. He told everyone there is a monthly officers conference call and a DMC conference call every quarter. He reminded everyone that the contact information for the board members is on the Audit Division website. Peter spoke about the focus group that he is establishing. He said 5 people have shown an interest in the new focus group which will have no board members as voting members. June is the last available report we have due to issues at ASQ. When we get another report it will be published on the website. The financial audit took place the weekend of 8/8/08. Ruby and Peter met in Milwaukee. No issues were observed. This is only an overview of the processes because the money handling is audited through ASQ. There were some missing documents. Some expenses were filed late which is particularly important at the end of the fiscal year. We go through between 250,000 and 300,000 dollars throughout the year. Committees filed their budgets to the board the 3 elected members of the board approved the budget. We have records and invoices and we are doing well. Comparing Sept of this year to Oct. of this year; Regular members down 496 members, seniors - up 211 members, fellows - up 4 members, students - up 4 members, sustaining - up 7, from up 5, associated members up 2.We have 20 organizational members. Total membership is 9725 for a loss of 266. Unpaid members included 10,725, loss of 457 members from the previous year. Increasing membership is a goal. We want to improve the value proposition. We will be surveying the membership to see what kind of value we can provide. We would like to survey the CQAs that arent members and ask what value they see and why we arent reaching them. Quitman explained arrangements, logistics and support for all activities, including equipment, and meals for all conferences. We are currently looking for a book display coordinator that can support the book display for a while. Eight or nine months prior to the conference this person arranges for the books and discounts. This person is also responsible for coordination of activities of audit division logo merchandise. It a year

VP Admin Treasurer Auditing

Peter Gauthier Ruby Ivens, given by John Mascaro Jenifer Barr (Peter Gauthier to Report)


Cindy Miller.


Quitman White:

long commitment. Process for conference venue selection. It has taken us 10 years to get to Augusta. The first time the hotel didnt have enough space. We contact visitor bureaus and get information from the hotels based on our requirements package. We have an expectation that the hotel will be a sponsor for $4000 or $5000. Next, some of the committee members visit the hotels we have selected based on the proposal returned to us. After that, we narrow it down and select a venue. The 2009 conference will be at the Hilton Conquistador resort in Tucson, AR. This is our first time at a resort hotel. For 2010 we are looking at Orlando Disney Hilton in Orlando. Currently we are haggling over hotel rates. For the 2011 conference which will be our 20th conference we want to go to Las Vegas because there is so much to do and we can get good rates, especially during the week. We are also looking at Reno. We have our own AV equipment. We used to spend $40,000 for rental of AV equipment. So we bought our own and the costs were reduced to $12,000, plus we rent out the equipment to other divisions for additional income. Now other divisions are buying their own. We want to upgrade the equipment and that includes maintenance and storage. If anyone has ideas on things we can do to help attendance at the conference please let us know. Since the last business meeting we have had 3 workshops, each had 10 to 12 workshop volunteers. Ten exams have been given since last business meeting. In total 2645 participants sat and 1845 have passed for a 70% pass rate. In 2005 and 2006 there was a pass rate of 78%. We are seeing a decline in pass rate but the number of people sitting for the exam is up. Currently we have 31,583 CQAs. One of the speakers at the conference gave an overview of new standards. Education/Training has been focused on the CQA Exam Refresher and the Train the Trainer program. At the conference we presented the refresher again and held a Train the Trainer session during which we certified 6 new regional councilors to present the refresher in their regions. The RCs will be advertising this opportunity to their sections. One of our goals for this year is to survey the membership to determine what other educational opportunities they would like the division to provide. The division has taken a large step forward in training the RCs to get the CQA refresher out to the sections. Our intent is not to compete with the sections we will make the offer to them and leave it up to them as to whether or not they would like us to present. Nancy suggested this course over a year ago and we did the first part at WCQI and the final one here. Now we have 6 certified instructors. George introduced the 6 regional councilors that were present. Dr Rama region 4 from Canada has said that he has contacted sections to introduce himself and audit division, and is offering to present a detailed presentation. He currently has one scheduled in Nov. He is working on the future based on requests for the CQA training and is planning to communicate the strategic plan to all of the sections. Greg Stewart region 10 is developing relationships with his 15 sections. He is planning to visit all sections by the end of the year. He has identified a deputy to work with him because his region is very large. He is also in a leadership role in his section. Sandra Stoli region 12 has sent emails to her sections introducing her role in the audit division. She is working with the quality college and is about to give the CQA refresher in house. She feels it is much more cost effective for the sections to have the regional councilors in the regions.


Mike Villa (Doug Berg to report)

Standards Education/Trai ning

Ric Conover (Doug Berg to report Nancy Boudreau


George Callender to Report For Regional Councilor.

Larry Mossman region 13 sends out welcome letters to new and renewing members about the audit conference and the web site information. He is also working with 2 sections that may want the CQA refresher course. Throughout the year he sends emails to the section leadership. Regional Councilor Shyam Banik passed away about a month ago and he will be missed. He has always been very active at the regional councilor level and with audit division activities. The Gauthier Award given to JP Russell this year. The award committee consisting of Nancy Boudreau, Gil Andrade and George Callender, based on nominations received, selected a candidate and made the recommendation to the Chair. Each year we will give the award if someone is deemed worthy. We had a strategic planning meeting in April 2008. Thanks to effort of the Audit Division leadership the Audit Division received the Mcdermond award. We have vacancies for regional councilors in regions 2, 3, 7, 9,11. We are looking for suggestions on how we can better serve the sections and improve the audit division. Unfinished Business: New Business: John Mascaro, Division Leadership & Membership We need volunteers. John Mascaro, Division Leadership & Membership October is quality month. John introduced Daniel, the new marketing chair. We are always looking for articles and people to help marketing and membership. The Web liaison position is currently open. Dave Homen can no longer do it since he has received a promotion at work and no longer has the time. Gil Andrade is the nominating committee chair. We are using the Zoomerang survey tool for feedback on the conference. You will get an email and be asked to respond. The DMA has been revised. An appeal was made to DAC to change the tenure of the Chair and Chair elect based on the tenure of the other board positions. That was approved at the DAC meeting. We have a knowledge center at From the home page click on the left side. A lot of helpful information there. Announcements: Next Audit Division Business Meeting will be at the 2009 Audit Conference in October, in Tucson AR.

Adjournment: adjourned at 6:55 pm. Move and seconded and ayes unanimous.

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