Expediting Data Retrieval With Indexes Recommending Guidelines For Index Creation
Expediting Data Retrieval With Indexes Recommending Guidelines For Index Creation
Expediting Data Retrieval With Indexes Recommending Guidelines For Index Creation
Describing the fundamental building blocks: tables, columns, primary keys and foreign keys Building the Database Schema Creating tables and columns Building tables with CREATE TABLE Modifying table structure with ALTER TABLE Adding columns to an existing table Removing tables with DROP TABLE Protecting data integrity with constraints Enforcing integrity with foreign key constraints Imposing business rules with check constraints Enabling and disabling constraints Removing constraints with ALTER TABLE Improving performance with indexes
Expediting data retrieval with indexes Recommending guidelines for index creation
Manipulating Data Modifying table contents Adding table rows with INSERT Changing row content with UPDATE Removing rows with DELETE SQL Server ( Intermediate) Writing Single Table Queries Retrieving data with SELECT Restricting rows with the WHERE filter Sorting the result with ORDER BY Handling NULL values in expressions Avoiding NULL value pitfalls in filter conditions Defining the summary level with GROUP BY Applying filter conditions with HAVING Querying Multiple Tables Applying the ANSI/ISO standard join syntax Matching related rows with INNER JOIN Including nonmatched rows with OUTER JOIN Creating a Cartesian product with CROSS JOIN Combining results with set operators Stacking results with UNION Identifying matching rows with INTERSECT Utilizing EXCEPT to find nonmatching rows
SQL Server ( Advanced ) Processing data with row functions Conditional formatting with the CASE expression Utilizing the CASE expression to simulate IF tests Dealing with NULL values Performing analysis with aggregate functions Summarizing data using SUM, AVG and COUNT Finding the highest/lowest values with MAX and MIN Pivot and Unpivot table Applying subqueries in filter conditions Correlated vs. noncorrelated subqueries Testing the existence of rows Including subqueries in expressions Placing subqueries in the column list Creating complex expressions containing subqueries Handling subqueries that return no rows Breaking down complex problems Selecting data from a query result set Subqueries in the FROM clause Creating views in a database Building reusable code Updateable vs. non-updateable views Applying transactions Atomic Consistent Isolated Durable (ACID) rules Controlling transactions with COMMIT and ROLLBACK SQL Server ( Expert ) Selecting data Developing stored procedures that extract data from multiple servers Executing dynamic queries using OPENROWSET and OPENQUERY Executing remote procedures Capturing RETURN values from stored procedures Declaring variables and parameters Creating and utilizing local variables Passing input and output parameters Calling built-in scalar functions Converting data using CAST and CONVERT
Ordering data with ranking functions Programming procedural statements Implementing conditions with IF...ELSE Looping with WHILE and GOTO Creating code blocks with BEGIN...END Debugging T-SQL in Management Studio Handling errors Communicating problems to the client with RAISERROR Intercepting errors with TRY ... CATCH Dealing with open transactions Producing server-side result sets Building and using temporary tables Processing rows on the server with a cursor Taking advantage of table variables Storing queries on the server Concealing complexity with views Solving business problems using multistatement table-valued functions Creating user-defined functions Calculating values with scalar functions Taking advantage of schema binding Formulating triggers INSTEAD OF vs. AFTER triggers Detecting row changes using the inserted/deleted tables Tracing metadata changes with DDL triggers Auditing user access using a LOGON trigger Tracking data changes with the OUTPUT clause