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Apes-Introduction To The Worlds Biomes

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APES- Introduction to the Worlds Biomes

Terrestrial Biome Rainforest Tundra Taiga Desert Temperate Grasslands

Common Plants/ Animals

Interesting Features


Buttresses, Epiphytes, bearded Rainforests serve as habitats for more than Rain forests get heavy rain and half the earths species are hot and humid. pig, capybara
Lichen, dark red leaves, snowy owl, Tundras get as much rain as deserts do. Soil in permafrost, freezing bk tundra swan cold, low precipitation. Conifers, needles, lynx, moose, In taiga environments, they have long Freezing winters with snowfall, vjv snowshoe rabbit. winter nights and long summer days. rainy, warm summers. Prickly pear cactus, yucca, dragon The worlds largest desert is the Extremely hot and severely dry. tree, dingo, desert lark. Sahara desert. Burning bush, dog wood, fringe There are many different trees and so Get a lot of precipitation, tree, sapsucker, raccoons. they are recognized by their leaves. seasonal climate. Aster plant, poison ivy, lion, Grasslands are found in every Grasslands receive 10-30 inches ostrich, bison. continent, except Antarctica. of rain and are seasonal areas.

Aquatic Biomes

Common Plants/ Animals

Interesting Features


Rivers & Streams

Water lily, water primrose, The Nile river is the longest May lead into anther body of water, Barbell, anaconda. river in the world. Fresh water algae, sea lettuce, platypus, bullfrog. The Caspian sea is the May vary. Wet. largest lake in the world and it is a salt water lake. Swamp milkweed, big blue Wetlands are disappearing By some sort of other body of stem, Walking catfish, dwarf at a rate of 300,000 acres a water. siren. year in the world. Pepper wart, duck potato, Constant waves hitting a May vary. Wet. Crab plover, herring gull. shore can create sea cliffs. Atlantic salmon, mollusks, whales. Clown fish, green turtle The pacific ocean is the Moderate, wet largest ocean of all oceans on earth. Coral reefs thrive in this biome. Warm, wet

Ponds & Lakes



Temperate Oceans

Tropical Oceans

Rainforest 1: What are the two types of rainforests? In the United States, where are our rainforests located? (Be specific). What percentage of our original rainforests does this represent? The two types or rain forests are the tropical and the temperate rain forests. They are located at or around the equator for example the amazon rain forest is located in Brazil, near the equator. There is only 22% of rain forests from what we used to have left in the world. Tunda 2: Where is the Tundra Biome located? What is permafrost? What percentage of the Earths surface is covered by Tundra? The tundra biome is located near and at the top of the world, very near the North Pole. Permafrost is frozen soil. Twenty-eight percent of the world is covered by the tundra biome. Taig a 3: Where is the Taiga Biome located? What is the soil like in the Taiga- why? Taiga biomes are located around fifty degrees north as well as the arctic circle. The soil in this biome is poor in nutrients and is lacking because decomposing processes are sluggish due to the climate. Deser t 4: How much rainfall is characteristic of deserts? Explain where most deserts are located and the RAINSHADOW Effect. deserts receive ten to no inches of rain annually. Deserts are near mountains because since the air moving up and over the mountain loses its ability to hold water Temperate Deciduous Forest 5: What is special about this biome? Deciduous trees have special leaves that are adapted to the biome- explain. Temperate deciduous forests have special leaves that change color in the fall, fall off in the winter and grow back in the spring. This helps the trees live more efficiently. Grassland 6: Grasslands are found on every continent except for one- which? How much rainfall do grasslands get- why is this important? What are the 3 types of grasslands that are found in North America? What are grasslands called in other places in the world? Every continent has grasslands except for Antarctica. There are tall grass, mixed grass, and short grass prairies. Grasslands are called Pampas in South America and savannahs in Africa. Rivers & Streams 7: How much water on Earth does running water represent? What is a watershed? What are the two main processes that happen to surface water? What is the longest river in the world? What is the longest river in the United States? What is a hydroelectric dam?

Only .3% of water on earth is represented as running water. Water shed is an area that holds many sources of water in the form of rivers and streams. The longest river in the world is the Nile river. The longest river in the US is the Mississippi river. A hydroelectric dam is a dam that converts the energy from the running water into power. Ponds & Lakes 8: What is the difference between a pond and lake? Name the four stages of succession of a pond. Explain how an Oxbow Lake is formed. What is the largest lake in the world? What is the largest lake in the United States? What is the deepest lake in the world? What is Lake Effect Snow? Explain A like is a much larger boy of water than a pond. The four stages of succession of a pond are: 1.pioneer plants and animals gather to the pond and make it their home. 2. More organisms come and vegetation at the bottom of the pond begins to grow.3. Emergent appear at edge of pond and debris builds at bottom and raises the pond floor.4. Emergent are then allowed to grow all around the pond floor. The oxbow lake was formed when sediments of silt are deposited in a river then forming a meander. The largest lake in the world is the Caspian seas while the largest lake in the US is Lake Superior. wetlands 9: What are the types of freshwater wetlands- name and define them. Explain why wetlands are so important. What is happening to our wetlands? The types of wet lands are marshes, swamps, prairie potholes, bogs and riparian marshes. Marshes are inland areas. A swamp is a slow moving river. A prairie pothole is a shallow, bowlshaped wetland. Bogs are wetlands that accumulate a lot of peat. Riparian marshes are wetlands that sit along rivers and streams, they also reduce flooding. Our wetlands are disappearing due to humans lack of knowledge towards their importance and contribution to out environment. Shorelines 10: What kind of life forms will you find in the intertidal zone? What is a barrier island? What is an estuary? What is life like in an estuary? What is a salt marsh? What is the Mangrove Forest? How are the trees specially adapted to living in that environment? Why are they important? You would find small crabs and starfish. A barrier island is a coral reef separating the intertidal zone with the sea. An estuary is a body of water where sea water and fresh water mix. A salt marsh is an estuary. The mangrove forest is a wetland estuary that contains mangrove trees. These trees have adapted by having special tree roots that filter out the salt from the brackish water so that they could actually use the water to survive. Temperate Ocean Zones 11: Name and describe the different zones of the ocean and how they are divided. Describe the different photic zones of the ocean. What are kelp forests? Where are they found? There is the sunlit zone, where most if not all photosynthesis occurs; the twilight zone, which is pretty dark and only some animals live there; and the midnight zone, where there only is kelp and where the pressure is greatest.

Tropical Ocean Zones 12: What is coral made of? Explain. Where are most coral reefs located? Where is the largest coral reef? Coral reefs are made up of thousands and thousands of teeny-tiny organisms that built communities with each other. Most coral reefs are located in shallow tropical areas. The largest coral reef is located in Australia, called the Great Barrier Reef.

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