EC4 Composite Design
EC4 Composite Design
EC4 Composite Design
Chiew Sing-Ping School of Ci Civil il and En Environmental ironmental Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
12 July 2013
British Standards
1.4 Gk + 1.6 6 Qk ( (BS5950) S5950) 1.2 Gk + 1.5 Qk (BS5400-5) 1.0 (BS5950) 1.05 (BS5400-5) 1.5 1.15
Material Strength
Concrete and steel strengths in EC4 and BS5950
BS5950 Normal Concrete Light weight Structural steel
Cube strength
The ranges are narrower compared to EC2 (C12/15 C90/105) and EC3 ( 690 N/mm2) because of more limited knowledge and experience in composite members with very high concrete and steel strengths.
Concrete Strength
One of the most noticeable differences in Eurocodes is the way concrete t strength t th is i specified ifi d th throughout. h t In British Standards, the cube strength fcu is used. In Eurocodes, Eurocodes the cylinder strength fck is used.
BS: 0.45 0 45 fcu = 0.45 0 4525 = 11.25 11 25 N/mm2 EC: 0.85 fck/c= 0.8520/1.5 = 11.33 N/mm2 No difference!
Steel Strength
EC3 has additional ductility requirements compared to BS5950 in terms of stress ratio, elongation and strain ratio. Normal strength steel
fu/fy 1.10 Elongation at failure not less than 15% u 15y stain y is the yield
Some product standards only have requirements on the nominal yield and tensile strengths, or their minimum values. The stress ratio calculated according di to these h nominal i l values l cannot comply l with i h the h EC3 ductility d ili requirement.
Standard AS 1397 AS 1595 EN 10326 ISO 4997 Grade G500 G550 CA 500 S550GD CH550 Nominal N i l yield i ld strength (MPa) 500 550 500 550 550 Nominal N i l tensile t il strength (MPa) 520 550 510 560 550 Stress ratio 1.04 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.00
AS 1397: Steel sheet and strip hot-dip zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated AS 1595: Cold-rolled, unalloyed, steel sheet and strip EN 10326: Continuously hot hot-dip dip coated strip and sheet of structural steels ISO 4997: Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of structural quality
PRd =
0.29 d 2
f ck Ecm
hsc = 0.2 + 1 d
The two equations represent the 2 possible failure modes: (i) failure in the shank of headed stud and (ii) failure in concrete.
steel failure
concrete crushes
Failure in concrete
Characteristic strength of concrete (N/mm2) 25 90 95 81.0 30 100 100 92.1 35 104 104 100.6 40 109 109 102.1
Nominal N i l shank h k di diameter t = 19 19mm Nominal height = 100mm while as-welded height = 95mm
PR k (kN)
100 80 60 40 20 0 25 30 35 40 45 50
Concrete strength (N/mm2) Note: the differences are larger for smaller stud diameters
In general, the resistance of headed stud shear connectors determined by EC4 is lower than BS5950. more headed studs are needed in EC4 design g !
Reduction Factor kt
Design shear resistance is taken as the resistance in a solid slab multiplied by the reduction factor kt
b0 b0
For the EC4 these values are about 17% lower than the BS for re-entrant re entrant profiles, but about 40% higher than the BS for open trough profiles.
hs sc
Open trough
For open trough profiles, the reduction factor in EC4 BS5950 F re-entrant For t t trough t h profiles, fil th reduction the d ti factor f t i in EC4 BS5950
Nominal shank diameter = 19mm Nominal height = 100mm while as-welded height = 95mm
The resistance of shear stud in composite slab determined in EC4 is up to 27% lower than that given in BS 5950.
Top-Down Construction
Kingposts (supporting the roof) which are part of the barrette piles installed during the foundation stage
KingPost g in column
Resistance to compression Resistance to moment Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending
Axial buckling resistance Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending F
Axial compression
Design based on second order analysis y with equivalent q member Imperfection (simplified method)
N pl, pl Rd = Aa f yd d + Ac f cd + As f sd
f yk / a
f ck / c
f sk / s
+ 2 -
= 0 .5 1 + - 0 .2 +
N pl,Rk N cr
For steel column, the buckling curve is related to steel section and steel strength. For composite column, the buckling curve is related to the cross-section. The strength of steel has little influence on the buckling curve curve.
Note: design based on the use of member imperfection e0 leads to a maximum difference of 5% in comparison with design based on the EC3 buckling curve approach.
Design data: fy=355N/mm2, fck=25N/mm2, fsk=500N/mm2, Cross-section: 350mm350mm, steel section: 254254 UC73. Column length: 5.0m, 4 bars of 20mm diameter
N Rd ( )
N Rd( ) = N pl,Rd
M Ed,max = k N Rd(e0 ) e0
M Ed,max M M pl,Rd
Tedious approach !
+ 2 -
= 0.5 1 + - 0.2 +
N pl,Rk N cr
kN Rd(e0 ) e0 = M M pl,Rd
N pl,Rd -N Rd (e0 ) N pl,Rd -N pm,Rd
M Mpl,Rd Mpl,Rd
Easier approach !
N cr,eff ff =
2 (EI )ef,II
L2 cr
M Ed.max = k1M Ed + k 2 N Ed e0
NEd k1, k2 are the factors of second order effects
1- NEd /Ncr,eff
Member imperfection p (e0) ( L/200 L/150 L/200 L/150 L/300 L/200 L/200 L/200 L/200
k1 M Ed
M Ed M M pl,Rd
The influence of imperfection is taken into account indirectly in the interaction curve The factor d is reduced by a curve. relevant amount to account for the moment due to the member imperfection.
k1 M Ed + k 2 N Ed e0
M Ed, max
d M pl,Rd
The member imperfection p can be taken into account in the global analysis and hence it is not necessary to allow for th imperfection the i f ti i in th the analysis l i of f th the interaction curve. 37
Npl,a pl a
The concrete slab works best in compression p while the steel section works best in tension; hence, a large moment resistance is generated as a force couple. Resistance mobilization in both the concrete slab and the steel section y the shear connection along g the concrete interface. is limited by
resistance to sagging moment and vertical shear resistance to hogging moment and shear and M-V interaction shear connection @ the steel concrete interface lateral torsional buckling L Longitudinal it di l shear h of f the th concrete t flange fl
M b = pb S x
Where pb is determined by TB
M b, Rd = LT M Rd
TB =nt uvt
4a /hs vt = 2 2 1+ ( 2a /hs ) +0.05 ( /x )
LT =
2 LT
LT =
M Rk M cr
1/ 2
2 2 M cr = ( kcC4 / L ) G I k L / + ( ) Ea I afz s a at
M cr = C1
2 EI z I w
2 cr
L2 cr GI T + 2 I EI z z
In this approach approach, the elastic critical moment Mcr is determined using the so-called continuous inverted U-frame model. given in EC4 takes into account the lateral displacement p of the The model g bottom flange causing bending of the steel web and the rotation of the top flange that is resisted by bending of the concrete slab.
M cr = ( kcC4 / L ) ( Ga I at + ks L /
)E I
a afz
1/ 2
Composite Slab
Longitudinal Shear
How can concrete stick stick to profiled sheeting after bending? g the interface between How reliable is the shear bond along concrete and profiled sheeting ? Surface bonding due to chemical reaction - non ductile failure, hence not so reliable. Mechanical interlocking due to indentations or embossments in the profiled sheeting or end anchorage - ductile failure with rational provision, hence more reliable.
Longitudinal Shear
End slip
T t setup Test t
m-k Method
EC4: BS5950-4: S5950
Vl,Rd l Rd
bd p mAp = +k vs bLs
Bs ds mr Ap + kr Vs = 1 25 Bs Lv 1.25
f cu
Concrete strength
m= 172.45 k= 0.2491 k
m 163.26 m= k= 0.0312
Short span Long span Short span Long span m k Shear-bond Shear bond resistance (kN) ) Vl,Rd l Rd ( Test 79.3 172 5 172.5 0.2491 60.1 74.3 163 3 163.3 0.0312 56.2
Short span
81.2 kN
Long span
61.6 kN
Vertical Shear
BS 5950-4 EC4
Vv = bbdsvc
0.79 100As 400 fcu vc = m bvd d 25
1/4 1/3 1/3
Vv,Rd,min = ( vmin + k1 cp , , p ) bw d p
1/2 vmin = 0.035k 3/ 2 f ck
BS 5950-4 118.7kN
EC4 107.8 kN
Experiment 153.6 kN
Punching Shear
BS 5950-4 EC4
Critical perimeter = 4( Ds -Dp ) +4ds +4( length of load area ) Cp = 2 hc + 2 ( bp + 2hf ) + 2 ( ap + 2hf + 2d p 2hc )
BS 5950-4 108kN
EC4 139 kN
Experiment 186 kN
BS5950-4 BS5950 4 provides a more conservative value for vertical shear resistance
1. Composite members with high strength steel and concrete outside t id th the scope of f EC4 EC4. 2. Common grades of profiled steel sheeting cannot meet EC3 ductility requirement, requirement design strength will have to be downgraded. 3 The resistance of headed stud shear connectors is 3. generally lower in EC4 compared to BS5950; Important to note that BC1 adopts EC4 design resistance values values. 4. For composite columns, the EC4 buckling curves are different compared to EC3 due to contribution of concrete. concrete However, unlike EC3, no special consideration for composite column with S460 steel.
5. The simplified design approach using second order analysis and equivalent member imperfection without any need for member buckling resistance check is much easier i for f composite it column l i combined in bi d compression i and bending moment. 6 EC4 provides 6. id guidance id f lateral-torsional for l t lt i l buckling b kli check h k for continuous composite beams taking into account the beneficial effect provided by the concrete slab. slab 7. EC4 also provides clear guidance for prototype testing and development of composite slab system using new profiled steel sheeting.