SR - No. Description Rate/Rs. Per
SR - No. Description Rate/Rs. Per
SR - No. Description Rate/Rs. Per
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Description 4A size Plastic Folders - Punched Binder Clips 15 mm Binder Clips 19 mm Binder Clips 25 mm Box file Ordinary Clip (Jagruti / Badal) Brown Tape Dispenser Brown Tape Wonder 1" Brown Tape Wonder 2" Calculator - 12 digit - Model MJ-120 "CASIO" Cello Tape 1" x 72 yard (TIXO) Continuation sheets with Logo Correction Fluid Kores Daily Deluxe Accounts Book - 500 pages Double Side Tape Board pins Magnetic board pins Office Pins (tachni) Duster for board - Magnetic Exercise Book 100 page Jagruti Elegant Exercise Book 200 page Jagruti Elegant Fax Rolls - 30 mm File Dividers with punch Fiskers Scissors 6" Flat File with spring without print Folder Plastic Colour - Neo A4 size Folders Transparent - A4 size Folders Transparent - Foolscap Foot Ruler Plastic Camlin 12" Foot Ruler Metal Camlin 12" Glow Highlighter Pen - Luxor Gluestick - Camel Medium Gum Bottle 50 ml with brush KORES Gum tube small Camel / Kores Hole Guard Omega (White or Transparent) Ledger Paper 90 GSM (f/s) (for Legal documents) Letter Heads Lexi 5 Ball Pens - Black / Blue Long Book 200 pages - Sunny Office Clip (Per box 1000) Vikram - 26 mm Office pins (400 gm) Vikram - 26mm OHP marker (Japan) Paper Cutter Paper Plastic Tray (1+2) Paper Tray acrylic Transparent (1+2) OMEGA Pen stand Pencil Carbon Paper Pencil Eraser Natraj Pencil Sharpener - Natraj Permanent Marker - Black / Blue/ Red/ Green Plastic Files A4 size with Clip Post it Pad - 1.5 x 2
Per pcs box box box pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs 1000 pcs pcs pcs box box box pcs pcs pcs pcs pkt pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pkt pcs pcs pcs pkt pkt 1000 pcs pcs box box pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pkt box box pcs pcs pcs
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
Post it Pad - 3 x 3 Post it Pad - 3 x 5 Punching Machine DP500 Kangaroo Refils for Lexi Pens - Blue Register Ruled Book 1quire Jagruti 90 Rubber Band Big Assorted - 100 gms Rubber Band Largest size Ruled Pad - Sunny 1/8 size 40 pages Ruled Pad - Sunny A4size 40 pages Scotch Magic Tape Sharpners with covers pack of 10 pcs Sketch pen - luxor 1 x 12 Spiral Bound Ruled Writing Pads - No.8 Spiral Bound Ruled Writing Pads - No.9 Spiral Pad - Maruti 8 no. 40 pages Sponge (water) - Camlin with cover Spring File Cloth Patti Stamp Pad - Medium - Camlin Stapler Machine No.10 (Max) Kangaroo Stapler Pin - Kangaroo No.10 -1m Stapler pin 24 x 6 - Kangaroo Sticker Labels - 2 labels in a row Sticker Labels - Big Size 1 label in a row Telephone Index Diary - Medium Size Thread Tags for tying documents Visiting Card album 4 pocket Visiting Card album 8 pocket with index Water Bottle (opaque) White Board Markers - Green /Red/ Black/ Blue Xerox Paper A4 GSM - Copy Power BIL Pencil Cell Remote cell White Envelopes Plain 9 x 4 White Envelopes with "NICHOLAS LOGO" 9.50 x 4.50 80 GSM White Envelopes with "NICHOLAS LOGO" 9.50 x 4.50 100 GSM Window Envelopes with "NICHOLAS LOGO" White Envelopes with "NICHOLAS LOGO" 10.00 x 7.00 White Envelopes with "NICHOLAS LOGO" 10.00 x 12.00 White Envelopes with "NICHOLAS LOGO" 10.00 x 12.00 100 GSM Brown Envelop 10.00 x 7.00 Brown Envelop 10.00 x 12.00 Green Envelop 10.00 x 12.00 Green Envelop 14.00 x 18.00 Green Envelop 12.00 x 10.00 Green Envelop 11.00 x 15.00 Green Envelop 10.00 x 7.00 Green Envelop 11.00 x 5.00
14 25 55 3 25 6.5 140 4 7 70 30 15 18.25 25 18.25 5 9 20 15 3.5 15 1.8 1.8 75 125 40 102 30 19 115 6 10 145 550 700 600 1100 1500 1800 900 1400 3300 4000 2600 3000 1800 1500
pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs box kg pcs pcs pcs box set pcs pcs pcs box pcs pcs pcs pcs box pcs pcs pcs pkt pcs pcs pcs pcs pkt pcs pcs 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000