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Statically Indeterminate Structures - Chu-Kia Wang PH.D - R

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z = = 3 2 = Annoy 4 ‘ STATICALLY INDETERMINATE Xx STRUCTURES : Ghu-Kia Wang, Ph.D. Sih af Ach, Unirty fHiee Uren ereenanonat stineve rorion ‘olso. Aveldand, Bogota Guatemala Hamburg Joksanesbarg ‘isbn London "Madrid Mexico New Dt Panama Paris Son Juan Sie Paulo Siagapee Sydney a McGRAW-HILL = KOGAKUSHA, LTD. Zeal el eiprk Tus ook coat be recaveried rat VED by he cen Bt Coane {ia no ini my oy aeary of Core Coto Car Banter: $9053 PREFACE ‘ho tort material and lutatons ave been prepared to serve pe ‘mas a workbook for usimilatng the base plo and methods the analysis of staclly Indeterminate strictee. The analy of ‘ately Iniaterinatestractnes conta en'aly in ipo the fodtons of the geametry of the format strucie upon, thes af tates “The prinepon are generally simply but profency can be cleverly trough pracio o «vary of problems ‘prince in tnciog bas shown that students til noed frequent ‘eviowsin tho pringpls and tdhniqueo eats bois Cee prtaning te indeterminacy. The examples In th text may mbt for ace, although nt alo the Binkoard wing onthe pat ofthe tench 2b {hat he may apportion more ofa Une in last doeuarone om much items the elation of analy to dain, the Bstory oblige the ‘omparzon ofthe lative serit of difeeat mess eta the ato of Seta structure to whieh th tape of the day eat be api, ‘An inspection of the Contents wil show thet destons sail Astecminaie steuvturesars treiot a Chap, I and I tore he appli ons of fining detections tothe analy of eatialyindetorminato steuetret are taton sp in Chapa IV and V,Somo teachers may proer fo sugn sme atlas in Chape, IK and IV together ad then es i ‘Chapa IL and V_ The sue tr with the slopedefton ers the ‘moment-detibation methods.” ‘Tae choice is beevsetulying dope ‘defection fat and then moment dist a taking up both mothers In relation to any one prolem atthe ume tne, ‘Th farmer ender has teen adopted in tho erting of Chaps: Vik and VII.” ‘The author deey ‘ok recommend the teeching of moment dation aly. witht ope datostion, ‘When itis not posible to cover the entire text for undergraduate ‘ecior, some or all f the following alls may be postponed Arts 1, 10,2528, 28, 82,48 44, 5,54, 0, 3, 6,68 7,71. ‘Them atlas ah ‘then be cele in do careulu fr the Sntyear grads sadn ‘The author indebted to Profewor Warren Roser, hal of the Dearne of Civt Bginceing, University of Colorado, fr hi Kinde eatin eng the manvcrip ant maLingveabie meee rot apreciton ald given Wang, cc sy fo her typo of fh asp inte ier tage, tsa frie pate a ub he aluntion when the author wen more than fly secaiedaes ‘he prepara o th tort. P rovioss, coro ce ed ‘oronan 02 CONTENTS Preface (Guarren I, Genecal Introduetion sina, Ones tr Sita Other tds ot Raa : Cnarnan 11, De ] and Frames (6 The Untdoed Meiod_Devnato of Base Ferma SCG eb Na ignite Bengt 1 bid stot —Aptnin to iti of ei ae Gat ate} 18 eof Cognos ew rin am Beets or Tati, Tir tind Mend Dion ind Rts ot (a, Dt sn Rotato f ttely emits Ramee TIE Nester tod appentin Rae Dati ‘ad ‘oto ump 1130 ~1s fp Cae ef Mantas Methot—the Ceased etd: Erampte ys ~The Moment rs Milhod Appi io Dentin nd Tittine Preamps aan 0 tion of Statieslly Doterminate Beams ‘Cxarran 111, Defection of Statically Determinate Trusses 18, Te Gad Meth: gi 332 : Bi The dedrots Maho Ei. 5, ona tg 4 4 7 bee gee eB vi covrawrs ~~ Guarin 1V. Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Beams ‘nd Frsmes bythe Mothod of Consistent Defcon BB. Tha Maio Comite ‘% Anse of Satay oteuate Bay hn Mood Cant Delano: Heanor 2 Re ft Dt Eng 2 2 hire ttl ncaa Besos Duc to Ying Arf ny nine nny eM ln 3, Tod Rei atl Ladin Fes Ds Vengo. tgp: Sep Guarmon Yanan of telly Indeterminate Truses by int Method of Content Detormaton nt OY 2 Sain Ile ro Pl Rednln Eocies aa 5, Tra tasliy ntarnt nr tra ti Mens S Gurms vit. The ‘Slope-defiection Method. Be ea te ae tel Maer Soon weet oe eee ee eae Kent ied Merger ™ Meer asia a ae secce ‘1 Aplin te sop dein te ote Apr tay Aerio Pans Cais it Merona ee ‘Aas of ty Tintern Fisica to Yio pet 8 £ vag a8 1, Hopeeien Epi ie Ment wih Yah Ga tins Biopes N\ cures VI Te Moa tal atid ae teen method (Fi 2 or hy the vison method Buampl 10, ind ‘STATICALLY TwoRreeuaxare sau Bal erueas eeLncrioN OF BEANS AMD FRAMES o 42. Find 0 or day the wand metho (Fig 3). ao cate a ieaeiate emt Hat ML irs ye in md ie Mie | Sos caus eelies aaa €)(0- ee : at Lewes oo ier 1, Fnd thy the ind et OC Gate Pes “E Pa Coamett aT Tone 2 sraticauuy twoermpurvase symvoruRss Mandi Fin ad yy th it oad mad. 1 Fan try tr id at 4, casigten’s Thor Desrton, Catia publ {ter in 169 dang with tris suc Oot ae {other stated, and ht there of eee nr rtons) of beatin tad ames aceal rce, enscal with those of the unicload method. Hower, the helt oad ‘ete bn is ine aprnet in pdoned Tah te Cutan knows a heron f two le eb ea theorem ca be stale a flloms: ‘he dete i cers rekon a certain point os stately Starmieat sss i aval the pal dea of theta exer neo ak Intern neray with espe ta Jnr nee wth ep ta od applied at this plt in todo ine yates Wea tb dre ‘Padeay spl ta ih bean, the eter war deo ie aces WW Was + Hae ay ‘DEFLBICTION OF HxAMS AND FRANCES a 1 small ond dis gradually ede to the team of ig. 24 the ing defections wil be a shown in Fig, 28. The work done ae ly onthe beam AWW = FAP ad 4 Py dbs + Fedde + Pedy (12) total work done on the stn owing to che gradually apie lode Wa Ps nd then dP ete as of Ey (11) and 2) BW = Ps hPa + Pata + aa + Psd dy 4 Padéy (3) Aho ads (Ps + dP, Pa and Pe ave gradually appt to the eas am a tft Dogtr,hetotal enteral work dono on th ban shold be Fi, 240) D4 aw ~ 4cP er ntas + ag + APO + dd Firat aay 09) ce he total external work done on dhe be must be the se r= sf whether fhe lade P,P Py ate fist api and thea the load dP Milton teleada?, + dP Ps Pasrenppbed sinndtancosty, Ba. (18) fun be equated to By (1) W dW = 4P.8s + Hate + Wa + BaP AS, + Ps “f Pads + Ped = UP + aPC +n) + APO + 28) Wias+ es) (8 Siopliying Ba. (18), Beds 4 BPadas 4 APsddy = BaP 9) 2 srartcauay woreseunvare sravervees Setting By (2) nt he etn tH. (1a neing he ote tar tara ae (te Atma ions maf wh oe om quaion (17) i Cations thcrem, 40 Use af Casino's Theorem to Find Ream Deflectons ar Rota- tons. ‘Caighino's theorem, as opreseted by (17), ean en > Sind beam dels or rtatinm snd lacs aw aw. we te method is wometines called the poral deiatve method The ‘external wor W done onthe beam ean be unig tothe ala enn BSL sore in the bean, or Wm azsat as) My, ay 1 Sulatiating = Mad ant at = MY A aint 1), aad (es) Be) Ef [re tia {SE on Subatvating Ba. 19) nto Ba. (4), @ 2d tin Ba, (20) canbe considered athe ai fe increment in fhe bending moment at any ection oft beam owing to a ievetent Suni fry at eats cod fora 3" meamre DD ~ 9 unite upward horsey 1 fonction of member BD. The two perpeinlrt Ae ih ee iterch ot’. From Dz manure DE: — tit orev due ufc in th detion of enter DE, and Gon, ny pre fo ently tthe gh. Toe two perpen dr Pe Mec a Th rete viedo rece tbe a a as down in, 03, mile sting the para ht ra pew emma he form ACLS of He Oh re et a cel jit can bo mesnured i Fi, ty frm the ta ret the cage prime pant in quetion, Obvious ‘ere a ig ha dnormed trum 4'CDE of Fig Gla roth a ' srartoatr mosrenuivane srsvervens ‘clokwie angle of (88 /spn) rads as 0 ning tho pot B vo the Samne lve atthe hinge otto vinideallh poe Aepacrsuts of al jinta a cael by Ui lation ely, ea beat 1h Fig. 68, vr line tvough the hinge A (eee wal to inerect « horizontal ne though Bat 8 to Big i) then the verte dtance BA" i the movement et eet dus toe statin abo matic. With 4°" us heey ie A°BC'D“S" la denne sinar tothe orginal tron ABODE So ile ide of to bans AVE the rotation dag ABCD gs fr dimen on, th eviction that 4c" DR oan he rence ‘fim plane o © pasion paral and iniar to Un egal tae, ABCDb. i canbe show tht the movenens of joints B, CD, and {o cis ation can be sled in Fig fun the dole pring yay tolthe binge A (A' or 49. Yor inane, ite eulned eee ne DPA" in Fig 34 uals ine DA in Fe a tines he cae ese ‘nd hat 174" in Pig. his perpondicniartotina Di ie Tee fon edt Tangle D'4"E" Pig. 6) i tinier ta Ghaage DAB (Wig. 6). Since 274" is prpencalar to Ea cal angle DAR" = supe DAB, 1°" is prpandinle ke DA. Ato, Deas wat a = re i dM ce lee me pees as YAM = (DA) times the ange of rtstion Ye. 6h insporimpael on Fig. 6, Fg. 3 sobtaine ‘ovement of toch joint isthe vector tu ofthe moncevat Apubleprime pint to the hinge Soom the rfrene od Gi ths Thototal foo the or A") oving to stalin and ce it happens dat the hinge chee, sey from Ue doers Pent to the singo-ee point in Fig. "The veconan ae H30t Deny isahown au Fg i. Thasin the graphed soar te ‘mognitle and diction of the deflortion of eee ante wuzcei0N oF rasa oyna ts Wit irom Hg hh Made iran, an ig the Will Moar dagrar, ‘ae “ftame J ter han th ag a en hen eh re in hee oving to domain aly fhe hinge would ew mired em wn oe sgn rhe eT peoeairy ‘therefore, in addition to the deformation and rot Baste prin pat oranda ra th edits fo he ie fal ives stn a tha detnn ib er the eambinton ofall reo veto, eee Bape 22 ‘Mosc etre he renal ad vr ein of al “hue tothe apd Toatng ty Uh waphiel method (ig 6). “STATICALLY INDETERMINATE éTRUCT URES: - Solution. The scces in ll member ofthe tras doo to the appiiod Yeading and tho changin the length ofthe mening a a Fie 6s ‘wo araphial solution aro shows in Fig, 8 and 67. It ito be ‘ote at the soso chown a Pig 7 tes th apace aa ey meses. es ‘ees BPLECTION OF TRUSSES n hat the tation dagran canbe olaed ia the plano to poston pall hi simi t at tho erga rss net hpi ad verti defen of ona da tte pi Iu ghia Cau toselaton by cesoga dot lea acl eller caee pe. 2eraresnits ner cHAPrER IV. ANALYSIS OF STATICALLY INDETERMINATE BEAMS AND FRAMES BY THE METHOD OF CONSISTENT DEFORMATION LONSISTENT DEFORMATION 1B. The Method of Consistent Deformation, ‘The imethod of one fisenedefonnation is che mc general tacbod of analysing satay indeterainae structures, Consider u sinister. wack i cleat indeterminate esi that more than adequas eteonl pec Static ability. ‘The aumber of external teaclon compro tore foreach ror support, two for cach hinge support, se thaws for ack fad support) which ate necesary aad ufcent for sete ea, ity ia equal to che number of conditions for slaiea! squib sxplainol carl, the iunber of exces Yection sumgoreals asthe Foquied fr siti equtwam i eallol the dagee ot mdse the structure the exes sports ar romove and reed tunksiown fore (or moment) rnetions, « bnse determinate sects nr the actin ofthe appli oan and thw unkown mations Feundans i blaine. The derived tase determinate noeens easy ‘everthles fill ay the pysel roquiente a the loaton eas ‘exoouupporisnow replaced hy rindant actions, Maser epee ne besa remove ts ert point tho ruirement is he ote, in te diestion peponcala to the supporting vuttare mat te 4 hinge support has hoon neve, te 0 tuiemente ae thes to, horton and versal defection a the point must both Be sora it Sed support bas ben removed, the thee raqurements ae tht the ‘Piation and horinonal ad vrtealdaecton atthe pola eal Be acne ‘Thus there ave alvays at many thysieal conden of gums te tie so redsnlant nations After the roduant eaog eco, {ound by using the condition af goomety, the remeluing too thee ‘eucion components can bo slved bs the equations oft tis method of comistentdefermation wil be ow applied tothe secgue ot atcallyindtarmiaate base sd frames, 3% Anaiyis of Statally Tadoterminate Beam ty the Method of Consistent Detonation Example $5.” Dvitrmino sl reaction compmaent and draw sear and mocent dagen forthe ton of Pig Sa ‘elation. “The ben at shown je xed a A and simply supported at 4 Nas tree reaction components Py Va atl Bu Storer sol fo eonitions of equlitnium for n'coplannrparalatfones Seto, #o given beam i sttcallyindetranate ta th Ret ogee kay 5 ND PRAMES BY CONSISTENT DEPORMATION — 73 anny or org Ont Moro atleronteanwss Bats ae eee le cepling Hwa cu iovec e Hon oy a here colB Di 68), ane Gnd she redundant reaction Vs, Pick canes the upward diction a = Wass asthe en nd Big 8), fk Ine the ups detston cacao Din toate ot Mecalonali pats en, Biccvn menses ho Men it by spe ens tvs i go aed Ton ay aera ci other tar ee peace, a y Beet) Patna sient wegen 1 = SPS wie ede Fi) (g) 914 - ee Sneha put geen hr wows HL Py. ~ = ae se By ales (Fig. 68) pe vin He FP gteeaboym Mia eh "he aber td moment dag aqlved ae as sow in Fi 6 andy tere Sltlon Wee tine beam xn se ise determina beams hn und I AY, nd te anon rosie of ib som The tty ip ht the rt of he tg at so (Goon ta tho au of tho boats of Fig. 68 ade "The eowtion from wih A, an be detrmined ie Made or Mam a 7m By the conjugate ews tethod GG) @ - 2 se OG) a= By states (Pg ete) a Vine v= 4F ear and moment diagrams can then be drain a before, f eee (Ba em de td od er rs ot Letmetainin terete ” “1 Gucci of ” eee pry otis rwadiacbon FO ineatdopes UF Example $4. Determine all reacti oe sen ra a etme a elt. |‘The bes fred ttt nd, ad it stata deter sine ta te seceed degen By mets hove a et STATICALLY INDETERMINATE SrevCrURES ——) BEAMS AND PRaNES BY CONSISTENT DEFORMATION 76 us b/2, ond teeny unknowa the food moment A a aah i Xml teen iy coors Os base dtermioate beam eng rhs re the anions Dal and the end momenta AE and Me The eon reel of guometey i hat te lopo, a eer end extn fy tortor nul Fig. 708) shuld be egal and opposite to tbe slope [n(s) cued ty the end thoments,whove 4 ete dope a citer end Ue tove end moment of Lips a each ey (Tg 700. This Bo ita a ee B16 = th) 3 = 5167 TE “Th shor onl moment diagruts eaxthown in Fg 10 anf. UAternate Soluon, Sipps that th cotlves Ban ted at A te Ioorat B inchs asthe esi etre beam. ‘Thon sho given bam ie 4 nionieeag Sa Se ee - re {soul tothe mum of (2) the basic team under spied Tang (Fie 72, (hy fae bear dor action of veda (Fig Te), and the Tre beams dor action of ddan 0 (Big. 12 Sin he change In alope and the deflecion a of tho given beam should both te 7, he conto of geometry are et Baa = ber ” 10 PRAMES BY CONSISTENT DEFORMATION 77 a ‘BEAMS ANT uses solution. “pear is fxed at both ends and has four renetion aim samen, Daan eh a a ‘te amend cry ese oe ga i a rants ane in lpn do ihc xe enn,” fe Sf ar tho eee fe cnen mr Soran Shee ence re = 5 a aya Siege are ins 2 eel ‘= t Pobb-+b _ Po +®) ay pai mis | Mt ve 8, Tt Saling sare 36 Determine all action companents fo the team of: he Lean of Fig Ee “Gg, soles bi % yore aos nto th two onto, f afin. Soo & eee ‘a epee eet it ci ih ed na en poe eh Mary ae Rete ‘ = ae wl in apie eee se aS eee Mote etah eddies aoe a ‘Constant EE a ® Sraioany INosrmmrnvaze sravervess 34, The Law of Reciprocal Deflection. It has heen ane that much af he were inthe ston of stately indeterminate denen bee ‘thd of consent detention involves the eessputceere eae ton or rotations This work an cen be toduond er spiel a ‘pplication of the ln o meiprma dflostony, which be derees ene Ti for ayy sever, S14 ~ detection at A inthe neti AC (or elation as A) due a unit Toad eplied at Bn thn destin BD > defection at Bin the drstion BD das to uit od apple at. in the dierton 40 (or due ta wnt cous apitet wt then of epoca dations canbe at ae Bae ae «a ‘Tho proot comes dit foa the hse formula (Wis) = 20a © In the uit oad method Tet ws oF) {ota trl or tat fermion tn any one fer ‘hc to 9 unital app at fn the dasetlon 40 (ore toa nit cpl aptind at 4} 7 foal srs oF total formation fa any one fer ‘de 0 un ond at te dein BD Following the basic forma wor fue~ Pull» and as Bure 46) Sino the total deformation mutt be sta, Away proportional io the total any, Hu) aad (RL)a = Mes) a fonrian foreach fbr. Subatating Bq. 7) into Bg Zoe) = Dhue and = 2us(hus) = Dhvees a The spplication of he lw of reciprocal dione wil bo flustatod by te following examples, bu th Ia willbe wd agen eae ‘sequent part ef thi tes, .D FRAMES BY cONSISPSYE DnFORMATION 79 ‘Beamgle 36, Detecnue all eatlay aud draw shear snd moaent iagaon forthe tae of Te, 73 1 és i wal eat # nraicren mae ming ™ “E— =I ooueh ‘The beam as given has thre supports, while fro ae sora nevi aay nero in ars the suport at Hie removod, x cog on the bude simple bean >a tpi lage stration Vo.‘ soniion pei ede a rt a aed see en tnd ston of tm 99 Toa a the Tham AC owing to the >a fedundant Ve ee, oF tea v jugneboam method (Fle 78) By the conjuate: ‘ 2.902) — Ges) = 1520 kite ERT Gishor hotnwnes = ated bi in cen las ron (Stn) = 600 = 000 ett stat 200 — 2a kin pmo pA STATICALLY INDEPRRINATS acon URES sy wtetin (Pig, 78 YET BT G08) = HE Neeupeard Ve~ 9 (8)GB;0) ~ —Sfe i down wand ‘Avtersete Solon. Ifthe ration at 0 ie dann x tho redundant, the ieee determinate beam i the overhanging eas ABC spor art A ugtt B (Pig Tha). The contition required of ema ry hee oe eeiranat a ¥ eat esgt a0 by aga gen ea, toin) Aetection at © of te basic bem don to th applied load and the ‘hundant Ve shold equal sro, or Vibe Ven Be ry the momentaresnethod (Pg, He) Bice = G)BI6) + 48) 80) = (2552) + sere = ripe By the corivete bum netbol (apldteABof g 4e) Bic = (252) e625) oy «rose vr DAVORNATION 8 ‘BeAMs as messes BY cousts@! 108 iy the law of reiproca dfectons Bde = 20(F den) = 90(57b09) = (00)%2) ~ 2400 hp-th Von Be = BLO, = eis donanand Dy sates Ya = 18 — @)6{9 ~ 118 Soe uprard Va 2 16 GDbg = 2A Kine pend ‘ample #7, Determine all ation omponens and dow ane and ment aga fo th bean of Fig 7. i ete ame ’ (ae ahaa eae T Nae rata eee ee S0srarrcauey ixosransavare srevcrvnes ‘By statics (Pig. 7) Vs = 21 ~ (.0)383,) ~ 1 ips upward Vem 9 (0)G890) ~ Sp kine dowtard Aternate Solution. 1f the reeton at is chosen us the reddant, ‘the hase determinate beam i the overhanging bean A apps a A and 1 (Fg ifa). The conition required geometry herein a vend! wat total deflection at ¢ of the ba bean doo to the applied los and the ‘edundant Vs should equ! tera Ae Velo Fem Fy th momenta mated (Fg 1) Bib = ORG) +18) = 0 (2.2) + apanew = 2 vipa By tho connate moth (apind AM oi 74) Bite = @) (2%) @ - (ex 9) = tine xy cowsisran paroMarioN — 81 [BRANG AND PRAOUES B Sine ria actions ’ r ane = HOE Tten) = 3O(BT¥ 90) = (80)(72) = 2,160 kp. n Dy ootes Va~ 18 ~ Wi KIB HR Erect exo. Davmine lan compat nl dawson eh taoe er tnben lH a 4 qe ge ’ Zs contin beam aaa he we Otaidemeseonatinin wpe Pet fe weet ait ea (ghetto of gi bear a {thisthar diagram Be STATICALLY INDETBRMINATR STRUCTURES: Solution. The iven bens as four reaction components aad is statsally indeterminate to the second dre, ‘By remoag the ou, ‘ors si Band C the cantdeverboum fued sed an eet Coe chet {thease determina ban. Th fem Fg i fn hee ten sf beams), (2) and (2) ithe giv bean. The condense onsen, Sash dn = Aor sect a6 = der ‘Before attempting ton tho values ofthe a'sn the above twoqotions, ‘he following wil fst be dane: The notation Sar wl be deed cise election st de to LA Toad at NI e -Aip lead aotest Bote ‘ase Ream Cg TE) the daltons at dhe pints Dy B, B and Cans (Sai?) 0 + (i) = 300 a (28) o-(85 7) on =H > (2) om = tg? AL act ol ts bam ig 75, hat a 30 Hr te = 4) aay + (2) co = Fst oe r= he tas Stn: = 08) 20 (8) «2 ea it ah ae =90( 98) +20 (288) «70 amet “BnAMS AND rEANBS BY COYSIOTSNT DEFORMATION $2 he oVae= SP rama m= Poe = YEP ve upead = Yate = 2 Vand $2 ye goact saving Vy = 28.75 ips pare V5 625 pe upmant By sation Z ¥,= 15 Xn uprant 1,5 4 pt coterie ‘The fretly, cher, and moment diagrams ae as chown in Fig, 15) * pen pose je beam AC be cows st Soliton. Suppor that the saple bs (to base um. "Tho voheanta se Vo an Mu The coodions of pee faa a < at sf i (i -e bamtredt a Bartemewranely terre tnpmtentban 4 sranicaay monrmnurnare srmcorones ety av ath lg nad daria 2 sl ero, ‘Thus, referring to Fig. 76, oi eas + n= Bar yaaa 2iy the conjogae-bam method te = 810 4 800, 8000 _ 305 ter = ger aes +4 BY RT ar fp 1.30500 — 20 ~ azo = in = PRBS 288 y, hs a =e suv= yen ~1(%) oa] = Ban aM. Subauating he above value into the sonditons of gometry, 86V e+ BBL, = 1595 ans" 36M, = 900 Saving My = 45 ip cousteroskvico Vi = 28,70 ipo apwrd By tation * Vs = 15 bps upward Ve = 625 hie upward [BEAMS AND PRANES BY CONSISTENT DSTORMATION 85 8, Tae Theorem of Least Wek Catlins» Thane of Lens Werk -rrraundant reaeton emponente of tatialy edtarminate su heave mh Uo make the fta tara work nim "fue prot of thetbeoren last work apd is pplication os be exraingd et bythe we ofthe example shown in Tig 7. "The bam ‘ikea in Pesta eatin sodterminae 4 Ch fst deers. it ‘oat the snp determinate Per of Fig 7b sablctd to the Ieus and Ps cathe reduadat oetion V's equivalent to the given iam, he conuitionrequted of gecmetry with which Pea be dater- ‘ined is the the defation at Bo tw eivalent beam sould be seo Thin defection by Custiglan’s theorem or by the paral deine tive metho, dy = a¥7/aVe 90 the condition for determining Vs i * 2 a a tie rennet dtesiotebar (beat rr oe 207/2V» = 0, or Vainwuh tomate the otal nieral work minimus. tly eeaking, when the Gre derivtiv ofa function at» ectain Sido Ge vercbe tre, the unetion may be either asauxinum oF & Jnineum, A mthotial proof ean be attempted forthe pret Problem tha be ied work mac be «mim, bat it sem uicece ry beens i plytaly fence that tho total work. can be foaaim tn ater wr, when ature hao ite free clo, it iinays tnd to conn wi or anergy. Te sue ide cn be extended {othe beam of Pg Sa, the euivaere bea of whichis dows in Fig Jon, Tae eondtions with which th redundante Wa and Vo can be Grcrmined ave t= OW 7@My =O and. dy ~ a07/0V% = 0; oF the oludants Ate and Vy are auch oe v9 maka the total Interna work & Ininimum. Ths apliestion of the theorem of eet work wil be ila {intel by tyo examples Bub 8 wil be found that the ton is bs ooblly deni! With that ofthe method of ersten deformation, ‘Twin reality, he othe of lust work and the meio of costa eforasion adeno methods, ba te consept of eonsitent deform a G0 starieaity twosrnmuivare srevertaas ‘Sep maybe mide prtereba bout pens the phys pltare tether thanx sila Beurle $8. Deiermine all reaction components fo tbe bean of Fig Toc tho mato of eat wot ener Mae em (2 an a ete weet whe ec 3/8 EP G- pda Rab fl ae IG ie wena 2[r-(+3) mgr cn 7 VSISTEKY DuFORWATION 87 88 sraricanay moeranwrvarn sneverunss By states Pate Wen F eer e Poi? a Rrample 38, Dotermial action components forthe beam of Pig aby the method of kat wok 200%) sgh wetteeo (an tan 46 elation The cantevr beam fied A ad fee at is chosen ae the equivalent beam, with Vs atl Vea thn rotndant (Hig $0), 1. ; v Afters ar. toe 4 cars +867, os “+ On7s + 1057 144 = rer. + 1a0v. — 50) -0 or, on smpstyng, S16V, + 14t0V. = 25,80 Bo [beret Ve we Fe Ye 2002 4 + [et Ve~ ais + (Ve ~ roe + 12) FIVE= ais 4 OV + 6) + (Vel de nA fl tere + are — v0. + (ors + mF — 100 4 nv + Soe — 5700 ae = uawve + csr mam =0 1,440V. + 46087 ~ 70200 Salvingthe bwocuations a derived from 3 /2V = Onn 26 /2Ve = 0, Ya = 2875 kgs upward Vo = 625 kgs upward By sation Va = $0 ~ (Va Ve) = 18 hips upmaed Mi = 5101200 2.) = 48 kp countrtockvian 8 trig retentive as, yah [ane =f, f trae 4 Yar +0 — ane +19 208 Vso) m6 0.4 Yat de) mt + rar ae Boch 0+ 7.— mes or tmte— sere Pee G87 de smal ae 28, Induced Reactions on Stataly Indeterminate Beams Dus to ‘ieding of Supports Eicher the vertical element of « simple wp! Gr Gh tlainal ap of « zed saport of a ltl indeterminate ‘eam wil lone indace reactions and, tbereby, soars and mcments in the an in addition to the de Uo he lull.” ore Can one 0 sraricauey iNDBrenwiNars sreveroRES sesleient or eldingeantivipatd, it bert doeemive the fot eactions due to oe facto ts tre ant he omnes dato Separate cous, Tho prcedur of doting sich lndueed rections by the mathod of content deformation bas flonss Fut, a bit skterminnte structure iechonn by moving th sree support cading Ue yielding apport and repli Hb by ntti srnpone fits, ‘Tho coudlion uf gernetry a tying support wil be that the detection or rotation there shouldbe agua athe pried sound of yeldng, the conditions at ll other redudante roqung sere dec. tion or rotation being the sume an before ‘Th the luge raeions td, herby, th dass ones inthe bam en he determined, ‘Bxample 10, Determine al ndased illu componente de ta & eral sottement offi the suppor B (Vig, St) op, r amt lost At ease peat Tinea Solution. The canleveebmam AC chosen athe haste deternat| ‘am, with Vs and Vo aevedundanic. Vs and Ve are the only force sling onthe eatever The onions of pomety ae a — han = bin aa ana Applying the moment-area math to Pig, 816 and, RVs n= Be) = os0t07 tn. kaw AND FRAMES BY COVSISTRYT DEFORMATION — 91 =F on) woserretn ouurrsin to = 250) ~ atv bitter etal feeeien trated users oateve=b cuits tne = Ve = 1.076 kine upmard VE 2 .d5 kip dower V, = 2800 Kips upward 42182 pt eonterclocioe ‘Auernto Solution. I tho simple ben AB i chosen at the ba trina beam, mith Vu ad fy wanda (Pig, #2), cho endl Saving By Hatie ane tomanar tent a fe gest Poa he Mas of geeky ars tua ta Bn Bon By the conjugate-bean method Vale _ 36s eu = Tear ~ ar Mab _ 8M a= SET RT Vale _ 287 ae Era Ma gg) — 38 gy = 208 es, n= BE a) — 282g = 20 corso, = oomrs ‘Subettasing the shore value ino the conden of geometry, omo14Ts ~ 0.010508 = & Vs = 2.45 hipe downward M2 18.8 pt couterdockice Va = 2300 Ape upeard Vo 0 1ar6 ips upwerd tin tn tn at ta Wf at Dy sation A, Ansys of Stately Indeterminate Temes by the Method ot Coiscat Detoratne Sas the dist seme x he enters of ‘Stamos re wendy ual wien compared wih beng orm ‘ange inn length ct meer ming to it some ean bead Selinusiy are nogcted The condos of sitet deormaon for {Shine cael nelvnnns fen terete the ered Tranetoning ra being aver oy Albough has bon found that tere eile els oth vlee of horedndant vo hinge tbo eth oe mcsibr atocoered im ling te tos fin an, an ta ode sous and hw ert tomes uate costed in design of the members. ae} “A” Amys the toring Fig rae shown in Fg 592 ty te etl of consent dorm ‘BrAwe AND PRAMES BY CONSISTENT DBrORICATION 8 Sofi, There are (oar rection components to be determines eee gees fame i ae indetarminate tothe Se degre, Rega oar wacom eomponeal ea be chown eth rodundan, 29 2 SSISI ay sation when Had then Yate ned the ‘edudant wl be shown ‘heat Sotion, When Hf emo aa tho raundant, the bate deter sms Abbetans i aged at an supported on borzontal roles t Tran Goo Ta do be he horxntal dation at D de to -kp lad Poco. the condition of geometry wth whih Ho can be dear creas hat the dection ta tho vit oving tothe apie loading TEI tb) mat boca to fhe dein ots to te fs oming to the Ce aes (Bg is) scythe toa dfection at Dis aro (Pe. 88), TEST Aliment area meliod or she unltiod method ean be wed to aaa nea fa, bo, vni-loud methad Is bere shows. Dy ne Pig Sa and, Table i zadefr the eompuiation oo. TH yy 76 ¥ t Sg [ge [af egt | vio [canoer [te re “A feemcl nae = age 47.776 + 4815 + 2.205 sinner i 13] 00 +o) de 4 srarvoatey zNoprsewuvars sraverunas ‘By sfosng to ig She Tabla 41-2 made forthe compuation of bm i= [arenes [ois tanner as + 0 Tat rom che endition of rometry y= ike = MEZIE = 13545 kato the kt Ue = 63455 kip to th lt Vi, = 6061S Kips upward V5 128067 pe pad By stator “The maction components are here compute to an uous degen of feeurcy 20 flat they Thay be chucked ith the rola ofthe ond Solution. Tn practical problems the urval ncersey of vee or four Sinn Siures ial dnt noosa. tnd Solution. Wha V aed auth rendant, tho basi eter oat srvtura a hinged sk D acd apport on vertical rls at A Tai (Fig 25), is samme here that «vollrmupprt can or either ‘put orm pl in'e diretion perpendicalar tothe mpporsing mirface ‘The condition of gromeiy ie Unt the deloton ds In the dovatard ne-ton dive 10 the appli loading (Fiz S20) must be equal to the nzaus avo reawns BY cONSISPSVT DEFORMATION 95 eomyere,. getlomy, I “MRS : cep ory Auton Vita the port destin due te ation of Yan ae ena a8 toe ts hui vreal ood at A Pg 85) ‘re Mad othe wed osm and# te valon of wh Fs BIB, = 84,1248 kiptt! bie, = 13872 ke 8 srarieazty iwosrmpuanare sraveruess rom th coin of geometry asa Vale Hing _ 941048 s Yam Te FS «oop tesoprard By sities Va = 17.9867 tps prac Ha = 40485 ipso thet Vi = 8.0085 kip upward Now all fear ection canzone on he wo hog sigh fame ae ‘norm Ths fwbedy hyn omens Tagen fo al ss 1 town inHg Se acing duns dacs {he mal sig coment ob cv tear eae We ie bbe hat tet the ght abe ed ees postive uma cron ihe topo tens etal Sam ar onl aR by Sing ae a ae Tell be very intr to rviy he geet of th tore frame ty camping the hed fei, etal dee feslona ees. Mura qari he nee as ‘Smads by iepection,iemnentare no ben sate ee, ining tl darcon opus. “Tise hort dapat Tig 8," Mistotenctel tae napoying he momenta nto oe Pena hemonen dng cabot calvin etna” moment tngns for en neater ne veal cere {ranger mete le sbla)y a ewan F602 Pea ths memen dagra for er BO ee sams we teat ‘unde to) he ent od, @) he nd moan the Tight end moment, All moment agra ate plotiel on ibe comprar, sen side ‘Example 42. Analyse the igi fume with two Read euppotsshowa, In Pg. a by tho mothe of ematontdfermation, Moen \ reastes BY CONSISTENT pAPORMATION #7 ae ‘to the third von tae ett negate 1 he ed Sen Tin ta td tg Deno ere: Toe acre, on wich My Hm, aod Vo Ce en of th tant and testa nd ari a ge gien estore (Mig. $76) mua al be sd it a the Gh ‘of the rotations of tangents at D of the fc eG fy hat ha rete so art ‘uve TAT doce T one ate iv ‘her + Matos + Hades + Vobr = 0 Ni as an 8 et a oe a ten srstare sf arti ean ‘vertical dats] bra are tho same quantities due to the action of ena can ie ard othe asin Hoar ae aed irate duo to action ee ring ob Diy eal ya an “pn apard Boone noel Leth ten he tons ipa cnn lien tee anand toni Ce pote res ere ae lore MH ed open eons of ee Mig sor sc ea na saat 28 ern lH te ome tao (reat t Fa 8) n= ~ 2000 down ore —em BH wet aye 2302 tava tg coantentse tor = 417 ERE weet Bru = 4206 wee ‘upward tn = HSER comtaceria .Ms AND PRAMES AY COMSISTSYE DEFORMATION 58 orarreaur iwozexenrvarn staveronss nee tostize ae fen = $810 4B vad te = 421058" cto tor = 4410 ER de te 2 Bee ‘oe arte for = 434 EE ; ‘onan pom sya 1 isto be noted that hy the lof reciprocal elections + buy = de = irs Gr Boa 48 bon = Bee = HNO b Sctnttating the above vale of and into the conions af grmm + “; ony, 2800 + 313» + 147 5He + 216V5 = 0 ‘: ae 8288 + MTDATS + 15082, 4 610Ps = 0 2 = S602 BEM. F Sloe + Bushs 2 9 u Solving the thre multe equation, Mo ~ +82.652 kipst counterclockwise - My = “och pet te Yo = 418200 le wad » » sta be ting the shore yal of Mo, Had Vs bck on th gen rane Ame 0 eth se ‘ud slvng by the tre equations oes Rat p = * ‘ ea) 4s = 29362 ip coercion Va = 10764 Kips upward 11, = Siero el 7 | 4 PBsfueboy, shat, and mrent diagrams fr ll members inthe given se dawn as Fig Sl fa [he deere frame a shown in Fig. 0 i fou by the momentarea A aed condins of snarl corn ge at lee Elf ge ein onan “When sgn te re Rima doyim__ kturen | site ot de ed gma, tn ores iene a 100 srarvcamiy inpareawivars sravorvRES s cee oan a ie =e see fleas) hy EIN ‘BEAMS AND FRAMES RY CONSISTENT DEFORMATION 301 sacs st soe ln th ie dp eg Les sh ne atte aces ah Sr ‘28 Indoced Reactions oa StaicllyIndetormizato Frases Due 1 102 srarioauay rwostenacmvare sraverunes slens ot arometry inside thove at tho ysiing-supperte whre the Akesion or station should be equ othe petri seu yang ‘an the atthe other unsllding sedundact suppers where th dg ton or rotaon should stil be ate. Whet the rendants ae found, ther aro put back on the basi structure as lode ua! the nosceg Seon component ary sled Ly the estan of state "The ang on in dvs sires, sary, and moments inal weber cat thes he found wu Brample 43. Determin all action components inde wo arto the frame of Fi. 90 hy th tational ip of 0.089 ra locks tnt fd « vericalwtmont of O45 Sn at joint D. B= 30/00 hin Tm toon Selon. ‘The fame fl at an fe a Dn chop athe basis feria atructro on whish only the redandaat recon compan Mo, Hy ad Vo re ating (Fi. 0) From Bape 4, eatecs 1 Attn 13 EB su nd 2. Artal dation rit Hh pat 8. Avra dite ta, Hp My ees ‘upmad at D. spe 1, A rotation of 147 st, 8 counterclockwise st D. 2, Adorzontal defection o 130836 BE" tothe ight at A hovtntal defection of 1208872¢ BEA" to th ight at. 2A rt dein 8101 span aD Eee ( counterclockwise 2D ‘ius ano reas ay consisrnvrrronvcarton 108 2 Arona dfetono 1072255 ty heat sie 3: Aveta nen 34887 pret aD renter toa cans am oth ae ‘ent toe cmon (Bm ones aoe after (a dagen niin ci fom in th promt cu Hand Yo sh be ch tn tobe eae iy sin oO ad dak hort ‘incon ose 4D, ands elton of 09 donned Stan tons rome 14 srarieauey wosraewivare sravorus (ae + 210V 0) apaoltt FLESH + 216¥0) seas yyy = ~0.08 ead (1050s + 120835 + 8107) PS 200 x aa ~ © ata. + stom, + 244879 ge TS ABV) rg y= —0.8 Saving the above tee eating, Me = $1099 Kip contndechwin = E1221 kip tthe ight 5 “B55 kipe downwan ae 1-2 ep emncn T= 120 kip to tert aupport at A and applying the momentearen the ie emo aah 47 oC a dake of ost ands petal tte oT ieee shana ener Snpan Si he tence CHAPTER ¥ ANALYSIS OF STATICALLY INDETERMINATE TRUSSES DY "THE METHOD OF CONSISTENT DEFORMATION 29, tTrostes Sutesty Indeterminate Because of Eatoreal Redandaat ‘Reactions, "The sali sail indeterminate tse wth exe FRtdoat redone by tho method of ronsitent deformation ecnsta [ite choosing a base deteranat tan on which the applied leading ot the vounant rencion set and thon applying the condition of tectetry routing atthe dfctons nth dection of he redundant Factions ust beer, Alar the danas ruins are for from tho sovatonn of sonata defer se Toston, they ean be app 0 the [Pron truce ad the remaining Pe ; Fone found by the. pinion of Tumple44, Deterieall ae. tion conpenenta wad theseesosin members the two-inged ty a howe in Pg 2 ‘Sluion The given trams sf 1 uotcalyLaterinate to We St “haben a non Wyre The tran Binge tA and eset furperted on rll at Bis chexn (he base determinate tra (Fig 98), with Hs x th redundant | The (nwo v¢ geometry i Se ~ Hedy where Bs the defection tothe Just B dn tos rip oad applied to the ltt B of tho basi trae toad tathod ied to avaante (Fig 94) sd (Fa 8). 106 sranvourny mosrenwinare sravervens sgt on Ee AR cenaearme ‘pausses BY covsisrsr oxrossaTion 10 “Tho ‘ay = 02002 in toto ht {y= COWST i, fo the lft _ ie _ 0202 . Hy ~ 4 = BAZ = 5115 pst the bt My = £718 ipa oth ight Vin Ve 8 hips upward "Th fal onmrdingram hon in Fig. 06; to resi in ll members ane found Ly mulllying all ral ia ig ie by 3718 and aking The products to haves Bg Ota, eet aot ample 8. Find the magitule and dreton of the vertical eae Tra Py Voy and Vode to. lod Of 1 Kp at jolt Zs (Pi 9) Sctuioa The given tras is saioly indeterminate tothe cond fee. Asp tne supported ony ons Le eda cose. a ran on wach th load op aud the redundant 7 ac nimsltaneouly (Pig. 88). The condos of ton srarroauty reoersenrvare sravesunss omic coud fom which Vs ad Yan be alin aro Vint Vata + Vatu = hain the notation bons the vet ipritot he vertical deflection at» due toa unit and All tbe § quantities nthe above te oli oto equations ca be found by eter sing he versal detections of a lower ort uno the bale rr We f0 load of {hip at joint 2 i the lao rsroal defacons i russes BY oNSISTEN? DEFORMATION 109 sty applied, Dither the angooweights method or the jointtie Murad ean be we or thin nstien. ‘Th attr metho has hed vo obtain the flleving vats (Fig 9: fy = ASSL 9 10> in Be Ase 3 10> toy the lof rsiproaldafetons 2088 X 10° i. ote = 2384 X 10" BS ty 2 east 3 107 n uitutng those vans of ino the two conditions of geometry, 4s51¥ } 24844 = 44086 BaedY, + 445017, = 3.3050 i Vy = 08846 Xp uprard Ve = 03068 kp upd et Ve = 00812 Xp downward = 9 skip domaward emassts zy i pe Tien imerens MOR sep oe a ae rr ravses bY covsrsraN DEFORWATION jury to th lative dntaneoBetnea tbe joints Ly and Us oe Fi ale a hice the rlasive movment (tater) between joints and Us to nie fares | hp-t Kip apled at joint and Us In tbat oy, hep of fone aut pul the joints and Us (which aro HO sraricaney rvozvenactnarn srnvorones ppcsseecmerieac . ‘sae merken iO. a A in. apr owing othe ation af the api nding) back toy Qhiy pasta the wn Ieeog tbe dian between Ly and Ua need Ft the angen a sean amb eh A I's toe ted tht tse (or ering to tet) tin sre ihe psn he nda Srey ented ob enfant mem wih at Trample 4 "Detrmne al ation eomponcta and he wees a sk members (Fig 101). meee setts Sty indent Date fra Reena ec sabe of tus Hall Idctorane toe ‘moral redandaté menor by he metodo eon ema oss in at dsving atk determinate tram by eoteng dg ka {ant member aod spacing them by po oreo tiea anh cudnt hn dane een Sgt Saino cach redundant mosor uate eu he Sona eat cf the mid redundant” Tae for oti Oe eae 0. ha ha rg ne ar pl ‘ely indent oat dager aie tee ay m= 3) 5 ~ G10) —3 = 0 membur for tae doar tay fetuly 10 mentor, ice intanlyinseminte to Un hen Tin member chon th lan ads see oko ee lates rorenied by the pl tees se tho Fg 10s. "The total lngtning of th rdundant menos et fanless in eda/ a8. Nom, avg te coc ot AN Soha, The given tuts is statically indeterminate tothe fr ogre, It stn be eonldrel fo have altar on external redundant {etctcn or oe interal redundant rhmber, ‘Tho ago Bs replaced [ye llr suport, the tes diagonal € becomes ser nd the et ees Saat AL 2 srarrcazcy mparsewivane sraverones bet BC hecomes rapertuou. Or digonal BC seu, the hinge meee Hon a hecames known in diretion; thi delim must be veal ‘int Solon. The diagonal BC ia chase a the Fedwedant, Cig 101). The condition af geomoty is i. eg) ~ ut nt = EP ater “The unitoad method sued to evant 4 (Fig. 102) and & (Fg 0), tt ' 8 = 58384 10- in ogee 4 = 22512 5 10- in, apt Substitning the values of A wn & into the eqution of coninent Aefersation, uc20) E0009) ue ~ IT. kipe compeenion {The saevor diagram i shown in Fg. 104. Vane given etn be found by adding 1734 times the dasa shown in Fig 102 to thas chow ia Rig 20 88388 x 10-4 — aye 2812 x 10> = ftom which {TRUSSES BY CONSISTENT DEFORMATION us e108 st A ie coon as the Sond Salation, The Dorian reason a Me dis oot oe at or dana ‘rw wie mth hab edo ete nos ri ‘he = 0.12278 in. Uo the tight Seimei tlhe uaintng the ca of a ina in equaon fenton ae 4. 042278 _ 13.60 ips to the Bet cota, ot = SER = nvm agra i shown in Fe, 18 Beagle af Find ll reaction compra smetbon eth cus down nF 15a paar) ab he ents andthe sess in all # wd sraricaniy INDETERMINATE sraueTURES Sdition, ‘The given 10a ls stately indetsnnate tothe oxcend ‘degre. Note that is us one extta diagonal fn the upper Panel aed tithe ono extra diagonal or one extra ration componon ithe lower, ‘In he solution blow, tho baie detrinatsstustue is obtained ty | tig the diagonals BC and DH and relaciog tom by ps of forces ‘2a, and ava, which selon che basic ti a ation tthe pied Toading ig 100) "The onions fr eoesitnt deformation are le Ante ahs = See ane aks tee heat etc 2 ibaa norma me tc Sat apd ep pre reron By heya te aloe (thee Sp eteerotrerpaney A. = 18.38 unite togeter ‘8 = A186 uae apr a= 6:28 ules togetior - 380 unl gene 5. = 8 ita togetbee Subatitting tho value of and 3 found above int the equi tniiict deformation, (1838) ~ 246125 — 20540) = Ce a8) — 210.50) ~ 947088) = oa 424 = stein diagonal BO — —1.54 hips or 1.4 kip compreion 12 © steasin diagonal DE = +30 kipa or 2.39 ke tonson ‘The anor dlagam la shown in ie 1070, A hese on the consistency of the grometry of dafrmation ean be eorormed ty cutting tbe ciagonsle AD and GP ef the trun shown fo Fig. la end sboving thet the role tovements along AD aa CP fr ual to th changor in the length of diagonals AD an CP. From Wig 107 iti sen that tho relative movement of 22.68 its together between joints A and Dix eosintant with the ita shorering of $2.70 [TRDSSRS BY CONSISTENT DBrORMATION ne lu of dlagooal APB, andthe ane is tue for agonal CF. Again on heres natal eta both tater and gery, he corset. eee ET IR oe i uate Fro is uh Et a ar alisane, ike anes of cnealy erate Gusev ESSA tal setantaus byte metal of oe ‘chun ranted yn olowng el > aamle 48. Fin al actions and the see inal me te tam shown iF 1 eee Mo sranicauty inpsrensaNars sraucavaes at ca \evwmene Solution, “The given trust ie satay indeterminate to the send dla tas oe extern edadant reaction atone ner eda Fis rte austin rn arise te diagonal BP (Fig 108), oth er Finn = eaten ‘Man ~ Yao) abe = Bee pore at 0 ‘The conditions for eusetent ‘and Ay ae, reapoesivly, the total ten see, the ImUsses BY CONSISTENT DeroRATION m bgt, andthe aoa of member BF. ‘The and & quan ae delle “The load mothed i wn to evaluate Ae and Ay (Big 109), foe hice 248 10" in, downaed 312 8 We, tater Me eit Meter epee Bee ger ‘The unitoud mod ie lo and Yo evalnty 2a, Bx = iy ad ig 10), for wach 8 yy eo = BE 10-yard ta = 388 x 104m domed 28 5 son part tha = B88 520-9 pe 2 24 X 10-4 ager Subattting the and values nto th aneations tanto (not theses], Sf snsnent defor MATICALGY INDETERUINATS sreverURES Sy, (28) « (208) Ee aes se Saving 18 kip tenon eo IRUBRES BY CONSISTEND DEFORN-ATION 1 432, Induced Reactions on Stately Indeterminate Trzset Due to ling of Spports, As dinamo previously, the ylding ofthe sop Dole of staially indeterminate trocture iadasee extemal rections td coreponding itera tree inthe struct ‘Tho reactions may th detained ty the tod of consistent deformation a allows: (0) (Choos s hase srcine which ix tally deleraaate by renova fie redundant oppor (se Veling support mis. bo eaeldered #5 Feud); (2) apply the eonition for eonestent deformation to the Pts of application of ll redundant Brample 40. Determize Ve Vo To roca of te rapport at La Bie 13), go te Ve cxmed by fin. ete peynotor ‘eset Romsereprs sco att aot at 19 sraricany moeranwivere srevoremes Sotelo. It bon computed In Example 45 tat, of the spe trout supported at Ly ad ly ony, 1, A downmard lend of 1 Kp a Jy snus ‘A downvat defection of 44531 > 10-¥in. at 1 Adownmard defection of 23848 % 10-*in at La 2, A dewanaed lal of 1 hip at Dy eases ‘2 Adownvard dietion of 238% 10-¥in ats 1 Rowman deletion of 18381 % 10-414 at De 1 tho prvnt problem let the unknown rerio be kia down ‘watd af Lrand Ve ke doennard stg. rom th eoniions of gms pH flows that (4d 10-4609) + aBH4 x 10-}C") = 40500 (Oa 5 10-3(V9) + GLAST > IOAN) = Saving, Vea -HISTAD Kips or Ya 187.8 ipa downoad Vem “B28 kipe or S128 kip upward By aati Ys = 9690 ips upwand V5 88 pe downseacd ‘The street inal! members somsponding to the four rnctons as shonin Fag 1128 a then be compat a Seat tr etn CHAPTER VI ‘THE TAREE JOMENT EQUATION, 3. The Three-manent Equston—Desiaton, The three-mement ton exprenes the tltion batween the being meats a three cra capprts of cntinuons eat, sbjeted toa crtsin ppd tg on tho various ep, ith oF witha unequal setement of jars, Ths rlaton ca by darved a the bass of the cotinaty The ease curve ever the midlaoupport; that, th slope of the vot athe sight end of he at span must be aqua othe stone of he Nuva a hola ead of th ight span. The derivation fallow: [ee AB and BC, Fig, 118, be two adjacent apans ca coatinicus be ‘which ong to unequal elements supports A and C eo ot bigher ons than sipport bythe amounts hy aad ey especialy. Lat Ia and Ate be the snmette at, B, and wave Case ements 12 STATICALLY IwosyRewivare srmvenuREs ‘70 postive if they caus compresion In tha upper pats the bea Now easside Fig. 114, hore aoe diagram on san A rok {wo parts: Fg. 11 rere the moment dgrem & ee ta the Far are ar etl srg ie 1 Ferd feats the oment dig reeling rem the ements a th appre, Figur Lareprosrta the entire moment agar, the su ol Pe sede (Por simply Sand Mare shown of the sae sg us, ‘hough uly they we native aud pulse) cme igure 119 represents the moment diagram on the we sane AB and 1BC broken dows lato pate fast he single sas 0 in Bg BE etal es eee acrecleasi oe ace casio Avand Acre now, an the objet the analysis ofa he momenta My My aod Me a suppers ‘Xechition beeen Ay Ay ad Mean be derived feo the oadion atthe haus continue oF the tangent wo the eae oun BA inom tho same sraght ise a he tangent a te the laste curve [BC (Bigs) spre in another manne, the joint ean be sx sider aoa reid jen and the tangents sto the ste cave oo fvchside mot remain a IB" each oer. In Fig. 13a tangata 3 ‘ndeawn, aad from the coiton of ody dseussol above, te flow Ing equation is obtain, rac aan _ oe ty 7 dy = as) whieh AAT = he = AA =~ (tection of fom tn taser at 5) Bas wheat tes E oea oig anos wal sun rime woMaNT movAcION 1 sod C0" = CC% ~ be = (eecton of € trom the tangent a) — he a flan Mats +2 ana] te a Subatitating Kgs (49) ane (5) ito Ka. 18), Met at San heh dae} a + BL = gigas + ane + pers) — 2 G Maeying every term in Gi) by BH and musing, aw. ((2) +200 (+2) + e() * Bar. GAs 4 OR | Oke Tia Tet T+ Tye ON aston G2) I known a the rvenoment equation. 1D. Appleation of the Theeesmoment Equation To the Anais of Stacaly Indeterminate Beane.” Tho thronmoment equation an be Ave to soupae vstiely indeterinate bean For can i Posie to maya the conics Darn of Fig. 18, which i booted J eeceef HTT pry ‘the applied loading shown, The beam slaialyfndeterminare tho thd deproe bat wil be completely asved whan the bes pce at all supports ao known. The momeats at apport A and he ely foun by Inpesion, Fer termining the momenta 3 Bris By Cpa Ds Gare Baertsereh lias ta Ee ea Tae a contin st supports B,C, and D. Tn othr word, the ving monenis Mn Moy apd Ap ae0 chosen a the sauna, {he conditions roger of goat are those of contin, mak Tn exprned by the Uermoment equation. Thus (are are at hy candies of continu ae thee are unknown moments atthe vate mipports, Once the ending. momnta at all oppor Tee ach apace eae partly ab bel subjected othe ed Toning on the epan and tho ead momenta Shane atthe ends 12k sravioarny mpereuwpvare srewcre ies each span en be fund by the avs states, and shear and momect isganns canbe dru accordingly TH he cntnuous boa fas 2 fase, the Deno omens ab the sad upport sono of the okross (Bg. 110). This ease may be ‘Pastel Br falows:The condition ruil goomtry’ whch eoesponds othe uninown faet-end mop thst Ue ope f tho tangent at vero Tia eonition cut betty sng inogiary pan Aud caine = ee Ltt rainy mr ite erg fee any length La simply ruported st Ae and th an infinitely lar Seo a nenda ata eetgione Tas tne ogealion, when Bpacl toe pane AeA nd 0 (ead 117) tomes 1 (3) +20. (4) an) = M04 Noting that My ~ O and f/'# = 0 in Ba (58), =] srmtmin Ba (0 AO orate Nigel aoe aenellt ed fq (3) tte soe 6 ig 117) ete {he elon Bou th tgp, whieh in AY ETA tin an sot be cunt to Bibs the "A vt enn hoist.” Te Pane, Instead of By (9), can bo wed ‘xpress the edition of gong rg wt th Bx support. ur reese MOMENT HQUATION 136 In devving the shrecrmoment equation, Ea. 52, the applied long ‘ot unwaltlemente of sports sre conidecedsimllaneousi. a rear ie in found. ere sonvenions vo onder the fet of each eerste ao that the doignor may understand how mds Deng ce YE hc apted lounge acd how mock by the profited amt Ponequal tems, 2 Peale EO. Analyze the continuous beam shown in Fig. 1188 by ne ne Myeenomens equation Draw abeae at omen ingress het the lati eure, epee trae ree te # fe ea as ue rirsewouner nqcarion wipes ccm iacseamen sg in, Ceectal Boyt aval | 196 srarsoauey rosveruavare sravorvnse ‘yan 1G, separate moment diagram ave drawn forthe ufos I {hd forthe connate lon. Py inspection, Ara ~ 0 and My ~ —18 pf (negative becuse i Tapers we |S Te pa pe ‘ute comprarive stra on tie lwer pat of the bra Pepe le Es — ‘Applying the threosmamenteqition to Aeron fe Far sara as ae ad 0 ee Siete Ee poe 2 a, 21 a +e an orn cine Ma(Gl) +2 (Gf) + me (Gt) Tus) _ wa ene) ~ aan oo Spoue BO and CD: ¢ Bs Pears 12) ile a0 ete. a(ii) tame (th) + 0G) ies fel = 987409 _ Mesa C2) saber ony — “en Binpliring, athe ae BM} 24Me = (osha aren Baits’ 18Me = Soving, My = =107-0 tne Me > Liaea eit Before proceeding any frcer, iin will this point bo check the ‘telnet ofthe values dtaranued above for My and. Mer Thin cas Tedone by cesking tin sane AM ant and Bin opans HC and GD, ring the eonjugnteam tmethod, iti obviow thatthe total tated Angra on each span she som of tha in Tig 1886 a ‘Appving the conga beam method to ipa 0p ccewie a= yp Has — 4d = Spon: web ies 4a 44 sp ett My = £1150 BE erie 128 srarveaiey awnerexwuvare sraveruees Seer eee Span BC: = fe ; ee we loess = 45.22 HEY coun rlockv i ts gee fe Repel Ean Bie my ag A— Ms 44] = - 120g unoatvn 11st be note tha Mand wee fund othe basi of sontinity sc auppors Bal Ce, by the tbrewmemestsqoation, ‘Ther values faust be checked accordingly, bythe tguimaente for continuity B Ad C16, in pon A= #y pan BC abd Yea spn BO = fe a eb. "The rentions are determined ss shown ia Fig 185, The catl end resetion atthe end of each sas fea othe sum f he teaston due tothe spp lading on the apn (ply supported) ad at dc to ‘the moments a the dof the npn Pot netanc, the no ee nd roments acting on span BC i 10770 — 732 ~ 3408 hip entre ven dogs en loiwin, which reies «dolor eatin Gale, oe an and Tests Traction of 9408/21 ~ 1.20 kipe at fe and a donnard mracton af TH Kp a ‘The tot reaction to the satin bam a upp 1 agua tothe sum of the end mavtone at I a opane BA and BO ot a= 28075-35490 = 02405 kipe Aor all rations are dele ‘nad, the tar dagrn i drat a town Bg 118%. "The poital 410 shest span AB at 8035/8 = 8.008 from support A. Tho we Re eacee, fares ofeach branch of the dca diagram i computed and is indicated on ‘ervey wns se se Jing that the reactions four ive are correct. ‘The qualitative elastic: eA Bee dares rege ee aa “eae See yee Oe, we) oll) rome epestt are pel keg ) + ate (2+ a7) + mei) = Sans too srarcasr osrenwonaresravorcess Bene 1G) 2H (fi) va (@) (34) +20 (34-682) + (2) Saving, By = ~018 Kips Ma = “101 kins Me = ~7342 kip 1 canbe seen thatthe moment ried to hod dhe tanger at A ‘he horiapcal poston is very mal, beeuse ts only O20 ip IE (ig. 1194) when therois asia rapport at asin eagle Yor checking the values devained avs for Mar fo and Me the ugatebeam method sagan ed to inl tnd 6" The ucete ingram each span it ut of thw ia Pg 2h ad ‘Applying th conjugae-beamy uehod to ‘Spon AB: bys 44s day =o. a= year HAs — 44, 4a tem pihls— Ms bad = rc as t= play M+ Ad ~ 44s ~ Ada = 47.0488 Sone estas ase eared pee = 0535 BE aaron Levene Span cD: ee 20) en Aa Ady = 44 i ] 0024 BE counterclockwise oer ‘ue runes nowsN? nqwATION i the sete fo the "The reactions, shone and moment dlgranin, andthe setch size nutes y ie a” TBeample 62." Analy the contianour bea chown i Fig. 11a in cellent al mappa hy ig the theee moment Macston, Hwshearan ome cingrns Skutch the clots ere EEEEE ee ela cia peat Re aT eT Acne aaa ve 12 stantouny twperzeminare sravcrvsns Sota. When there are unequal etme of sepports but w pple lneing, Ue hreeenoment ation bor aus() ar (4) + ae) «+ “Appiing the thee-stonent equation to Spans AB and BC sus) 2m (+28) + ate 38) stir | ot “+ arxinin + pens BC and CD: (Gi) +2 (G +) + (i) = + ate sd simply (123Ms +2440) kip = 051042 Kips G@AMy + 168M,) Kin = ~217014 Sipe My ~ 454051 ips Me = “20730 Kitt ‘The sestony taster wih shou and moment diagrams, ae ahowa in Fg. 110 ta de_‘Tho sketch of Uh cls carve iy shown a Pg 3 ‘Ave chek forthe corrects ofthe tale for A determin! shove, tho lage ofthe tangent at B, aeons fem span AB Wy the com {leben nto should be aqua to tat from aan BC. "Fora check fu Me the spe aC comput (om span HC bald bo equal ha ftom span CD. See Fig. 13e Slope of tangent at at compted fom span A? mar x 10 phy 9 a Hie Bh 84822 10-*— apap, 1285.0) = =p x 10° ad ennterorkiso Slope of tango x as computed for pan BC Boling, 5 ieee sera x10" — sly Ea + hy A) 117061 10° = eared 1) ~ «ess = 17361 ‘ash any (4870.12) ~ G4)e2488 96) = F009 x 10° rad ooanterdocknoe say rane MOMENT BQUATION ‘Stop of gta @ ae computed from spun BG ud cm vpsr xy ye - 144 (4) 870.1) ~ 288.98) = Lan x 10 pata (OER “= -+Loson x 107 fad countrloekie spe gt aCe a a ‘ ogy (ECL DA = an 9 ~ oman 4 ? TRB x sa omer ss Bod amet Rae Ah car wang eon tote ak erent Saga Ste cae tang eine men ae (2) ram 8) 90 (2) = Se Spene Aud ont AB: sna() ame(le+ 8) +e) - er (ed) spans AB nd Me an 5 4) + a(t) ~ sufi) 00 Ga) wa (2) #200 ) sa() +20 (eB) me) - 0 fan Tass + aan = $051082 kins fe 108ile = ~270.14 bps be My = <9 wpe Sih = 488070 Mp Me = 72520 Kip i srarreauny 1vormuanars srecerunes ‘u rmexeuowenr novarioN 135 te rections svar and momeat diagrams, an Ue lati cve am pas ie Fe th vu of A Mn ad Be ol aor, the dopa Bere ee eu com by he cmbuentetean ! ett ena, oe Bef ona A as omit pn AB i nan x 10+ gpg te 49 site ei z “3 — Beers as ceemeaod = 34m 310-4 gy BAe HD ‘ae Oemiatin of ot = 10816 « 10° ead eons Slope of tangata Bax computed fom open BC us the three conditions of geometry at suppers 4, B, and C aro antl, and the cocoa ofthe soltion sre be 7361 10" er? es ours 310-4 gly Ga 149 Pm 10 a nen Poe get a 8 epi fr pan BE ma cw tg as — 9 ieee 1 jnne x 10~ a mck e ovat ng at Cs cmp rom en CD fi a pip (40 = #24102 1 a coterie Pesce te prs ewe, Sanye an contin esta hn hse eae < (ine Se ee ea agnanSeach the ai ee a efe “ ip 186 sSranieauty expaneeuivare sraverenEs ore ong ts sent of 8155 Ser Be Dr aa a noes Eenae nem fee aia as um wn ete, aa: Sia acy Sy cuarren Yl ‘THE SLOPE-DEFLECTION METHOD 48, Gonaat Description of the Slop-defetion Method. The slop fesse rctbd ean be wed satya all ype of statclly ie Pe a dei func. Yn the cota fins are consid- a eae soon ben rents atthe ots ae eomsdeel ated in value ao ce are ppb, the jolts af the vie tapnoes of steal ftarmito Youn cn be conden Festa adda he ots i ih Fa ae 9 i “vbee tous or framet ae fond, the sig ola are con= Se ees aly ann nln ater terms the antes between he dee ihc aroun branches ofthe laste carve meting a » it eet wane at tose n the orignal wedtormed srt Th the copetetion meth the rotation of the jlnt are treated ease tae Tt be shown intr tha for any one more boda relat the end nents et espreaed in ene of the ee Be ie eae atty Om onion of elitr, the sus ofthe sake wv becuse these lt queso uote the Mier thewe end woments only reversed in drection)Thisequation of iets rsa the necsary condi vo cope with she ukown Milatog at he jin and whan these woken jin casons ae fous fied snests ea be comspited from the nope-deecton equations Which wl be derived in the nest atl "Pe theory in the precolingparagra Jollosing cumple: Supp hat ese sequel Lo analyze the i frame Te Lisa ax shown "Thin fsne is satay Sodeterninate {i Tae sh depen, "he saibed of consistent deformation could be tet bat the stacunt of work nvaved would make that method o> (hehe "eto be ate hay in tha problr, Inca the frame ts tro narigontal movement ty ie conbection at and fom verte per cuetey te heed tans at and F, abd snee axl deformation Tie esa mull posted ll jis of his frame mast rma a remem Toatngs Ce ease in whic amo fs may bags seein the fe is delcraned wl be taken up ater) Claw Pine rtaione ae coined toe pei, auc a8 aro shown in lg wil be further eld the 198 srAricauer monrmewinane sravorviene 1230, ‘The fvehay diagrams fall members are shows la Fg, 1250, [At ony one eu of eech member, thereat tree Fenton component cect pull oF thrust, ead star a end roment. "The end moment Which ota tod of mesher Al a denoled te Man ha at end Ba Imomber Ai as M,.. Conmteclnbwise end moments acting. on the smambers are considered oh punter, postive ed momenta biog shown ing. 128. Tes posible, bythe use of Us sloped equation o De derived inthe ext aril, to expos the td moments of ach tember in arms of tbe ed volaion an the nang which seem the tember, ‘Ths the eight rad moments tha problem ean br expr in terms of she tro uakuown joint reasons. The fread dingrame fll juints are shown in ig 125e. Of eau he ation ofthe ent (on tho ot enalat o«freo nthe desi ofthe aie ofthe member, ‘focceperpenuse to hie, and moment, ach lg the os fs ation af the ont on the meer Ia Fg 13, nly the moments tre shown "These amen ze dexwn i tht porte dst, wich [Seloctuie, For equim, summation of all monet acting om each Joint mst be ser. Ths Joint cocition a2 Mast Shot Mas =0 ax storepzruporion wero 10 n condition at Mont Mor =0 shove to eqpatons are necteary nd aici to datormine the cso oan er Allend suoanante can thon be found by sulting Teno ja rlaions into tho ape dfetion option. By tho ics of satin the ret str and shar and moment dagrama for meres ean be fo Ti hn een spestaly pointed ut tha the analyse of telly ndo= inate sructares must salty both slaee and geometry. Ta the Iileton meted of anlying rigid frames the cenitensroguled the gece the defor steartar, which ae thas of he igs the ints re sll atthe cutart hy ealing te eine elation one le wobacwa at sac joint Ths ths eons of tates, regi he mu shen acting cm ach jit bn toro, owed to salve he nt rotation, ‘Derivation ef the Sope-eflection Equations In the slope lon aquations the end moment atiag st the eds of « member ere er speed infra of tho er tation a the long on the meme TT for span A shown ia Tig 12 it sequel to apes Mag AMesin tern he el rotations Dua ysl the sppied oad fel Py Note thatthe end moctents ate sown a snlerockne live) andthe nd rotations ae te cake (pave). Now, ‘he api loading onthe member the sed end ooees, Mae Meas oath shown at eoutersloskwe) ae roquied to bold the i a the ends sed Fig, HAD) The addon end monn, fil Af ahd bach a to ete soatons of sal B veges By If dant aro deed ventions eae hy and Gen Ty M; (ig Ble aad) the eondtons equ at geometry ae omits oo uneroston Mas = Meas + My Men = Mon ou By the conjgate-beam method ™ we ent = OE A t= nw ME a “hr mir Suatig 8) no 0, gph omg ae ~~ 37 + SBT emgage fa =r ~ ir Salvng a. (0) fr and, ine 4 wy oe utettting Ba, (0) into Pa. 6), peas Ma = Mat (2m, oo Monet BEL turnin ora of a ed rtaGon Ca ape Taco Not Gh Mn Mt wp a cca Teta fo lhe gh tc of be maa’ wl bakes op ham docs o Separtes teed we Se haa THI | fou, é Intent teams the peer metho! aos (on 1 Determine the Saget moments a the ends eu pa ng he formas shown in Fig 36 ; ee (ee nies et Sera ee tae OE tne 2, Bape al ond monentin ens of he e-end moment and the P Estublish simmultaneaue equations with the rotations ab the supports: Sing on the end ra meting atthe apport shoul be Bing om the end othe to 1 Salve forthe rotation tal supports F SteSitate the rotations back lato the slopedertion equations Aon cmpute the end nomen Determine all rests, hich he acre eae Hanes Ga Analy the continu ear sown in Fig. 17 by the Went ccthods Drow shear and mom diagrams, Sketch hr etatic curve Soten. Inthe sloyedeflctonexuations “draw shear and eoment dlagrams, and 2H Mas = Moe +3 ase Bint Lt wr cocficens 2EI/L before th parenthesis ifereatfor enc open T eaBIYE valve for sil saan ae made N times salt, the elect Me fc ealy to make al @ value NV Ges larger, while the produce hs cape BRI[L al (= 28yr = Bu), OF the vas of the eo eee natn unchanged, If the abeole maenites of the 8 neat dr of dees intrest therefor, the reative values of 2B eee eto the tetbenss Te the relative ales of 1/2 are Bett ao ation stacey the slope-Lleetion equations became May = Myas + Kast =28. 9) Mn = Mya t Kul 20— 00) oe i etatve iss. Tn the present example the vals of the eeladve ee ye sincn arm termined i Table fa Bim | aa | ai * Fant and None epee ta FCCC Mesa = 4 OE? = 0 ep aig veces Mina = ~36 Hs [eat eee tine = + 2B + qyanen ~ 4308 pean ae Meee = + SDE — a2 napse seg Ho 1600 eS = - GOOEY - erie 0s ae Aine = = OBO seit hel ake oe Slopedeetion puatins, By weng, the modedslopedetetion sa vo aa), tho away cape rt ed sent or ead AIT shear eins Sane 436 - Ge 30 Woo atcate =e) = Lian lot oe Beds Gane atate eg) 492 se eles wees Ted aca 03 2 Ais Lesa a en Centon eit A Maso ae = Mat Me =O : ein aia Mer Mer =0 ae Soin Me = =I ups (Wet: End ment Mee = "18 p I) Binuioncie Bquatons, Wy smiling the slopedferton equal nt eonitons, the flowing walla eat ate tate, 80, Woe 5 = 10 Sig = 290 = 4408 of Bae.) 10 (0, ‘Rin important wo arrange the tmbacnns inthe onder of long the Bo Tons B,C, and Din ee vot dvi Salton for Relate Vals of Jost Ration =n = B05 = I= 160, tae = S1Sth — 1 ~ 24y = 4 = mae Subir twice (0) fr (3, $200 + 10Fe = 49084 Swherating 4 ran tie), 20 Mulyng (by 26, ing ae, ie +704 Sitar Subatiatng hint 119327 — tote = 4280 gon meer CD at D i 18 ip clarke of rt thigh on he sie iy ari nea Ss Stl pent “19008 310" fom We = 000567 x 10+ (e) Spm cD: 2EI _ (2190.01.00) ana Stop defston Bavctons Mas ~ 104167 (= 2h, — te + (NL+SATDD X 10-9) ote he = 104,165 + NBC + @)Gsarz x 10-9) “ose, ~ 10,1070, + 1085.00 Aye = 17361 |= 20 ~ fo C= 1TBBI X 10-9) Strate — 17361186 90422 Moa = 178,61 (= 286 ~ 44 + YL TBI x 10-91 1 34t22te — 1736116, — 0422 Meo = 68444 [= 286 ~ to + GO) = ~1BBASOBe ~ O.AMy ‘Moe = GUA [= 295 — 46-4 (3)O)} = —1B888086 — 09.4496 = pace pte Budeiuting into p, ubstiating (9) into 0, 5 = ~071889 x 10 Putesitating (Dino (@, + 0.68668 10 = ~098 x nha ~ fen = ~3.20800 x 10-4 H,= $522028 X10 Gm) Mas = 104367 |= 2p = Computes for Bnd Moments (20585 +5.20128 10-9 ~ (104,167)(—00m185 x 10-9) + 1056.05 fo = (208,889) —0.08185 10-9) ~ (104167)4820438 10-9. “4 shon = S451 kip BAT 2. 0.08185 x 30-4 — (IPAEIIC 190008 10-9) oe = 54751 Kips = 179611 ~0.0s185 % 10"), Meo = (917 222)(~100005 x 10 oint Conditions 22 = = 0730 ip ont A: Man @ eo = (138 880)(—1.99085 10-9 ~ (0,448)(+0.90507 10-7) Toit Mac} Mae = 0 ® 4039 pe ont C: Met Mes = 0 © Moe ~ (188380) (4.090647 x 10-9 — (.48)(—1 S005 1-4 sit D: Meso @ to We sranioazar ryosraeuaware sravervRes ‘Tho restos, shen sown in Fig 18 ‘A goo! epevent check can be mado by Fding BOF Pi. 181) by (he meenraren method. 11 moment diagrams, and the olatio ooo ane = (Hn hy moment fara A abot 2) = dan a2 > 109 ~ gyal oy [SCO] = 075200 n, — 0.25220, = 0.5000 in (eet) ise aor sae minmstnanmsnrcicinie Sut tek tiatel es Sona ‘iin "Pans ta fren dts nw 4 SO w 40m wd BBL _ @N8000018.000) 9567 up Tu) Saon Be: 01 ¥ 10 rt DET _ CGNON0(16,00) 475.544 ip Zaye) oe Spm 0D: B=0 230 002,000) “Ganda AM Ne ‘Stepirfcion Epon In th prosent omg, 6, known tobe Map = WOA1OT1—29s ~ te + 3¢4+8.4722 x 10-9] = —104.10706 Mog ~ 10467126 Mac = 1736111204 ta + BATE X 10-9) = ~208,8830, 1086.00, ce} S(=1. 7381 x 10-9) = — 34 22 ~ 173,6ity ~ 00622 Moe = 17511|—24e ~ e+ (=1.7881 x 10-9) = — 54722200 Me 60 ,4i|—29. = Boa = e444[—205 — 0+ 300] = 4-30)] = ~138,3809. — 09444 sane, — enttan, inal ER Paar baa waka enhaae aol | ‘ins Condtions Joint: Mast Mee = 0 Sone: Mest Men =O Suit: Maeno ey et eerie erect oe Timea =m 9 See eta od Solving “+108150 x 10-1 be = stim 3107 o> Lams 5 10~ Compstat for Bnd Moments ‘Tho end moments are computa by cate Ginting dn # value na the stpeefrtion equation. Mae = 197282 i ah 890.75 bp Sine = 5078 nptt Mee = = 28200 kip. ‘Men = 425200 Miptt Mee =0 “The rotons, shes and tomont diagrams and the elateeurve are sharma tn Fig, 19 "hoo! iniependent check canbe wade by Soding BB” (Eg 182) by ‘tho moment aren metho Be aieasht ts wa Se aire A tet ali 161290) — eis) tare thant 7, Anyang nett of 28 A ren i sets we oan ea tt e th ° 7 ik 2 | Le ie stors-pavnacrion sesra0n 157 0. Appleton of the Slope-etection Method t the Analyse of Suazaly determinate Frames. Coss I—witlout Joint Moment he moto Hoge deevson uations Man Mar Kasl—204 ~ 0) Mat = Meu} Kus(—206 — 0) Ye wed to anya stately indeterminate fae wher oats Femain fen Toston during deformason, Again the avs defers ion isthe mers owing tet ten a nepetad in applying the Fondition of sonnet daferation to tho analy but diet ean, fogethe with sear ard moments, sat be coir i the desi af Bovicc. "The conde for civtent deforaatac att Une Ur Fit of joints, ortho angle Between any two tangents tothe deste barves cing a a oat mu rena the nse natin Ue gal Wsformed mrvtire. In the slopedesction method the notation at fac jt conidered arth wow, le the enon crepe Ing othe waknown one of tater; Unt the rum of the moment, ax fxoresol by the dope-fecionequstions, sting che Jot ual Potting, Alter thelator arene alee moments ea bo found fem Who lope deetion ations» With ll end snomeats on, the diet sirens, soa, and toment nal member can be foved by plying the pines of states to the indvdual eer Example 68, Analyze the rg frame shown in Ti. 138 by the slope= elton math "Find the dive srs, soars solomon all Iombern, Sketch the defrmedwiructare aft 2 “2 Solution, Joints A and C ar Sead: joint B mast beat 0 ft ta the leftofC wnat 20fe above A, and therefore itramsins stationary. Tie I de flat cot move, and er forall ember, 153 sranieauuy rrosranuivare sravervess Faletve Sines ond Pizednd Moments (ig 134) 120 Kitt Slop action Bruaion, 04 and ate bth aro Man = 04 1-204 00) = Mat = 04 1-28 — let = 2), 1) = 24 pte Mase = +1204 2(-29." 9) = $10 — din = (E380) — C19) = ps Men 190-4 2-206 — ta) = = 120 — 28y = (120) > (ICH = HE kip Loins Condition "ho free bay hon, and moment deren of Ua nividual members areshownin Tig 195. ‘Thefteebedy dgrn, stent diagram, and the thet curve ate shown in Fi, 180 ow i oe ‘e * eet ne ee Se | ‘Beample 68, Analyze hs sigl frame shown in Fi. 197 bythe slop: etstion mesh. Find the dos sts, sear, and moments ial Tovmbens, ‘Sketch the deformed srctare at eh aE Solution. Joints A, B,C, and D mut ll romain fd i teen, hs, esr feral membe ue swoeR-osetecriON weTH0D 1 100 _BFATICALLY INDEFRRWINATR seRVOTC RES Relate Sess and Fizlend Moments (Pig. 138) “The fee body, shear and moment dingrame ofthe invidual mesbera “Tue te ve showa in Fig 130, ‘The fre body dgra, moment diagram, and fhe elas curve ate shown a Fie. 140. e tg a Pla GH, Dx fee oo, -)xo|s Bs a ete en Spm AB: Mean = + P22 a0 ips FIO Me = =0Uit Som Be = (OBL srisaiipn CODE" res sipt ph Man = 480-4 A= 28, — a ve +80 — (8)(+9-5322) om 9 Ady a= iy © (cts) cactasmb — nina ita itsan = 99 2 tie a, aoe ont, sot 2” eyes — @)e-aata = 18801 knee 2 etc) Tok Fete sg = Sma ane at BS es Tins © ei aaras) —(oceowses > “ans uipte Mev = 0+ (286 = 65) = ~1086 — +44.75 kip-tt Stipa bbieategned y stoke, Meloy se 0) aS sare Toint Conditions oe: * aso Bes be Meat Mee =0 tm sraricauer inversnwnvare sravereRss ranple 60. Analyze he rgd frame hewn in Fig, Lt by the lope Atetion metbod.Devw shar and moment ngrams. Sketch Co Armed srt, hum @ Solution. Joints D, Band Fate fed. Joints 4, B, and C cannot move in he vera dni, bt wath ay sie these stance in the horizontal dirstion. Inthe proea example, howe, on cont ‘the mgmmetty both inthe properties ofthe frame sad in the spond Toating, joints A,B and © vl not have any horiontal dplcenent "Thus He equal tos fr all meer Relative Sten ond Pinhead Moment (Pi. 12) Me = Mine 4 Meg = Mocs = —288kipft Slopedetiction Bquations. to, te, vd 97 ar knoe tobe nna, By symmetry: (1) fe = 8c and 69) = 4288 — 60, = 4288 — 430) Fie 288 — 50, = —288 e430) 4388 + GC430) = +200 Mea = -288 + 8(=20¢— 09) = 288 4 604 = —288 + (2989) = a kip = HBR 4 (2m — 09 = $268 4 1H stoeE-DErEACTION uarHOD 193, 28, (DCH = 7p 1. (430) = Soe Min = 0-4 1-28, — Mor = 0-4 1(=285 = = 42490) = 44 Mpc 20-4 (247 — 00) = $c (490) ~ 480Kpte oink Conditions inte Joint AZ Man} Mae =O 4288 ~ 6 201 = 0 a 90 ‘The joint copious at and C ate sted on account of the know facts (1) fe = —0a a (2) ta = “Ths reo, sha, afd creat dagrams ofthe nda members sve shown in Fig. 148. The feeoly diagram, moment diagram, and ptt. cals bd ods ok dd Tt srAnieaner mwosreRMINAre sravcrURES {THR s1ors-pseusesi0N ssrHOD 15 sxmnerses 44, Applation of the Slope-detecton Method to the Anal Fee pices ance ena Statzaly Indetermiante Erumen, Case II-—with Join Movement Seas ee era sie a When oud re app Lo stately indetrminate rae, Uhr are eos ‘Namie er rarer in which some [outs move unknown dotance, lth usually in own dvetions Take for asanc, the Tig fmm of Pig 1450 ho Joins and Pate ft he jae, B, aed C aay aoowe eal cb a ay Cr poe dake tne onal ae | See he cane see oe Th eh thes Ran | Ramp Rea we starvoauy svoaraneiwara araverines ‘asthe dopedfeton estos (6) Maneater Ban nes Moan ent 2H an, 0.4 38) rust te ied for members AD, BE, and CF, Ite necoary, then, to fest another coalition Lo cope nth the urknown amu of sara, 4 » Pie ch tit “Pe (etree dopa Abate ‘By applying tho equations of statis tothe foe bole of members AD, Ehjaed CF (sy Ma 4 Ps 4 Maat Moe Ba atte th ‘By applying Ue equate 217 = 0, af tat to the whole rae shown in Ti. 1, HPs ~ Me ~ Mette =0 on Equation (67) agora call the she equaion or the let equation, hich fries the extra condition careening to the extn uum ‘Nes, tko the sd frame of Fig. 14S. The jones GH, ant ace xed but the joints 4, By and C may move an amount, By, horeatally 1 the right, andthe joint D, Hand Fan amount, dy, OBviculy, most be poster than Sy By defiton Ras = Bay Bop = Ste ‘rae suoe-onruseriow werH0D 17 sod po tee “The sopedefstion ection ia to form of Bas (6) ar tobe ae fr silvertcd menbentIeienesay tbave to conditions eorespon Peele lam lee te “Paw “Die Ing iy th uhaovan 4 and From the esedy dgrams fA, BE a oF ig 0) 03 Sranioany mowremanars sravervees ‘up stors-psruscrioN we7K0D 100 ‘i secondo fo th pet ary, by ing ot fe by oe AB: Ae = + OO". aap +P, — He Ha ~ He =0 © BEGIO" — 5.0 ep From the feeb daca of Dd, Bf and ig, ona) Most Mor gy, Mas Mong + atey m BC: Mine = + PED — 96 kit BiRse Dg aeEIN Read aa Mea = —36 ptt ‘The sbear condition forthe lower sory, by refering tothe fre by Rotation Voc of (Pit. 19) shown in Fig Mia Z #O.4P) — Hy — Ha ty = 0 Eauatons (8) ar (fanaa the two ext conosco {ole two esta unknowns 4 ad ‘The application of the lope-dfstion method to the analysis of ‘tatielly Indeterminate frames wherein scane jis are disloed d ‘eformaton willbe iatraed by the following examples ample Gl. Analyze the rig tame shown in Fi. 147 by the slope efecton method. Draw sbaar and moment diagrams, Sketch tae etormed structs Sidesway Pit — Stpedtfection Riuaton, The Nopedeetion equations Soition. Relative Sere ant Fis end Moments (Fit 148) Mana Mow mn am "Tana 4 Ge 1+ 3B) Beas = Bras + 2 (am an bo mode to taketh folloing for, Man = Mrun + Ki =20h~ 0+ Red * Mar = Mas = Kage = 0 Ra) § ‘wherein. Kas is the relative stiffuse and Ry is the relative sae of the ‘Sale tetween the ine joining the deeted ends nd the aga] as Mm sravicany ixperenumvare aravervees Soe ht 25/ lced y Kay tn 28 reply Fes Tse ‘hance lon ete vale tw nd nomena. auton (tim etna Mone $1038 4 a0-an ota) = 1128 — 9, — ana Cage ce eta 100, = Boy OF 8-30. 95 13m) — 64 39, + 98 Moc = 04 8(- 20s — 064 BR) = —605 B00 4 OR oon Constins Ma =0 Meet Mee ® wen $5, 20 o ae Mean @ 4 ‘Shear Conon (Pg. 10). Sabesitating tan soa Me~ Into the shou condition 12— ft, ~ Ha = 0 sia (15-4 Mag Ma) © (lee ay B80 — Vet ~ 2a Mas) — (Mon + Mac] 12,4128 + 2190°t 2764" TOR = — 29028 $4 Moe bom +9 apr = 11.36 ° ‘up swort-veeuseri0N METHOD m an = 1728 4 ~ ~1008 oR = +95, r- 0 At} Wy t Me + My YRS TTB Hla + pt Me + Oe YRS Betvng the ire snultancoueaqutins, = +n.90 Som 4270 2 hana Ro $0108 Tn dviving the shar equation (0), Ms and Mac coal have tox ated it tat the sopedfston equations fo them ao subst Ip crac that the cyrmetey, af tho. coficinte with respect to the Minimal rave arose the tnaltanousequations() 4) may bestow, Compsasins for Bud Moments Ain = F738 — (416422400) — EICHLER + ]CHIE IH = Mas = 2580 — (2}C-1.9882) — G@)CH 22 00) + C1008) E2817 hip Moc = $38 — 10,4198) — (OER. TOON) = +2300 kip Wi. = 2387 fiche te0g = ect nse) = “73.5 Kiet Moo OCR = IGRI + OC IOH Moc = (01427276) ~ (+2700 + (0419108 = 0 co, ‘Tho free body, shear, pd tome diagrams of the individual meres fave shown in Fig, 1. “The freebody diawse, soment cage, and ‘lati curve of she whole fre ste shown i Fg 180, 1a OnE aot Seer Hacer ele armn Nene dgan fee Brample 62. Ansyzo che sigh frame shown in Fig 158 hy the slope Aestion metho. Drasr shear sd moment dings | Sesh a Aeon sewer. va sup s1ors-pseiscrioN wrH0D Solution, Relative Stifane and Pze-end Moments (Eg 194) COG? ras tinh So hear gone Mra —22OO? - a5 eps ne ie + OUD — 596 np po ulpte RC: Me ah Rett Vue of (8.158) 5 4 Slopedeection Bruations The sopi-defecton eqatirs val be ed Man = Mras 4 Kas(—20s ~ te + Bi) Mat > Mrs # Kes 20s 04 Ra) cand toate known tobe sera 2 HITDN 2am = on + 2m) = 41728 — 2m te = A252 + 21-1 ri 1) = +38 — 10H =) = 96 — 10%, — 50, e+ 3R) = ee OR Mee = 04 8(=26, — 0, 538) = 046 4 9 uo ofa Condos ant One Shar Condition (Pig. 158) Foit B: Join 6: Shou Sating, Mart Mec Mert Mer = 0 427 nn 0 Stet aR ~ 1008 = bn Die + oR + eh G60 9R or = $2008 ee = 10901 Be 432m $2) = —25m2 — 0, be © ® © «© {rH stork-pBrLascrion scerHoD 15 Computations fer Bnd Moments blir = $1728 ~ G)CE20R8 + (YCESATON ~ 426302 Mle Mar = 2582 — (420281) + @CES.2T98) ~ —20914 List ML = Jas Gees bean) ~ (oe LamD1) ~ $20.95 Kips Wes 2 Yap — oye Le@an) — (s)C42.0081) = 85.720 Ki Men = —(@)(—LOd0n) } (F827) = 35.700 Kt free = IG) LmIGH) + ()C 27D) = 482.68 kip "Te tree body, sae, end moment diagrams of the avid member Mc thou fa Fe 807 "Tho fet diagram, moment agra, ad tle curve of the while fuze are shown in Fg 158. at pty eS Sy Bagaw = gall By ad hie a asa aenn gt olf? Tasty oon, Narieutaeran Gaiters ‘example 3. Auslyoe th i rae shown n Fig. 160 by she slope fiom mctbot. Daw abaar wed sooment diagrams, Sheth the oformed uetre MG —-SPArICALY IperRRWRADE srnverenas ne store.verizoroy Msv0 m et . Man 48 4 1K—28,— 0) = HIS 200 = 18 - br Be NG 4 Wc = 0 = Tis — gee — ee, as MoT oc iste aa = ton te : fe MEIOg tang ooo a fe MIO atone ser am = wien sR Le ae Mero ean tan) moa Meso toc th — te) = 20h aoe e. st a Mex = 0+ 10(— 206 “+ BR) = 100. + SOR whe Pte ites of edn Mer Eoh micas = 4 tom) ~ 10 ae es hae MeL Tot mca = 004 to) = —200 + BR on Reavis nd Fizetind Manan (B10) sie ot Con nd On he Codton a oint Az Mar + Man = 0 @ i sa Tae: Mat Me Feo ® ashe ie a ani: Mes tee o % ee ibe MES te = 0. 10) 6 Gna) x | * on GE-)xe | » see oO o. =) xw |» Neer eae i a eT Acti n= + 200s asic, ie inc = up eet tiv Yalu of 8a 11) me--8 @ wore+e a) aR tas = Maen ou pg = et Men Speci Baton, 16 kon tha (0) fu = 8s = 0 (ve, Mess Condon ot Be Maat ise = 0 @ (2) se~ 0 Gren ef ymimety, and) 09 = ty Gaus oe cr Cottons atte & ae ++ 12.888R ~ —40 @) Bay = 0 4 5(-204- "Lama = tno © a : e = B7.184R = -160 wo Men 04 oon 7. Mie = 40-44 V5 (Dn 00 +28) = 440 — 17880 + 18 me ee Mor = 054.75 (0c fe4 28) = —89 — Bo, TT > Feta 1 srarvoazay rvoereauisare stevervnes Compslation for Bd Moments = ~O9.a190) ~ (5.1080) = —o5 040 up- foe = CL0NE.319) ~ (BA) — —B5209 pe Me = +40 ~ (1 89)(3319) + (1786881080) = 105.200 kip Mor = 40 — (6940(8. 3108) + (17388) 8.080) ~ 4-026%0 hip Mes = ~10800 upatt. Mee = £05200 kp Moe = 495280 Men = 68600 pat ‘The rey, svar, and moment dagra ofthe individual member tr how in Fig. 88." Ite ob noted thatthe hoisntal nd verted {orwes anny cm BC (r CD) ms th replaced by hres pepe ‘nd paral o the member BC (or CD) tere ar nd moment da ‘Bam canbe dese in he vt may. hale fame ae shown in Fig. 8K. ."Th following chess on the vo Aiions of geomet aply to Fig. 1b nd yee ee = 240 ~ 65080) ~ 2900 RI dsksine pr = @aseoe ~ 5200 8) = 250.7 eno [BtsD IESE = 079) 0 ay cor = sen + MBA cay 47a x3 — 94404 =a x4) = V5(BE" (et) Trample 67. Analyze he gue fom shows in Fig 185 hy the slaps efecsom method. Draw shaw and momont digas Sketch The a a] ‘up storr-oarieerion srHoe an +3 ce T= Rep = FO ese ee Sopcetion Hpi, ty sn Oc te own toe m0 le ig a= 4204 SC Bba— Bt RD = 42D ey Baul eps end Pot nd Mens 18 Maes fm go SD ee one MEL iPr ayeC anna eS moe Fx = 2 fe Sitka Goats. oun, + sour, sy Ma Th ASC ie 4 80,00 Gag 78D «10 | ove = 5 ~ 17S ~ BOL — 894A + BOELE avis 2 Mer ot aye (ein both eer Mse= n= + OF Mos = mete Mose = + OOO" Moe = +5 hp u Bhp atte Velunof Hig, 187). "he on t-eplaceront diagram so ing the nor of doneay town i Ione Fagg ercgy? Va 87 dente and Bar fod Joint 0: ef SEAQe” Shae th htc Lod sete oly on soint D: {he ee sd, jolts Band D wl ove Sasa tomnrd the right. Drow B°C, parallel reentonty nterrtat Tani BC, and bang bo eat, noe pouible to find the raative vay oF Note that, fom angle OCs, pemgeph. That he repaaeeee bo oral acd 0, ~0c, - YS, a) de 138, 79ble SOL } SOLAR, — S08, OFA YS (2 — tet Rs = Rd o Trstins — s8l4ee | BSIAR, ~ Bast, oF 5-2. OF 28 — Ont Re = tet hy) lta + 5 in a Join Cnaons Meat Mac = 0 @ Bee + Men = 8 ® Beeb Mon = 0 ® = sou ue, +806, S415) Roun — 8577086 — 8.9 4s 0 Botine — 2s + AOLIR ~ SOUR, = 0 (A >" equal to Draw D'Cy parallel an ee ecg A oes Rea ‘Shear Conitions, ‘we sear cndlon are requiel to eorex ins BC, and D'Cs a Gy and to tho ualwowna and MI he gable frame a roken int to pata Ber weal nie St Jont C, teractions ofthe ft pron he ght pst sb ena ta opps tothe of ha right on tho Tt. The monn roqsirenent ‘stss tenant joint condition a Cin the preceding Th etbe organ ars Thsaontalrearton of th ot part on do right part mast pant te that rf the rpht on the lft at Hew = Hen 190 198 STATICALLY IyDBraRscIVarE sTRUCHUEES ‘THR SLOPE-DBFERCTION METHOD 2 ‘That the veel reaction ofthe eft parton the ight part mut be Soo onion fun ad oppo to tat ofthe right on tho lt, ete neites fee ore ee Wo +m) 0 Monte Mas) ae Bnd) ~ (an Bas) ~ Bae + Mea) + 2Meo + Moo) =Fis0 800th, — 38.66 4 SL SS0R, — 81.552% = 4150 otring the Sve simultaneous equations ("10 ( Me e of, ect to> tam 3 fo = t4s746 R= His0@1 Ro Si5as01 geste) ch gig Computation for Ed Movants S Mar = 490 ~ (6423705) + C4861 = 401312 Lips Moc = ~20— (10)(423795) + (6)H18.0421) ~ 450116 kip. Mac = $5 — (17 355(+23705) ~ (8.944)(—18983) Mi gotd)(eImo12) + GOH) 104891) = A018 pe Moe = 8 ~ (1786) —L4988) — G8UNC+2870) Tieotd (1612 + COU (415.4801) ~ —21.778 kip Aten = ~(17.858)(— 15288) — OU HAITAO) ISOC RGRD — (OKI) IsatON) ~ 21.780 kip Tera HLaTH) — 9101259) ‘how to condos can sl be nated shar en ‘Ha sad a toad shove tan be ensieed se vara nad etl ating fre at ten CFs ne bly BO (16) eel (Mao) = (ge ea) = eb Mn) _ On Ma 0 Fema) 180121 — (OEs)C+15 401) = —88,700 kip Max = ~(Q0)-48748) 0) 15.4801) = 8 700 pt Mao = —(@)(H43746) + @)C18A801) ~ 465.73 kip rum re boty CD (Fig. 188) The ro body, hear, abd moment dingrame of the liv membre iy shown in Fig 80° ‘Tho Sr ody diagram, momontdigram, and Alani cure of the whole frame aro chown in Fig 190. The fll Hen the conditions af yometry aply to Fig. $08 and. Sy cee amit ps0 — 40410 ~ soa HE = 119,00 BEL aocewise 50 HE a tem nino — Kino + s240~ nas0) 8 Bint oy as = 0135 BEM or on3s ie = Tt + 10, + 10Ry = +210 200 sSrArvCALLy INDaDeRWINane sreveDURES ‘ue tvors-ppeusesi0N ss740D oo = 1.01810 «48 — 49610 9 — 40 10 HE uso HR a a tu = (9.70 ~ 397.00) RA— a1a70 Ht? , : mas io aes ips , = 01428 6 o1.44 EE cuotrtnkwise (hd) eee seo’ y= an.z0 2649 — az.00 >) HE 5100.7 HY as eat a ‘ ona Pees narsahas) a Ae re saan eo s Bm x28) z x 1050.6) = 8 (a, — a0 (chee) (nm x anise ca x90 Tar 2230) bp 9 ne eee y, sna) me SY f 8 Yh (uo + zans8 — 1033) os Se hig Eps 4 ')— YB x 190 i ‘ = qo =a ss oe 1a : : Be piel Es sates a ae ‘$0 to 108, Araiyae the gable frame shows, Drew shear and moweat dingrams, 2 sraricaluy snosremutvare sxxvorvees oy 44, Slop-detecton uations for Members with Variable Crom Sections. The slopeaetin ouations Ir EE 20, Mae = Moan 4 2 (2 — + 90) te 3B) wo aM wa Be Inve tran derived onthe basis that tho member 4B) has comiant| ‘rose ten nth morta! of inti ogsal tT. Now ifthe monber AB, Is variable eros setons, the mote of iaetin Fw be vara, ter words, hae diferent alae at lifernt sections along the span, ‘The slajedeection equation for member with vatiable eae clans or tsiabl wl be derived bythe mame general procedure ms Bae. (8). ‘The mersber AB shown in Mg. 101ansubjecte Yo the applied Tong and ssotonent of & at support. I x rqulte to expres heed ‘moments fay and fue in tems ofthe applied loading, the rales of 8 by abd and the propery of the vate erm eins,” A pee viously deseied, the ime A shown n Fig 10 Le can be suse se the wim of thse shown in Bg. 01b toe, Thus a m pan and Mons a Ra (71) ca be found bythe eth of onset Avletaton, wih due rogrd tothe fat tht Ia variable along. the pan. ‘Thomethod of lac sale (iy is shorter and more diet ‘metho, ih lb rtd ater Batore Mia Minw Miay and in By) on be expe in traf tu and ie nome sey to solve the follwing. two Mach Lenin "Pelle Regu tod Tee ES fey due to on eo omens ol Tkipieounterloksise appa + endl ofepan A, wits moment of wml ele” one a I ‘en armed Inortis Ze = mal whene Toe constant moment of Inti aud mB ie rato which varies with 12) Sattion moment of. EL Gha)e-9 4 ft Gaastee finger bat a eal men 1 (ele as a of [a2 sa ten Cah ‘ent of inerin al, tm pur rt 1 ‘shih vars wie = (Pig 1, Beaton von Rota of E/E, “ih Ga) oe = Pinto M(H, ees nd aet “iL Ges) 2 ft bf Be 1. ok a Prodi 1. eed 0 fad Touring o Fig 1914 and wang Baw (7) and (7), w=) Refetng to Big Ne and wing as. (7) and 19), Bubetitting Hae (80) and (81) nto Fas. 72, te Botving ae. (2) for @ Fi oe | ge =p ~ 90 +8 [sedi =on~ xe 205 oo ey © 200 srartoatuy tsparaeuivars srevorvees un store-pertscvioN sarHoD oor : -p[Ss%e anh atin 0) re hein ot ma ith ins te ante a epee eerie ec Berea ieee tanta be ‘apie cen fence fe ty Soars F Se ae Ee a ae oree Bee ‘Using the sevond condition, a ie eae ee pater A and B about. fi (36 = 2)" ee # ie pi oe! =f Glin) + ff Gite) “lt : ah sl. a a (i [ater = 908 45 a= — Milo, 4 Min = ew Myo, en Mia = 4 EES 2 : ner an ee wore tan = B= onus Substituting Bos. (85) and (8) into Eas. (1), , a, on Man Kae ~ Karts + as + Ke at, ) Mou = Mine + TE Kede — Kant + (en + Ku here Base + 7A i“ Roe op Ke + xe e, oH OF = 0.144908 = ore etn 1 a=} [Sra vin es (5s 4] sortie GL 3052) - [io +0-9+ 0-0] = Gob + + a= 2 oasnss 2lC.Cs ~ eh ~ 240 38618) (0.295018) ~ 0144966) ~ dose Games. Kus + 30m, og ~ + poesia ~ +2420 = + fae = +1700 o 0266408 — 3 on Ku ~ + 3¢,¢, =n ~ + oossasie ~ +1972 er man Be: C= 0985018 Ky = 4310722 Gy = 0.80068 Kae = 4170000 ChE nas Keo = 4252250 Fisc-oud Moments Spon AB. a. Duc to Uniform Load (Fig, 10) Bs the metlod uf eomitentdefermation t= tar = t= 0 tn ton =0 By the conjugate Beam method Bla = Ry nfs [com - set - ne 4+ ise sre —spae 4m anyon 0a] Tamas aA fome-annae vont ome sre [mesa rie store-prrsacriox wsrHoD 200 Ty definition of, Cs and Cy dag ~ Mala = (0260498)090 Ma (ois )G0M (0.141955)30) 15 Blin, = MiCIL = (0285213)06)4y ‘re oustons fr cansistent deformation now beers aan. ~ (p2ests5 SOM. ~ (0.4496)0)26 04030 — (D148) 0)80, ~ (0255248) 0) Me™ 0 olin My = 60242 vp cppemepetioemgfoy, yp at ; a o frat ie Dus tothe Consntead Loot (Fig. 197). By the method of com sitet dforeaton iy the conjugat-boam method Bid = 42805 Blan = 548 RO sraricatzy rvureeminrare sraverones By definition of Cy Cy and Cy Elite = (208480)00)M, iby ~ (0148005)30)N4 Elite = (014A065)36)M. Blah, = (0.286213) ‘The equations for consotent deformation now become 42825 ~ (0.206198) (36.4 — (0114085), = 0 30125 = (D440) 30) MT. (0.285210}99.40, =O Solving . de, = 30075 sips i, 2 10238 kip Slopedefoion Boatins, Since joints A, 8, and C do not move, {or bth membees AB and BC i sro, E/E the came fora td ‘BG; soi conser to bo unity. ba knowa to bw se. Mroy = 4008242 + 341.75 41,0017 Lip Mone = —T0588 ~ 1235 ~ “tere kip I= 0 Mano Using the slope estion equations (80), Mas = 4100417 + 1(-2.80008 Feit * ana, Mas = ~157.90-+ 1(-5.197205 — 1.72000,) = 05790 ~ green, Msc = 0-4 1(-3.171225, ~ L7000060) W720, ~ 17am, Moa = 0+ 1(-2490300, 1780206 any, — Fann, ois Conon, luc B: Mas + Mao 0 63044405 1.700000 = 4957.90. (@) imc! Mes = 0 on) Salving, = 11392005 = — 170006 e100. Computation or nd Moments Mar = +1:0827 ~ (73920) 170906) = 41,817.17 kip Mss ~ “997.90 ~ 10722 170.908) ~ 38581 Lip Moe = 3 16722)~170.006) ~ (173020)(4 10.801) 438251 Mex = (=2582200/4-110901) ~ (1.78000)(~170.96) = 0 ‘The rues, shear and mooentdigrama, aud Us late curve are shown in Fig. 18 {SUE stone DERLECTION WETHOD an ccmemn ath fee ‘Cesk on Contnaty. A eesk on continuity may be hal by Radin th otatlons a the supports eo 212 srareauny troeraeunare sravorones ‘Te swore DEPLECrION METHOD ana Brample ©, hy the Hopes modal the onions Aeam dn to ig. 109 oeig ton se sldentof D400 fn n sorrer Prom Fear Kag 228220 Kan 17900 Kup = 2.10029 oa ee + HO — poco mt For pon BC: Mne = Mrce PBI, _ 2)(90.0001/8,100) 7 ec > 90 Me Hue = 31072 “Kae 170920 Kee = 20 oko ~ Bi, ~ -oon101167 mat Stopedetection Bpations 0 + ana —2 22800, — 1730000» + L5016--0.00101167) = -Hi506 ~ rato, Moc = 0 + 957801—S:107227, — 1 7aRades 4 489012(-+0 001041071 = “}4s207 ~ 2007400, Mac = 0-+ 98, 701—3.1 2245 ~ 1.73920 + 4 s9042(—400108167) an “seni — Bm oes 168,050%. Moy = 0-4 8,701 28220 — 1730208 + .6180(—0.0010067) = 45:0 ~ 254.0185 168,030 Mae Joint Conditions Joint B: Ms} Mae =0 200.786 ~ 1050500. = 0) Chats core Toit CMe, 20) Tosecoes = 2545018, = H40846 1) otstin. “The sloposeetion equations rea 1.2 Toccata? [Raabe = Kase + Woe 4 Ka] a Computations or Brat omen [Kate — Karte ee 4. Man = 41640 ~ (169.0)(-+0 40055011) = +98676 Kin Mau = 448807 = (209,739)(~-0.000s00L1) = +3118 kp. Me = ~48207 ~ (2917391-+ 040059011) ~ (6,040) O0eT2057) 2 =3iTtS Kips — 40.45 261 3a1)¢—o.00a0287) — (16,050)-+ 0.008011) P2100) «a3 70 pts ai SMATICALEY INBBTBRMINATE STRUCTERES ‘The reations, she and stomentdlagrams and the late curve aro shown in Fig 198 eae Gout A ches om eaotinuty may be had by fading ne ottione atte apport. = B28 sean « ooomse 108 and 104. Ante the conto bun sov_Drow shar end er om feerye Fe gt as HAPTER vit ‘THE MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD 45. Goneal Dessition of the Moment-tetbtion Method, ‘The nomen dsibton metodo be wed to analy al typos f satiny Hdetrnate Ys or rgd umes. Esseatialy i ots in eli tho dmulaneous equate a tbe slopedeftio meted by sieeve rpmcnutions In order to develop the seth, evil be bel concer the flowing probe If fe pskwise monet of My ip opted at the simple support of ight member of content erode ection simply suppatadt ene ex Sind faed at the the, find Mh eo tio sa the simple sapport sod tha Imooent My at the Guat ond Fi re 30 f= OE sine He , et a 2 rr. pi bao > oar aT mm™ ¢ vig bn 0 we 9) sn tilo ‘ H an X ‘Thus for wepan Ai? which i wimpy s4poocted at A and fed at Ba ‘bee folation of oy ea be ert Hy appsing a lovin moment GCM, = (B/E) ot A, whieh in tre tans 4 sloleise moment of Ms = iMfs on the number at I'he expreaion 4EI/L wally tala the sfc fdr, which i deed a the rma equi tobe ‘yids 1a aise a rotation of Krad at of «pan AP amy ape Dred at dae asd at B: the mimbor 4 the cary fc, whieh % the ratio of the monn Inde st #9 tbe momen applied ak oie that th sme sgt convention i ae in the moment citation Inethod ae the sloped tod Xow take the vominiots beam 4 shown in Fle. 2010, Ifthe {joints A Hy ad Care to be etal ait elation, the moments a (ar, own in Fig. 201) mt be applied, whish are infect the fned-end omens on spans AZ? and BC.” The cectiing teste sega to Dt he jitengint rotation aw 1) 100 kip eoterdockne st Ay (2) 100 ~ 00 ~ 40kip tt cock visa 5, and (3) OO Kit hsv aC “ns etrsning moments are seine cal the locking” snes Ho “ick” the oat gait rotation," Note tha the jen H shonn aaa Irv body in Bg, 201 in equlieim unde hi cic of Ue eden ment, which arc opposite in dreton to thw ating onthe members, fun! the loekng moment. ‘The prowlure as be dered ne flows: Pint lock all thee joints Then tate joint ony. tnt now Livi the stan of 40 ip. eountersackves, wll rotate 4 ental Inount in th eounterdackise dizeeton, which wil fa tam Sade ‘28 sramicatay inosreRMrvare sraveriees ‘oenterockrioo moments a B to et on BA and BC in amouta pl Ptonal othe afer facervofeach wibasun ol Dkiph Teen LWeetiieefacterof PA and Beare dand 2. Thus 3/02) Oe fee 40 Kit or 28 kip countertorkie, wil ct on a 2/0 +8) = 0.400 vines 30 Kip, oF 16 Lip rouneerderkwce, il eon BC. ‘The numbers 0 so 040 te senaly eed trwtion acter.” Now loa ont Din itsnew patio asd om ne hich wil rolaton eran atousk inthe ountrsocne stetiog ‘Ths ration must be sua to lite 4 entlatne memeat Opto act on CB ALC. soln Ain Red sport; wt nee st sented all. Ths he in eee ofthe moment detain baste completa (ce tha ijining momeatotsbuto tate). To saasa Ira ints re et okay lrg moments 710,300, 8) Acting on all memes, ten jt Ban re eles gsc a fhe “talceng" mowenlate 0, +34, 416,and $00 Guat A moe Talaal ones (serae) | ya008 | we w | a6 When a balancing moment of +24 tp is placed at of pan 4 oebal of thin amount, or 412 kip e infured at A. In too sang A Saar Pisnner, one-half of tho 410 Kip or +8 ips acta C and oneal tae “60 Kip, or 490 Kips, sets at 2 These mowents F120, 120, +Bare called the Meaeyovee” moments which ae keto dating he fet Uelancig and wow rw conser ax now losing moments te or tbe jones in psians ate tho et rotations. Theg the felete fv Care rele for the seco ine, ana Us cond mations Bd induc blag moment ns inthe cond ele al vrry-over ments as show i he Beste of the hid eye The te rote be rept for as my eens denied rng the alancng Hirey-over moments to very aml magulttos "Thos any dare of euracy ean be obs al oer reitd dsr a there Brcuray decreases. ‘The Seu, or tll, end moments ave baa By ingall ruber nthe rapectve colt ‘The the monsnt-dnrputen seta corsa sueserey locking find rcesing the Jt the Tint lacking momenta are the Exedend Moments dae to te applied lang, ater the ft balencing Oe ee Keesive locking moments aro the eary-over siren which a nace fo actat the other ends of te xerectvepataty the buancing women Tho reader adsl Corea thi aril ga ad again while wor Ing teoagh the testo this apie NG Aopiaion of the Mment-tietrbuton Method te the Analyse ot Saicaly Indeterminate Beams, Le pplication of the moments istration method ae deeb in gnerl in the preceding atte to tha nslyis of satel indeterminate tnazow mill be iluhated by the fooning exp, ample TO.” Anulyze the eon beam shown in Fig 2028 by the Buowwatdstbucon method. Draw sheer and moment. Gngrims Bhoteh the asic curve, gh 4 sb ay ‘ace ee az At tet ne ———— tue MouRNr-pisrRiBUTION METHOD Pa a m0 STATICALLY rwopreewnvare srmveroRee Sohatlon, Rat Suse and Flan? Moments (Fg 2028) “Tone 704, Moneor Dassen Fou t,t Sarno an (1-1) xin | 5 = ve ily | 5 3 5 nnn] Heda | * =| or [im ase | oun [om leme wore OD" s26upe malt ERS Sine Soe iso aay o1 De Sxl Om ‘Bal. ‘O87 15.2 + 12 19/4 €88— 5.50) Monn NGO" — aig aE = 1m the moment-dstriution table (ase Tae 702) the dstrbato fhilrs ae find scenpeted. "The DP (Geibtion fant) ot St A 1.000 on ember A (or DC) Lecce Ur ie only ene mem centering the’ int, The D¥Ps at joint Bate 9/@+ 8) = 037 oy [zea oad— aoa o inte Ba and 2/3) = Oa ey Fe The De 7 [ieee aie haces Con (@ + = OTitononter Chant2/@ +2) = O28ien ae Ras REESE fer Oo Wowie a ws seaweed [taro sc 8.0 0 F800 tis in FEM ned rent) oh ee en eneed a Hes a owever, note tat at nt D, the iss edoek ie omnet of 18 Kp es tea les aes tetng cae manent acing onthe fr tg taken Pout Sn aa ale wale mates 2 ME 36¢0;m Ge bancing tome “B60, ‘The unbalanced eae B “ig ~36.00-1 15600 = 4120.00; 20. the talancing saoments (0375) 130.00) ~ 4500. and —(0.05)( 120.00) = 7500 a) BA and BC, eapetvely. The mime exnation apis na a 1D. ‘Note that all moments ae Rept to We deta place inthe sl fon, The eary-ove: a thon the Bt ine of the eben yee ‘ze + ines the ulaeing oman pled a he fared ofthe epee tite members in the preceding lines Thee caryovere are the Snbalaecs which are balanced inthe same manner ns tore roves repeated Keeping all figures to tuo devia laces. Tt ‘tarred hat nts example the tal en omnes al laser are nok For $0130 006.009 3507 hip i a (ey(anomc090) (0840), oom Ca) ee = -woa22 kip Mace = Mr = 0 oo arantoauy iwosrans n CINAT sreuL HU ue wowRNT-oisoarsu710N METHOD as Moment Distribution (oa Table 70-2) Moment Disribuion, Aturate Sluton (we Table 722) 26 srarveatux iorseuavare sracorvnss ‘Tne woMRSS-DISTRIRUTION W=THOD mr For recto, est and moment diagram, and the eae curey ative Signs end Pia-end Moment Pi, 2006) Buanpie 3 50, Applicaton of the Momect-iibution Mathod fo tae Analy Mf Sttaly Tndetrminte Tame. Cant Iwo Jan Nena Th appiaton ofthe momert-asribation method 4 the ae fea eel vay nha seyret al Arse = + ST2D! a 120 ips rovious artic, except that a the ete of fumes heey ane eet Myer = -100 Hips ‘ore han tr members meeting In ne Jan Tesh esse ‘00 at any join is distited tothe end ofthe vent ncaa natn ee ae eT Inga the nt inthe rato Ur vesivetifecann Thee Jasin which the wok for the moment astnaton mig fe ea Weeks tht Mae tieeutet bt the tabular form in heh al metabo mecing a age a * = a oupel togeter esd hee and megs a the eet % 2] vs Beample 74 Anuyue the rig fare shown in Fig, 2000 hy th ze ‘moments, tech, Sketch the deforma structure Dn shear” and. moment dlagrama q ‘ir tne and oP te aml Solon. = 0 fr all maraben, ravriow seseuoD oi 28) srartcavuy ixperemsavare srevorunes eal HE Gr TIO The overhang BD beng acantove, hasnt andi not ial sea member. However, a slockvin inoment of 38 Kinet ne oe ‘is moment is entered inthe momentslsrbetion ae Cee 48 kiptt The moment distibtion comessore card "op tthe wod of the secon yaa, For rastos, sear unl tomeat diagrams, and he eats eur, Ecanple 18. Ansty the gid fame shown in Fig. 2 by oneat-dtibuton method.” Draw heat med meson any Lerareeaee freed N hs oa q at Tied ne Solas. ative Sunt ond stead Moments rg 2108) an, G-px0 Peas Bad)ne | pe 22 alu amount ofthe sdoomay, 24 sraricauzy mpsrenuivare srevercnss cua 0 a” ve £0 any sume amount "ofthe hua oreo fa €. The shea condition required ofthe ane shove in ig tay Wat Ha = Py rea soi Mat Mn, Pa me the shear condition becomes Poa, Ment Moe Sacer Mis + kar) ale acre) 1) s+ kal) on) Men = Mog MME) Mat EE hae) By eabetiuting Ey, (100) nto Ba. 2, i Ms. + Mlat i) 4H 4 Mt nao Tin vninwn rato can hei ond sling Ba (0), Onc Sslsown, alle momteaning om tte aceet Be fis a frm Ben 0 Wher 0 or mow urknown movant of soy er ivi fhe rang wt nd nant an fe cae ee td ti llsncd td momenta by dung te teclend eee th poate rina ea be sed ements and by dota at aa 10 Grin act oft fe moron Se a othe oa wd ution mts und ie ant a {2 ean wou oft msnd arene es Tia inno eo ae eine foo be hee eet ‘he provedure diane stove wile sera by Ue flowing Atcinpie 77. Arayse the rigid frame shown in Fig. 2136 by the watson methed. ‘Draw shear and moment dag, htc the deformed setae. Sotction. Reltin Sens Briss of Petal Morents Irs othe Arptici Lotion (oa i) Man + 2G" raupn Xo 2122 Hn 22180". asenrian — [17 9¢ 7 is)" Me = 4 OPA opt z Mrer = 30 Ups iz Mice = Mr = 0 246 sraTioauny iNpereewrvare srevorunes For moment distbatioa of tise fede moments, se Tae co coras| -ans2] + 204] 4209) saxo SEB oes 9) SEE) SG | oa fi) Sa Mase | SS | ae swe woneNs-nrsrasacrroN METHOD ar Dieriuton of Pseiend Moments Due to Sidenray > Fig. 2182) Pe, | sees [BS Theta | Gon ‘Note tat only the rltve agate of the fet-ond moments doe yu certain amount of idsay 8 are seule ‘Foc oment dauition othe Sxad-nd moments sce Table TT a iu e ae o NG ol ole ite ‘The sea condition (Fg 214) Marea) (Me fl) 1) ¥2(Mos + Mod = 216 Determination ¢f Ratio. mrt «(4 sort, ala Sutaiatng May = 0+ HO) 0 Mar © pak fH 4 188.1) = 8824 + IBGE Meo = 518004 KeaIED) = 419.00 4 3168h Bye = 0+ 20) 0 2 into the above equation aud aving fer the rato 2(-9824 + 18810) + 3418.06 + 9168) = 216 b= 401010 20 srarieazay iwpersnuinare srmccrunes rie omer pisrnunustow eeei0D at 25.90 ip ~a5 Lpstt Myer = Mros 20 For moment datsibtion of thew fed-end mount, ae Tale 782 Disritton of FEM Dre to Sieoway (0s Fi, 216) ee WUEE | ale xo | [Note that only the reative miter of he Fen moment de For moment dation of ths aend wioments we Table 724 tae] : ‘ [s Drlermintion of Rati. Te shear contin (Fig. 20) fs aE atin ia oe (ane Mantle) (Mon tM) og els i wpm ot Pee. Be : Tee oe alte 3 emi. Pe leg Shaping $Moa + Mas) + (Mae + Mae) +1008 , rt Meg) =O FEnen #040 Gres cgesics Fares Sy ee Rica art ace nonbta Fon Te (739s bled nena abe Th ue seowneT-DIArRrBUTION sesrH0D 260 Sutsiating = -1095 4 10837 Tats + kao) “ys8-+ 12525) Into the above ouuation aud nving for the aio (aun + 28) + 542655 + 60.7) + 10(—11 40-4 114088), be poor Conbination of th Teo St of Balened Moments 0 Tao 0) Seaton shear aud moment diagrams, andthe eae cuVe, 28 sample ample 60, Analyze the gid (rome shown in Vig. 2100 by: the moan atdbuttn. method, Draw shear and moment agama ‘uur th deformed strate ‘Solution, Raative Set Disrittion of PHM Duo Sidnony én Divecion AB (ue Pg, 100) Mette Note that cnty th relative magnitude of the Sned-end moments don ton coin amount of edeoray are require, ‘Fottomeat dnsibution ef thes faed-end moments te Table 903 E eee Wire procedure is to distibate and balance the fixed-end moments dic: i Aoeoth yielding, If the yielding is a rotational slip of a certaim joint, the “B, oe Dee the moments required to hold the tangents at the joints fixed in oe Te silat uel Ag eit oh Ee et (Fix. 221). ws fb 4 ¢ ete evade Pecan irene a: Muy S}6086) — SLGE Mor = ~2046 + 180.18, Mec= }7B8h, — 086h, Mec = 1476, 4 1800h Map ponahy — 91k, May = —204B $27 hy Mars 40h — sak, ip, 2 147, + 85K, lato the above equation ad sling for he rai nd 26 by — A169 = 68 18236, nize, = 6 were yy 4 ED ans Mr = HE a = » ky = 40.805 uations (12) and (18) enn be eal eee y the wo of he ape A> Foust ection eations Combination of he Pu Sel of Balen Moment (oe Table 4), ae EA che a al geet eee a stam aoe 4 (on — Heample a, co) Pear stale cae eertiat ae sre ae 12, Analysis of Staialy Indeterminate ramet Dus to Vilsing of Supports. "The moment astibution metal ean rely bo usd (a ‘naan satel indeterminate frames det the nding of uppers Example 61 By the moment ditbution metbot analyze the gi oon so fi Fig 3290 ing rotational lip of 00 rd ook june D and a versal setilomeat of 045 in. a joint = 0000 Kipn/in* T= 800 in 2m srariearcy inperseacivare srevcrones pugeu casts Soloton, late Sie Pg 25) % (dao |» eo bem |e EM Due to « Caste Roxon of 0.02 Rad ot D (Pg 2235) E148 (120,000) 00)(—05 fica a vetivan 2180000 6001000) gos g + Cex) 7 87 Kp 1885 kip ra 7 Marco = + EM Due o« Vertis! Satlament of 0.45 In ot D (Pig 25) Mone = 4 SELB 4, (180,00) (1, 600,0.45) _ ij fe te alias 1208 Mee = 45008 kipft The dntbuton of the fend moments cmapated shove is shown In Table 61.2. Note that the misiva value of the rotation a Dip found tobe aaron the cheek. “This dae not tenn that the tangent 36D emai vertical; it meats tha nce the tango! at D had Ue tat fotatinal ip of 0.002 ru inthe elocevian dnt, no farther soaten Js oecurrd rite woMseT-pisrerBUTION scsrHoD 207 Maaco 8 Te Ma HAT ty 288 srarioauur ixperanwivare srevorvnes Diaributon of FEM vet Sideansy (ce Table 76 in Eeample me Baicnersee uae Beeston. pomal a7] a | Ahate PB Determination of Rati. ‘The sae coeion (Pig. 28) in Motte oy (Maeda) «(at Me Simplifying, ( tu ( es 2 Mad + (ea + Mac =0 fueuing Meas -o1 4 ae iia 2 Sino ane went Lint tae Moc = 1800 4 7034 fnta the above equation a cing forth rao &, 218.0 + 74258) + 3(—3m6 + 132091) = 0 ba sgn Condition of he Fue Sete of Balonced Momento Table 814) 3a.0.198.8 ‘ries Fa 08d —|— | fro Fie a v0 176 of sa08 or senelions, shear and moment diagrams and the elate cur, ste Baample 19, Anaisis of Gable Fames by the Moment-dsteibation Mthod. ‘he nomsnt-dsiibution teh ean be used to analyze exble frames Inthename manner aa deceibolin the pecedigartles. The comments RAC HB roping aed et pomnente and relative amounts of sdesyay Sit apply in the preatatmetbod a athe slope-deetion method TEasmple 62.” hnalyee the gta ume shown in Fg. 228 by the ‘moment distibaton method.” Draw shear and moment diagrams. ‘Sketeh the deerme structure ‘ane oMnyFDISPINUVION SExTHOD Sstaton, + Relate Stee Fig 205) sap |r |e rovew | aeett | + [oe “For moment Gtibution of then fed-end moment ae Tle RI Feees of Rai The sheat condone Pa 27) Meo + Med) og 24 sranicany ipereewrvane srnvcrenss {oto the above eation ad sling fr the eto (ALS ~ 1006) ~ 2(~ 38.49 + 94878) = —a80 ee ane Gembintin fhe Teo Set ofBsenend Moments (oe Table 82. ot ruthns, ater and moment dagnmy edt ein eo Bsc, ' Example 89. Analyse the gable tan sh ‘oweotetribution taethol.” Draw these ven in Fig. 280 hy ‘Sketah the defrmed srt, hd ‘moment dag le tea dione Sottlon, elas fat (ig 2285) sn.on bros [vs Fisatond Moments (Fig. 288) Mn» 4 8900" 2 bie Mine 20 hip Hire = + ODO? erin, ror = ~S kip nie DiseRQvION METHOD ns Disriaton of PBM Duca the Applied Loading (to Table 88-2) Es eeleeles 5 6 srarreauar twonrseiwara srevervnss Distibuion of FEM Dut Sideowey ot B (Pi, 220) Us SOMBNE-DISPRIBUTION METHOD m7 Bare |e etme ay |etanevtsan amo | For moment ditibution of thaw faed-end moments, oo Table 8-4 Diaribtion of PEM Duco Sideroy at D (Pig 290, 8 sravicatay rwosreRuivars sraverueEs saan, adie aaron vr oer |= Drtrinaion fhe Rao by and ele Mae ome, sore ; ol Sle i lakite he Bu ° rate nes i Mowevroterninori werton ab Fic. Bia: 2Ma=0 Hapa 6 + Mart Mas —— Mi 215) 3,0 Hey 18— Hay = 12 — Ming Moa REE EG, Pie mids 2g ~0 te = Mon Pic ie; 2F,=0 Hen = Hay = ME Hovsting Men wnt Hem foe Mes 1) aetna Mart Mut Mort © Vie. 20 210 — Hes) = 0 (Wan Mes) 5 Man 48M, = 0 2Mer = 160 Ve.= Big, 3 Me=0 Ven = 20Hen = (font Mes) com x Beuating Ven and Yom Mas +38 — Mas + 3Mox 2Mca~ 190 = Map + 3Mae~ 2M (ag = Man) + B(Mag ~ Ms) ~ 26Mfer = Mes) = 180) Bubetenting May = 42260 + 582.18 ~ 108, My, = 1608 + 22h — 337 Rhy Moe = 010 ~ 087 7h + 6877, ‘Mer = 4010 4 68774, ~ 687.78, Mer = ~002~ 2378 | 62136, Man = 0 1669, + 56218, Ito the two coitons () sod @ abo, 70056, + e7a6h, (30784, — 6967.8 = Boling forty and, aut a7 = 4018609 B= 401590 23) sraricauuy iypereewtvare srevorvnes THE NOMSYTDISHRIBUTION MxPHOD Est J onstant moment of inertia and nso a pure ratio which vais with Me cad moments My and MV, roqied o inal alae of Ou A sro a B ave Bly Satu and My, = Casha in which 8, the fee factor aA and Ca the sarey-ove arto ram Ato BS of te Toe St of Balanced Moments ce Tube $34 a ee Been [a brn, Sod Wi te a ic at re ttn om ad we = Sree iets a See ale mals atin cla smo proviouy evved in Are 4 are ag: a Bisa ce + nemo os ane ake eal e tous "Ct * ae = OB Me valus of Bt and 2 a8 det i che proveing preg, an We obisned by setting Moan Mea and Hm Oi Whe righthand adeno ge (595. “Thaw ao co Tor reactions, shear and moment diag ad the cate eure Bam 7 4 181019. Ste con 910th neat tin meta 4, Suness and Curry-over Bactors for Members with Vase oss Sections. The moment sriation mlb en bo sein snalges frigid frame in which rome or all mambers have eee od Mie = Cbg = EEL aad 208) Prom Ba, (108), without gad ens, stunt crm esto, which are AEI/L nd reectvly ie ig Seo (100) ‘shown the member AB with momento nera Te = aly whet Ts 2st raricaicy ivosramaaware sravercees Substuting Hy. (108) into, (105), with de regalo ens, n= 4 Ses Sint ig canbe shown that f= Ka mt cum sks g a ‘Thos in By. (100) to (10) are given the expressions for aif carn-over factors fora member with rare cre etiona, Tat ote that, for unsymantrical meter, the stam fata st 4B a diferent, and so are the sary-ovefastors fom 1 0 from B to 4. Thee atifnee and trey over factory can be, taaly found by the methol ef colin analogy, which wil be uated Ging 1 1 Vig 294i shown the mener AD with variable cross seto sop aupprted at and B. ‘The ead taoment My requed fom ea fain aslope of sat i May = 50s in mich tho mode it far att ty sttg Wis Won 20 wad Be topes ac Mig = BR Kant Mon tan Kell From Be (), ao Bee -cun rf Subattuting (12) ota (10) and sing for 8, gui as = Sit = Covad) ms Mowswr-prarRroUrioY sexrion 288 Sine, refering to Me 225, 8 = 541 ~ Caled ap In Bg (112) and (11) ate given the expression forthe mod slit est factors at the ner end when the far ends tml support or ged fora member with viable ros pectons on Gita lb ae, , The feoend momenta Map and Moy due to sttlement of (Ge = 8/0) a Malate to A ean be found hy eating Moe = Mrs =0 = Ointo the sght bande af Bap. (69). Ths reering Hl ast Kao Sill + Cu rr) TE oat Kad or Sut + Cra In he chock proouefor moment dition the formula (tunge fared) = Glave aif) us bown usd inthe css of members with eonstan ee ston. ‘The creping formula fer members with variable eos setions ea Be found by solving Bs. (0) for es aad, which ae ax) pias = Meas) BA Oa ‘Scample #4. Analyst continuous beam shown in Fig 27 by the | ‘momeatictribudon method. Draw shear and moment diagrame, ‘Sete the lati cure 284 srariesuny iwoersnwivare srmverones Sotuion. 1 = Ofer momtery A and BC. From Example 68 va == an) - (2) 0m (oun Spm AB: y= : (2) ane (i) essn (arora — esto) = (25) cases ‘re yownyT-pisrarsurioy werHoD Moment Dirbon (Regular Matai) (ce Teble 84-1) Go mm a.m | HZ) oar Gayeaen a) al Som 2m smaricauny reersaurxaee sravervREs Moment Disribtion (Model tess Method) (coo Tae 812) {12, Moweer Daranumen (onse eres us wowsns-pisrarpori0N METHOD oar sas 44 Ran EB) > smn + 2am (222060 81) (049 ) = Hs kip lags. Sketch tho elatie sure Solon, Tor values it feug Kay sud Kes i sat AB snd Kom axa cs Mons = Hla + Ke = +.19m2 + 179020) (2% 0) (0 ine 2 THEE xB) Moree = 455 pit Monent Die oan Diba lar Md ae Monet Dian Moifed Sa hal ee S51. Mower Ds a eer eae jee or rstins boat and on afer moment digzamy and the elas curve, 2. Sly Pars 1 to 100 ye mame tion (CHAPTER IX Hp METHOD OF COLUMN ANALOGY 58, General Intredecton, ‘The method of salam, snalony is most a ae bmn and curved menbecs wth tv0 fel 7, set i et men ber ih wo fed me “en pts an of at awl be euler. ‘The nase ofthe elma ote apes Be Sts hi ae al nt lun es tl of en she tabs, bw he moan a pe Oe cin ig mien tay te en te eth re oc she and earn demand edo shen ‘odin ttt col i bl See a ef ey ee oe co ad oe ny tied Paco Mes “rah Dead et Cn a cate sie te he of ed ond nig wn ae ret pal of he nd manent an aig ii ate a ba oar oo a Be cnthtttn 8 g ib, Tie nen ne Ae rd acco miners entrancing pa ag dnt ele 2m one sand a de mani embod toe ee sca dip eve aE 0 ane et ac A = te at Scout Fr ay Fg, 208 = ae wore gn othe oe 2 EB ya mem at A 1 eer of 2 inne tern A and hk Boe Fe moment aga) _ mnt’ momen ee [Mori stow 2 ea oe a brsrion of cou aNatooe 2. “ard prsre on tlt a asm, deteminate omen, nutans Se determined to arty the condone of geomet) i 20 srarrowur evoerseacvare sraverunes Now if an imaginary short cclamon with a eras action an sho Big. 280s 0 visual that elongating onthe tp of oa iShenomm dagen homme aban etn c ok ee ae Sato en derail i re ct Fo Nom oi of gen en am ol ?: RO Gressp, alll lh “q sp ‘Gonatant EF ‘tog clon er al eae) All ae Sie Oris igmatyny — yt crag Se ee pee on aes {pts (mors aor ae te) Celumin sin equity reason of th two conditions stated above, abich ae (1 otal load onthe top i eal te the teal peccesee el ottom and (2) moment of loud shout B iaqual lo the noone ahs sre aboat Bhs the oeding diagram (Eig 288) ile | epee renga (Fig 259/) ean bo deteriora 1 is necary to etalsh sign convention to be fellownd in eubon went work. This gn oovento inl Cig, 20), 1. Leading on top of col i downward iH, (taal momen, a ‘otent due tothe appted ouing on inple beam 4 a Icahn the lave of sits) i postive, whied means that it cosas soe on the outa, Oar on he corer 1 ing th met of et natin he io ein ida aa sh as irae ‘Shmn ageolh am e mf nna Scat ig and” Howeey hee ion i geonery, ey (2) sbaage of slope Dobwoea Aan 2 srarteauy rwoerenwixare sravorvees election of from tangent at A = 0, can be applied tothe me 8 previously consequently the method gran of Tg. 211 and ogy 9 decried ‘This in lnding the fxed-end marten ating ob fhe eek Sg matic member dus to the applied lauding hy the setint at co in Fig 24110 eam sl be appa. asaloy ts neceaay only to determin le preaure oF Soe fends when the slags cola e loaded with the 3f diagram A or ae ‘Ma can then be fund bythe elation . C= A, = ay Teta to be noted at he en convention ily Teo Brample 86. Determine 1 eae OM) ae gad moments for the oar shown in Peng en beef apne Fig, 20 by the method of staigy Solution (efor to Fig, 248). The simple beam moment dng eto ‘the uifonm Lad sap ae wend long on te top ofthe nna sous calumn teemwe ins compression cs the eu oe Poot celine aoe 'op) of the eam. ‘Th presre along the ase of the elu fs ‘ant in cis can and is cua to the total nt divided ea tho clin, Pros = ME = mt Thus at A oe 2, a, a d= lt v= My ‘Tho minus sgn for Ma (oe 3 Alietion as te eases comprent Te thoy = Mao ult eneaetie aaa 1) indicates that 4 (or 34) isin such im the inside (or botorn) a the ba unrop oF cour arratoor ey Anerete Solution (fee to Fig 284). ‘The moment diagram do ire at B eng on catever Reus fied at and [Spotl nen gunn Toading ow she top of tbe mologous clu Bo pee 2 eompreton an the inde oF Dotto) of {he chathe premier at 4 and B can be fund by tho fmol ‘he beam. The pes see otro) _ cotrimenc, Mey at A = ~~ Se Oia ears “ i Mz = Qlyat 4) ~ (feat 4) ‘up watuop oF COLUMN anacooY 205 seumtiiy = 34-2) f= Matas sna o[z]e [ee] 3p -200p=2 bia + ond when acting at the eentruid of the column se . Na RY rtm Delrin th sod moc the ean hon Wg iby the ned fon woe eee) My = Gast at r. ‘The minus sen for Aa (or Ms) indicate that a (or a) in in seh ‘necton sto eane competion on the ase of botos) a he awn S04 (or. -Aaternato Solation (efor to Fie. 247) Satton rfr ta Hig 246) fet ‘Total downward oad on the ean ~ area of ple bemmorent diagram (Fe) w =P 20 sraricatby INosnenusars sreverenes Va nae abiaakioed ‘Total upward load on the column oor it be te z ae ee eae F__ pan pe Eat T WOVE ~ 319 GL — 2) es = 5] [a] =o Bre eect ; eel eretieaeed 2 a0 Sa se ela a yom ra en Ma = [fat A] ~ (4, 0t A) ee Fe ited "the eangeoverfactar (CO) from 4 to Bas been Sade upward «ag ny be considered equivalent tothe sum af the to eantlever frames Note thats and yae the onsen? nin Wig 2010 sale ‘Theseat any potas Pin the nn of 40 Fe. 20, «oon, and y = patineso (oak oul to ew the mints Hen the tame Pi Beeive guint, shod be aaa fr (cn Sn Ee eR oe rica aa ow smi curved nemter APCR ital nomen reo petri they ean compronna oe TT 3 tral ae APC na fide Thay for ie fame of ig lean the pa a infaitosinal segrent fp datrsiel) ence mca de at Po which then’ : Fi, 250.” Fi consider potion re ten, Shh compraion on the ouais (a the weed sent a B= Met Oe + Hav — Vos) ay id x and y re he sori of Prefered ta Das erga. Noto yt peau ese, in By (21) en mgtve gua for al tion of Fon tho franc, roland Nv and vera ipso ak ide tod over a ns segue dea te 810° srartoanuy swoerapuavase srevervnes "un staan oF ctxoar saan a Gaye # ee ¢ an Sano t9- Sisto Zs ye ano uid in th gency Seaman, te oat Am abd ar at D due to the action of Mf over all the segments throng herder ‘Ml abi A Bend GD chad Secale pose = Da Sade A tte = + SME SM ae Sa na Se 4m Sat re Sato Taataea = SME SH, Sas Now i to the given sructur of Fg, 258 rigid arm OD joining the sti center O'and the Saad support D attach, the equivaloas +n 4 ota at D ~~ J) Made Sir © In which x andy ao the eoordaatos referred o Das origin. Rout (038) ate in efect the thro simultancouy eations which would, ctu of Fig. 2586 willbe obtained. Since arm OD sid and cannot ‘btined ifthe meth of cosistent deformation wore usd. eformed, tho ottion and hovsonal wd vere deta pint fc alin equal to mre. Lt. fm Hy sed be tho thee unknown fudant reaction compenans Co net a the elastic center I the etter jp substicute forth eter Din, (138), erry ary ra - roe ao vat sn Shae ar ae =r. Stan sro = SMH Sab See +n Sine ‘hap ofthe given srt with a hina at any point eat 18 (oo Fig. 252. Reersng tothe ane and cy ry the aie ‘symmety), Jt A, Zap Ze and J be the ate ad the momenta ef net ofthe atalogourcoan eetlon "hen, by dina, ive ony 9 an an a ene. In whieh xan y ae the eoorinates refed tthe elas eter, pant se oigin.Sabeititing Bae. (12) ito Ene (128), Megat oe Men — 2LA/BD 0 MEE tate oe tom — BAD SS Msg va een = SGA ar Yom + aeaven "Tho total moment fat any panto the given srt is ogo Ba a Aa + Hay Vor a whore 2 and y ae cordaates refered 1 the ease center ax ai Substituting Fas. (10) ncaa, (127, yon (LE O80 Oo | the MSY diagram i cms to acta Loca on the Lop of alg column, the nm ofthe tes terme he bracket of Ba. epresnts the pressure st any pint (3). ‘This presse wil be call Mie) ) t MeaM.= mM, a Te has ben pointed out tfor that nthe aplication the metho ‘caste detormation there arin goer evel wa of chong th tha detente tracee._-Anothce wey of deiing» basis deta rato erasure frm the quadrangulr frame with tro eed muppeta howe as Fig ta to en ach ase the edendast ae My, Mn He, no the condos of womeley reared art ts, 62 = 0 N trl ght gs NEN 1s merHon oF conus aNauoor a pst D = 0, When aig arm joining the late conte end tho Bae fupport Dr attache, its cen tat Fig 2544s cquivalont to Fg 26 Hig ane to Fg. 20%, and Tie Uf to Fig, 29 boone thei ct Juin nt fw Hy and Va which ean be found such Ost th fucmens at any point inthe frame of Fig 2647 i the samo as that 0 Tig B6te" Ths th momeat Mat say point n be fee of Fig. 206 Inthe sm ofthe Meo Fig, ead the (M+ Hoy ~ Vor) of Fg Dui Thon slong ta Fig Bad of, Ma Mt Me + Hoy — Vor In which + andy ane she ordinator refered to the elatic center ricn. ‘Thrsfore ican be concided that, in applying the method o Roltmn anuloy, M, maybe the sical moment a any base detent Hirwtave wish abe derived fram the ven seuctre with Ww fae AU tummary of the method of colon snalony in asain quad angular fun with one naa of symetey and to xed suppor Folowing tems shoud be noted: I. The lading othe top of tha analogs sola is equal to th MB dsgrcn, wie Mithoataliol moment in ary bale dle Hirvtare derived from the given fase. The loading inthe dover Mvston i M, epost, which mente et cass cmpreson a aie 2, The eros scion ofthe analogous cluzn consists ofan ae, th hap ef which i the saoe gta ofthe given fume and he thisknae shih sequal to 1/80 The moment at any point of tho ra ee Mes the presure on th Holton of the anslogoue column at ty Point under consideration, fea, is gual ee ‘Premple 90 Annigee the quad ete angular fame shown In Pig. 28 ty th method of ean analogy “alt srarrester iwosreeutvare sravorenes Solution. ‘The properties ofthe analogourcolumn tin wll Getermined, ‘Tho analogoureclinn seen by considering Ef to ‘ity is shown in Fy. 200 Tt he noted that the wits hee, to 1/BL, iin fect very smal 0 that tho aren in wet een tially casiered ura lne ares, ‘Thus the moma of reno lin aren about is own contol ssn in te rection of the “get qual to 0, Properties of th Anaapo son Soon (Pi. 206) 4 = 0018) + 0) = 8 9 BOO 5 risy t= ons + 2[ 30+ aaa] nae 1,- WED 5 eae = 2 Far purposes of tration, thie diferent ato of lang on ‘nalogous column hy chosing Uo dierent basic drtnainate, ars wll be uly work ot (oo Fig. 203), Cave (00 Table 01 an Fig 297) P= 64.4 132.472 = 668 upward Ma = (490)(1.386) + @2)e4885) — (64) @.118) = 6782 tiocevie My = (anger) + (482 + 72)0) = 9.9227 doobwie Tm Table 00.1 the signs fo the vals In the (2/4, [Nay [af/1] clara ate dete rine hy inspection. or instance, ah a onl a (0 apse ecm ie bias (0B samp en amos tension, which considred negative, tall Bn trcsleen Missle abe cake andr sts n the column, caw arom ho vik de; oo nt neve peor re SRE ge a {hive nepive prewar a) snd and poaive premure a aod. 816 srarzeauur synanseuinarn sraverUREs ‘uw MBDHOD OF COLLIN ANALORY ar (Cae 1 (oe Table 902 and Fig 207) P= 184 96-4 250+ 488+ 82 That npwant a, = G)G8) + (96 + 59).115) + G86)0.118) ~ ONV888) = 25570 couteriodoe My = (256).389) 1 486 + 39010) ~ 18100) S083 counterclockwise Cove HE (ot Table 903 and Fig 267) Pa rey to 4324 614 18 38 downward 1M, = GNUO18) + (2+ 64 + 1288.11) — €72}0.880) 1 fis locke Mg, = G24 76) + GAKAET + 6G.S39) ~ (12H,0.067) T1413 eoumterdocvnn 5 ie = s +6 = 40. “The results oblained fron the thie diferent ese cece reasonably vel within he alts of seuraey, ‘The answers ase 2, = —1258 kp compresion inside Ay = “10682 kip empresa ise AMC = —260 pt compression inside M5 5 42628 Kt compronson ste ‘The fee bay digrm, noment diagram, and he deformed ructure era shown in Fig. 98 TWistobe noe Sha » Lai detenninatesretare can alo bo derived toy acng ts hinges exer or aterm ae he ce may be) a Uw of the fr lotions 4, , a8 D. “0 y a oe yh mt of oft IB Met of avon Aig Aped Clan Pane aise cee ries with ato ames ahr Subjected to a-alosng leds or may be pponed ty cena as ao ii deed anc lio ts retinas et bore are show in Fg. 28. Ie no nota sas tat ra metry elt ely othe proprio te fee, ma oe ae srt en ofthe fame, sl we to Apel up nh mo th he ay a Se evnaring scum ithronat ote sce Cah eterna by ne can Pt of he ing nad th oe Fane o 08 hi Pein andthe pints tn enh in ofthe at be cag rach a a0 wd Ay sue aBrHOD OF COLUMN ANANDOY oopetively, dhe hat shear, and moment aeting on points 4s [Pet ows in Hig 2G, wherein, by ream of wai, Mas = Ma B= Hes Fara ‘Now if the potion ofthe pit Ay and the distin ofthe tangent st x Nehakd tee acealy thc arene xed when the doermed fen et ti th two external support) iis obvicus that the dy 4, and dr AE As lative to Ay should all bo ser Ths, when the method of cn ALO Elation fe ued, the redundante Ms, Hay, and Vas a0 bo ‘Tecnainat by oolving the ce simaltaoous easton sma to Pas, aeialy abet punk Dia Bae (12) a now replay point As abd $72 ne satel moment dae to the appli nding nthe ent (aver tre aed at Ayan fee at A-Team joing th pint As (SVC Seats ctr Or atachal fo she famo of Pi, 270, he eau At aoe of ig 200i obtained. Since Ose a iid sem snd can ‘So be deformed ihe Ay, end Ay of point O elative wo point As are ‘im allzro, ‘The roduadeta Mo, Ho, and Vo oss now be dterine’ by felon the equtios sinier v» ye. (128) ef (126). follows a. (125) can be sed to determine the moment at any poke a fearon of Fig. 27, and ths tho method stim selogy wens Art 0 can be equally applied 4 the salle stg ‘sof symmetry ‘The disurion relating to the sign convention and the powity honing ferent be determinate tractree ae give in Rot toca ‘sppied to love frames he sane ner ‘Bennple 91. Analyse the cows elonglac fen own in Vig. 2 by the method af eon snalogy ee Solon, Properties of he Anatagousclunn Scion (Fg, 2710) 4 Baa + ere) = core Oa Tem ees) + @ MO” — gea.05 anes + ya" Yor parpowe of illutation, tm diferent cus fling on the sul pcs clan by chewing owe diferent ae determinate setter be fully worked oat (we fig. 272), me METHOD OF COLUMN ANALCOT Es 1 “a aS 4 eae I sages pie 82 srarrcauey swoxremurvare sraverones / fre apruion OF COLUMN ANALOGY ms 2 | s ea Caso (0 Tube 91-1 and Fle. 272) Pin 124 402-4 04-4288 r2y28) ~ (O05) A srartoasr monreavinare sraverunes ame I Go Tale 8-2 ad Fig 372) Pig bast e+ io — 22 epend) ML ODES Thea + 044 +4 ~ xm) ot (onmtantet ve) M, = Gn)" 40) 2m OE8F — 48} — AK = 1,141.4 (counterclockwise) may sh 2 Analysis of ble Paros by he Mothod of Column Analogy. A oem wih on wu ymety auch tho on own in Fig. 24 | 4 Mz = -HIRA5 kip compreson outside ‘The treebody diagame ofall membrs and joint, the moment di ram, and Uhe deformed suet are shown ne 23 fect 1 Ath detains hv rh maa fo iy analysed by the metho of oa seslogy in the ame manner Giike qumdengitar ene with two fed support. In eterno the Mate af ineetin ofthe analogeu-cotunn section forthe gable Fro, ia neesnry to ind fhe toment oie fa ine are aout & tril aca which vata sale wih he destin ofthe ne. From [sbety int 0 ba=2 fi dateda a0) example $2, Analyan the gale frame chown in Bg. 27 by the nao of ete analy. ‘ ee itoaa oleae Vomsoin 395 srartcauur iyoeemestvare erxvervees Eee eae a Solon. Propet of the Anaoyucaluo Section (ig, 2738) awe ee A= BEML) + V2.3) - 250 9 = 10) = 2.3516), = 2908) soe 1 0[2s amass] +0 + (1118) 8.42)9 = 424 4 = @aoviny +21 ) a ss) 0)] ands on Top of We Analores Column (Pe 277) s he anawery are (ne able 22-1) 1M, = My = +6868 kpsteompsionoutae MS 2a = "ab ip compression is A, 2 40865 kip eomprosion tse ‘Porreactongshearant moment agree, nd the deformed stuart, a a sce aang 88 i Renate: Tame Antes ae le fe dan ia ig 278 by the copegss sche ‘re conpreson ite peck acters ater let aariptet NS callie Pom Cini, ah ‘Solution. ‘The properties of the analogous-columa section have been See determined in Example #2. Se Te eu Clann (Eg 29), Telrng 0 Ti AE OMA — 3878 evans ae fae ee eee Ay = (@)(L8)2230) = LLB ae “Ay = (G)(270)(30) = (4(30)(10) = 2,600 Pine s A pet eiaoeee Distance from cntold of Ay tothe ft support = (2700108) — (100 25) 200, ~ ooze ‘Thus, on th analogous column, P= 2000 + 1118 ~ 22118 upward te = 00) @457) — (118)12) = 21,192 locke ‘My 800} + (111.8)08) = 89077 lacewan ‘The anion a (se Table 98.1) 2M, ~ —10120 Lp comprenin inside 2G = 4842 kit compression ete ‘Me = ~2.78 Lp comprenion inside {Mp = —33.70 hip compression ince My = 4550 kip compreason lee ‘or reaction, seas and moment diagrams, andthe deformed stage tare, te ape 6 rue seexuop OF COLUMN ANALOOT ep = 8 0 380 staricauy inpermaty, el 20, te ete me to pdioa byw Sia he, —_# (88, The Method of Colum Analogy Ay soe sy mogul fnnen. The mtd of any cr ‘sot atop rnc a ane spate an ted ote seed ag Tana lange eon Fig me wsPmOD OF COLUMN AVAIOGY a of content deformation reste the sluton of thee simultaneous ot coke he nthe of cluna anogy, however, the moment at Cree ot ts ane ea detrmined by & ae pronedure ee ofam of determining the pocare at any pint {a coke witha animeetfl eres seston doe to th combined ation of Ja te Pathe ent and bending momonta about api of mataliy a etirongh te cniva ibe dgcomed Ret Cone se uw fe Fig 2810, Tes subjected to the dower Noadn Py Ps Poot atthe points (2), ean Col ete By tbe ast cities ihe lute Py Po ae, own ia Fg 2616 can be Pisce by P, Marind Mf shen in Vig 2510. Thus, Pn Ppt Pak Pet +7 = 2P down Mor Bye Pant Pact o> = 2Preteckwion G31) MD Dien} Pony Pant + = Bsclekvie in which Py Py Pa ees are oonidoed postive when acting downwart srr so, raps Genny, are coontes of the pnts of appon Tee pa cee eer to the centro as ra. “at the asption of planar dtrbuton of pressure over the 8 seston the prure 9 a ay pin) can De expressed By probit os) ihre the constants and «can be determine from te three eget Too stato aie, [irunP [fang — as) [Los =m 882 sraricansr rupevswtvane semvoronas Syste (12 Ee (8) a ot Gfstt=o [Oraemo fereran, [Anes [f= e4 = 1 te atorng ts equation ae stand Pe ftraa~ ica bor onan Me = ff @aaven Ait bey tamed yah 4 [seca +e nett wca pee myx [Loan = fee ven onen me ftean ty [zea te [ten Signet tey a Batring is, (184), (195), nd (190) fr, an ad ) co) mal) nema) 0-8) in wtih na the qucrangolar fame mathd of elu slog wil etl pn ne ee te gene re yl ie ‘Tibia pndraner mes xen Oh a nO spa ron aon + Sf ae fe AE i Xe ee ‘Total Au at = Mae + ate +H), siete oe a ar had ane epee niu i pte et ene ne Dt DME Pence Bote Deen ene Date Sees Seek Into Be. (25, ‘ms wer n0D oF cous ANALY 1. The ang on the top f the analogous enturn I elt th se pag in tee dwar vein Me Tee ai yuaee compression on the outaide. ieee ene tha es Fee The properties of the suslogourcolumn section enay be found Srl ye ng eh Ne ng 20 Mal Sethe popes a Fo os Fel te tn eat My — (pe Mge ME} wt ae Mitty a= son dlty, Mc2y /6 ad y= Mi a a i ma P+ Mod = A Ml at, Boling Pgs (10) for to Hy and Vo Driers My i, — staid, Sloe) in coma Bate tn Snes ft Tm MS Me We sa poste ; Sane anche umd uadangle fae shown so arta th meta fe a ‘ld ‘The sum ofthe hr teas in the bck soa ans ee We 0 en te je sable to told 7, My and My When P= an de Me= Myton ee and y= 3h pa ‘opoue column will be designated as Mi, "Tha i wom, Me faa sume ofthe metho of etn fetal qudranglr aes With tw aed appeal ee Sie two fixed supports, the following items. ee eames © MO srarteatuy tvonreeuivare sreverunes THR METHOD OF COLURN ANALOGY a Slaton, Propet fe Arent Stn 29) * x 4 = asic) + aa + 40x 31 2 = C310) + 6) + GO2) ” Shao 4 4 a 9 C8ED +00 + HO) _ pany DES” + asna2se + wrs21 + 200” 4 coool zi f= OD" + cae2i9"¢ was +240 5 aeons Pie “he 7, = 056.07) + D2" oy o005 + a0) .006" : if fe = 5) +O t Bs 3 =n Bs B72 = Gi sonsy-2as + (tome sen c | “Pc +-0905 4094 : ; = ann . | Caer Geum Labeda ee (78) - sin [1 ~ aS, 3 = oaanytorrh Bo (6 A) - wasniortn ces 3 y x ads on Top of Analogone Clune (Fig. 24) Cotes Tables 9-1 and 962) ra o per 4 ‘hs ample i eon 5 -— ee ee efi os wpe | 28 | touee | saaee “Le a SS ee eal = tom) ~ einer $2128 ape > Mey = crm ~ cena HEE BE a Gained J. alt nh pin esr ed cy a ‘oie haa Bae ‘srarioduey iypsrenurvare soevorune ‘we aston oF COLUMN Arann om cose (0 Tables 048 and DID = (42aTo) — (50h 9 EET = 9.50 831.5) — (424670) TENS = 07186 Yr reaction abnar an poment diagrams and the deformed tus tare one Hamp nvr tay thd 1 A, The Method of Columa Analogy Applied Unsrmmosical Clore ietiens The mothod of clunn analog ea be use sual wey Freee ceed men wen ouch fra aro subjected t the appl Pra has een sated tisk the procedure of analyzing dowd ee scn oom ania of srmmsiy i simfar to that for quadeanguae {Eanes wil ou ats of aytmetsy and mo cod uppors. Thus ie a etc anaysing unaymeteal quadrangular, anes with £70 OTE saan cunmarne a the ead ofthe preveding arti an be fond oppor the analy of tnayrametiealclwed fren, ‘The ‘long cample wl stat tho detaled proesre, 340 sranioainy INosrenutsare sreverenss ample 8. Analyze the unayrmtesel led fae shown in 2850 by the metal of soln analogy Solon. Propetin of the Anaapoecoten. Secon (Eig. 280) 2d) + 22200)4) + ea) + a) S448 toa isn (010) + 1) + ata) (6) + 4.502) Taiz Bits ties 13.038 9 = 10 + 0) + 115)445) + (129.5) TR = ID ary = aera + BE rari + 20" + a yer808 2 (J) + ws =a 1.— (vain + amie + WO. asso coueseor (4 nun ee te = cnceoasay ya) — DUB" (1 vie) aa) + 12H a498( 3.7956) +) -Ss10Co0 4H) + (8b) -H0.4855)(~0.7855) 50.208 ) + rye amam peer ee eet eee nt Th) neuf) = ono alent] ayo" hi Poneman cas Ines Tipo ai on ie 28) Srarioauny Iwoerentvare seavoreRes TUE warHoD oF couuMN saraLooy as ‘Case (ee Tube 95-1) ~ s64 — 10750 = —1905.00 s) 3.7148) (—804)(+0.TH4) + (167 90)(—8 886) 130 = 144)(—3. 8187) + (806 —5.5167) + (—197.90—2.5167) = S578 = (08199 — ceszmsn (38828) < srru08 ~ crs) = an.30 (GES) — ssa Cou I (oe Table 95-2) 210 = 4976 — 102 ~ —a77.48 218)(-+0714) + (40.478) —8.7856) ++ (—192)(~07856) 1026 216)(—S.5107) + (—s9.470)(-40.988) + (— 100/448) aa ade = cenan — Garran (5288) — saroot M, ~ at = china ~ cr0an (52229) — a ‘The fe-body grams, moment agra, ad the deforae struct | se shown in Fig 237 ‘Startoaiuy iwpsreRuiNare sreverunes esa “ ee AO ng oad a nifg ger 42 q ae [Oso sete" Cnn by ga ihc tm cHAPTER x. ANALYSIS OF FIXED ARCHES 6, General Desrpton, A fied arch is cured member with two fixed nipperts The fxod atch may be symmetcical about veri (Db lig 28h) or neymmetnen (Bg. 2680). A sod arcs completely oti te i salad when the Gras she, ad moment at any sctonperpedleie Tart the rch ane are Koon, ‘The thr, sully i the form of a Dn he ttal ore ating » dcetonporpendicua to th section UES census sons, a te total force acting in wdietion Dre! the section, ‘Th noment, Meo total moment about the venta centroidal ac in tho sro action, In regard to che signe for N,V, and M, sh drstons as down in Pig 260 ate pote 4 1 in apoaent thas the Ura, dar and moment at any ttion ot fad ar can be realy detained by tho lowe of sation the sx reseton componeaa atthe two fed supports ure known. Sino, ty “hnodering the whole src at a rt body, only thos independent cq (lime ean bu made by un ofthe principles of sate, th fae ech in Sots indore to he third degre. The elastineeter aad he ‘Gohumnaaalogy method, ne wl edison in th ext atl, ar ‘oat coven meds of snnysing the fed ach 346 sramieatty repsraeunvare sraverunes As io true of any satiety indternnaegtructure, the propertin the faed arch rast be completly knows fer it'ean Be analysed ‘Ts before analysing om arch «design ohnt be assumed From the reat of the ening una, the Bret aera arch sy be ml nd, if necomery,renalymd.” The proedure shuld be repented nl ‘ho fet adopted arch eam asin at al srtons the thrust shar, and ‘moment fund inte al analy, ‘While «sed arch may be used fr tole or bridge, ix analyis ea twat be performed by eansructngininnc ies fr the rention sate Donen or the moments at eta evenly spaced tie, Una th Postion of five load for maxims combined trom at any sree ‘letermine by the evteronformasimam manent, ad the eorespnding sear and thrust are then found tora thi landing poston. Ta El ‘Shaper th dieuaon wile ited vo he determination ft foe lines fr the various antinori arch nt properties ar gem Tn fact fr this purge, oly the shape of the rch av nd Ue late sire ofthe mune fier a diferent secon ave reque., They the fet of temperature, srinkags, ib shortoning, ac fonda ‘eligi be besa” th aiter cums, th colle des of th nomen of inertia aro rogue, 8, The Fistiecener Method va, the Colamn-analogy Method. Ths Intense ine fora eertin function i dee! tho graph showing tha ‘arition ofthis fonction when awit load moves aos the spat ae {he problem of analysing ued arch recent that of ft ding the six reaction compoaents en tho init load taken vareue postions Uavally the shape ofthe atch axe and the way in mich tho mower! ob Inert vation slong the spn donot Bt ato any maleate eaten ‘The carved morber,homever ean be eoaidered tobe made of fe ‘umber af straight segment each of which fas a conan! tonsent a Inertia. “Thus the sigh fame ABCDBPG ne shown in Fig 290 i i tffrt a faed arch, Of curse, the mov divisions that are mad in the eh, the more accurate wil be the rls "The quadrangular sen ith two Bed supports can bo cosidrel as a “spar” with ‘only three finite memtere” ‘Thin the Tahed of eckmn analogy at AVALYSIS oF FrxED ARcus at epi nth receding chapter canbe dec api othe asl “Tas enetings been cone tink tre are two metho of. siya i fed cy unl the Ssiowotr metho an Se yt” my hw ode xed Soya a toc iol wighly erent the ual ST de moe at ay cston founda th setter method Ihe ta Vom it undo he nomen any seidan decibel tthe bending monet in «canoer suc “EmCDEPOD taal at and fe te Gate canter O (a 200) oF Met Met Hoy Yee. 19 the ola omen! ia coy son's diecty determined fom the ean STi, Ae se i she pcre nth algae clu (Fl 392), mined peers wl be gpd for su thn analy eel ach nore vals of Bo itd Vo sr ot for any ening Pston aus dasi-onersebod; andthe momats at the let ‘Ep atin) ae en, ap ‘Ge cpnging aruda nthe coumoransy ati. Of ee TE elas rss both meds stl a, 2 fat wich somes chat god check (or rtf mista whi bo ie apes spur coating the momen er coven seu ofthe forma died in the presing tuple nso sid er bath shelled umn rch, PoP Eon a 4 = endedinats eter to the eats centr as on. [ae-0 [g-0 MB srarieauuy iwoxranurvare sreverones For symmetries! ashes Mew mga Me % on G Hom Ht ren a Me Mm Me Mo + Hoy ~ Vox (latiocenter method) 1 = Af, ~ 4 Coama-anaogy method) es 1+ 42) + or uneymsoetica artis, ae PIP ~ Me (Column-anaogy nthe) or esrlanatin of notation snd derivation of th shove fom, reader treo ve a 7 {he Purp of shoving the dae prosedare fa sppbing shore fern se dal fom ofthe a sand way af ea tthe con set lb damn ne snempln wi Tolos Yar nal roe of arth alan wag of waren ef castes te edt tere otra dw o tha Ul ec ed ,Tnduonce Ling for a Syetel Fae Arch Eramle 66. Tor thermal panel fur ach shova in Pig 208, ra infence ins for) the oven econ tte et ee Sethe na Raymond CR “Rune Caner Dn ‘hops, D Win Sn Ins Yak bee a ae ANaLyats OF FIXED ARCHES 248 Ing, () the veri ceation a dhe lft rnin, (0) the veri hear ‘he rove, (i) the moment atthe lt splagng, (tie moment atthe ‘tartr pine, anf) the moment a the sown, Solution. ‘The arch rb wil be replaced hy ght Site agents a8 epreceated by AB, RC, CD, et. (Fig 204). ‘The moment of intia Fdete ae of gent 418 wil be considered to be onatant and ol to that of the tection perpondular tothe arch ans at the pont Ic Als, point 1s ‘oridered to bo the sentria gest AB, andthe omen oy preduct inert of sogment AB aboat ayes troagh point wll epee ‘The same asmplons ae made forall ober vpmeat. "The moment inertin ofthe section through the crowa,B, wil be called, nd the ‘moments of ner at ectons through points 2,3, ee, il be exposed interms fF, Tn computing proper of the snalogourclumnn sation 41, wl be considered equal to unity, ‘Th points on the inaence nee wl be plated asthe unit lod takes nucoomvey the positions By CD, ,F,Ova0d H. Tecan boshown tha, om account of racy, comp tetios of redundant fer loaing potions F 0 and H ae aol never fer Instance the reaction somponnts st the ig springing when tbe it eed iat C wl be the samo as thow atthe left springing when the ‘tld eat. Propet of the Analovurcolumn Section (Pig. 294) (oe Table 961) ‘Sample Caladation for Segment CD (Pig. 205) evaysi8 oF FIXKD ARCHES 31 nthe computations fr th value f the ree daaiesenter method, wad also fr the ‘unt Kon tho clam In Table 062 ae ante My Ha, a ves of the momenta at the points A,B, ay mithod. i ge ace showa the fr body diagrams for the eaaivalent cattuee: Arche with the rig arm ottached ad al for the give Fee mn the unit lade ae ab 2, C, D, and B, respectively wmf a eves caf aS et HR Ge nf 4, tad nenene yea wd wl Soi 3 one ona im get ot ch Reith Toe meal satel mei, ani an eet apuatete me 366 srarreauee inomranurvave sreverenss g = 4 : Sag, g Bo (Oban heoee ‘hes, kaa Tis tobe ed shat the motnnt at A, Band ean be founds the ‘hnting moment onthe eattever atracturo ued the vals that found Breas cek withthe obiined by (My ~ AM) in th method of column sales "Btu plttieg the intaence Tins, advise to make the acm ponalog Ritts table (Table 63) Note how the infuence values FerUGF sade at FO, end Hl canbe picked up by inspection from Pig "Th reuiedinence Hata are drawn in ig 207. sus, rh ed elt, re tr tn (obverse thw, (te meet hla sing, (9 Semen ‘2 tes nae e oman athe cove (8, Tetuence Lines fran Unsrmmetial Fined Arch ‘Eeample 9 Tor tie amgmmetieal poral Sed. ach chown in ‘ig, 28, drew nuns lines for) tho horizontal enti sco eft ‘sraricauby INoRPEBuANare srRDCrURES ) rsa oem cee oor ine, (the vertical rneion atthe ee springing, (6) the vers ‘shea atthe crown, (2) tho moment tthe ft pinging (the noma ‘tthe quarter point, () th moment at he crows, and) the mason the righ springing. Solution. “The ach ib wi be replaced ty eight finite a roprestated by AB, BC, CD, ete, Fi. 20) Fiza ag] = nee someon ft | | tohave constant moment natn equal to tha tts mda, whieh 4s consdered to bo tho centroid of the sme I. the momst of Inertia ofthe vertical wtctin atthe croway Be onslered eal ‘nity. Moments of iertia ofthe segment bout the nse trey et (orn cone re nelote, ‘Wa to benoted that in this example ll compton ate cared to a ‘unuoval degree of wore, This x done a that heck can be shove ‘the end In an ctl dasgn praber ho mal fo three o four sgeoan gure Properties of th Analogoursotamn Seton (Fg 298) ce Tabte 97-1) a (Heel + 92 seers mosromavacysreverons ' le si) “axausts oF riven ancres evarreatay moersmunvare sravervess q N ANALYSIS OF FIXED AncusS ar } 866 srarvcarar wwopnsewinare. srmvervmes The fd arch saualyaed freight loading conditions: ant toda B,C, B, HF Go 1 apple singly and then unt eden Brat iy oe Tate 2)” for un ode applet 5° 2, ox the tale dtecninate auetare ema wie oe Ao ‘ape canicver struct ed abd and fr at Foe en Spaled snnly t fo 1 the single canner svete fey nt and fm a8 At che uth has dteminate sean eed ioc wee ie ee eeepc aera eee aan prt oe renee ee sacle Seperate eee cee wah as a 2g an anf irc GE Ta 30 (ontnad ‘the cantilever srvetares shown in Fig 000 to-h. Thee ean Structures fined at A aud fee ate slate eater are etjueted selling ores ad moments Which are compro ofall aoe wba fet on the chen ase deter acing we te dtc ont. "Te ‘by A = ME. = Min tho method of cara soley shoul ec vend Loy with thom determined a the bending moments ithe antenee "The foal eects onthe sed arch owing to the singly app one B,C, D, BF, 6, oc H mus be wae as the flee ing othe ati spp ls a all seven plats. "The vesifeation of thi fst see ‘a chork onthe conrctnes af the satiton, ‘The omparsons for Hg Vs, May Me, Mand Mx are Hated in Tata O79. The chek cass nth to be considered sniefactory. ‘i he apa | “anand sin eon) way sno ababy ‘The influence tae in which all aeeesry values for plotting the Feauired salen linge are recoded iv-gven ia Table Biot the quired inflame line are drawa sn Fg 0 lesa sen| Ces ieee x3 Ee BUS | a gat \wALYSI8 OF FIXED ARCHES so eee Thee “er aru ears eee Pein Te gic oman ei webs S70 sraricanay rvpsreaunvare sraverunes omar (q) he bata mtn a he a pla Be vase aa Been eat San eee AU the right winging. are 62, Het ol Temper, Shisage, ib Sor Se Tding "Any auc, shat Say Sees ie iat sted when aod sped, he geese th Etta dtemini,ne arenadona eae ir ligt sopra satya Sh icon ty hme mners"Iaaoae he cen ay Indira he hed deg, ll be ej So ae ae on componente deta cig kets osu ae Fors wish maybe a Flan sip, rol Soe ral idemens Te el ah eb of ent, ve ence to invest the fet ot sags.” 1 conc thn hese ef Sang fauivalnt to ha of temperate drop. Usual Ge se ob ‘Minos onred vob he east die tos da ae thereabouts, depending onthe proper fe eee fart Wheto th dict metodo he ent analogy me sed alg tn fed sche an or cane Neca fe vatnwal ety ty dy ad a ee sen unl ao when the tuple at avanysis of PirED ancHEs Ba ct gn he oso In aging nti oh es teen rain en support only te oft of moment ib ‘relia dation owen Sei ereasidere, fat th Greate in the arch ja sonar appresatie oun of shortening O 8 Cn eet ee pun ks pan wre not fed by te support Fee ono ta i sorenog usu etmated ot Sat is acs con be investigated inthe sn Way a that of Temperate don. i eens om, uae antes llc agar can be flv ening Problem (F902) un ianinnn d t opemnsioans? eee ‘say i craic pert pacino i eae eee sabttte sa gemma roast ‘downward atthe support B, will be eat 0 = a coantertoovin, ‘Seat = 0-1 vat tho ight stato = ame downward sertockvsedceton ofthe tangent a os fared oO a oii Xe tn ic np) rt comntet B fer to i Nie ia et amy sr pseu fal ma meat at any pont Powe tothe atin of hae ‘Ming racer omen A rien once Fat: (a at he defen comps "ere to tation of Mf on te whoo arch share 3 sraricausy twoxreRNars srevcrUESS: 10-4) Bt ounerlckvie a seat — ME pare + Meit = 4 Mes ty — Ya a ns Eas (142) to Bas (14), and aabtiatng 2m Mat Hay = Vea = « countersochise ich 1) Val m0 4 pe Wale — Vol = 14 0 us) Salring Bas (14) for Me Ho, and Yo, Von Baustions (140) ane she ‘rch when, and 2 tne) 0-420 42 aa) aa 4 so) ~ a+ ye) 2 “By cel forms fran nay eeu imetan ermal eal tase. Fr ymnata Ga ANALYArS oF FIRED ARCHES as teh fi Ft (40, Tr th mln, th fling table is propared. Bs Din tojornatl dpacoent | Mi igh eset Manenvua ot St When the cing acura support 4, pepo a eonsenient proc would he ta draw an oppositebanded pita of the accu tht the ‘Paling may thon happen atthe right eupprt aod the formulae i dbo eommanying tte eat this bw ui, - When Use eatin component gn Co cppsitecaned ah are foun, thos oting on He ie rk canbe determined by Inspection ‘Exasplo 98. Determine all ation componeni induced to act on the oymmetiea parabolic xed arch shown nig 905 du teach of the fellow eat a) a temperature vise of 30°F; () temperature op (of O°R; (0) suinkageequvant toa temperatne drop of 15° (2) mb S74 sraricauay INperwewivare sravorvRes ‘ortening aguivalen to an ail es a 990 pe throughout the arch (Go) rotational lip of 0.001 rad eountertochnie at seppor By fh Novisontal displacement of 020 into the nght at nano Bi) ‘oral stent of 0.250. down al suppor B Sy Soltis. The properton ofthe atalagous-cohinn section are take {rom Branple 9 and surmavied in Fig, 306 However, im thy poo sr” mie, sub? te ee ee oblem the tre vais of Bd, must be ‘ol in computing the values of Ail ed fy Thos 4 Mame soa om x uy HOOD nema, maze at a0 49 gi Ee = 55006107 ee inv tnegad ova {08 tpt rat sng gee ld eek Fig alfa tiat of edad carve, ch agree aie ie sal cre. The tangent 4 (or 8) pra teat ao Bh ANALYAIS oF #rxRD Anew as In Fig. 070, Ad’ = Lel/2 = BBY in which Li he span, ei the oer ‘Seat i expan, alte emperatare ds. Now the tangent a [i's made to cine with hat st 4, ass done in lg, $07, BB” = Let ‘Ain Vig tbe the unstraedarch Te necessary to ive the ht opport« beriontal diplaement 40 the It onan! to La in order to Ihalnai the orginal pan length, b,tetween the two fund supper ‘Th = Let = — (09160 10-4100) = —24 x 10> Apotyng th formulas a the tbl above, Me =o nas eee xierne ote BOAT exes ips Yen0 “The reaction componente ae shown in Fig. 208 A af ee raed ten omer hs egene e S 4b, A Tempertere Drop of 80°F (Big. 30). ‘Tha teh syan would become shore i th 1 wer fae to contrat, of the right mpoort Should be pull ot yan amount Lt Inline ep i A i i ala ie S75 sranieauuy INosrenurvane seavorvnes Semitea eiia erence et uate ce pose ‘aea5 x 10" = $0.28 pe Re Vo=0 5 Slrinkape Built to a Pemperatre Dro of 15°F (Pig 310) a“ x , H415)(60 x 10-9(80) = 472 x 10-1 Rib Starting Byun! ton Asi Sie of 300 Pa throghoe ae Arch i 310). etre epretltn bettered 0 + apiieay X80 = 19% 10-8 Me=0 fee meee 1 41025 x 10° Yen ANALYSIS OF FIXED ARCHES co ec A etadbnat Sip ef 0001 Rat Conntorochvise ab Support B i 23) s . Jomim e = +002 kip-tt +97 + ome x BH ye Seno 8 gore wo ea» ora ee var oe SoH J. A Horta Dialosnent of 0300 In. the Right at Serzert 8 ie 33) a= +0200 in Mezo Foc C2820 4008 oe es 10° we ae 14) 4. Vet! Send $0280, Denon Sept Be. sre arama acnoan eee ou Cae Buample 89. Dotermioe all wactlon components Indused to act on ‘the unset paral fixed seh shava ia Fg 318 duetoeachof he feline: («tops i f601; 9) stg dt Bre mane come Cateunce Tere shrine saan Shrine ry {Coban dope of 200 into te ht at suport BG) Pail wlan of 020 i, Soman at appr eset ania Gh atone ines toon ample ns merod sig ie ene fst eae sermon f . ANALYSIS OF FIZBD ARCHES a0 the true ele of Bt bo wed in computing the vals of A and 1 Tho suas __ aL 1 = Sage SLAB gets x 104 Te aota x 140) PG mee resarase mais ‘ yp TATA TBA gogo e104 Bh en x a) SIS ge aa tease | Digsitsd nae ee 5 , PI x10 Be (200 > 148) BRE a a A Tempore Riso OR. I the ach ifr to expand owing to's cenpertive sit wl change rom the shape ofthe said eure In Wig Strato that ofthe dotted curve, whichis pomdricaly ml fo the atid curve. ‘The tangent at A (or B) ia prs to that at A" (or BD Ta Fig Sa, (A) 1 (BB) = (AB)(}(0, im which cto content tf expandon and te the eaperatare rie.” Now Uh tangent ab Ai Stade to coincide vith at at 4, as is done in Pig. 27%, chan BB? in Rig. 8170 = (At) + (BD) in Fig StTa ~ (ABCD. AB! i Pig, Sifb the wastes ach. Tl uesesry to ve a daplacerment a he Fight support irom BtoB tp restore te poston of the xed auppor. ‘Ths th elec a empeatare ovis she sume ns te combined ec of Te A hriotal dipacemeat tothe Int of amo (&) 10- — +100 x 10-+ md Bel Ue ~ F008 x 10-+— aan x 10 = tases x 1d Bat Use = 4-008 X 10-4 0008 3 10-+ og t= 122 X 16-1 oom x toe Wits in made the reference member, become $1.25 910 ra he of the above fou members Bot Las ~ +1008 x 10-+— ass x 10-+ — 40900 x 10 Bol Gils — 40.08 x 10-4 — 9498 x 1p = Bol Bila = 40008 X 10+ 04885 0-1 = 0498 5 10nd Bel Ualy = —1272 x 10-+— 0498 x 10+ = Laeee sea fe thie ton tat he R value fr het nd pat computed shore {or both reference ecoly with thow found by ihe ‘othe of ange shang ‘a values of OH /L forall meme are computed in Table 108, ct a ‘arooubany STRESSES Rye a | a Sac beaiseaa ge aeatiem Seta ciee ee a ae een sooner | Ta eae tr meni ten, Wi he HERG S dead tg ae et she we fhe een ee iteay cree rons aes ag moppeel peirreek iret poten eee 396 aranicaazy iNoeranwrvare srevcrenes Uda an Ffernce member: Anglo beoween tangent to elastic curve of False Soiting 1g und Up (8 af joint La) UR of La) = (132 X10 ~ (005 10-9 0205 5 10-* aa Usa an reference member ‘Angle beéwien tangent to clatio care of fat and drat folting and Ut ~ (@ of ins to) ~ (ho 0) (80 10°) — (0.600 % 10 ‘ato 10a ‘Ts the ansebréween the tangent to the elie cure of Lal Alieton of hein Joinng 1 nd Ut found toh 509 31 0300 x 10-* rad, napetively, which mhoul be hentia If ano ror ata Bins the valu of Fig $33 and thw of Pig, 3824 die by 410° the # values aa compte inthe eheal mosunt a With Usb ne rfernce mere and thaw with Usa asssoaee should alo ery 0425 % 10° rs, Thi ie found ous ‘eves as an oxpanation why the same end tomeuts ane ‘though diferent elerence member are soc, When the sopedefectin ett i ed, the ond momenta ‘xpremed hy the slopede ction equations saa = 7B (Ae — 0.420) My an, 4 88) ‘hae ee then at iy Jolt condition (the sam of the end ‘at sy one joint must be ro) hs unknown f vauen, Te the ‘ample there sre ight unknown @ value, an te ight Ja. furvinh the eight simultaneous ecuatona Te amount of wor ar exces that ofthe moment-dtriovtion melo apctaly ‘the ural accuracy of three o four nia Rguce requ uch ws the procedure in the dope-defston authod 3 au ‘Meuighforvard an ear, it wil note farther dosed, The vcendary sreme a computed in Table 1D]. ae oma the primary see aie ‘tio of { seule | paeg | scan” A) cin Jade) STH | AS | ee te | ips | is | i e ali | 1 ie ali) 8 is pe eae 8 ALES a 36 (alee oes met, ote evi 5g a ta he aptedite THD i rey Uae B= 9800/8! aa th om with ii 20, Com rein of the mal sin 6 A eee et me a lio the ese em nb the sea et tin rp srarieatny iwpersevinas (MINATE SraLOTURES Mid ae eR Beco oh wh id te ie ne the ne he wacoary skroae i ll rreabers of the i om rt a (CHAPTER Xu COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 172 General Introduction, In Ghap, I its ben sad that ort stsurire fl foto ono of the fallowing ree csientions beans, Hamm, or ramen A bem icuised to bending only. The members ff ts ch smooth hinged joint are ubjeoted fo det wrens ony ‘Ths embers in frame with gd fants, however, are wal eubjectad tooth diet ond Bonding sree bt teers of te diet sees the member onthe amount of dations isn most ete insect ormpated with that ofthe Bending essen, Thus in Chap, 1, em farting the deletions of wig fare only Uo fost of bending tenes is been consered, or the mombers ro (onied ax fey were beara ‘hot mibjected to dict stems, ‘Then in. Chap. TV, when statically Inlerainte iid ime ate analysed by the method of consist ‘Bibtounion the fect of diet sees on the deletions seu oglctal "The clopedceton, moment-deyibation, and_enlamn ltnalogy method are cqllet othe method of consistent formate tvteh the det srenes ace asumed nt to cause any deformation, There ne torus Inwever, fn whic ste members ate primaiiy nijcted to dct erewer nd fers to ending eros, Bch race Tuscan be eallod"beamsuate™ or tran-beamns™ but ae generally Sowa an componteciructre, In computing tho deletion of statically Aetominate connate stricture noveary to combine the methods ‘deere ia Chepe: Il and TH, Also bn atlxng salcally jade terminate compost strstures by the method of eonssent deformation {Cintcosary te consider te ollacts ofboth dct and ending wees tn the deformations Its to be noted thatthe method of consistent Aforwation or is squlalen, the method of leat wook i the oaly Shatiod by which stetieally indsteranate compote evetures can be Sealy "Th, Annpsis cf Stately Indeterminate Composite Stscszes by the Method ef Consistent Deformation, ‘Tho pritcipl involved in the Snalyncf stately indoternizate compete crates by the method of ‘Stentent deformation ie simple, bt Hts adaptation to any particular ‘relay rouse clear hiking and mastry ef the methods of finding Tefectons proviouly etutied. Inumuch as it in not derable 19 400 srartoauuy rwnersavivare srmvorcnes formulate asy aca povine, the faloving exampin wf ‘eect in onder to wequat the render with the bse eas rangle 00,” Azaar the king ts hows ft 304 hy the wctbo cnn erase Eplatrestin Solan. In this strstr memins AC ix subject to bth bending and diet ste, wile members AD, BD, ad CD ae two ore mame ers which ae aubjected ta dec sraes only Since member 486 functions bath asa beam anda sompreionsmber, the given wre ture (ig, 3850) an be considered atthe oum of Cs two dusters Pads shown in Fig. 2250 and eho condition from which th comprenion ia the pst can be slved in thatthe erin dfecton al Bal ig, ‘RGD oud be equal o that a Hof Fig S850. Thus, Ae ig my = Penta" _ scans Dear ead = (12800789) x 10-0 5 = CHORES ORRAA AOL, cOL.eV2) apa TOO nt ava ONY “¢ @asssyo9719)41 062/09) (ate 900.4418) = (oomaiss + 0008s + ooiotts) S10 s2508 30°. uating dn (Fig 5H) and 385) 1.1250 — 0758 = 0028 i 8 34611 he shear and moment grams for mest ire ABC, AD, HD, ned CD can then nde ‘ inore diet matod of ‘The let Tiere on now hte tate inerordance wi Fi 350 elad fra mek In nin «ae de seis nde em ca seal te pant polem l sow be sOm elerrng to Fi. 38, j weg anaes 2m [lian —§)-— arco) SD Is ; 6@_ esas + grammy To) ws wan FDC) ry OOTIBSIN6D) + anon pmsrm OO soe a3 [Cie —3)-— ee naar metho [on Jeera) 2) ac + 291088 jjace 1,800 00 + 7908 + 675,000 -+ 2.81588 + 38 +35 + 19.9108 “+ 10.9408 ‘752588 = 1125000 ‘B= 1b 42 svarrcuny tworrzewavarn srevervnes Bramgle 102, Analyze the gee § courosirs sreverunss Piaianeersemie tte ce ee 178 aby seis — sano x8 = (into 2 = 6485) x 10-%in, pomeeien) Se J Ta «ria comcun , (o--nin ES) (1,100,000) + Te) s00,000) ai 00 G3) 000 aaa, TW.sAEB (30,600,000) 0.4418 80,000 000) (ares $2508 4 M8648 3120028) X 10° Solution. The given structs iz. 38%) can be considered a the Se rum of the wo structures shown in Fig, 2096 and © "The onion Joos dlagonal mut be asmumed ta exit from whieh the compan or Sin ether post BE or pst CF canbe volved tint be noted tha ovo sit ent Fae earl of Fig. 338 when the unt load is apie at B, the [= 3B ang eqally divided between the two diagosal: wos be TEguating Be (Fig, S60) ane Ay (Fig 582), o 17 1072 ~ 6485 = 0.19009588 ‘3258781 ste maton bythe muthod of ert work x abown lor. Reforing to Hig 399, i ohn at he ee en tor € ea ‘that at B or C of Fig. 338, Thus, ae _ ie wre cen ma pees due to concentrated forves S and 8 at third ie Pats nad be calopisses mtd Joost or wea gh, fueaetd = th [Fume ~ rooesce9 ae e aoe nl, “ ” EE sf pm — 2 = He +14 [" oom —wesyane oe . __(a)(t,728) it = Syp + Siz - 12) — r Bites ea a oe = 3 (109s 00 +. 2,704,00 — 14408) + gras zooamy OA ioe ran mre 289%) 2458 | tot sramtaar nosranaivate snaveronss seer 2 ("one ome Nf tar eee re Ao [tana pe +8 [Sem 0 8-19 ~on-ine 1 nm ig = sien + ne RES Sse “ranean ES eae erin earmida ast igs ws Sal cee ae Eset ilove Seletin, The sivea team (Vig, 3810) ean be considered ath sum of te vo beams sown in Fg. 1b and che conics ous wha {he fearon in the steel rod canbe solved is thatthe doward doo: tion i C of Fig 348 minus the upward defection a of Fg tone ‘should be cqal to the total langation ofthe ela courosire sravercess 08 ‘By the conjguie beam method (Pi. 342), LT = (18,7408) st. 300 = pls [erasoun — 0 — 65808 — C880 gy] : : ates tra He (e381 = rg [9000 2 Ea "The contin fr cemaistntdafrmation i 209 9] 3200 x 10-940) 3 i T= 1,540.15 lb = L270 ~ (0.)(1.5401) ~ o1z.04 1b = 90~ (06), 540.16) = 591 1b 408 srarioatuy ixperemsivare sravernes Refervog to Fig 345, weg frrecsh tics roma [ff 10780 — aaaepee + fees Woe al + yromes yan xray (020 — Haroraam + ets i05 60 — 4800) cm (Rr) =3 ff 30 — dae ae + [hex0+ wate val 6 HS eh raya 250 — Felt —2) + ageay M0 ~ 48) 5 9B14 4 OS281My — 79.828, + 1.38710My = Ins76s + 0503981, meerN, = io sm9 AE = 8,390.5 fet ecknoe 2 = 0200 ~ salts ~ 4187015 38841 1 to he leh 334004 1b spend 11114 + oaszoear, ’ comrosirs sreveruiss w09 mmncists Fe en eT epee tnretesin Chek emery ie ESSSISE poring these tte ote edna Anta te que re soe hy th mind ete oration, a mh tesa by Si ic lapte a ef the wg“h AEG Sat Sane ean os tony he ar iy fone oan ing reblog Parthenon by tn mand feat Ron 10 starieatty txoerenurNae srmucroRss uM Arie he ute ha yh td nn dcr neg aimee hirer crseammm or orment Ecracaheotint 1. Rig Frames Anya us “Cunposte” Sires 1. has nen stated n-th opting tele of ately deat iid res customary tener tee bnng sean oly Tene heft of diet tree on thn amet dedeton sal Anite Alen eoagsng stately indetcrmoate rid anes ty the martha of eoritentdfortation the est of det Sueno ‘he deena i not senda ‘he sope-eenn, momen tation, andeaumurasaleey tthe al Sad eth ue bade ‘cumin 1s lt inerestng to compare by moan of sn example, he rete of th exact abe of id cso ns tongs ew fae hen he ects di oboe ad berg sen onside with tho tine oth al shee of sasha tthe deflections due to bending stresies only are considered, a ‘rample 108, Alyce i reso in Pg 6 a om poste sruture, Compare reels ith thus sblened from Ue ual ethos souls courosten sraccromes au Joon tame of Fg 47a con be conseed the eu, ea ‘From the condition for abe to fame show in Fg 470 and ‘Geuistet deternaion, severe nthe hviontaldetcsion at of Fg, 472 and 33 tbe hers se ae ar Vig aivewhen Ho = ip. By the unilond mec, es ie tl Yee was, 5h mews = [E+ 3H mercies [mn comes. # (fee (17% Mee A) 8641) tec a eee [et Tclacigite 2 ea a i anand = 208, = 278 on OHS _ soos ki He tapers) = 22225, = 1.2056 ee copa exami eye nif et 6. 3 aoa tthe dierent fr etn rosa ae STATICALLY 11 Ai, EL ea q comrosiT# STRUCTURES 413 a Solution, Let T be the total tension in the two tie rods, 4» be the a er hat tea eto te = sen te hal scan ther re Coben * Co Srtsse ote cenie Witt nt Sitesi intone eben Ban sy “Beam 106, Analyse the re mengaie 06. Auiyse th rigid frine shown in at format 1 50 by the tka St ercne (cdr torn the left when a 1-ip oad ia apie wt D when the ti of oa ‘The colton for soa deformation is ea, = Te = rarUEyaO x 10H — (1678 X HED) “Yehud ad be have Boe fund in Fxample 106 Beast; Ay ~ 2942650. tothe ight 5 = .0s0es in tothe tt S0ang im tot ight (0204047 ft thet PATICALLY SNDEDERMINATE SRUCTURES Tio 7 apres) ‘he comparions af the raf the nat ve. shown in Fes. 361 and 352. Note the diferentes Inte ea not 7% Aone eg tame sown by he mth of mat ee ANSWERS TO EXERCISES Be aoe 9 BE anne a0 rc= Fab) nero 1. tote = Be sumtin 8 STI 1 t= 282 cere 1 = Gf eta seat 4ORMEE eter ana d= so08BE wtih nado 1G ots arnt 4 ~ aE downed sat b= 11208 none 1,0 S00 EE nme ane = 00 Be ide anno = a0 5 hela 416 STATICALLY INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES: near 1-210 cuatdode ah arnt B= th oth 21008 canton ast B= 3 deemed sem 0 ~ 60 B sonnihe as D= thi eto Sree 01191082 denne kit tetas fe beret enemeclh Hitueies | ERE Peete er at eral BIRR et ecteenee Lenn. Eanes meen Ib rare dnret are ion N a nreieane peice sae Ee eee oe ee ee eae a aaa we nie as 3s Ls droves 48 srarteatty swonranurvare sravcrunes FEO spect a yc Wit, Oak ene oe Ob en 1s = een 8.5 Baap st Se ange WS Sonn pean Bo tarts to (F440 Rp epee: = 8000 Lip pra cer calt Smtr, ta isl enact TT ee — 0 i tin ATA trout 00 My = 2041 tp contin at ipicmmaaaneie > un ge a tH na Yom Me oped Yon Bau tprapoat BeDOan EF tengee Asma 90 EXERCISES a9 4 Mp = gpa assume i Hinioe ae ia ZA oth aha ec ante oot (o> ae ecm 7 RATS Kips tothe Blt Ee aes EE nem Page k, Sato Gat Man = F360 Rpt; Ma = 208 st ayes See eeteckwim Ma = nat ip in EEN Tagieese He > ear Bt hea ches “erent ga = 48Ab 9, bee Tea Mer = sab Sete eae Cer tect 420 starsecatty twoeremuaware srevcrunes Be Seite ee pees} caeere ETN Nelo Te oes 200 = 6380 i aa TRS Shamans > “yams Se a feat Se AS Ts uae oe Ea pester e i tte dto acta, wo ett canter Ha ~ 1608 hg othe et Va = SESMRI come tine ANSWHRS TO EXERCISES rr an pe te ves Ya = Ot (0 Man ie ip dhol a = re teh maa A va a teen sate or ae Hs = 255 koe ata = 080 a 2 pe ented Ha Sea 2.0 ie Sh hts = 18 (0 Toa tps ater © 280K ee Akio so Hat Fa = 008 eps has a= HF Kn ee eens mo ons mR Mr = a Pou nn se ee 18 er a, 1a ans) = 28:08 at are = 12 Me 7 it ne = suas = i282 ‘ smu, INDEX Ange mip ed 26 ‘ro et ‘ito pray ings, ‘saat inna Inbren ine $88,365 en 6 cin) tia Peeeee a ees ‘ame eed, 4 aeation af, te ai rey, 8 ss Ses een Ei aca a ees ae Genie nm thd ‘Sout tn 38 ttn met 8 Sey of att ne, om of dy erate Ya, ceaty a 3. ttt dtr i ns etesin am ee Roan, ee ‘hea wine) i Fe at ate tne, ment oe amg of sat cannon i eae BES Tahaan « Peete d a. : pete Pacey al cae es eae se ae Ye ein a ttn dt en ofan fe tin 3,38 pee sn elite aa 0 eae ste Ia e “202, 280, 298, 505" ah =a eer hia eee a We ee asm rea SC JO ante ake Tuk wana cy ae eee “at op

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