Heera Lal Yadav Institute of Technology and Management Hlyitm, Lucknow Sessional 1 Examination 2013-14 (Sem 3) Transportation-1
Heera Lal Yadav Institute of Technology and Management Hlyitm, Lucknow Sessional 1 Examination 2013-14 (Sem 3) Transportation-1
Heera Lal Yadav Institute of Technology and Management Hlyitm, Lucknow Sessional 1 Examination 2013-14 (Sem 3) Transportation-1
TIME: 1:30hrs NOTE: 1) Attempt all questions. 2) Assume any data suitably, if required.
1) Attempt any three questions: (a) Discuss in detail about the third 20 year road plan. (b) Discuss in details about the traffic characteristics. (c) Discuss different parts of rod margins and draw neat sketch of it. (d) What do you mean by sight distance? (e) What do you mean by super elevation? Derive expression for calculation of Super elevation. 2. Attempt any two of the following: (5*2) (5*3)
Total Marks: 30
(a) The speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 70 kmph and 40 kmph, respectively on a two way traffic road. If the acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 0.99m/sec sq. Calculate safe over taking sight distance, minimum length of overtaking zone, desirable length of overtaking zone with neat sketch. (b) While aligning a highway in a built-up area it was necessary to provide a horizontal curve of radius 325m. Design the following geometric feature, 1) super elevation 2) extra widening of pavement 3) length of transition curve (Data given: design speed65km/hr, length of wheel base- 6m, pavement width-10.50m) (c) The design speed of a highway is 80kmph. There is a horizontal curve of radius 200m. Calculate the super elevation needed to maintain this speed. If the maximum super elevation of 0.07 is not to be exceeded. Calculate the maximum allowable speed as it is not possible to increase the radius. f=0.15
3. Short notes on any of two: (2.5*2=5) a) Traffic studies b) Types of intersections c) Road signal