This Week in flk3 Docx Oct 8

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This week in FLK-3: We worked hard! We partied hard too!

We celebrated Isaiahs 5th Birthday and Sammys 4th Birthday AND we celebrated Thanksgiving.

Happy Birthday Isaiah!

Happy Birthday Sammy!

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkeys!

In Language: We learned one new sound Ee and started building words using letter tiles for S,A,T,I,P,N,C,K. We added 3 POPCORN words to our word wall.he, me, she. We met or met again 2 new friends: Lips the fish who helps us read by reminding us to get our mouth ready to make different sounds for different letters AND Stretchy the Snake who reminds us to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out the sounds to read words. We practiced printing Ee on the SMART board and on paper. We reviewed the sounds covered so far and used them to identify the beginning sounds in words. We wrote a special turkey-shaped booklet that will be shared with great pride!

We had our first BUDDY ACTIVITY! We made the clothes peg I AM THANKFUL FOR.turkeys. Our buddies are grade 5 children in Mr. Kellys class and if our first meeting was any indication, it will be a blast every time we get together.I feel something AWESOME coming on ! I showed the children the RAZ reading site and we practiced using the tiles that your child is bringing home on Thursday. Please be sure to check the mailbags for LOTS of Literacy goodies!! We are pretty much ready to begin our reading groups. Our Star Students this week were Jack and Sydney..thank you to both of you! Nicely done! You set excellent examples for your classmates! In Gym: We played Rake the Leaves and Turkey Farmer (an adaptation of Octopus). There were several pink/red faces on returning to class! In Religion: We celebrated Fall in our many different Fall activities. We celebrated our classroom community and special days for friends by dancing the Birthday Polka for Isaiahs 5th birthday and Sammys 4th birthday. We are ALL Polka experts now! We celebrated Thanksgiving and had a Celebration on Thursday. Thank you for sending an extra snack. The Sharing Table was a site to behold! Science: We continued to use many of Falls bounty for our learning this week.we looked at pictures of and discussed the turkeys waddle. We talked about the Pilgrims and wondered WHY the turkey would be a symbol of Thanksgiving. Hmmmmm. Ask your child! In Fine Motor Development: We used small and large curved and straight lines to build Ee. We made turkeys at the craft table.

In Art: The children used different colors of paint to make a hand print turkey. Enjoy! Soon those wee hand prints will be only a memory!

In Music, Drama and Dance: We continued to listen to Vivaldis symphony Autumn during our lunch and classics. We had several dance parties this week, and yes once again the children started to do the famous train like they always do during a good dance party. In drama the children did a readers theater to the poem Five Little Turkeys. In Mathematics: We counted up to 26 days of school using various visuals and manipulatives. We practiced different ways of showing numbers. We estimated the number of tail feathers Mrs. Hickey pulled out of a turkey and learned that sorting involves three steps: sort, count, order. We learned that we sort things to make more sense of information. We learned some simple patterns: ABAB, AABAAB,ABBABB, etc Some of us were able to create and extend such patterns. In Personal and Social Development: We had our first family visit from our new Roots of Empathy Baby, Baby Millie. Our first visit focused on meeting Millie and her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. The children learned how all babies grow and develop at their own pace and that we all have our own unique temperament. We learned that babies have feelings and they express these feelings with their bodies. This is a wonderful program that truly does foster the development of empathy in children. Already we have several children who are building a strong connection with Baby Milllie.

In Inquiry/Directed Play: We are still mainly focused on playing family. This acting out by children of the world around them is very common practice and is a part of the third stage of play, Dramatic Play. During this form of play children are working on social cues, figuring out social situations and all around trying to make sense of the world. Other groups of children are building up a storm with the ladders and gears, small cubes and blocks. Many of the children are also recreating what they see in class during the day, such as creating patterns with cubes or making their own turkey books.

Upcoming Events:
October 18 we are encouraging children to bring their own bike helmets to school..there are several tricycles available to ride. If you dont have a helmet, we use the scooter boards. October 10 Class Thanksgiving Celebration- please have your child bring a favourite snack and one or two to share with a friend. We will set all the snacks on the Sharing Table and have a Feast! October 11- PA day no school for students Thursday October 17 9:30 Mass in gym October 31- we will wear Orange and Black and have a Halloween Celebration with the other 2 Kindergarten classes. We will rotate with our own classes thru the three rooms and complete various fun activities.

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