Dusko Popov Spy Counter Spy
Dusko Popov Spy Counter Spy
Dusko Popov Spy Counter Spy
- a charming young Yugoslavian playboy who was reputedly the model for Fleming,s James Bond"' - Publishers Weekly 'one of the chief figures in the double-cross world . . ., Sir John Masterman
'Monsieur Popov was rhe papillon of the spy game in \X/orld War II., Colonel HenriJulien
Back jacket PhotoTheaurhor outsidehis office on his cote d' Azur estate, former summer palace ol the Bishop of Grasse.
p lrclftone illusrrarions
Pages 78,79 and 97 rd. t6f.r6i.es to t'Dickie Metcalfe" contain serious inaccuracies, for which the author and ptlblishers apologise' Mr. C. le S. Metcalfe was not cashiered from his Regiment following nasty scandals. He resigned his Commission in rg35. His Cornmission was restored to him after D-Day wiif, promotion. The story that he had been cashiereel was put out, with Mr. .&letcalfe's consent, ts mislead Gerrnan
Military Intelligence.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any rneans,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
the fictional spy story - whether it be about James Bond or a S7illiam le Queux hero of prewar days - turn with relief and
Even those of us who are addicted to the fantastic excitements of
interest to the more realistic story of the strains and risks of actual spying, such as Somerset Maugham's Ashendm'io tnis book Dusko Popov gives us the best of both types' In
addition, his story is true, and the more fascinating because of that. Reading him one can get all the thrill of real danger - not of something James Bondis alligators and man-eating fish - but of .o.r, *or. ruthlesi, evil, and dangerous: the Nazi Secret Service' I knew Dusko Popov well during the war, when he risked and achieved so much lor the Allied cause. He c'ou14 in some respects, have been an Ian Fleming hero - one of the bravest and gayest of men, possessing immense charm and personal magoeiir*. tt" enioyed a carefree and luxurious life. As he was wont to say: 'Why noi, if the Germans are paying for it? And that life is *L. If f aia"'i live it I would be "blown"; the Germans would realize at once that there was something strange" At the same time' he exhibited a basic common sense that knew what was James Bond never displayed. For instance, he going wrong during that ghastly period in-America when Hoover i"a f,is FBi could not realize that to deceive the Germans would win victories and save thousands of lives but preferred to make arrests - if possible, publicized arrests' so as to gain funds and influence - in the peacetime 'policeman' tradition' When I went overseas, at the start of that trouble, to try to help
by getting British Service information for Dusko to send to his rpyilart"it (it we could not get the American information that tiey really wanted at the time), I remember him saying to me, in his Park Avenue apartment, 'They need not trust me right away simply because the British say that I am O.K.; but they are so ridiculous. Microphones everywhere and planted so obviously' Why, if I bend over to smell a bowl of flowers, I scratch my nose
on a microphone.' Yet he also had the steel within, the ruthlessness and the coldblooded courage that enabled him to go back to the German Secret Service Headquarters in Lisbon and Madrid time and again, when it was likely that he might be 'blown'; it was like p*utting his head into the lion's mouth. Bravely, in cold blood, he iirk.d"torrrrre and death to re-establish German confidence in him so that he could continue to make his great contribution to the Allied victory.
To survive the multiple hazards of espionage it is better not.to be roo serious. The triib I believe, is to be light-hearted without being superficial. I never took life, myself, or other people too seriolusty. I was criticized for this and for having 'too_ many devices" on my banner by none other than Maior General Stewart Menzies, the head of British Intelligence, wlo added that it was neveitheless ideal for my iob' For a while, I considered the phrase for the title of this book'
Having worked with Dusko Popov (then known to me as Tricyclef from the time he arrived in war-battered London, I have read with absorbing interest his angle on the exploits of which I knew, and with fascination of those which were concealed from me at the time by the basic security principle of 'no need to know'. From the start' I fell under the spell of his personality, his sincerity, his gaiety, and his courage' I am sure ihat he *ili hru" rhe same effecr on all those who read this book.
The Hon. Ewen Montagu, C.B.E., Q.C., London,lune' r973.
In the saire vein, I was advised by many that the story I-have to tell is a serious one, that I have a contribution to make to history and that the style of writing-should reflect this' I was *"ro"d that to use the c'onversational form would make the book read like a novel and would be taking liberties with real-life
characters. Moreover, it would diminish the book's credibility. I've raken that liberty anyway. Agreed, it is impossible in every
to remember p"ople's-exact words. But I do remember the tpiri, of conversad;ns, and I believe the spirit is -what counts' I *rrr, ,o give the readir as accurate as possible a feeling of what ."riui" piople were like, of what lt yls to live through the times- I describi *hil" doing ttri loU I did.I don't think a dry tome would
this as effectivelY. accomplish --
nndtn", thing: I was in my late twenties and early thirties when this storytok place andimpelled to live life to the hilt. It would be false to imbue with the gravity of a grey-beard the recounting of a young man - insouciant, romantic, adventuresufrlientiy mature to be entrusted with a critical ,o-",
Prologue tx
And there is one commonly assumed secret which I shall try to lay low right now. Secret agents do retire. At the end of the war, I was issued two suits of mufti and a change of linen, and I said goodbye to it all. I had a life to make and a living to earn. It is true that field-grade officers in intelligence are never officially terminated and are only placed on leave. But that is so that they may be kept under thumb. Occasionally though, one of us does manage to bend back the finger.
mission. I've read much nonsense about the metier, both dry stuff and derring-do, and have no patience with either. Granted, spying is both a serious and dangerous business, but it is also boring with its eternal waiting and infrequent action. It would be impossible to endure, at times, if one could not exhibit a lighthearted exterior. Although I decided to try to tell the story as it was, to paint the picture as I remember it, I also checked as painstakingly as possible all the facts involved so I would not neglect what my friends deem its historical importance. Memory does play tricks, and I spent several months travelling and researching, speaking to old friends in the field delving into files, both British and German. Most governments nowadays have laws that make it a crirne to reveal their secrets. Perhaps their secrets conceal their crimes. But in many instances, too, bureaucratic lethargy and the philosophy that it is safer to take no action have perpetuated secrets that no longer have legitimate raisans d'6tre. Until recently my mouth was sealed, my pen kept dry. I couldn't reveal rny wartime activities. Not so much that they had been classified secret. More insiduous, they had never been declassified. Fortunately, circumstances at last brought about the revelation of my wartime existence. My friend Sir John Masterman charged the barriers and cut through the red tape sealing his tale. Now that he has published his book I can publish mine. Perhaps the timing is providential.I had been keeping a brake on my patience ever since the end of World War II, wanting in particular to reveal the circumstances as I knew them concerning Pearl Harbour and my encounter with |. Edgar Hoover. Although it is too late to alter the event, to bring back to life the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who died needlessly as a result of the mishandling of the information I brought to America concerning the impending Japanese attack, f was persuaded that the world was entitled to know about it. Today in particular, perhaps a lifting of the curtain may alter our perspective salubriously. There are also a few secrets that this book doesn't reveal. To protect some publicity-shy individuals, I have given them pseudonyms. But the reason is simply one of privacy, in some
cases even modesty.
chapter one
Nothing is really thrust upon you. You-have to accept it a-s well' you haie a choice, .u.o of lifi or death. $7hen my best friend, my life, was manoeuverJohann jebsen, the man to whom I owe i"g t" into becoming a Nazi spy, I became aware of the situation ,rih.t rapidly and ac-epted because it suited my plans' At first I did feel some resentment, mainly because Johnny wasn't playing above board. But I wasn't shocked' I sensed that set of reasons, some even Johnny was motivated by a complicated And if so-. *.t. foi personal gain, I made no moral "ttr,ritii.. judgment. One shouldn't demand the ultimate of anyone, not when his own skin is involved. which found Johnny's opening move was to send me a cable, for the week Belgrade down from -. io plUrovnit.I htd .orn. It was the Blaise' of festivities in honour of our patron saint, Saint and parties with g"y.ti time of the year i" *J -home town, too' year' the of time Eorrn*. balls every night. And the freest Under the anonymiry o=f masks and costumes, conventions could late' be flouted with morcimpunity than usual' I had gone to bed curtains' the by my char-woman pulling back i *a, "*"kened in her oid-*oman way under her breath' grumbling - foot it this place. Girls. brinking.' She was deliberately mumbling loud enough for me to hear-' 'And on Saint Blaise day' I told yo--ur father he should never have given you your own
Dusko Popw
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said. 'I've told you a thousand times, that's exactly why he gave it to me. For privacy. So why are you waking me?'
innocent - I had a run-in with the Gestapo and, had it not been for Johnny, would have ended my days in a concentration camp'
Katerina approached the bed holding her hand out) an envelope in it. 'A telegram Gospar Dusko.' She knew me almost all my life and called me by *y first name, adding the local Dubrovnik equivalent of 'Master' to it out of convention, not
Yugoslavia was not famous for its highways' But I was somewhat prolua of my driving abiliry and of my machine, and I felt I was i<eeping a iendezvous wiih destin5 so I pu;led my BqW, uuoiAtig pothoies as I could, reliving all the while my acquaintanceship with JohnnY.
ripped open the envelope and noticed first the top and bottom of the ff.imsy yellow form it contained. The telegram came from Berlin. It was signed 'Johann Jebsen' and was dated 4 February r94o. It read: 'Need to meet you urgently. Propose 8 February, Hotel Serbian King, Belgrade.' Except for its brevity, the message was not characteristic of Johnny Jebsen. Usually, there was little in life he would consider urgent. Yet I knew it was no mistake. His precision in language would preclude his employing a word that did not express his
exact meaning.
Belgrade ani enrolled in Freiburg University in Breisgau in ,orith G"t-any to prepare my doctorate' This choice was
1936 that
met Jebsen.
I started to pick up the telephone to send a return message, then put it down and hopped out of bed. It would be better to go to the telegraph office myself. A message dictated in German over the phone might be garbled" Katerina hastily left the bedroom as I started to look for my clothes. Under any circumstances, urgent or flippant, I was bound by friendship, and more, to go to meet Johnny. Even during Saint Blaise festivities. But this summons was obviously not to a romp. I was worried about its urgent character. I could think only of the scrape, to understate, that Johnny had got me out of three years before and surmise that he was in some sort of similar predicarnent himself. Even before the telegram came, I had been wondering how Johnny was reacting to the war, now five months old. Although he wai anti-Nazi he was presumably safe because his background was above suspicion. Johnny was heir to a great fortune and so seemed likely to identify with the status quo. His was an old
dictated by a couple of r."rotru. Germany had alway_s dominated southeastein Europe culturaily and economically' In th.e garlV days of Hitler it was using any and all means to extend this domination . . . and succeediig. Any ambitious person in the small Balkan nations had to tp.uk G.i-an, and that language was the weak point in my linguiitic accomplishments' I had alreadybeen to t.ftoott in nnghnJ and France. Another reason for my choice was Freiburg. It was a beautiful, small city at the foot of the Black Forest, closJ to marvellous ski slopes, and close to home' It had orr" of the liveliest campuses in Europe' Freiburg also had.an
Hamburg family steeped in the naval tradition of the ancient Hanseatic state. But knowing Johnny as I did, knowing his independence, his unpredictable character and quixotic way, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had run foul of the Nazis. Anyway, safety in Nazi Germany was theoretical at best. I had learnid that three years before. Even as a foreigner - almost an
excellent scholastic reputation. My intention was to combine rr"Jvrtp"tts, and pleazure, to all thiee of which I devoted myself with equal passion. Obviousfy, I was politically uninformed, or almost 9o' Jhe Nazis had 6een in po*.t for nearly four years and although.I *ur r.p.ff.a by them, that didn't stop me from going to study in to me that the pros outweighed the cons' Germany. - rurv It siemed d.idn't last long. on-e cor:ld feel the disturbing "rl".t6 influence of the Nazis in the stieets, at the university, and even_in people - mainly wh'ite-collar ;;t; homes. It is true that many speak enthusiastically about did ioort .r, and the petit bourgeois feel that way learned to didntt who the Nazi regime. But thoJe control their tongues. At centres of liarning such as Freiburg, the Nazi influence was felt more strongly thanilsewhere in those early days of Hitlerism. Most proferroir- oot in sympathy with the regime were elimi,r"t a. hn. few who remained did so only by being circ-umspect ;;r;".hi"g in strict conformity with official thinking. All Jewish
Dusko Popm:
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small number of classes for Jewish students still existed - for international face-keeping, undoubtedly. The lewish students were allowed no privileges whatsoever apart from attending classes, and most of them were failed deliberately. German students, too, were under no illusions of liberty. Their first practical, non-academic lesson was to control their behaviour and conform. They also knew without being told that they should not expect a prosperous career after graduation unless, at the very least, they joined one of the paramilitary cells in the university. The more ambitious ones signed up with the SS, the Sicherheitstaffelin, or Security Section, whose uniforms bore the dreaded lightning flash insignia. Others went into the Brown Shirts, the so-called SA, or Sturmabteilun& the storm troops. As for the foreign students, of whom there were well over a thousand in Freiburg, the regime courted them sedulously. They came from all over the world, but the maiority were English, with some Americans, and some French. Then there also were the Ausland Deutscher, those from the German minorities in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. They were foreign citizens but Germans still. The foreign students were afforded many facilities: inexpensive restaurants, lodgings, organized sports, particularly wintlr sports, and for many, free tuition. Another free facility was Nazi propaganda, always present though at times subtle. This was where I came a cnopper. Since no foreigner could join a German student club or association, we were given one of our own, the Auslander - or Foreign Student - Club. The club's quarters in the Badenstrasse were plush, even luxurious. The prettiest girls in Freiburg frequented ihe club and membership dues were extremely low or even free to some. Germans, too, could be members of the Auslander, but, as I learned later, they usually were hand-picked by the party for this distinction. In addition to the quarters and the girls, our club afforded another attraction not to be found at the German clubs: free
speech. -
fcw at school he seemed to respect as an equal or, it could ber as a mentor. I was a few years older than Johnny. We both had some but on the side, we were addicted to intellectual pretensions, -and girls and had enough money to keep sporting sports cars running. them both
somewhat similar too, although in a big pond and mine were only fish were big people tohnny's tt:h pond. a'tttie big Johnny was the orphan son
d -of 1 Himburg shipowner. My father, an industrialist rich only by yugoslav- st"tidards, was neverrheless fairly indulgent. In later dafs, lotrnny figuratively adopted my family and formed a
frienasnip almosi as strong xs ming with fy older brotherr.Ivo. to Johnni was an idol at the university. Most students, unable and him revered otherwise, or intellectually coipete'with him werj completely under his charm. He was a complex, manyfaceted character, simultaneously an aristoctat, even an autocrat, and a democrat. He was a man of whims and surprises and
because our proclivities and possibilities were similar, Johnny early accepted me as a friend. More than that, I was one of the
Another of his and my close friends at the university was Frcddy von Kaghaneck. Freddy fell in the same pattern'-It.was Freddy who displayed the most aplomb th9 day we three 9:49:d to leni our snpport to our favourite konditorei owner in his disobedience to a ilazi decree. The local party boys had ordered all cafd and restaurant owners to post a sign declaring 'Jews and Dogs Not Allowed.'Herr Bitlingel *4 ran the Billinger Cafe on Ber-tholdstrasse, refused to comply. Two SS types in uniform took up stations at the door of the konditorei to intimidate customers by requesting their names. 'Johann libsen,' Iohnny said highhandedlyr stTing down from his six-foot height at the short, pugnacious SS officer' 'Dusko Popovr' I sneered. 'Graf von Kaghaneck' Freddy cited his illustrious name' He was a descendani of one of the most influential Catholic families in Germany. 'But you wouldn't know how to spell it: Graf ' ' ' GR-A-F... von ... V ...' The SS man turned apopletic. We brushed past him to take a table in full view of the street. At the time it was a lark. we three couldn't bring ourselves to take the Nazis seriously. It was about on a level with Johnny's habitual treatment of ihe police. lohnny drove a supercharged
Dusko Popoo
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Mercedes 54oK convertible. He handled the machine with skill but also with utter nonchalance and disregard for traffic regulations. He was never stopped because he had had the foresight to make an arrangement with the police. On his arrival in Freiburg Johnny had paid a visit to the police chief, handing him two envelopes. 'One,'he explained, 'is for police charity. The other is payment in advance for my fines. When that runs out, let me know. Saves time to pay in advance.' I don't know whether the chief pocketed both or neither, but the trick worked. Johnny drove as he liked and parked where he pleased and no policeman ever flagged down the driver of that distinctive 54oK with its burbling chrome pipes flaring out of the hood. If I say so much about Jebson it is both because he affected my life more than any other person and because I'm trying to make
'That's a dreadful thing for him to have sai{ isn't it, Dusko? You love me, don't you?' I answered 'Ugh' to both her questions, too lulled by the sun to pay her any serious attention. 'Well, then, I think you should do something about it.' 'Yes, darling.' I sought to appease her. 'Next time I see Karl I'll knock his block off.' I turned over on my stomach to sun my
him understandable. That's not easy, not even for the closest of his friends. His coldness, aloofness, could be forbidding' yet
everyone was under his spell. Actually, he had much warmth too, but it was expressed only by action and attitude, rarely verbally.
adjective, and was, above all, ironic. His intelligence was reflected in his face, in the alertness of his steel-blue eyes. His knowledge was encyclopedic and his memory infallible. In dress, he was like a young Anthony Eden, conservatively elegant. He would no
more go out without his umbrella than without his rousers. His only Germanic touch was a monocle screwed into his right eye. Otherwise he reflected his semi-Danish origins, having high cheekbones, very blond hair, and regulat features. In all he was
wiry not muscular. Sfith all this, fohnny was a complete person' fun-loving, woman-loving, open to all conversations, and intensely curious
handsome, strong,
about human reactions. One of his tricks was deliberately to stir up situations to see what would happen. He delighted in sticking pins in people, particularly in the pompous. I afiorded him one of his great opportunities in this respect. Ii happined one afternoon that I was sunning myself at a swimming p,ool with a girlfriend. Undoubtedly to arouse me, she complained that another student, Karl Laub, whom I liked rather well as a matter of fact, had been chasing after her. She told him she wouldn't go out with him because she was my girlfriend. "'How long will that last?"' she quoted him as saylng.
Next thing I knew she was nudging me in the ribs. I twisted around to see Karl standing above me. I hardly wanted to argue with him about what to me was a casual affair, but I had committed myself. I tried to get out of it as easily as possible. 'Go away, Karlr' I told him, 'you're in my sun and I hear you've been saying nasty things to Anne-Lore. Now just apologize and stop making shadows.' 'I meant whatever I said.' Karl was an infatuated idiot. 'And if you don't like shadows, you can get on your feet.' I sprang up, and the next thing I knew my hand had slapped his face, more resoundingly than hurtfully. I was shocked by my reaction and tried to lessen its import by telling him, 'Let's not be foolish, Karl. Anne-Lore should be appeased now, so we can forget it.' 'My seconds will call on you.' Karl pronounced the set formula, turned and walked away stimy. Duelling was having a revival in the universities of Germany. Hitler encouraged sabre fighting as a demonstration of viriliry. The bouts were fought between two parallel lines beyond which one could not retreat, and small masks over the eyes and nose were the only protection allowed. This accounted for the scarred faces of so many German students. I chose tebsen as my second, and not thinking my looks would be improved by a bright red cicatrix, I told him what to say. As the one being challenged, I had the choice of weapons. Though it violated the conventions, I selected pistols. It was well known on the campus that for two years running I had won a snap-shooting contest in which the target was a moving figure. I had been taught to shoot by the commandant of my regiment in Yugoslavia. His method, which proved infallible after practice' was to use the middle finger on the trigger and the index finger laid along the barrel as a pointer.
8 Dusko
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As foreseen, Karl's seconds obiected to my choice of weapons' Following my instructions, ]ohnny-told them I was honourbound as-a cavalry reserve officer of my particular r-egiment to fight only with pistols. who could check on an outfit based in
cursed myself for not figuring out the trick before. 'Johnny'
do you think you could find out the topics in advance?' 'Notbing easier.' His eyes took on a rare warmth reserved
student court of honour decided the case' I couldn't be required it declared to break my regimental code, but neither .o.rtd l<"tt be required to duel with pistols' Karl and I were declared enemies for life. But that wasn't the end of the story' for a bjt oftun at the Jebsen saw in the incident an opportuniry He would comrades' obnoxious more of our some of "*i.nr. duel with a provoking on was set I that these of intimate to one with pistol shots to trade to want enough daring him. No one was given a I was so' do to refusing of disgrace me or to accept the wide berth. oo, flouting of the Nazis took on a more serious aspect-when I learned what ivas going on at the Auslander Club. In addition to ine aU"ring girls, iire elite of the pro-Nazi.German student intelby the party machine as members of the tig.ntri" #.t-. "nor"o to propagandize us by indirect methods, *"i th"i, function "lirb. one of which was the 'Herrin Esien'. This was a formal candlefign,-d""*, black tie obligatory, eYery :e-cond Friday night' The ;i;"; was'exclusively foi men, the girls ioining us only. after oot to iniect their frivolity'in the-dinnereleven for dancing so "s the promise of girls afterwardsr.howWith table conversatioi. ever, and with free and excellent food and unlimited vintage wini, these functions never lacked for attendance' s""*ingty by chance, the dinner-table conversation invariably wo'ld tuin'inio pnbli. debate. At first, the custom seemed " sittc" *e were permitted even encourage-d' to iooo*orrt enough, pleased insults to the Fiihrer excepted. After a .rr, *h"t"u", wI find that the Nazi thesis was regularly to ;til; i *", ,urprired winning the most votes. :wd is that?, I asked Johnny. .The maioriry of the studenrs at tfre diiners are foreigners. Surely most of them can't be in sympathy with the Nazis.' ' 'forl'ie as innocent as they arer'he laughed' 'They're bending of oo"i b."k*ard to be fair. Haven't you noticed it is always one their preple They topic? the suggests who in" C.r-* students .r!o-.n,, in advance. That,i what makes them convincing.'
Not to expose lohnny to unnecessary ieopardn I prepared the antithesis for our fortnightly contest in coniunction with a couple of British and American friends. For the next year and a half the
Nazi viewpoint never again won a majority. It was fun, and like most fun there came a day when the piper claimed his due. It happened shortly after I took my doctorate. To celebrate this event, planned a trip to Paris. At six the morning before my announced departure was awakened by heavy pounding on the door of my aParment. I opened it to find four Gestapo men, who ordered me to dress and prepare to
accompany them.
ransacked my apartment. They seemed to take particular delight in the iob, probably because I was one of the few students to have his own qufters, and even in the university there was some
iealousy about that. I did the usual protesting and inquiring what
but got nothing for my pains except a bit more pain. Rather roughlg the Gestapo men hustled me down to their car and
conducted me to their headquarters. For eight full days and nights, a relay of agents questioned me almost constantly. For some reason they didn't beat or torture me. It wasn't simply because I was a foreigner. As I was to learn later, such a subtle distinction didn't trouble them. Probably they thought their method more adapted to my case. The questioning would continue until they brought me to the point of incoherence and fainting, then they would allow me a snatch of sleep, resuming as soon as they could bring me around again. They started by
ac-using me of being a Communist. 'You went out with a girl factory-worker,' one of them charged. I explained that in Dubrovnik we had an ancient tradition of democracy. Bootblacks and lords associated with each other, attending the same school and remaining on familiar tenns ever after. This probably made
me even more susPect.
Duskn PoPoo
looked like --
*iat yoo mean' I said, determinedto T,propaganda is no good for the resistance. 'Your te.p -V "p export --lAh,market.' pdaganda.' He glared ar me. through steel-rjmmed n.r"y'grisri, ib"t -.gninedlis eyes, makinq !i- look a fanatic. th;it:lt"r game, isi't it? You go around lying about us' You
oot a Nazi, if that's
amusing manl naturally enough he drew 1e him the young intellcctuals of the town. S[e became rather good friends and he gave me a few of his books. 'You can't deny this is yours.' The Gestapo man pointed to the
'It is inscribed to you, inscribed by that ]ew Communist Toller. You have brought forbidden propaganda into the
country. Admit you're a Communist agitator.'
pocket and drew out a small ,You said, three weeks ago at the Auslander club, that "ot"uoot. iood is rationed heie. That was ilie. There is no rationing in Germany.' one can't buy as much as one wants and that that on guns amounts 1e sxlisning. Didn't you hear Goering's-speech your noteor butter, mein Lieber Herr? My answer should be in in it?' book. - What else do You have would have hit me on the knuckles he a i.rler, had If he had witn it. 'I have that you made nasty remarks about a patriotic
mia . .
p.*a". And that *i.t not from a Getmao but from a good
- iL; the boy and why he was considered good. He was Swiss he was a Nazi' only - by birth. By conviction afterwards' It was a joke and you girls smelled the 'i ;ry ;d want from
Swiss boy.'
know it. Now come to the point. What do you really me here?'
to answer with the truth, not sexy wise'Here we want you -r,r""i"g me over to a colleague who took up a cracksr' he fumed, different line.
--rui,oo"heldupabookthatlrecoguizedasmine,afirstplay uv r_ri t i\rr, M* anil the Masses. soon after Hitler's take-
Interoier, Toller came to Dubrovnik as German d9l9qa1e to the that year. national Pen club meetinS which was being held there tott t was a Socialist and a |ew' The German government sent a man named ;;il to ooe,,id" the Pen Club selection and refused to convention The him. replace to Mfi;; io Dobrovnik Aite.r tfe ,"r. f"fiff.r, and Toller rimained as repr-esentarive. obviously while, a for Dubrovnik in on stayed Toller and a brilliant was Toller "oou"otioo Germany. to retu; i.i"g ,-"U1" 1o
'I've read Mein Kampf too. Does that make me a Nazi agitator?' I replied with what I realized was unwanted logic. There was no point in answering at all, but I was hoping that I would get the ordeal over with that way. In general they asked me nothing of any apparent importance, questions to which they could obtain the answers easily without my cooperation. The session went on for days because they wanted to know how I had spent nearly every hour of my nearly two years in Germany. 'With whom did you speak on that day?' they would ask. 'What about? What girl clid you go out with? What did you do? Ifhat book did you read that night?' Even feigning cooperation, smaining my memory for details, precise or not, was reducing me to e:rhaustion, to a subhuman state. I was trying to avoid giving names of those I thought they might not know and who might be hurt. While I was undergoing this interrogation, the gentlemen fitom the Gestapo were questioning simultaneously everyone who had ever come into contact with me in any capacity whatsoever. They hauled in waiters in restaurants I frequented my tailor, my garage mechanic, and others of that nature, in addition to those who knew me more intimately. It was a lesson in terror . . . and in the product of terror. Bosom friends pretended barely to know me.-Professors who two weeks before had praised my work declared I was an anarchist, useless and snobbish. To whitewash themselves, some acquaintances invented compromising declarations they accredited to me and covered me with slander and
In all, later calculated the Gestapo questioned over two hundred persons on my case. Only two stood up for me: Freddy von Kaghaneck and Johettn Jebsen. When a few weeks had passed and was still being held pri$oler, incommunrcado, Johnny at last realized the gravity of
Dusko PoPw
miniature tempest the situation. He hadn't taken this sort-of It had seemed seriously' srowing out of *"atnt- p"ok 'oo " outcome' irnimainaUle that it could have a serious the German lines Powerless to irrt"ro.o. himsslf, not trusting and telephoned l"tut" atoue to Switzerland ;;;;;"*ioo, worried at not been "f to mv father in Dubrovnik' My father hadn't in Paris after unwinding th"t r was g. *"r""..,rrro*.d to single-mindedness in I acquired from him' such circumstances' lt bing a trait was president In addition to t is Uosii?ss activitiei' my father considerable such' had ;;;;;i-;"liri".l;t""p -an4 lswhat was happenioq' "f l' back-room influence. frrhlt n" ttt-ed Stofadinovic' And the Dr Mioi*ttt' Pti-t the to *.ii Ai.",fV On the latter's interPrime Minister went-directly to Goering'
;".#,ffi;#;;;i."irg il^;;il;*r.
friends my books, settled my bills with the local tradesmen, and packed up my belongings. - I couldn't spot anyone following me, but I was sure that I was under surveillance, so I avoided contacting anyone. I did meet a fcw acquaintances on the street to whom I mentioned, without embellishment, that I was taking the train for home the following afternoon. They surmised the rest and didn't tarry to talk. Taking courage in my release and apparent whitewashing some friends who had heard the news did attempt to see me off at the train station. Only two girls succeeded. They cunningly told the Gestapo men stationed at the platform entrance that they were theri to see someone else off. When the others presented
i*t"diately but given twentv-four hours to ;;il'i;;;lr..d * GermanY. leave -dight Gestapo days of unremittent qrrestioning in ilr"t -y A prison' Freiburg to ihe h#;;;, i"n"a iitt tt""trerred had it of town' northeast
red-brick round u"iliiiJ i" ine .section that characterized no resemblance wbatso&er to the attractions I did have a private room' il^;;; tt publicity brochures' were taken away and-I was given a ;;;;;;;l sottary. my "looes ,uit, oo permission to. receive visitors or letters ;"ugh gr.y for ,o .o1.ri"i I ;tt allowed into the prison. yard or to write"orrui.t corner the of out there .t.r.ir. a few minutes each day' It was I learned my probable that t.rio*-prirokr ot
the platform visitor's tickets required for non-passengers, they naively told the truth and were advised that I was not frequentable. It was a sad parting. No Johnny. No Freddy. To go to Belgrade from Freiburg one had to change trains in Basle. There, unexpectedly, I found Johnny at the station - or rather he found me. When refused access to the platform in Freiburg, he had jumped into his 54oK and raced the train to
Appreciating what he had done for me, I said to Johnny emoiionalln 'If you ever need anything, Johnny, you know you only have to say the word. I mean it sincerely, and you know ,I usually keep my promisesr' I added pompously. I was to fulfill that one in more ways than one.
; ,il;;;;h
fate. Since
I had done nothing punishable by law' there-could Therefore' I would be shipped td;;;tg* u.tgui'tg"i"it'me' formalities in secret ,o . *o"t"i"[on camp' No bothersome again. from heard ;;;;; irr.p.a-rp-iilrr.-t *o,rtd never be
be no
was made feet first' The -T usual exit it happen to a in""int was incredible that this could protestfriends and tor.igoo."'fhere would be inquiries' families explained' friend i;;:1?;;u b.listea as missing' my prisoner the the chief notice' *itiion noul With my *.ory-to* -of went I anyone.' with dil *'r*.a oi",-,Uoot_ communicare of unfinished.afiairs strings odd toinlFthe directly home to arranged for the sale I university' the y;tt; dangling after two *uil,u iJ German plaies' sold or labelled for
SpylCountwsPY t5
drunk,' he said. 'Now, here's my problem' It needs fast action' is mine' d"*u-y n"s five ships blocked in Trieste' One of them a to h.;;;"g;e to obtai., authorization to sell them all neuftal
more or less the background to the story' The five ships port' in Trieste weren't the only ones rotting in a Mediterranean Edt;h and French *"rrhipt controlled these waters entirely' As
I knew
r" "a"it prr,n.t and the only other yyal. power in the '{!1 Nostumi Italy would have gladly traded with the German shtps' il;h. *r, ,ro, yet in the iar and so couldn't attempt to force
the blockade. objected.
chapter two
The Johnny I found in the bar of the Serbian- Kiog Hotel in g.igr;d" hJa changed visibly in the three years of our separation. for That was rot unexpected. Itiaturally, he would feel some onus months five il;;;ryb action. World War If had started some w_as preparing to ;;i; F;i"nd was already ravaged, and Hitler still more civi6za;;;;; ,h. 14.gi"* Line in Franie and destroy tions. Johnny-is maturity, if you can call it that, had the unhealthy atp."ito be expected from such nourishment' ^A. more than *" talkei, his sharp intelligence evinced itself .u"t, U", so didhis rynicism and dark humour' His eyes' always now often.showed apprehensiv.l..t:. 6;ri"r of his feeiings, were there, too' He ordered his inease of signs ih. e"t"rior *nisnes double] neat, and frequently' He smoked a lot' In style his clotles still rivalled Eden's, but his blond hair *a
the French and English refuse to recogmze the sale' seize them at the first opportuniry' thiy'll --iilighto, those idiots in Berlin . . . any idior can see th"t, "u.o a firm eventiatty. But for the moment all they're asking for is used be not will ships the thatcountry .ngrg"-int from a neutral fast act to have we why That's i"i.ia. with England or France' catch'' before someone ai the Admiralty sees the
'That's where I come in, eh?' 'Rightagain,mylad.Youhavetouseyourexcellentcontacts anyone starts and slt uia aeal ihat I can shove through before getting curious.' " 'Y; know where the ships will end up?' I asked' regatta' for all l care'' 'it "y.tn row them in the Henley trouble?' into getting 'Not"worri'ed about I do His blue .y., *-Id stJely' 'I'm beyond ttrat' Either
whatlthinkiscorrector...'Theeloquenceofhisraisedhands I
"*""rs, ;;;b"ger
concern showed itself by the words he blurted out almost in response to mY'How are You?'- ^
few persons finished the sentence. 'Dusko, you are one of the deciding' before moments .",' t.U it to. had some diificult I'm action' of line a on U..idtg not on a line of reasoning but diffethe with but ;t;;d;*hored by my roots like most.of us
- TI;i.; is making fools out of the Germans., He followed up thi;t*ti;g by adiing, 'and with their help he may take over the
a ,.oJ" ihrt I'm not *"ttittg blinkers' I don't owe obedience to old trutbful' Lio"ay tyt""t. On the contiary' But t9 be-completely
J"ft*V didn't habitually say.th.e obvious, and my answering glance wis otte of perplexed 95to..ttty' - ,6k.y, we'll leave that talk till iater when we're sufficiently
;t;;"Jty iL ;; ;t.y -
some of my love for Johnny smiled ironita[y - 'maybe me' has"to do with so much of it actually belonging.to it have to I intend more what's ,o give that up, and "bo,r, mine' i: thiPf ' ' '' terms. So, is I toldyou, one of those so many ways' pulled being was He for sorry i-f.f, Johnni.
16 Dusko PoPoo
SpylCountersPy 17
Under that mask of a snob and a cynic and under his playboy manners, he was a man with very basic honesty 'Tomorrow morning, first thing we'll see about the ships' Tonightr' I said, feeling Johnny needed diversion, 'I'll show you
we were sitting in the glassed-in bar of the Serbian old Turkish fortresses. t:t+jq l" conquror's previous of remnants these Viefing had to live in Hitler's man thinking any of misery Johnny-the ryho b.r-toy, so we rapidly fled thc place for a round of Belgrade's nightspois. Somewfere-en route we enlisted the company of-two giits tro- the chorus of one of the clubs, and we wound up f,aving a lovely row with the director of our hotel, who threatened to thr"ow us and our company out - not for moral reasons but because we insisted on champagne and steak for breaKast in the public dining room. ' After winning our battle, I followed this restorative with several cups of ritong Turkish cofiee, wtich is one of the pleasant heritages Gft ,* by the Turks. A cold shower on top of that and I was in form to accomplish Johnny's mission' On my return from Freiburg I had started practising law business law mainly, with a few banks as clients. occasionally I did some governmental missions, but above all I was closely connected wiih the mosr powerful financial fig're in Yugoslavia, Bozo Banac. Banac was in league with influential British business ior.r.rrr. Through him I [ad met the British Commercial Attach{ for the Balkans, a Mr Sturrack. sturrack was competent and well like4 and we had become friendly. I chose him as the ideal intermediary for Johnny's mission' ,How would i"u lik. to add five bottoms to the British Merchant Marinir' I proposed to Sturrack, 'at the expense of the King, we overlooked the Danube and the
opportunity in a flash. On his own responsibility he gave me he go-ahead to start negotiations immediately, saylng he was confident he would secure London's blessing. The next person I visited was a great friend of myfamily and I knew her to be roo percent pro-Allied. I had no doubts about securing her aid. Mrs Djurdiina Racic was the widow of a shipowning magnate and the daughter of the man revered as the founder and father of Yugoslavia, Nicola Pasitch, who in r9r8 became our first prime minister. Mrs Racic was indeed willing to have her shipping company serve as cover for the transaction. Her only proviso was that the proiect be presented to the Yugoslav government as gtnui-ne. 'They aie so eager to be neutralr' she complained referring to the govlrnment, 'that they would either prevent its realization or disclose our true intentions to the Germans.' The ridiculous part was that if either the German or Yugoslav government had bien wide awake they would have realized there *as so.e skulduggery afoot. A guarantee not to trade with the Allies wasn't worth the paper it was written on. Within a few days, London sent its agreement, money for the purchase, and the ddmiralty's thanks for some thirty thousand ions of shipping. tohnny and I rushed ro complete the transaction before tttyone got wind of it. He flew to Berlin to secure the necessary documents while I completed all the formalities in
Germans?' 'lfhat are you up to, Dusko?' he asked, very -r1s9 and very fatherly. He was ,rtid to treating the younger set of Belgradltlat had two beautiful da"gttr:p- who were driving -half the *"y. toin's eligible men to learning English. The other half, of course'
it already. explained Low we might hoodwink the Germans by pryc$sing their ships through a iugoslav company a''d later transferring thEm to the^British. Sturrack grasped both the situation and the
fwo weeks later, ]ohnny came back to Belgrade and we held a quiet celebration. The deal was sigued and sealed. At the same time, tohnny gave me a first glimpse of his real occupationand^ of the vast panorama of activities that were to develop in the following years. !ilJwere in my quarters at the family winter home in Belgrade' The heavy curtaini and thick Persian carpets contributed to an atmospheie of pdvacy and conspiracy. lohnny opened up.' 'As you have undoubtedly imagined I had no desire to be draggei into the armed services of the Third Reicb. To avoid thai- and for other reasons - I ioined the Brandenburg 'Division.' Seeing my puzzled expression, he explained 'That's-a kind of sabotage outhf under.thJcontrol of the Abwehr.' I nodded to show thail was following. At least I knew what the Abwehr was:
Dusko Popw
the major German intelligence establishment' a part of the OKW' the high command. 'Foi an antimilitarist' - I converted my puzzlement to irony -
'you chose the right branch.' He ignored my snideness. 'I myself have good friends i" 9: Abwehi and Di Hjalmar Schacht is on very close terms with
Admiral Canaris.'
Schacht, of course, I knew, as did anyone who read a newspaper. As president of the Reichsbank he had revaluated the mark and earned an international reputation as a financial genius. In fact, his nickname was 'Financial Wizard'. I also knew that Johnny admired him greatly and had served a sort of apprenticeihip under him, during which he learned most of his financial
tions, but I couldn't see the point of Johnny's running with his diametrical opposites. 'I told you already that I want to keep out of uniform. I also want to be free to travel, to keep in touch firsthand with what is happening in the world outside Germany. I couldn't do that if I were in a military rmit destined for cannon fodder. I won't be able to do it either unless I'm well established in the Abwehr. If you want to stay tn, ]'ou can't pretend or exist on the fringes. You bave to entrench yourself, and to do that you've got to produce
somewhat sharp. He
'Admiral Canaris - Wilhelm Canaris - is the chief of the Abwehr. I met him through his personal assistant, Colonel Oster, whose political ideas and philosophy are identical to mine.' 'And how about Canaris? What is he like?' fohnny considered for a moment, stubbing out an old cigarette and putting the flame of his gold lighter to a new one. Heavy smoker as he was, he was never inelegant. He didn't light one
cigarette from another. Joh""y described the Admiral as a sensitive man, unobtrusive, short in it"ture but tireless. He credited him with much curiosity' vast intelligence, and a great sense of humour. 'He gives the impression of preferring to listen rather than to !ne1k, yet when he eventually ioes speak, it is like a blitzr' I recall Johnny saylng'
ignored the implied criticism. 'Oh, nothing spectacular to begin with. Vell, for instance, just before I left for Belgrade, Hans von Dohnanyi - he's another of Canaris's friends and advisers - von Dohnanyi was preparing a report about the most suitable French politicians to contact when
France is vanquished.' 'Don't you mean "if and when"?'
'He has the reputation of not being one even though he is regularly closeted-with Hitler. That's an unavoidable adjunct to his posi of Chief of Intelligencer' Johnny said. 'He's also in close coniact with Reinhard Heydrich, who is head of the SD and one of the heads of the Gestapo as well.'The SD, I learned, was the Sicherheit Dienst, the internal political intelligence and security branch. Counter-intelligence, in other words. Johnny poured himielf another half+umbler of scotch from tne frestr bottle I,d left on the table between our armchairs. It was about two-thirds down but Johnny was cold sober. Still, he wasn' making much sense to me. I'd been dabbling in politics.in Belgrade anJ understood some of its subtleties and contradic-
'Dusko, I'm afraid it's "when". Germany's enemies all make the same mistake. They underestimate her strength and Hitler's aggressiveness and determination. They think all France has to do is sit comfortably behind the Maginot Line. It's not going to happen that way.' 'Okay,' I countered 'but if Germany is that prepared you should know the French politicians who'd be willing to collaborate with you. Your ex-Ambassador in Paris should be able to answer that question offhand.' 'I'm sure he can. And has. But the Abwehr was asked to give an independent opinion and I'd like to contribute to it. In intelligence they say, "An information is no information unless it is
confirmed from several independent sources."' Johnny explained that it would serve his purpose to contribute to the report and to do so he needed my help. He warned me that he
would have to fumish my name and sources to his superior.
All things considered, it was a loaded request. lohnny was putting as i personal favour what was in reality a iob of work - of intelligence work for the Nazis. Still, the question sounded innocent enough. The answer could be obtained easily by anyone mingling in diplomatic or political circles.I didn't see the harm in it, and besides, I was developing a little idea of my own.
zo Dusko Poput
'Okay, Johnny, I'll do it for you with one proviso. Don't askJor more than that. I'll be delighted to help you ride out the war, but it's like sticking a knife in my own guts to think that I'm helping your Nazi friends even a little.' ]ohnny's head nodded a few times to express what he couldn't put into-words. turned businesslike and arranged tbe npdus operandi. 'How much time do I have?' 'You can take a few weeks. I'd like a comprehensive report.' 'And how do I get it to you?' 'Send me a telegram in Berlin. I'11 come down.'
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Cretmany and my informants believed that he would welcome the opportunity of changing sides an4 together with Hitler, vanquish the common foe across the Channel. That was the gist of the long report I wrote for the Abwehr, in duplicate. I bad another recipient in mind for the second copy but was hesitant to make a direct approach, wanting the contact to be unobtnrsive. I was fearful that might be con-
Obtaining the information was no trick at all. I had all the contacts necessary - personal friends, friends of my fathel and of relatives - many of them high-ranking members of the Yugoslav Forcign Officg some of them experts on French affairs, some ex-am=bassadors or even active ministers. I also was well acquainted with a number of French officials in Yugoslavia. The task was time-consuming only because I couldn't come out and ask the question directly. li naa to be done in the course of dinners,
hmcheons, social conversations.
Despite my reservations, I warmed to the iob because the subieci was fascinating and the opinions amazing in that they all coincided. Leaving aside the leaders of the overt Fascist factions in France, who wJre ultimately discarded as having no real influence or piestige, the same few names occurred to all. Sometimes it was ttre fonier Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Mairs, Pierre Flandin, occasionally Marshal Ptain, but the first ca:rdidate on everyone's lips was another ex-Prime Minister, Pierre Laval. Laval's past spoke for him, it was felt. l7henever he was in powef he eipousid the line that France must avoid war at all cost by making irrangements with Hitler and Mussolini. He sacrificed the Fran&-soviit Pact to that end by blocking its ratification in Parliament even after having signed it himself. His flirtations with Mussolini broke the spirit of the Petite Entente, a defensive
alliance among czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia,_and Greece, leaning chiefly on French support. The main reason for his selec-
I got the opportunity I was waiting for. f was a fairly regular figure at the various foreign social functions. I think I was invited to add local colour. I was one of those natives with whom one could mix safely. I didn't drink out of the finger bowl, I could carry on a conversation in several languages and I did, as a bachelor, fill a certain lacuna. My quarry was the First Secretary of the British Embassy, Mr Dew. I cornered him at one of these soir6es when he went out on the terrace for a breath of air. It was a chilly evening so we were not likely to be disturbed. I took advantage of that to tell him about Johnny's assignment. Mr Dew asked a lot of questions, among tbem, would I mind if he reported the matter to his superiors? Tbat, of course, was precisely what I had in mind. He also requested a copy of my report, which I turned over to him before handing the original to Johnny. I pointed out to Mr Dew that more important than my report was Johnny's assertion that the Germans were sure of taking France. As a Francophile, that worried me, but the First Secretary didn't seem rufred at all. 'Interestingr' was his comment. 'Be a good thing for you to keep in touch with that chap.' 'That chap' came to pick up my report, but except for transmitting to me, a bit later, official thanks and compliments for its accuracy, I was out of touch with him. I did notice though, a distinct change in the attitude of the German F'mbassy towards
tion a's collaborator number one was his bitter haffed for
England. He was convinced there was no possibility of defeating
In the course of business I sometimes had had to call around at the embassy, and the staff's attitude had been cold and stiff. Undoubtedly they knew I was pnsona non grata in the Fatherland. After the report on France, I smelled of roses. Someone must have gven them the word. Suddenly, they became full of litde attentions, and previous obstructions vanished. I think this was due not only to an officid change in attitude: with their guilt
zz Dtsko PoPut
complex, the Germans were patgcga+y sensitive to, or appreciative of, any sign of sympathy or friendship'
SpylCountersPy z3
the reflection of that victory was painfully visible. ThE Germans, along with their friends and sympathizers' strutted arrogantly. Fearing Hitler, the Yugoslav-glvfmPelt iri.a .u." -o'r. d"rp.t.t ly-to prove its ncutrality. It-felt.that it *.r lroUt"a from any help and'would either have to bend or be Not so the iugoilav people. During the course of some occupied "*rt.a. ;;;;dt.d years theiicountry [ad been invadedaand rn, and tradition ot ;;t"dil"lly;and they lad long training ;;;ir,;;*."iaking to the moun-t"ins wai an old Yugoslav -ta9tic. Despite the goveirment's attempts to control it, the population' pro-Allied was ready to burst at the smallest "f-6ri ti"gt"g 'La Madelon' in cinemas and booing the ;;;;;; "".niirously Nazi hierarchY in newsreels. our plight for me, fohnny confided on one of his i;;"J; ,Wiih tle fall of Franie, every hope we had of trios to Belcrade, gifoog rid;f Hitl.t by internal a:gon vanished'' " lohioy became plrmanent visitor and guest q- 9q to*o " was hoirre to*ards the end of the summer of r94o' Ostensibly f9 in iugoslavia because he had undertaken several commercial and n"-EJftopositioos in Belgrade. L y.a1 true that tohnny w1s an i"a"f"iGiUfe businessman.-He couldn't go anywhere without ,""ioe tf,e possibility of a good deal. In our small circle we coined ;il;"4'iebseniade' to lodic.t" a sure business proposition on clever ---iGnick. ir_ity had gone to Dubrovnik for the summer and I me in his **[a to go sailinf the.e, but Johnny had involved dropped ,6ing! U*i".* de"als and f couldn't gei awryunless heget ,nJ.*" too. No -ouo, 6t otglog would him out of wasn't the Johnny I 9"Y' Belgrade. ,You're nor the [ttle - iivhat,sThat eating you?, f finally askedwho can't leave the shop' Vhat is it?' businessman - pleaded preoccupation, telling-T: hoY practicaly every He
wrong so far. 'He's the undisputed master of Europer' Johryy said, echoing Goebbels. 'In a few months' time, he'll probably finish off England and then America and Russia will be glad to come to terms with him. Hitler's promise to change history for the next thousand years may come true.' 'You propagandizing me, Johnny?' I asked, but he kept on being serious. 'Llke it or not, we have to accept the facts and adapt ourselves to them,' he defended himself. 'We may have to become part of Hitler's new world or be crushed.' 'Christ, Johnny,' I said impatientln 'what are you leading up to? Do you want me to go down on my knees and lick boots?' 'sorryr' he apologized. 'I was being heavy-handed.' He gave me one of his rare smiles. 'I was leading up to something, something I know you won't exactly like.'
I waited.
Germanwasnowroop."".otfor-Hitlersincehehadtaken how
affrgonism' ft*.in"* you had to Le careful not to shos He went on friends. of close even srue double to oo" n"i -.k. Hider's il.h ;; *...a to me a lot of defeatist rwaddle: been never ..p"#;; for infallibiliry was perhaps cofre6, he'd
German Embassy? Or better, may I bring him home for dinner? Perhaps it would be more discreet not to be seen with him.' 'Is he that bad?1 'You iudge after speaking to him.' I didn't pursue the questioning any more. It was the first and only time I had ever seen Johnny at a loss. The friend |ohnny brought home for dinner was about what I would expect of an Embassy official. His name was Major IVltintzing-r - a Bavarian, by his accent. He was very sure of himself ind of an ultimate German victory. It made my blood boil to have him sitting at my table, eating my food and drinking my wine, but I didn't show it. I liked it still less when he said, 'The service you have rendered usr' and I concluded he meant the Laval report, 'was clear and reasoned and it proved to be exact. You have a talent for seeing what is important. Your wish to help us is proof of your political wisdom and 5rour ability for adaptation.' Shades of what lohnny had been lecturing me about ! I washed my mouth out with a swallow of wine, but the taste was still
there. going to need us. At the moment, may
The maior continued. 'In the future you will find that you are I tell you frankly, we need you.'
z4 Dusko Popoo
although we weren't finished eating. to sample our cook's food.
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He wiped his mouth briskly and put his napkin on the table' I didn't think he'd come just
'There is no better alliance than one of mutual interestr' Mtintzinger continue4 very satisfied at having produced this philosophical gem. 'Now, you have the reputation in Belgrade of being a liberal, and your misadventure in Freiburg as a student was well advertised. Nobody knows your real feelings, and we'd be obliged if you would keep things that way. In spite of the temptations nowadays, please don't let anyone know you are a friend of ours. You can help much more if everyone thinks you are anti-German. And by the way'- he tried to be charming 'I'm sure the unpleasantness you had may be blamed largely on the zeal of the provincial Gestapo.' Miintzinger's speech had been planned and rehearsed, and I had the feeling that Johnny was the co-author, if not the director. 'What help do you want?' 'I shall come to thatr' Miintzinger replied. 'In a couple of months, certainly not much later, England will be invaded unless, that is, she sees reason and sues for an armistice. No country can resist the German army. To facilitate the German task and to make an eventual invasion less bloody - to save many
- you could help.' applause. expected Perhaps he 'Ah,' was all I sai4 but that my grandfather's dictum. I was following seemed to satisfy him. to say. people he used talkr' 'You will learn more than by 'Let questioning them. And don't let your face say what your tongue doesn't want to.' The maior got down to specifics. 'You are a good friend of Mr Banac. You met the Duke of Kent at Banac's home and entertained him during his stay in Dub'rovnik.' That wasn't accurate but I wasn't going to tell it to Miintzinger.I had met the Duke at Banac's but I hadn't really entertained him. I had arranged honorary membership for him at the Dubrovnik yacht club, the Argosn of which I was one of the founders, and had shown him around a bit. I thought I could see what Mi.intzinger was leading up to. With the Laval report in mind, I was prepared for some similar proposition, but he proceeded to outline something far different. '\ffe have many agents in England, quite a number of them
German and English lives
'But'- the truth came -'we would like someone who has entry everywhere. Your connections would open many doors. Some types of information are not obtainable in the Street. You could render us a great service. And we could do the same for you, Herr Popov. The Reich knows how to show its appreciation with generosity. You will become an important person in the future of Yugoslavia.' - This was something else again, not simply the writing of a corroborative report. In no uncertain way he was asking me to ioin the German espionage service. I can't really say that I was shocked, nor that I was surprised - subconsciously I must have been prepared for the offer-but I did feel a burst of adrenalin running through me. Johnny hadn't uttered a word since Miintzinger took over the stage. He was avoiding my eyes, contemplating the smoke of his cigarette and the colour of his cognac. '\Iilhat kind of information would you expect from me?' I knew the answer but I wanted him to spell it out. 'General. Political.'A slight pause. 'Military. But really that is not in my province. I'm here to seek your agreement. Johnny will introduce you to the proper people when and if you accept.' 'You don't require an immediate answer?' 'Certainly not,' he said heartily, as though displaying generosity. 'Think it over. There are some risks involved, but as a good gambler, I can tell you that they are minimal in the light of ihe advantages. But weigh all the elements yourself. I am staying in Belgrade a few days. Let me know through Johnny what you have decided and we shall have a long talk afterwards.' He rose from the table. We hadn't botbered moving from the dining room. I showed him out and returned immediately to the salon, where I knew Johnny would have installed himself. $fhen I walked in he was pouring himself a drink' his back towards me' I closed the door and he turned around, his explanation ready without my having to ask. 'I wouli have ihosen another way of doing this, Dusko,' he said, 'but they were in a hurry.' 'iet's put tur cards on th; table, Johnny. You've been laying the groundwork for quite a while.' My tone wasn't accusatory, merely a statement of fact.
excellentr' he said.
z6 Dusko Popoa
'That's right' he said. 'I guessed you'd realize it. Makes things
SpylCountusPy z7
paper. Then they dug out your file and got additional informa-
'From you?' 'Mainly from me.' 'And were they really convinced I've had a change of heart since Freiburg?' |ohnny laughed. 'People - even tough politicians like the Nazis - believe what they want to. Judging by your conduct, you are an ambitious man. You're the son of a wealthy family; you don't rcally have to wor\ yet you do. And hard. So if you're ambitious, you haoe no place to turn to except to the Germans. Economiially, we have always controlled the Balkans. Now we're winning the war, too.' 'Great character analysisr' I said. 'Freud was a few.' Johnny laughed for the first time that evening. 'You don't expect them to apply his theories and deduce that you are trying to compete with your father.' I grinned in return. 'I haven't figured it out myself.' -'S-o'- tohnny breathed easier - 'to get on, the Tirpitzufer ordered me to convince you, to recruit you. I couldn't bring myself to do so right away. Not fast elough. Miintzinger got impatient and decided to handle it himself.' 'I'11 sleep on it, Johnny. Goodnight.' 'I hope you'll forgive me, Duskor' he said softly. 'I'm using I can't survive otherwise.'There was no doubting you. I'm sorry. -but I co'ldn'r concede that easily. I half nodded and Lis sincerity, waved my hand at him. 'One more thingr' he added, as I opened the door. 'If you want to destroy a team' the best way is to become part of it.' I shot him one glance and went on to my room. Why the hell hadn't he said that earlier? That was no night for sleep. Not that I had to make up my mind' I do that quickfy. No use going ovet the same ground fifty times' Facts dont change. But there was one piece missing to complete the game. Would the British play? .If they wouldn't, I'd have to turrido*o the Germans, and one didn't refuse their sort of offer with impunity. I rusfed off first thing next morning to Milosa Velikog Street, where the British Embassy was located. 'Do you realize fully
Johnny took the scotch bottle and his glass and put them on the coffee table in front of the couch. Then he arranged the pillows to his liking and stretched out. !7e were in for a long talk. I crouched, my preferred position, on the tiger-skin rug in front of the fireplace. 'Miintzinger is my immediate superiorr' Johnny began. 'He is well considered by Canaris, enjoys his full confidence. He is the chief recruiter for the Abwehr in Central Europe. As he told you, the Abwehr has men in England but no one capable of operating on a high level. And that's what the gentlemen from the Tirpitzufer want.'
'The Tirpitzufer?' 'Sorry I forgot you don't know Berlin very well. Tirpitzufer No. 74-76 is Abwehr headquarters.It has its reputation.' I could imagine for what. 'They've been looking desperately for a man who can move in the upper stratum of British society. The man has to have other qualities as well, as you can imagine. Many other qualities. In essence, he has to have the makings of a superspy. I took a gteat liberty, I suggested you. It was in the heat of the moment. I regretted it later but . . . too late to back out.' I came ofi my haunches and paced the room, partly to escape proximity to Johnny. '$(Ihen did you put my hat in the ring? Before or after the Laval business? Or was it at the time of the shipping deal?' 'No, it was after all that.' 'You were testing me with those.' It was a statement, not a question. I almost said'conning me' but I wasn't mad enough to do so. I thought I should have been, but as a matter of fact I really wasn't at all. For a few reasons. One, I had confidence in Johnny. Two, the situation wasn't without interest, nor was it that unexpected. It was only the scope that took me by surprise. I was expecting some more little assignments, not to be asked to play the role of a master spy. 'Yes, if you wish. I was testing your reactionr' Johnny admitted. 'And theirs. Your French report made an excellent impression in Berlin. They termed it as clear as a Generalstaff
z8 Dusko Popoa
what you are letting yourself in fot?' Mr Dew asked after listening keenly to my recital of the previous evening's events. 'Not that I want to discourage you. Fighting the Nazis is the only proper thing to do, we all feel that way. But this bit of business you are volunteering for is on the nasty side. One mistake is more than you're allowed.' 'One does what one can, Mr Dewr' I answered shrugging off
SpylCountersPy z9
the club. 'Now, this sort of thing is out of my competencer' Mr Dew admitted graciously. 'I shall ask a friend of mine to see you. He'll be interested, I'm sure. He'Il ring you up first thing to
arrange a meeting.' The man who phoned that aftemoon, 'at the suggestion of Mr Dew'introduced himself as Spiradis. He asked me to come right around to see him at the British Passport Control Office.
Mr Dew approved. I
Spiradis had his own channels. Only a couple of days later, he summoned me to his office again. Relieved at the rapid action, I jumped into rny brand-new BMW and roared off for Milosa Velikog. 'London wants you to continue your conversation with the Gerrransr' Spiradis informed me. 'Do I acclpt the job or do I have tea with them?' I asked. Bureaucratic doubletalk always annoyed me. Spiradis's eyes twinkled. He rubbed his large nose between thumb and forefinger.
overdo it. Ask for time to wind up your affairs and to prepare the
For the
second time
Velikog. Passport
that day I found myself on Milosa Control was located in a building about 3oo
trip.' 'That will be legitimate enoughr' I agreed. 'Yes, IITe aho *ant you to suggest that you have a friend in London - say, a Yugoslav diplomat - who is in need of money. You think you can fet him to help you and to send information
through the diplomatic bag.' I o6jected to that one. 'What's his name? Mtintzinger will want to know. He's got as much appetite for names as you hav-e-.'
yards down the street from the embassy. On being ushered into the office of the man named Spiradis, I found that I knew him vaguely. Our paths had crossed at social functions, so briefly that neither recalled the othet's name' but I was sure that his wasn't Spiradis. I realized that he was certainly more than a passport conmol officer. When I was initiated to the game, I found out that he was the chief of MI6 for the Balkans, and Spiradis was his Spiradis had me repeat the story I'd told Mr Dew. I went through it dutifully, although I was sute Mr Dew had acquainted him with it. That, I was to learn, was standard Intelligence technique. Spiradis questioned me down to the finest details, particularly in reference to names.
cover name.
'Wellr' he pronounced at last, smoothing the long hairs combed sideways over his bald scalp, 'we are very interested indeed.' Spiradis's speech was very British, yet therc was something
Spiradis diimissed my objection with a shrug. 'Oh, ,invent somithing. Say you are not at liberty to reveal his name. Now'he pointed a pencil at me - 'to get down to cases: yourvoyage to London. I don't know what the Germans have in mind, but you must have a plausible pretext for it. Presumably, you're taking us in. A genuinl ptete*t is the best cover. In your case there is not much of a probl"m. As a lawyer, you've been active in negotiating business dials with the British. You can caffy on with that on an enlarged scale, a scale requiring you to go to London. You should be a6le to find some clients who'll agrce to your representing them. !7e'll give you all assistance possible, particularly in the way of Navy Certs.' ;In that ciser' I assured him, 'I'm sure I can get all the clients I
foreign about him. 'I shall have to ask for instructions from London, but you may take it for granted we shall pursue the
maffer.t Communications between Belgrade and London were notoriously slow at any time and worse now that the war was on.
Navy Certs were certificates of approval for goods travelling on seas contmlled by the British. without them ships were liable to seizure. The British were particularly careful and stingy about issuing Navy Certs for Yugoslavia. Foreseeing.a possible -Axis invasi6n of my country, they feared the building up of large stocks that might fall into enemy handg to say nothing of the
3o Dusko Popw
possibiliry that goods might be resold to the Germans. Leaving the most delicate matter to the last, Spiradis sai{ almost casually, after we concluded our arrangements, 'Oh, of course, you won't say anything to Mr Jebsen about your connection with us.' 'He practically sent me herer' I objected. 'Practicallyr' Spiradis gave the wo,rd a whole other meaning. 'In this business, the less said the better.' |ohnny was becoming a bit of an enigma to me. Sometimes he blew one way, sometimes another. 'At any rater' I conceded, 'he'll probably guess.'
Sp1lCounttsPy 3r 'Here,' he held it as though he were giving me a treasure. 'You will give this to your friend. Secret ink. When does he go back to
London?' 'Good. i shall be leaving here myself shortly, but I will be placing you under Jebsen's tutelage. He wjll giyg Vog- a set of questioni that you are to transmit to your friend. He will reply in that.' He pointed to the ink, pleased as a child with the ttapping of his profession. 'Jebsen will also be indoctrinating you, training you in codes, informing you of the contacts you will have, many things. You will be busy between now and the time you leave.' Mtintzinger bade me goodbye with a great deal of warmth, as if I were a member of the clan, shaking my hand while he assured me how much faith they had in me and told me not to worry about funds. They would keep me amply supplied. My thanks were comparativeiy stiff, but I don't think that fine psychologist
I did. I told Johnny only that I had aranged to go to England and that I had a diplomat friend who would help. Johnny didn't ask any questions, and I was sure it was because he preferred it
meeting with Mtintnnge4 arranged by Johnny, annoyed me more than the first. 'I'm a fine psychologistr' he crowed. 'I knew you would come to the right conclusion. Jebsen here says you have even started things rolling on your own initiative.Very good. That is what we require in a job such as yours. $7ho is your diplomat friend?' 'An old friend. I can vouch for him.' 'I'm sure you can, but what is his name?' 'The one condition he insisted on is that I don't reveal his
that way.
'Let him.'
My next
if there is no name attached to it. We can't judge its reliability.' 'I can promise you younll know the source of the information,' I hedged. 'My friend will only be the intermediary.' 'Well, all right for the moment, but later I will probably have to insist on his name.' 'I'll try to get him to change fuis mind.' Fortunately, we never locked horns on this issue. I was able to drop my phony diplomat friend before it came to that. lMhile talking, Miintzinger had been caressing a fine crocodile attach6 case. It was new and looked like those I had seen in the Hermds shop window on the Faubourg St Honord in Paris. The fruits of the occupation were falling already. He undid the clasp, reached his hand in, and pulled out a metal phial.
Within only a few days, via Johnny, Miintzinger forwarded to me an exhaustive questionnaire for my friend in London' I passed it along to Spiradis together with the secret ink. He was inore impressed with the questionnaire, the English having bener secret ink, he said. The questions the Germans wanted to ask were useful because they showed what they perhaps didn't know. The questionnaire also indicated what areas the Germans were intereited in. They particularly asked about defence measures on the south coast from around the $(fash to Southampton. On the military side they wanted everything my friend could discover, a *tt of shotgun technique: the locations of divisions, brigades, and commaids, the names of officers. They were specifically interested in antitank guns but also wanted to know about other weapons, the armament industry in paticular, aqd indrrstry in geniral. And then there were many political-questions similg--1o ihose they had asked me about France. Who were Churchill's enemies? rX/ho in Britain thought the war should be ended quickly? Who was in favour of starting to negotiate peace with
Having a memory that is photographic - although not always rerentive for a long period _I didn't have to waste much time learning my lessoni witn lonnny. My business cover took more
3z Dusko Popw
time and much running around. I actually had to create an import organization. canvassed my Yugoslav banking connections to get a list of goods most urgently needed by their clients. Then I visited the clients and prepared dossiers on all of them for the
SpylCountaspy 33
chauffeur, Bozidar, volunteered to drive me around in my father's Buick. The family was still in Dubrovnik, so he had little to do. That should have made me suspicious; Bozidar was lazy and usually wouldn't do more than the minimum. Yet we all were fond of him. He had taught me to drive before I was fifteen, and he was a skilled chauffeur. He was crosseyed and we used to kid him about being able to see both in front and on the side. A few weeks after I'd become a back-seat passenger, Johnny burst into my room one morning without bothering to knock. He was as upset as his cool nature would permit and was waving a sheaf of papers in his hand. 'You'ri being sold out by Bozidar,' he cried. 'Look at this.' He thrust the papers at me. I was iust waking up and the curtains were drawn, so I couldn't see to read. '$0hat is it?' I asked. 'There are nine pages here listing almost every appointment' everyone you've seen in the last two weeks. I iust found out about it a lew hours ago. Miintzinger phoned to ask me to pick up the list. Before he returned to Vienna he hired Bozidar to spy on you' Your faithful retainer sold you out for two thousand dinars down.' I was still slightly drugged by sleep and could hardly believe what I was hearing. 'Bozidar?' 'Yes, Bozidar. I gave him another two thousand dinars this morning. I'm supposed to send the report on to Miintzinger.' 'Bozidarr' I moaned. 'That bastard sabotaged my car, then.' I switched on a lamp and glanced through the report. It was
Wtrite in the midst of this frenzied activity, my BMrtrf broke down. My mechanic diagnosed it as piston mouble. It would take some time to repair, since parts were difficult to obtain, and also the engine would have to be taken down completely.
My father's
fairly comprehensive, but for the moment its real import didn't strike me.I shrugged. 'Except for a rather incomplete list of the names and addresses of my girlfriends, I don't see much harm in it.' Johnny took the list back. 'No? What about this?' He pointed. 'And this and four more like it. All the same address on Milosa Velikog.' 'Oh, that's the Passport Control Office where I applied for my visa for England !' I had my excuse ready-made. 'Six times? Come off it, Dusko,'Johnny snapped. 'It is also the headquarters of British Intelligence in Yugoslavia.' 'Dimn.' I swore more at Spiradis than at myself. I was a novice in the game, but he should have known better than to give me a rendezvous in his ofrce. 'I hope this doesn't ruin things, Johnny. I had plans. 'Ruin thingsr' Johnny snorted. 'It's liable to blow you and everyone connected with you. Friends, family. You should know the Nazis by now. If they suspect the slightest thing about you, you're marked for the chopping block. And they'll take their revenge on your family later.' I ranted about my room, cursing the Nazig myself, Bozidar. The idea of my familn and Johnny too, f realized, being involved in such a mess drove me up the wall. And not only was I not striking back at the Nazis, I was giving them another crack at
'Johnny,' I said desperately, 'how long have we got? lilflhen do the report in?' you - have to turn go today. Perhaps I can stall for a day or two but in should 'It no longer.' 'supposing we write a false report?' 'I was thinking along the same lines,' Johnny answered. 'But there's Bozidar. !fe'd have to be damn sure he wouldn't talk.' 'I'll take care of Bozidarr' I promised. 'Leave the report to me, too. I'll forge a new one and have it for you by tomorrow .' Various ways of silencing Bozidar occurred to me. I could threaten him, pay him off handsomely, have him imprisoned on a phony charge. Maybe the best,I finally decided might be to send ii- tL away and make sure he stayed there. I started figuring out ways to do that. The family would have to be brought in on it'
34 Dusko
SpylCounterspy 35
They should know, at the very least, the potential risk they ran. Notitt the family perhaps. My brother Ivo might suffice. , Ivo was marrild and had been practicing medicine in Belgrade for several years. I found him in his office on Dobracina street, not far from our familY house. 'The doctor still his another Patient to seer' Ivo's nurse told
Ivo .nd'I ar. very close, so close that when I revealed my activities he didn,t feel hurt that I hadn't told him about them before. He knew that I would have confided in him eventually' I hadn't done so to spare him the worry. 'So you think you can send Bozidar away and keep him silent?' Ivo chided me. 1ts easily as that?' he said snapping his fingers' 'Let's look at this practically. Bozidar is corrupt' I kl* we can both remember when he rode us around on his shoulders. That makes what he did all the more borrible. Bozidar is a cancer now. There is nothing we can do that will alter him. As long as he lives, he always ,.*.lttt a threat to you. No matter whete, as long as he lives.' I knew Ivo was right' Subconsciously, I had had the same
'LeI me take care of him,' Ivo proposed' 'It'll be safer if you are not involved directly, in case the Germans make an
be an ass, Ivo'' I was very touched' 'It's my job. No use your becoming mixed up in ----'I *rnt to ier' Ivo answered. 'We can't hide our heads in the sand. It's simple self-preservation. Either we fight or we get
stepped on.'
hoodlums who had not yet earned enough to have their own lawyers. I had defended my quota of criminals, and one or two of my clients had appreciatively offered payment in kind any time I nceded them. It was the kind of proposition no one ever takes rcriously, although it was given as such. My clients lived the sort of lives in which it might be necessary. I didn't. Or hadn't. Before leaving the house that night, I tiptoed to the servants' quarters to check on Bozidar. The radio was on in his room. Through the keyhole I could see him sitting in an old armchair long ago discarded from the library. He was listening to a programme of Yugoslav folk songs. That accounted for the whereabouts of my tail. I was reasonably sure there wasn't another, but I took the precaution of creeping out of the back entrance. I was wearing some rough old clothes I used for hunting so I wouldn't stand out in the place I was going - a rough section of the Belgrade port on the Sava River. My two clients were creatures of habit, faithful to the post in the bar where they had told me I could always find them after dinner. The one facing the door saw me as I entered. His face lit up in a smile. He was genuinely glad to see me. I had managed to secure suspended sentences for both of them on an assault charge, claiming self-defence. 'Have a drink and tell us your troublesr' he said while his partner clapped me on the back. They were a wise lot. I sat down at their table and ordered a round. 'I'm being blackmailed,' I explained. 'My father's chauffeur.' 'Do you want us to work him over?'one asked. 'Nah, won't do any goodr' the other told him. 'He'll just run away and try to get at you later on.' 'That's just what he'd do.' I went along with him. 'Well then'- one of my friends raised his glass - 'he's for the
"fhis is still mY job,'I insisted. 'Okay, it's your iobr' Ivo answered half resentfully, 'but count
me in on anything else. Remember.' I had to wait until night to carry out my plan' Death seems to do better in the dark. Or at least, its practitioners' In Yugoslavia, as in other countries, the courts usually assigned apprentiie lawyers to defend the indigent. And frequently, if not
in their
ditch.' We arranged that I would find a pretext' an errand, to send Bozidar out of the house that night. I told them I would supply an alibi if it came to that' but they treated the matter quite casualln sure they would get away with it. They protested, sincerely, when I pulled out a roll of bank notes. I knew that their kind of crime didn't pay well, so I insisted. For once in their lives, even if unknown to them, they were committing a socially useful
36 Dusko Popw
SpylCounterspy 37
I figured they should be recompensed for it. Strains of music were filtering through the door of Bozidar's room. It was r AM. I knocked. Bozidar answered scratching his chest through his open shirt. 'Sorry to ask you to go out at this hourr' I said, handing him a sealed envelope and a hundred-dinar note. 'I want you to deliver this immediately to Mr Bogdan Savic. He's only a few blocks away . . . Car Dusana r95. You won't have to take the car out.' Bozidar was used to my erratic ways. He tugged his forelock, muttering his compliance. I turned to go, then felt squeamish. 'Ah, Bozidarr' I said quickly inventing a last chance for him to confess and appeal for mercy. 'Have I been running you around too much these past few weeks? You look tired. Or worried. Is there anything?' 'Well, Gospar Dusko, you do run me around more than your father doesr'he said. 'You don't have to drive me any more if you're tired. I'll use
act, and
'You're a determined man, Duskor' he said. 'Tell me, would m, too, if you discovered I was playing dirty?' 'You'd never play dirty, Johnnn' I answered wondering what had prompted the question. After the Bozidar alarm, things were too quiet for a few weeks. I was waiting for action from Berlin and London, and both were stalling. London wasn't sending the answers to the questionnaire, and Berlin was delaying permission to leave for London. 'You've got to deliver somethingr'Johnny warned me. 'Miintzinger is pressing for answers. Get him a few, even if not everything. It's a matter of proving yourself. But even when you do, never make the mistake of thinking you are in the clear. There will be more Bozidars.' 'If they let me go to London, I could work on the questionnaire myselfr' I pointed out. 'Why do you think they are holding
pu kill
'I can make an educated guessr' Johnny said. 'You, my lad are destined to be a big wheel in our intelligence machine. It takes time to get one turning, to make sure there aie no defects in it. I
suspect Berlin wants you here under
checked you from every angle.'
own sentence.
I hadn't asked my two clients for the details of their execution plan, only stipulating that I wanted his body found. Disappearances cause more investigation than deaths. When the police called the next morning, I was able to act genuinely surprised. My two ruftans had staged a masterful play. Bozidar, the police told me, had been shot to death at the scene of an apparent pillaging at the railroad yards. They thought he was implicated in the attempted theft, wbich had been foiled by some railroad guards. As was expected of me, I paid for Bozidar's funeral. He had no immediate family and I was the only one who sent flowers. But only for the form. As far as I was concerned he was Yugoslavia's first collaborator. Jebsen sent the forged Bozidar report to Miintzinger, and we never heard any more about it, nor did he inquire about Bozidar. Johnny, who knew what had happened, did make a remark I found curious.
Sfhen I tried to stir things up on the British end, Spiradis whom I was contacting now with great precaution - insisted, 'You'll have to be patient.' '!(/e're almost at the end of August,' I reminded him. 'The Germans gave me that questionnaire in mid-July. It's a question of their patience, not mine. And I can tell you theirs is almost at an end.' 'I'll send an urgent signal to Londonr'he promised. London came through with instructions several days later.
They were anxious to have me there and had cooked up a scheme to get the Germans to move. I was to show them a letter from my diplomatic frien4 explaining his situation. The letter, written on the stationery of the Yugoslgv Embassy in London, read:
Dear Dush,o,
understand your impatience. I haoe collected quite o number of the Ming porcelain you want as a present for yow mother, but unfortunately, I cannot send it through the diplomatic pouch.
38 Dusko PoPw Fm one thing, it is too fragile and too bulky- More important, the British Foreign Office is becoming sticky and we hazte been asked to li,mit our mail to the strictly essential. I suggest you collect the porcelain yowself when you-come to London or onange for it to be collected- Otherwise, you'll haae to wait until my next tri.p to Belgtade. Incidentaily, the money you odoanced for the purchases has been spent. If you want to complete the collection' I suggest you bring more funds. yours,
SpjlCountusPy 39
'Who is Bata?' Johnny asked when I gave him the letter to forward to Miintzinger. 'I thought your correspondent was
remaining anonymous.' He wai. Johnny hadn't learned much of our difficult language'
Yugoslav. As London calculated the letter provoked the green light from Berlin. Instructions came for me to make my travel arrangements
tricky business. The first hurdle was that as a Yugoslav reserve officer I could not leave the country without a permit from the Ministry of tJfar. Procuring that took much personal intervention. The rest required iuggling. I had to Pass through Ilaly bu1 I-wouldn't- be allowed to leave there if I had a visa for England. On the other hand, Portugal would not allow me to enter unless I did have a visa for another country. The only way to do it was to carry a concealed letter from the British Foreign Office guaranteeing me a visa to be issued by the consul in Lisbon. These formalities accomplished, I had a last session with each of my spymasters. To be absolutely sure of privacy, Spiradis and I met at Oplenac, a large park about twenty kilometres from Belgrade. It driw few crowdJ even on weekends and during the week was pracdcally deserted. On top of the monument to the fallen heroes of th" Fiist World War - two hundred steps up, where we could survey the surrounding countryside- Spiradis saw fit to lecture as a British officer. It surprised -. oo my duties and obligations as such. considered be to was me that I you are a real German spy' if as me, warned 'Act Then he
a time-consuming,
Forget you belong to us. While travelling, look as though you weri worried that the English may suspect you. You can be sure the Germans will be observing you at every moment. 'Keep your eyes and your ears open and your mouth shut' Remember namis and addresses and faces and every word you hear from or about the Germans, but put nothing in writing' Specifically, we are interested in anyhing you may hear about an eventual invasion of England. The German code name for that is Operation Sea Lion. Don't be sceptical,' Spiradis added'.'You don't seem to appreciate fully what you've already accomplished' You've su."..d.d in infiltrating the Abwehr. Normally, that would require years of deliberate planning. You're 9n goo{.o1 excellent t.t-i with a few of their high-ranking officers. Pick their brains.' He gestured as though he were trepanning JhtT' 'When you get tJlondon, they'll put together wtrat is already known with what you can supplS and any little thing may prove the missing piece in the Puzzle. 'By the ivay, I don't know exactly what slot you'1e going to,be placed in. Briiish Intelligence is divided into two main units: MI6 and MI5. Overseas we're MI6 - straight intelligence. MI5 are the counter-intelligence crowd.' Actually, I later found myself working for both' It was-a beginner's leciure, but it was indicated' I hadn't realized the full advantages and scope of my position' Spirad.is also gave me my contact in Lisbon in case of need' Again, it was the-chief of the Passport Control Office, a Mr Davis' -clecided to approach him charily. Johnny had already put me I wise ro rhe faci ihat Passporr Control was frequendy the cover for MI6 and that the Germans knew it. After our conference, I conducted Spiradis to a meeting with the first agents I recruited for Intelligence. spiradis _was seeking to extend-his ner in Yugoslavia and had asked me for likely candidates. One was my brother Ivo, the other a university friend, Nicholas Lukas, N.w Zealander by birth but of Yugoslav " them readily _even though, like every origin. Spiradis accepted yugoslav I was io recruit, they made one,proviso :. that none othlr of their aitions would ever be directed against Yugoslavia' I lost direct contad with Nicholas and only found him after the war in Trieste, a captain in the British Army' About Ivo, more
Johnny arrived
Mtintzinger was absolutely elated to have me leave for England. It reflected to his credit as a spymaster. He was expansive and voluble, so I had my first plunge at pumping an Abwehr officer for information, pretending I had to learn about
the country to which I was assigned. 'Ach England, it had better ccme to terms with us soonr' he boasted. '!7e have them on their knees, and the blitz will knock them out completely unless they come to their senses.' I said humbln 'I'm not a military expert, of course, but as I understand it, bombs will only soften up a place. You have to occupy it after that. lfhat about the British Navy? We have to
My grandfather was the only one I didn't fool. He winked at me whin I insisted that I couldn't drop my business affairs and told me later in private. 'It's the war. You can't wait for it to come to you. You plan to stay in London, I know.'He said nothing to
the others.
'The Luftwaffe will take care of the British Navy. And I know positively we have the wherewithal to cross the Channel. \tr7e have assembled over twenty-five hundred barges, nearly as many motor boats, and over a hundred and fifry ships.' I whistled appreciatively. Johnny shot me a sharp look' He realized what I was up to. 'We also have troops trained and ready to go" Miintzinger added for my edification. 'They await only the Fiihrer's order to
to worm more specific details out of Miintzinger but got the impression that he didn't know any more. \flhen we got rid of him, and lohnny and I wete having our last chat, he said slyly, 'When I'm in Berlin - which should be soon - I'll try to get some information to satisfy your "natural" curiosity about Sea Lion.' He said no more than that, and I didn't pick him up on it' He obviously didn't want me to. But every'sous entendu' confirmed that he knew I was a British agent. $fith business cleared away, I faced up to the task of parting with my family and flew to Dubrovnik. Except for Ivo, they thoughi I was going to Lisbon and eventually to London on a business trip, which they found insane. London was under a svere blitz. My family had no illusions that our country would escape the war, but it was difficult, while basking under the
I tried
SpylCountnsPg 43
I glanced at my watch. It was ten thirty. We went on a bona fide Cook's tour, missing nothing from Saint Peter's toe to the Michelangelo frescoes. The professor was en expert on it all and was as tireless a walker as a talker. As I admired the frescoes, I also studied the face of every tourist, cxpecting one of them to conceal the man from the Abwehr. At one in the afternoon, with the professor showing no signs of weakening or of leading me anywhere, I asked impatiently, 'How
chapter three
An hour early, at ten in the morning, I walked out of the Hotel Ambassadori and up the Via Veneto to the Caf6 de Paris. My 'tref'- as the Abwehr called its rendezvous - was fixed at eleven but I had no better way to spend an hour than to sit on the
about some serious business?' His eyes lit up. 'Certainly, sir. It is a bit early, but I can arrange it for you after lunch. Make your choice.' He produced from his waistcoat pocket a dozen photographs of
terrace and watch the sights. As instructed, I displayed the Yugoslav newspaper Politika and placed a package of Morava cigarettes and Yugoslav matches on the table. Well before eleven o'clock an elderly gentleman who looked like a retired professor strolled by on the sidewalk several times, his glance going to the foreign newspaper and cigarettes I was displaying. He selected a table next to mine, wriggled about so that his cane chair creaked, and cleared his throat. 'Your first visit to Rome?' I looked over at him. 'No. I've been here several times before.' 'Oh, but perhaps you're interested in visiting some place again. I could guide you,'he suggested. 'No, thank your' I replied then reconsidered. 'Well, I would like to have a look at the Vatican.' 'I'm an expert on the Vatican' my professorial type answered.
'ft's a lovely morning. We have plenty of time. Shall I hail a fiacre?' He had answered exactly as prearranged. 'Do indeed.'I gave the expected affirmative; the fiacre would take us to meet my Abwehr contact.
naked women, which he started showing to me one by one, accompanying each with a description of her speciality. The Sistine Chapel reverberated with my laughter. Horrified, a goup of nuns pantomimed for silence. I ran out of the chapel trying to suppress my laughter, leaving the old panderer to soothe the sisters. In mid-afternoon the concierge of the Ambassadori rang to say that the guide I had ordered was waiting in the lobby. I broke out laughing again and told him I'd be right down. This time it was the real thing and my contact took a dim view of my not having checked in at the Caf6 de Paris on the stroke of eleven. We abandoned the fiacre and Vatican gambit in favour of his Fiat and the Villa Borghese. He parked alongside the gardens, handed me two thousand dollars, and told me to expect a friend who was into Rome that evening. flying Not unexpectedllr the friend turned out to be Johnny, coming directly from Berlin. I was delighted to see him but I felt that each meeting of ours took place on a tightrope. I was 99 per cent sure of him, yet we had never had that final meeting of the minds that would have cleared everything up. 'What are we drinking, Dusko, scotch or schnapps?' lohnny asked as we settled into the leather armchairs in a deserted corner of the Ambassadori bar. 'Scotch,' I told the waiter. And to lohnny, 'I must get in the habit.' 'scotch for me, toor' he ordered. The waiter left us. 'scotch to toast England. It will still be there tomorro%
44 Dusko Popw
according to the information I got fof you in Berlin. your curiosity, of courser'he said tongue in cheek.
SpylCounterspy 45
'The invasion plan - Sea Lion - is off?' 'For the time being. I have it from the Admiralty.' Johnny cited his sources for proper evaluation. 'There is profound disagreement in Supreme Headquarters. The Army, the Navn and the Luftwaffe can't get together. General Halder, the Army chief of staff, is confident he can smash England rapidly if the Navy and the Air Force give him the necessary backing. He envisions employing a hundred thousand men in the first invasion wave, to be followed immediately by a hundred and sixty thousand reinforcements. Halder's battle plan is to move in on a wide front.' Johnny was speaking rapidly, in a low voice' I nodded to show that I was following. 'The Navy insists on a reduced front. It claims that is the only way it can guarantee the crossing in the face of British naval superiority. The Navy strategy would be to use mine fields and submarines to protect the invasion fleet.' 'Are the figures that Mtintzinger mentioned correct?' I asked. 'Twenty-five hundred barges, nearly as many motor boats, and over a hundred and fifty ships?' 'substantiallyr' fohnny answered.'Miintzinger wasn't exaggerating, but what he didn't say - or didn't know - was that twice that number are needed to transport an army the size Halder has in mind. More decisive than that is the Luftwaffe. The Navy won't move unless the Luftwaffe will promise absolute control of the invasion area. And in spite of Goering's boasts, the Luftwaffe won't go that far out on a limb. 'Th- upshot is that Hitler is arbitrating the disagreement' trying to make compromises where they are impossible. So Sea Lion is being postponed from one month to the next, and meanwhile they-dl hope that certain people in England-what they call reasonable and peace-loving elements - will sue for peace. Since Goering took over as Air Marshal and says he will annihilate the Royal Air Force and blitz the British to their knees, they are content to let him try it his way. 'I was told tbat Rudolf Hess is saying that some high personalities in the UK are seeking contact with Germany. As Deputy Fiihrer, Hess has his own intelligence organization, you know,
The form of Johnny's reply interested me: his use of 'they', not 'we'. He wasn't identifying with the Nazis. Johnny looked at his watch. 'Enough business for tonight. I have a surprise for you. Freddy von Kaghaneck is in town. We're having dinner with him.' 'Freddy !' It really was a surprise. 'Is he in this, too?' 'No, nothing to do with the Abwehr. And he doesn't know anything of your activities. Hitler is trying to use the von Kaghaneck family's influence. He named Freddy a sort of special delegate to the Vatican.' Over dinner at Alfredo's, Freddy told me more about his appointment. 'It is the most comfortable job anyone could dream of having during the war.' Freddy laughed as though he were putting something over. 'I'm cultivating cardinals and reporting their confidences. If they don't tell me anything, I invent. This is too good a job to lose.' Freddy's attitude struck me as extremely peculiar. As a Catholic aristocrat he was comrnitting what amounted to lDse tuiestd. And he wasn't doing it under duress. Freddy didn't have to work for Hitler. He would never have been drafted into the military, since he had a game leg from birth. Nor would he have been bothered otherwise, thanks to the importance of his family. At least, I didn't think he would. I didn't want to be questioned closely about my doings, so I didn't ask Freddy about his. There was a curious ambiguity about friendship for people in our positions. You tried to convince yourself that a friend would be on the right side, yet you couldn't dare trust that friendship far enough to reveal yourself. Before leaving Rome, Johnny briefed me on Lisbon. 'Your spymaster will be Maior Ludovico von Karsthoff. He is the head
46 Dusko Popw
SpylCounterspy 47
of the Abwehr in Lisbon, which is one of the most important outposts in Europe. Lisbon and Madrid are the main centres for
German and British intelligence now that Belgium and Holland
are occupied.
tall, slim, good-looking man awaited me in the salon. He held out his hand and advanced towards me.
Viennese accent. 'We are happy to have you here.' I shook his hand and assured him that I was equally happy to be there. Von Karsthoff offered me a drink, and we chatted ebout banalities, about my trip, about Lisbon. He managed to convey a feeling of genuine interest and concem, making me feel
&t ease.
in German
'A word of warning about von Karsthoff' You may find yourself liking him. He's a near neighbour of yours, an Austrian born in Trieste. His real name - which I shouldn't use - is von Auenrode. You'll contact him by telephoning from a pay booth. Ask for Karl Schmidt and say his cousin from Stuttgart told you to call. Schmidt will ask you to call back in ten minutes and then will indicate he wilt be pleased to meet you at some specified time and place. Be there an hour early. A woman will pass and wink at you. Follow her. That I'm sure you can do without detailed
'She probably will be. Part of the cover. Otherwise, why should you follow her? But I doubt if you'll see her again. Not that you'll lack for feminine company in Lisbon. Not nowadays. You'll have your choice of almost any nationaliry you want except Portuguese, of course.'
enter without conversation and be driven to the tref.' 'sounds like a game,' I said. 'I hope the girl is good-looking.'
Wary since mucking up the Rome rendezvous, I followed Johnnyns instructions to the letter. When I arrived an hour early this time, it was on orders. After only a few minutes of window shopping at a jeweller's on the Rua Augustus, a trim blonde girl, obviously not Portuguese, gave me a broad, friendly wink. I followed her several blocks, turning a few corners, to an Opel sedan.
'I have very specific orders concerning your' von Karsthoff sei4 a warrn smile illuminating his face. 'I have been instructed to handle you with loving care, to help you to the utmost. Now that I know you, I am sure it will be a pleasure to carry them out. You have inspired a lot of faith at the Tirpitzufer, and they are making ambitious plans for you.' I thanked him, adding, 'I'm sure it is going to be a pleasure to work with you, Herr Major.' This was a man to cultivate, I thought. Von Karsthoff was explaining the methods we would use to contact each other in the future when the door opened and two dachshunds eeled tbeir way to his knees. A young woman ran aftet them calling, 'Ivan r, Ivan 2.' Karsthoff caressed the dogs and laughed heartily. 'Nothing to do with your code name, pure
Canaris. Johnny
had told me that the Admiral also onmed two dachshunds. The young woman handed von Karsthoff a slip of paper.
Its motor was running, and a man was behind the wheel. My
escort opened the door and ducked into the back seat, motioning me after her. The car started immediately. $fle didn't exchange a word. She said only 'Stay' when the car stopped to let her out several blocks later. I(/e drove toward the Estoril. Near the Casino, the driver halfturned his head to say, 'Ife are almost there. Crouch down on the floor, the house may be watched.' I did as ordered. $(Ihen the car came to rest and the ignition was switched off, I found we were inside a garage, the door of which was being closed by another man. $(/e walked through the garage into a house. The architecture showed the influence of the Moorish occupation of Portugal. A
'My secretary, Elizabeth.' He introduced us. 'I'll be with you shortlyr' he promised her. There was something about his tone, a fondness, that made me think Elizabeth was morc than a scretary. She was another one to be cultivated. Cautiously. And
'Pardon the interruption.' Von Karsthoff waved the note Elizabeth had given him. 'Admiral Canaris is in Madrid and may come here. He will want to meet your'he predicted. I left the villa the same way I had come, lyrng in the back of the sedan until we were well away from the immediate neighbourhood and sure we had no tail. The driver dropped me off in Lisbon within walking distance of my hotel, the ,r{orz, Lisbon's
most luxurious. courteously. No competition with my spymaster.
48 Duskn Poput Berlin had instructed me to stay at the Aoiz, and I learned from British Intelligence that the Germans controlled it. Small and set in a garden, the Aaiz was impossible to leave without
She kissed me
SpylCountnspy 49
On a few occasions when I ate in the hotel dining room I noticed a very beautiful girl, flamboyantly dressed. She was accompanied by an older woman whom I guessed to be her mother or an aunt, certainly not a duenna, since the girl left her immediately after eating to join one or another young man. She probably noticed that I was intrigued by her, but although she cast many smiles and glances my way I wasn't sure they were for me. Not out of undue modesty. At a table next to me sat overwhelming competition: the Bolivian multi-millionaire tin king, Patino. One evening, alone in the lift with her, the glances could have only been for me, but the brevity of our journey precluded anything much in the way of conversation. 'Room z5r' I told the liftboy instead of giving him the floor number. I left the door to my apartment unlocked, as was my habit anywan and retired to the bathroom to have a shower. I emerged to find the girl lying on my bed. She had done her toilette faster than I and was now wearing a sheer silk negligee' It covered and revealed her completely. She had mixed herself a highball from the makings which I had ordered earlier and regarded me from over the rim of her glass. I said, 'Good eveningr' io my huskiest and most urbane voice. 'Join mer' she answered flourishing the hand in which she was holding her glass. I took the invitation to mean one thing, but it seemed she had a drink in mind. She eluded my embrace and prepared a dtink for
being seen or followed. Disobeying instructions, I changed hotels shortly, but twice during my stay, I found telltale signs indicating that my belongings had been searched. I was 'clean', so it didn't worry me. A third incident was more overt and more amusing.
I left Belgrade.' I'm the oner' von Karsthoff reassured me. 'I'm satisnot 'No, fied but none of us is autonomous. I may be chief of intelligence here but Abwehr III - our counter-intelligence section - likes to show its zeal. T happened to hear the story only because one of my subalterns in Abwehr III thought it was amusing how you
completed before
was up to, so I complied. We had many more drinks while I allowed her to pump me about my origins, my opinions, and my reason for being in Lisbon. Since I lied about the first two, there was no reason why I should even give her my cover story concerning the third. I concocted a tale about my being there to recover three stolen pictures for a Belgian client: a Gauguin and two other post-impressionists. My story must have satisfied her, for as soon as I had finished it, her interest in me plunged to zero. Her sexy provocations stopped abrupdS but she still indicated she was ready to come through for payment received. She lay back in the bed with an empty, yawning, bored you may-take-me now expression on her face. I handed her the almost empty bottle of scotch, saylng, 'Take this with you if you can't fall asleep. You've had your bedtime story.' The reprimand didn't annoy her. She took the bottle. The next time I saw von Karsthoff, after we had concluded our business and were having a drink he told me seriously that I should 'stop trying to find those post-impressionist paintings.' My job allowed no time for side-lines. 'No' - I laughed - 'don't tell me you were taken in by that. It was a fairy tale for a young lady. But now I know, you're the one who cost me that bottle of scotch. I thought the checking was
breasts rubbing against my arm, and said, 'Now fix me another &ink and tell me about yourself.' Her coy game tumed me off, but I wanted to know what she
'Let us tdlk a whiler' she obiected to my directness. 'You don't even know my name.' 'Ilena Fodor,' f answered. 'Desk clerks are very helpful.' 'Yes, they are, Dusko Popov.' She showed tiny teeth made for nibbling. 'But your name doesn't tell me much about you and I like to know a man first.'
The incident let me in on what was happening behind the in German intelligence. Von Karsthoff went on to com-
plain about other organizations operating parallel m the Abwehr. They were mainly political and therefore dangerous, he explained the most insidious being the Gestapo group, the Sicherheit Dienst, run by Kaltenbrunner,
5o Dusko Popw
SpylCounterspy 5t
At another meeting von Karsthoff introduced me to the chief of Abwehr III in Lisbon, Captain Kramer. Kramer was a professional police officer, the tenacious kin4 a grey, silent, and thorough man. He never let up on anyone' including me. With Kramer in charge of spy busting, I could never relax. Von Karsthoff could give him orders to the contrary, Johnny could vouch for me - to Kramer it wasn't sufrcient. He continued running
checks on me constantly.
Associating with von Karsthoff was like being in the company of a domesticated panther. Physically there was a resemblance: he was tall and dark, and his movements were those of a big cat.
Amiable as he was, you were constantly aware that you must not make a false move in his presence. As fohnny had warned l found myself liking von Karsthoff. In a way it helped. I didn't have to be too hypocritical in seeking his company. At the beginning I had done such things as arriving in the late morning so as to be invited for lunch or being especially courteous to Elizabeth, who I discovered was his fianc6e. After a while such devices were unnecessary. An affinity developed between us, and von Karsthoff sought my company too. We were on a first-name basis.
Hitler was trying to persuade Franco to enter the war with an attack on Gibraltar. He had met the Generalissimo near Hendaye on the Franco-Spanish border on z3 October but had failed to get him to agree on terms. The gossip was that Hitler told Canaris he would rather have four teeth exrracted than go through the experience again. Canaris was a personal friend of Franco, but he apparently did no better. According to von Karsthoff, the Germans wanted Franco to allow their troops to pass through Spain to attack Gibraltar on 3o January. The Caudillo said 'no'to German troops on his territory and offered to do the job with his own army if the Germans gave
weeks earlier.
guarantee that the war would be short. Since Canaris couldn't give him a date for the invasion of Britain, Franco said he'd take
Rather than turn me over to an underling, von Karsthoff undertook my education himself. He taught me codes and mail drops and gave me a Leica and instructions in its use. I learned to use the Leica but failed miserably in darkroom techniques. Taking pictures von Karsthoff's way was easy. His instructions were to always pose a girl in pictures of installations or similar obiects. The idea was to make everything look like a tourist photo. As for the darkroom side, von Karsthoff spared me the chore, instructing me to bring my urtdeveloped fiLn back to him. For several days, von Karsthoff and his staff were tremen-
Gibraltar after the Germans captured Suez. Von Karsthoff gave me a tip-off on Hitler's intentions by commenting, 'Unless the invasion of England is imminent, we shall have to start concentrating on getting information about North Africa.' When I forsook the Hotel Aoiz I moved to the Palacio in Estoril, giving as my reason that I stood to meet more people there and perhaps pick up incidental scraps of information. Also, I told von Karsthoff, I preferred it for personal reasons. The Aaiz
was too staid.
dously agitated and busy about matters concerning Admiral Canaris. I never did learn if he actually came to Lisbon. At any rate, he certainly didn't ask to see me, and it would have been out of place for me to inquire directly about him' I picked up my information from bits of chatter and dinner-table conversation. It was sufficient to enable me to build a fairly complete picture of the admiral's mission in Spain and of its failure. The admiral had come to Spain, I learned to take over negotiations with Franco that Hitler had started personally three
Actually, the Palacio was much safer for me. Not only was it large enough to afford some sort of privacy, it also was managed by an Englishman, George Black, a person one could depend on. No one ever gave me his pedigree officially, and I don't know what he was told about me, but unobtrusively he acted as my guardian angel. If someone appeared interested in me or if there was someone in whom perhaps I should be interested, Black would tip me off. The Hotel Palacio and the Estoril Casino nearby were the hub within the wheel of Lisbon. In r94o, Lisbon was a very special universe, a tiny enclave of neutrality where all sides in the war brushed shoulders. It was filled with refugees of all descriprions and all nations. Some were wealthy beyond measure, and they squandered their money like there was no tomorrow - as there
5z Dusko Poltoa
was crowded with businessand agents and spies of all officials, men, various international would-be and freelance ones. And of natures, including a number you wete frequently suspected of being one if you weren't a spy,
SpylCounters?! 53
anywhere away from Europe. Space on ships was scarce' on aeroplanes almost unobtainable. So they were waiting, and the best places to wait were the Casino and the Palacio, if they could afford it. The rich came to relieve their boredom, wagering higher stakes than Monte Carlo or Las Vegas have ever seen. The poor qlme in a futile attempt to make a new life. And the others
came to pass unobserved among them.
After ieveral weeks in Lisbon, in late December, the Royal Dutch Airline informed me that that most coveted thing - a seat on an outgoing plane - was available for me. The reservation came through normal channels, but of course the hand of the Secret Service had pulled the string that procured it. Most travellers from Lisbon were relegated to passage by ship - if they were lucky - so the planes were the exclusive transport of VIPs or those with some claim to urgency. They frequently provided
interesting material for observation. The KLM plane took off from Lisbon airport in late afternoon. To avoid German fighters, the pilot headed west until far out over the Atlantic, then north to approach England from its lee side. To thwart possible spying or loose tongues, wooden panels
were placed over the portholes
by profession, and whenever I had to make a particularly fast trip, Horsfall got the assignment. '$7e were some ten miles from London when Horsfall let the car's speed drop and turned to me, saying, 'There it is.' I looked ahead to see what he was speaking about. On the horizon the sky was red. Every few seconds almost, a fire mushroom ballooned up. Goering's bombers were on their regular nightly mission. 'ft's a rather hot nightr' he commented, but that didn't stop him from sending the Citriien speeding toward the blitz again. Nothing seemed to stop the English from carrying on. Horsfall dropped me at the Savoy Hotel. It was fairly late, and I didn't expect anything more than my room to be awaiting me. The lobby and the public rooms beyond it were crowded, no one payrng attention to the air raid going on around us. As I was signing in, I was approached by a man who looked like Hollywood's concept of a dashing British military type. 'Popov, hello.'He held out his hand. 'I'm Robertson.' I hadn't expected to meet him until the following morning. Colonel T. A. Robertson was the head of the section of MI5 known as BAr, which dealt with the double-crossing of enemy
Immigration and customs passed us through without difficulty, and a pink-complexioned man approached me as soon as I was through the gates. 'Mr Popov, sir?'he asked in a soft voice. 'Yes,' I answered, feeling safe on British soil to admit my identity to anyone. 'Jock Horsfall, sirr' he said. 'I'm to drive you to town.' He took my bags and I followed him to a new Citrtien. Horsfall drove the Citrtien at what seemed like a gteater speed than the plane's, yet our passage didn't even rufle the rural caln. Horsfall was one of MI5's virtuosos of the wheel. He was a racing driver
tomorrow.'He had come down from the country to meet me and was staying at the Savoy as well. It was my first night under a blitz. The English calm must have infected me. I couldn't resist the temptation to have a look at it. After extinguishing all the lights in my bedroom, I opened the window and, despite the cold, sat there for a few hours. The antiaircraft guns were bus5 and their flak sounded in counterpoint to the whistling of bombs and their explosions. Buming buildings crashed in gigantic explosions as well. The sight stirred me as nothing before ever had. And I had thoughts that when related in a colder, calmer time seem overly emotional. I couldn't help wondering how people could live in the middle of such a hell. How they could carry on normally with gay dinners, flirtations, and polite conversations such as I had just witnessed in the bar. I was overwhelmed with admiration for the British and was sure that a nation with such self-control could not
54 Dusko PoPut
possibly lose the war. I was more resolute than ever to contribute my utmost to the winning of it. - "sioiog there like a plalgoer with the stage of London-erupting
below d., I .dtoitted to myself that I had entered this game partially for reasons that were not the most admirable. I knew ihat I iad been driven by adventure and ambition. I wasn't ashamed but those drivis now seemed unimportant' -Only stoppingthis madness and slaughter w.as important. The values I n"d onJe had were secondary. My main weapons were to be lies and deceptions, and I would have to ask friends to commit treason - ittrt is, what was considered treason and punished as such. I myself had already indulged in,acts outside the normal social conientions, including murder. After this night of actually witnessing the legalized mulder of war, I felt no qualms. It was my baptism by fire.
I n.a to England and to Intelligence on the recommenda"o-. tions of Spiradis and Dew. I had been welcomed warmly by Tar in one of the posh hotels of London. Naively, I thoughr f was a full-fledged member of the 'firm'. It turned out that the Savoy was a gilded jail. I was free, I could go where I pleased, there were no locks on the doors, but I was not trusted. Not yet. I could be a genuine German agent who had slipped through the first line of defence. No one could afford to trust anyone in this
In the comfort of a suite specially rented by Intelligence, about a dozen officers subjected me to an interrogation just short of a third degree for four consecutive days. Far from resenting it, though, I actually enjoyed the experience. In parts, it verged on psychoanalysis. It also prepared me for similar grilling by the Germans. There in the Savoy, with a clean conscience and nothing to be caught up on, I could relax and merely try to answer to the best of my ability, but I realized that if I were in German hands, things would be far different. I would be far from relaxed. My story would be an invenred one and its contradictions perhaps apparent.
The officers took turns posing me questions about everyrhing and everybody who had to do with my mission - and many who didn't. They managed to extract from the depths of my memory events I no longer consciously recalled. They also made me see
56 Dusko Popoo
SpylCounterspy 57 clearly indicated the intention to invade Britain. The ones I got in Lisbon dealt with the same subject, but I could discern nuances of difference. Questions abour armament production and equipmcnt indicated that the Germans were now thinking about a longer war.
life and certain actions from angles I had never considered. Most of these men who were so adept at questioning were specialists in interrogation, and I rarely or never saw them again on operational missions. An exception was Ronnie Howe, then head of the Criminal Investigation Department at Scotland Yard, with whom I enioyed a close relationship. My inquisitors belonged to all the different branches of intelcertain parts of my
ligence. Each one questioned me about things having to do with his particular section. Of necessity, there was some overlapping. I couldn't help noticing certain rivalries among them, but nothing comparable to the jealousy and even hate that raged among the parallel German organizations I had studied in Lisbon.
A representative of the Foreign Office, Cavendish-Bentinck, took me over for the story of Admiral Canaris's venture in Spain. Again, I wasn't told whether tbe British knew the story rhrough other channels. One of the most impressive members of the team I met at the Savoy was ]. C. Masterman, a don at Christ Church, Oxford, who was brought in to MI5 to head the so-called XX Committee. The
Twenty Committee, or Double-Cross Committee, as
When it came to relating what I knew about Sea Lion, I offered my 'inside' information from Jebsen hesitantly, for fear of appearing ludicrous. The questionnaires the Germans had given me seemed to contradict Johnny's information. They asked specifically about matters which the Germans would have to know if they intended to invade. But hesitant or not, my interrogators - in this case, mainly MI6 and Naval Intelligence - drew from me every shred of conversation I had had with Johnny. They seemed sceptical about the invasion being called off. It is possible my information was news to them. I had no way of knowing. I was on the grill, not them. That is one of the frustrations of the secret agent. He rarely knows the result or the actual value of the information he procures. All I could do was to spend the days around the projected invasion date-30 January-glued to the radio and getting each edition of the newspapers as it came out. When Sea Lion failed to materialize, my personal consolation was not nearly so great as my relief. In actual fact, although I felt confused at the moment, my interrogators probably were equally at sea. They were but a link in the chain. They would be passing on what they had culled to others. It would be controlled, compared, digested, and added to what was already known. The interrogation was teaching me the profession. I was becoming aware of techniques, of what I should be looking for, of
the questions I should be asking. I began, too, to learn more about the evaluation of my own material. Later, for my own edification, I re-examined the questionnaires. Those given me in Belgrade
variously known, was created to handle the complicated chore of rrurning double agents. One of its purposes, as is reflected by its name, was to double-cross the enemy by feeding it confusing information via its own agents. On my arrival in England, I was assigned to work with the XX Committee, where I was given the code name 'Scout'. J. C. was one of several intellectuals drafted to bring new blood to Intelligence. He was not only an outstanding teacher and historian but also a former Wimbledon tennis player and member of the Olympic hockey team. Cool and calculating, he tempered my impulsiveness, and it was thanks to his guiding rein that I came through unscathed. After my vetting in the Savoy, the British apparently accepted me into the firm. I now started meeting my new friends in their private homes, clubs, or hangouts. The blitz didn't prevent English social life from carrying on. On the contrary, it was more intensive than usual, undoubtedly the 'eat, drink, and be merry'philosophy that prevails in wartime. Except that with the English, the gaiety didn't seem forced. The mood suited my native temperament and practice, but occasionally I unwittingly found myself in company roo sedate for my temperament. That was a mistake I tried not to repeat. Richard Butler, the aide-de-camp to General Sir David Petire, head of MI5, called shortly before New Year's Eve to transmir an invitation for that weekend at one of the stately homes of
58 Dusko Popoo
Nice is the word for them. The family was nice, the house was nice, ditto for the garden, friends, food, wine. The trouble is, I'm not. I prefer to spend New Year's Eve in the company of a good book or a temperamental popsy.' 'In reverse order, I take itr' Butler answered understandingly. 'I'll pass along your regrets.' A few hours later Dick was back on the phone. 'Another invitation, old boy. Come to White's at six and I'll give you the details.'He rang off before I could object. Dick was waiting for me in the lobby when I arrived. 'Someone who wants to meet your' he said as he escorted me past the porter's desk and into the bar. There he steered me toward an isolated table where a man in mufti was sitting alone. He was thin and fiftyish with dark blond hair and blue eyes. 'Stewart Menziesr' Dick introduced us, looking somewhat mischievous, knowing I wouldn't be disappointed by this social
SpylCountnspy 59
Menzies, a major-general, was 'C', the head of MI6. Contrary to a well-publicized notion, the head of the British Secret Service is always known as 'C', not 'M'. The first commanding officer of the Secret Intelligence Service was Captain Mansfield Cumming, and tradition has maintained the use of his appellation for the office ever since. 'I'd like you to spend the weekend with us,' Menzies told me once we had settled the business of drinks and the like. 'At my brother fan's place, Little Bridley, in Surrey. Sfe won't be too many, and we'll have an opportunity to talk.' Menzies was unmarried and, I suppose, did much of his receiving at his brother's home. He also used White's, one of London's most exclusive men's clubs, to such an extent that it became known as the second headquarters of Intelligence. I replied rather formally that I'd be delighted to come for the weekend and smiling knowingly, C said, 'You won't have to worry about popsies. My mother, Lady Hartford, still entertains. She always makes sure there is some glarnour around.' 'I see Dick gave you a full reportr'I laughed along with him. 'All my agents do. I want to commend you, by the way, for your reportsr' he added seriously. 'But we'll talk about such things this weekend.'
Lady Hartford indeed entertained. She conducted me into the drawing room, where several of the other guests were already assembled, and introduced me right off to the most glamorous creature I had set eyes on since arriving in England. 'So you are Dusko Popovr' was her enigmatic response to our introduction. Her accent was Germanic, her name Gerda Sullivan, and her manner as puzzling as that combination. She had the advantage over me on all counts. Obviously she had heard of me and was anticipating our meeting, but in what way I couldn't tell. I hoped she was being flirtatious but was not at all sure. I definitely was, all weekend whenever I had the opportunity. She was encouraging, no more. I did learn the why of her accent. Gerda was Austrian. Sullivan was the name of her English husband whom she had divorced. 'Sfe'll see each other in London?' I suggested to her at one point. Gerda had huge eyes, very expressive. They swept over me from head to toe. 'We'll see a lot of each other in Londonr' was her answer. I felt as though I had been on examination and had just received a passing gtade, but there was still an undercurrent that I didn't understand. Menzies almost literally had to tear me away from Gerda to have the conversation that presumably was the main purpose for inviting me to Surrey. 'I think you will have many opportunities to see Gerdar' he said tolerantly. Menzies took me to a small study. Deep armchairs, a fireplace where the flames were miraculously steady, book-lined walls - it was the traditional and perfect setting. What followed was not commonplace. Even no% many years later, I feel uncomfortable at the way he was able to assess me so clearly after knowing me only a few hours and probably by reading a dossier about me. At times, I felt he was disrobing my character and making me look at
6o Dusko Popaa
it for the first time in my life. And all this was done patiently and dispassionately. I could see why he was the head of the Secret Service, which was in the way of being 'master after God'. C reported only and directly to the Prime Minister - in this case,
Winston Churchill.
an5rmore.' was to a long monologue. Menzies began what be 'But you are a double agent and, as such, more vulnerable than an ordinary one. Your activity calls for the use of deception and the penetration of
the Abwehr. You and your usefulness may live and last only if thoroughly protected and managed by a specialized body. I'm sure that the XX Committee will accomplish that with the utr4ost efrciency, and they will exploit you to full advantage for their own game. It is an important game, but we mustn't let it reduce the possible crop to a limited field. My department wants to profit by your talents and your circumstantial position as well.' 'I don't know about my talentsr' I said, not out of modesty. I was impelled to honesty by this man. I really did have doubts about my capacity when face to face with an intellect like Menzies.' 'Duskor' he said looking into the fire like a seer, 'one man out of a thousand has the talent to play the fiddle. One out of a hundred thousand has the capacity to be a virtuoso, and one out of a million actually becomes one. My capacity is to assess values and measure them. If I do that properly I have fulfilled half my duty.' Then Menzies proceeded to cut me to bits, delivering his analysis rapidly, without a halt. 'You are honest but without scruples. Your instincts and intuitions are strongff than your intelligence, which is far above average. Your conscience never bothers you, and you are mentally short-sighted and long-sighted at the same time. You are ambitious and ruthless and you can even be cruel. But when you are cruel, it is with an animal cruelty, not a sick cruelty. You like to hit back but you are not in a hurry to do so. $flhen you are frightened, you don't panic. Danger is a stimulant for you. You think more clearly and make better and quicker decisions when pushed by the instinct of self-preservation, than by contemplation.' Now Menzies looked me directly in the eye.
'You have too many devices on your banner for my taster' he raid, 'but for your job that's ideal.' I pondered that later, trying to decide.exactly what he meant. Everyihing else he had said was to point, whether I recognized myself Uy his description or not. 1!rc This remark left room for speculation. It is true, had been eccused politically and socially of standing everywhere from conrcrvetive to radical. As far as I was con-erned my banner was that of liberty, but I suppose that can come in manyforms, therefore the many devices. 'You have the makings of a very good spyr' Menzies continued more specificallS 'except that you don't like to obey orders. You had better learn or you will be a very dead spy., Menzies wasn't a man for melodrama. told myself I would have to take his advice seriouslg even if it made the device on my
banner droop. Now done with dissecting me, Menzies undertook my education as a double agent, making sure, apparently, that there were no holes in my knowledge of the enemy.
'As you may or may not knowr' he briefed me, .the Abwehr is divided into five sections, or Abteilungs. Abteilung I deals with straight intelligence abroad. It is headed by Colonel Hans Pieckenbrock, a close friend of Admiral Canarls. He is called Piecki by his friends, among whom is your friend, Johann
II deals with sabotage and controls the school of the Brandenburg Division. It is commanded by Colonel von Freytag-Loringhoven, but the real boss is Walter Schellenberg, a ruthless gentleman-gangster. Abteilung III, counter-espionage, is run by Colonel Bentivegni . . . Benti,' C
amended. 'Abteilung
administrative section, and it is, as you know, run by the protector of your friend Jebsen, Colonel Oster. Oster is assisted by Hans van Dohnanyi, who is supposed to be a friend of febeen's, too. Z holds all the files and coordinates the work of the other
military rnissions abroad, Rear-Admiral. Leopold Buerkner commanding. The last Abteilung, number V, usually called Abteilung Z, is the mosr inreresting. It is the central
anachds and
IV is open intelligence.
'Now'- Menzies paused, putting a match to his pipe, 'to get to the point. We already have a fair amount of information about
6z Dusko
SpylCountersp! 63
have a
many officers in the Abwehr, including Canaris, but I want to know much more about everybody who is intimately connected with Canaris and also with Dohnanyi and Oster. I think you could get that information through Jebsen.' 'He'd probabiy knowr' I agreed. 'It may be helpful if I explain the reasons behind this request. We know that Canaris, Dohnanyi, and Oster are not dyed-in-thewool Nazis. They are what might be termed loyal officers, or patriotic Germans. In 1938 Churchill had a conversation with Canaris. Unofficially - he wasn't in office then. Churchill came to
you are here. I'll take the opportunity to drop in and have
chat.' door.
full programme for the next few weeks, but see me nevertheless before leaving England. My brother Ian will be glad to receive you any time you want, and he will inform me whenever
'One last thing. All MI6 representatives abroad will be instructed to give you unlimited assistance, but limit your contacts with them to emergencies only.'
the opinion that Canaris is a sort of catalyst for the anti-Hitler elements in Germany. That's why I want to know more about the people he attracts. Eventually I may want to resume the conversation that Churchill initiated. In that event, I must be in a position to evaluate the strength of those around Canaris.' I nodded my understanding. Menzies was contemplating a dialogue with Canaris or those close to him with a view to ousting Hitler. 'I am handling this matter myself,' Menzies stressed. 'All information you pick up is to come directly to me with no intermediary. Ordinarilyr' he added, 'any information I request from you may be given either directly to me or to any of the MI6 officers with whom you are in contact.' I considered that and thought it best to ask, 'Won't that put me in a rather delicate position with the other branches of the
'Not at allr' Menzies assured me. 'But if anything awkward ever does arise, I shall iron it out. Actually some of our top people are informed about this matter. And as I mentioned before, if we
limit your activity to deception we may lose some capital information. You are too young in the service to realize how a detail may be of importance.'
Menzies sipped the whisky-and-soda that he had been neglecting in his preoccupation with his discourse, and set the glass down carefully before continuing. 'In all objectiviry - not because of my position - I should tell you, Dusko, that we must win the batde of intelligence if we are to win this war. As things stand now our aeroplanes, guns, battleships and the like may not be sufficient to defend Britain. '\il[ell'- Menzies stood up, terminating his monologue - 'you'll
SpllCounterspy 65
of how I had secured the Navy Certs. Naturally, I couldn't tell him. Subbotic became furious. He was a vain man. He had even changed the spelling of his name, using two Bs, a non-Yugoslav form, to distinguish him from a ioutnalist in London of the same
'You bribed someone,'the Ambassador accused me. 'Come now, Subbotic,' I said. 'One doesn't bribe the British
chapter five
As C had foreseen, I was kept very busy. It was like preparing a ship for a cruise. The safety of the ship might hang on the smallest detail, and the unspectacular work before departure was more arduous than actual sailing, periods of storm excepted. My cover story almost raised a diplomatic storm. Yugoslav Ambassador Subbotic had been trying with little success to get the English to grant Navy Certificates for the shipment of goods home. Of course the English were reluctant to grant them, being chary of goods falling into German hands. When I came along the situation changed. It was imperative to issue the Navy Certs so that I could conduct my business. In addition to arranging the Navy Certs, I was doing the buying as well. Some of the goods came from England, the rest from Spain and Portugal, giving me an excuse to travel to those places. We resolved the problem this way: Yugoslav merchants would be permitted to buy goods provided they were not critical to the
war effort
and * the real key - under the condition that most were stocked in Egypt. From there they were to be trans-shipped
to Yugoslavia on a monthly requirement basis. That minimized the possibility of resale to Germany or of eventual seizure if
Yugoslavia were invaded.
The Yugoslav commercial attach6 was very pleased with the arrangement. It solved a lot of his headaches. We had lunch with the Ambassador, who at first tried to worm out of me the secret
Admiralry.' He continued to fume and rant, his professional pride very much hurt. Undiplomatically I said 'Stop being an ass.'It might not have accomplished that, but it did shut him up. 'Please throw me out after lunch,' I added to make light of our clash. And continued eating. His cuisine, at least, was excellent. Every agent has his case officer, the man who tuns'him. In a manner of speaking the case officer is the agent's accountant. Among other things, he keeps track of all details so that there will be no slip-ups, no contradictions that would be give-aways to the enemy. The case officer also is the spy's liaison, backup man, big brother and father. Bill Matthews was my case officer. Whoever put the two of us together, probably J. C. Masterman, was a fine psychologist. Bill and I got along famously. He was a Scot, of a family of prominent industrialists, and had a sense of humour rarely surpassed by arfyone I ever knew. The same went for his courage. Bill accompanied me frequently on trips I was obliged to make to gather information for the Germans. The XX Committee had decided that I should actually do this job myself so the Germans couldn't trip me up when they questioned me. Theoretically the concept was sound. In practice it didn't work all that well. The hitch was my photographic memory. Not everything I saw could be passed on. A board of experts decided what could be told to the Germans. That meant I had to unlearn a good part of what I had seen. I lost more time studying what I had to forget than remembering what I was to report. And there was the risk of something slipping by in a tight intenogation. We devised another method for my research trips. I would go through all the steps but the last one. Thus, for instance, I was able to describe the exact details of a motor trip I made to locate a fighter airfield that the Germans had requested me to investigate.
66 Dusko Popoa
went only as far as the immediate vicinity of the field, and then retired to a pub. Later, I was shown photographs, some of them retouched or with portions blacked out, of what I was supposed to have seen. The airfield in this instance was a dummy. During the Battle of Britain a specialized camouflage division built fake airfields, complete with planes made of paper. Even aerial photographs which the British took, too - failed to reveal the hoax. The Luftwaffe wasted bombs and planes on such fields every day. If I had approached the field, I would have seen details which shouldn't have been there and which would give German experts the clue to its being a fake. As it wag my trips around England furnished me with excellent small talk and anecdotes to help establish my
SpylCount*spy 67 to the inch, I could have sworn. And thc local interpretation of that archaic law was, according to Bill' that one had to stop and have a drink every five miles. I class the lact twenty miles of that drive among the greatest hazards of my war activities. In the lobby of the Central Hotel in Glasgow, again according to Bill, I delivered an impassioned speech against Hitler. I had no memory of it. 'You were more anti-Nazi than the chief rabbi of Berlin,' Bill told me the next morning. 'Or else you are the best actor in the world. But I rather doubt that it was an act with a half-gallon of whisky in you.' I didn't get the allusion. 'Why an act, Bill?' 'Because, you clot, you're an alien double agent and we've got to keep on taking your pulse. I'm supposed to report about your fcclings. I'm going to tell them you should be serving in an antiNazi indoarination unit.' Bill made the tedium of our long trips more bearable, but I still fretted at my enforced absences from London. I had another collaborator there whose company I found enticing. All in the course of business, of course. The engimatic remark that Gerda had made about seeing a lot of each other in London was explained to me by Bill after I got baok from Surrey. Bill had stroked his RAF moustache and grinned at me salaciously. 'Congratulations. You got yourself the most beautiful social mistress in London.' 'lfhat the hell are you talking about?' I asked. 'A social mistress, dear chap, for want of a better term, is a Irrson who undertakes your education in proper society' Stress is on the first word, unfortunately. Gerda Sullivan has agreed to take you about. Part of your build-up for the chaps in the Tirpiizufer. Very top drawer. Gerda will take you to the best homes in England. You'll meet all the nobs. That will account for many of the gems we hope to plant through you.' 'Oh, so I was on inspection. Gerda only takes the iobs she
was a pub every five miles
A trip to Edinburgh, accompanied by Bill Matthews as usual, furnished a particularly choice morsel to feed the Germans. We checked into the Caledonian Hotel in the afternoon. I dumped my luggage in my room, took the Leica von Kars hoff had given me, and headed with Bill for the port city of Leith and the Firth of Forth. My target was naval information. The Forth estuary was a major base of the Home Fleet. Bill and I wandered through the area until we found a pub that suited our taste. l$(/e settled down to the serious business of sampling scotch in its native habitat for the time we estimated it would take to sneak some pictures of the naval base. I was later congratulated by the Germans for my astuteness and daring in taking these shots. The police were waiting to question me when we returned to the hotel several hours later. I didn't have the special permission required of aliens to visit Edinburgh. Fortunately, we were on Bill's home ground. We convinced the police that I was in town legitimately to buy a stock of thread at one of his family mills. I had documents relating to Navy Certs to back up our tale. The police left with apologies and I had a genuine documented tale to relate to the Abwehr. It was Sunday when we left Edinburgh for Glasgow. Among other things, I was to assess the morale in the British Isles. 'No better place to judge morale than in a bar,' Bill decided. 'But there's a wee difficulty in this land on Sunday. The law has it that you can't buy a drink unless you travel five miles.' The Scots didn't waste time or footage, I discovered. There
'Well, she really isn't a member of the firm. Does an odd chore for us now and then.' Gerda did much better at her iob than I at mine. She was
68 Duskc Popca
charming, beautiful, sexy. And intelligent. She dragged me from one party to another, intoducing me to everyone worth knowing. All doors were open to her. I acknowledged the introductions but gave these social contacts minimum effort. The only contact I wanted was with Gerda and I was apparently passing anorher inspection with her. ft was an impossibie situation. I was operating in a trance, following her on our rounds like a goggle-eyed fish who sees nothing but the bait. And she knew it. Never before in my Ufe had I had such a dominating passion for a woman. I made up my mind to have it out with her; the situation was verging on the dangerous. This wasn't sex or love. This was an addiction. I was to pick Gerda up for lunch. Deliberately I arrived early at her mews cottage behind Clardige's. I rang the bell and waited impatiently. It took a long time before Gerda opened the door. She was dressed in a short terry-cloth robe, her blonde hair still damp and slightly dark around the edges from her barh. 'Gerda, I must have a serious talk with your'I blurted out after following her up rhe narrow steps to her tiny apartment. I had restrained myself forcibly from seizing her as we went up the
SpylCountuspy 69
files and order. Without Susan I would have been lost. She mixed my invisible ink and prepared code messages and the drafts of the lctters to be sent to my mail drops. All I had to do was copy in my own hand the material Susan gave me. We were feeding von Karsthoff only enough information via
sccret writing to whet his appetite. The bulk of my gleanings were to be transmitted in person, being too voluminous or too important to be sent by letter. That was an excuse - but a valid oni, as all excuses, had to be - for me to return to Lisbon. Combined with my other excuse - business matters - I would have time and opportunity to accomplish the spying that MI6
wanted me to do.
Gerda laughed and walked on into tbe bedroom. I almost turned and left. What use taiking? She knew what I had to say. I walked into the bedroom. Gerda was $ing on the bed. 'Talk, pleaser' she said. Her voice was husky. I had passed
inspection. We missed lunch. We missed a cocktail party. We missed the dinner we were supposed to go to. But after that day, my social difficulties evaporated. Gerda and I became more than a team. I was now properly installed as a businessman in my own office
Apart from one other double agent, whose code name was Snow and who later proved unreliable, I was the only one who had actual contact with the Germans. The others were mainly German spies who had been caught and 'turned'. For the most part they had been landed by U-boats, dropped by-parachute-,.or imuggled in as Allied soldiers during the retreat from Dunkirk afteiihe battle of France. The uncooperative ones usually were executed, the others were 'run' from iail or from house arrest. They were the XX Committee's exclusive property, channels to feed double-cross material to the enemy. Their reports were sent back either by secret ink to mail drops or by their own radio sonding sets. Most times, a British operator would man the set' imitating to perfection the hand of the agent. This required much practice andskill, since every Morse operator has a different and
detectable touch. The emphasis during this period, at least as far as I was concerned, *ui on misleading the Germans as to British strength ard
ability to withstand an invasion. Sea Lion was considered a potential threat, the information I had brought back notwithstanding. The technique
of truth when it was iudged that ir would do no harm, or when the benefits outweilhed the disadvantages, half-truths which would be misleading, or falsehoods about conditions the Germans couldn't check.- Sometimes the lies also would serve to reinforce mis-
of deception
information the Germans already had. Among the material which I was to plant with von Karsthoff were doJuments that I supposedly had put my hands on at the
70 Dusko Popoo
SpylCounttsPy 7r
' Normally the information given me was carefully noted, even to minor details. In this case there were no documents, and the titbits were fed to me during after-dinner chats. 'You may mentionr' I would be told, this or that. Many politicians lent their q4mes to this in roundabout fashion. Others, I suspect, had theirs used without formal or tacit permission. As I began to enter the inner core of Intelligence, it became clear to me that the many luncheons, dinners, and weekends I was spending with some of the senior ofrcers were not purely social. They were grooming me, conditioning me mentally, by grving me advice and observing how
rifles were of little use, since emmunition production for that weapon was deplorably in arrears. Hardly one-fifth of the actual need was available. Ammunition was so scarce that the troops had not even had a chance to practice-fire their guns. Intelligence was filling the gap in industrial production. I also was to feed them bits and pieces of information which on analysis would tend to confirm what we were fairly sure was an enemy misconception concerning the battle strength of the British Army. The Germans, to our knowledge, estimated that fifteen of the known twenty-seven British divisions were fully equipped and in a perfect state of readiness. Actually, at that moment hardly six divisions were ready to take the field. In retrospect my misinformation was of particular importance. It supported what many around Hitler, and probably Hitler himself, subconsciously wanted to believe. He wanted to ally himself with the West against Russia. Thus he wanted a good reason not to invade; he wanted to believe Britain was stronger than he instinctively knew it was. Certainly post-war revelations from Germany show how seriously he over-estimated Britain's strength at that time. In another vein were the opinions and gossip I had supposedly collected as a man ahut town in London. The idea was to give Hitler what he hoped to hear, namely that certain elements in Britain were prepared to come to tenns with him. The Germans believed that the blitz was undermining English morale to the point of collapse and that many politicians thought it was high time to overthrow Churchill and his 'clique' and negotiate a
'It may happenr' Stewart Menzies told me one weekend, 'that at some crucial moment you see yout obiective clearly. If you are absolutely convinced that you may reach it only by your own methods, then you may ignore the rules and drive ahead. But
don't forget, you must be successful. In espionage failures are
often fatal.' I understood I was being given carte blanche-a dangerous card not to be overplayed. In one regard however, I was being allowed no freedom of
choice whatsoever. And
From the way this misinformation was given to me, I have my doubts that TTinston Churchill was fully informed about Intelligence's political description of England. Had he known, he would have stopped it, perhaps punished its planners. But in espionage the ends justifies all means and its practitioners tend to
become above the law.
it was the sorest point of all. I was told officially that under no circumstances could I admit to Johnny thar I was an Intelligence officer. Argue as I might that this would handicap me, that I was sure Jebsen knew and approved - more than that, that it was his intention from the start - I couldn't get them to change their directive. My training progressed in accelerated rhythm. The British were anxious to send me back to the Germans with a load of information iust as von Karsthoff, hungry for information, was eagerly awaiting my return. It was now a question of homework, of memorizing all the material collected for me by the experts of the XX Committee in cooperation with the Army, N.ty, and Air Force, the Ministries of War, Production, Civil Defence and Air. That was a lastminute chore because of another flaw in my photographic memory. I was able to retain everything down to the last comma on a page but only for a limited time. After that it became buried in my subconscious. A thought, a wor{ might trigger that subconscious and I would remember everything again, but I couldn't provoke the recall voluntarily.
7z Dusko Popoa
SpylCountuspy 73 war made relationships much more honest and realistic. Separation and death were all around us. Eternity existed as a dimension in time and space, not in the affairs of men and women. I did feel tense about leaving England something like what the noops must feel when moving up to the front line. I was leaving security for enemy territorS although in no way comparable to going to the trenches. I was gcing to play a game of wits that I enjoyed in surroundings of great luxury. It was an Alice in Wonderland experience, passing from one world to another, except that in this case both worlds were abnormal. War-torn London to an artificial Lisbon, crowded to the bursting point with refugees and competing secret services superimposed hodgepodge on this city of medieval appearance and archaic mentality. My attachd case bulged with papers relating to the deals I was to close for the purchase of Portuguese tin and turpentine. During my previous stay in Portugal I had contracted for the goods, contingent on British pernnission for shipping. I passed British customs as the bona fide representative of a consortium of
Yugoslav banks.
Two nights before I left, a Luftwaffe bombardier delivered one of his large eggs to the Savoy Hotel. It blew off a corner of the building killing a couple of people and wounding a number of others. I had been at one of those interminable parties and had had an interminable amount to drink. Very sound asleep, I was awakened nevertheless by the explosion. I turned on rhe tiitrt anA saw that the room and my bed were covered with fragments of glass from the large mirrors particular to the Savoy. I brushed off the bed haphazardly and was asleep again in seconds only to be awakened once more by a well-meaning and considerate American journalist.
'Are you okay?'he asked, shaking me. I sat up, blinking. 'Of course I am. Let me sleep.' 'But Popov, let me . . .' I cut him short. 'Bugger off and let me sleepr' I growled. And went back to sleep. Next thing I knew the director of the Savoy was prodding my shoulder. I opened @nly one eye, not bothering to sit up. 'Rather a bugydight, sir,'was his opening line.
looked into a /ragment of mirror that still clung to the wall.-My face was cut/here and there but I was well anaesthetized. The I
Mr Popov, uh . . .' 'Look, do I pay my bills?' I inquired. Startled, he said, 'Certainly.' 'Then go away and let me sleep.n The few slight scratches that I bore on my face when I arrived later in Lisbon spoke more than a thousand words. I wore them properly bandaged and plastered and they made my stories of unbearable bombing effects much more credible to the Germans. Gerda accompanied me to the airport in the Citrcien. We held hands in the back seat. The touch of her skin still generared a glow in rne but we had no frantic goodbyes and made no futile promises. Like the bombed-out London and Londoners we passed, we were seasoned to wartime. We appreciated the few weeks we had had, looked forward to more if possible, but were aware of the impermanence and instability of life. In a way, the
agam. 'Piease,
SpylCounterspy 75
I was now an old Lisbon hand. There were few people who came back after once having secured passage out. At the Sintra Airport I hopped into one of the antique taxis current in Portugal and made straight for Estoril and the Palacio Hotel. George Black
ushered me personally to my old apartment on the third floor overlooking the gardens. Following the procedure we had worked out beforehand, I went out to call von Karsthoff from a public phone. It was still late afternoon, so I placed the call to his office. 'I'm a friend of the major's cousin from ltalyr' I identified myself to his secretary. My German code name, Ivan, like my British one (Scout at this time; later it was to be changed), was used only for bureaucratic purposes. It figured in my dossier but never on missions.
shall come by trainr' I told von Karsthoff, indicating that I was to be picked up in Lisbon at our usual spot on the Avenida da Liberdade. If I said I was taking a taxi, it would mean I wanted to be picked up on the main Lisbon road one mile outside Estoril. \trfhen von Karsthoff wanted to arrange a meeting with me, a more elaborate procedure was used. I would get a phone call at my hotel from a girl giving any name. 'I'm sorry I behaved so stupidly the other night' she would say, and then suggest that we meet at a nightclub later that cvening. I would agree, or if I were really busy, would say so and suggest,'Perhaps tomorrow?' That night or the night after, as agreed upon, I would go to the Estoril Casino. Eventually, von Karsthoff's secretary Elizabeth, would turn up. She would go to a roulette table, I following' and would play three times, the numbers indicating consecutively the date, hour, and minute of our rendezvous. Then she would play zero or 36. Zero meant the pickup was to take place in Lisbon; 36 meant Estoril at prearranged locations. It was an expensive code. She rarely won. Not only that, I passed on our meeting techniques and identification methods plus car registration numbers
Von Karsthoff got on the line himself and replied with the 'A friend of my Italian cousin? You must come to visit. You'll bring some laughter to my house.' 'I'd enjoy that very muchr' I answered. 'It's rather urgent. Can we make it for lTednesday?' 'By all meansr' von Karsthofi agreed. Normally when I phoned it was undersrood that the meeting was to be for the following day. If I stipulated it was urgent, that meant I wanted to see von Karsthoff the same day. The hour was fixed by the day of the week mentioned in our conversation.
and the like to Colonel Jarvis, my local MI6 contact. The information was instrumental in tracing other German secret clntacts who used the same method. Colonel Jarvis didn't play turn apd turn about. He had a highly developed sense of security, too h"rghly developed for my taste. His code and arrangements changed with every meeting. Our early meetings were brief, usually to exchange messages or pass on some specific information, so I couldn't object to the highly uncomfortable spots he chose, such as the second bench on the left of the entrance to Salazar Park, or the lavatory of a restaurant or bar. Later we sometimes had to have longer sessions, and I expressed my discontent, but to no avail. On a subsequent trip to London, I registered my complaint. I was leading three lives: German agent, British agent, and Yugoslav businessman. I had enough details to take care of without their being complicated by such hocus-pocus. farvis was called to London and instructed to agree to my suggestions.
76 Dusko Popoa
Probably I was being a prima donna. Being reasonable is difficult on a tightrope. Jarvis's caution undoubtedly was justified in a situation where one slip meant downfall. f came to recognize Jarvis's ability, and after that episode went out of my way to show my sympathy and admiration, but I don't believe I managed to eliminate the grudge he bore me for my unprofessional conduct. Promptly at 2oi ro as agreed upon, I turned into the Avenida da Liberdade from the Rua Rossio. Strolling along, I went through the drill of checking to see if I was being tailed. The precaution was mainly window dressing for the Germans since I have been less enthusiastic
SpylCounterspy 77
if I
I was to
English. But it could happen that I would be followed by one of Kramer's men or by others, as happened too. Liberdade was extremely wide, with pavements on each side and a spacious parklike pedestrian walk in the centre. It was sparsely illuminated and at night it was impossible to be observed from the opposite side. I kept watch on the few other men on the street and the occasional parked car. No one appeared to have any particular interest in me. An automobile of recent vintage drove past me and parked about fifty feet along, leaving its motor running. I didn't recognize it, but Elizabeth and von Karsthoff, one of whom would be picking me up, never drove their own cars to a
Walking slowly. I glanced into the parked car. The dim light sufficed to reveal the fine outline of von Karsthoff's profile. I jumped in the back and lay on the seat until we cleared the lights of Lisbon. $(/e drove to one of the several Estoril houses von Karsthoff maintained as an elaborate security precaution. They all had at least one similariry: a garage incorporated into the house so that one could enter unseen. The Germans believed von
very brief respite in a marathon inrerrogation. If I hadn't been prepared for interrogation in England, I most certainly would have put my foot in it. Not, I believe, that von Karsthoff was !ryrng to trap me. He was a highly experienced intelligence officer and was methodically drawing the maximum from me. For every shred of information I gave him von Karsthoff insisted on the source, the time, and the circumstances under which I got it. He probed for every detail, attacked each subject from innumerable angles, seeking additional facts. Frequently I didn't have the answers, his questions demanding a minute piecision that we hadn't envisaged in London. I was amazed aithe way he was able to tear apart our carefully prepared stories, and I was hard put ro fabricate the answers he demanded. Elizabeth was present throughout, raking down in shorthand every word that passed between us. I knew I had to keep my story - or rather, stories - straight, so the next day I reviewed the whole session, committing to memory all the additions I had invented. ft wasn't a useless precaution. In later sessions, von Karsthoff did hark back to things I had told him previously. Like a fine bloodhound put on the trail, von Karsthoff sensed particular value in Gerda Sullivan and another of my informants, Dick Metcalfe. Happiln the trail lryas one we had laid. I had described Gerda as a giri I had mer at a yugoslav Embassy dinner and ascribed much of nry political information to her. Von Karsthoff wenr into her background thoroughly particularln I supDoser since she was Austrian. 'Do you think she is in sympathy with the German cause?' he wanted to know. 'No doubt,' I assured him, inventing some conversations we
had had. 'Do you think she would like to work for us?' 'Like to?' I hedged. 'Yes, I think she would like to, just as many other people in England probably would if given a chance. If nothing else, they'd like to be on the winning side. But I can't
The house lay in the hills outside Estoril on a point affording a view of the sea. I don't know if it was used as an observation post, but the only glimpse I was allowed of the Atlantic was during a
We dined with Elizabeth, and the conversation covered in broad terms all that I had done and learned in England. We had been on friendly terms before my departure and now we were even closer. I was delighted when von Karsthoff suggested I spend
the whole of the next day with him at his country house.
I would
78 Dusko
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wouldn't want to be the one to approach her. Gerda is useful to me, she's amenable, she introduces me to all sorts of influential people, and it's no hardship to take her to bed, but I don't want my safety to depend on a girl I sleep with.' Von Karsthofi agreed that sex and security didn't mix. Actually, it was a delaying tactic I invented on the spur of the moment because I c'ouldn't risk sounding too confident of her and I d.id recruit Gerda as a double agent some time later on a perfect pretext. Gerda had a photograph of her father in her By chance, I looked at it closely one day and noticed "part-"ot. on his lapel was adorned with a swastika. medallion the small already knew about this blotch on the Intelligence British I mentioned this to von Karsthoff, he When paternal escutcheon. confirmed for himself that the old and Vienna in irad a check run party. This opened the door for of the member man had been a not share her father's political did definitely she Gerda, although
beliefs. I had cited Dickie Metcalfe as the source of much of my tech-
'Try to sound him out a little more profoundlyr' von Karsthoff suggeited, without giving specific instructions to recruit him' \fittt ttt. help of an excellent champagne that Elizabeth brought in, I reeled ofi an inspired description of the effects.of the bombing and privation in England. The recital was quite contrary to -y t.tf i-ptet.ions, and I ended it with the opinion
that the British were fighting with their last gasp. Von Karsthoff's repiy was unexpected. 'You are underestimating. the British, as are Berlin and Hitler. To me they seem more dfrgerous than ever. It must have something to d9 wit! the fog, theii climate. Anyone who manages to live in that climate, to grow and breathe, always has a second wind. But make Berlin
believe that.'He shook his head.
nical information and as an aid in obtaining the Navy Certs' Again, I credited the innoduction to a Yugoslav diplomat friend who had used him as a runner oo some minor embassy matters' Dickie was ideal material as a potential German spy. His was the classic case of the gay, irresponsible Army officer. He had a race horse, a racing carr lots of girlfriends, a taste for drink and the high life. Dickie's expenditures eventually exceeded his income, there were some nasty scandals. He was cashiered from his "od regiment and earned the reputation of being a disgruntled exoffi".t who considered that he had been badly treated' He was also reputed to be constantly in need of money. !(lhat I omitted to tell von Karsthoff was that Dickie had been rehabilitated and was now an intelligence officer working closely with Lord sufiolk of Foreign Qfrce Intelligence. on a mission to the Continent, he was shot down in an aircraft on 13 June r94o but made his way back to England in six days' Von Karsthoff rose to the bait of Metcalfe as well, but following instructions from the British, I played it cool. When von Karsthoff asked what Metcalfe thought of the Germans I replied, 'I wouldn't know. f never asked him. I couldn't help gathering, though, that he admires the German military machine.'
disturbed that our deception was not succeeding' 'I'll report what you have told me' not my opinions' At. any rate, that's what they want to hear. They don't want deductions, they want observations.' ''Canaris gives his opinions.' I fished for information' 'Oh, Can-aris.' He disposed of him with a wave of his hand' ,The admiral is the typi of man whose advice is never sought
and, when given, is never taken. Listen, Dusko, Germany op.r.t., on iit. Ftihrer principle. With us, on! on9 man really decides. The opinions of the others count only by the degree of
their faithfulness to the Ftihrer.' Karsthoff's unorthodoxy surprised me. He wasn't the dyed-inthe-wool Nazi I exPected. 'If you have nothing mote for me to do here, I should ge! 91-to Madrid,' I remindedlon Karsthoff. I had told him, truthfully, that I had to work my trade deals through the Yugoslav E_mbassy in Spain, since there was none in Portugal at that dme' 'I'm in a hurry to wrap things up and get back to London before the Briti;h become suspicious about the dme I'm spending abroad' I started so-e negotiations in London to buy tyres and some products from the colonies - tea and coffee for the most pal and I made a point of their being needed urgently, so the British will be expecting me back soon.' I had anoth"i t"asott as well for my haste to reach Madrid' When we saw each other in Rome, fohnny and I had agreed to meet there at the first opportunity. I had sent him a signal
SpylCounterspy 8r
'Nothing to keep you herer' my spymaster agreed. 'You can leave whenever you want. By the way, what hotel will you stay at in Madrid? The Ritz or the Palace?' von Karsthoff asked naming the two top hotels. No self-respecting taveller would have considered any other.
slav Ambassador in Madrid is a friend of the family. I might arrange to carry the diplomatic bag from one place to the other and then, with a bit of help from you . . .' 'Name it.' Von Karsthoff was eager before even knowing what
'I don't know. Why?' 'Oh, it's of no consequencer' von Karsthoff answered and then
to tell me things of much
I'd need. 'Could you procure forgeries of the seals of the Yugoslav
transport documents or bulky information, I could break the seals, put my stuff in the bag, and seal it up again. On the other end, I could reverse the procedure.'The stunt would enhance my standing with the Germans and help me carry material for the British at the same time. 'Lentz has just the man for the job. Dr Kuhn. And it'll put you in Lentz's good graces to include him in. He is a touchy man. I'd better be the one to request it though, not you.' He tumed to the girl. 'Elizabeth, a telegram to Berlin. We want to know the size and the form of the seals used by the Yugoslav embassies.' Efficient to the core, Elizabeth left the room immediately to code
the message.
embassies in London and Madrid? Two of each? You would keep one set here and I'd have the other in London. Then if I had to
number in Madrid is a man named Lentz. You may meet him, Jebsen knows him, and besides, he'll be curious about you. He might even try to usurp you from me for fear that you're trespassing on his territory. He has a strcng organization in Spain, and the Palace Hotel is almost entirely under his control. The British are strong in the Ritz, although he's infiltrated there, too. You may find it more quiet at the Ritz,' Karsthoft hinted. I knew Johnny would be staying at the Palace. I opted for the Ritz. That would give me a periscope in both hotels. Anyway, they were very close, practically only the Prado Museum gardens
'What sort of man is Lentz?' I asked von Karsthoff. 'He's a friend of Canaris's, in his fifties, efficient and a good organizer. He's a bit of a pedant, though. You may find that form is more important to him than the objeaive. But I must say he's running a first-rate spy network in England. Inside the Spanish Embassy. He either has the tacit approval of the government or he's working through the press attach, I don't know which.' My ears pricked up. This could mean a big haul for MI5. It turned out later that Lentz was being taken. There was no spy ring inside the Spanish Embassy. It had been created out of the whole cloth by a clever free-lance agent in Spain who was selling the Abwehr information he made up himself. Later, he came to
work for the British under the code name of Garbo. The mention of working through the embassy struck a sudden chord in my mind. I could play the game as well as Lentz. Taking Menzies at his word, I decided to act on my own initative. I was sure of my scheme, and the time to strike was now. Requesting approval might delay it fatally. 'That gives me an interesting idear' I told von Karsthoff. 'I have
separating them.
'You'll have the seals by the time you return from Madridr' von Karsthoff promised. 'But tell me, what excuse will you give to your Yugoslav friends for wanting to carry the bag?' As usual, von Karsthoff thought of everything. 'It's to our mutual advantage. They have a shortage of
couriers, and I have trouble obtaining visas for Spain and Portugal.' 'Very neatr' he complimented me. 'About Lentzr' I worried. 'I shouldn't like to become involved in internal Abwehr jealousies and intrigues. Can you keep him off my back? I don't want him getting the idea that I'm under his iurisdiction.' 'Jebsen may do better than I. He can tell his friend Colonel Oster that you prefer to be attached to Lisbon rather than Madrid. But don't mention to Jebsen that I prefer it, too. If it ever got back to Lerfiz, he'd be sure to put the wrong interpretation on it.' Von Karsthoff then confided to me a top secret development that was to becomc one of my major scoops. 'Very soon we won't
8z Dusko Popoa
need to bother with diplomatic bags or other devices. We'll have a gadget that will facilitate the sending of information. They are developing a method in Berlin to reduce a full page to a film the size of a dot. It will be readable only through a microscope. A mikropunkt, it is called.' 'A dot!' I showed I was impressed. 'It certainly would be easy
to conceal.t
'Totally invisible unless you know where it is. It is still in the experimental stage, but as soon as it is ready I shall see that you are among the first to secure its advantage.'
Ten days in Madrid awaiting Johnny or at least word from him. I had concluded my business transactions and was remaining there only to see him. Lentz hadn't contacted me, which was iust as well. I had sensed that von Karsthoff preferred me to steer clear of him. He didn't want Lentz encroaching on his territory. At last my phone rang and it was Johnny. I threw on my iacket and covered the few hundred yards to the Palace bar in indecent haste for the Spanish capital. 'It's your fault I'm late,' ]ohnny excused himself. 'Your reports from London were too good. Piecki was so delighted with them he made me stay while he went over every last detail. He particularly likes the precision of your reports and the positive way you express yourself when you are certain of your facts. The sheer volume impressed him too. It looks like the work of ten men.' Or more, I said to myself. 'Here'- Johnny handed me an envelope -'a bonus with Piecki's compliments.' I slipped the envelope into my breast pocket, not bothering to
'Money isn't what you're after, is it, Dusko?' Johnny looked at me as though he were trying to read my mind. 'Stop X-raying rner' I sai4 feeling uncomfortable. 'If you have something eating you, spit it out.' tohnny pretended to ignore my remark, saying, 'You're hitting
84 Dusko PoPoa
the pinnacle, becoming the Abwehr's top agent. Miintzinger_was congratulated for recruiting you, and he's crowing as though he really was the one to find you.' 'Well, that's not what's bothering you.' I returned to my previous remark, knowing that Johnny was above departmental
iealousies and squabbles.
SpylCountersPY 85
is under Abwehr control' you say. -is It belongs to a German and every table' In the almost a microphone concealed on There
have no parents, no brothers, iust two half-sisters old enough to be my mother. They're completely estranged from me. I have girlfriends till I don't know what to do with them but not one foiwhom I really care. You're my closest friend-without reservations. If you want to analyse it, you're an ersatz brother and I wish you were a real one,' 'I'll have my father adopt you,' I jested to relieve Johnny the embarrassment of his seriousness.
'Dusko, I
'What I'm getting at'- Johnny wasn't being diverted -'is that I'm, let's say, uneasy to have put you in this game. It suits you and you seem to enjoy it butr' he took a peanut from the dish on the iable, 'you can be crushed like that.' He opened his hand to show the powdered remains. 'Well, then, let's to the dinner table before it's too late.' I put an end io his macabre conversation. 'You know the government's latest edict.If they can impose dme restrictions on the Spaniards, this world is coming to an unbearable pass anyway.' pm' 'The 'Okay.' Johnny looked at his watch. It was near ro us?' why not gong, so final the Madrilefios are iircumventing earlier so up and earlier to bed - the To try to get Spaniards to newdoors close their to restaurants government had ordered pu. upper the among custom Spanish It was iomers after ro classes particularly - to dine at midnight. Executives would show up at the office around noon. But custom is not changed by decree. The Madrilefios were turning up at the restaurants a few minutes before ten. Until that hour they were empty. The sudden influx caused slow service. Drinks would be had first, and by the time dinner came it was near midnight and tradition was
The Horcher was only a few minutes' walk from the Palace. I think the streets of that posh quarter were so clean because the people were so poor they scavenged everything. A cigarette butt didn't stay long in the gutter. The Horcher had gleaming starched linen, polished silver, and candlelight. We ordered our drinks and settled down for a comfortable wait. ttr0ith the concealed microphones in mind, I repeated the spiel I had memorized for von Karsthoff, giving Johnny a gloomy description of England. I figured if the Germans realized who the speaker was, it would reinforce my reputation with them. If they tlought it was another source, it would perhaps serve to confirm my report. -Johnny didn't grasp what I was up to and looked seriously worried. A wink and a glance at the vase on our table corrected that. He ioined gleefully in the game' We larded our conversation with intimate talk of girls and other things one wouldn't mention if aware of a tap. On our way back to our hotels, in the seclusion of the Prado Park, Johnny cautioned me about talking in my room or practically anywhere else in Madrid. Lentz- Papa Lentz, as he was callid (really Wilhelm Leisner) - had a huge staff' The German Embassy gave diplomatic cover to some rzo Abwehr officers, and about 4oo others were spotted around town in various phony firms and iobs. Among them was a nephew of Admiral Canaris' fohnny also gave me the name of a man of another calibre, one who could be trusted. 'If you're ever in trouble, contact him at the Embassy,' he said. 'He will get a message to me without intermediaries.' It was late. We still had a lot of talking to do and no place to do it. I proposed getting a car and going to Toledo the next day' 'Lovely drive, beautiful city full of El Grecos and no
microphones.' 'I'lf take care of the carr' Johnny offered. 'Pick you up at ten''
wasn't easy to get a good meal in Madrid. One could eat properly at only the few luxury hotels and some black market iestirrtants, but there you would eat excellently. 'Let's go to the Horcherr' Johnny suggested, 'but watch what
glided out the narrow mountain road to Toledo in a magnifiient brute of a Hispano-Suiza roadster dating back to the twettti.s which Johnny had borrowed from a Spanish friend' No
86 Dusko Popoo
bugs in it, motor or otherwise. While Johnny was wrestling with the gears going through town, I was lamenting that I couldn't speak to him forthrightly. To accomplish the task Stewart Menzies had given me, I had to go about it from all four points of the compass. I remarked that a number of Abwehr officers I had met were not Nazis. A certain number seemed positively antiNazi, like Jebsen himself. Johnny said 'Hmr' as he wrenched the big wooden steering wheel to get around a horse cart. 'And then there are people like Schacht,' I mentioned 'and General von Blomberg. They're both in disgrace, I understand.' The ex-Commander in Chief of the Army had been sacked by Hitler on trumped-up moral charges, having married a whore. At the time that didn't hinder the entire Nazi hierarchy from coming to the wedding, but later he was ousted when he tried to oppose Hitler's projected use of the armed forces against Austria and
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They range from Royalist to leftist. They've no organization and they do nothing but talk . . . and that very carefully.' Johnny waved a hand to dismiss them all. 'Duskor' he asked, 'is there one example in history of army marshals or generals revolting when victorious? When they are getting the applause, the glory, and the booty? Most of them love Hitler, and those who don't love him admire him. Don't forget, they did the planning of this war and they are winning it for Hitler.' We had reached the river and the gorge opposite Toledo. Johnny steered the Hispano onto the shoulder of the road and
more than the ramparts of Toledo that he wanted to examine. 'Madly idealistic, your idear' he said, turning to face me, 'or whoever's idea it isr' he adde4 shrewdly. 'It is totally absurd but so attractive that f won't be able to put it out of my mind. It is
'There must be many influential people who recognize Hitler's madness and who would want to curb his power and stop this war. They could negotiate with Britain, it seems to me - say' through the Abwehr. rJfith its freedom of movement, the Abwehr would make the ideal instrument.' Johnny flicked a glance at me
show that he was listening. 'What do you thinkr' I asked, 'would something like that be possible?' Concentrating, he didn't answer right away. He threw his head back, looking at the sky more than the road. After a suspenseful minute he answered. 'A terribly ambitious and naive idea, "devoutly to be wished". My answer is categorically no. A "no" as big as these mountains. Hitler has no opposition in Germany. It has been either smashed or reduced to complete impotence. German youth has been educated from the cradle to believe in Hitler. To make a successful revolution or coup d'6tat, you need the people on your side. Even that's not enough. You need the army, too, or at least its neutrality. Hitler's opponents are people like myself, drawingroom opposition. !7e discuss Hitler over a glass of schnapps or a cup of tea. And even many of that clique - the drawing-room opposition - are tainted. They make excuses, find good things to say about National Socialism. In addition, they're not cohesive.
worth living or dying for.' He took a long drag on his cigarette, expelled the smoke forcefulln as though giving birth to a fresh thought. 'Nobody can claim that all the German people accepted the Nazi doctrine willingly. If they had, there would have been no Gestapo, no SS, no SD. The Nazis "rendered harmless", as they say - in other words, murdered - all active opposition. The rest, the passive opposition, lives under the terror of persecution, torture, and concentration camps. At the moment it's a waste of time to talk about a change. But if some unforeseeable event or change in the fortunes sf war made it possible, it would mean nothing if there were no bridge to cross the river. And I agree, there's no better bridge or more maneuvrable instrument than the Abwehr. To use the Abwehr, one would have to know who is who and who thinks what. I shall sound things out and when we next meet, will let you know what there is to be known. Afterwards, if something happens to me, you may pass my findings on to somebody else who wants to chase the rainbow.' I felt both sad and chagrined. My vow of secrecy - which I was sure Johnny had penetrated - prevented me from telling him that there was another rainbow chaser, Sir Stewart Menzies, ready to ioin hands with him.
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chapter eight
My first open conflict with German counterespionage came about on my return to Lisbon. I noticed that a tall, thin man with distinctive floppy ears, almost rabbit-like, kept appearing wherever f went, in the Casino, the Palacio lobby, the train from the Estoril to Lisbon. His appearance was so distinctive it was difficult to imagine his being employed as a shadow, but I put him to the test anyway. I walked from the Palacio to the railroad station and bought a ticket for Lisbon. Mr Floppy Ears, who I could swear hadn't been following me, appeared like a rabbit out of a hat on the platform. For some unaccountable association, I named him Uncle Oscar. The train arrived. I boarded it and took a seat near the door. Uncle Oscar took a seat at the far end of the coach ar1d, as he had always done, hid behind a Portuguese newspaper. Just before the train started, I pulled the oldest trick in the profession. I darted out of the coach. Uncle Oscar had a time elbowing people out of the way, but he followed me. I then reversed the procedure and rushed back into the train almost banging into him on the way. He was fast on his feet and got back into the train, too. Point number one was established. It was no coincidence. He was on my track. I wasn't particularly worried since I hadn't had any meetings with the British during those days. But I did want to know who was making him hop. The following evening, I had an appointment with von Karst-
hoft. My shadow was in the lobby reading his newspaper when I came down from my apartment. I left through the rear exit of the hotel, which was the automobile entrance' and immediately ran eround the building to the front pedestrian entrance, next to the park. Uncle Oscar was no longer in the lobby. I proceeded on foot to my meeting place on the road to Lisbon. Walking fast, I soon caught up with the tall, thin shadow. He was going slowly, trying to spot me in the darkness ahead. Since he apparently knew my meeting place, there was little doubt that he was in the scrvice of Abwehr III. Colonel Jarvis knew where I was picked up, too, but I doubted both that he would use such a clumsy man rnd that he would have me followed. Leaving Uncle Oscar clear title to the spot on the Lisbon road, I hiked all the way to von Karsthoff's villa. I entered through a ncighbour's gate, hitched myself over a high stone wall, and rang the bell at the rear entrance. High heels clicked in response inside thc house. 'Elizabethr' I stage-whispered, 'don't put on the outside light.' 'S7hat happened to you?' she said, opening the door and noting my dusty suit, which she brushed while I recounted my misadventure with Uncle Oscar. It was Elizabeth who had driven out to pick me up, von Karsthoft not being home yet. When I didn't turn up, she'd decided I'd been prevented from coming and she returned home. She didn't know anything about Uncle Oscar nor had she noticed him at the rendezvous point. 'If he's one of our men' I don't know himr' von Karsthoff alsc maintained on his return, 'but I'll put out an inquiry on him.' My meeting with von Karsthoff was important. Comments ftom Berlin on my reports had come through. They wanted still more details. We worked till after midnight, straining my inventiveness. When we were done, von Karsthoff gave me my gold star. 'Admiral Canaris thinks very highly of your workr' he said. 'He wants us to take particular care of you'' 'slightly superfluous at this point, no?' I bluffed. 'If Uncle Oscar isn't your man, he must be British. I think my usefulness is
at an end.'
'Let's not rush to any conclusions.' My spymaster was suspiciously unruffied. 'Give me a few days.' Uncle Oscar must have gone on holiday for a few days. He
9o Dusko
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definitely wasn'r on my tail. I checked and rechecked because I had a meeting with Colonel Jarvis. 'Not our manr'Jarvis confirmed adding gloomiln .we must be
lQrsthoff that night, he didn,t seem surprised for a few days, but he avoided comment. He wasn't worried about Uncle Oscar being British, since he gave me a new questionnaire to memorize for-my projected trip to England. At the Casino night club the following evening, Uncle Oscar popped up again. I caught sight of his familiar head at the far end of the room while I was taking a turn around the dance floor with a_ French girlfriend named Margot. I was extremely annoyed. My date had looked promising. Margot was clinging to me like a hoi water bottle in a cold bed so I was confident about how the evening would finish, but I had visions of Uncle Oscar at the transom. Margot had been playing the proper .jeune fille' up till that night, so I didn't think she'd appreciate a voyeur. Exasperated, f was inspired to dubious humour and took vengeance on a poor tipsy girl who had been annoying the whole club. She was one of a party ar the table of the Lis6orr-.orr.rpoodent of the London Daily MaiI. under the illusion that she could sing, she had been breaking our eardrums all evening warbling over the microphone with the dance band. Yh.." the waiter opened a fresh bottle of champagne for us, I took the cork, placed it on his silver tray, and toldhim to deliver it to the singer with my compliments. Taking me ar my word, he presented it to her ar rhe microphone in full view of the audience. T!. girl stopped singing but didn't use rhe cork as implied. ^_ She looked in our direction, then charged. probably misconstruing her tormentor, she picked up Margot,s glass with the obvious intention of dashing ir, contents and all, in her face. I caught her arm just in time. The glass fell from her hand and I think sh. was a bit stunned. I turned her around pointing her toward her table, and with a pat on her rump sent her on her way, saying, ,Be a good girl now.' The incident naturally drew the attention of everyone present. The Daily Mail_rcporter rose from his table dramatically and started our way. I noticed he had an arm in a plaster cast.
I hadn't
saw von
'You have been insulting my guest ' he said pontifically. was a stupid joker' I admitted. 'Please ask the young lady to forgive me.' He wasn't accepting apologies and started to swing a roundhouse blow with his good fist. My reflexes took over. I ducked rnd responded with a short hook to the jaw. The dance floor was highly polished. He went sliding on his rear end almost all the way across it. Several people got up from his table, and the atmosphere had rll the makings of a barroom brawl. In my dinner iacket pocket I had a sealed envelope containing the German questionnaire and gome notes I had made of names and information to pass on to thc British. I quickly slipped the envelope into Margot's purse, which was lying on the table. 'Run for itr' I told her. 'There's a lot of cash and checks in there. Meet me in the hotel lobby.' Margot was frightened. She didn't want to be mixed up in a scandal and so didn't have to be told twice. The delegation from the Daily Mail man's table bore down on me, a squat, powerful-looking character in the lead. 'Are you a Nazi or something?' he said aggressively in a nasal American accent. 'Why?' "Cause you're a fucking coward, hitting a man with a broken
'I'm sorry, it
'If you have a broken arm, you don't start fightsr' I answered with what I thought was much logic. It wasn't the moment for logic. The squat man was building up his courage to attack, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Uncle Oscar heading for the exit after Margot. He must have seen me put the envelope in her bag. The squat man started to move in on me. A table was separating us, and I shoved it in his mid-section. He doubled up on it. The girl singer lumped on my back, trying to gouge out my eyes. I had to caffwheel her over my head and fortunately she thumped into the man, who by that time was trylng to get at me. The girl put him off balance, so f was able to plant my left with precision on the side of his jaw. For good measure, I hit him again as he went down. That gave me time to run for it. The Daily Mail man's other guests contented themselves with hurling
9z Dusko Popw
boos and cries of 'coward stay and fight'after me. I came out of the door running and heard Margot scream from
across the park-about a hundred yards-which separates the Palacio from the Casino. I sprinted toward the hotel and made out two figures struggling on the ground. As I neared them I saw that Uncle Oscar was trying to wrestle her purse from her. It
spilled open and the contents dumped on the ground. Uncle Oscar grabbed my long white envelope and was scrambling to his feet while I was about ten yards away. I launched my foot at his face. Uncle Oscar went down again, unconscious, spurting blood and teeth but still clutching the envelope. As I was taking it from him, George Black came running up. Black was hardly five foot two, and he was holding a revolver nearly as big as he was. He bent over to look at Uncle Oscar. 'He's not deadr' he pronounced coolly, sticking the revolver in his waistband. 'I'll take care of this mess, Popov. Take Madame Broche to her room and stay there. If the police come, I'll tell them you hopped into a taxi and went to Lisbon. Don't leave Madame Broche's room until you phone me.' It was noon before I phoned him. 'You can come out nowr' Black said. 'Your man is in the hospital, but the police don't know you sent him there. I told them he was attacked by two ruffians. Odd thing, he confirmed it. He lost several teeth and his nose is . . . well, he's going to snuffie like a bulldog for the rest of his days.' I had drawn my first Nazi blood. 'Thanksr' I told Black, 'for everything,' thinking also of the very comfortable bed into which
while you were there.' By the British, you mean, I thought' The Abwehr man in Madrid was more adept than Uncle Oscar' .If he was just there for my protection, why did he follow the rrrl?' I obiected. 'And why did he grab the envelope?' --Kr.to.t smirked. 'He suspected, my dear Popov, that the- girl was.working for the Gaullisis. And maybe she is. He was afraid Are she would Jpen the envelope. Didn't you ever think of that? you so sure you can trust her?' . .Mo,e than I can trust an anon}'rnous shadow. I should have been informed I was being protected' I accused' Kramer shrugged and took his leave' ,I think *. ,riid a drink,' von Karsthoff sighed when the door closed behind the counterintelligence man' He se'rved me a aogn.., and shaking his head regretfull5 said, 'Germans can be cani they, Dusko? I'm-irom Trieste, you know" i.il;-;";;edlPhoenician background, likg Yours' That,is *hy-Y: ic explained. -lhe psychological understanding' more have'more finesse, G.r-.o, are blunderers. Even when they do the right thing' they often do it the wrong way. Your brush with Uncle Oscar is a .i*t example. Do yiu know what happened with the Duke of Windsor?' ' i rt oof. my head in response to his question, and he told me his version of thl German attempt to kidnap Windsor'
.lrhentheDukecametoSpainafterthefallofFrance,'von ,he told some spanish friends that he Karsthofi recounted post wouldn't return to England unless given a very impo-rtant
The Abwehr III chief, Herr Kramer, assisted at my interview with von Karsthoff a few nights later. I suppose von Karsthofi ordered him to be there. He looked a bit on the defensive while von Karsthoff explained that he hadn't known Kramer had put a man on me until after my complaint. 'I told Herr Kramer not to have you followed any longer, but perhaps he, too, has had orders from Admiral Canaris about taking good care of you,'von Karsthoff said, sarcastically. 'Uncle Oscar, I'm tol4 was there purely for your protection. He was checking to see that the British weren't following you. You can go to London reassured. Nobody was. Same for Madrid. I just received a cable confirming that you were not being followed
of the royal and unless the Duchesi was recogniied as a member he would throne, the on been He also said that if he had GemanY' against war the iru. ft.u.oted England from entering that the 'Hitler took great interest in the smry and suggested D"k; b" tept o-n hand in Spain. He instigated Windsor's friend,
the Spanish Foreign Minister' .to it"* gtigU.der y Atienza,him that Germany wants peace-with convince .od "opro..h-hi* srands in the way. Hitler cliquc ila;;tuui tnat churchill's at the appropriate
the Duke to stand ready tb cooperate was to time ana eventually to reassume the throne' The Duchess offer to proposed Hitler become queen' naturally. Meanrrhile, so niinfryiiiUi"" Swiss fiancs - deposited in Switzerland - that the Dtrke could lead a life fit for a king"
94 Dusko Popoo
SpylCounterspy 95 grve up. He sent a meqsage saying there was a bomb aboard the ship. It delayed the sailing a few hours.' f wasn't in any position to iudge if the story was apocryphal or not, but it was interesting to pass along if only as indication of the
'How could he become king again?' I interrupted. 'According to the laws of successiory it's impossible. Not after abdicating.' I7ith a laugh von Karsthoff reproached my naivet6. 'That is what the Duke replied too. But when empires are crumbling, Dusko, you don't really think a little infraction of the law counts.' 'Of courser' I was quick to agree. 'I'm starting to think like an
Englishman.' 'Baigbeder's talks with the Duke went quite wellr' von Karsthofi continued. 'But in the midst of them the Duke came here to
Portugal, where he received strict orders from Churchill to proceed to the Bahamas and take up the post of Governor General. Even so we probably would have succeeded in keeping him in Spain or Portugal if Berlin hadn't sent its heavy artillery. Walter Schellenberg from Abwehr II came here with wild plans to kidnap the Duke and frighten him into believing that British Intelligence wants to kill him.' 'schellenbergr' I interrupted. 'The name rings a bell, but I don't place him exactly.' 'Scfielenberg is one of my superiors, a rising star in Berlin, a specialist in sabotage and other subtleties like that. You probably hlard about him in connection with the Venlo incident.' It came back to me in detail. It was in r94o. The Gestapo lured a Major Stevens and a Captain Paine to a small town on the Dutch border supposedly to meet a German general and a group of anti-Nazis anxious to make peace. Schellenberg captured the two Englishmen and claimed to have obtained much important information from them. 'When Schellenberg started meddling everything went sour,' von Karsthoff explained. 'And mind you, we had made even more progress by then. We were talking with Primo de Rivera, another fiiend oi Windsor's, and with the Lisbon banker, Spirito Santo, who was his host here. Schellenberg frightened the Duke so much he was persuaded that Intelligence would kill him if he didn't leave for the Bahamas. schellenberg was pulling tricks like firing shots through the Duke's bedroom window and sending flowJrs with anonymous messages warning him not to go to the Duke Bahamas. The result of this heavy-handedness was that the and ran off in touch, keep to promised muchr" ,rid, "Th*ks very didn't Schellenberg leaving, was he ro Nassau. Bur even when
in German Intelligence. Preparatory to my leaving for England again, von Karsthoff cxamined me like a schoolboy on the questionnaire Uncle Oscar had atnost stolen and on the new addresses and code he had given me. Fortunately, I knew thsrn like the 'Pater Noster'. - lVhen I complained that the questionnaire was so voluminous -'You'll soon want to know what Churchill had for dinner' was the way I put it - von Karsthoff recommended that I concentrate on what *.s -ost important and accessible. Berlin was impressed by the quality of my work, and he advised me not to spread myself too thin. 'Anywayr' he suggested, 'some of your contacts -'which are excellent - might be disposed to work for us independently. That would take a lot of the burden off your shouiders. Sound them out. If you decide you are absolutely sure of them, you can start them off on their own.' I let myself be persuaded. That was exactly what Masterman
SpylCounterspy 9Z
chapter nlne
A deafening explosion shook Albany House. I expected to see or rather feel it crumble down on top of us, but it was a miss, a near
miss. Susan Barton was thrown off her chair. The windows blew in, the flying glass iust missing us. Bill Matthews got up spitting the fine powder and plaster that covered us all and initiating us to Scottish blasphemy and cursing. After he had cleared his throat and his sentiments and we had stood Susan back on her feet, none the worse for her motorless flight, his concern was for me. 'Poor Dusko,' he said 'this would be a hell of a way for you to go. Too ironic. After skipping in and out of the viper's nest on the Continent, to buy it in the middle of London !' 'Hell, don't romanticizer' I protested sincerely. 'I'm almost ashamed of spending such a comfortable war in neutral countries. And when I do come back to England, I have the warmth of
being surrounded by friends. \trfhat I can't stand are those damn reports we're doing now. It's the same every time. Ten or twelve hours a day for over a week, dictating, answering questions. I'm a bureaucrat, not a spy. And to add insult to iniury they give me Susan for a secretary.' I teased her. 'The great untouchable.' Our more or less flippant reaction to the bombing was fairly
February, the air raids on the British capital had diminished. In part, that was thanks to bad weather, but the main reason was
that Air Marshal Goering had decided to change strategy and tactics for the third time. At the beginning - in the late summer of r94o - the Luftwaffe concentrated on bombing airports. The idea was to destroy British air power. It nearly succeeded. Many of the fighter bases were partially or completely knocked out. But the Germans didn't persist long enough. Instead Goering promised Hitlello reduce London and the other large English cities to rubble. The new aim was to break the people's spirit. This enabled the RAF to get its second wind, and it came out of the Battle of Britain scathed but undefeated. Now Goering let up on the cities and started hitting the ports. This new tactii indicated that the Germans were envisaging a long war. Goering was out to starve Britain. The questionnaire l brought over indicated the switch, too. The Germans weren't thinking about an invasion any more. They didn't ask for additional information about ground and beach defences or the concentration of troops in the south-east. Now they wanted to know about convoys, aeroplane manufacture' tank and ship construction, and the efiects of the submarine blockade. Uiitn tft. invasion scare over, British morale was on the upsurge, although the U-boat warfare caused great concerl'.T|" U-bo.-tr *.te iinkittg more merchant ships than could be replaced. And the sei represented England's lifeline. Across it came the vital supplies from the commonwealth and the united States. psychologically the British were harder hit by the lo-ss of a battleship or -ioor naval engagement than by the defeat of Dunkirk debacle. France or the " During my return to England this time I set up Gerda and Dickie ai double agenrs. They differed from most other agents being run by the kX Committee, being of our choosing, not ,tur#d'. They were named respectivelp Gelatine and Balloon. In line with her father's Nazi party membership, Gerda was supp;r"dly in the business for pitriotic _reasons. She specialized in osing her social contacts to gather political news and secrets and infoimation about new army commanders, nominations, and the like. She was paid only a bonus from time to time and given money for her expenses. Patriotism was not a profitable affair' Dickie fared much better as a mercenary. As a cashiered officer known as a high liver, Balloon maintained his reputation by
98 Dusko Popoa
constantly requesting more funds from the Abwehr. He got them because his information was exact and regular. Since I was now running a team with rwo subagents, British
SpylCounterspy 99
Intelligence saw
According to the unwritten code, male and female agents shouldn't be intimate, so that in time of crisis no emotions are involved. On becoming Gelatine, Gerda half-seriously said, in the midst of an embrace, 'I guess we shouldn't be together any more.' '(fh-uhr' I mumbled, 'have to. It's part of our doublecross of
the Germans.'
Conscientiously, we continued to break the rules. So did Balloon and Gelatine. Supposedly they weren't aware of each other's existence, thus reducing the risk if one of them were caught. Berlin complimented me for keeping my agents apart. With the advent of my two new agents, my star went even higher in Abwehr circles. In the several months that I had been operating I had already become well entrenched the Tirpitzufer praising me as their most important and successful agent in England. Now, I gained even more prestige, and so did von Karsthoff as my spymaster. He probably gained material advantages as well. I also became the favourite son of the Pau da Bandeira, as the Abwehr office in Lisbon was known from the habit of calling such places by their street names. My expenses were running several thousand dollars a month, and I never was as much as asked to account for a farthing. The paying of espionage agents on enemy soil is one of the big pmblems of all intelligence services. Somehowr'somewhere, cash must be found and supplied to them to keep them operating. Many agents have failed for lack of funds, one German parachutist in England going so far as to commit suicide, not having anywhere to turn. Even the XX Committee couldn't run its 'turned' agents if the Abwehr didn't furnish them with money. It
would have been a dead giveaway to have them continue.
him in England because of the currency regulations. Legalln one could enter England with only a limited amount in British pounds, and all foreign currency had to be changed into pounds. When making the change, the serial numbers of all bills over one pound were noted. I could hardly ask for five hundred pounds, sa5 in one-pound notes. That in itself would have been suspicious. And if Balloon were caught, the numbered bills in his possession could be traced directly to me. Von Karsthoff appreciated the dilemma and agreed to look for some other method. He also told me, incidentalln that German spymasters had to get special permission from the Tirpitzufer to advance a large sum to an agent. Berlin didn't trust its spies that much. It was afraid they might pull a disappearing act if they got too much money or, unused to large sums, evoke suspicion by
freehanded spending.
Out of this incident, I hatched a plan that would put British Intelligence in the extraordinary position of being the paymaster of German spies in England. I approached the proposition obliqueln trying it out for size on Bill Matthews. 'Billr' I said to him, 'I'm sure that a girl who owes six weeks' rent and has no money can be persuaded more easily to cooperate with a man's amor'ous proposals if he can back them with hard
'!7hat girl do you have in mind?' 'No girl. The Abwehr paymaster.' 'You and your Byzantine ideas.' He looked at me with mock grimness. 'Have a go at explaining yourself in terms a simple Scot
would understand.' 'If I had x thousand pounds in London and offered them to von Karsthoff, I'm sure he would jump at them. To pay his
had figured
it out so
When Berlin authorized Balloon's appointment as my main in England, von Karsthoff asked me to take a few thousand pounds over for him. I agreed since it was the only way to start Dickie Metcalfe in his new career. But for the form I objected insisting that in the future the Abwehr find some other means of paying him. It was dangerous for me to take money to
carefully, the analogy looked comprehensible to me. 'So?' 'So I don't have the money and coulfu't pretend to have it. lfe've got to find someone who does and who will accept payment in Lisbon for pounds here. Someone who wants to get his money out of England, say. That's plausible. Maybe he wants to go abroad and can't get permission to take his money out. Or
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Von Karsthoff sent an urgent cable to Berlin. In a few days the top Abwehr paymaster himself, Lieutenant Colonel Toeppen, flew to Lisbon.
someone who is afraid England is going to lose the war and wants
to dump pounds.' 'Your girlfriend is starting to make sense,' Bill said. With Tar, we worked out the details of the scheme, which we labelled Plan Midas. We found a wealthy theatrical agent by the name of Eric Glass, who agreed to cooperate on faith. We never told Mr Glass exacdy what we were up to. All he knew was that we were going to use him as a front. When the time came, we would furnish him with a large sum of pounds, which he was to hand over to the person we designated. In return, a corresponding sum in dollars supposedly would be credited to an account in his name in Lisbon. We placed our carefully constructed scheme before the XX Committee. The full board sat in iudgment and turned it down. Too far-fetched, they said. Bill's face was long and glum when he told me the news. 'But they can't do this,' he thumped his hand against the wall. 'Why, it's an intelligence olficer's dream come true. Imagine controlling the Abwehr paFnaster in England!' The three of us were convinced enough of the validity of our project to return to the attack. S/e stressed again its benefits to our operation. Off and on, the committee was running thirty to forty captured German spies. The Abwehr rvas having its usual difficulties paying many of them, and if they weren't paid' the fiction of their working would collapse. The plan also might afford us the possibility of catching any spies who were on the loose. They might be sent to our man to be paid.
committee authorized Plan Midas and put up twenty thousand pounds. On my next visit to Lisbon I mentioned fairly casually while chatting one evening with von Karsthoff that I had come upon an opportunity to make a bit of extra change. I told him about a man I knew wanting to get his money to the States and asked if he knew a bank or exchange agent willing to accept pounds in England. Naturally, I said, my customer would be prepared to lose some money on the exchange rate. As expected, von Karst-
I explained that I would have to make the arrangements myself in London. 'I will give my man a code word to identify whatever agent you send to his office to pick up the money.' -'Very wellr' Toeppen had to agree' 'but you will leave for
London soon. Now what is the man's name and address?' 'His name is Charles Sand.' I spelled it out for Toeppen to write.'He's a theatrical agent at 15 Haymarket, London Wr.' Triumphantly, I returned to London and recounted to the last period my conversation with Toeppen. Suddenly, we realized my memory had played a trick on me' It had substituted a part for the whole, sand being an ingredient of glass. We rushed to Glass's office, changed the name plate on the door, mysteriously told him to answer the phone as Mr Sand, and put a temporary
MI5 receptionist on duty at the front desk. Our alarm and precautions were superfluous' We thought
have to turn. Instead, an agent named Tate, whom we were running, received instructions to fetch the money. A wireless operator, Tate was captured in September r94o after landing by pirachute. The XX Committee considered him so trustworthy he was allowed complete liberty. And the Abwehr appreciated the reports he sent back to Berlin so much they chose him as
paymaster. -
enthusiasm prevailed.
was shuttling back and forth to Lisbon these days, and Johnny was coming in fairly regularly from Berlin, so I saw him on almost every trip. \$7e were collaborating closely, although still without any explicit understanding. With lohnny's help, I established a very complete list for C of the most important Abwehr people in Berlin and of many others throughout the whole of Germany and Europe. He indicated a startlingly high percentage of antiHitler officers in Admiral Canaris'i employ. Stewart Menzies showed much appreciation of my report, but some of his aides regarded it sceptically',It was corrobbrated much later in the purge of the Abwehr after the attempt on Hitler's life on zo fuly 1944. More than three-
Dusko Popmt
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quarters of the Abwehr commanding corps officers were put to Undoubtedly because of his later notoriety, I recall in particular the remark of Kim Philby, who was an MI6 specialist on the Iberian peninsula: 'Are you trying to apologize for or protect your Abwehr superiors?' he asked me. The opinion of his aides notwithstandingf Menzies evaluated the report as top level and drew up a further list of complementary questions about certain of the higtrer Abwehr officers. Gradually, I filled in the blank spots on that questionnaire. Menzies's interest in the material we furnished him on the Abwehr was at the root of a remark by one of his subalterns. 'C sees me every dayr' he complained, 'but I believe he understands Canaris better.' I also furnished Colonel Jarvis with a list of the main Abwehr officers in Lisbon, including their code names, specialities, and private addresses and did approximately the same for the Madrid
from von Karsthoff the answer: 'Be patient.' lohnny was much more fruitful. With the excuse that he wanted to afiord me a maximum of safety and protection, Johnny tried to get hold of a microdot apparatus from Berlin. The process wasn't perfected yet, but he found out something about the theory of it. Photographs, he was told were taken through a reversed microscope. The technique was developed by a Professor Zapp of the Dresden Institute of Technology. Professor Zapp was satisfied with his optical results and production methods, but he hadn't yet developed the proper sort of negative film. It couldn't cope with the heat generated by the process, and the text became
in the experimental stage, nothing like what it became in rg43 and'44. It consisted largely of passlng to the enemy misinformation that could momentarily furiher the aims of the Navy and the Air Force. A lot of it was
information we knew couldn't be verified and therefore discredited about our production, defences, and technical matters. To deter gas warfare, I passed a report through Balloon about British readiness, which was calculated to completely discourage such ideas. $0e also fed the enemy with much political information, which had no direct effect on the war but was aimed at building me up. A double agent in deception is a long-term investment. The strategy is to pay in enough so that he is trusted when the dme comes for the big payoff. The political information, passed for the most part by Gelatine, pliyed its part in psychological warfare against the Oberkommando. We lnew that Ribbentrop, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, nourished a strong hatred for Canaris. The feeling was mutual. Canaris took every opportunity he could to be one up on Ribbentrop in furnishing the Fiihrer with news. Every time one of Gelatine's bulletins scored for Canaris, my prestige with the Abwehr soared. In certain instances, we didn't know the reasons for an action but, like soldiers, were merely told to implement it. Plan Machiavelli was one of those. The Navy wanted the Germans misled about the east coast mine fields. I was to transmit information about fictious charts to them. I could only surmise that the obfect was to forbid a section of the coast to the Germans or to waylay them into real mine fields elsewhere.
so-e slight twinge of pain. It was a shock to find I knew fairly well - working for the Germans' I man him - a one day when von Karsthoff answered a phone trail his came on presence from a German diplomat Uy t!9. name of call in my Baron had a shrill voice enabling me to The Breisky. Baron von conversation. of the ends hear both 'I need some money immediately,' I overheard, 'to pay my
'Immediately ! ' von Karshoff huffed. 'Your Russian count is in no position to be so exigent. His information is of very little valui. Our good money is only serving to buy boots and sadrtles for his wife. she looks very beautiful winning all those equestrian
Russian count.'
horse's mouth.'
Russian count whose beautiful wife participated in horse shows. It was child's play to trace him. A little checking proved him to be Count Chouvalofi, whom I had met in Dubrovnik, where he and his wife often spent their holidays. We deliberately allowed the count to go on with his spying even assisted him; feeding him with misinformation to pass to the
ro4 Dusko
SpyfCountersp! rc5 identity for the traitor. Someone they can check on.' 'Sorry, I thought you understoodr' Montagu said quietly. 'His name is Ewen Montagu.' I did pass the charts to von Karsthoff, who accepted the story of Montagu's cowardice at face value. But the Tirpitzufer refused to give Montagu the letter. I suspect he knew they would and had no intention of continuing the game in the first place. I never did learn if the Germans discovered the charts were phony, but at any rate, the affair didn't blow up in my face.
Colonel Robertson and Lieutenant Commander Ewen Montagu, the naval mernber of Committee XX, were coaching
from Dubrovnik is a part-time sailor - but even so, memorizing a naval chart was proving to be impossible. Tar stared at one of the bogus charts tacked on the office wall and shook his head despairingly' 'Can't be done, not even by a bloody wonder like you.' It was a mass of numbers indicating depths and of crosses pinpointing the mine fields. 'Tell you what' - Tar came up with a sudden idea - 'we'11 put a pretty bow around them and you can take them to Lisbon. IThy not?' $7e all three looked at each other. 'Why not?' Montagu and I echoed. The solution was so simple. Then it hit me that it was too simple. The whole idea from the start was too simple. 'How the devil am I supposed to have put my hands on these charts in the first place?' I obiected. 'They're top secret. Did I sandpaper my fingertips and crack the Admiralty safe or am I sleeping with the Fleet Commander's wife?' There was a moment's respectful silence. One doesn't sacrifice a Fleet Commander's wife lightly. Montagu puffed away at his pipe, his handsome face contorted in thought. 'I have it,' he said at last. 'An English barrister, a naval reserve officer who happens to be a few, is scared stiff that the Germans will win the war. He's heard horrible tales about concentration camps and death ovens and wants to take out some insurance. Dusko becomes friendly with the man, who senses that their opinions about the outcome of the war coincide. When he hears that you go to Lisbon often, he asks you if you would consent to pass these charts to the Germans in some way or other, in return ior which he wants a letter from a high German authority guaranteeing him protection when England falls. Of course, they'll want to see the charts before handing over the letter, so you'll have to hold out the promise of more charts later on as insurance. How does that sound to you?' 'Possibler' Tar pronounced. 'Given what the Germans are doing to the Jews, there is a certain logic in it, anyway a logic they might well buy.' it sounds improbable enough so that I don't think anyone will believe it was manufactured,' I agreed. 'The usual invented story is always so neat" There's one thing though, we'll need a real
every boy
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'Puerco.' The insult was more serious than the slap, and the man looked ready to kill me. 'Puercor' I repeated. 'Soy Yugoslav.' He was really a decent chap and couldn't apologize enough when he learned the reason for my outburst. Reading the signs, I saw that the Abwehr would question my loyalty. Not only was my country no longer neutral, it had dared to stand up to the Fiihrer. If I had to undergo an inquisition, I wanted to be able to choose my inquisitor. I rushed to Lisbon to avoid falling into the hands of Papa Lentz.
chapter ten
Events in Yugoslavia were threatening to endanger my position with the Germans. On z7 March, a group of patriotic Yugoslav officers overthrew the Regent, Prince Paul, for signing a pact with Hitler the day before. Tbe coup d dtat rcceived enthusiastic support from the overwhelming maiority of the population, which was strongly pro-Allied. It also threw Hitler into one of his renowned rages. He postponed all other operations, including Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the USSR), and ordered Operation Punishment, the destruction of Yugoslavia, militarily and as a nation. The operation was unmerciful. For three days
Von Karsthoff barely allowed time for the usual civilities before he got to the question of Yugoslavia. My apprehension had been right. I tried to beg the question with a few cynical and superficial remarks about the stupid and suicidal behaviour of the
Yugoslav government and people. It was too facile an attempt. 'Popov'- von Karsthoff gave me one of those direct-to the-eye looks -'are you a Serb or a Croat?' Practically all Serbs were pro-Allied. A nr'-ber of Croats sympathized with the Ustachi fascist movement, which was promoting Croatian independence under Hitler's aegis. 'You're from Trieste, you should know the answer to that.' I begged the question, launching into a history of our mutual province, Dalmatia. 'My city, Ragusa, or Dubrovnik, as it is now known, was the bright star of Dalmatia. It was allowed by the Pope m trade with the infidel Turks, and that way it remained free and became rich and independent. It was a republic for over eight hundred years. A powerful republic. It possessed one of the mightiest fleets in the Mediterranean to protect its trade. Ragusa
and nights the Luftwaffe bombed Belgrade without cease. Helped by Romanian, Hungarian, and Bulgarian troops, the German Army brought the ill-prepared Yugoslavs to surrender in twelve days. Hitler's wrathful decision delayed the campaign against Russia, and his generals later complained with bitterness that it prevented them from gaining a blitzkrieg victory over Russia in the fall of r94r. In the early days of April, while all this was happening, I was in Madrid. My nerves were on edge.I had no news of my familn
and the press \ryas thundering stories about Nazi victories. In the heated atmosphere of a bullfight on Sunday afternoon,
never had territorial ambitions, nor did it allow any country to dominate it either, even nominally. Until Napoleon. He was the first one to occupy Ragusa. He made it a French duchy. Then
lost my control. The bull had stumbled three times after charging and a Spaniard sitting in back of me jeered 'He's collapsing like Yugoslavia.' I swung around and slapped him, shouting,
after the Congress of Vienna, we became English for a short period, then Austrian. $florld ITar I made us Yugoslav, but the Italians always claimed we were part of Italy - and now we are.' Von Karsthoff held up his hand to stop my flow. 'Thank you for that brief and clear historical treatise.'He was forced to laugh. 'But it doesn't answer my question. Are you a Serb or a Croat?' Really, he was trlnng to help me. All he wanted was a $tatement that I was a Croat, something he could tell Berlin. It would have been an easy solution, but what von Karsthoff drdn't
SpylCounterspy rcg Polcs, the Dutch, and all the rest of them, they'll probably create some sort of token army and take their orders from Churchill. I'll have to go along with them so as not to put myself in an awkward position. I'm a reserve lieutenant. I might find myself in the Yugoslav Army. Or I might be drafted into an administrative scrvice in one of the ministries.'
it wouldn't resist the slightest investigation in Dubrovnik. Anybody there would have said it is impossible for a Popov to be an Ustachi. 'r was about to answer your question rvhen you inteffupted me,' f cornplained. 'There are families in Ragusa in which it happens that one brother is a Serb and the other a Croat. But the true Ragusans are neither one nor the other. They are Ragusans, that's all. 'I don't know what is going to happen to my old city when this war ends, but I can assure you if I ann alive I shall devote my life to seeing that it is neither Serbian nor Croat, but Ragusan.' 'I seer'von Karsthoff said simply, evidently impressed by the tone of sincerity with which I had delivered my polemic. He was relieved, too. I had supplied him with an argument for Berlin. He was not going to lose his top agent because some ignoramuses there didn't know the history and mentality of Dalmatia and
appreciate was that
I heard later that he wrote a fifteenpage report explaining to the Tirpitizufer my indifference to all Yugoslavia, Serbs and Croats included. The occupation of Yugoslavia ended the business pretext I was using as my cover. No goods would be permitted to go to my occupied country any more, and I wouldn't have the excuse to travel to and from England. I discussed the problem with both
von Karsthoff and Johnny. Von Karsthoff promised to see what solution he could fin4 which sounded a bit negative to me, particularly since the loyalty question still hovered above my head. I fell back on Johnny, asking him to raise the question of renewed cover with his friends in Berlin, Colonel Oster and Colonel Pieckenbrock. The reply from Berlin was prompt and startling. It also wiped away any doubts about the Tirpitzufer's confidence in me. A Colonel Maurer, in charge of the Abwehr I in the West, was dispatched to Lisbon and met with me in von Karsthoff's country
'Sfhat do you think your position will be?' Maurer began by asking me. I doubted that he had come from Berlin ust to find out my opinion, but I gave him a straight answer. 'I can only surmise. I suppose the Yugoslav pvernment-inexile will start operating from London like all the others. Like the
was driving at. 'I know General Duson Simovich fairly well.' Simovich had started the coup d'itat in Belgrade and was now Prime Minister. 'His son Boris and I studied law together in Belgrade. I used to go to their home in Zemum rather often.' 'Good.' Maurer was getting the answers he wanted. 'Do you think you could swing a job or a mission in the United States?' 'Don't you think I could continue in England?' I countered. 'Or do you think my usefulness there is at an end?' 'On the contrary. We are very impressed by what you accomplished in England. You are a first-class agent and a good organizer. You formed a little net of your own, which is functioning to our satisfaction. But you can't be in two places at once, and we have more important plans for you in the United States.' Taking the opportuniry to acquire some information, I interrupted to ask, 'Don't tell me that in the States, where you have several million Germans - many of whom, I'm told are patriotic to the Fatherland - you are short of agents?' Von Karsthofi undertook to answer, possibly because my question was slightly impertinent and he was used to my ways. 'That's just the trouble. We have too many. Our V-men flourished there like mushrooms after the rain. There are enough of them to form a division. But they behave like boy scouts, gossip, have picnics, and I wouldn't be astonished if they soon form an official organization and hand out publicity releases.' 'They don't need oner' Maurer said sarcastically. 'They are all members of the German-American Bund. That goddamned bund. They're all sitting ducks for American counterespionage if it comes to war. J. Edgar Hoover has files on all of them. He picks them up by the dozens like whores on the Reeperbahn. For political \UTassermanns. It makes good propaganda against us,
I answered,
seeing what he
Dusko Popov
those scandals. The English warmongers will use them yet to push America into the war against us.' I didn't see any point in becoming involved in a situation that the Americans already had in hand, so I told him rather snottily, 'Don't count on me to discipline your amateur spies. I'm neither
Maurer was visibly upset. He knocked back a cognac in one gulp and shook his head as it went down to soothe his rumbling
organization in Berlin?'
'You misunderstand.' Von Karsthoff sought to soothe me. 'Nobody wants you to do that. You are too valuable to us to mix you up with those oxen. What has happened is that the Fiihrer is very angry because of the scandals caused by the FBI arrests. He put Admiral Canaris on the carpet for it, even though he has very little to do with what happens in the United States. So now the Admiral wants to create absolutely new outposts with no links to the bund.' 'shouldn't that be a iob for someone from the central
Maurer and von Karsthoff exchanged an abashed glance and Maurer continued the explanation. 'We did send someone. Our specialist for US afiairs, Major von der Osten, but he had bad luck. He was there only a few days when he was run down and killed in Times Square by one of those cr4zy American cab drivers. Poor von der Osten' he sighed, 'he died like a civilian in a hospital. Never even regained consciousness. He was a good man, he didn't have any identification on him, and everything would have been alright if it weren't for the stupid American agent he had contacted. He provoked suspicion by going to retrieve von der Osten's belongings from his hotel room. He got away, but someone alerted the FBI and they found some papers among von der Osten's things that led them to a few of our other
'No, nor' von Karsthoff intervened. 'Nobody expects anything did in England all by yourself, practically without any help or advice from us, and in such a short time.' If only you knew what help I had, I thought, while von Karsthoff went on with his eulogy. 'You have a perfectly organized cell operating there. Each member works independently as he should and ignores the existence of the others. If one falls, the others can continue. You only have to do the same thing in the States on a slightly larger scale. After a while, when everything is going properly, they can do the work and you'll just have to give them directions and control them.' 'A good spy does not necessarily make a good spymaster.'I put in cautiously, not being at all sure the English would agree to this project. I preferred not to commit myself. 'We have full confidence in your' Von Karsthoff overruled my
as ambitious as that. But look what you hesitancy. I said thanks and added, 'Let me see first if I can talk myself into a job to take me to America. You can imagine I don't want to go into the Yugoslav Army, so I'll do my best.' The game was tempting. The mission the Germans wanted me to undertake was extraordinary. It would put us in control of the
'So.' I sized up the situation. 'If I'm correct, the Tirpitzufer would like to rebuild its entire organization in the States.' 'More than that, Ivan' Maurer said calling me by my code
name, which they did from time to time. 'We would like to start again from zero and organize something solid. As things go now,
the Abwehr and 6clmiral Canaris are the targets of much criticism. You can imagine what Ribbentrop and the Foreign
0ffice are saying. They are making life hell for us, using us as an excuse for their failures. They say we are destroying their efforts to keep America out of the war.'
enemy's American espionage organization so that when the United States entered the war - as we all felt inevitable - it would have one leg up. For the moment perhaps the FBI had matters under control and was netting all existing German spies, but that was creating a vacuum which the Abwehr was bound to fill. $flhat better than to have our own men sent in? On a personal level, the idea of going to the States was appealing, too. As it was to so many other Europeans, America represented to me the land that offered absolutely everything to a young man with ambition. The sole drawback was Johnny. He had been at my side in practically every undertaking. His support from a distance of five
Dusko Popov
thousand miles could hardly be as effective. If ever I longed to discuss matters with him, this was the time, but he was away on a mysterious mission in southern Italy. Even von Karsthoff didn't
know what he was doing there. Johnny had sent me several messages, one mentioning that he could not come to Lisbon until June. The others gave me news of my family. They had come through the twelve days of blitzkrieg without harm, and now
Johnny had taken them under his protection. I went back to London to see the reaction there. British Intelligence ruminated for a few days and finally decided that it would be in the interest of all if I went to the States. From the British
Simovich, the new Prime Minister, about arranging my cover. Tar, Stevenson, and I were ushered into the Prime Minister's
office, and the Ambassador undertook to act as our spokesman.
point of view, it was vital that German spies in the States not be given the chance to reveal ship departures and data on arms and supplies going to England. The Batde of the Atlantic was the primary front, and losses to U-boats were devastatingly high. 'We shall probaly ask you to come back in the not too distant future,' Tar told me, relating the combined decision of MI5 and MI6. 'For the momeot we can spare you. Our deception campaign is still embryonic, and perhaps it may even be better to keep you under cover for that, keep you from being blown, and save you for when we really need you. But for god's sake, don't go and blow yourself in the States. You needn't worry about this endr' he added consolingly. 'Balloon and Gelatine will frll the gap.' 'I'm glad to know I'm not indispensabler' I said a bit wryly, 'but I'm going to be capricious and put one condition on my going to the States.' 'Going to be,'Tar laughed. 'My dear old Tricycle, you are and always have been but we all love you for it. Puts a bit of colour in the organization. Now tell me, what's your condition?' 'That I'm to remain an officer of the Intelligence Service. I can be on loan to the FBI or the State Department of any US intelligence outfit you want, I don't care which, but I want our finn to have the last word on everything concerning me.' 'Not to worry' Tar said. 'We're not letting you out of our hands. The FBI will be running you, but you'll go to New York as our man. You'll report to.our representative there, Colonel Ellis. Administratively, you'll be under William Stephenson in $Tashington. He's our chief coordinator in the States. Okay?' 'Very much so.' Stevenson, the British Ambassador to the Yugoslav
.'The Foreign Office, the War Office, and Mr Popov personally are asking you to help them, and I came along to express His Majesty's Government's thanks and supportr' Stevenson said formally. 'Mr Popov is engaged in an anti-German activity classified above top secret. I personally know nothing about the nature of that activity, but if you wish, Colonel Robertson will explain it to you.' Simovich was more General than politician and not inclined to diplomatic circumlocutions. He said that that wouldn't be necessary and came anound from behind his desk to hug me. He was still the way I had seen him last in my student days, grey-haired tall, and slim. 'Dusko, I'm happy you are doing something really usefulr'he said simply. 'We all must pull together to vanquish that monster Hitler. Say what you need. If it is in my power it will be done.' Tar explained for me. I needed an appointment in the United States that would serve as a cover for my other activitieg a iob that would leave me free and independent of supervision. lVe explored a few possible slots in the diplomatic field, none of which were suitable. Finally Simovich was inspired to create the post of Delegate of the Yugoslav Ministry of Information for the United States and the rest of America to coordinate propaganda
as far-fetched as
one million people of Yugoslav descent in America, and I actually did make speeches before some of them in addition to organizing
instructing Gelatine and Balloon, preparing them to operate independently. Also to impress my German friends, I collected a variety of information calculated to draw a round of applause and a good send-off to the States. I procured answers, ardully
aid and understanding for the Yugoslav cause. Nor was it unusual to be given a job. The Yugoslavs who managed to flee were converging on London. The Ministries, in need of civil servants, were only too glad to employ them. Before they arrived, there were more ministers around than workers. I spent the next few weeks supposedly supervising and
Dusko Popoa
arranged to their questions about the construction of five King George class battleships, electronically controlled land mines, and other new arms. In my own hand I copied some beautifully deceptive sketches of new Vickers Armstrong plants at Weybridge in Surrey and near Crayford in Kent and a precise map of imaginary underground factories producing parts for Wellington aircraft. I7e hoped this would lead the Germans to plough some empty fields with their bombs and raze some attractive but uninhabited woods. The news from the front around this time was overshadowed by the sensational flight of Deputy Fiihrer Rudolph Hess to Scotland in a Messerschmidt fighter plane. At the time and long afterwards, there was much speculation about the reason for Hess's coming to England. A day or two after it happened, I was dining with Masterman at the United University Club off Trafalgar Square. Brendan Bracken, who had iust come from supervising the interrogation of Hess, joined us for coffee. Bracken was of course a close collaborator of Churchill. Later that year, he became Minister of Information. He had been spending the weekend with the Prime Minister at Ditchley when the Duke of Hamilton arrived to announce Hess's landing. Bracken dimissed the prevalent theory that Hess was insane, saying that he didn't show any visible signs of mental disturbance and was behaving calnly and with digt ity. Hess claimed to be privy to the Fiihrer's intimate thoughts. Tfithout doubt, he was one of Hitler's closest friends. According to Hess, Bracken said Hitler admired Britain and despised the rest of the world, particularly the Bolsheviks. Hess said he knew that Hitler was ready to negotiate peace with Britain and was willing to offer terms that would mean hardly any loss to the British. Hitler supposedly wanted the return of former German colonies, the evacuation of Iran by the British, and acceptance of peace with Italy. Hitler also wanted a free hand in Europe. 'And Russia?' Masterman asked. 'The only thing he said about Russia,' Bracken answered 'was that Germany had certain demands against Russia that must be
boat blockade
'Hess had the effrontery to tell us rhat Hitler would not negotiate with Churchill or the present cabinet. Hess says he knows there are what he called "peace movements" and that if they were aware of Hitler's intentions they would contact him - Hess, that is - and oust the present government.' I couldn't help wondering how much our planted reports of low British morale might have influenced Hess - and evdn Hitler. It would be interesting, I speculated, if British Intelligence had unwittingly inspired the Hess incident.
'If you believe Hessr' Bracken said, 'Hitler is almost a humanitarian. He told us how much Hitler suffers because of the blitz, the women and children killed. He believes the blitz and the U-
front crushing everything in front of them, aircraft flattening towns and villages, hundreds of dead bodies in the ditches of roads, along which marched columns miles long of Russian
prisoners of war. I was overcome by a feeling of my own puniness in contrast to that military behemoth. For the first time, I was having the psychological DTs, the occupational disease of spies. I was alone without comrades in arms. I could practically feel the German tanks on the screen rolling over me, My shirt and forehead were soaked in sweat. I rushed out of the cinema into the fresh air and sun. It was a deep trauma. Even now, when I'm worried I can't
go to the cinema.
chapter eleven
Although all was ready for my departure - the FBI, I was told, eagerly awaiting my arrival - I postponed it from week to week, feeling I must see Johnny before putting the Atlantic between us. There was too much at stake, both in the American venture and in what I had set up already, to leave without a last consultation. At last a telegram arrived, coded as a business message, to inform me that Johnny was in Lisbon. I booked my seat on the
needed doing at the last minute. On zz June, two days before I went to Lisbon, Germany attacked Russia. There was jubilation in England. We weren't fighting alone any more.
A double whisky and a walk calmed me. That, and meeting the only friend I had in Lisbon. Johnny had the answer to my nightmare, 'Do you thinkr' he asked, 'that Hitler is a better general than Napoleon?'
'Hardly,' I replied. 'Then stop worrying. If Napoleon didn't break Russia, Hitler won't either.' Immediately on meeting Johnny I had got from him the story of his mysterious mission in ltaly. Mysterious because for the moment, we didn't know what was behind it. As often happens in intelligence, I got the piece to complete the puzzle shortly afterwards. It gave my journey to America greater urgency and was, I
thought, the maior intelligence coup of the war. On a secluded observation point of the Boca do Inferno cliffs overlooking the Atlantic outside Cascais, lohnny gave me the details of his special mission to Italy. The breakers thundered in underneath, and not a person was in sight to disturb us. 'Peculiarr' Johnny mused. 'The mission was for the Japanese.' 'In the south of Italy?' 'At Taranto. Major naval base there.' 'I remember, that's where the British fleet attacked and put half the Italian Navy out of action. But what have the Japanese to do with Taranto? And with you?' Foreign Minister, chap named Yosuke Matsuoka, came to Berlin at the end of March. He had a bevy of navy and army brass with him to hash out the military aspects of the Tripartite Pact. Some months before coming, the Japanese put in a request for the
was but,
astonishingly, so were the other Germans. They were celebrating the incredible German advances and the seeming rout of the Red Army, expecting a victory as rapid as those in France and the Balkan countries. In that atmosphere the explanations by the military experts that Russia was absorbing the first German attack and would fight in depth failed to console me. I was in a fit of depression, probably the unrecognized strain of the past year
contributing to it. One afternoon that week when I had to kill two hours, I walked into a movie in Lisbon, thinking it would divert me from the worries and apprehensions I was experiencing. The first thing I saw on the screen was a German newsreel, tanks on the Eastern
Dusko PoPozt
AbwehrtogetthemthedetailsaboutTaranto.TheAbwehrdoes know. places they ;; od; i"6 i", their intelligence boys, you can't go. Too easy to spot slittty eycs and yellow epideyi3'-N.ot couldn't resist a dig at the Nazis. ou, ;#&; "t1ie..,'lohnny ;ivJr, tG Abwehr Matsuoka repeated give them diin't
disagree with Berlin as to whom to attack. Hitler wants them to go up against British outposts like Singapore and Malaya' The irain oUJect of the Japanlse is fuel, and that means the Dutch East Indies. But in that area they'd have the United States to contend with.'
th. t.q.i.ti when he got to B!r[t', and Ribbentrop rose up on his toothpick less and stirted screaming at Canaris to do something'
'Then we can sleep calmly.' I expressed my confidence in the States. 'They'Il never take on the United States. It would be
pro-ballv lso1ta f;ffi;-t#Jio' the iob because s.o"mebodv in the Far people Abwehr The prestige' ;;-;" ;ould lend to the belonging firms trading t*o oI tsrwork uqder the cover jebsen of & j.b;en Shanghai-and in Jebsen & Co. ir-ily; part of the world. The 1#6rd which has offices all over that contacts in those firms.' through *.a. their request i;;;;;.i.;i '.so got your' I teased. 'were the Italians
that's where nepotisn with their great German ally?' cooperative --'fr; r; a point. The! were v9v ryu.ch on the defensive' trying w^hicf' to iuitity tiremselves. Blamed the whole thing -on surprise' fortistrongly a for not Especially of course, is no excuse in war. fied port.'
r.n".,"a 6n how difficult a surprise attack would be' 'But why are Taranto?' the ---;w"Tvl Japanese so interested in n.cause it shows how one successful attack may annihi
'Don't be too sure. Under certain circumstances they might' Hitler doesn't want the ]apanese to attack the Americans, but he'd still prefer them to be kept busy in the Pacific rather than have them here in EuroPe. 'I got an expert opinion on the situation from an old friend Barori Gronaui last week. Gronau was in Taranto with me, also for prestige. He's the German Air Attach6 in Tokyo and was one of our aces in the First world war. Also he's an intimate friend of Goering's. Gronau says the ]apanese will be forced into the war if Roosevelt keeps insisting that they evacuate China and Indo-china and above all if he declares an oil embargo against
tut.""-i"rl, part of
an enemy fleet. cunningham, the British to about a aLit.f" i"..k d hit aircraft iarrier, the lllustrioru' put out two he Then Taranto' from hundred and seventy miles They second' the nine dme, first the *"u., of bombers, iwelve which flares' and bombs, dropped a potpourri of torpedoes, the verv effective. The Japanese wanted every last detail: damage ships' "*i'!a anchored the pioiecting :ff;;;;.;s of the nets the workshops' J"". ,o the dockyards, the petroi installations, similar' thev've something pttnnittg ;;&;ht";. Now it thil're yardstick to go bY.' got --itia iuoUa be hef if itrey really attacked in strength,' I figured *oiii.a1";cunningham dido't use much, nineteen planes in all. I was wondering about Supposing someone put up hundreds?' .Do you think the Japanese Navy. t#'""i""irUility of tire Royal are coming into the war, JohnnY?' *:ii*f., ir pushing thim to cime in, but the pro-war clique.in they say' And then they also Japan is facing strJng opposition,
them. The Japanese Navy has about eighteen months' reserves of oil. Gronau says the logistics are that they'Il have to strike before the reserves drop below twelve months.' 'So the question is where.' 'If my calculated opinion interests your' he said, 'the Japanese will attack the united srares.' Then he dismissed it all with a wave of his hand to tell me the good news he had. 'Your family is together in Dubrovnik and I think I'll be able to keep them safe. Tf,e ltalians may be moving in there, and I put a word in with
them while I was in Taranto. As for the Ustachi5 they haven't managed to do anything in Dubrovnik yet. They've been damn bloody with the Serbs everywhere else - not that that's stopping that Lrother of yours, Ivo. He's thinking of moving back to
was what one expected of lvo. I had had other news of him' was medical officir with an army unit in Montenegro on the
and walked back home, stopping at a friend's on the way to borrow civilian clothing. In the confusion after the surrender, nobody bothered him and he escaped being taken as a prisoner of
Dusko Popozt
I also heard that one wing of our house in Belgrade was destroyed by a bomb that fell on a neighbouring buiiding the Royal Automobile Club. r,uckily, nobody was theie. ffre f"amily had left for Dubrovnik earlier.
chapter twelve
The Germans found my appointment as Delegate of the Yugoslav Ministry of Information ideal for their purposes. I could iustify my presence anywhere in the United States where there were'Yugoilavs, and since there were over a million of my expatriate countrymen, that meant iust about everywhete, in any fa-tory or dockyard. My official standing also would give me automatic entry into Washington political circles' 'How exactly am I to organize a spy network in the States?' I asked von Karsthoff at the start of our preparations for the
American venture.
nothing.' Then he explained, '\il[e don't want an organization-per se.We had that and iCcollapsed because there were too many links between agents. Do as you did in England. Make your own contacts and when you find someone likely, rely on your own judgment. If you are absolutely sure of a man, you have the authority to appoint him as a sub-agent. Run each agent separately and conclnttate on quality, not quantiry' A compact reliable-group will do better than a horde of amateurs like we had' And atove all, Ivan'- von Karsthoff's voice registered sincere concern - 'don't risk your life or your position. If you have the slightest doubt about anyone, let him drop.' Fo, ott.., the inevitable wait for a seat on the Pan-American Clipper to New York was fortunate. My official position with the
Dusko Popozt
SpylCountersb) r23
paper' lodion, you stick it on anything you want' Any old scrap of your luggage, on your skin if you want'
Yugoslavs was not sufficiently important to warrant an immediate priority, and for obvious reasons' British or American influence could not be used. Thanks to the wait I received the most important information of World STar II in the fanciest and most sought-after wrapper. Von Karsthoff was in a particularly jovial mood when I arrived at his villa that morning. He was in the garden, seated under an old pine tree, which protected him from the midsummer sun. A manila folder lay on the bench next to him. A smile as dazzling as the sun spread over his face as he greeted me with a hearty, 'Hello, Dusko, I've got something for you.' He pulled a familiarlooking sheaf of papers from the folder and extended it to me. A questionnaire. 'Not another,' I groaned, looking at the top of the sheet. The first paragraph was headed 'Naval Information'. I glanced at the second paragraph. It concerned the assembly of troops for overseas transport from the US and Canada. 'Back to school againr' I pretended to be disgusted. 'Okay, Herr Professor, I'll start memorizing.' 'No, no.' Von Karsthoff took the questionnaire away, preventing me from reading more for the rnoment. 'No mote memorization. Come.' He led me back into the villa and into his study. On an antique peasant table, oiled black with age, stood a gleaming microscope. 'Have a look.'Von Karsthoff motioned me to the instrument. I peered through it, fiddled with a dial to adjust it for my vision. I was seeing the first page of the questionnaire von Karsthoff had taken from me. He took me by the arm, pulling me away from the table. 'It's the mikropunkt. You are the first agent to get it. Here, I'11 show you how it works.' He extracted the glass slide from the microscope and handed it to me. Mounted on it was what looked like a speck of dirt. Von Karsthoff was like a child - or a father - with a new set of electric trains. He opened a small white cardboard pillbox, like a magician doing a trick, and showed me the contents, several small dots about the size of those over an e, similar to the one on the slide.
'Eliza'bethr' von Karsthofi called to his girlfriend, *iio *., typing in her little office off the study' 'bring us. i, *-" .hr-p"go".-'ittr-". glasses. You must toast this with you Do This little aoi r,riitt revolutionize our espionage system'
realize the immense possibilities it ofiers?' --i You could conceal a volume the size
reatired it only too well. of the Bible in you. p.rronal belongings and carry-it- undetected with ittr-"rgrt u"v control. i picked ont-of thi dots out of the box a even ;;;.;^ and placed it on the back of my hand' It wasn't
good-sized freckle. " 'Whr, about the apparatus to make them?'I asked' 'When do I g., oo.i TUti woUa really ofier p.ossibilities' Why' Ludovico' I Iould send you even the most detailed blue-prints'' . .-, -L. von Karsthoff said' Elizabeth came in wlth tne
are ch.*fugrr.'and he twirled the bottle in the ice bucket' 'You the first to the firsiagent to get the dots, and I promise you'll be year' Our of the end th.e by I hope maybe g., ift. ,iprrur,rJ ^ production the to simplify icientists are working overtime
method.' von Meticulously wrapping a napkin around the frosted bottle' your to Karsthofi poured tiiee-glasses and proposed, 'Here's success, Dusko. Yours and the Abwehr's'' best of We irank and I promised to put the microdots to the Discreetly' myself' to I thought ur". A question of interpretation, niirJ.rtt went back to her typing as soon as she finished her have to memorize the Jrs. a"a we went back to *Lit. i didn't discuss it' Picking up the list fiu.rtio""uire but I had to study and of ;ia;.tri""t I glanced at it whlle still sipping my second-glass was .iriptg".. Tf,is time I read further' The second heading
where ammunition dumpi and mine depots on the Isle of Oahu' myself' to I swore foot, my Pearl lfarbour is iocated. Tirpitzufer,
ThislinkedupwithTaranto.Herewastheanswertothequestio" yottn"y ,od I *"t" wondering about' This was the lapanese
'Here's what you dor' he explained. 'You take one of these, they're really little pieces of fi"Im, and with a tiny drop of col-
asked von Karsthoff' Pacific' sure we're not planning a campaign right now in the
SpyfCounterspy tz5 observe this quaint lack of chivalry. I was also informed not to wear black shoes, since Americans didn't favour them, and to wield my knife and fork in conformity with the American mannr. It all seemed and was superbly superfluous, since, as even my mentor admitted, I was openly and obviously a newcomer to the States and wouldn't be expected to be familiar with Arnerican ways. And even if I needed to adopt a disguise, my engineer friend suggested I borrow a Yugoslav or Middle European Jewish name. He also told me how to get what suffices for identity papers in the States by purchasing and getting title to a secondhand car under an assumed name, using a temporary hotel address. The same went for a driver's licence, which he explained also was sufficient for normal police checks or post office identification. Very difierent from the official identity cards required in Europe. Actually, I never had recourse to any of the American
'No, I have specific instructions about that. You are to go to Hawaii . . . and as soon as possible.' 'Very well.' The picture was developing nicely. The Tirpitzufer * or the Japanese - weren't asking an academic question. There was some urgency about it. The action wasn't for tomorrow but it was for soon. According to Baron Gronau it would be before the Japanese fleet reached the one-year point in fuel reserves. Not difficult at all to figure out. 'You'Il have to find an excuse for going therer' von Karsthoff remarked. 'Maybe medical. The climate is good. You can pretend to catch the grippe as soon as you arrive in New York.' 'Or he can run off on an amorous escapader' put in Elizabeth, who had just returned to the study. 'Then he won't have to pretend.' '$(ie'll leave the manner to our ingenious fvanr' von Karsthoff told his fianc6e. I wasn't sure if he was annoyed or not. Addressing me, he added, 'Jebsen probably told you how anxious Admiral Canaris is to get rapid results on this particular subject. Any way at all will do . . . carte blanche . . . just get there.' I communicated the news of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour to Lisbon MI6 post-haste. They got on to London, and I was instructed to carry my information personally to the United States, since I was leaving in a few days. Apparently, they thought it preferable that I be the bearer of the tidings, since the Americans might want to question me at length to extract the last bit of juice. Berlin was sparing nothing to ensure the success of my mission. The German expert for the United States flew to Lisbon to help in my education. He was a diesel engineer who had travelled all over the United States, but for my money, he should have stuck to engines. Rather pedantic, he ticked off a list of do's and don'ts in the States which sffuck me as elementary. Some of them I rather doubted were correct. Like take your hat off in a lift if a woman enters but don't do so if in a business lift. I never wore a hat - also a must, according to him - so I didn't have to
expert's tricks and ignored his tips on etiquette and conduct well.
I'm told that Ian Fleming said he based his character James Bond to some degree on me and my experiences. As for me, I rather doubt that a Bond in the flesh would have survived more thari forty-eight hours as an espionage agent. Fleming and I did rub shoulders in Lisbon, and a few weeks before I took the clipper for the States he did follow me about. Perhaps he developed what happened that night into a Bond adventure. $fhen the Germans got a signal from Tate that he had received the twenty thousand pounds from Mr Sand, true to their word, they handed me the equivalent in dollars minus a fair commission. A few intermediaries in the Abwehr assuredly greased their own palms in the transaction, but who cared? Supposedly, I was to transfer the money - approximately eighty thousand dollars to Sand's account in New York. Actually, I was to hand it over to MI6, but since the transaction took place in the evening, I was stuck with the money until I could make the necessary contact and arrangements the following day. Probably Ian Fleming got wind of thi deal. I came down from my apartment to the lobby of the Palacio Hotel, the packets of bills in the breast pocket of my evening jacket. I preferred to carry the money with me rather than cill attention to it by depositing it in the hotel safe. I noticed Fleming in the lobby but thought nothing more about it. Then I went tt a cafd for a drink before dinner, and there was Fleming
Dusko Popov
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skulking about outside. At dinner he appeared in the same restaurant. My senses were aroused, and I noticed that he followed me thereafter as I walked in deliberately leisurely fashion through the gardens leading to the Casino. To have a Naval Intelligence man on my tail at this point was amusing because I knew it was the money not me, that he was safeguarding. Besides, I was reasonably sure Fleming was operat-
irresponsible play will be prohibited. It is a disgrace and an annoyance to serious plaYers.' Fleming was recouping his sang-froid. He now had a smile on his face. Ilm sure he had seen through and was appreciating my comedy. And the Lithuanian was cured. Friends told me that he
I paused at a baccarat table. A favourite bte noire of mine was playing there; an insignificant-looking but wealthy Lithuanian named Bloch, who attempted to compensate for his tiny stature by arrogant play. When holding the bank he would never set a limit, as was customary. Instead, he'd announce haughtiln 'Banque ouverter' meaning the other players could bet as much as they wished. It was ostentatious and annoying, and not to me alone. Others had remarked the same thing. I don't know what devil was behind me, perhaps Fleming or the knowledge that he was there, but when Bloch announced 'Banque ouverter' and the croupier said, 'Les Messieurs debouts peuvent jouerr' in my coolest manner I announced 'Fifty thousand dollars.' Dipping my hand into my breast pocket I extracted the sheaf of bills and started counting the sum out on the green felt covering of the table. Even for the Estoril Casino in the fever of the war, it was a lot of money. The chatter stopped. Somehow the wager communicated itself to the other tables in the room, and all became silent. I glanced at Fleming. His face turned bile green. Obviously the Lithuanian didn't have that sort of money on him. He squirmed in his chair in embarrassment. 'I supposer' I addressed the chief croupier, 'that the Casino is backing this man's bet, since you didn't object to his "Banque ouvertet'.t 'The Casino never backs any player's stake, sirr' the croupier answered as I knew he would. Pretending irritation, I swept the money off the table and, putting it back in my pocket, said 'I uust you'll call this to the
observing the play at the different tables.
ing on his own without instructions. British Intelligence had enough confidence to entrust me with eighty thousand dollars. The secrets I carried in my head were worth much more. We strolled through the halls of the Casino, my shadow and I,
SpylCaunters?J r29
for the and distinguished, as befitted the surroundings, ioined me to New York. hop --[t'just a sorr of flying nursemaid,' Peppel joked._'Protoco-l'
Vou tno*. I'11 introduie yo,t to ourmy first and to the FBI man who will be in charge of you' And as to the you introduce seat''I'll his from up getting .tor.,'he said,
martinis'' He went to the ;;'Ameri."n" instiiution of dry glasses' frcsted two with returned bar and btipp.t him. 'Very kind of you, thanked I botherr' needn't
chapter thirteen
On ro August, I boarded the Pan American Boeing 3r4 flying New York. I had another appreciable sum of money in my pocket: forty thousand dollars given me the day before by von
boat at the Cabo Ruiva dock in the Tagus estuary for the flight to
"'t'oo really but I can manage my own introductions'' since 'Never, never reveal that to anyone' Bermuda is deathly York'' New go to to pretext the - war. I use every
company and valuable despite his prote.sts Pepper *r, -he "**irrg would be passed through In-rmig-ration of ,rs.iessness. Since I, I handed him my briefcase' It.was than easier and Customs
Karsthoff plus twelve thousand of my own and eight belonging to the Bailoni bank in Belgrade. The latter had been for the purchase of goods, which now could not be delivered. Instead of returning it to them in occupied Yugoslavia, the Bailonis, who were old friends, had asked that I hold on to it. In r94r, forty thousand dollars was a truly huge sum, and the fact that the Germans were willing to advance so much at one time was an indication of their confidence in me and of what I might accomplish in the States. When I needed more funds, I was to get them through a bogus Portuguese firm under German control. Supposedly the money would come from the sale in Spain of tin I had bought for Yugoslavia but which was not shipped because of her entry into the war. The big flying boat took off in the early afternoon. Its elegance and comfort were a reminder of prewar days. Dinner was served at a refuelling stop in the Azores: beautifully prepared fish fresh from the Atlantic. While we dined, the stewards made up comfortable berths, and we slept our way across the ocean to Bermuda. There, a British Intelligence Officer, John Pepper, tall
better, in fact,
old son' I'll give it York -'and he'll New in man our Ellis, to C6tin.t Ellis - Dick FBI for New of the chief is Foxworth gets it. see rhar Foxworth by the way' airport, the you at for waiting iork. The FBI wif be the introductions.' do to Customs fffi pi.t you up right outside et tn. Port rfi/ashington seaplane base, Pepper and I went close to through the pretence oflgnoring one-another' It took me Immigration'-Then-a of formalities i-tre t" n."l"t to g.t through me' Mr Popov?' ;;;g;; app"roached rie, saying, 'Will.you follow passed m.e o^n jo and immediately fl. gi, rne"through Customs of the back the In car' parked a to me n'an, whJ guided ".rori., Gable' Clark car sat a man I tock to be 'Let me inircduce myself,' he said as I slid in beside him' 'My I am to name is Charles Lehmin. I'm an officer of the FBI and business' cloak-and-dagger the all .*. of ycu. Sorry frr "t. precauticns, you understand' In case someone was watchUsual
more discreet
to have allowed
in the world was there a feeling of so much wealth and abundance. S(ralking aimlessln absorbing the feel of the ciry, I was impressed by its vitality. At the first bank f encountered, I
opened a checking account with a small sum of money by merely signing two cards. The absence of red tape was a pleasure. Broadway. The automobile district. I gazed in the showroom
meet Foxworth the next day. 'I'll ring your' he said, ,when Mr Foxworth is ready to see you. !(re'll meer in the lobby of the Rockefeller Centre. It is only a few blocks away from your hotel. Don't talk to me, just follow me.' He dropped me at the Waldorf Astoria, saying, ,Have a rest., A cold shower replaced the recommended rest, and a club sandwich ordered from room service restored me. I was anxious to see New York. Out of habit, before going out I locked my suitcases away in the closet, marking their exact positions witir faint pencil lines and placing a hair between the two sides of one of them before closing it. I walked out of the Waldorf and down Park Avenue. Nowhere
windows and was taken by a red Buick coupe with a sliding sunroof, which was a novelty then. In ten minutes, I had bought the car and had been guaranteed delivery registration included the following day. I wouldn't even have to come for it. The salesman promised to leave the car, keys, and papers in the hotel garage. Again, the ease and speed of the transaction impressed
The atmosphere pleased me. People didn't go around complicating life. Business was conducted in a proper business-like manner. More than to any country outside my own, I was drawn to the States. Lightheaded with the perfume of this completely different and new society, I returned to my room at the Waldorf Astoria early to be ready for the promising adventure of the following day. I rationalized what seemed to be my cool reception. There was undoubtedly a valid reason for it. Mechanically I unlocked the closet door and knelt to verify the position of my suitcases. They were no longer in line with the faint pencil marks. The hair I had placed berween the sides of my
large gladstone bag was no longer there. A hotel valet? The Geiman-American Bund? The FBI? Nothing was missing' That discounted a thieving employee. Berlin had gone to such pains to keep me untainted by its faltering American organization that I doubted they would have assigned anyone to check on me. The FBI? Perhaps yes, in an excess of caution and zeal. Calling it part of the game, I refused to be disturbed. As f had hoped, Lehman phoned in the morning, not losing too much time. He told me to meet him at eleven. I walked slowly to Rockefeller Center, running a check on a possible tail. Immediately on entering the building, I spotted Lehman scanning the direciory on the wall. He gave no sign of having-ntticed m"r-but he had. He walked back to a bank of elevators. I followed and entered the same car as he did. At the 29th floor he got out. So did I. We made a circle of the corridors and wound up back at the same bank of elevators. He touched the Up button but let the first elevator pass. Lehman pressed the button again. When the elevator doorJ std open, the solitary man in the cage gave him an almost imperceptible nod. We got in, and Lehman allowed himself to smile at both of us, but still didn't speak. \$0e shot up nonstoP to the forty-fourth floor, where I was double-marched through the reception room, down a short corridor, through a secretary's office, and into a large room.where a medium-sized man of about fifty stood, apparently waiting for me. He looked more like a successful lawyer than a regional chief of the FBI. He gave me the perfunctory'Glad to meet you' and got down to business right iway. 'I received the material you sent via Colonel Ellisr' he said. 'I'll be sending it on to Washington as soon as we have your amplifications on it.' I refrained from asking why it hadn't gone yet' If the Americans were to counter a Japanese attack, every twenty-four hours would count. It takes time to move armies and the mountains of material they consume. Much as I had come to admire the efficiency of American business, I was in the process of deciding that bureaucracy was the same the world over. Foxworth took the file I had given to Pepper out of a desk drawer and started to extract some papers from it. 'These must be in here by error,' he sai4 holding out some old bills, telegrams, and letters of mine. 'They're personal.'
SpyfCounterspy r33
'i\[ike is
'The third source, of course, is the questionnaire. If that is a trap, then it means my whole mission to the United States is window dressing. And that is just not possible. The rest of my mission is too impottant to the Germans. They wouldn't sacrifice it and me with it. Sooner or later you'd learn that you'd been had
studying the papers. Equally anxious, but about the conteni rather than the form, I ftrned to Foxworth, saying, ,Now, what can I explain ro you about that information?' 'Well'- Foxworth weighed his words - .it all looks too precise, too complete, to be believed. The questionnaire plus ttre other information you brought spell out in detail exactly where, when, how, and by whom we are to be attacked. If anyriing, it sounds like a trap.' 'Not when you know the sources - particularly the main source and the background. The main source is Johann Jebsenr, I answered, explaining precisely Johnny's history position, reli_ ability, and relationship. 'I can be categorical a-bout Jebsen. He would have warned me of a trap, no matter what. 'The second source is Baron Gronau. I don't think you can question his qualifications as an expert on Japan. If his information is exact, there's no reason to doubt his conclusions. you can expect an attack on Pearl Harbour before the end of this year unless the negotiations with the Japanese produce a definite result.' I couldn't read anything in Foxworrh's face. I might have been -. discussing the price of cabbages, but I knew that hi was absorb-
there. is nothing in secrer ink, so don't waite yoir time with developers.' He- looked a bit puzzled and went out without a word already
Foxworth explained. 'Call him in, Charles, please., I showed the expert called Mike the typewritren copy of the questionnaire. Ir was five pages long. Thin I handed irim the bills, telegrarns, and letters. 'All the text of the questionnaire is contained in these papersr' I told Mike. 'To simplify your task I'll tel you right now that
I would be blown.' Forworth was giving me a very penetrating look, and I could see him trying to evaluate my importance. $fas I a pawn to be
for me, you've had, I all due modesty' the British. $flith the know, a report from absolute faith in me. has agent and Abwehr considers me its top to that. A tpy testifies States United My assignment in the
network here is of primary importance, and for the moment they have nothing, or next to nothing.' 'That may ber' Foxworth answered candidly, 'but I wouldn't know. All arrangements for your coming to the United States were made directly between London and Washington.' 'Well then, with whom am I going to organize my mission? I was told you would be running me.' 'Probably, since I understand you are making New York your headquarters, but I'll have to get specific instructions directly from Mr Hoover.' At this point, Mike came back into the office looking as frustrated as I felt I must. 'I can't make head or tail of thisr' he complained. 'There are twice as many letters in the decoded text than in all the papers that you gave me. Normally it's the other way around. Are you sure there is something in these papers?' I instructed him to fetch a microscope. When he came back I took up one of the telegrams and explained about the microdot on
Mike looked at the telegram closely and shook his head, failing to find the dot. The others examined it as well and couldn't make it out either. I had to show them how to spot it by angling the paper under a strong light until a reflection caught the minuscule point of coilodion. Then I mounted the dot on a slide, and they took turns peering interestedly through the microscope.
Dusko Popoa
'Fascinatingr' Foxworth said. 'I'll teli you what I'll do. I'll take this to Washington myself. I'm sure Mr Hoover will be very amused. And while I'm there I can get instructions about you.' 'And in the meantime?' I asked. 'I should start collecting information and organizing my spy net.' 'Oh,' Foxworth replied vaguely, 'get yourself settled here in New York first.' My interview was at an end. There was no choice but to wait until Foxworth's retum from lfashington. Lehman escorted nne to the elevator. 'Are you going to sray on at the Waldorf, Dusko?' he asked. \X/ith the American informality that I liked, we were on a first-name basis already.
that I requested were promised within a week. The day after renting the apartment, I consulted a firm of interior decorators and chose my furnishings, and they also were promised in a week. My spirits lifted and I became even more enthusiastic about
American efficiency.
'No, f think I'll take an apartment, Charlie. Might as well if I am going to be working from here.' 'Good idea,' he said and it wasn't until a few weeks later that I realized his question was not idle chatter but irnplied criticism of my staying at one of New York's best hotels. With the help of a real estate agenr, I selected a penthouse apartment on the corner of Park Avenue and Sixty-first Street. The building had just been constructed, and the few alterations
5 The Honourable Ewen Montagu, then naval representative to the Double-Cross Committee
4 Colonel T. A.
6 Dickie Metcalfe,
chapter fourteen
Now that I was settling down to life in the States, I started to see to my social life. Among those tr contacted was an old flame for whom I had always maintained a very special spot in my heart. We had gone together in Paris before the war, and she was now in the States, having been cailed to Hollywood. She was the French movie actress, Simone Simon. Simone was working on a film in California, so except for the few times when she came to New York, we didn't see much of each other during my early days there. Later, when her hectic career permitted, we did manage to resume for a while the close friendship we had known in France. My association with Simone, too, aroused Mr Hoover's ire. While waiting for my new quarters to be ready and for the goahead from Foxworth, I decided to pay my respects to the Yugoslav Ambassador. I called Lehman to tell him I was going to Washington and hopefully asked him if I might report to FBI headquarters and perhaps receive instructions first hand. He couldn't answer on his own initiative, so he promised to call
'You are not to approach headquartersr' was the reply he had for me. 'Instructions will be given to you in New York on your retutn.' I went, I returned, I moved into the new apartment, I was settled in New York. Lehman came to see me' I took him on a
t36 Dusko
SpylCounterspy t37
tour of inspection. The penthouse was on the twenty-second floor, almost above the noise of the city. It consisted of a large living room, a study, a bedroom, and a good-sized balcony running all around it. He made no immediate comment but asked instead, 'What did you do with the sixty thousand dollars you
brought from Lisbon?'
had had built into the study. put in a checking account, it's all
'Could you let me have the cash for a few days?' he asked. 'The numbers on the notes may have a tale to tell.' I opened the safe and gave him all but a few hundred dollars, which I kept out for immediate expenses. He sat down at my desk to count the money, insisting on giving me a receipt. I poured him a drink, and as he sipped it his eye roved over the room. Finally he commented, 'I don't think Mr Hoover will approve of all this . . . of all this plush layout.' From boyhood on, I was used to considering my private life exclusively my own affair, so I answered, 'It's of no consequence whether he likes it or not. I trust he will iudge me by my work and by the results. And speaking of work, there's something we should take care of right away.' f wasn't giving him an opportunity to return to the subject that was no concern of his, nor of his chief. And I did have pressing matters to settle. 'I'll do what I canr'he hedged. 'It's nothing that requires a conference. I have to communicate with von Karsthoff, that's all. I'11 need the invisible ink John Pepper delivered to you. And can you prepare the cover text of a letter - something banal, as though it came from a merchant sailor? You know how to do that sort of thing better than I.' 'What about what you're going to write in secret ink? We'lI have to know what you're saying.' 'I've got to give them my address and telephone number in case they want to contact me, and advise them that I am making arrangements to go to Hawaii, perhaps next week. That's the first thing on my agenda. They are very eager for me to go, as you know.' 'I saw the questionnairer' Lehman commented dryly. 'But you didn't hear the verbal instructions. Their advice was that I find a good excuse, and look, Charlie, I don't want to shock
word. I do what every man does or would do if he had the opportunity. The only difference is I'm not hypocritical. I don't attempt to hide it.' 'Christ, Dusko, I'm not criticizing your' Charlie said. 'I'm doing my job. Who is the girl? We'll have to know.' 'Name is Terry Brown, English, beautiful, if you need that for your records. She came over here to get away from the blitz. She is rich but couldn't take much money out because of the currency regulations, so she makes a living as a fashion and photographic model. All she knows is that we're off for a week's frolic in the
sun. Okay?' 'Well' - Lehman massaged his cleft chin - 'I have no instructions, but go ahead and make the preparations anyway. I'll let you know as soon as I get the go-ahead.' A week passed before I had news from Lehman. He called to tell me to meet him in one of the large hotels near Pennsylvania Station. That was the arrangement we now had for our rendezvous. The FBI thought it was too dangerous for him to come to my flat or for me to visit their offices. Charles would take a room in one of the big transient hotels around Thirty-fourth Street and ring me to give me the room number and the time of the meeting. My instructions were never to take a taxi directly to the hotel. I was to change cabs once or twice, and also go into a movie house and then out again immediately. lfhen I first got those instructions, I thought the FBI must have learned that the Germans had someone on my tail. It turned out, though, that those were the
usual FBI precautions. As soon as I entered the hotel room Lehman told me without any preliminaries, 'The trip to Hawaii is off.' 'Oh no,' I said, stunned. 'I've got to go there. Don't you realize
the founding fathers and Puritans, but the excuse they suggested was a girl. It seems I have the reputation of being a playboy and taking a girl on a trip fits my cover. Like this apartment.' I couldn't refrain from placing a barb. 'And are you a playboy, Dusko?' 'I don't like labels, Charlier' I answered. 'Playboy is a silly
was still unthinkable to me that we wouldn't lead the Germans down the garden path. I tried to convince Lehman, or rather the FBI through him. 'If the Germans find out I never
SpylCounterspy r39
someone looking like his half-brother was sitting on a stool, his fist enveloping a glass of beer. 'Sorry to disturb you, Mr Popovr' said the beer drinker, 'but you are registered in this hotel as man and wife with a girl you're not married to.' Itrouse detectives, tr thought. I'd heard stories about such situations. I was facing perfunctory puritanism or a shakedown. 'I don't know a better rnethod of sharing a bedroom with a girlr' I took the humorous approach. 'I'm sure things can be cleared up. Let me go fetch my wallet.' 'Nothing can be arranged that wayr' said the spectre from the beach, and they both produced FBI identification cards. Still an innocent, I was relieved and told them, 'I have some friends who are colleagues of yours in New York. S/ould you care to give them a ring? They may straighren rhis our.' 'We are here on orders from Washingtonr' they informed me, 'to warn you that you are breaking the Mann Act. The Mann Act, Mr Popov, makes it a federal offence to cross a stare line with a girl for imrnoral pufposes, in case you don't know. Our orders are to have you send that girl away immediately or we will have to
if only because I
'Two weeks?'
Lehman shrugged and the realization filtered through to me that the FBI wasn't planning to send any information about Pearl Harbour. 'How about sending something else? On another subject. Anything to string them along.' Poor Lehman was really at a loss. We knew each other well enough now to be friends, and he was the sort of man to like me
was trying
to do my job. 'Mr Hoover will be here in New York in two weeks,'be said lamely, 'and will see you He shrugged again.
information, but he is at a loss, too. There must be a hitch somewhere between your people, the British Security Coordination, I mean, and our office in Washington. They'lI have to sort it out between them. There is nothing we can do about it in New York. Just relax, take it easy for a couple of weeksr' he advised me
threw him a glance that said just about everything and walked out of the room. If I had to take it easy for a couple of weeks, I wasn't going to sit like a petitioner in New York waiting for my audience with ]. Edgar Hoover. Pretending that I had some business matrers thar required me to stay within easy communication of New York, I proposed to Terry that we go to Florida instead of Hawaii. Sun is sun, and she hadn't had a holiday in over a year. Her happiness and enthusiasm were contagious. We hopped into the Buick and rwo days later were lying on the sand in Miami in the hot
September sun.
While on the beach the day after our arrival, my attention was a man who was standing in the middle of the beach fully dressed including hat and tie. He was waving ar someone imperatively. I looked around me to see the object of his gestures and realized he was signalling to me. Terry was half asleep. I asked her to excuse me and followed the man, who fitted my conception of an American gangster, to the beach bar. There,
drawn to
'And supposing I refuse?' 'Washington isn't kidding, Mr Popov. We have orders to take you in. It will cost you a minimum of a year and a day in prison.' 'Okay.' I held my temper. 'I'll take her back to New York. We'll leave tomorrow.' 'Nor' the one at the bar ordered, 'you'll put her on a plane today and return alone. Otherwise you'll be breaking the Mann Act several times before getting to New York.' Terry didn't believe my story about hotel detectives and the Mann Act. Her eyes filled with tears when I said I would have to put her on the plane immediately. She never spoke to me again. I'm sure she thought I wanted to get rid of her for some nefarious purpose. I regret that I hadn't the sense to have told a good lie and spared her feelings. During the lonely two-day drive back to New York, I rehearsed what I would tell Foxworth, Hoover, and the whole FBI. But the only one I could see was Lehman, and I couldn't release my fury on him. He was too abashed. All he would say was, 'Sort it out with rhe Boss.' Another ten days passed before I
t4o Dusko
got a chance to do that. Foxworth phoned to say that I was to come to his office at once. J. Edgar Hoover encountered me. I use the word advisedly. There was no introduction, no preliminaries, no politesse. I walked into Foxworth's office, and there was Hoover sitting behind the desk looking like a sledgehammer in search of an anvil. Foxworth, dispossessed, was sitting silently in an armchair
'I can catch spies without your or anybody else's help,' Hoover barked. 'What have you done since you came here?'
'Sit down, Popov,' Hoover yelped at me, with an expression of disgust on his face. I sat in the chair across the desk from him. Now, if ever, was the time for diplomacy. 'I'm running the cleanest police organization in the worldr' Hoover ranted. 'You come here from nowhere and within six weeks install yourself in a Park Avenue penthouse, chase film stars, break a serious law, and try to corrupt my officers. I'm telling you right now I won't stand for it.' He pounded the desk with his fist as though to nail the words into my brain. 'I don't think,' I said quietly, 'that a choirboy could perform my job, but if I've caused trouble, I pray you, forgive me.' Hoover turned to look at Foxworth, his face grim, not quite able to judge if I was serious or pulling his leg. From over his
shoulder he gave me a long, penetrating look, turned away again,
saying not to me but to Foxworth, 'He may leave now.' I lit a cigarette and settled back in my chair. The moment had
gave it to him straight. 'Mr Hoover, my apologies were purely an exhibition of manners meant to take the edge off your unjustified remarks.' Hoover turned purple and choked out, 'What do you mean?' 'I did not come to the United States to break the law or to corrupt your organization. I came here to help with the war effort. I brought a serious warning indicating exactly where, when, how, and by whom your country is going to be attacked. I brought to you on a silver salver the newest and most dangerous intelligence weapon designed by the riID!: something your agents have been trying to unearth for over a year and failed at. It could have done much harm if not discovered in its initial stage. But mainly, I came to help organize an enemy agent system in your country, which would be under your control and your orders. I think that is quite a lot to start with.'
It seemed to cakn him. you?'he kind of a bogus spy are said accusingly. 'None of 'What their agents have contacted you since you arrived, as far as we know.' For a moment I was shaken. Was it possible that no one had explained to Hoover the Abwehr's purpose in sending me to the States? Or if it had been explained, could he have not understood? In either event, I was faced with the problem of explaining to that impatient and irritable man sornething that should have been clear to him from the beginning. I tried. 'In the last few months, you have successfully broken up the existing German information organization in the United States. Obviously, they have to replace it with a new organization. I am the one, or one of the persons, who was entrusted with that task. I am not to contact any of their old agents now or in the future, and none of them knows of my existence. I am to build an o.rganization of my own. To stay on in the job, I must produce results; that means information and new agents. Up to nol I've been permitted to do exactly nothing.' 'You're like all double agentsr' Hoover interrupted me. 'You're begging for information to sell to your German friends so you can make a lot of money and be a playboy.' 'I'm not a spy who turned playboy. I'm a man who always lived well who happened to become a spy. The Germans believe, just as you do, that I work for them for opportunistic motives. They expect me to live the way I always have, and if just to please you I accept a lower standard, they'll become suspicious. But please believe me, if it helped our common cause, I would be willing to live on bread and water in the worst slum you could find. 'As for the information you say I'm begging from you, the object is obvious. You cannot expect a crop if you don't put in the seed. You cannot deceive the enemy if you don't . . .' A sneer from Hoover stopped me. He turned to Foxworth and said, 'That man is trying to teach me my job.' Foxworth didn't reply, his face was twisted into what might be taken for a smile.
Hoover breathed in deeply and noisily.
SpylCountersPy r43
Dttsko Popoo
the futility of it all. 'I don't think anyone could teach you anything,' I told the FBI chief, and walked toward the
I recognized
'Good riddancer'he screamed after me. I felt more horror than disgust, and my morale hadn't been so low since Dunkirk. There goes the ballgame, I thought to myself in American argot as I walked home. Hoover was handing the Germans a victory of incalculable proportions. I rang Colonel Ellis to report on the fiasco with Hoover and to prepare a strategic retreat. He asked for a day or two to see what went wrong and to seek advice from u(/illiam Stephenson, head of British Security Coordination. Stephenson, Ellis sai4 was the only man in British Intelligence who could handle Hoover, perhaps because he was Canadian and Hoover was less xenophobic with him than with a European. I roamed my apartment like the caged animal I had become. Leaving seemed the only solution. I told Ellis as much when we met for lunch two days later. 'Hoover is a very difficult man,' Ellis understated diplomatically, 'but you have to understand that he rescued the FBI from
perhaps some people.' ' 'B,ri if I stay hire and do nothing,' I objeaed, 'I'11be finished with the Germans anylvaY.' 'True. But it would oniy be you. And'he said rubbing his chin thoughtfully, 'I'm not sure that this episode has to end so badly''
'No, we must give Stephenson a chance. He may fix matters' It's been known to hupp*. You see, Hoover pulls tantrums like that every day, sometimes with his best friends.' 'Is he ieally the best America can offer to run an intelligence
'For the moment, he is the only thing it has to offer' His is the only organization that exists. Mind you, if the United States enters ih" *"., as looks likely, something better and more efficient undoubtedly will come along. But America is still uncommitted, and Hoover probably thought you were warmongering. Most times that is what he thinks of all of us.' -I waved my hand at him wearily. 'Please, no more excuses'' 'All right, ,ro -o." excuses. But you hold tight awhile' Give Stephenson a chance. He has connections.' I learned sometime later that the 'quiet Canadian', as stephenson was known, had entry to President Roosevelt whenever he wished. I returned to my vigil. It wasn't a lonely one, and but for the contretemps with Hoover, I was enjoying New Yotk and was still impressed with the United States. Lehman contacted me as though nothing had happened' 'I'd like your helpr' he said when we met as usual in a Pennsylvania ,You are a friend of Samuel Finkelstein, aren't Station hotei. you.' ' 'You're pretty well informed, Charlie.'I smiled' 'But I'm not his friend. i{e's in acquaintance. !7e met in Lisbon.' you 'He is in New York now, living in a hotel uptown' Could I your friendship? meet him' as though by accident, and renew a he is mean, acquaintanc-ship. We have good reason to believe German agent. Perhapi they blackmailed him into becoming one, but we would like to know for sure' I knew about Finkelstein. MI6 in Lisbon had warned me that
the corruption into which it had fallen during the Harding administration. That was in t9z4,but I think he is still obsessed with the idea that it may have a relapse. He is very mistrustful of
anyone who tries to mix in his affairs.'
'Colonel Ellisr' I protested 'those are apologies for the man. They don't do any good. They don't change the facts. And the
facts are that he is obstructing some very important work.'
'I know, I knowr' Ellis lamented. 'He's a heavy-handed policeman, and we've had a lot of failures in our dealings with him. Still, the man's not unintelligent and he is honest.' 'From where I sit,'I sai{ 'he would be more suited to Hitler's team than ours. And to all intents and purposes that's where he is.' 'Dusko !' the Colonel rebuked me. 'Sorry that's the way I see it. There's no use my sitting around New York any more. Let's try to get me back to London with the least amount of damage.' Ellis shook his head sadly and said, 'You are at an impasse,
Dusko. You can't go back to London. Not yet. Your sudden return would ruin your reputation with the Germans, but what's
SpylCountnspy r45 after a few yards, lost the trace. There seemed to be no more wire. tore up the carpeting. The wire led nowhere, the switch was a dummy. The FBI could listen in whenever it pleased. Not only that, I continued my investigation and found that my living room and bedroom were bugged as well. Fuming, my first impulse was to tear out all the wires and wrap them around Lehman's neck. Then reason prevailed. I thought of the efforts British Intelligence had made to mend my clash with Hoover. Obviously the FBI still didn't trust me) but we had made some slight progress nevertheless. Still, I wasn't going to live in a bugged apartment. I not only believe in the privacy of the individual, I practice it. I enveloped the microphones in the living room and the bedroom with four inches of cotton wadding. That put the ball in the other court, and the reaction came in fortyeight hours. Lehman called to ask me to meet him at r4oo hours. I agreed, birt warned him I might be a bit late because I had a luncheon appointment. The appointment was bogus. At noon sharp, I left the house, making a point of asking the doorman to get me a taxi only after I came downstairs, in order to give anyone who might be watching ample time to spot me standing in front of the building. I boarded the cab, made sure we weren't being followed and after a few blocks told the driver to return to the service entrance of my house on Sixty-first Street. I took the service elevator up to my flat and installed myself quietly in the living room. From where I sat, a mirror reflected a view of the entrance hall and the
'Sorry can't help, Charlier' I said. 'I couldn't testify for you as without lousing up my position. Finkelstein is small fry at best, so it would hardly pay to feopardize everything. I mean in England. I'm already screwed up here, or didn't you know?' 'You won't be asked to testifyr' Lehman promised. 'And it
a witness
listen in.
would help. Help you.' 'You mean it would make your boss cooperative?' 'Yes, perhapsr' Lehman turned on his photogenic smile. 'Then by all means,'I agreed. 'Mr Finkelstein and I will renew our friendship.' Charlie mapped out his plan. I was ro run inro Finkelstein accidentally and invite him to my place for a drink. The FBI would plant a microphone in my study controlled by a switch I could throw to put us on the air whenever I wanted the FBI to
encourage him to talk about himself. The FBI would take care of the rest. I gave Lehman a key to my apartment and arranged to
accepted by, the Army Air Corps and served honourably throughout the war. Successful or not, the FBI paid ofi for my cooperation. Lehman transmitted to me some minor information - nothing very hot * about aircraft and tank production and some budget figures for r94r and ry42 relating to rearmament. It was at least something to pass on to the Abwehr and gave me some hope that Colonel Ellis was right. Perhaps all the bridges weren't blown, and we could still work with the FBI. One idle afternoon, I looked a bit too closely ar the bug the FBI had installed in my study. I traced the wire running from the switch with which I was supposed to be able to turn it on and off at will. The wire ran under the inlaid carpering. I followed it but
The plan worked well, except that Finkelstein didn't reveal any confidences. I invited him up again a few days later, again with no results. 'Try some morer'Charlie insisted, (we must get that sonofabitch.' I tried but Finkelstein didn't talk. Anyway, probably he had nothing to say. A short time later he volunteered for, and was
front door. At about twelve thirty I heard a key being fitted into the lock and saw the door opening slowly. I coughed a few times. The door closed silently, but despite the rugs in the corridor I could hear the hurried steps of two men going toward the staircase. I kept my appointment with Lehman. He had nothing to say to me that couldn't have been said over the phone. 'Come on, Charlie, you didn't get me down here to pass the time of day. Let's put our cards on the table. You want to know why the microphones in my bedroom and living room are dead.' He opened his mouth as though to prorest but couldn't find the words. I waved him to silence. 'Wait, I'll tell you why. I packed them with cotton. And I tumbled to rhat phoney switch you had
Dusko Popozs
SpylCounters7y r47
facts and too loyal tc criticize his organization. 'Don't say anything, Charlie. There's no point and holding it against you. I'll take it up with your boss.'
Before seeing Foxworth, I conferred with Colonel Ellis, to I told the whole humiliating tale. He could do nothing but
think I've heard it called. Now I want to fight even more) now that my country' my family, my friends are involved. In addition I'm a sybarite, a playboy, a no-good bastard, if you wish' But I'm also the person ihe Abwehr sent here, and you've got to work with me. If I fail, you're going to have another Abwehr man here, and he won't be a British Intelligence agent. He won't be on your
'Any intervention from us would do more harm than goodr' Ellis estimated. 'Hoover is very iealous about any interference with his organization, especially from the British.'
'So we are back where we started fromr' I complained grimly. 'Hoover would rather pillory me than let me help him. Does he really expect to catch spies with a policy like that? And to catch them before they do any harm?' Ellis answered despondently. 'I'm sure he expects to get every last one of them. I can only recommend to you that you try to persuade Foxworth to intervene. Perhaps if he makes a strong enough case to Hoover . . .'
'Don't you think the question of Mr Hoover's taste and my personality should be secondary? All I'm asking is that you le-t me g.t oo with my work. Under your orders. You're aware of what I iia itt England. I can accomplish the same thing here' That's what I've been sent to do. The Germans are practically making you a present of their espionage system in the United States and you're reiecting it. My God, man, what more do you want?' Foxworth lJoked at me with composure. He was not angered, nor to my relief did he try to justify what had happened' He aiked what I had been hoping for: 'V/hat action do you
one but hundredsr' I answered. 'In England, British Intelligence formed a special committee to run a team of double-cross ,i.ot, such as I mean to recruit. The committee is composed of rJpresentatives of all the various intelligence services Army,
'I expected he would,' I answered. 'But I didn't come here to complain on a personal level.' Foxworth looked relieved. So was f, because he looked receptive as well. Not that I doubted his sincerity or integriry. Or his intelligence. He had all those qualities, as did Lehman, but I didn't knorv to what point he jumped when Hoover cracked the whip. I-delivered what I intended as my peroration. 'Mr Foxworth, correct me if I'm wrong, it is my understanding from British Intelligence that your organization was consulted about my coming and was in full agreement.' 'I believe that was the case.' 'Well, since I arrived here, two months have elapsed and nothing has been accomplished. I know that as a person I'm not Mr Hoover's cup of tea. I'm just one of those Balkan savages.' I couldn't avoid the sarcasm. 'I'm suspect. I joined the fight even before my country got into the wat. A premature antifascist, I
N"ty, Air
Force, Foreign Office, Civil Defence. Backing them up are a lot of executive officers and staff members, experts on everything that might be concerned. They select and filter the information"that is to- be passed to the enemy. Everything is coordinated
other services. You can see I'm not suggesting a one-man show with myself as the man. This is a tremendous undertaking that requires the cooperation of everyone.' 'I knowr' Foxworth said. There was a note of discouragement in his voice. 'That's the trouble. Theoretically, the FBI is concerned only with counterespionage in the united states. Believe me, Mr Hoover is doing a marvellous iob of that, but he is limitinghis intelligence activities to rhat alone. I'm not sure that he is ea!.. to allow other services to mix in our work. However, I'll say thii, the aim you propose is worth having a go at.' His slight encouragement sufficed to make me return to my
theme with enthusiasm.
t48 Dusko Popou 'Of course it is. Look, the main obiect of counterintelligence is to thwart the enemy's agents. If you can do that by creating double agents, it is even better than catching them. Otherwise, every time you catch a spy the Germans will send over a substitute. If we form a net of, say, ten to fifteen FBI officers posing as Abwehr men, the problem is solved once and for all. There'll be no more new spies or very few. And if I'm allowed to put through this scheme I can almost guarantee catching those few. Through my contacts in the Abwehr we reached the point in England of knowing an agent's identity before he arrived. It will work the same way here. And in addition to all this, we'll be handing the Nazis a load of phoney information.' 'All rightr' Foxworth said, 'let's see if we can make a start. The first thing a spymaster should have is a proper communication system. Supposing we set up a short-wave radio sender for you? How would you go about doing that if you were a real German
SpylCounterspy t49
Abwehr with a fait arcompld. I won't wrire to ask for permission. I'll write saying that I have the possibility of setting up a rransmitter and am going to Rio de ]aneiro ro get full technical and operadng instructions from headquarters there. It would be impossible for me to go to Lisbon for instrucions anyway - I wouldn't have a good cover for it - but I can go to South America as part of my job for the Yugoslav Ministry of Information. I know it will be okay with the Germans if I go to Rio to consult
to me the first thing a spymaster should have is held my tongue. 'The Abwehr didn't give me any instructions about radio,' I said considering the problem carefully. 'I was given a book code and invisible ink for communication, that's all. But . . . I think if I informed the Abwehr that I've found a trustworthy operator who could build a transmitter, I could get an okay.' 'That's the way we'll start, then. We put the last transmitter the Nazis had out of action. It's quite likely they're itching to have a new one. I think the scheme will appeal to the big boss.' Suddenly, I saw through Foxworth's generous offer. The tipoff was the 'appeal to the big boss'. The Abwehr wasn't all that anxious to have a transmitter. If they were, they would have instructed me to set one up. It was obviously Hoover's idea, and I could imagine his reasoning: if the Germans had a transmitter they would notify their spies to use it, and the FBI would haul them in like fish in a net. I knew it wouldn't operate that way, but I could never convince Hoover of that. The Abwehr wouldn't send any spies to use the transmitter because they didn't want me compromised by the existing organization. However, I decided to play along; perhaps this little puff of wind would start the ship moving. 'On second thoughtr' I told Foxworth, 'I think I'll present the
spies, but
Alfredo.' Alfredo was the code name for the Abwehr's top agent in Latin America. He was well established in Brazil as direcror for South America of the AEG, the Algemeine Elektrizitets Gesellschaft, a maior German electrical manufacturer. Alfredo operated a powerful transmitter, code-named Bolivar, and much of the traffic for the Americas was funnelled through him. Foxworth had no objection to my going to Rio but wanted to knrjw what I would do there for the Yugoslavs. My cover, I explained, would be the thousands of Yugoslav immigrants in Brazil. The government-in-exile was campaigning to recruit the able-bodied young men there for the army it was forming in Cairo. It was offering twenry-one dollars a month, the pay rate of the American GI, and that was an attractive sum to my poor fellow countrymen, mainly Dalmatians who had been duped into going to Brazil in the lean years after the First World Itrfar. They had been given contracts by Brazilian ranch owners promising them fifty to a hundred acres of rich land to be paid for by four or five years' labour. After starting to work on the isolated plantations, they discovered that they were indentured for life. Their employers - among them the local police chiefs, mayors, and judges - ran company stores, where they were obliged to purchase at high prices. Just to stay alive, the Yugoslavs had to spend more for food and clothing than they earned. Each year found them deeper in debt. The only solution was to run away. Most of them did, ending up in the industrial cenrres, mainly in S5o Paulo, only to find conditions at times worse. Jobs, when and if they could be found, were paying fifty cents a day. Soldiering for twenty-one dollars a month and a chance to retum home eventually would certainly appeal to many of them, and I hoped for a good crop of recruits. That was my cover for taking the trip. I also needed a cover for
r5o Dusko Popozt
the Germans, something to iustify the months spent in the States. I couldn't arrive in Rio, where communication was easy, without some information for the Abwehr. I asked Lehman to see what he could do about procuring it. He busied himself in Washington, and I thought that at last the gears were moving. When he produced the material I was to take to Rio I was flabbergasted. I could have clipped the same thing out of one week's newspapers. There was no use arguing with him, he was a messenger boy. I went to the New York Times building on Forty-third Street and leafed through the editions of the last six weeks. I selected about ten times the material that the FBI had given me; facts and and the like. Exercising my imagination, I trimmed and dressed these findings and dreamed up sources to whom they could be attributed.
chapter fifteen
New York via Pan American Airways. night, Miami of bitter memoriesl second, Bel6m, in the Brazilian state of Para, where the main offbeat tourist attraction was a still-functioning slave marker. Men, girls, and young boys, penned in wooden cages, for sale at a few dollari a h1ad, a reminder of the concentration camps on the other side of the Atlantic that I hadn't expected to see here. The third night, the glitter_and glamour of Rio and the Copacabana palace liotel by way of contrast. The AEG offices were large, smart, and modern. I walked in unannounced and asked for Alfredo. ,Ludovico sent mer' I told the carefully groomed man who came out to greet me. .My name is lvan.' 'f was expecting you.' Alfredo put his arm amund my shoulder and conducted me to his private office. His welcome was warm. My star had not yet completely fallen with the Gernnans. I gave Alfredo the information I had brought along and a poor excuse to go with it. I told him I had sent the main crop directly to Lisbon and hoped I wouldn't be caught up in the lie. I added 'my cover job wirh the yugoslavs -'Unfortunately,' takes up too much of my time. I hope they will give mJa few assistants soon, though, so I can free myself for our work. The way things are, it is taking more time than I thought to establish a secure net of agents.'
was three days from $ti First
r5z Dusko
SpyfCountersp! r53
am sure Berlin understands your problems,' he said I hear you did spoil them by the job you in England.' wonderful did 'England isn't Americar'I said, for want of anything better. That anodyne set him off on a bunch of clichds about how Germany was going to conquer Russia this year, England the next, and bring the United States to terms bloodlessly because
shalt try to make similar arrangements for you. They can send
the Americans were soft. Since that was the mentality of Herr Alfredo, I decided to win his friendship by a complementary series of oft-told fables. I recounted stories about the strength and influence of the America First movement and of widespread dissatisfaction in the States caused by the sentences against German agents. 'People wonder
it to Canada.' 'Isn't that rather roundabout?' 'No, the transport from horne to here is easy and I have the means to send things to Canada. A cotton exporter here is in my pay. One can hide a lot in a bale of cotton. The shipment will go with a Portuguese captain who is also under my control. So is the shipping agent in Canada. I can get it to you anywhere in Canada, although Mcntreal cr Quebec would be preferable. From there you'll have to pick it up and get it into the States. That should be
the materiai to me, and I wiil forward
relatively easy frr you, nc?' 'I'm sure I can handle it,' could ask from the FBI.
in the United
'Too many for my sort of workr' I answered. 'I like to swim in clear waters entirely surrounded by enemies. Then you can spot your friends easier. In the United States, one never knows if one is dealing with an agent proaocateur.ln England, it was easy.' Alfredo was a caricature of a Nazi, yet exactly the type I had observed on this side of the Atlantic. The little comedy I played for him worked and put me in his confidence. 'Would you mind helping me solve some minor problemsr' he asked, 'some information I need from the States? I would like the answers direcdy. I think I can sort them out better than they can in that big mill on the Tirpitzufer.' 'Gladlp' I told him, 'just add them to the new questionnaire that Ludovico sent you for me. You can put them on microdots, can't you?' I fished. 'Of course,' he boasted, and showing me six or seven typewritten pages said 'You don't think I'd ask you to memorize all that.' 'I was promised a machine to produce microdots, too.' I simulated envy. 'Do you have any idea when I'll get one ? ' Alfredo approved of zeal. 'I'll help you get one,' he promised. 'It is partially a question of transport, and I can solve that. Knowhow is also a big problem. Berlin will probably do for you what they did for me. They sent me both the material and the experts.
Like the efficient business executive he was, Alfredo started making notes, listing exactly what we would have to do. 'It will save us a lot of unnecessary cornmunications and maybe misunderstandings if we figure out everything nowr' he explained. 'So here is how we shall operate. The material will take a good month to reach Canada after leaving here. My Portuguese Captain runs a tramp steamer and puts into many ports. I'll send you a radio signal throt'gh Bolivar when he weighs anchor. It will say that I have handed the money to a bald-headed doctor. Exactly thirty days after getting this message, go to Quebec and check in at the ChAteau Frontenac. Once you are in the hotel, pretend that you are ill. A grippe or something that you can recuperate from fast. Wait for the bald-headed doctor to call on you. This is one doctor who comes without being summoned. His prescription will tell you exactiy where tc pick up the apparatus, and he will give you any other details you need to know. Is that
all clear?' 'Very clear.' 'Good.' He started making notes again. 'Now, about the information you need for the radio ffansmitter: wave length, identification signals, radio code and signals fcr communication with Hamburg and Bclivar, listening and sending times and . . . oh, I'll have it all put on a microdot fcr you.' My sojourn in Brazil stretched to three weeks. Apart from seeing Alfredo, which I did several times, I had to take care of the recruiting for which I had ostensibly come. There was no faking when it came to a cover. I saw various officials, organized a
t54 Dusko
SpylCountenPY r55
programme, and went around making speeches' On the side, I enioyed Rio, maintaining my reputation as a bon vivant. Aifredo's private questionnaire' the answers to which I was to give him eiclusively, deceived me. It looked as though the Germ"ns had downgraded me to commercial espionage. The questions were' among other things, about uranium, and I hadn't tle faintest clue what use that obscure ore was to be put to. If Alfredo knew, he gave no indication of it' Nothing in his attitude even hinted at the race for the atornic bomb. Alfredo gave me a list of three firms and rhe names of their representatives who had been combing South America for uranium mines. He wanted to know bow they processed the ore, to what degree of purity' by which method, the quantity they processed, and the amount they
want to buy some semi-precious stones to take back to the States with me. They were part of the window dressing of my voyage,
I mentioned to Alfredo
would give to friends. The next time we met, Alfredo had at his office a Seflor Carlos Almadero, a Brazilian
stone trader.
'Seflor Popov may want to go into the business of importing gems to the States,' Alfredo announced to Almadero. And to me' ioo. It was the first I knew of such business aspirations. 'He will only take a few samples now but will write to you if he needs more. Please serve him proPerlY.' Almadero spread out a vast collection of stones for me to choose from and promised to fill whatever needs I had' 'Therer' Alfredo said with satisfaction when the gem rnerchant left, 'now you have the perfect mail drop. You can write to Almadero in secret ink or using microdots when you get them' He is a kind of partner of mine and letters to him will reac-h me directly.' Afrldo was a remarkably efficient spymaster, coping with and profiting by every situation. The only thing he didn't know-was itrat t rEpotted everything about him to the regional FBI officer who contacted me in Rio. My business in Rio at an end' I faced the return to New York with much misgiving. I would be able to accomplish nothing there until the airival of the Portuguese skipper. Even the setting up of the radio transmitter would be no concern of mine, since
the FBI would be doing it. No, I would simply be returning to the harassment of the F-BI. I cancelled my plane reservation and booked passage on a ship. Two weeks of relaxation, I rationalized' would tnake ti. better prepared to face that hornet's'nest' AmongthepassengersontheshipwastheentireColonelde On Basil Bafht .o-proyit.turning from a South American tour' a with island the explore to i.t was I out trop at frinidad the \ilfe watching rail the by stood ballerina named Dora. 9!1o1 and planning our day. 'l-short, extremely freckl:d 6o,;*;h man with thin red&sh haii, very British, climbed up the ladder iro- tt. pilot boat and a few minutes later approached us and if he might have a few words with me' asked discieetly -Wr.n, I'I show you my credentials later" he said 'I'm Major a when we were alone. 'Will you spend the day with me?' It was at back glanceme noticed He pJi[ *.v of phrasing an order. assuied *.] 'No need to worry about her, she won't bor. "od have any trouble finding somethingbetter than you'' sort of 'I wasn't concerned ibout her,il answered' 'Look what good was' it if my ioke, ioke a substitute I'm getting.' He took his off to me whisked and n"tur.Ay, told mi to .t'U him Frecklel, house overlooking the harbour. wren was heald of the MI6 0ffice in Trinidad. He had been of my advised of my coming and requested to get a full account Creole excellent an ovet aoi"gt in Rif. I reciunted tire story luncfr, and while we were drinking our coffee he called in his ,..i.irrv to whom he dictated it ilt in the form of a cable to iottaot . i sat by and feasted my eyes on the secretary' She.was in the tradition of London headquarters, long-legged and brainy,but ,tro t.tttttionally beautiful. She returned my glances with a knowing smile. 'I'll have to run down to the office to code this,' lfren said whenhehad.finisheddictating..Itwilltakeacoupleofhours,brrt I'll Lave you tane, here, as iompensation for your ballerina.' I didn't prctest. - 1s;;iy about the ballerina,' Jane said when the Maior left' although she reallY wasn't. tltm not. Not now.t she ovelcompenJane was great compensation. If anything, Or we did. sated. he Freckles took his time about encoding the telegram' When
SpylCountnspy r57
finally came back, he inrroduced me to another Trinidad delight: Planter's Punch. He was pouring me into his car to take me to the jeep drew up alongside. A corporal jumped out, very thip when a Buckingham Palace-guard for this climate, salured, and stood at attention.'Urgent telegram, sir.'
Freckles read it and handed it to me. It was already decoded. It read: 'Tricycle is not to give Portuguese captain's name to the FBI.' I stopped floating, the Planter's Punches lost their wallop, I was back with my b|te noir, the FBI. 'Christ,' I exploded, 'how rhe hell do they think I'm going to manage that? I played it all open and above board with rhe FBI man in Rio. Told him everything about Alfredo and what we
were planning.' 'But you didn't tell him the captain's name?, 'No, I didn't know it then, but it's on one of those microdots., 'Which one? Do you know?' _ 'No, Alfredo pasted them on. If we have time before the ship leaves, we can look at them. Get hold of a mis16sg6t..' 'Relaxr' Freckles waved his hand. 'The ship can't leave until I give permission.' $fe drove down to the docks and boarded the ship. While I went to the cabin to get out the papers that had the dots on them, Freckles initiated a covering action, a search of the crew,s quarters, and gave instructions for some of the sailors to be questioned. The captain wasn't happy about the delay, but he showed
no impatience. Controls of this type were not unusual. Freckles left the search in the hands of his subordinates and came to join me in my cabin. He had sent someone to scout up a microscope, and we had time for a drink before it arrived. After reflection, I was feeling much relieved by the incident. London was obviously having the same trouble with Mr Hoover as I was. At least I wouldn't be an outcast. I confided as much to Freckles. He tugged at an eyebrow reflectively. 'If I can read the signs right, London considers your Portuguese captain to be their game since the field of action is going to be Canada. They'll wani him to lead them to the other people involved in this operation. If by any chance he lands in the States first and Hoover gets his hands on him, goodbye all. Hoover will clap him in jail and we,ll never get anyone else.'
'He probably will.' 'Probably; Haven't you noticed that that man deliberately ignores all the rules, of the intelligence game, particularly the oni of discretion. He never keeps anything quiet. When he's successful, I mean. He's the biggest publicity hound in exisrence. S/hether he is catching a gangsrer or a spy, he makes sure it hits the front page. If it's not front-page material, he's not interested. I'd say that he turned thumbs down on your mission because it has to be carried out in secrecy and anonymity.' There was a knock at the door. Freckles opened it and took delivery of a microscope, which he set on the low table where our drinks stood. While I prepared a microdot, Freckles looked on with interest. It was the first time he had seen one. Fortunately for the ship's schedrile, the second microdot I mounted was about the Portuguese captain. I studied it for a while, made some mental notes, and then turned the microscope, the dot with it, over to Freckles. We went out on deck, where Freckles called off the interrogations and gave rhe officer of the watch permission for the ship to depart. Gesturing with the microscope which he held in his hand Freckles turned to me with concern as he headed down the gangway. '\Xlatch that type Hoover, Tricycle, me boy. Take it from an old warhorse out here under the banana leaves, he can be dangerous. He'll bugger you up just like he would this operation.' We were three days' sailing from New York. Rumours were circulating around the ship that the Japanese had attacked United States shipping. Some passengers claimed to have heard the bulletin on the radio news. The day was Sundag 7 December 1941. A few hours after the first rumour, the ship's loudspeaker announced that all passengers were to assemble in the first-class
appeared and imposed silence on us by a simple nod of his head. In a funereal voice, he announced that the Japanese Navy had attacked Pearl Harbour. '$7e have no detailsr' he added, promising to give us the news the moment it reached him. He then turned us over to one of his officers, who warned us that since the United States was at war, tve might be attacked by a German submarine at any moment. Lifeboat drill took place immediately
t58 Dusko
afterwards. The seriousness of the moment could be read on everyone's face. Except mine. Iiwas the news I had been awaiting. I couldn't say anything to relieve the tension of my fellow passengers, but I was sure the American fleet had scored a great victory over the fapanese. I was very, very proud that I had been able to give the warning to the Americans- four months in advance. What a reception the paced it, I Japanese must have had! I paced the deck, no, not to be Americans the for was nasty It exultantly. it above floated there world. Now of the saving it was the war, but the in involved win. we would that was no doubt Then the news started trickling in. Involuntarily, I shook my head till my brain felt as though it were coming unstuck' The bulletins simply were not believable. The ]apanese had scored a surprise attaCk on Pearl Harbour. How, I asked myself, how? lfe knew they were coming. We knew how they were going to come'
chapter slxteen
Charles Lehman came to meet me at the dock' He had me ttrio"gtt Immigration and Customs as easily as through.a saloon door Eut not f;st enough for me. I was burning to get him alone' Lehman would know what happened, what had gone wrong' moment I could' 'Charlie, what happened?'i asked the first realize what I didn't He He looked at me, not understanding.
Exactly like at Taranto. And that's how they came, combined torpedb and dive-bomber attacks, exactly as employed by Admiral Cunningham against the ltalians. Except that the Japanese planes hardly should have got ofi the deck. Ivior. tt.*t. The battleships \Vest Vitginia and Califomio had been sunk at their moorings. At their moorings, I moaned. They couldn't have been at their moorings. They had to be steaming to attack the Japanese fleet. Then it was the Arizona. Blown up' Every other baltleship and unit of the fleet heavily damaged' This was Orson Welles, I thought, remembering his famous scare broadcast. I couldn't credit what I was hearing' Somewhere, somehow, there had to be an explanation. In one and a half hours the mastery of the Pacific had passed from American to fapanese hands. I trad the right information to forestall the attack. I had travelled thousandJ of miles to deliver the information, which would certainly have shortened the war by a year- or more. And American red-iape had stopped the information going through'
'Pearl Harbour, Charlie. WhY?' double'Oh,' he caughi on at last. 'I guess we-were had' Those minute last to the up f".Ji.pi nefotiating in Washingtol.tlglt a very with on He went white itreii fleit was i"itittg to attack''
."-pri."..adescriptionof-theinterdepartmentalworkofthe fgf ir, relationshii with the armed forces, their dependence on
the ---ii'resident, and the President's on the Senate' to make sense' list"rred somewhat dazed, waiting for him for an answef,. It never came' waiting ';itrirti., what the hell are you saying? You're talking lo qt' Dusko Charlie, not the Neus Yotk'Timei. To me, Tricycle, thetold falnnYlu P;;;;C guy who came here in August and
end of the *.r. golog to attack at Pearl Haibour before the Now' what Taranto' ;;;t. i ;; to"ld you how. Taranto, Charlie,
i'iake it easy, Dusko, don't get so excited'' ,i"iry, -Cn.liie.' I calmed -down a bit. .Do
I sound like a
16o Dusko PoPw
madman? I haven't slept for three nights. I've been trying to figure this thing out.' 'Things .ttt go wrong,' Charlie said slowly' 'I do my iob' Mine is not to question why'' I let it drop. Charlie wasn'r the one with the answers. I turned over my material to him : the microdots and my notes' ,I'll iook this over and ring you this evening,' Charlie said, 'to tell you when to come to the oifice and dictate your report-' Then incredibly, he added, 'We're in the war now' you know' We shall have to start working seriouslY.' I answered, 'Fromyour mouth to the ears of Allah" 'Whose ears?' asked Charlie, not getting the allusion'
tMr Hoover's.t
'But what name did You call him firs ?' 'Skip it, Charlie. I wasn't calling him names' It was an old Arab prou"rt. i-.rnt that I hope all of us get down to business'' ^ 'Umr' he grunted, perhaps not too pleased that I should invoke the name ofiis lo.d in what he considered vain. Or perhaps I'm aoirrg ti* an injustice. It was difficult to tell the attitude of Hoover's minions at dmes. In response to an SOS from Colonel Ellis to London, Ewen Montagu also was awaiting me in New-York on my return from nio. glis had signalled ihe FBI's failure to supply Tt Ylh information for G Abwehr. Intelligence, fearful that this might cause me to be blown, dispatched Montagu, one of its top ffouble shooters, to the ,..o.. His assignment was to furnish me with Stateside information for the Abwehr, which he was to collect British and Canadian sources' from --Mon,rg.rarrivedinNewYorkiustacoupleo-fdaysbefnre
questions about uranium. On the contrary, the impending delivery of the microdot apparatus aroused much interest in them. As British Intelligence foresaw, Foxworth asked me if I couldn't get more details about the Portuguese captain who would be transporting the equipment to Canada. 'Perhaps I can when he arrivesr' I lied, hoping that the storm might pass by then and the British would give me permission to talk. Noting the radio information I had brought, Foxworth told me that they would start setting up the transmitter. 'It will operate from Long Island,' he informed me, 'and will be ready to send by the second week in January.' 'splendid,' I said, wondering why it would take so long. 'Can I do anything to help?' 'I don't see whatr' he dismissed me. 'Go have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.' ' I didn't go that easily. While I had Foxworth alone I wanted to get an explanation for the Pearl Harbour debacle. Perhaps the chief of the New York office would be more informed than his underling. Diplomatically this time, I broached the subiect of the
attack. Japanese -'It
united the whole country.' I repeated what I had heard and read everywhere. 'The Americans are standing like one man.'
p.att HtiUour. By the time he came to see me, a few days after rhat event, tre tota me optimistically that the situation had .ftr"g.i-1. Edgar Hoover fiad told our man in Washington, Bill i,.pf,.otoo, th".t t o* with the United States in the war, he *outa cooperare with me fully. Montagu had had the same reacfrom other American sources. tion ---uotor,urrately the assurances later proved false, but they did have -- the effect of obviating Montagu's mission' Momentarily encouraged, t dictated my report on Rio and then went ovir it minutely with Foxworth and his assistants. They didn't seem any more aware than I of the importance of the
'I7e react that way in a crisis.' Foxworth reiterated the standard concept of every peoPle. 'It's a healthy reaction" I answered banally. 'I suppose one should do all one can to encoruage high morale, but between us, what happened?' '!7hat do you mean?' Foxworth asked sharply. 'Exactly what you think I mean.' There was no other way but to call him to order, to stop the pretence. 'Did everyone have a lapse of memory? A convenient lapse of memory? I brought you the warning four months ago. It would appear that nothing was done abouf it. Everyone was caught with his pants down in Pearl Harbour. Why? Why, Mr Foxworth? Didn't you expect me to
ask? Do you think I can iust go blithely about my way without wondering? It has been on my mind day and night. I've been expecting someone to exPlain.' Foxworth looked directly into my eyes, but it wasn't out of frankness.
was a duel.
Dusko Popoa
SpylCounterspy 163
be on your mind Popov. You are a soldier. You don't ask questions. Do your iob and let others do theirs.' And then he added what sounded like a menace. 'You had better learnr' he said, 'to walk in step with us.' My eyes bored back into his. 'First I have to walk in step with myself, Mr Foxworth.' I never believed in the merit of the good soldier, blindly obedient. f saw too much of that in Germany. 'ufe sustained our duel of the eyes as if he were trying to decide whether to be friend or foe. At last, the skin around his eyes crinkled, and I saw that they were smiling. 'Forget all that, Dusko,' he said in a kindly tone. 'Searching for truth biyond your reach may be dangerous. It may stir up an idea in Mr Hoover's head.' I registered his advice without a wor4 just nodding non-
'It shouldn't
gsmmi6ally as I got up to leave. 'Mr Hoover is a very virtuous manr'he said as he accompanied me to the door. I didn't tell him what I thought of that philosophic drivel: it smacked of bigotry. I never did get an answer to the enigma of Pearl Harbour' Over the years, I have studied the question, tried to draw conclusions, heard all sorts of speculation and conjectures. There have been official inquiries and courts-martial, but nowhere have I ever'read or heard mention of the documented evidence I brought to the United States of the Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbour. For my own intellectual curiosity, if nothing else, I've had to draw conclusions. For a while, there was what I believe to be a canard circulating that President Roosevelt deliberately allowed the attack to take place so as to draw the United States into the war. This rumour was based on the disclosure that there had been some other evidence that the ]apanese were planning an attack. The other evidence, however, was not specific at all and merely tended to bolster a possibility that everyone knew existed. I have had to discount the Roosevelt theory on the basis of pure logic. Granted even that Roosevelt might have welcomed an attack as a means of coercing the American people to unity in a war he was sure must come sooner or later, he still could have accomplished the same result by alerting his armed forces to the eventuality. Short of capitulation to the Japanese demands, there was no possibility of stopping their aggression. So attack they
would. And the United States armed forces could have been waiting for them. The reaction of the American people would have been the same. They were attacked: they would defend themselves. There was no need to have a defeat to accomplish this. No need to sacrifice the American Pacific fleet and thousands of soldiers, sailors, and civilians on 7 December. No need to have placed the Japanese in a position to conquer half of the Pacific. Not in the wildest fantasy would this be indicated. Nor could a man in Roosevelt's position ever consider such an action. Not the day but the man would go down in infamy. Aside even from questions of logic and morality, President Roosevelt could never have envisaged such an immortality. Another supposition as to what went wrong comes from Sir John Masterman. Masterman's book Tlre Double Cross System, made the first public mention of my activities during the war and of the deception tactics employed against the enemy. He managed . to get all that material declassified. Previous to that, rrye were bound to silence by the Official Secrets Act. Masterman wrote:
Tricycle's questionnaire
for America
sombre but unregarded warning of the subsequent attack on Pearl Harbour. Trirycle had establishd himself as a leading and highly placed agent in England and had made two more visits to Lisbon, the first in January and the second in March and April r94r. So much was he trusted that it was arranged that he should go to America (at the behest of the Germans)in order to start a large scale espionage network for them there. He accordingly left England on z6 June, stayed for some time en route in Lisbon, and finally departed for America on ro August carrying with him his questionnaire concealed under a series of full stops. On 19 August we received copies of the questionnaire from MI6 and this questionnaire was read to the Twenry Committee and translations were sent to service rnembers. It will be remembered that the full stops were photographed and enlarged by the FBI in America, who were therefore in possession of all the information contained in
information, and
SpylCounrersPy t65
be on the spot to be interrogated by the Americans. They could rip my story apart and satisfy themselves
for the Ameticans to make their appreciation deductions from the questionnaire rather draw their to and Nonetheless, with our fuller knowledge of so. to do us than for man, we ought to have stressed its of the case and the we did. With the greater experience of a more than importance should certainly have risked a snub we work, years' few more in the United States what the our friends out to pointed and be; but in r94r we were might document of the significance and a little mistrustful opinions expressing of chary rtill littl. " doubt' that once an judgement. no is, lesson The of our own given to him has questionnaire any established, agent is firmly value than intelligence immediate and more greater a much to it. attributed that usually Masterman's mea culpa is interesting chiefly because it demonstrates the lack of cooperation and trust between British Intelligence and the FBI. The British were afraid of a 'snub', or
I would
about the most minute details. Instead, what happened? J. Edgar Hoover waited for weeks before seeing me, and then almost threw me out of his presence
in other words, of being told to go mind their own business. I cannot accept Masterman's analysis because, with or without
importance of the questionnaire, the evidence was there for all to see. Master-an's comment' it must be taken into account, was made in a book intended primarily as a text for intelligence organizations. His object, I believe, was to stress a pointr -to- tell his readers that nothing must be left undone, nothing left to chance. Even in the most obvious cases, everything should be spelled out, is what Masterman is saying, in effect. I cannot argue *itfr ni- there, but it seems to me an oversimplification to blame what happened on the FBI's inability to evaluate a questionnaire and a man. CertainlS an organization such as the FBI should have been capable of this. Besides that, the questionnaire was not the only basis available for its judgment. When I received the questionnaire from the Germans, I communicated it to MI6 in Lisbon. It would have been possible to forward it to the Americans immediately rather than to await my departure. It was the decision of MI6 to send it with me because I iould supply additional information to confirm the questionnaire. I could tell them of Jebsen's contact with the Japanese delegations to Berlin, of his trip to Taranto, of Baron Gronau's find.i-ngs and evaluation. I was the man who had assembled all this
after thirty seconds. If for some abstruse reason the FBI was not competent' certainly others, to whom the information should have gone, were. Intelligence reports normally are sent to the other services and to the President himself. Roosevelt, for one, was an accomplished statesman and politician and former Assistant secretary of tn" Navy, certainly no neophyte at evaluation of all sorts' And even were ihir iofor-rtion undervalued out of prudence, it could not have been completely discounted. It was too vital. At the very least, it would have provoked an alert in Pearl Harbour' Thus, the other supposition one can form is that it never 'becarne known, that this information never reached the Army or the Navy or the President, that it never went beyond J' Edgar Hoover. I've had to ask myself, could Hoover have pigeonholed the information? could he have 'lost' it in an administrative
so, the action demands an explanation' From my own observaiion, Mr Hoover was paranoiac in his relationship with everyone outside his own realm. Within the governmgnt. oi -tfe Uniied Srates he had carved out a kingdom that was inviolable. No President dared depose him. The law called for retirement? The law was waived for him. Perhaps behind the walls of his kingdom he was blind to all else. If it did not concern him, he *o,ild have no part of it' Perhaps. A profound explanation. is beyond my competence. Some historian, some psychologist,
someday may unravel the reasons. I can only attest to his irrational behaviour.
A culmirr-ating incident occurred after the war. I was living in New York, doing some legal work. I got a phone call from- a Brazilian acquaintance whom I had known in Belgrade, the former Brazilian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, Alvis de sousa. I had lasr seen him during my sray in Rio. His greeting was far from cordial. !0hn he wanted to know, had I involved him in unwanted p"uti.ityl I had to calm him down before discovering
what had hapPened.
SpylCounterspy t67
An article written by Hoover for the Reoder's Digest of April 1946 carried as an illustration a reproduction of a telephone memo from Minister de Sousa, on which a microdot wai concealed. The name of the recipient was not on the memo, only a hotel room number and the date. De Sousa looked through his diary and found he had left the message for me. I proctred a copy of the Reader's Digest and found in it an article entitled 'The Enemy's Masterpiece of Espionage,, bearing the byline J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investil gation. Hoover was claiming the credit for breaking the secret of the microdot by the capture of a spy. He didn,t mention me by name but wove into his fiction some facts about me.
_, One day in August r94r [rhe date of my arrival in New York]_we met a youngish traveller from the Balkans [Hoover wrote] on his arrival in the United States.Ife knew he was the playboy son of a millionaire. There was reason to believe he was a German agent. With meticulous care, we examined his possessions, - from toothbrush to shoesl his clothes, his papers. While_a laboratory agenr was holding an envelope so tlai the light slanted obliquely across its surfice, he saw a sudden tiny gleam. A dot had reflected the light. A dot a punctuation period on the front of an envelope; a black particli no bigger than a ffy speck. With infinite care, the agent touched the point of a needle under the rim of the black circle and pried the thing loose. It was a bit of alien marrer that had been driven into the fibre of the paper, where it looked like a rypewritten period. Under the microscope it was magnified zoo times. And ihen we could. see thatit was an image on a film of a full-sized typewritten lemer, a spy letter with blood-chilling texr.
pilots were being trained. Under questioning, he was bland, affable and seeing that we knew about the dots, he began to gush information. _ Curiously, Mr Hoover never says what happened to this spy from the Balkans. He never mendons him 6eing prosecuted,
jailed, or hanged. The article goes on to say:
I doubt if we can ever disclose the method by which we were sU! to spot and intercept hundreds of microdot messages written in South America. [Obviously he cannor disclose ihe
method- I was it.] On one spy we found whar seemed an innocent telephone message on a crumpled memo form from a hotel switchboard. But the printing of that blank contained two periods which when enlarged contained several messages.. . .
Hoover then proceeded to quote what was the text of the questionrlaire - which, if memory serves, I had handed over to the FBI, not in August r94r but later that year in December after my trip to Brazil.
$7e now knew that the Balkan playboy had orders ro investi_ gate not only our atomic energy project but also to report on
monthly production of planes, how many were delivired to Great Britain, Canada, Australia and how many American
This was the memo form reproduced in the article. Hoover credited it to another of his 'captured' spies, but Minister de Sousa had no doubt that it was rne. I promised him I would do something about ir. A confrontation with Hoover was indicated. I telephoned Hoover only to be told he was not available. I left my name and phone number, asked that he call me back that dan and setrled down to wait. Hoover never did call. I phoned again, and when I couldn't get Hoover on the phone, I flew to \ilfashington. At FBI headquarters on Ninth and Pennsylvania, a receprionist took my name and showed me into a waiting room adorned with trophies of the FBI's famous cases. Among them I discovered some of my microdots. A man who identified himself as an assisrant to the FBI chief finally came our to interview me. Sfhen I explained that I wanted to see his boss about the Reader's Digest article, he told me Hoover would not see me. Up till that point, I had been stating my case calmly. Now I started becoming angry. 'You go tell Mr Hoover he'll see me right away or I'll hold a press conference. If he wants the whole world to know about his lying I'll be glad to oblige.' Mr Hoover decided he had time ro see me after all. 'Popov, I'll have you kicked out of this countryr' he shouted
Dusho PoPozt
SpylCounterspy 169 should exist in the archives to clear his name forever. It cannot be claimed at this date that the files must be kept secret. Not now, not since the British Official Secrets Act was waived in regard to these revelations. The responsibility for the debacle at Pearl Harbour should be determined. This is not to say categorically that man profits by the lessons of history - but he should have
the moment
of the United States, I don't doubt that' But you can't stop me from exposing your lies.' His blufi called, Iloover calmed down and suggested in a conciliatory tone that we try to arrange things. I wasn't out for revenge and told him as much. All I wanted was to avoid embarrassment for my Latin American friend. Truth to tell, it would have been a delicate rnatter - and embarrassing for me as well to have exposed Hoover. I was bound to silence by the British Official Secrets Act. 'I'll tell you what I'll do,' Hoover bargained, 'I'll get in touch with Reader's Digest and see if I can't stop publication of the article in their Spanish and Portuguese editions.'
agreed to the compromise, since that would avoid even more annoying publicity for Sousa. I presume it was arranged. I was so disgusted I never bothered to check, but I heard no more about it
'Sti:p ranting, Mr Hoover, it doesn't impress mer' I interrupted him, furious but coldly so. 'You can have me thrown out
from Sousa. I walked away from the FBI building with a knot in my stomach. The interview with that irrational, ranting man lent credence to my suspicion that here was the person respcnsible for the disaster of Pearl Harbour. The man had a sinister character. Ilere was no simple being carried away by bouts or raving' In the same breath he was capable of cool bargaining and of making a
deal to cover his shabby lying. He hadn't even the conscience of a normal person. He acted as though it were his divine right to fabricate wharever tale he pleased, to hoodwink the public at will. He never gave a thought to apologizing' even to trying to justify himself. He was merely outraged at being caught out. Quite likely the admirers and supporters of J. Edgar Hoover are going to Le up in arms. I have opened the Pandora's box of speculation about a man who is a hero to many. I dare pose a question that may reflect on his honour and glory, his comp.tence and fitness. There may be some who will cry shame at my daring to speak harshly about a dead man. I am not at all .on..t.r"J about such hypocrisy. The evil that a man does lives
after him. The supporters of Hoover need only produce the evidence that
by physical fatigue. It didn't work. My nights passed in a blur of alcohol and sex. It was easier to grin in company than to sob alone
in New York.
After Foxworth's admonition not to search for the truth, I was completely disoriented. Not only was I fed up, I didn't know where to turn or how to proceed. I drifted through New York for a few days, purposeless, unemployed. One afternoon, seeking a few hours of oblivion, I entered a movie house showing a Sonja Henie film on Sun Valley. The beauty of the clean white snow and mountains overcame me. I had to escape the morass that was
swallowing me. That same evening, I telephoned to book a room in Sun Valley Lodge. To make sure the decks were clear, I called Lehman before leaving, giving him my address. 'Don't break your leg,'he said, cheerfully. My answer was rather sour. 'Better that than to sit
doing nothing.' In Sun Valley, one wouldn't know there was a war on unless one bothered to read a newspaper. It was a merry mixture of golden youth, Hollywood fikn stars, and high sociery. And girls. No day passed without someone throwing a parry. I was caught up in the whirl but very unhappy about it. I was too intimately involved in the war. My family was in occupied territory, my friends were under the bombs in London, Johnny's neck was in the noose of an Abwehr uniform, and I could only rust in America at the whim of a despotic bureaucrat. I skied from early morning to dark, telling myself that at least I was keeping fit, trying to blunt the keen edge of my impatience
I was very relieved when one day in early January I heard Lehman's rough voice on the phone. 'Can you come to New York?' 'When do you want me there?' I jumped at the summons. 'Right alvay.' 'Tomorrow afternoon at the latestr' I promised. I was in New York that same evening. Lehman qrme to see me in my apartment, enthusiastic. 'We are starting to transmit to the Germans tomorrow.' 'Great.' My enthusiasm matched his. 'I hope you are sending enough material to compensate for my long silence. S(/e shall have to rebuild their confidence in me.' 'I certainly hope so, toor' Charlie answered. 'Here's what they are sending.'He showed me two pages of coded material. Not understanding, I asked 'Well, what's in it?' 'f don't know. They gave it to me this way, coded.' I swallowed hard. 'Maybe we can sort it out tomorrow. What time do you pick me up?' 'What for? No point in your coming, Dusko,' Charlie said uncomfortably. '!7e can manage without you.' I didn't hold back my anger any more. 'Spit it out, Charlie. What's the score?' 'Hell, Duskor' he ground his teeth. 'strict orders from Washington. You are not to come near the transmitting station ever. Or to contact the operator.' 'But the operator is one of your men, isn't he?' 'Yes, but that doesn't change anything.' 'Charlie, I'm not arguing with your' I told him calmly. 'All I want ]'ou to do is to transmit my reaction and my obiections.
'Okayr' he assented, throwing himself into an armchair. 'Now, iust imagine the next time I meet the Germans they ask me about the information I sent, or about the operator. I won't have the answers. You know what that means: finished curtains. Goddamn it, Charlie, Washington is putting a bullet in the back of my neck. And at the same time, they are destoying whatqver
SpylCounterspy r73
you may build here and that's already been accomplished in England. Don't they realize that?' 'I'll repeat what you've told mer' was all Charlie would say. 'Supposing the Germans ask something personal,' I insisted. 'How will you answer without my help?' ''$Tashington is sure you'll cooperate. You can't let things go bust. Your whole family is in Yugoslavia.' That was it. I recalled another of my grandfather's sayings: 'Sfhen your friends and enemies agree about you, the situation
becomes realiy dangerous.' 'Good luck, Charlie.' I bade him farewell. He picked up his hat. 'See you tomorrow night.'
My extravagant escapism melted away the forty thousand dollars the Germans had given me, and I was digging into my own reserves by midspring. Soon, I was reduced to asking Charlie to radio the Germans an urgent SOS for funds. Perhaps
the FBI thought they might capture a messenger that way, because for once my request was granted. According to Charlie's
story he had had to put up a fight for me in Washington, Hoover deemirtg me impertinent. I think my deduction closer to the trurh. The Germans ignored my request. That was a tip-off as to the quality of the information they were getting. Never before had I
been refused funds.
'No you won't. I'll be in Sun Valley tomorrow night. You can try to ring me.' My suitcases still weren't unpacked. I only had to buckle them up to take the escape route again the next morning. I ran but I didn't escape. Sun Valley was a failure, the snow and the mountains no magic cure. The luxury and the idleness palled. Whatever I did, I couldn't stop brooding about the failure of my mission. I returned to New York, to an equally futile atmosphere. I was allowed to do next to nothing. In desperation, I turned with a vengeance to the pleasures that New York has to offer. Simone Simon had finished the film she was making in Hollywood and had returned to the east coast. Not by accident, she took an apartment on the seventh floor of the building in which I lived. We became regular fixtures in the fashionable restaurants, an item of inventory in El Morocco and the Stork Club. We made the fashionable parties and the opening nights. $7hen that was no longer a palliative, I tried becoming the country gentleman. I rented a house on the Gold Coast of Long Island, in Locust Valley across from the Piping Rock Club, and bought a hundred or so books that I had always wanted to get around to reading. I read them all but found no answer there
Toward the end of spring, Charlie came to Locust Valley, a now unaccustomed smile on his face. 'ft came, Dusko, the
message. They radioed: "Funds for you handed over to the hairless doctor."'
'That calls for champagne,' I led Charlie into the house. 'We'll have the microdot apparatus in a month.' 'By the way who is the hairless doctor?' Charlie asked as he
held out his glass to the flowing bonle.
'Don't know. No one ever told me.' Two days later, Charlie was back. 'Hoover wants a name pinned on the hairless doctor. Come on, Duskor' he cajoled me, ttry to remember.t 'Blindfold me. Maybe I can pin a tail on the donkey,' I said furiously. 'I told you once I didn't know.' ''We've got to knowr' Charlie persisted. 'We sent a message to Germany suggesting that the hairless doctor come to New York.' I actually moaned, 'Oh, nor' and then told him fiercely, 'You really are trying to fuck things up, aren't you? Sflhy didn't you consult me before pulling a stunt like that?' 'Why should anyone consult you?' I had provoked the usually
calm Charlie into hostility. 'You have nothing to say here.' tiresome. And it's too transparent. Look, I know everything I say is going to go right back to your superiors and that's fine. That's just the way I want it. All you're interested in is to put the
Dick Ellis, m whom I turned intermittently' had no remedy to offer either. He rejected my pleas that we implore the help of an influential political figure who might intervene from above. 'It may provoke a scandal,' he judged, 'and could ruin the doublecross organization in London.'
'Charlie, Charlier'
SpylCounterspy t75
don't fall for your game.' Charlie looked at me peculiarly and admitted 'So far they haven't. Their answer was to repeat the first message.' '$7ell,' I breathed a sigh of relief, 'good for them. And better for us. Charlie, if we play this right, we've got the Germans in our pocket. The microdot \'eill be the easiest and safest way for them to send any sort of complicated material - like maps, plans, formulas - out of the country. If I have the equipment, the Germans may send some of their other agents to us. Then is the time to pick them up and turn them, if possible. But if you arrest the doctor, that ends everything. Can't you get them to understand that?' 'I don't shape the bureau's policy, Duskor' Charlie said
together, so Simone came up to the penthouse for an apdritif before going out to dinner. She had her mother living in the seventh floor apartment, and my place was our headquarters. Not that Madame Simon interfered. She was gay and as beautiful as her daughter, and they were constantly taken for sisters. As she always did, Simone arrived bouncing with high spirits and mine soared to meet hers. It was not possible to be depressed
Despite their persistent sabotage, I decided to make a last stab at forcing the FBI's hand. In the next month I would have to find out definitely if the FBI was going to cooperate or not. If they wouldn't, I would have to apply leverage from Canada once I picked up the microdot apparatus. I would refuse to return unless Hoover agreed to start a double-cross operation and allowed me to send material to re-establish myself with the Abwehr. Should Hoover refuse, I planned to remain in Canada and operate from there. The scope would be limited but better than nothing. To do so, of course, would require inventing a reason that the Abwehr would find credible. I kept my plans to myself, not discussing them with the British. I feared they would feel obliged to reveal them to the Americans out of an exaggerated sense of fair play. But I was confident that once I presented them with a fait accompli, they would be only too happy to accept. It was like working in enemy territory except that at the bottom of my heart I always expected the FBI to come to its senses and agree. With this in mind, I hatched a somewhat complicated method of bringing the microdot equipment to the States from Canada. As always, it had to be done as if I wete an authentic German spy. My cover for the trip, of course, was my work with the Yugoslav Ministry of Information. Simone and I had returned to the city from Locust Valley for a few days. I7e happened not to be spending the afternoon
'You, my darling Dusko, have something up your sleeve.' Simone was hard to fool. She accepted without a word my iob with the Yugoslav government, but she confided to me many years later that she always suspected me of some mysterious
carryings on.
should go to Canada on business one of these days soon. I'11 only have to see a few people and maybe make a speech or two. You could accept the invitation to appear at the French Play Festival in Quebec for the war-bond drive. That will get us both off the hook, and we can mix a lot of pleasure into a little business. $7hat do you say?'
Of course she agreed. Simone was the most agreeable girl in the world. She even organized the trip into a party, convincing lean Pierre Aumont and a few other French actors in the States at the time to accompany us. It wasn't really a coincidence that Simone was invited to Quebec iust when I had to go there. She
was invited abnost everywhere, everlnvhere there was a war-bond
Like most film stars, Simone travelled with mountains of baggage, and the customs men tended not to subiea her to a
planned to sneak the microdot equipment through with her stuff. Alfredo had warned me that it would be too voluminous for the ordinary traveller's
search. For German consumption
SptiCountospy r77
'I'm just going out for a few days to visit back in less than a week.'
some friends.
a little
'I'll ioin you later,' I promised, inventing a pressing diplomatic .rrgrg.*.ni. She didn'i raise a fuss. It wasn't her way, and it is poiriUt. she was suspecting aroun{ this- time that I was an agent,
'Doesn't make any difierencer' he said, pulling his cap down on his forehead to emphasize the point. 'Okay, let me have one. I'll fill it in.' 'You should've thought of that before. It's got to be signed and stamped by the New York Internal Revenue office.' He turned his back on me and walked away. The Immigration man returned my passport and I turned the car around and drove to a motel I had noticed a few miles down the road. From there I
trt ,rot a free one. It's hard to be close develop a second sense about them.
Putting off my departure from day to day, calling-Charlie repeatediy to inquire if instructions had come from Washington' my nerves were raw' This was carrying things 1o9 fa1, Finally with only a few days left to go to deadline, I told Charlie that I was leaving for Quebec. 'Be patient another day or twor'he advised me' ipretendea to view tire matter casually. 'Oh, Charlie, there's re"ttf nothing Washington has to arrange. I think I can iust take oe. it there are any special instructions, you can get them to me ,t.rgtt your man in Qnebec ol you- can give them to the British' b; in constant touch with them'' I'[ - -'Okryr' Charles conceded. 'lfhat train are you taking?' ,I-'nl driuing. It'll be easier to cover my traces on the return trip
followed bY German agents'' nW.U, okay.' Cirarlie was very reluctant' 'Good luck'' Early the next morning I threw my bags in the Buick and few cars on the road n."a"i -U..""r. north, travelling fist. There were status, semi-diplomatic my to peirol rationing. Thanks
phoned Lehman and told him my troubles. He sounded genuinely surprised. I gave him the benelit of the doubt. Perhaps he was as ignorant of the law as I was. I hadn't presented an income-tax return when I went to South America, and no one had asked for it. 'You must have an FBI representative somewhere in this arear' I suggested. 'Can't you get him to fix things?'
'I'll call you backr'said Charlie, laconic as usual. I ordered a coffee and told the waitress I was expecting
a call.
if -- I'm
thenat his suPerior. with -lco, yoru in.o-.-tax declatation?' this one demanded' 'Tax declaration? What for?' .au tor"ig"ers leaving the country must file a tax declaration.'
"t had an unlimited allowance, an X card' In the late afternoon, I reached the Canadian border' 'Passport,' the Immigration officer demanded' f t r"?.i'i, through iir. .*, window. He glanced through it and ,wait a minute.'He went into the office and returned me.
It came in a half hour. 'Sorry, Duskor' Charlie began, and I couldn't believe him. 'No way of bypassing that tax-return formality. Washington says you are to come back to New York.' 'What?' I shouted, thrown entirely off balance. 'You're pulling my leg Charlie.' 'No, Dusko, those are mY orders.' 'Goddamn it, Charlie, there's a war on,' I said using the popular refrain of those days. 'Don't they know it in I7ashington? This is insane. You know what is at stake.' 'Sorry, Dusko.' 'Sorry are you? And Washington is sorry too.' I let loose with a stream bt ttre strongest invective culled and translated from the half-dozen languages I speak. Charlie only said, 'Sorry Dusko'
After getting that off mY chest I said, 'Now listen, please, Charlie, you get back to Washington and talk some sense into
them. I'll wait here.' I ordered dinner, toyed with it, drank more coffee, the call never came. I phoned the office. Charlie wasn't there and the
r78 Dusko
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duty officer said he didn't know where he was. I went to the bar and took the only remedy available. No one ever offered an explanation, an excuse, an apology. Charlie did say a few weeks later, 'If the Germans need it badly enough, they'll bring that equipment to the US. Then we'll catch them.' Apparently that was Hoover's reasoning. Was it because he didn't want to organize a double-cross system? Or was it because he cared only about making headlines by catching another sp5 and if he couldn't do it, the hell with everything? Reviewing the situation, I feared that I might have given away my intentions by some of my preparations. I had paid most of my outstanding bills and transferred a fair amount of money to Canada. But even if Hoover guessed that I might be planning to stay in Canada, how could he have sacrificed such an important mission? Surely he didn't think the bald-headed doctor would be captured when he turned up at the ChAteau Frontenac to see me. Before blundering into the hotel, he would be bound to check first to make sure I was there. The fact is, nothing more was ever heard of the bald-headed doctor. Or of the microdot apparatus. I drove back to New York at probably the slowest pace ever recorded. I would have had ample opportunity to appreciate the beautiful scenery of upper New York State, the Hudson River valley, but I didn't see a thing except the ribbon of road leading to a dead end. My first duty was to call Colonel Ellis. 'Get me out of here, Colonel,' I pleaded. 'Send an SOS to London. You've got to convince them.' 'I'll try' he promised. 'I'll recommend your withdrawal in the strongest terms possible.' Ellis was as aghast as I was at Hoover's transparent artifice and utter disregard for the exigencies of the
had to agree to that. I suspect they did so readily enough, since they weren't catching any spies with the poor bait they were
If ever I lived a profligate life, it was during this period. Dispirited and without direction, I drifted between the penthouse and Locust Vallen enjoying the fruits of country and ciry living but not really savouring either. Simone had forgiven me the Canadian stand-up. !7hen she wasn't occupied, I spent my time with her. When she was away or busy, there were others, many others. Mr Hoover wouldn't have approved. My personal funds were giving out, and I was running into debt. It may be a black mark in my book, but reducing expenditures was foreign to my upbringing and temperament. I couldn't see that it would get me anywhere except into further depression. At the end of the summer, a few long months after my desperate petition to London, help finally came in the form of Ian Wilson, a new member of MI5. lfilson was a lawyer, a member of a well-known firm that had many connections in the States. He was a tall, distinguished Scot, skilled in negotiations, patient, calm, and wise. He was sent to see what might be salvaged of the wreck of my mission.
Wilson and I spent endless sessions assessing and analvsing the situation in regard to both the Germans and the FBI. Ifilson also got other viewpoints and estimates from his varied contacts. 'It's a bad showr' he finally pronounced in his faultless Oxford accent. 'I've put out feelers and it is quite definite: the FBI will not go along with us. And there is no reason for you to nurture a guilt complex. I strongly doubt that basically their stand is in any way influenced by your personality. They simply want to go it on their own, in their own way, right or wrong. Strong indications of xenophobia, I should say.' I had regretfully come to that conclusion months ago, but I rvas glad to have it official. Now perhaps I could get on to something
For undoubtedly valid reasons, London replied. '\trfait.' It was My relations with the FBI deteriorated to zero. They never consulted me, had any work for me to do, or told me what, if anything, they were doing in my name. Out of actual necessity and incidentally to keep up appearances, I did have to request that they send a message to Germany asking for more funds. The message was never answered, and that ended the radio transmissions. Not having the money to pay my supposed operator, there was no alternative but to close down the transmitter. The FBI
a long wait.
'Rightr' I said much relieved. 'Now what about the Gerrnans? Will London allow me to pick up with them again?' 'You'd be a damn fool to play with them again.' !(/ilson's remark was strictly according to the code. One was expected to demur and play the fool. iCome on no% Wilson,' I chided him. 'I'm not playing the
if I don't do it then I'11 either have to go into the Yugoslav forces in Cairo - and that would be a bloody bore - or I'll join the RAF, and that's dicier than Intelligence.' I'd been raking flying lessons on Long Island and already had my pilot's license. 'That is debatable, particularly in your case. The Abwehr will clip your wings if they catch you out in a lie. But that's all beside the point. What we have to determine is whether you'll endanger other people and the deception programme.' While this decision was being debated, Freckles Wren arrived in New York from the Caribbean. He was en route to Madrid to take up the post of head of MI6 there. Freckles tipped the scales in my favour. 'It would be smashing if Popov could work with us,' he told Wilson. 'I'm sure we can sort things out. Dusko' your friends in the Abwehr wield a lot of influence. Couldn't they smooth matters out for you?' 'It would be worth a try.' 'Ian, what do you say?'Freckles asked. Wilson weighed his words before answering. 'If it were simply a matter of the Abwehr pardoning him for not doing his job in the States, I wouldn't hesitate. Influence might well turn the trick. And I do know that MI5 would be happy to have their Tricycle operating again. Ditto MI6. They'd like their man in Lisbon. But we have one big imponderable: we don't know what the FBI put over the radio transmitter. Some bright lad in the Tirpitzufer might pose one question too many and trip you up.' 'Put it up to Londonr' I suggested. 'Very willr' he came to a decision, 'I think I can speak for headquarters. If you are willing to take the risk, I'm sure they won't refuse to take the chance, too'' '$7ell, that's settled thenr' Freckles said. 'Bring on the white elephants.' Seeing the puzzled expression on my face he explained. 'A favourite game of mine. Say you get in a tight situation and don't know how to explain. And imagine you could suddenly coniure a white elephant into the drawing room. Everyone's aitention would be drawn to it, and they'd forget the embarrassing question. Right?' 'I suppose so, but how do I coniure up the elephant?'
hero. The game happens to suit me. And
He tapped his head. 'Our of your mind, dear chap, our of your mind. You'd better go over equipped like a maharaja or don't go to Lisbon.' Fortunately, I had some choice morsels of information to pass to the Germans, a luxury I hadn't been afforded in ages. I got them in New York, but they came, of course, from the British. The British also bailed me out of New York financially. In addition to paying my debts, I had to pay American income tax on my declared salary from the Yugoslav Ministry of Information - declared but never accepted. I later repaid the British when the Germans reimbursed me for mv American expenses.
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chapter eighteen
The October sun was warm in Lisbon. The Tagus sparkled. I felt alive again seeing it as the Boeing glided in. I was back in the
game again.
My reaction disturbed me in a way. I was enjoying the game, the duel of wits, the aura of undefined danger. Yet that wasn't the reason I was there. I had a fierce hatred of Hitler and the Nazis to
begin with, more so with my family and country under their oppression. Yet I could still take pleasure in this fight. It should have been a grim dutn but it wasn't, and none of us in the game felt that way about it. Probably that was one of the requisites of a good intelligence agent. No one on the German side was expecting me in Lisbon. Before doing anything else, I went to the main post office and sent a telegram to Johnny at the Hotel Adlon in Berlin asking him to come to Portugal without delay. Then I picked up my baggage, hopped into one of Lisbon's antique taxis, and drorre to the Estoril, confident that there would be an apartment for me in the Palacio despite the shortage of rooms. George Black, the ubiquitous director, was on the steps as the taxi pulled up. He gave me a
very broad smile and a suite overlooking the gardens.
phone. Only a second's hesitation in her voice indicated her surprise. After that it was business as usual. I arranged to be picked up that evening on the mad outside Estoril.
Von Karsthoff himself came to the rendezvous point. 'Good to you, Ivanr'he said as I ducked hastily into the back seat. 'Even better to see your' I replied as the car pulled away. 'And to be back here after that mess in the States.' I'd decided my best tack was to be friendly but aggressive. 'S(/e'll talk in the house,' von Karshoff said driving swiftly in the direction of his cluntry place. I followed the familiar old routine, ducking down when we approached the property and not reappearing until the car was out of sight in the garage. 'Comer' von Karsthoff led me upstairs to the drawing room, where Elizabeth was waiting. She greeted me warmly, and I knew that at least on a personal level things hadn't changed. 'Now, what happened?'von Karsthoff said as soon as Elizabeth had settled a drink in my hand and left the room. It was the moment for one of Freckle's white elephants. 'That will take ages to tellr' I evaded the question. 'We've got over a year to catch up on. Before we go into that let me give you the new information I've collected.' Von Karsthoff nodded his agreement. I spieled off the stories Ian had coached me on in New York, first of all figures on material, particularly aircraft, delivered to England from the States. The information was not complete, of course, but it was partially true and would stand checking. I also related our deception plan for Operation Torch. Torch was the Anglo-American plan for the invasion of North Africa. In preparation, we were building up our military and naval forces in Gibraltar, a situation that couldn't be hidden. To delude the Germans about those reinforcements, I related to von Karsthoff that reliable informants reported Malta in a disastrous military position and its population close to starvation. The British, with American help, were coming to its rescue. Coordinating with another deception plan on which Balloon and Gelatine were concentrating, I told von Karsthoff about rumours of a combined American and Canadian operation directed agains France and Norway. The white elephant worked. Von Karsthoff was mellowed by my returning with news of value, and I was able to answer his initial question under better auspices. 'About Americar' I told him, 'it was a colossal error from beginning to end. Berlin should have known better. I wasn't
on Rolls-
a few miserable dollars, although Berlin considered it a lot, and you expect me to produce results in no time.' 'But that showed we had confidence in you.' I had von Karsthoff where I wanted him, on the defensive. 'Confidence ! It's not with confidence that you produce results. The whole mission was poorly thought our. I needed help, a lot of it. And about ten times the amount of money I was given. The last few months I hardly had enough for a subway.' 'Berlin thinks you concentrated more on film stars than on your job.' 'Of course I saw film stars. Those were the people I knew. That was part of my cover and my introduction around town. You never objected when I saw society people in London. Film stars are the society of America, and they can open doorsr. too. But it takes time if you have to start from scratch. Time and money. I'm not trying to absolve myself of all blame,' I conrinued magnanimously. 'I should never have accepted the job with the Yugoslav Ministry of Information. It was the wrong cover. Ir didn't leave me time for anything else. To end with, I bungled that job and the Abwehr's, too.' 'So, what do you propose to do now?' von Karsthoff asked after I had expanded on my American soioum. 'For the moment I'm going into hiding,' I pretended. ,I spent about eight thousand dollars in the States belonging to Bailoni, the Yugoslav banker. His family is in Lisbon now, and if I don't reimburse them immediatel5 my name will be mud. I won't be able to do anything.' 'That can be taken care of.' Von Karsthoff's conciliatory mood was more than I had expected. 'What I want to know is whether you will go to England, to Dubrovnik, or do you want to stay here?' 'What would I do here?' 'I could use you here if you want, but I would prefer to have
I was being reintegrated in the Abwehr made me slightly suspicious. I had come prepared for a thorough interrogation and at least a good dressing down. Apparently, the Abwehr placed greater value on my cooperation than I thought. 'lebsen will be here in a day or wo with instructions from the Tirpitzufer.' Von Karsthoff revealed a swift reaction to my telegram. 'We'd better wait for him before deciding anything.' fn a car borrowed from a Portuguese frien4 I picked Johnny up on the Estoril road just outside of Lisbon, a few hours after
peasant with a weather-beaten face, there was no one around to observe our reunion. We clasped hands, and then I started the
fishing village. The tourists and the smart set hadn't discovered it yet. It was an ideal spot for an undisturbed tdk and a simple but good lunch. 'Finer' lohnny answered. 'I've got a lot to tell you. News about your family and plans from the Tirpitzufer.' 'Starr with the family.' I had a few brief letters from them smuggled via Switzerland in which they didn't dare say much. There was always the possibility that such letters would fall into the wrong hands. 'Your parents and Ivo are in Belgrade. They had to flee from Dubrovnik, and they had a rough time for a while. At first, after
for you?'
the Yugoslav surrender, your people were safe enough in Dubrovnik. The local Ustachi were behaving themselves fairly much, and the Italians were being the very proper conquerors. They were hoping to win everyone's good will and eventually incorporate Dubrovnik into Italy. Then Anton Pavelic - he's the head of the new Croatian Independent State, in case you're not . familiar with local politics these days - Pavelic brought in some Ustachi from another province and started a reign of terror. It was a blood bath of Serbs and Nationalists. Your brother Ivo, being both a Serb and a Nationalist, was high on their list. He had a narrow escape. He managed to get false Papers in time and escaped to Belgrade disguised as a monk. 'four parents weren't bothered until early this spring, when there wai a fresh wave of terrorism. The Ustachi decided to slaughter most of Dubrovnik's leadi"g families. Probably they
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for them but couldn't get any information. Naturally, no one would trust me or anyone I could send. For a while we thought they had drowned. Finally I found a retired Austrian sea captain who speaks Yugoslav and sent him out with a search party. It took them several weeks, scouring every island, before they found them.' 'Thanks, johnny,'I managed to whisper. 'That is the happy part of the story, Dusko. There is more. About your Uncle Jova and his family.' Uncle Jova had the reputation of being the kindest and most generous man in Dubrovnik. It was well earned and he was loved by all. 'Your uncle refused to run awap' Johnny sighed. 'He was killed - hanged - together with his two sons in his own courtyard. Your alrnt was put on a train for shipment to a concentration camp. Ivo learned about it through the underground. He called me, and I got your aunt off the train. She is in hospital now, recuperating, but I'm afraid it is not easy to recover from the wiping out of one's entite family.' The forty kilometres to Cascais were longer than ever, but I was glad of it. I wouldn't have known what to do if I hadn't been occupied with driving. johnny continued talking, not bothering me with futile condolences. 'Conditions in Dubrovnik have improved now. The OKW instructed the head of the German army mission there that he
example of them for being pro-Yugoslav. Luckily, the afternoon before they were all to be arrested someone got wind of the Ustachi plans and wamed everyone. That night, other Dubrovnik people helped most of them to escape in small boats. 'There was a bad storm that night. Its cover helped. They went to a small deserted island down the coast near Mlyiet. Your father, your mother, Ivo's wife, and his baby were in the escape party. They all lived on the island for five weeks without any food except what fish they could catch. Your mother is a great woman, I must say, Dusko. She saved the baby. Your sister-in-law lost her milk in the emotion of escaping, and your mother kept your nephew alive by chewing boiled fish and feeding it to him from her lips. 'When I heard about their esqlpe in the boats, I started to look wanted
to make an
can be
sure he is keeping his eye on the Ustachi.' '$7e drove in silence for a while. A compatible silence. Revenge was still in my mind. It would be in my brother's mind, too. And more than in his mind. 'And Ivo?' I asked. 'What is he doing?' 'Ivo is practicing medicine. By dan he is the best friend of the Germans and a true believer in the new Europe. At nightr' Johnny smiled grimly, 'at night he is blowing up barges and organizing every act of sabotage for a radius of fifty kilometres around Belgrade.' 'How do you know?' 'He told me so. Not boasting, he had to. I heard my colleagues talking about certain suspicions they had suspicions that could lead to Ivo. Ivo is the official doctor for the railway and some railway workers were caught and arrested for sabotage' I had no choice but to warn lvo.' 'But he is continuing, you say?' 'I couldn't stop him. Nothing can stop lvo. The only thing I could do was toldvise him to be cautious and to give him my help, covertly.' 'You, Johnny, you're helping in sabotage?' 'What'else cbuia f do?'6e hughed. 'The only way of stopping Ivo would be to have him kitled. I like that brother of yours, so I'm trying to keep him alive.' 'Bui if Ivo is burned we'll all be burned with him,' I said. 'Exactly. All the more reason for me to protect him. The discouraging thing is that I don't have much faith in the efEcacy of these boy-scoui actions. They won't help us to get rid of Hitler'' 'To get rid of Hitler, no. But every little bit may help Germany to lose the war.' Johnny answered sadly, 'Yes, but that is a second choice.' iTheti is no choice, Johnny. There are two Germanys, I'11 grant you. One the Germany of music, scientists, writers, and gemtitiichkeit; the other cruel, aggtessive, and militarist. In
'I know, Dusko! I know it too well.' I looked for some way to turn the conversation. 'Tell
me more
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ground more easily. Anyway, as far as Ivo is concerned I wouldn't be surprised if he is under British orders.' We arrived in Cascais and I stopped at a small inn, where we selected an isolated table on the terrace. Not that it was particularly necessary. Only a few people, obviously locals, sat around drinking vino verde. We ordered a cool bottle of that wine ourselves. I wasn't in the mood for lunch, but I agreed to share the traditional bacalao with ]ohnny. I think each was trying to encourage the other to cheer up and eat. 'Your situation has its humorous sider' Johnny said once we had settled our business with the waiter. ,$fe had several conferences in Berlin, trying to fathom,'our very mediocre results in the United States. I gave my opinion that your poor work was probably caused by worry about your family's difficulties. C,olonel Oster was shocked but sincerely, when I told him the story. He dispatched lglonef Toeppen to Belgrade immediately to ask Ivo if he could be of any help. Being paymasrer of the 1{bw9hr, To.ppltt offered financial assistance ai*dl. a, you can imagine, Ivo refused. But he charmed Toeppen so much, practi_ cally hypnotized him, that he got him to bear down on some overzealous officers. They were told to go easy or they would be transferred to the Russian front.' 'Tomorrow'- Johnny returned to the business at hand _ .I shall see von Karsthoff and Kamler. Sfe,re to decide how to employ you. Vhat's yourfeeling? What do you wanrto d,o?'
really effective groups, General Mihailovitch and the Communistled partisans. Knowing Ivo's philosophy, I'd say he's with Mihailovitch. More or less, anyway. Ivo is operating in Belgrade, and it is difficult to draw a distinct line in the cities. Both sides operate entirely underground and from what I can establish, the Communists and the Royalists often work hand in hand. In the country it is entirely different. They both have paramilitary forces. They wear uniforms and have either long or short hair. It is easy to distinguish them and they often figbt each other. In the cities, conditions frequently force them to cloperate. The rich bourgeois are known to the Germans, so it is difficult for them to operate. They must depend on the workers, who can go under-
I had made my decision in New York.'I think I would be most useful if I were reintegrated in the Abwehr and sent back to England.' 'Consider it done.' 'Just like that? Do you have the power to make final decisions now?' 'sometimes. While you were getting soft over there in that decadent democrary,' Johnny kidded 'I worked my way up' In the Abwehr. I'm far from a fair-haired lad with the SD.' 'And this Kamler you mentioned who is he?' The waiter came with our dish of cod smothered in a sauce of tomatoes, olives, and local herbs. lohnny waited until he was
'Captain Otto Kurer is his real name. He used to be a kind of ADC to Canaris. Now he's with Abwehr I in Lisbon. He evaluates the work of out agents. He gave you rather a bad mark in the United States.' Johnny paused to sip some wine but looked
steadily at me
he did so. 'lfhat was your nouble there?' evasively. said 'Moneg' else?' 'And what Johnnv wasn't being fooled.
rather not discuss it, Johnny.' I didn't feel free to go into my difficulties with Hoover. -'Would you rather stay here in Lisbon?' he asked, perhaps sensing thai I had had some sort of run-in with Allied authorities. 'You c-ould send new agents to England and run them from here.' 'Where would I get them?' 'I'd furnish them.' I calculated that I could be more effective in London, where I could work closely with the XX Committee. 'I'd rather go to England.' Goodr' he answered. 'In that case I'll select someone for this .end or do the job myself. It would be too risky otherwise.' 'I can stay if neclssary' I offered, realizing that we would need a thoroughly reliable man in Lisbon. Kamler's power to evaluate us was an example of one of the dangers. 'No, go to l-ondon. You are the only person who can cover that
Johnny had the situation all arranged by the time of my next meeting with von Karsthoff. He sat in on the meeting as an adviser] but one could see that his advice carried much weight.
t9o Dusko Popov The excuse he had imagined for my poor work in America
protested 'to
nothing about it.' 'Of course, Ludovico.' I did believe him. Von Karsthoff and I were on genuine terms of friendship aside from our work. There, I couldn't expect any favours. 'Herr Jebsen tells me everything is under control now, so you can go back to work with a clear mind. He also tells me thar you are willing to return to England. That is splendid. We shall have to get busy reorganizing.' 'Oh no, not again.' Von Karsthoff laughed heartily. 'No, nothing like in the United States. lfe just have to adapt ourselves to the new situation that exists.' 'What has changed?' 'Nothing, basically. Nothing, that is, with the organization. It is the military situation I was referring to. $7e knoq for instance, that the British are preparing some sort of move in conjunction with the Americans. Your agents in England Balloon and Gelatine have warned us about that: but there is much contradiction as to where the attack will come. Some agents indicate it will be Dieppe, others North Africa. Berlin has reasons to believe both would be too risky for them. There are orher indications they may strike in Norway, especially since Churchill's trip to Moscow. The Russians want to make sure their convoys keep coming through, and having Norway would help secure the Murmansk shipping route. But that is only part of the picture. 'Our French friends' - his sarcasm was not veiled - 'are clamouring that Dakar is going m be attacked. And now you come along with the possibility that the concentration of naval units in Gibraltar means a relief force for Malta.' 'Perhaps all these counter-indications mean that your agents are bad including me,' I said to protect myself. Better to be accused of incompetence than of betrayal. 'No, it doesn't mean anything of the sort. It rqgans that the British and Americans are employing diversions. Odr agents, as is quite usual, are falling for external signs.'
being accepted by as shrewd an operator as von Karsthoff. 'We are all sorry to hear how your family was mishandled' the Lisbon spymaster told me. 'I hope you will believe that I knew
determine where the real invasion will take place?' 'No, that would be asking too much. That is the OKW's iob. Ours is to enable them to do so by supplying all the divergent information possible. Never mind if it is contradictory. Just get it
here fast.' put in hastily' trustworthy. someone me of furnishing presumably thinking 'What will your position be in England?' von Karsthoff
'I'll need a radio transmitter, in that case.' 'I'll take care of a radio and an operatorr' fohnny
inquired practically. 'How do you stand with the Yugoslav govemment-in-exile now that you have resigned from the Ministry of Information?' 'I still have connections. I can arrange somethingr' I said. 'I'11 have to see exactly what when I get there.' 'If possible, find something that will allow you to come here oftenr' von Karsthoff suggested. 'We'll want you here.'Not more than the British will, so no worry' was my private thought. I assured von Karsthoff that I would find some legitimate excuse, a business or government proiect to make repeated trips to Lisbon. To wind up the tref, von Karsthoff presented me with tangible proof that I was back in the good graces of the Abwehr. Excusing himself, he left the drawing room where we were conferring and returned a few minutes later with a stack of bank notes. He held them out to me. 'Here. Ten thousand dollars. Eight thousand to repay the banker, the rest for your expenses here. You will get the money for your English expenses before going.' Johnny and I left together in the car he was driving. When we were some distance from the house, I climbed over into the front
I asked
Johnny. 'someone !' His voice rilled with amusement. 'I've just worked it out. A dozen, if you want. Plus other agents and a valid excuse
of the Nazis'
chapter runeteen
British morale was high, higher than ever, I found on my return November rg4z. From the vantage point of over a year's absence, the difference was readily noticeable. Victory was considered certain, almost within grasp, if one kept on grasping. Until Montgomery's troops defeated the supposedly invincible Rommel in Egypt at El Alamein at the beginning of the month, the British had had constant defeats. Now it was one victory after another. Operation Torch with its successful landings in Algeria and Morocco marked the turning point in the war. People felt the Nazis had lost the initiative and would never regain it. The Royal Air Force had already made a comeback some months earlier, raiding Cologne with a thousand bombers and following that up with similar raids on other cities. On the eastem front, the Russians were taking the oftensive at Stalingrad, where they had been under siege since September 1942. All this was reflected visibly in the humour and spirit of the Londoners, even if the city appeared more battered. I was settling in for the long pull and rented a cottage in Rutland Gate - pretty much the centre of London, alongside Hyde Park. Few houses on the square were undamaged. Mine, Clock House, was one of about five out of a hundred still inhabitable. Since it was only a single story it was particularly vulnerable to even the smallest bomb or shrapnel, but I felt if it hadn't been touched during the great blitz of rg4c-4r, it had a charmed life.
Johnny started the car again and we rolled toward Estoril, chuckling like schoolboys over our multiple deception of the Abwehr. Then recalling von Karsthoff's analysis of Allied plans, I asked lohnny, 'What makes the OKW so sure the Allies don't intend to attack at Dieppe or in North Africa?' 'Berlin estimates that the Allies don't have sufficient transport
a good laugh. The XX Committee had done its job well, keeping the Germans guessing.
SpglCountnspy r95
blunder or sheer mischance will inevitably give it away. How should we feel if the whole of the double-cross system collapsed before it had been put to a test in a grand deception? The fear that this would happen was constantly in our minds, and was increased by the belief, which was probably at the worst only partially iustified, that the collapse of one important case would destroy all the rest with it.
set about setting up my end of the escape route by meeting Slobodan Yovanovic, and his aides. Without revealing its real purpose, I asked for their consent. As foreseen, they accepted the proposition eagerly. Too eagerly. They proposed so many candidates I would have had to run a commuter train to handle the traffic. I had to return to see Yovanovic secretly to tell him ths truth. He agreed to go along with the plan anyway and no-ed me Assistant Military Attachd in London, affording me diplomatic status and a diplomatic passport. Equally important, the Prime Minister saw to it that I was exonerated from any work attached to the title.
A top German agent named Kraemer, running an espionage net called |osephine, was getting the Swedish Naval Attachd's daily report from London through a spy at the Ministry of Defence in Stockholm. To glorify his accomplishments, Kraemer led even the Abwehr to believe he had the reports directly from the attach in London. Josephine continued to operate for a long time before the culprit was unearthed. The STar Office and the XX Committee were as eager to have me enlarge my spy net as were the Germans. D-Day, the invasion of the Continent, was in sight, and our flow of misinformation
was increasing. Everyone, the Germans included, knew the inva-
sion was coming. One might even deduce when it was coming. But not where. The object was to fool the German high command about that. My group and I were among those few doublecross agents chosen by the Committee to carry out this deception. To quote the man who was holding the reins of the system, J. C. Masterman, 'our mood in 1943 was one of gnawing anxiety.' The XX Committee chief compared us to
The Military Attach6, General Radovig whose aide I was theoretically, took a dim view of my absence from the office. In keeping with the policy of secrecy on a 'need to know' basis, Radovic was not told about my intelligence work. As with many others ignorant of my actual occupation, he, too, categorized me as a playboy with political connections. This reputation may not have won me friends in some qrurters, but it certainly helped my
couple of hundred yards those on the edge of the track shout to him that it is a half-mile race on which he has entered and a little later it is borne in on him that the distance to be covered is a mile or perhaps three miles. Can he adapt himself, and will he last to the finish at all, let alone be in the lead when the last
lap is run?
Continuing on the same theme in his book, The Double-Cross System, Masterman recalls :
The first agent to come through the escape route was Commander Tomas Sardelic, a Yugoslav naval aviation officer and test pilot, He was well known in British aviation circles, too, having completed an acrobatic course in England with flying colours. A Croat - and from a prominent family in addition - Tomas was immune to being taken as a prisoner of war when Yugoslavia collapsed. But despite his soft manners' Tomas was iron-willed and a man of principle. He insisted on sharing the fate of his fellow officers and reported with them to be imprisoned.
After his release, Tomas returned to Zagreb, his home town, where his status brought him, unfortunately, to the attention of the head of the new Nazi State of Croatia, Anton Pavelic. Wanting to exploit the standing of the Sardelic familR Pavelic pro-
196 Dusko Popmt posed to nominate Tomas to the post of Naval AttachC in Berlin. Tomas was in a jam. In no way would he accept the post and
will put you through a training
SpylCounterspy r97
swear allegiance to the Ustachi regime, yet to rebuff Pavelic would evoke grave consequences. Tomas put off Pavelic from day to day. It was too bad we weren't in contact vift him at that point. We could have set him up as an invaluable MI6 agent in Berlin, allowing him to accept the Nazi offer in good conscience. Tomas's only solution was to flee Croatia. He went to Belgrade, where he was out of Pavelic's reach. His immediate problem now was to earn a living, but his experience was limited to that of his military career. Here began a comedy with Tomas demonstrating his impractical but delightful character. Tomas decided to become a businessman. It was the only road open to him. A job was either unthinkable or unfindable, and he
'Very well. I'm going to introduce you to some Germans. They course to become a spy in England. No matter what you think of that - and I suppose you already may have a notion as to what's up - you'll have to take it all very seriously. You'll really have to apply yourself. !7hen you
Belgrade, but somehow Tomas managed to unearth a stock of corks. He invested part of his capital in them, only to discover there was no market for corks because there were no bottles on the market. He combed Belgrade and finally discovered a cache of bottles, pa]ryng a good price for them. When he tried to sell the corks and bottles together, another problem popped up. No one had any use for them. There was nothing to put in the bottles. Not one to give upr Tomas ran arcund the city looking for a liquid product, wine or anything to fill his bottles. On his rounds he ran into lvo, who was an old friend. My brother didn't have anything to go into the bottles but he offered Tomas a good dinner instead during which he listened sympathetically to his story. Ivo didn't say anything to Tomas that night, but after checking his tale he called on him a few days later with a proposition. Ivo, now operating under the code name of 'Dreadnought', was looking for passengers for our underground railway. 'I have a way to get you to London' Ivo told Tomas. 'Naturally, it is secret, but I promise you it is safe. Are you interested?' It was a dream come true, a way to elude Pavelic for good and to get back in the war against the Nazis. Tomas accepted without hesitation even when Ivo warned him there were strings attached. 'You'Il have to have confidence in mer' Ivo explained. 'I'm going to ask you to do something very strange and I can't tell you why.' 'Anything. Anything to get to England.'
get to London, you will see my brother Dusko first thing and follow his orders. That's all I can tell you.' Despite his innocence in business, Tomas was far from a fool. He knew Ivo, he knew me, and he knew explanations are not always forthcoming in wartime. Realizing that one way or another he would be going into the service of a foreign power, Tomas made only one proviso: that he would never be asked to do anything against Yugoslavia - again, the invariable preoccupation of all the countrymen who passed through my hands. Ivo turned Tomas over to Johnny. They got along splendidly' but then Johnny, in turn, had to pass him over to Miintzinger for training. Tomas got along much less well with the Nazi spymaster, particularly when Mtintzinger proposed to send him to Berlin to learn the trade. At that point Tomas had second thoughts. He foresaw certain hazards in going to England as a Nazi spy, even a spurious one. Supposing something happened to Ivo and to me. Tomas would be taken for a bona fide agent with no one to say the contrary. He decided to take out insurance. Without disclosing the arrangements with Ivo, Tomas confided the escape plan to a friend who he had reason to believe was a member of the Serbian resistance movement. He asked the friend to get word to the government-in-exile in London that he was a genuine patriot cloaking himself as a Nazi spy only in order to
reach England.
Tomas's friend, it developed' was a traitor, an agmt proooca' teur f.or the Germans. Tomas, the last of the line of the Sardelics, was thrown into a Gestapo prison and sunrmarily sentenced to death. Pavelic's fine hand had something to do with this as well. The grapevine brought the news to Ivo who sought fruitlessly to contact Johnny. He was the only one who might possibly intervene. But Johnny was unavailable, being in some undisclosed spot in Germany. For some reason. Tomas was not sent before the firing squad
SpylCounterspy t99
Another important agent whom Ivo selected for me came through the lines a few months later. Also a Yugoslav naval officer, a commander, he was the Count Nicholas Ruda, a childhood friend. Again, it was a tribute to Johnny that he persuaded the Abwehr to accept Ruda, whose family history was so tainted from the Nazi point of view as to make him a very dubious
'Nonsenser' fohnny reassured him. 'Hold on just a few days and I'll have you out of here.' Tomas could hardly believe him. Although he realized johnny was somehow enmeshed with us, he wasn't aware of the extent.
Nor could he guess at ]ohnny's influence in Germany. Proof of that came immediately. The same day he was removed from death row to more comfortable quarters, and three days later
Johnny returned to escort him personally out of the prison. The next step was to reinstate him in the good graces of the Nazis. Tomas would not be safe until bts f aw pds was explained away. To accomplish that, lohnny rushed him to Berlin. Demonstrating his powers of persuasion, Johnny convinced the Abwehr to give Tomas a second chance, pretending that he had had a change of heart and would act as a faithful German agent from now on. Johnny also invented a new role for Tomas that appealed to the Abwehr. Tomas was to confess on arriving in England that he was a German agent but pretend that he wanted to double-cross the Abwehr. Tomas was given not one but two formulas for sesret ink. S(rith one he was to write the information the British wanted him to send, with the other he was to pen the answers to the questions the Abwehr asked. Thus he became possibly the unique double double-coss agent of the war. \tr7hen he finally did arrive in England, Tomas tried to persuade us to allow him to ioin the RAF. He had no taste for the devious role of ro ialglligence agent. But there was no turning back. Tomas, under the code name of 'Meteor', fulfilled his job as a dual agent until the very end of the war, maintaining his integrity by refusing to accept payment from either the British or the Germans. The only coin that came his way was in the form of a medal from the British.
The history of the Ruda family is tantamount to the history of Dubrovnik, and it is unthinkable that a Ruda could break with tradition and turn traitor. It is possible that under certain conditions anyone may turn traitor, but under no condition could a Ruda break with tradition. In the fifteenth century one of Nicholas's ancestors was sent to Istanbul to pay the Turks the annual tribute for permission to trade in the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Surinam first accepted the gold he was bearing and then posed other terms. The Sultan demanded that Ruda sign a document recognizing Dubrovnik as a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire. Ruda refused. He was tossed in a cell and given a week to sign. At the end of the week his head was to be severed from his body. Never for an instant contemplating submission, Ruda sought a way to warn his country. He found someone who was willing' probably for a fitting compensation, to smuggle a letter for him. Ruda wanted to write to the Rector of the Republic to advise the government not to send the tribute the following year unless Surinam recognized the city-state's complete independence. Since the Sultan was greedy for money, Ruda iudged he would accept the terms. Now to write this letter - which is preserved in the Dubrovnik archives - Ruda had a piece of parchment but no ink or other writing equipment. Usually, under such circumstances, prisoners resort to writing in their own blood. A simple scratch suffices. But although he was capable of choosing to offer his head to the axe' Ruda was incapable of drawing his own blood. Instead with infinite finesse, he penned his advice and last farewell in a less painful product of his body: shit. Nicholas, the direct descendant of this queasy hero, pulled a similar stunt. Although willing to risk his neck as an agent' he refused Miintzinger's request that he go to Berlin, saying that he abhorred the thought of being wounded in a British bombing
raid. Our persuasive count prevailed upon his spymaster to send bim to Paris for training. There he was put to studying to become a radio operator. He took that task seriously and leamed his job well while at the same time thumbing his nose at the Nazis. Nicholas's delight was to parody the heel-clicking and HeilHitlering of the Nazi sycophants. InexplicablS they never caught vrise to the farce and instead treated him with favour as a roo percent collaborator. Finished with his schooling, Nicholas was embarked on the escape route. He crossed occupied and unoccupied France in the comfort of a first-class train, but at the Spanish border another farce began. Although the regime was sympathetic, the Germans couldn't let the Spanish police in on the supposed English escape route. There was always the possibility of an informer among them. Nicholas bad to suffer the discomfort and, above all, the indigniry of being squeezed into the trunk of an automobile and smuggled across the border at San Sebastian, the usual crossing
Once in Spain, I took him in charge, still having to keep him hidden. Any foreign male caught without identification papers ran the risk of being interned in the Miranda, Spain's infamously uncomfortable prison, for the duration of the war, particularty if he was of military age. Our arrangement was to get the necessary documents from the British Consulate. To avoid risks, these would state that the man was either under twenty or over forty. When I got Nicholas to Madrid after the rough ride from San Sebastian, I led him to one of the hideouts where we kept our escapees for the few days it took to prepare their papers. It was a room in a sixth-floor apartment in the slums of Madrid. The tenants, poor loyalist Spaniards, took these lodgers without declaring them to the police in return for a ludicrous payment. Nicholas took one sniff of the courtyard and that was it. He refused categorically to climb the six flights to view his lodging. 'A Ruda voluntarily in such a place? Never. Jail first.'I gave him a graphic description of the Miranda, the freezing, damp, ratinfested cells; no plumbing swill, cruelty. Nicholas would not be moved.
better lifer' Nicholas said contentedly when I went to fetch him a few days later. 'The girls tucked me in bed at night, brought me breaKast in bed in the morning. It was like having a harem. I had several breaHasts every day with a different waitress each time.' Despite this royal treatment, Nicholas literally itched to get out of there. At the next stop on his voyage, Gibraltar, an obligatory medical examination disclosed that he had a minor by-product of Spain's houses of ioy: crab lice. He was hairy and the crabs had spread all over his body . . . and the story spread all over Gibraltar and beyond. At the dinner the governor of Gibraltar always gave for escaping officers, Nicholas was teased from apdritif to dessert. Even years later a guest at a party in London meeting him for the first time burst out laughing, explaining, 'Oh yes, you are the Count who . . .' and he articulated his fingers crabwise. But as with Tomas, once in'London Nicholas buckled down to work. He became 'Freak', my radio operator, and was awarded an OBE after the war. My band now consisted of five major double-cross agents. In addition to Freak's radio, I had the use of the diplomatic bag to transpoft the sometimes voluminous information from such a bevy of spies. The only difficulty my band of Yugoslavs occasionally had was involved
government-in-exile. \tr(re had to avoid becoming in the intrigues inherent in that body. Also, since they ostensibly were working for their government, too much absenteeism provoked questions, and we feared eventual
with the
people came through the all of them as far as London. Some stayed in
Miintzinger foisted off three of his own candidates on us and we were obliged to send them through. On their arrival in England we had tbem picked up and interned. Then' to avert Miintzinger's suspicion, Masterman cannily simulated the discovery and arrest of one of our own candidates.
A hotel was out of tbe question. I needed a place that operated outside the law. There was no help for it, Nicholas spent his days of waitiog in one of Madrid's ubiquitous bordellos. 'I never had a
SpylCounterspy zo3 cessation of hostilities by their conscience, by their democratic tradition, and by their honour, not by a hastily drafted scrap of paper that may be contested afterwards. One should assure the proper-thinking Germans - and I think they will understand that we do not mean to blot Germany from the map. That would be contrary to the ideal of freedom for which we are fighting. 'A friend of -ine, a chap in whom you may have utmost confidence, will be posted to Lisbon. He is Mr Cecil Gladhill. Gladhill can be of great help to all those who want to eliminate Hider and start talking peace. '$Thatever information you come upon in that regard, report directly to him.' I drew from the conversation that Menzies was no longer as optimistic as he had been about arriving at a peace by circumventing Hitler. My impression was that he felt such a peace might have been feasible, particularly now that the tides of war were going against Germany, were it not for the 'unconditional surrender' motif. Menzies' supposition was that the generals and marshals might have been persuaded to make a coup against Hitler to preserve Germany, but that faced with unconditional surrender, such an act was pointless to them. Still, the idea of ending the war a few years earlier was too attractive a goal for him to drop even if it had only the flimsiest chance to succeed. When I saw Johnny next in Lisbon, I broached the coup tdtat theme to him again. He laughed at the notion. 'Why the hell should the Allies want to get rid of Hitler? He's winning the war for them. The German Army high command is absolutely frantic. They're dancing about in frustration. I can tell you, General Halder and many, many others are fit to be tied. Dusko, the German Army's victories at the beginning of the war came about because the campaigns were planned by the professional soldiers in the Generalstab. Then Hitler started putting his grubby hands in strategy and look what happenend. First he delayed Operation Barbarossa against Russia for nearly two months by his attack on your country. It was a gratuitous campaign. There was no need to secure Yugoslavia, since there was no danger of a major British operation up through Greece. The English were too weak in April r94r. And they were alone. If it weren't for that dela1 Russia might have been crushed before winter set in. But even aside from that, Dusko, Hitler made cardinal mistakes in the first stages of the Russian
chapter twenty
One weekend in England I took a refresher course in political intrigue from a grand master: C. It was at the Menzies clan's country home, Tadley Court, near Basingstoke. We were a smallish groupr the family and a few close friends. C sequestered me from the others and we sat in his study, temperately nursing our whisky-and-sodas while Menzies instructed me on his pet project. 'MI6 has much to catch up on,' he said candidly. '$fe have an opportunity to do so now that your friend Jebsen will be headquartered in Lisbon and you'll have the possibility of seeing him often. The situation has changed considerably since last we spoke, and you must grasp it thoroughlS so listen closely.' He sipped his scotch and set his glass meticulously on the low table between us before continuing. 'There is much talk - you probably have heard it - of unconditional surrender. I personally dislike it. A phrase. It means nothing. It stands to reason that every surrender, even an unconditional one, must have conditions attached to it. But that is official Allied policn and I can do nothing to change it. There is something else, however, that we may do. 'It would be . . . uh . . . beneficial if certain individuals in the right places in Germany were given to understand the proper meaning of that phrase: that no talks or bargaining with the Nazis will be accepted but that the Allies want to be guided after the
) l
2o4 Dusko Popw campaign. He overrode Halder and the general staff and insisted and Leningrad. And then he made that futile sacrifice in Stalingrad dl for the sake of what he conceives to be glory. Von Par:lus had an amy of about three hundred thousand men there. If it had been withdrawn and sent to reinforce the southern front, it could have neutralized the Russian counterattack. No, Hitler is the Allies' best friend.' 'Is he really that bad a military manr' I asked 'or are the generals trying to shift the blame?' 'It doesn't require an expert in military strategy to answer that. A psychologist would be more qualified. The man is insane. Look at the Tunisian affair. Rommel was begging for more tanks and
SpylCountuspy zo5
is what would make them totally unacceptable - they want to hold on to what Hitler has won.' 'What do you mean?' I asked not knowing if I understood right. 'They want the pre-r9r4 frontiers, plus Austria, plus the
only join it after they are kicked out, and then all they do is sit around and talk. They can't even agree on a programme. Most of them want a Kaiser back, but they can't get together on which of the grandsons of William II should mount the throne or become Regent. They also disagree about the qpe of constitution they should propose. All that is bad enough, but in addition - and this
reinforcements for months. He hardly got any at all, and then they came too late. But after the Allied invasion of North Africa and the loss of El Alamein, Hider rushed over a quarter of a million German and Italian troops to Tunisia to hold a bridgehead that was lost in advance. If he had listened to his generals, he would have done that several months before. Rommel would have taken Cairo and probably controlled all North Africa.' 'If there is so much dissatisfaction, wouldn't this be the moment to act?' I was obeying C's directive despite Johnny's opinion. 'I wouldn't want to hazard a guess on that. I'll try to get you a definitive answer from Oster - he's been promoted to Major General, by the way. Oster will know more than I do, and I can tell you he'll certainly be happy to learn that the way is still open for talks despite the unconditional surrender terms of the Casablanca meeting and the Atlantic Charter.' lohnny returned from seeing Oster with a discouraging report. 'There is no hope. Any general who has the courage to oppose Hitler is cashiered immediately or retired. You need active generals in command of troops to overthrow a tyrant who is well
entrenched.' 'But even if they are retired, they must have some influence.' I tried to sound out every possibility, no matter how remote. 'They still have their colleagues, friends in active commands.' 'Dusko, the reality of the situation in Germany is sadder than you know. There is a so-called resistance groupr but it is centred around retired or cashiered generals. I say so-called because they
'No.' I blinked. 'They don't seriously think . . .' 'They don't think, period. I don't want to discourage any possibility of hastening the end of the war, Dusko, but this is a waste of time. My personal opinion is that only external pressures will bring about a change in Germany.' Still, the decision wasn't mine to make. I dutifully recorded the names Johnny gave me and passed them along to Gladhill, who got them to C along with Johnny's comments. Despite the fact that both Gladhill and Menzies submitted to the evidence and agreed with JohnnS Menzies still felt his plan was worth a fry. During these days of 1943, our deception work involved mainly the planting of false alarms aimed at keeping a maximum of German troops in the west and so relieving pressur on the Russian front. A fairly typical one was Operation Starkey, in which we fed the Germans bits and pieces of information to lead them to believe a large-scale amphibious operation was being prepared in the Pas de Calais region. This attracted Luftwaffe reconnaisance and bombing planes to the RAF's backyard where they could be attacked easily. One of the most spectacular and successful deception plans was devised by my old friend Ewen Montagu, who had put himself up for bait in Plan Machiavelli, the bogus naval-chart operation. This scheme was called 'Mincemeat' and Montagu has already descibed it in detail in The Man Vho Nevq lVas. I played only a very minor part in this first-class mystery drama, whose object was to distract attention from Sicily, where an invasion was being planned. Montagu conceived the idea of planting fake documents and
zo6 Dusko Popoo letters on the body of a dead English officer, which would be allowed to wash ashore in Spain as though from an aeroplane crash. The papers included a letter from Admiral Mountbatten to Admiral Cunningham, the Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean, discussing an attack on Greece. My initial contribution was to report to the Germans that many Yugoslav officers had been called for parachute training in Scotland. $7e were sure the Germans would draw conclusions based on the similarity of the terrain in Scotland and in Greece. Then, Operation Mincemeat was executed and my job was to determine if the Germans received the planted documents and what credibility they attached to them. Through the Abwehr on the Iberian Peninsula I got part of the story. Johnny learned the rest in Berlin. The Spanish Police photographed the documents they found on the body before renrming them to the British who were deliberately setting up a clamour. As the British presumed would be the case, Spanish Intelligence passed copies of the photographs to their German allies. The Abwehr was completely taken rn, iudging the documents to be absolutely genuine. The riposte was immediate. Berlin sent reinforcements to Greece, particularly to the area indicated in Mountbatten's letter. Other reinforcements were sent to Sardinia, submarines were ordered to Crete, and the defence of Sicily was downgrade4 although previously the Germans had recognized that it was a prime Allied objective. And even in the defence measures taken in Sicily, the Germans were misled. They placed mines on the northwest shore, whereas the eventual invasion came from the south. The revelation of a German espionage exploit, which subsequently was much publicized in book and fiLn, came about as a result of an inadvertent tip I had from von Karsthoff. Going ovef, my financial accounts with von Karsthoff one afternoon, I complained as I usually did that the funds he was giving me were insufficient for my growing network. 'Sfell,' von Karsthoff remarked 'we pay for what we get. You could earn millions if you gave us something really spectacular.' 'You're exaggerating a bitr' I grumbled. '\tr7hat the hell more spectacular could you get than what my net and I are supplying you? Short of a detailed account of Churchill's digestive processes, we tell you practically everything of value in England. 'Believe me, Dusko,
SpylCountersp zo7 You're just inventing an excuse for the Abwehr's stinginess.'
spoke with
humble position, too. He's giving the Abwehr incredible information. And not only information, documents.' 'What kind of information?' I still pretended to grumble, sneering slightly at the competition but feeling like a bird dog on
the trail. 'The best. Military. Political. Even the minutes of the Teheran
Conference.' 'f don't believe it. No one in a humble position could get that. He'd have to be highly placed. Who is he?' 'I assure you he isr' von Karsthoff replied to the challenge. 'As a matter of fact he comes from down your way, not far from
Dubrovnik.' 'What, another Yugoslav?' 'No, he is not Yugoslavr' von Karsthoft told me, but then realized he had been indiscreet and switched the subject of conversation. I didn't insist. What he had said suffced. Sforking on the supposition that the man in all probabiliry was from Albania, that being the nearest border to Dubrovnik, MIS started combing the entourage of all persons having access to the minutes of the Teheran Conference. Very soon the circle closed around the Albanian valet of the British Ambassador in Ankara, Ilya Basna, dubbed Cicero by the Germans. Cicero was wily enough to escape at the last moment. And von Karsthoff hadn't been inbccurate, only slighdy misled. Cicero had been well paid: one and a half million dollars worth of British pounds. But they were counterfeit for the most part, forged by Mr Himmler. The Germans hadn't been that generous after all. I found out later that most of Cicero's extremely valuable information did the Gennans no good at all. Ribbentrop, the German Foreign Minister, was on his guard as a result of the success of Operation Mincemeat and feared Cicero was a plant as well. He discounted the Abwehr evaluation and never made use of his million-and-a-half-dollar purchase. Chance, being in the right spor at the right moment, is as important for a secret agent as it is in other walks of life. Chance - and keeping one's eyes and ears open - such as happened
SpylCmntersplt zo9 when he was seized the Americans found on him a newly made key to one of the Embassy safes. Perhaps another Cicelo in the
I was being picked up for a tref by a couple of Abwehr The moment their car came to a stop I jumped
quickly into the back seat, and the blond Valkyrie at the wheel got going again without losing a second. 'It's easier with him than with "der Dicke Alois"r' her friend gggled. The driver exploded into almost unconmollable laughter. 'Ja, it takes him half an hour to maneuvre his behind in.' Alois isn't an everyday name, particularly in Lisbon. I did know one, and he was a Fat Alois, as the girls indicated. My fat friend posed as an Austrian political refugee and worked in a lowly capacity for the United States Embassy. He should have been suspected before. A poorly paid minor employee, he was living at the Palacio Hotel on the Estoril, the hotel I stayed at. Now that I thought about it, there was something else that was extremely suspect about Alois. Probably because he didn't have much success with girls, he usually would stick like a U-boat to a convoy when there was a group with an extra girl in it. Yet I recalled that on some occasions when he was invited to join a party or to go to the Casino, Alois made some silly excuse to go off alone. Something like going to the cinema or to bed early. Before sounding the alarm, I followed Alois the next time he pretended going to the cinema. He led me to the movie house in the Casino compound. I bought a ticket and followed him in, taking a seat in the last row on the aisle. Alois also was on the aisle, about halfway down. After ten minutes he got up and walked out, passing me unseen in the dark. I was after him a few seconds later, in time to see him go through the lobby and out into the Casino park. It was night, so I had no difficulry staylng with him. He walked along the sea road to Lisbon toward the railroad station, lg6.ling me practically to the spot I frequently used for a tref. There he was picked up by a car that I recognized as belonging to the Abwehr. The next day, the Americans, acting on my tip via British Intelligence, grilled Fat Alois. He broke down easily. His story was that he had been blackmailed by the Germans. He was pathetic in his eagerness to accept the deal offered by the Americans: he would continue his work under OSS supervision. Alois also denounced a young Portuguese who was employed by the US Embassy. He had come well recommended by a bishop, and
On the other side of the ledger, we at times had close calls within our own organization. A Nonvegian named Jeff was working under our control in Internment Camp WX on the Isle of Man. Jeff had been recruited as a German agent and put ashore by seaplane and small boat near the Moray Firth in Scotland accompanied by a Norwegian of British origrn. They surrendered themselves immediately and agreed to work as dbuble agents. Not trusting Jeff's temperament, the XX Committee deci&d to run him from the security of the camp, where he operated a radio transmitter. Also on the Isle of Man, interned in another camp, was a member of the German War Graves Commission, Erich Karl, who was taken prisoner in the Low Countries. Although we suspected Karl had Abwehr connections, he was repauiated eventually in accordance with the Geneva Convention. Shortly thereafter, MI5 discovered that the group of internees to which Karl had belonged was in secrer comrnunication with WX camp. There was a strong likelihood he had t'mbled to teff's doublicross activities. That would burn not only Jeff but many orhers as well, including me. By correlating what Jeff sent with similar information passed by the rest of us, the Abwehr could draw damagiag conclusions. For the orhers, who corresponded by secret ink or radio, it would mean their services were at ao end. For me, it was much more serious. I was in London at the time of the Karl incident, preparing nevertheless to return to Lisbon. It was a calculated rist. fwo {ghts before my departure, Tar and Vilson turned up at Clock
Karl. It's the Wonn this time. We have news oi him. He's in Paris and has been seen at the Hotel Lutetia. He's been going there regularly.' The Hotel Lutetia was Abwehr headquarters in paris. The !florm was our name for a Yugoslav agent who was being passed thmugh the escape route. He had vanished en route, arrl ,rnlike most of the others whom fvo sent, the Worm was onto our secrets. He had worked in the underground with Ivo and knew he was being sent to London as a double agent.
House wearing long faces. may be walking into a trap in Lisbon, they told me. ,Nor __ 'Iou
Dusko PoPu:
'You'r probably burned' Tar said glumly. 'As a personal friend, I advise you not to go.' 'As a personil frien{' he sai{ not as an officer of British Intelligenie and my superior. The inference, even if unintended was unmistakable. I was needed in Lisbon and my duty was to go there. I didn't need anyone to tell me that; my own stiff-necked
conscience sufficed.
'You might wish they had.' 'We doJt know for sure that I'm burne4' I said still trying to make the best of the bad situation. 'No, and there's no way we can find out.' 'Then I'll have to go find out for myself. If I don't come back you can put on my gtave: "Here lies Dusko Popov who couldn't live in doubt."' Tar hugged me. 'I knew you'd do it. To be utterly frank' Dusko, thiJ trip of yours to Lisbon is exuemely important, but we couldn't ask you to go.' I went but I disobeyed orders. I packed a Luger. Normally, MI5 agents were not supposed to carry arms, the theory being that they in themselves might give us away. I had my own personal theory however. During that phase of my life I was not particularly frightened by the thought of dying. It was a possibility I viewed only with regret because I wanted to live to see the end of Hitler. A peculiar brand of curiosity, I'11grant you, but understandable. I was completely engrossed in the struggle and could no more think of abandoning it than, say' a Rembrandt could allow himself his final gasp while in front of an incompleted canvas. There was something I was determined to avoid however, and that was torture. The heavy Luger was my insurance against that. I would shoot my way out of a tight situation or be killed in the attempt. More resolute than ever before, I walked through the dark on the Estoril road toward the spot where I was to be met by an Abwehr car. I had the Luger in a shoulder holster, and while walking I drew it a few times to make sure it slid freely. When the car came along I noticed with relief that a girl was at the wheel. At least, I was not being met by what is known in the trade as a garbage-disposal unit.
'Herr Ivan?' the girl I didn't know said as I reached for the door handle. 'I am Friedl, a new secretary.' We went through the usual routine of entering the garage and going up the inside stairs. Friedl saw me to the drawing room and said, 'I shall tell Herr von Karsthoff you are here.' She went out' leaving me alone. The room was large, I had been in it several times before but had never paid particular attention to its topography. We had entered by the hall door. Therc were two more doors. The one on the right-hand wall, I knew, led to the dining room, and the one on the left to the garden. It was a large double french door inset in the wall. In case I had to beat a hasty retreat, that would be my best exit. Reaching under my armpit, I snapped the saferycatch ofi the Luger, then walked towards the french doors. I wanted to see where I would land if I dove through in a hurry.
moves.' Von Karsthoff's voice, very soft but firm came from in
windowpane. He was alone and unarmed. On his shoulder perched a small monkey. I dropped my hand and turned around. 'An agent from South-West Africa gave him to me a few days agq'von Karsthoff explained still speaking in an extra-soft tone. 'He isn't tanae yet, and if frightened, he may bite.' Despite the warning, I couldn't help laughing. 'Do I look so ridiculous?' von Karsthoff asked. 'I'm afraid you do. Anyway, please take him out.' I wanted a chance to regain my composure. 'I can't stand monkeys.' Von Karsthoff came back and said while pouring me a drink, 'You look odd, on edge. Did something happen?' I looked at von Karsthoff and saw the ghost he nearly had been. 'I nearly killed a friend,' I blurted out. 'You and your reckless driving.' Fortunately, he misunderstood. 'You'll kill yourself someday.' I learned later that both our alarms were false. Nothing materialized as a result of Erich Karl's repatriation, and the Worm was merely AwoL in Paris. He was having a good time and decided to stay awhile. As for his frequenting the Hotel Lutetia
Duskn Popoo
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and Abwehr officers, the Worm thought it was good fun to have the enemy pay for his pleasure $flhen I complained to johnny about the lack of discipline on the escape route, he shouldered most of the blame. I think the Worm amused him in the same way as our escapades in Freiburg used to do. The Worm was an irrepressible and irresponsible
'When lean (that was the Worm's first name) first arrived, I put him up in my apartment' Johnny recounted. 'The flat was a bit overcrowded and Jean didn't get along with an Egyptian prince who also was staying there. They were exact opposites. The prince was intellectual and always meditating. 'One morning I found Jean breaKasting on champagne and drinking toasts to himself. "S7hat are you celebrating?" I asked. "'My birthday." ' "Pity I didn't knowr" I told him. "I haven't a present for you. But it's not too late. Tell me what you want and it's yours." '"Really?" Jean asked. '!ean gave me one of his crooked smiles and sai4 "Then I want to throw tbis fool out the window." He pointed to the Egyptian prince, who was dreaming away, probably not even hearing out conversation. 'Well, my flat is on the ground floorr'Johnny continued, 'and I didn't think he'd really do it anyway, so I said, "Go ahead." ' 'He didn't !' 'He certainly did. The prince wound up with a dislocated shoulder, and I had him mooning around for another month.' 'Very funny. How do I explain all these juvenile high iinks and delays to my Yugoslav friends?' 'Oh, sort it out with British Intelligence,' Johnny said. '$fhat?' I was taken aback. The words British Intelligence
had never passed between us. 'Sort it out with British Intelligence,' he repeated. 'I don't know British Intelligence.' My tone must have been extremely convincing. Perhaps it was engendered by my annoyance with the lform or by Johnny's breaking our unspoken code. It was one of those 'I knew that he knew that I knew' situations where implicit silence seemed the easiest way. fohnny gave me a sharp look. For the first time I saw fear in
don't ask any questions. I'll explain tomorrow, I promise. Meet me for dinner, right?' 'You old bastard Dusko. You had me worried for a minute. Dinner tomorrowr' he punched my ann, 'and a good explanation or you'll go out of the window.' I laid it on the line with Freckles !(Iren immediately. ,You,ve got to clear it with Londonr' I insisted. 'I told Tar and the others back in r94o when I first met them that Johnny knew I was working for the British. My God he should have, he instigated the whole thing. So no more hesitation. Johnny has to be told outright or we risk losing him.' London conceded. Johnny was accorded full confidence and integrated into our ranks under the code name of 'Artist'. It was like a baptism - three and a half years late. Around mid-April 1943, Johnny and I were asked by MI6 to investigate a purportedly devastating new weapon the Germans were developing. Reports about it came from various Allied agents in Europe and from interrogations of prisoners of war. MI6 established a connection between these rumours and the presence of some undefinable structures and earthworks spotted by aerial photography in Peenemiinder, the German experimental station. Basing their estimate on the dimensions of these constructions; experts in London concluded that they might be dealing with a seventy-ton rocket capable of carrying a ten-ton warhead. More worrying was the slight possibility that the weapon might be an atomic bomb. Johnny's first repoft was reassuring. Otto Hahn, the top German scientist in nuclear fission, stated that research had not progressed enough to produce an atomic bomb. Hahn was critically placed, studying chain reactions with uranium raken from deposits at Jorhminstahl, in Czechoslovakia. As far as a seventy-ton rcket went, ]ohnny combed the
I had overplayed my role. 'God oh God,' he buried his in his hands. 'You don't mean you've really been working for the Nazis all these years? I must be going crazy. Dusko, what will Ivo think?' Orders be damned Johnny was truly in agony and I could understand why. Seemingly, I was betraying the ideals we shared and I was aiding Hitler in his mad war by rhe same roken. 'ft's not as black as it looksr' I said. 'Everything's okay but just
his eyes.
Dusko Popoo
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Greater Reich from one end to the other, yet he couldn't find the monster weapon. He did unearth two German firms, Argus and Fisseler Flugzeugbau of Kassel, which were receiving large orders and credits for the development of a new weapon, but both firms specialized in the construction of light aircraft and didn't have the facilities to produce something in the way of seventy tons. British Intelligence insisted we were on the wrong track, and Johnny went doggedly back to the task. In September, after weeks and weeks of fruitless search for a seventy-ionner, Johnny came to me with definite information about a much smaller missile, tbe FZG-76. The British later called it the V-r, or the Doodlebug. His research showed that the two light aircraft manufacturers were constructing a small pilotless michine, a monoplane carrying a bomb of about one ton. It was in mass production at Fallerslaben. There were rumours about a rocket, Johnny found, but he hadn't been able to establish anything more than that.
deserting Abwehr officer was likely to name their spies abroad. Their exposure was the last thing we wanred. By the end of 1943, all those in Great Britain were ours, willingty or unwillingly. So we were not only discouraging defection, but openly refusing it. It was an attitude that appeared stupid and unbending to many uninformed British officials as well as to rhe would-be deserters. Actualln the direct ruling against defections came as the result of a case that did us no harm. It was a fortunate warning. Erick Vermehren and his extremely beautiful wife, the former Countess Plattenberg, were Abwehr spies in Constantinople when they decided to defect to the British. The case generated a lot of publicity because the Vermehrens were notable social figures among the foreign set in Turken and because von Ribbentrop exaggerated its importance, using it for his feud with
When I pissed the information on to MI6, they came back with literally hundreds of detailed questions. Vhat was the range, weight, speed source of power, fuel; was it radio-controlled, etc? Joh""y would go out and get the answers, and then the British wouldthink of more technical details they needed. To end with, their probing became so technical that specialists were sent to Lisbon. Short of taking an accelerated course in engineering, I couldn't cope with passing their requests to Johnny intelligibly. tohnny was called in to confer with the specialists himself, but this ciused some difficulties and friction with the XX Committee. They objected to his being used openly by MI6, fearing that his addiiional exposure endangered the entire organization. But there was nothing to do but continue the search - the V weapons we-re more important than the deception programme. A successful attack wiih a new and unknown weapon could mean a change in the course of the entire war and obligatory cancellation of D-day. To avoid that, there was no choice but to risk compromising the Committee. Around this time, many Germans, Particularly those in the Abwehr, started to realize that the Nazi ship was sinking and sought to defect openly. Normally, defection would seem desirable-, but in this instance it was, again, something that could threaten the XX Committee. The Germans would presume that a
LuckilS none of our controlled agents had anything to do with Constantinople, which is why the Vermehrens caused us no harm on that score. But they did cause some slight annoyance. They
gave British Intelligence the Abwehr's telegraphic code, which we already had. The Abwehr naturally suspected as much and changed the code immediately. !7e got it again within a mater cf
it was still a nuisance. And then there was a pseudo defection, which was a thorny proposition on both sides of the fence. Johnny came to me one day with the problem. Two friends of his were in Lisbon on Abwehr orders to become friendly with the British and the Americans and eventually use their positions to go abroad and spy. They were both sons of prominent men whom the Allies would naturally seek to court. One was Otto Wolff von Amerongen, whose father was the most important steel manufacturer in Germany. The other was Rudi Enders, son of the
days, but
former Austrian Prime Minister. 'Greatr' was my reaction to their proposed defection. 'Perfect material for the XX Committee.' Johnny shook his head. 'No, it's a hell of a dilemma. They're both anti-Nazi, they never considered spying against the Allies, but they won't work against Germany either. Their names mean something in Germany, and they feel it would be a stain on the family escutcheon if they become traitors.' 'Bullshit.' I had little patience with such rypes. 'How about
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you? You're not worried about your name. Anyway, I should think it would be a help after the war to be known as a genuine anti-Nazi, to be someone who actually did something against Hitler.' 'That's not the way a lot of my corurtrymen see it. Those boys are going to inherit their fathers' positions - at least, Otto will and he's going to have to work with many people who have their own particular notions about patriotism. It's not my attitude, but then I'm a sort of rugged individualist and I don't give a damn. Anyway, in the final analysis, they may be more useful in Germany after the war if they're not considered traitors.' 'Well, then, why are you coming to me, lohnny?' I asked impatiently. 'If they don't want to come over, there's nothing I can do for them.' 'Tbat's part of the dilemma. They may find themselves going over willy-nilly. Once they start circulating in Lisbon, chances are the Allies are going to woo them. In fact, in the few days they've been here, the Americans already seem eager to offer them
'No, they can't. Not if the Abwehr finds out - and they're likely to. That sort of story could become choice gossip for the
cocktail party set. There's only one solution. You've got to short-
circuit any offers.' I agreed to do so, but it was a delicate matter to explain and caused me much trouble with MI5. Ono Wolff and Rudi Enders would have made a prize catch, except they weren't going to be caught. Not to help them, I pointed out, would cause gratuitous
]ohnny's own situation had many perils. He had been spinning a devious and complicated web in Germany. To gain a hold on influential Nazis, particularly those in the SD, lohnny was using the oldest bait in the world: money. He was making investments abroad and depositing money, mainly in Switzerlan4 for these bigwigs. The transactions were illegal and therefore bound his clients to Johnny. Out of self-interest, they would warn Johnny of any plots or intrigues against him and use their influence to sidetrack them. 'I also get a lot of information that way for your friends in
out of hand.' There was no way to alter things. I tried' taking up the problem with MI5 only to be forced to agree that Johnny was essential to them in Lisbon. Also to Mr6. British Intelligence used to boast that we read the German cables before they did. That was the literal tnrth, and it was Johnny's doing. Through a friendship with one of the girls in the decoding section, Johnny read and copied these messages daily. The girl couldn't have helped suspecting his motive. DiscreetlS she never questioned him, and although we knew her to be anti-Nazi, it was uncomfortable to have her hold both our lives in her hands. In a way, the element of danger had an unreal quality. Until ot unless it hit, it only existed in our minds. No one was shooting at us, and we weren't living under front-line conditions. Far from it. I had my apartments at the Palacio and Clock House. fohnny maintained a luxurious villa on the Estoril, with four servants. Johnny's Silver Ghost Rolls-Royce was like a chariot of Eros, ferrying the most beautiful women on the Estoril - with special emphasis on the useful secretaries of the German Embassy - to candlelight dinners at the villa. Our indulgences were perhaps symptomatic of the unseen
chapter twenty-one
During the second half of r943r I spent much time finding out what the Germans thought of their agents in England. The XX Committee was trying to decide which of its double agents to employ in the most important of its deception programmes, that of D-Dan code named 'Overlord'. Naturally, the Committee wanted to use those whom the Germans trusted most. Lieutenant Kamler, the Abwehr f man who was johnny's friend was a prime source. Part of Kamler's job was to evaluate and pass on to Berlin the information sent by agents to Lisbon. Kamler was shrewd and good at his job. I cultivated him. Frequentl5 Kamler was not on good terms with von Karsthoff, Kramer, and Schroeder, the new SD man in Lisbon. Kamler did not curry favour with the Nazis, and he at times put a spanner into the operations of the spymasters simply because he was too good at his job. To boost their own prestige - and purses - or simply to hold onto their comfortable posts abroad practically all spymasters tended to exaggerate the value of their own men. Kamler saw through their estimates. Incidentally and unwittingly, he helped us in our evaluations. He enabled us to know which of our controlled agents. were benefiting by the personal protection of the persons running them. While nosing abut on this activity, Johnny discovered the existence of a special Abwehr ring in Lisbon called Ostro. The
22o Dusko Popw discovery temporarily upser our notions of having a monopoly on Getman spies in England. i-s-run by someone named paul Fidrmuc von Karmapr' _ 'Ostro told me worriedly, 'but I haven't much of a line on him. Johnny don't know his background and I don't know if that's his real
picions concerning the two. Even more fortunately, Berlin and the outpost in Belgium to which he reported both ignored his
although I rather doubt it. He,s running three agents, Ostro r, Osto z, and Ostro 3. One aod two arJ in tne dnitea Kingdom. Osto 3 is in the United States., 'How long has Ostro been operating?' I was trying to figure out . how much damage the group might have done. 'Don't know. The Abwehr has been keeping Fidrmuc under cover. Even von Karsthoff and Kamler don't have any control over him. They have orders only to collect his information and lend it by special courier to Berlin. Usually Kamler's secretary, Frdulein Kran. got on the job immgdhlsly, sending Kim philby to _.yI6 Lisbon to work on the case. By our combined efforts we ioon knew more than the Abwehr about Fidrmuc. Ostro was a magnificent hoax. Fidrmuc was operating alone. ^ Ostro l, z, and 3 were ghosts. They were what ii known in the trade as notional. Furthermore, Fidrmuc never did any acftal spfng. He based his reports on rumorus, on what he could cull from periodicals, and foremost, on his fertile imagination. And for this he milked the Abwehr royally and ingeniously, accepting only part payment in cash, the rest being in art obiects, wnicn ni sold at a high profit. Although Fidrmuc was a hoax, he still represented a danger to us, and for a while Intelligence considered elimiasring him.'fhe problem had many facets. At first glance, it would seem Ostro could do us no harm. On the conmary he could mislead the Germans. Yet supposing he made some good guesses, pafticularly about Overlord and the Gemans believed him mths;1[xn our double agents? On the other hand to destroy Ostro might provoke undue curiosity and inquiries, which could endanger our own organization. Finally, we decided to undermine him. To destroy his prestige in Berlin, I sent tme information based on proven evidence, which was contrary to repofts sent by Osto. Kamler, with his keen analyses, almost caused the fall of nro of the Committee's double agents and at any rate, seriously hindered their work. Luckiln Kamler told fohnny about his sus-
larly embroiled situation involving a trio of double agents. It concerned a double-cross net run by an elderly Austrian excavalry officer named Dr Kiisler, who was nowin the Abwehr. Dr Kiisler was a man of mystery. To this dan there are many
unexplained things about him. In a way he tlpifies intelligence dealings, which are frequently maddeningly illogical and opaque. They leave loose ends trailing and are full of contradictions. For one thing, Kiisler was a Jew. How he came to be an Abwehr officer is not known. And he was more than an ordinary Abwehr officer. Kdsler had the ear of many high-ranking German generals, supposedly anti-Nazis - what I would more accurately label non-Nazis. This Jewish Abwehr officer also was an inventor and a manufacturer. Or perhaps that was merely his Abwehr cover. But that is only my coniecture. Kiisler started his career as a spy with the Abwehr Amt in Brussels, at the time the most important outpost in Europe. When in r94r events made the Lisbon Amt the centre of espionage, Major Kratzer, chief of the Brussels Amt, sent Kiisler to Lisbon to infiltrate British Intelligence. It was not a transfer, however; he still remained under Kratzer's wing. The Brussels outpost was trying to iustify its continued existence. Kiisler came to Lisbon with a Mr Fanto, formerly a European manager for the Colgate-Patnolive Peet Company. There he formed a business corporation and sent Fanto to represent his interests in England. He also gave him an intelligence mission: Fanto was to ask British Intelligence for information that Kiisler could feed to the German generals to persuade them to break
with Hitler and sue for peace. The XX Committee found the prospects enticing and took Kiisler and Fanto on as double agents, dubbing them Hamlet and Puppet. Later Kiisler added another agent to his net, Mullet, a British insurance man from Brussels. The Committee organized a British company for K6sler as a cover for Mullet's and Puppet's frequent voyages between London and Lisbon. The net became particularly active in furnishing the Abwehr with deception
reports on production and industry.
From the end of rg43 to June 1944 was like one never-ending session at the roulette wheel for Intelligence. The analogy is the most accurate I can think of. It was a gamble in all senses. \J7e had spent the earlier days of the war perfecting otu system' building it up. Now we were wagering everything, going for broke. The armed forces were gambling, too. They were wagering on us to play the right numbers so that their long-awaited disembarkation in Europe might sweep the board with minimum
expenditure. On a personal basis it was like a continuous five-month roulette game, too. The tension generated by the constant play mounted mounted, mounted to almost unbearable heights. It was a period of utter concentration, and I was convinced that if the invasion had to be postponed, I would collapse under the strain of another few months. In addition to the strain of the job, the double-cross game had now reached the point where I was expendable. 'We always expect' Masterman commented, 'that at some moment, all the agents will be recklessly and gladly blown sky high in
observation post
give you the source of my information, but I can tell you for certain that you are on the SD blacklist.' The source didn't matter this time. There was no doubting its authenticity.
scored by Kamler's farewell advice and warning to Johnny: 'Don't go back to Berlin,' Johnny quoted him as saying. 'I can't
carrying out the grand deception.' For most of the XX Committee organization sitting in England being blown meant an end to their usefulness. For me, spending most of my time among the Germans, being blown could be much more uncomfortable. The Germans knew the grand lines of the projected invasion. That stood to reason. They were impossible to conceal. Johnny
SpylCountnspy zz5 concentration was in the Midlands. We also created notional armies, similar to notional agents. We simulated one army group named FUSAc (First United States Army Group), another dubbed the British Force Army Group, and a third the United States r4th Army Group. Like in a game of hare and hounds, we planted small signs to lead the Germans on the trail of the nonexistent forces. We gave
Denmark. They knew the attack had to be made somewhere between Ostend in Belgium and the Cherbourg peninsula. Von Karsthoff showed this to me in a clear'Generalstab'-type lecture. Drawing circles on the map, he demonstrated the areas where the British could provide the fighter cover essential to the invasion. Von Karsthoff also pointed out to me other elements indispensable for a landing: the tides and moonlight. It stood to reason the invasion was not likely to take place in full moonlight, but a ceftain minimal amount of light was necessary for the complicated movements of large convoys without giveaway reflectors. It was equally impossible to disguise the enormous preparations and troop concentrations on the British Isles, which made it evident that the attack had to come on the northern shores of France. Von Karsthoff's lecture, of course, was intended as a guideline for the spying I was to do on my return to England. All these factors narrowed the margin of deception possibilities. Yet, from the Admiralty point of view, Opemtion Neptune, the naval portion of Overlord was too hazardous to undertake without a
successful deception.
them information about divisiona[ signs, troop movements, matdriel, storage, repair shops, and the like. To augment the credibiliry of these false trails, we larded them with bits of real information, usually not too damaging, which could be verified
by other means. Shortly before Overlord went into opemtion' we received fairly conclusive proof that the enemy was being taken in by our deception. A German map, dated rJ May, was captured in Italy. It showed what the Germans conceived to be the British order of batde in the forthcoming invasion. They had fallen for the geographic falsehoods and notional army groups we had sown. Their normal conclusion had to be that the main attack was scheduled for the Pas de Calais area. On the basis of the German spy appreciation reports, some of which I had had from Kamler, my Tricycle goup and another net named Garbo were selected to carry the brunt of the deception plan for Overlord. 'You and Garbo vie for the number-one spot on the German spy list for over a year,' Tar told me on giving us the assignment. Garbo was a Spaniard who, on his own initiative, had insinuated himself into the German service and run his own sort of deception plan. He started his career as an independent working in Lisbon. He ran about a dozen imaginary agents supposedly located throughout the United Kingdom, and even a few in the Dominions. He reportedly was rebuffed when he tried to link up with British Intelligence until, at last, his exploits forced his
The main lines of the deception plan were blocked out as follows: Above all, it was necessary to convince the Germans that the attack would start in the northeastern extremity of the expected area - in other words, in the vicinity of the Pas de
Calais, and that the first landing would be followed by a second one, a much more powerful one, in the same area. We inferred that there might be a landing around the Bordeaux area but that it would be merely a diversion to draw the Germans away from the Pas de Calais.ltrTe tried to make the Germans believe that the main attack in the north would come toward the end of june and that the Normandy beachhead (on 6 June) was another diversion. Never did we say anything directly about the Pas de Calais. Naturally, we couldn't say things right out. Iile had to give the Germans indications that would make them draw these conclusions themselves. Thus we indicated that the main body of our troops was concentrated in scotland and on the east and south coasts of England opposite the Pas de Calais. In reality, the main
Girbo worked on the Iberian peninsula for a few years and came to England only as the aftermath of a confusing run-in with
Johnny, which almost cost him his life. ttr(rhile having lunch one day at the fockey Club in Madrid with a Spaniard he found sympathetic, and with whom he was dealing as an Abwehr officer, Johnny committed an indiscretion. He let
zz6 Dusko Popoo drop a few anti-Nazi remarks. Foolhardy as well, the Spaniard confided that he was duping the Nazis by selling them worthless information. Casually, Johnny replied 'It doesn't matter, so do
SpylCountus7! 227 flage units constructed dummy concentrations of assault craft, airields, and army camps. And to consolidate our reports of preparations in certain coastal areas, stories were leaked to neutral embassies and from them to the Abwehr. Amidst this fevered and optimistic ambiance in England, I made ready for another of my trips'to Lisbon in December 1943' Like everyone else, I was keyed up, feeling I was helping {eti1e1 the final 6low. In that peculiar and contradictory spirit of British fair play, C warned me, 'If everything goes well, you'll share the gtory. But if you have any hesitation, no one will blame you for backing out of the Lisbon triP.' If I had any qualms, and what person with a normal sense of self-preservatibn- wouldn't have, they were counterbalanced by othei factors. And the fear that I might be branded a coward wasn't one of them. I replied that I definitely would not contemplate throwing in the towel. More realistically than before, C warned me, 'I didn't think you would, but no overconfidence, Dusko. One false step and you'll bugger everything' yourself in the lead.'
r.' After he left the man, Johnny realized that he had been an
idiot. He called Freckles $fren immediately, and Freckles got on the scrambler and informed London. Johnny had no logical explanation for the incident. Perhaps it was combat fatigue. I was in England at the moment, and on returning to Clock House after lunch, I found Tar and Ian, both very upset, waiting for me. The three of us held a rapid conference and concluded that if it weren't already too late, ]ohnny might be saved only by drastic action. We put the matter up to C, who simply said 'Carte
times - Intelligence never used one of its own agents to do the iob. The killing was always done by specialists, the disposal squad called in from the outside. We phoned Freckles to tell him to get on with the iob. While in the mids of making the arrangements, Freckles somehow stumbled on the fact that the Spaniard who Johnny knew under an alias was in reality our own man, Garbo. But for that we would have eliminated one of our best agents. Still, it was too dangerous to allow Garbo to remain on the
Continent knowing Johnny's affiliation. He was smuggled into England and continued to operate his net of nonexistent agents from there, but now under the close superuision of a case officer. After long hesitation, a Polish officer with the sobriquet of Brutus was assigned to aid Garbo and my net in the Overlord deception. Brutus had run a resistance tret in France until he was arrested by the Germans. He managed to convince them that he was converted and was allowed to 'escape' to England where he promptly came over to us. From time to time other agents in the Committee's stable helped us as well, and other deception machinery played a very heavy role. I'm sure some were equally as important as we were. For the benefit of Nazi eavesdroppers, a vast wireless service working on a round-the-clock schedule simulated the traffic of the nonexistent army groups, sending messages from divisions to headquarters. To fool the Luftwaffe's observation planes, camou-
SpylCountersPy zz9 saviour of Europe and its civilization. Germany was shielding the world against Russian Communism. I felt the captured caviar, foie gral, and champagne rise in my throal and restrained myself irom- asking about this saviour's slave labourers, concentration executions. The grooves of he record were so camps, "rrdmtst warped, it constantly amazed me that anyone could believe them. Backas I was in inemy territory, I was constantly remindedof Masterman's remark about recklessly blowing all his agents sky high. Ivo was a very active part of the system, and he was deep in .ni-y territory wiih no recourse, not even Johnny to fall back on
chapter twenty-three
Christmas eve in the enemy camp. I spent it with von Karsthoff, Elizabeth, and a few of his friends. We foregathered in his new weekend house near Sintra, a modern imitation of an ancient Portuguese quinta. Sfe drank champagne, sang Christmas carols, and exchanged small presents, but the Christmas cheer was artificial. Our conversation centred mainly on the eventual invasion.
rny mote. My fears were something I couldn't even confide to but Johnny. They were too personal. I wanted to get-Ivo-out, be Ivo only should why ih.t. *.. oihers in the-same boat, so
spared? My obsession won. Without telling him expressly why,
I asked
refused to burn properly, so von Karsthoff threw a full package of candles on them and they blazed beautifully. 'That is what Hitler ought to dor' remarked one of the guests, a naval attachd at the embassy. We all looked at him curiously and he hastened to explain his remark. 'We are facing the most heterogeneous coalition one can imagine, composed of extremd Bolsheviks and hardened capitalists. $7e should sacrifice some of our gains to burn up the most hated enemy.' 'And iust who are these candles to be?'I asked. 'Everything south and west of GermanS' the pundit replied. 'They are either unreliable allies or restive conquests. It would be no real loss to toss them back in the pot in exchange for peace on the western front. No American politician could say no to such a
deal. The Americans are realists and would not die to save
'Nothing easier.' fohnny didn't ask why. 'How about the rest of your family?' i, *., a tempting ofier, but that would be asking too much' The XX Committee would be within its rights to court-martial me on the spot. 'No, that would really be abusing my position' I iust want Ivo here for a few days. Together we'll figure out a way to safeguard the rest of the familY.' On my next trip io the Continent, Iohnny- tPJd Tt -h".lt{ ." ,urprir. fo, -.. Ivo had already reached Madrid' We decided it was^ preferable to have our reunion in Portugal, so fohnny a quick change of identity for him, and in no time at all, ".rr"'g.a Ivo mlterialized in Lisbon with a false German Passport' After over three years of separation from my brother,- I 9y.*d with impatience to greet himr-but an airpo_rt encounter in Lisbon w", not^"dvisable fJr such an illicit traveller. Wanting m be free of all observation and intruders, at least for this first meeting' I ,ir."g.A a tref with Ivo as carefully as with the Abwehr. The rendeivous point was on the Lisbon-Estoril road, and I stayed at home in the Palacio until I had confirmation of the arrival of the
parked my recently acqFred- SS taguar on the shouldir-of the rbad and waited. I had bought a car to halfway point,
escape route.
'- A, .
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to make
'It's not the quantiry or the purpose that counts but the principle,' Colonel Toeppen said when Ivo tried to get him to intercede. After being introduced to him by Johnnn Ivo had developed a friendship with the Abwehr officer, which frequently proved useful in his resistance work. But in this instance,
Toeppen insisted he was powerless. 'I'm sorryr' he said, 'there is no rnidgating factor. Your brother-in-law will be shot.' 'Shot because he is a Serb not for stealing. A German officer can steal mns and get away with it ' Ivo said angrily. 'Do you have proof of your accusation'Toeppen asked. 'I can get it.' 'Give it to me and I'll free your brother-in-law immediatelyr' Toeppen pounded his desk. 'Any German officer who steals will be court-martialled.' Nothing was easier for Ivo than to return with the proof. Many occupation offi.cers were deeply involved in the black market. That meant involvement with local civilians, and Ivo had only to select his cases with care to avoid harming our people. Toeppen kept his word. He released Ivo's relative and arrested many
ingenious. Cne scheme in particular was so comical, yet so effective, that as Ivo recounted it, we broke into uncontrollable laughter. 'You know how the Germans boast about their neatness and cleanlinessr' Ivo related. 'Well, we got it to work against them. The more they spat and polished boots, the worse it was.' A relative of ours was the director of the Egii shoe-polish manufacturing company. Like most production in conquered countries, Egii's output was requisitioned by the Germans for army use. A friend of ours, a professor of chemistry developed an additive for Egii to mix with its shoe polish that caused leather to crack at below-freezing temperatures. The thought of those 'good soldier Schweiks'on the Russian front was hilarious. The more they brushed away to make their boots waterproof, the more they leaked. In countless small ways, Ivo harried the Germans, and I shared with him the pleasure of the immediate tangible results. Sabotage gave more personal satisfaction than espionage. Even when Ivo's brother-in-law was arrested for stealing a few pounds of wax, Ivo turned the incident to profit. The wax was for his father, who was
ordering our meals sent up and talking for two days on end. Ivo began his work in the resistance by organizing sabotage. Some of his patients being railway workers, he arranged for the derailment of trains. As a reprisal, the Nazis started taking and shooting hostages. Ivo sought another field. In Yugoslavia, as in most of Europe, river transport is important. Ivo and his friends developed a delayed action bomb to explode barges after they were safely out of Serbian waters, frequently in enemy territory. Some of his sabotage was more subtle and vastly more
'Not that Toeppen's own hands are cleanr' Ivo commented. 'He's not stealing that I know of, but he is participating in
Johnny's currency deal.'
know you were in on that. Johnny never told me.' must have displayed my anxiety because Ivo answered, 'Oh, I'm sure he was trying to avoid worrying you.' 'I suppose. He hasn't told me much at all about the operation.' 'It's a complicated racketr' Ivo said explaining as much of it as he knew. For some economic reason, the value of the occupation mark differed in relation to gold or hard currencies from country to country. Johnny figured out a way to use this discrepancy to corrupt high Abwehr and SD officers so as to bind them to him. Of course, it was illegal, but he arranged to shift money from one country to another, making a profit on each transfer. For those officers who had money, he merely facilitated the business. For those who didn't, he set them up in the black-market operation by lending them funds from his own considerable private fortune. Johnny had no personal interest in the transactions and left the
'I didn't
SpylCountnspg 233
Those familiar gteen eyes of Ivo's flashed. 'You want me to stay in Lisbon.' It was almost an accusation. I answered without prevarication. 'I do but I'm not sure that could be managed. The British may object. The slightest thing could cause the Germans to have seoond thoughts about our whole net. But I've thought of another way. You're here on a false passport. Where does the trace of Ivo Popov disappear?' 'In Paris. From there on it is pure ]ebseniade.' That was a word I hadn't heard in a long time. 'From Madrid on' there's definitely not a trace of me. Only Jebsen knows I'm here. On the German side, I mean. Of course, there's Gladhill.' 'The British aren't likely to object as long as you don't compromise them. I think you could return to Madrid and, with our contacts, get lost there for the duration.' Ivo took a long puff of the cigarette he was smoking and let the smoke out slowly, considering the suggestion. 'I could. I't wouldn't affect the family anyway since they're scattered all over the country. And as you know, none of them are mixed up in my
Toeppen entrusted Ivo with the leg work in Belgrade' Sin-ce his first encounter with the Abwehr paymaster, Ivo had gradually job insinuated himself into his confidence. Toeppen gave him the of gathering occupation marks. It was an easy one, since Belgrade bariks were-quite willing to accept Yugoslav dinars in exchange for the German scrip they were holding. From lvo's point-of view it was a perfect setuP' It obligated Toeppen to him, and Ivo also reaped a commission on each transacd; which he used to support the sabotage operations of his resistance group. It became the group's favourite joke that the Nazis were financing their own destruction. Vhen we finished out remembrances' and after Ivo had a long
session with cecil Gladhill to acquaint him at first hand with the situation in Yugoslavia, I broached the subiect that had made me bring Ivo to Liibon. I had avoided it as long as possible. Ivo is a man"with a well-defined concept of morality and duty' He is capable of drastic decisions, surgeon-like, regarding not -only otir.r. but himself as well. I was uncertain of his reaction and was hoping that time would play on my {de' . i t*t Ivo to my favourite spot for private conversation, the Boca de Inferno, .nd th.r. on the cliffs above the waves, which were particularly wild that afternoon, I told him how our entire organization might be blown. lThe invasion is coming soon. I don't know when, but soon' Even the Germans know that.n 'The sooner the betterr' Ivo answered' an 'Yes, but when it happens, your life may not. be worth occupation mark. And I won't have time or permission to -warn when it is going to-happen' So,' I Wu f"fot.nand even if I know a way to make sure you're no% p""t"a, 'let's plan something safe.'
We let the matter rest there. The idea had to germinate. It was already a giant step to have had a conditional resPonse from my idealistic brother. For the first time since his arrival, I went to bed with a fairly light heart and slept relatively well. I did hear Ivo get up several times, saw the flicker of a match, and knew that
he was smoking. That meant he was still pondering the matter and I could hope for a favourable decision. Over morning coffee Ivo announced 'It's no go, Dusko. I've got to go back. There are too many others involved. f can't desert the resistance.' 'But you won't be able to protect themr' I objected. 'You'll be the first one arrested and put up aginst a wall.' 'Then that will be their warning.' I tried to obiect, but Ivo stopped me. 'Let's not talk about it any more, Dusko. My mind is made up and talking will just cause
us pain.'
Lisbon, which despite its seriousness, the constant contact with the enimy, the unnerving pretence' seemed so frivolous' Where is the line of demarcation between pretending to be a playboy and actually being one?
Ivo left the next day. I went back to the routine of life in
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One afternoon, I drove for refuge to the Bailonis' home, a converted monastery in Carnaxide. I used it often for meetings with Gladhill or when I wanted a place to get away from it all. It was a sort of second home for me, only a few miles out of town yet with enormous beautiful gardens, a swimming pool, and horses. $7hen I was away from Lisbon I would leave my car there. Bailoni's two daughters, beautiful, joyous creatures' delighted in using the SS Jaguar rather than their sedate family
pulled into the courtyard than Lillian, the younger daughter, rushed out and proposed 'Let's go to the shore for a swim. It is so hot.' 'Thanks, no.'I wanted solitude. 'Some other time.' 'Oh, you're no fun any morer' Lillian scolded, and spotting another visitor, a young American officer, she cried, 'Bill, how Hardly had
about a swim?' tGreat.'
take your
fun.' 'Any time.' She was an expert driver. I could hear her smooth gear changes as she sped down the twisty lane of the estate. Four hours later Lillian and Bill returned in a taxi. 'Your car, Dusko, it exploded' Lillian gasped as she ran towards me. 'It wasn't my fault, really. We were in swimming and it just exploded all by itself.' 'I think someone helped it,' Bill amended knowledgeably. I thought so, too, and an examination of the twisted remains left no doubt. 'Who would want to get rid of me?' I propounded the question to Cecil Gladhill. 'It couldn't be the Germans. I'm graded number one with them, and anyway, they'd put me on the grill first if they suspected I was double-crossing them. And the same with you.' I grinned at him. 'No, we'd draw and quarter you in the Tower of London. Sfe're traditionalists. And I agree, it couldn't be the Germans.
American service showed some curiosity about you. They asked
we said no. But I doubt that they would do anything like that.' I didn't press Gladhill for more details about the unnamed American service. It wouldn't have done any good. He was the type who said as much as he wanted to without questioning and never any more. I went around looking over my shoulder more than usual for several days, but there was no repeat attempt. Someone must have put in a discreet cease-and-desist order. Whatever the case, when I replaced the Standard Swallow with a Talbot, I kept it not so selfishly for myself, resolving never to lend it, except to an enemy. Not too long after, another unidentified service got interested in me, but their intervenfion was of an entirely different nature. \X/hile exaggerated, fictional accounts of the sexual adventures of espionage agents have some basis in fact. What could be more normal than to employ this basic drive as a trap? I was at the Estoril Casino playrng baccarat for unlimited stakes and winning about three or four thousand dollars. A group of friends passed by and said hello. !7ith them was a statuesque, dark-blonde Belgian girl. They introduced us. Her name was Louise, and the handshake she gave me was so inviting that it was obvious it would be more amusing to be with her than to follow my winning streak at the table. I proposed a drink at the Casino's Wonder Bar. She accepted. I swept my chips ofi the table and iammed them into the pocket of my iacket. From the bar to my bedroorn was a matter of natural progression. Nothing to arouse suspicion, not during that period in the Estoril. After a delightful end to the evening - Louise's handshake was not misleading - I awoke at about three or four in the morning to find myself alone in bed. Perhaps it was the daylight that woke me, it being midsummer. Or perhaps it was a rustling in the salon, the door to which was open. I listened attentively for a moment and heard the noise of my desk drawers being opened. I never kept any papers of importance in my apartment, so I let Louise go on searching. If she was going to turn in a report on me, better to have it a complete negative. Several minglgs more and I heard Louise tiptoeing back to the bedroom. I pretended to be asleep but watched her through slitted eyes. Nude, she approached the bed and softly slid in
beside me.
'Restless, darling?'
Louise turned on her side and slithered over against me. 'Didn't me:m to wake you. Lookingfor a cigarette.' I reached over her and picked up the package on the night
thief. This is the first time ...' I pushed her away from me. 'You can do better than that! My jacket is over there and the pockets are full of chips. You saw me put them there. All you had to do was to take some and cash them at the Casino. I don't even know how much I have. So now, let's try again. Whom are you working for?' 'I don't know what you mean. . . .' I slapped her, not too hard. She began to cry but still wouldn't explain. I gave up. We made the best of the rest of the nigbt'
embarrassingr' she murmured, still pressing against me. broke. I was looking for money, but Dusko, please, I'm not a
hit by the slock waves of a disaster to our opposite number in Germany. Admiral Canaris was removed as the chief of the Abwehr, the opening stroke of a general reorganization of that German espionage organization for inefficiency and political unreliability. At least to some degree the charges were true- We had infiltrated the Abwehr to the point of knowing all its important officers, how to influence them psychologically, and how to foresee their reactions. The shake-up was somewhat of a blow to us. Johnny came up with the inside story of how Canaris was sacked. Hitler summoned Canaris to Berchtesgaden and asked
him for a detailed accognt of the situation in Russia. Canaris gave him the truth, a pessimistic report that threw Hitler into a rage. The Ftihrer had reached the stage of tolerating only what he wanted to hear. Hitler, johnny heard, threw himself at Canaris, overturning the table separating them and grabbing the tiny admiral by the lapels. 'Are you trylng to tell me I have lost the war?' he yelled' Mainiaining hls caln as much as possible, Canaris answered 'I'm not trying to tell you anythin& mein Fiihrer, about losing or winning tle war. I'm only transmitting the reports of my
SpglCountnspy 239 them the insignia of the divisions poised in England for the invasiono both the real ones and the notional, and gave them the names of their English or American commanding officers, again both real and invented. The information was designed to cause the German General Staff to form the picture of the battle order we desired. Schroeder and Nassenstein took turns at crossexamining me until three in the morning but were by no means as probing and wily as von Karsthoff. As he was seeing me out, Schroeder sprang what he thought
'Your agentsr' Hitler swore violently. 'Are your Russian agents as trustworthY as the Vermehrens?' on being sacked, canaris was placed more or less under house arrest in a iastle near Frankfurt. Some of bis close collaborators were dismissed, others arrested. canaris himself emerged from disgrace tempoiarily in June when-he was appoin!t-{-ht-t4.:f Ecinomic rlfarfare,b,rt after the zo July attempt on Hitler's life,
Canaris was arrested again.
The Abwehr continied as a unit under the new name of Military Amt with Schellenberg commandilg-. Some of the department heads retained their positions, and the oKW maintained a degree of influence, but ali and sundry were now responsible to Kaltenbrunner, chief of the SD. Von Karsthoff was one of those affected by the shake-up, although not seriously. He was transferred to a post in-Austriai"t"r,io*.ver, I learned he was arrested by the Russians^and executed. He was no longer in Lisbon when I returned from London in April and I had to face a new set of spymasters' Before going to a tref with them the evening of my arrival, I hastened to see Johnny to find out who they were' ,you will report tobur SD friends, Schroeder and Nassenstein and' he addei worriedlS 'a ne',v man is bging selt- out-from either Major n.rii" specially to interrogate you., He will be lilTeiss' ThgCs ku.U.*, a General Stafi officer, or his assistant, cipher the the wori as of a few hours ago frorn my Mata Hari in
departrnent. -
making tonight has top classification: utg.ot. They'll pjck your.brains down to the last "od thefwon't be gentlemen' like von Karsthoff'' and --ijust "niti.u.,io .rr., ihen, perhaps we'd better meet afterwards' We up hy story. Here''-IS*l Io!ryt the key to -ty tt.u. to patch .Yoo'll find a bottle of Black Label in my shoe -v t ot.t ,oo-. time to unpack yet'' bag. - Haven't had ?n. tref with Schroeder ind Nassenstein was for r9:3o in a ,.or.a villa in Estoril. It was a barren place, the furniture typical oi *--.r rental bungalows, nothing like the luxurious houses of uon irrttttofi. The two SD men were Spartans, conducting the i"i.rro!"tion with only a short break for dry sandwiches- and beer. izithout any ftils or social amenities, I recited all the ioform.tion that had been prepared for me in London. I drew
was a surprise. 'A superior officer from Berlin will be here tomorrow to meet you. He'll have some additional questions. Same time tomorrow night, yes?' 'Preferably, nor' I answered shocking him. I wanted more time to prepare. I said that I would rather see the Berlin envoy the day after tomorrow, explaining that I had to make my report to the Yugoslav Ambassador the following day and he usually insisted that I stay for dinner. This was true enough, and Schroeder accepted the delay, saying seriously, 'Yes, your cover. $fe must not neglect your cover.' When I got back to my apartment, johnny was wide awake, reading Huxley's Point Countnpoint. The bottle of Black Label was still two-thirds full, which astonished me. 'All ideas sound naive when thoroughly cross-examinedr' he said by way of geeting. 'Are you referring to my tref or Huxley?' 'Both. How did it go?' 'They were a couple of faithful party hacks, not at all as smart as von Karsthoff. Or as dangerous. You got the wind up
from Berlin gets hold of you. I'm not sure you appreciate the extent to which the OK!7 is banking on what you've gleaned in London. They trust you but they'll want to be double sure that
you haven't been misled. be on your toes.'
can't put
I held up the bottle of scotch. 'This speaks for you, fohnny. You stayed cold sober.'I poured us both a decent ration. 'Nothing will go wrong.'
pessimistic attitude were unlike him, so
'Bloody sure of yourself, aren't you?' Johnny's doubts and I answered 'Yes, I'm
z4o Dusho Popw sure of myself. I've been in the game for four years and I'm a smarter fox than they are. I'm alive, aren't I?' 'Oh, you're a red fox. You can outwit them as long as your head stays clear, but what happens if they give you the truth serum?' 'Truth serum? What's that?' 'The newest wrinHe out of the laboratory. Sodium thiopental. A new drug that destroys a man's will. While under its influence, the patient is supposed to be incapable of lytlg.' And it olglt interest you to know that the Abwehrstelle in Lisbon got a delivery of some of it recently.' 'You think they'll slip some in myfood or a drink?' 'No, it is administered intravenously. don't believe they'll truss up their favourite agent and give it to him by fo1ce, eithgr, but they may suggest you demonstrate your sincerity by submit-
SplCounterspy z4r |ohnny woke me shortly before Dr Pinto was to arrive. He tossed
several capsules at me and explained how he got them.
ting to it voluntarily.' ilohnny, you sure about this drug? Not everyone reacts in tle same way to drugs, you know.' One of my prides is that I am the master of myself. 'Well, I'll admit your resistansg is dnmn good to alcohol, but that's been in your veins for a hundred generations.' 'Can you get some of this sodium pentol . .. whatever you call it?' 'Could be.'
I t
it to me.'
In Johnny's language, 'could be'means yes. 'Wi'lt try an experiment, then. I'll find a doctot to administer
and knew what it was all about in more ways than one. He obviously knew what Gladhill's iob was and enioyed being a cloak-and-dagger medico. He also knew about sodi'm thiopentd. 'Twenty-five grams.' He checked the level of the solution on the graduated scale of the hypodermic syringe. 'That should be the dose to gtve partial paralysis of the nervous system.' Carefully, as though I were made of crystal, he shot the drug into the vein of my left arm. Then he withdrew himself as discreetly as he did the needle. 'I'll be in the hotel bar if you need me. Don't hesitate to call. You should start feeling the effects in a few minutes.' Very shortly I started feeling dizzy, then sleepy. With it all, everything seemed gay and funny. I loved everjrone. 'Okay, Johnny'- my tongue felt too big for my mouth * 'You're on. Let's have the Gestapo scene again.' Johnny started with innocuous questions. Stuff about my background childhoo4 then led up to Freiburg and why I had left there under a cloud. 'Did you dislike the Germans?' tNo.t 'The Nazis?'
tNo.t tNo.t
'The great god money. Luckily, most of my confreres appreciate hard cash. It replaces idealism in the Nazi world.' Dr Pinto was a young Portuguese who had studied in London
Dawn was well up over the Estoril hills as lohnny left to doubletalk the Abwehr out of its truth seruln. I had hardly slept for two days and I had another busy forty-eight hours in front of me and wanted to catch a few hours sleep, but first I had to leave the hotel to call Gladhill from a public phone. When I told him it was urgent and I was dead tired Gladhill came to Estoril to see
me immediately. 'I need a doctor who doesn't ask questions.' I described the new drug p him. Gladhill was alarmed, too. 'A DiPinto will call on you at eighteen hundred hous in your rooms. And Duskor'he added 'It's good to see you are serious when the chips are down.'It souoded like my obituary. stumbled back to the Palacio and got a few hours' sleep.
I was slrrmped in a large Monis chair. Johnny was standing over me, looking fairly hazy. '!fhy did you disrupt the meetings at the Auslander Club?'
'A lark,' I answered fiuzily.
'You knew what you were doing. You made political speeches.' 'Course I knew, wouldn't have been funny othenrise. Anyway, wasn't a serious time.' I could recall iustifying my university record exactly as I had in conversations with Miintzinger in Belgrade when I was recruited. I knew I was still in command. Johnny switched to England to my activities tbere, to the
z4z Dusko Popw people I knew. I parried, denied, lied. My brain functioned although my tongue had some diffculty. 'It's wearing off, Johnnyr' I said at the end of an hour. 'I'm not even sleepy any more. But Christ, what a hangover. Worst one in my life.' 'I'll treat you to a better oner' Johnny was iubilant. 'Either this truth seru.m is for frightening children or you have a will of iron.' It cost me an effort to speak. 'Perhaps the dose wasn't strong enough. Get Dr Pinto.' Johnny fetched the faithful doctor from his post. 'It's the prescribed dose,' he said as he examined me. 'Do you drink a lot?' fohnny answered for me. 'Like a bloody great whale.' 'Okay.' I was resigned. I was at last paying for my abuses. 'Let's have a larger dose.' Dr Pinto shook his head. 'Not now. Better have a reasonable interval. I'll come back tomorrow morning.' 'Too late,' I gritted my teeth. 'This hangover. If it leaves me with another like this, I'll need a day to recuperate.' The doctor felt my pulse, listened to my heart, and finally pronounced 'All right, but not before one or two in the morning. No alcohol now, and if you are hungry, eat very lighdy.' 'All I want to do is sleep.' I pushed thern both out the door. Pinto and Johnny let me have till two o'clock, then jacked fifry milligrams into my vein, double the prescribed dose. This time it hit me almost immediately. I was aware of being conscious for a while but had no idea how long. It could have been thirty seconds or two hours. lohnny was questioning me. I don't know about what, I don't know if I answered. Then I had the impression of doing a somersault in the midst of which I do remember falling
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'Five in the afternoon.' There was a knock on the door. It was the hotel waiter pushing a tea rrolley loaded with the breaKast Johnny had ordered before awaking me: an extra-thick steak, a huge pot of black coffee, and a chilled bottle of ros6. He rolled it to the bed. 'You've iust got time to get this down you and have a cold shower.' Johnny shook out the napkin and handed me the plate with the still smoking steak' 'Fattening me up for the slaughterhouse?' I ioked, worriedly. 'How did I do last night?' 'I'm recommending you for a Hollywood Oscar: the best unconscious actor in the world. I questioned you at several intervals. When you first got the shot and later when you were in a deep sleep. Nothing can shake you, you didn't reveal a thing.' Speaking of sighs of relief, I never realized to what extent they realiy do come from the depths, not only of one's lungs but of the whole spirit. Johnny's eyes radiated his relief and pleasure as well. 'If this war doein't end soon, you'll be the most complete case of schizophrenia on record. You'll be a candidate for electric-shock treatments.t
Freshly shaved and bathed restored by about twelve hours of I llft for my tref with the gentleman from Berlin' He went by ine name of Major Muller. I never leamed his real name. I don't know if he was Kuebart or !7eiss or someone else, but he was a specialist in interrogation' no doubt about that. Mulier was aided by his appearance. No Gestapo brute, he looked kindly and interested. Very patient, he would dissect each
'Dusko, Dusko,' I heard him from the end of a long cavern, 'you must get up.' I blathered a bit, slowly coming back to an awareness of what had happened where I was, and what I had to do. 'What time is it?' were my first intelligible words. I knew I had an appointment.
came out of a sleep so deep it was more a state sciousness. Johnny was shaking my shoulder.
of uncon-
il i
utlered with never the undertone of a threat. He seek only to understand, to help one express oneself' to appeared interrogatee at his ease, technique Ii was a -forcalculated to put the but potentially innocuous ostensibly the him softening Schroeder, Occasionally follow. would that questions dangerois me off throw to to try over take would him, seionding whJwas pace. bv varving the " After si-x hours of questioning, at about two in the morning, both Muller and Schroeder started showing signs of fatigue, yawning occasionally, stretching, rubbing their eyes' Myday had started-ten hours later than theirs after the equivalent of two or three nights' sleep. I gloated feeling as though I could go on
SpylCounterspy 245
aLnost indefinilsly or at least until I drove them both into the ground. I also blessed Masterman and Vilson for having prepared me by putting me through almost egually wearing-sessions and Tar, thai imperturbable British gentlemano for teaching me to look nonchalant in the face of death.
interrogation and Muller and Schtoeder couldn't hold up any longer. You Nazi supennen' I've done you in, I reioiced. -Muller started packing up, metictlously placing his notes in Fs briefcase. 'One more thingr' he sai4 looking up, 'we would like your consent ...' he paused to straighten a recalcitrant sheet of
Nine hours
'I'm not backing I'm the horse.' There wasn't anything to be done, and talk was useless. This was one race that couldn't be scratched. We spent that last evening together at the Casino, avoiding what couldn't be said. The glitter, the games, the brittle chatter around us seemed like a Roman circus, and the prospect of winning or losing money left us both indifferent. Iflhen the last players straggled out of the Casino, I proposed to JohnnS 'I'll walk you back; to hell with the
I thought, the truth serum. to contact Guttmann and to ask him to consent ]rour gather some additional details. We shall need them in a hurry so il can't wait until you return to England yourself.' Guttmann was the German code name for Freak, my radio I gave my consent wi[ingly. operator. later, Schroeder handed me a substantial bonus to days A few give to Fteak. It was reassuring, indicating my good standirtg as iell. Pictures - those on bank notes, that is - spoke more than a thousand words in the language of the Nazi secret Service. The conclusive indication of their confidence came shortly thereafter. Reversing von Karsthoff's proiect to keep me in Lisbon, the SD r"qnest"d me to return to England as soon as possible to ordh.rt..t" my spy ring there. I7e were in the last days of April' The invasio[ was expected at any moment, and there were rumou$ of a travel ban to and from England to go into effect shortly. 1.nl night before leaving, I had the last in a series of futile discussion-s with fohnny about his tenuous situation. since speaking to Ivo I was more concerned than ever about him' But I was b6king for guarantees where none could exist. There was no way to do Johnny's iob and PlaY it safe. 'In iheory' Johnny tried to console me, 'the people I'm doing business witn wiu protect me. They have to in order to protect their own interests and their own safety.' 'But they could try to silence you - for ever.'
'. ..
I{is villa was about nvo miles away. The spring night was too balmy, too peaceful, it didn't seem right for this world. We strolled in a community of silence. We parted on the steps of the house with a handshake. I turned and walked away.
'Duskor' Johnny called. faced him from about ten feet away. 'Nothing. I just wanted to have a good look at you. It's going to be a while. I feel we are going in different directions.' He was speaking to me in German. I could see him start to say, 'Auf lfiedershenr' but only the first syllable came out. 'Goodbyer' he said in English. It makes a difference, a farewell. Somehow, if you are not going to see a friend again, you want to tell him 'adieur' but it is a hard word to say. Yet 'Auf Iiliedersehen' 'au revoirr' stick in the throat. I sai4 'Goodbyer' too, thanKul for that ambiguous English
a horse race.'
SpylCounterspy 247
The early days of May tg44were a dress rehearsal for the biggest performance ever to be staged. The actual play was written. !(e *.r" oo* polishing the lines, making last-minute changes and additions, verifying that there were no holes in the construction. The recent qrlesiions asked by the Germans had to be analysed to see what had prompted them. The answers had to be created, studied to ensuie that they meshed with our deception programme and the limits of credibility. New.information had to be ient by radio to reinforce the erroneous image of the order of battle ihat we had already built up. Every man on the staff was working at fever pitch, checking, double-checking, coordinating, making roo percent sure that there were no holes in the complicated pattetn. But there always seemed to be something we irad overiooked. I pointed out to Tar that the Germans would probably start asking me for my guess at the invasion date. 'lilflell, I don't think we should suggest anything to you. Make your own guess; you've been observing things around here lgng
p ,1
carelessly drawn blackout curtain. Friends frequently dropped in and made themselves at home. All my intimates knew that I left the front-door key on the righthand window ledge and that the bar was well stocked. Tar and Wilson stood up awkwardly as I entered the salon. I could see bad news smeared all over their faces. 'Dusko, Artist has been arrested' Tar said immediately. My heart gave one huge thud and then seemed to stand still. I stood looking at them dumbly. 'We had a signal from MI6 in Lisbon two hours ago. ]ebsen was kidnapped by the Gestapo. Our agent in the German Embassy just got the story. It happened last week. They invited him to tea at the embassy and put knock-out drops in it. Then he was given an iniection, placed in a large trunk, and driven that way to Madrid in a motorcar with diplomatic plates. From there he was taken to Biarritz and then flown to Berlin. He's in the Gestapo prison in Prinz Albrechstrasse.' 'Prinz Albrechstrasser' I repeated hoarsely. We all knew what went on in those cellar dungeons. 'He won't talk, not lohnny.' I answered the question I knew was uppennost in their minds. 'We hope not' l7ilson said. 'For the moment, MI6 in Lisbon tells us we're not implicated. The Gestapo mok him in because of his financial dsalings. But he's under "reinforced interrogation". You know what that means. If febsen cracks, if he reveals he is working for us, every agent he's passed to you will be blown.' 'Worse than thatr' Tar added 'the Germans will read every message we've sent these last few months in reverse. Our entire deception plan will go by the board.' 'Johnny won't crack' I repeated furious not at their understandable doubts but because I could visualize him under tortrue. 'He'll stand up to anything physical or moral. I know Johnny.' Wilson sighed. 'Dusko, we can't take any chances. The Committee has decided to suspend your net's activity.' 'But that's locking the stable door after the horse has bolte4' I
protested then regreugd the simile as I recalled Johnny's description of himself as the horse in the race. 'Who will carry on the work?'
'Garbo.' 'Garbo is in the same position
competent to give an oPinion.' Riturning late one night in mid-May to Clock House, I noticed
the Gestapo
SpylCounterspy 249
that might work, I figured, if Johnny were being held only for financial manipulations. 6 June 1944 D-Day. The panic caused by Johnny's arest dissipated. Obviousln he hadn't divulged our deception progriunme. The success of our landing indicated that the Germans had fallen for it. Rather than reinforce the Normandy beachhead they sent the rr6th Panzer Division from the northwest of Paris to the Somme, retained the 85th Infantry Division near the Somme, cancelling previous orders to move it, and ordered the rst SS Panzer Division from Turnhout to Ghent. To complete this bolstering of the Pas de Calais area, some four other divisions that were expected to be transferred to the Cherbourg front were retained there. Hitler's Chief of Stafi, General Jodl, stated later, according to newspaper reports, that the situation was even worse for the Germans. Jodl said that not seven but fifteen divisions were held in the Pas de Calais to counter our threatened landing there and to protect V-weapon launching sites. And he was quoted as saying that this strategic error was fatal. All these divisions were held in place for two weeks while the Allies drove in through Cherbourg. Obviously, the Generalstab stuck with their impression that we were planning a second front in the north. Intelligence kept the fires burning by passing bits and pieces of information to reinforce that presumption. When the Generalstab finally realized they had been deceived, it didn't blame me or their other agents for the error. It clearly was felt that we had all been equally deceived. While the battle was still raglng on the Normandy beach-head,
knows ]ohnny is with us, they'll make the same association for Garbo as for me. There's no logic in dropping just one of us.' 'Perhapsr' Tar agreed, 'but the Committee decided we've got to minimize the risk, and that's the way they're doing it.' To deactivate my net, Meteor and Freak were sent on naval missions abroad. Their assignments supplied an explanation for the discontinuance of their spy missions. Inadvertently I supplied my own reason for breaking off. Racking my brains for a way to help fohnny', I decided to try blackmail. I notified the Germans in a letter in secret ink to Lisbon that I had heard Jebsen was arrested, and unless he were liberated I would not continue to work for them. It was a ruse
Ian lTilson came around to ask me to a 'little dinner'with some of the Military Intelligence boys at the Hyde Park Hotel. On entering the dining room, I encountered a gala banquet with most of the top intelligence officers from headquarters attending. I was led to the seat of honour and was so confused and embarrassed that Ian had to whisper to me to sit down when a toast was made to me. It would be false modesty to say I wasn't gratified' although I did squirm in my seat at the exaggerations of some of the feats attributed to me. I felt like Horatio at the bridge when General Petrie described me as the man who by himself had held up seven to fifteen German divisions during the invasion. Then to top it all carne the announcement that I was getting an OBE. It would have been a splendid evening if I could have kept my thoughts on the festivities and not on Johnny. A week or so later - although it seemed like ages - Tar rushed
ii ll
l;l ir
into Clock House. 'News of Jebsen, Dusko. Your ruse seems to be working. We've had a report that the Abwehr is trying to obtain his release. The Gestapo is blocking it, but there's hope.' 'How is he? Did they say?' 'Only that he is still in prison and obviously hasn't talked.' 'That's not much to go on.' Tar tried to raise my spirits. 'It's one hell of a lot, Dusko. It probably means that Jebsen wasn't tortured' or at least, not badly. And it also means that the Abwehr has no reason to doubt you.' 'The way you put it, it sounds good. But the Abwehr is one thing. The Gestapo is another.' My forebodings proved more realistic than pessimistic. MI6 came through with- some more news from its secret agents in occupied Europe. My brother Ivo was arrested a few weeks after johnny. The charges were similar: participation in illegal financial transactions. Ivo was arrested one afternoon at his office. A squad car of Gestapo men erupted into his waiting room, ordered the several patients there to liave, and hardly gave Ivo the time to change his white jacket before hustling him out. During the drive to the Glavnyaca prison, nothing was said to him and, naturally enough, he was und.t the impreision that the Germans had discovered his role as Dreadnought. It wasn't until the interrogation pro-
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stockinged feet to hinder escape and also without a tie or a belt, some fiTteen prisoners were ciowded into a flat-bed truck. The
answered their questions frankly, since they concerned only his relationship with Germans, and he hoped that when it came to more serious matters his open cooperation and apparent collaboration would make them be[eve his innocence. He protested that he had been working in good faith for the German-s, and he gave as reference C-olonel Toeppen. Ivo knew that unauthorizid dealing in currenry was punishable by death, but for the moment he could only feel relief not to be questioned about his other activities. Also, he nourished the hope that Toeppen would eventually extricate him. Placed in a cell, he lived with this hope for a few days. The cell had the usual arrangement, a fold-down cot, a stool, and a bucket, but at least it had the advantage of not being underground. High on one wall was a small window. Ivo spent a good deal of his time standing tiptoe on the stool, looking out into the courtyard, where prisoneis were allowed a few minutes'exercise each day, walking in a circle. One morning, Ivo recognized Colonel Toeppen among the shufling prisoners, shattering his hope of aid in that direction. His only possibility of rescue now, he thought, was Johnny, not knowing that our friend had been arrested too. Periodically, Ivo was allowed to receive parcels. One of them from a patient, actually a member of the Dreadnought net, contained a box of a hundred cigarettes. Ivo examined the box thoroughly. On the paper separating one layer of cigarettes from anothe; was a simpG drawing, apparently of a locale. At first the drawing meant noihing to Ivo, but after studying it-for hours he recognized it as a sketch of the first-floor cotridor of the Gestapo Headquarters' building where he had been taken for questioning' Two doors in the corridor were heavily marked. One was that of the interrogation room, the other led to a flight of steps in front of which wastrawn a forest, a sStrrbol of freedom in our language'
drive from the prison to the Gestapo building took about a quarter of an hour. Once in the first-floor corridor, Ivo confirmed the position of the two doors indicated in the sketch. There was no doubt, one was the door of the interrogation room' the other a sort of service door through which people passed fairly often. The prisoners were lined up in ttre corridor facing the wall' Each was given a slip of paper, which he had to hold against the -his oore, ais-iptittary measure that ensured security wall with " from turning their heads to observe what by preventing the men was going on. At the end of the line, next to the service door, sat their-onf guard, armed with a Schmeisser machine pistol' Wh"T woulJwak Io the head of the line, enter the room, and return the interrogated prisoner to his place. Then he would take the next his next -ao rrrd lead him into the room. Ivo concluded that online so as trip he would have to arrange to be the last man on the to be near the service dooi. Also, this would not leave a suspicious hole in the line when he made his break. With any luck, ihe guard would not notice his absence immediately Cf.* more days and it was Ivo's turn to be questioned again' Mainly, these repetitious sessions were calculated to wear a man down fsychologically, to see if he wouldn't make a slip and reveal
more than he had PreviouslY. On the drive from the prison to the interrogation buildingr,Ivo counted noses. There were eleven other prisoners. He decided the signal f,ght over the interrogation room flashed on, the guard
Eagerly, Ivo awaited the next time he was taken to be interii *a. a dry run to study the layout of the place. In their
By pretending to havi injured his stockinged. foot, .Ivo ,n"o"gia to be tfe hsr man our of the truck. He fell limping into place-at the end of the line. They were m-arched into the building and stood up against the wall. About fifteen or twenty minutes elapsed, the prisoners holding their bits of pape-r-against the wall with their ,rotes, until Ivo, out of the corner of his eye, saw the guard get up from his chair and move down the line. The light irust have gone on. Ivo strained to follow the guard's progress cost without letting the small piece -The of paper drop. That would guard walked without turning him heavy puoishmettt. around. Ivo rist<ed holding the paper with his hand so that he
SpylCounterspy 253
Ivo counted the seconds. This time the guard would have to return the first man and bring in another. As soon as the guard entered the room to fetch the first prisoner, Ivo made his move. Five steps and he was through the door. On the way down the stairs he encountered a secretary and casually gave her a 'Guten morgen'. Exactly as drawn on the sketch, he found the exit to the street. A guard was stationed before it. Another 'Guten morgen' got Ivo through the door. Probably the guard was there to prevent people from entering and didn't pay attention to anyone going out. 'It was like a dream,' Ivo related to me much later, 'a miraculous dream. There I was without shoes, without a tie, without a belt. My trousers kept slipping and I had to hold them up with one hand, yet no one seemed to notice. I passed right by all of them. The most dimcult part was not to start running once in the
to let go for a while. 'I think I'll ask for a short leaver' I told lan. 'Do you know a place far away from everything where I can hole up and just read and walk and forget about the war?' 'I know just the place, quietest in the world, in the north of Scotland about fifteen miles from Tain. There's a small inn. Maybe you'll see five or six other boarders, but apart from that, only sheep for miles around.' In less than a week, my leave and reservations were confirmed and I was off to Scotland. It was just as well I was making the move, since Clock House was uninhabitable for the moment. A doodlebug had hit nearby a few days before, shattering all the
windows. and at last a battered taxi and colonel, saw
arrived at the Fisherman Inn. It was shortly before dinner. One of the guests, an elderly retired
fit to take me in hand. 'There's nothing to do here but trout fishing. Are you
'I walked a few blocks to where, fortunately, I had a friend living. He wasn't at home, but his wife gave me a pair of shoes, a tie, a belt and a few dinars. The shoes were a couple of sizes too small, but I only had to walk as far as the corner, where there was a tram stop.' Ivo's flight to safety took three weeks of dodging and hiding. He eventually reached the headquarters of a resistance group in the thick forests of inner Serbia. From there he was able to send a radio message to London to tell me he was safe. Ian Wilson rushed over to Clock House to bring me the news. 'I hope he has sense enough to stay in the woods nowr' I remarked to Ian. 'He's too well known to go gadding about.' 'Silhy don't we bring him over here?'Ian proposed. Seeing the incredulous expression on my face, he explaine4 'We have some secret airstrips in the region. I think we can put on a plane in a case like this. That's the least we can do for Dreadnought. It may take a bit of time, but it is possible.' As a result of both lvo's and Johnny's adventures, my nerves were stretched to breaking point. I hadn't realized my state of exhaustion until Ian brought the news about lvo, then I felt I had
equipped?' 'I don't fish.' I tried to discourage him, wanting to be alone. 'Nonsense, you'll love it. I have some extra equipment. I'11 have you knocked up early and I'll show you the best spot on the
He was so enthusiastic and warm that I had to agree. Around three in the morning insistent banging on the door awakened me and I cursed the colonel and my softness. I shouted, 'Yes, yesr' and the innkeeper entered followed by a
'Sorry to disturb you, sirr' the policeman said formally, and in my torpor I thought, this is a hell of a fishing expedition. 'A telephone call came to our station; you are to report to the War Office in London immediately. I can take you to the airport on my motorbike, sir. If we hurry you can catch the military plane leaving in about three hours' time.' I hung onto the back of the motorcycle in the freezing Scottish night, clutching my valise between us and wondering what
calamity had caused the cancellation of my leave. The Citriien and my racing-driver friend Jock were at the mil! tary airport near Epsom to meet me. 'What is the emergenry this time, Jock?' I asked as he started
the car.
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'No idea, sir. I have instructions to take you directly to Waterloo Station, where Mr $filson will be waiting for you. I don't think you are going anywhere though, since I am to wait for you. I imagine we are expecting visitors.' The visitor was Ivo. He had landed at another military airport and was just reaching Iondon. 'How the hell did you arrange it so quickly?' I asked Ian excitedly. 'Nothing to do with me. C ordered it himself and pulled the
In a few more minutes I was reunited with my brother, halelooking from living out in the woods, still dressed in rough clothing and still using the assumed name of Pedrag lvanovitch, under which he had lived in hiding and flown to England. Ian left us at Waterloo, and we started out with Jock in the Citr<ien for the Savoy Hotel. Even using pull, it was going to take several weeks to get the windows of Clock House repaired. As I was explaining the bombing to lvo, we heard the buzz of a doodlebug overhead. Old Londoners, Jock and I knew what to expect. There was no danger as long as one heard the motor. It was when
necessary strings.'
dine at the home of the fianc6e of one of his partners in the fiancial operation. She was a French girl, but he was Getman, apparently fairly high up in the Reichsbank or the Ministry of Economics, I'm not sure which. His name was Frederick Hahn.' '$7as he stationed in Paris?' 'No, he was always on the move. He was in charge of controlling the national banks of the occupied countries.' 'And how about his fiancde?' 'She seemed to stay in Paris. Her apartment was on the Rue de la Pompe. I don't remember the number, but the house was opposite a small restaurant. Her name is Jacqueline Blanc.' 'What kind of a man is Hahn?' 'He wasn't a Nazi, from what I could iudge. Around forty,
Paris had been liberated about a week at that point. I was scheduled to go there shortly for Intelligence, so I speeded matters up. The girl was too good a lead to let get away' Hahn, I
was sure, must have fled with the retreating German Army.
the motor cut oui that the buzz bomb would glide down and explode in the immediate vicinity. The noise stopped. Jock slammed on the brakes, and we both threw ourselves out of the car onto tbe pavement, forgetting that we were with a backwoods innocent. Ivo remained sitting in the back seat. The bomb hit a five-story building a couple of hundred
yards away, destroying it completely. By an extraordinary chance we weren't touched at all, not even by flying debris. Ivo grinned as we brushed ourselves off. 'I should have brought you to the woods. It's safer there.' Once in the Savoy and lvo's own story recounted I acquainted Ivo with what had happened to Johnny. It was the first he knew
A simple ioq,tity at the Police Commissariat of Paris's fashionable r6th arrondissement, in which the Rue de la Pompe is situated got me Jacqueline Blanc's street number. The house was one of those small mansions that had been broken up into apartments, still very chic and expensive. Mademoiselle Blanc lived on the second floor. I walked upstairs and listened in front of the
of it. 'You worked with him, Ivo,'I said hopefully, 'perhaps you can help. Johnny told me any number of times that he had involved many important people in the scheme and he was depending on them for protection. If only I knew who some of them were, perhaps I iould do something. Did he ever give you any names?' 'I may have one lead' Ivo reflected. '!7hen Johnny passed me througtr- Paris on my way to meet you in Lisbon, he took me to
door. I could hear someone moving about and the murmur of voices. I knocked. No answer. I knocked several times more, loudly. Absolute silence in the apartment. frudging heavily down the stairs so as to be heard, I left the house and crossed the street. Suddenly I turned and saw a movement of the curtain of the second-floor flat. I returned to the second floor. This time when I knocked at the door I called, 'Mademoiselle Blanc, I am a friend and want to talk to you fot a few minutes. I know you are there. Please let me in.t Still no answer. I became more insistent. 'I shall stay here until you are forced to come out. If ]tou want to be discreet, you'd better let me in.' I heard a key turn. The door opened two inches, retained by a
SpylCounterspy 257
the hall.' The door closed as she undid the latch, then opened fully. Jacqueline Blanc was in her mid-twenties and fully as beautiful as one invariably imagines beforehand under such circumstances. She was wearing a dressing gown which didn't spoil anything, her long brown hair was flowing freely, looking as though it had just been brushed, but her eyes, also brown, didn't harmonize with the alluring aspect. They showed profound terror. 'I am a friend of Johann Jebsen's, a very good friend.'I used Johnny's name to try to win her confidence. 'My name is Dusko
'He is in Germany. Besides, I know nothing about his business affairs.' 'Mademoiselle Blancr'I said with exaggerated patience, 'let me be very frank with you. I am determined to save Jebsen by any means necessary. If you refuse to help, I shall have to take disagreeable steps. You are quite vulnerable, Mademoiselle Blanc. Please don't force me to take action.' 'What sort of action, Mr Popov?' she said provocatively. 'Yesterday, I was walking on the Champs Elysdes and saw a revolting sight. Some girls were being marched through the street naked with their heads shaven and swastikas painted all over them. They had been associating with Germans.'
'No, you met my brother. There's a family resemblance.' Jacqueline went stiff again and I realized the blunder. 'Oh, of
course, you weren't introduced to him under his real name, but
you entertained him here for dinner. He was invited by your fianc6 Mr Hahn along with Mr Jebsen.' She nodded as though recalling. 'What can I do for you?' \trfe were standing in the foyer. 'May we sit down?' I asked' 'Sorry.' She led me into an overfurnished drawing room and waved towards a sofa, seating herself in a small armchair next to it. 'What I have to say is confidential. I hope we won't be disturbed.' I was thinking of the voices I had heard not wanting to hold our discussion within range of strangers. 'I am aloner' she lied. All the better, I thought, perhaps it is Hahn in the next room. If it were anyone else, she probably would not want to be overheard discussing lohnny. 'Thank you, I don't smoke.' I glanced at the ashtray. There were cigarette stubs in it. Jacqueline blushed. There was also the very distinctive smell of Balkan tobacco smoke floating in the air, but I didn't want to force her hand prematurely. I tried to give her a chance. 'The Gestapo has arrested Mr Jebsen and I'm trying to help him. I know he was collaborating with Mr Hahn, and every bit of
information you may give me could be of assistance.' 'I haven't seen Mr Hahn for over a monthr' she said hastily. 'Cigarette?'
proffered mY
'You wouldn't . ..' save a friend's life, Mademoiselle Blanc, I'd go much further than that.' The bedroom door burst open and a tall, handsome man, also in a dressing gown, bore down on me menacingly, a revolver in his hand. 'You .. .' 'Good afternoon, Mr Hahnr' I interrupted him. He fitted Ivo's description closely. 'I thought we'd draw you out of hiding. Please put the gun away; there's no reason to shoot me. I don't mean any harm to Mademoiselle Blanc or to you.' He kept the gun pointed at my chest. 'I'm a friend of Johann Jebsen's, Dusko Popov, as you probably heard through the door.' 'Doesn't mean anything to me. I don't know you.' He was nervous, a desperate German in hiding in liberated Paris. 'I can help you, Mr Hahnr' I said. 'I appreciate your position. I don't think you are a Nazi or a war criminal. Not very likely you'd stay on here in Paris if you were, unless you were left behind to spy or for sabotage, and then you wouldn't be staying with your fiancde. Too easy to identify you.' He lowered the revolver. 'What exactly do you want? How could you possiblY helP Jebsen?' 'I want the names of the important people involved in your financial transactions. Johnny told me he was counting on them to protect him. If I know who they are I may be able to blackmail them.' 'From here?' he sneered unbelievingly. 'Lines can be crossed Mr Hahn. There are neutral countries.
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'You think-so?' He was being cautious, but he relaxed enough to take a seat and put the tevolver in his pocket' 'One- of the reasons I didrr't rett.at with the troops was that if I did I would be sharing jebsen's fate now. You're too late to help him' Since the twenieth of July mosr of the people Johnny was involv-ed in prison themselves. Thoie who aren't are afraid for *iO "r" their own skins. They won't become involved.' 'What was your pirt in the operation?' I had him talking and wanted him to Bo onr despite his reluctance' 'Oh, it *.rnit complicated. When an officer was transferred say for instance from Greece to France, he could walk into a Glrman-controlled bank and change his Greek occupation money for French crurency. But he could only do so for -a thousand or two thousand marks, certainly not any appreciable srrm like fifty or a hundred thousand marks. He'd have to explain how he ."*i by it. I arranged large transactions for them through the Reichsbank-under the iover of Abwehr requirements'' your 'Then you must know the names of those who profited by
arrangements.t HJstarted to shake his head. I persisted' 'Look, Mr Hahn, I'm All I want are a few names'' not -- trying to incriminate you. galkan cigarettes. 'You mentioned that He'took out one of hii you might helP me. How?'
refusi.g to glve me the information. ]ebsen was his friend or at least a good business acquaintance; he was supposed not to be a
Nazi and he was no longer in danger of them, not being in German territory. Ifhat's mote, I had arrived like a guardian
We iere af the bargaining stage. I knew I would g-et what I wanted. 'You can't expect to stay in hiding forever' Sooner- or later someone will learn you are here, and then not only you but Mademoiselle Blanc as well will be in trouble. I'm not going to promise you the moon. As far as I know you hav-en't done anyifrG f", *ttich you may be held_guilty by the Allies, but others *irii"o" to juige thai. what I can do for you is to sort.of resularize vour siiuation. I can place you in a position of security un"til the hysteria of the hunt for Germans has passed'' 'That's not very much.'
Hahn didi't have any intention of shooting' He got up -and walked to the window ai though reflecting. He was one of those stiff-necked types who had to save face. He had no reason for
start shooting.'
return tonight at eightr' I sai4 getting up. 'Make up your mind by then or start running.' By eight o'clock, Hahn had made peace with his ego and talked freely. Or perhaps he was hungry and wanted to be rid of me fast. $[ith some types, the stomach takes preference. There was an exquisite aroma of. coq au zin coming from the kitchen, and a small table in the salon was set for two. Hahn knew more than I expected. He confirmed that fohnny was being held in the Gestapo's cellar prison in Prinz Albrechstrasse. 'The man directly in charge of his interrogationr' Hahn related 'is an SS officer named Sondar Eggar, but Stawitzki, the chief commissar, often questions him snd so do his assistants, Baumert and Gtinther. They are a couple of butchers, Baumert and Giinther, real sadists.' This wasn't the information I had asked for, but I let Hahn tell the story in his own way. The more information the better. I noted the names in my memory against the day I might meet them. 'I've been thinking about your problemr' Hahn said with all the suavity of a bank director. He looked like one, too, now that he was out of his dressing gown and clothed in a dark-blue suit of (I excellent cut. could give you many 14ms that would be of no use whatsoever. ![hat you need are the names of men in power now. I can think of thtee. The one who might be the most amenable to pressure and at the same time in a position to do something is Dr Schmidtt, Schellenberg's aide-de-camp.' Schmidtt sounded like an ideal candidate, being the current chief of Military Amt. Johnny's tentacles went high ind.99. 'Then there is SD Standartenfiihrer Dr Knocker. He had dealings with lebsen while he was stationed in Paris. I don't know where you'd find him now,To end with' Hahn massaged his jaw houghtfully - 'there is Walter Salzer. Obersturmbahnfiihrer Iflalter Salzer. He is Kaltenbrunner's Mddchenftiralles.' The man who did Kaltenbrunner's dirty work, that could be interesting, I thought, as
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was the most likely prospect. Basically, the letter repeated what had said before: that I was not interested in becoming involved in
Hahn continued with his description. 'I don't know Salzer very well, but I do know that before the war he worked for one of the Jebsen companies. Salzer was Jebsen's go-between with the SD on all financial transactions. |ebsen never dirtied his hands with them himself.' I paid off Hahn wi h a phone number: that of the new British Intelligence office near the Trocadero. My frind Peter Hope, was heading it. 'If you run into trouble, phone this number, you or Mademoiselle Blanc, and leave a message saying where you are and, if possible, the nature of your trouble. Someone will see to you. I suggest that you stay put here for the next few days, although this apartment is not too safe for you. You're known here. If the British agree, I'll arrange another place for you. Meanwhile, you might spend your ime writing a complete report on all your wartime activities. I know the British will want one. You'Il probably be questioned but, as I said before, if you haven't done anything that could bring you up on charges as a war criminal, you have nothing to worry about.' 'I'll write the report' Hahn conceded. Jacqueline looked relieved and begged 'Please don't let us down.' I promised to do what I could and meant it, but neither he nor Jacqueline struck any real chord of sympathy in me. Paris had just been liberated we were still fighting the Germans, and I was bitter. 'You don't need money, do you?' I looked at Jacqueline in her haute couture dress and her luxurious apartment. 'No. Thank your' Hahn hastened to say. At least he had enough sensitivity to be put out by my facetiousness. Reviewing the evening, I walked all the way back to my hotel, The Scribe, down the street from the Opera. Hahn hadn't been on the side of the Nazis, but that didn't make me like him any better. As far as I could see, he was an opportunist. He certainly had been in on the mark exchange for personal gain, and he hadn't had the decency to come to Johnny's assistance without bargaining. Knowing that Johnny was in prison - where but for the grace of God went he - Hahn would keep silent unless he could turn his knowledge to his own advantage. I composed a letter to Dr Schmidtt. Hahn was right, Schmidtt
the internal problems of Berlin - all I wanted was Johnny's safe delivery to Lisbon or Switzerland, in return for which my net would resume operation immediately. It wasn't until the postscript that I planted my threat, saying that I knew a number of others were involved in Johnny's financial transactions and would hate to see action taken that would cause other heads to fall. I was sure Dr Schmidtt would get the allusion. I signed the letter 'Ivan' and sent it via special courier to avoid censorship. Shordy after Dr Schmidtt received my letter, tohnny was uansferred from Prinz Albrechstrasse to Oranienburg, a concentration camp for transients near Berlin. Reputedln it was better than most, and certainly not as brutal as the Gestapo cellar prison. Following the transfer, Schmidtt summoned Captain Kamler and ordered him to go to Oranienburg, visit |ohnny, and negotiate with the Gestapo for his release. Kamler was one of those from Lisbon who survived the Abwehr office cleaning and was now with the Military Abteilung. Schmidtt instructed him 1s insist that my services were essential and that the only way to get me back to work was to release ]ebsen. Kamler found fohnny physically debilitated but strong in spirit. Dressed in prison clothes, he was starting to take on the look of the typical concentration-camp victim. His flesh and muscle had melted away, and his head looked enormous sitting on top of his wasted neck and shoulders. His hair had fallen out in patches. But his eyes flashed when Kamler told him I was effecting his release. 'Tell Dusko I knew he wouldn't forget mer' was his message for me. I got a similar description of Johnny's unbreakable spirit from Hjalmar Schacht after the war. Schacht was imprisoned in the cell next to fohnny's in Prinz Albrechstrasse. He caught a glimpse of Johnny once as he was being brought back from an interrogation. His shirt was drenched with blood. As the guards were about to lock him into his cell, fohnny turned to them, haughty as ever, saying, 'I tmst I shall be provided with a clean shirt.' Despite Schmidtt's initiative, months passed - September, October, and most of November - without any word. There was
Dusko Popw
SpylCounterspy 263
no further way for me to speed up or force the action. At best I'm not a patient man, and this frustration plus the perfunctory jobs I was doing for Intelligence - mainly clean-up work : 'de-Nazifica-
tion'- had me pawing the ground. Then, at the end of November, the postman delivered a curious letter to Clock
The name didn't meatr a thing to me, nor did most of the contents, personal chitchat. At the end, Ulla mentioned that Johnny would be coming to visit her in Zarich a week or two
It was from
before Christmas. He would be staying at the Hotel Baur au Lac and would love to meet me. If I couldn't manage to come, Ulla adde4 Johnny would certainly write to me himself. I timed my arrival in Zurich for exactly two weeks before Christmas. Catching a military plane in England, my first stop was Paris, where I bought an automobile, one of those sturdy
Gelatine and Balloon were still operating, still fooling the Germans. I didn't go to Berne. On Christrnas Eve, long past the deadline, I gave up my vigil in Zurich and headed back for London, nursing a last-ditch scheme' It required the Committee's consent, since it risked blowing Garbo and his network of notional agents. I wanted to go to Lisbon and blackmail Schroeder openly, trading Jebsen's release for the Arabel network, as Garbo's outfit was known to the Germans. Otherwise, I would threaten to reveal to the British all I knew about Arabel. The Gestapo, I felt, would consider Arabel more valuable than lohnny's hide. Sflith the Tricycle net on strike, it was their only maior contact in Britain outside of a few
independent agents.
front-wheel drive Citriiens that were so handy in the snow. Switzerland, to a lesser degree, was like Portugal: neutral but infes ed with the seoet agents of all powers. I wanted mobility in case I hgd to get Johnny out quickly. Via Geneva, staying in the valleys, I drove straight through to Zurich with the weather holding good. Johnny hadn't yet arrived at the Hotel Baur au Lac, but it was only the tenth of December. I didn't put up at the Baur au Lac but got myself a room at the Zum Stoichen, not far away. During the first few days I visited the Baur au Lac twice a day to ask for Mr febsen. The clerks and the porters got to know his name and me. I wanted them to. Quite titety some of them were in the pay of the Abwehr - and oihers of British Intelligence - and I wanted the Abwehr to know I wasn't grving up on Johnny. As the days passed, I started hauntLac more and more, taking my meals there and ing the Baut "o evin attending the boring the dansmt without dancing and withour taking tea. Finally, I moved into the hotel and practically never put my nose outside it. Christmar was only a few days away' and Johnny still hadn't put in an appearance. I was tempted 1o dlve to Berne to see the Abwenr m"n t knew was statioled at the German Embassg figuring I might get some information from him. It was a dubious long sh6t, and I hesitated having to take into consideration that I might mess up some unknown proiect of the XX Committee.
TLe phn looted infallible. I pushed the Citriien through the gr.y wiot.t landscape, caught a military plane in. Paris,. and f,eaded straight for the offici as soon as we arrived in England' Tar and Wilson were in. Not even glving them a chanbe to speak, I started to tell them my plan. Tar cut me short.
is too late, Dusko. Sorry, old man, Johnny is dead'' stood with my mouth gaping open' the unspoken-words of the plan in which I had so much faith still trying to brim out, colliding with Tar's.
'How?' I managed to croak. 'Shot . . . while trying to escaPe.' 'While trying to Lsciper' that overworked official version of
'He was about to be released. Schellenberg's office had given the order. An Abwehr officer was detailed to pick him up at Oranienburg. Sflhen he got there, he was informed that lohnny was shot while trying to escaPe.' There are times when you can't say anything. I walked orrr of the office. jock was outside with &e citriien. I opened the door and plopped in. 'Home.' He drove me without a word' I brooied in Clock House for the better part of a week. Before, during the entire war, my feelings were obiective and fairly unemoti[nal. Now they were purely subjective, nothing theoretical about them. It is one thing to know that people are being murdered, another to know thl person murdered. Hate, cold bitter destruaive hate, rose in me like fury. I wanted vengeance. whoever was responsible for tohnny's death wasn't going to enioy the
264 Dusko Popoa
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warmth of the sun, a woman's bodn the beauty of living. Not when he had robbed Johnny of that. The war was my private vendetta now. I was hunting Johnny's killets. My job facilitated the hunt. I was mopping up for Intelligence. I accomplished most of what I had to do mechanically, not caring about it except where it touched my personal interests, as when it concerned the tracing of war criminals. Somewhere in the heap was at least one I would settle with by myself. At times in uniform as a lieutenant colonel, at times in mufti, I followed the troops, searching. I had a pretty good idea where to start. The Gestapo was behind Johnny's arrest and his murder. Kaltenbrunner, the head of the Gestapo, signed the warrant for his death, gave the order to have him shot 'while trylng to escape'. But Kaltenbrunner hadn't inspired it. Kaltenbrunner wasn't connected with |ohnny; he had no reason to fear him. Kaltenbrunner rubber-stamped an order. There was one direct link between Johnny and Kaltenbrunner: Walter Salzer. Walter Salzer, who dealt with the SD people for Johnny. Johnny had been dealing with two groups, the Abwehr and the SD. The Abwehr was protecting him, trying to get him freed, so it had to be the SD - or the Gestapo, with which it was linked that feared him, wanted him silenced for good. The SD and/or Salzer. From all that Hahn had told me, there was little doubt that Salzer was my man. I went back to see Hahn. He didn't know where Salzer lived or where he might be in these last days of the war, but he was able to furnish me with a graphic picture of him. Salzer was in his early forties, about five foot ten, had thin brown hair, a receding forehead and small blue eyes, wore glasses, and was fairly corpulent. He had a sabre scar on his left cheek, which deformed his smile, and his left hand was so badly burned that he almost always wore gloves. If ever I came upon Salzer, there would be no mistaking him. When the war ended in Mag I set out to scour the whole of Germany. At the wheel of a ieep I crisscrossed the,country, visited all the zones - British, American, French, and Russian inspecting every ciunp, every prison where SS or SD officers were being held. Deliberately, I would stay around for roll call,
scrutinizing every man for a sabre scar that deformed his smile, for the badly burned left hand. In searching through the records in each camp, I pulled out the cards of every officer who had had something to do with France. Then I would have the man brought to me for questioning. I must have interrogated a few hundred of them. Some admitted having known Salzer, but no one knew, or admitted knowing, where he was. Others said they thought he was dead. Some deliberately gave me false leads, undoubtedly out of a sense of solidarity.
i t
I also checked with the German civilian authorities, visiting the police registration office in every city and town through which I passed. Nowhere was there a record of Walter Salzer. If anyone knew of Walter Salzer, he wasn't talking, and I tried every means possible. In postwar GermanS where a few cigarettes would buy a woman or a family heirloom, I must have distributed half a
wagonload without results.
Kaltenbrunner was the one man who might have had the information I wanted and he was unapproachable. He was being held in the $fisbaden jail as one of the principal war criminals, and all contact with him was forbidden. I was advised to pose my questions through official channels, but that wasn't the route I wanted to travel. Johnny's killer was mine. On my rounds, I arrived in Freiburg, haunted by the memories of our university days. Freiburg was in the French zone, and war criminals were the province of the Deuxidme Bureau, as their Intelligence section is known. I checked in with the commanding officer, a major, who furnished me with a list of about two hundred suspects rounded up in the area. Seated at a desk temporarily assigned to me, I started going through the cards, extracting those of officers who had been in France. About halfway through, I came upon a card that had the name Friedrich von Kaghaneck on it. No room for error, only one man in the world bore that name. It was a shock to find him on a list of suspected war criminals - almost unbelievable. Extracting Freddy's card and those of three others, I returned to see the major and asked to be taken to see the four prisoners. Although at that point I was only interested in seeing Freddy, I couldn't single him out. It would appear strange that a British colonel should have a close personal relationship with a suspected
SpylCounterspy 267 'Dusko !' he said in an explosive whisper. 'But what are you doing in that?' Freddy pointed at my uniform. It seemed to astonish him as much as my presence. It was the only time I ever
saw the Graf von Kaghaneck's composure ruffied.
Nazi war criminal. I was a complete stranger to the French major, he having accepted me simply on the presentation of my identification papers. 'I'll call the iail and have them brought herer' the ma,or
'No need to botherr' I said. 'I prefer to see them alone in their cells.' The truth was I didn't want Freddy to be confronted with me unexpectedly in front of witnesses.
'Don't look for explanations now, Freddy. I'm here to help you can. Tell me about yourself.' I offered him a cigarette, then turned out my pockets to leave him all the packs and the bars of chocolate I usually carried with
if I
'Very well,' the major agreed 'but this von Kaghaneck chap may be dangerous. He's scheduled to be condemned to death,
and you never know interest.
I pretended
only professional
in his berth in the Vatican all throughout the war. Johnny and I had never discussed him after our meeting in Rome, and I don't know if he was aware of Freddy's assignment to Monaco. The Freiburg prison hadn't changed for better or worse during the war. It was still the ugly place that I remembered from my days of incarceration there. Except that the jailors had changed. A French captain and two sergeants conducted me to the cells. I left Freddy for last, interrogating each of the others alone in his cell. One of them admitted knowing Salzer, but that's all he knew. Or all I could get out of him. 'We'd better not leave you alone with this oner' the Captain
'He was head of the SD in Monte Carlo and is responsible for sending many of our people to concentration camps or to their death.' Head of the SD in Monte Carlo ! I had imagined Freddy safe
me. Freddy puffed deeplS and we both sat down, he on the cot, I on the stool. 'It's true I was the chief of the SD in Monte Carlo. Not of my own choosing,' Freddy explained. 'But luckily it was me. I did what I could. I saved some people, but it was impossible to save them all. That would have only resulted in my removal and
someone worse
in my place.'
I '[ i
.t i
'These idiots haven't allowed me tor' Freddy said angrily' 'They won't let me communicate with anyone.I managed to get a number of people, most of them jews, away to North Africa and arranged hiding places for others. If I could write letters, I know I could find them. Many of them were prominent.' I arranged for Freddy to send about twenty letters. The people he had helped replied, giving their thanks for his having saved their lives. Some of the letters contained money in repaynent of funds Freddy had given those who were broke. Freddy was exonemted on all counts and freed.
'My responsibility,' I said. 'Just make him stand face to the wall and leave us.' The two sergeants unlocked the heavy steel door and entered the cell, coming out again after a few seconds. 'He's all yours.' I walked in and closed the door after me. The cell was similar to the one I had been in. A high window, an iron cot, a stool, and an unadorned toilet. Freddy was standing with his face to the wall. 'Freddg' I said softly, 'don't show any excitement. It's Dusko Popov. You can turn around now but careful how you act.'
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in Marienthal, Am Neumarkr 27.' Herr Mayerdod I found occupied a decent apartment, and the sight of a packet of Players didn't stir his memory. He couldn't remember Walter Salzer, although he had worked for the firm for over ten years. A carton of Chesterfields and a
promise of more gave him total recall. 'Ah yes, Herr Salzer. He hasn't been with the firm since 1939, I remember now. No, I don't know where he lives, but maybe the Herr Direktor, Dr Ziegler, would know. Herr Salzer was friendly with Dr Ziegler. He used to visit him at home.' 'Where is that?' He shook his head. 'Dr Ziegler has moved to Cologne. I don't know the address.' Every German was supposed to be registered with the police of his community. I made the eight-hour drive to Cologne but had to wait till the following morning ro see the undernourished clerk in charge of the registration cards. Dr Ziegler, he found, had moved back to Hamburg. Following the same procedure, I got Ziegler's new address in Hamburg. The mighry had fallen. Ziegler occupied one room in what formerly had been a private house. He wasn't in, but his haus-hiilterin was glad to gossip for a few bars of chocolate. 'I'm not really looking for Dr Ziegleg' I lied to the land-lady. 'I'm looking for my sister-in-law. She is married to a man who used to work for the same firm as Dr Ziegler, Herr Salzer.' No, she didn't know Herr Salzer, but when I described the burned hand and the sabre scar, she recalled him. 'Yes, a man of that description came to see Dr Ziegler shortly after he moved in here. He even spent the night with the Herr Doktor. He couldn't leave because it was after curfew.' That was all she knew about him, but it gave me something to go on. Salzer was alive. The bombs had spared him, and he hadn't been swallowed up in a Russian prison camp. This time I wasn't going to rely on a carton of cigarettes. I rushed to the British Military Intelligence office. The CO was Captain Clive Aldridge, a cousin of Ian Wilson's, which saved a lot of precious time. With a minimum of explanation, I asked for
'Herr Mayerdorf, my former colleague., His eyes never left the cigarettes. 'He is living with his daughter-in-law in the suburbs -
panies. The firm's offices were in the Avelhofstrasse in the centre of the ciry, and I found nothing left of the building but a mass of
Clutching at straws, having exhausted normal channels, I decided try to trace Salzer through his past. I drove to Hamburg, where he had worked for one of the Jebsen family's main comto_
port city and practically the whole of the Avelhofstrasse. I sat in my jeep and stared at the pile of brick and morrar. Walter Salzer had once worked there. His name, his address, his cuniculum aitae had been in a filing cabinet somewhere in that wreck of a building. As I tried to figure our what ro do nexr, a child mysteriously materialized from the ruins of a building across the street. I got out to investigate and discovered an entrance to the cellar, half hidden by a pile of charred stone. 'You live here?' I asked the child. 'Yes, my father is the ianitor . . . was the janitor.' I gave the boy a chocolate bar. 'Call him up here for me.' The chocolite worked its miracle. The'boy ducked into the cellar and returned immediately with a man who looked too old to be his father. Literally, he had been through the wars. A pack of Players in my hand I asked if he knew anyone who could tell me about the former tenants of the building opposite.
SpylCounterspy z7r
the desk. He was in his late fifties, small, slim, and dark. He hadn't been allowed to shave, and the stubble on his face made him look - and undoubtedly feel - shabby. He also looked frightened for all his arrogance, but there was no doubt that he was intelligent. He wouldn't have been a director of a jebsen
company otherwise.
Still pretending to rad, I held the file so that he could see its title. Then, opening it in front of me and picking up a pen, I asked in German, 'You know l7alter Salzer?'
'Yes. He used to work for our firmr' he answered readily.
'lfhen did you see him last?' 'End of 1944, here in Hamburg.'
tapped the file. 'He visited you at your home about a month Herr Ziegler.'I got up and walked around the desk to stand looking down at him. 'No more lies. Where is Valter Salzer now?
shall be interrogating a man here this morning, and I want him to have the impression thdt I'm a regular staff officer. Please ring through to me from time to time and never mind the nonsense I say to you. Also, it would be a good idea if you came in occasionally to give me a file or a paper to sign. And dress up the desk in there, give me a few dossiers, some papers, anything you
can find.'
The ATS enjoyed the game. She prepated the office in no time, piling the desk high with files. Selecting the thickest one, I placed it before me and wrote sALzEn on it in block letters. The
two soldiers appeared a few minutes later for their instructions. 'Bring the prisoner up, but first try to find out if he speaks English.'
'No doubt about that, sir. He squawked like a real tofi last night when we brought him in. Speaks better than I dor' the
corporal answered. 'Good man. Put on
a show
'Ziegler, perhaps you don't understand. I want Salzer. I know you know where he is, and you'Il never walk out of here unless you tell me. If you don't cooperate, I'll find him another way, but it will take longer. You're intelligent enough to understand I won't be kindly disposed toward you.' I strolled back to my seat and looked at him. 'Now, where is Salzer?' Ziegler looked worried. 'I told you I don't know where he isr' he blustered. 'Your threats can't change that. I have nothing I can tell you. Besides that, what you are doing to me is illegal. Who is your superior? I shall complain to him.' 'Get up, Ziegle4'I ordered roughly. 'Go over to the wall and stand with your face to it. Go onr' I snapped as he was about to protest again, 'or shall I have the guard help you?'
SpylCountuspy 273
He didn't turn his head and his unnaturally high voice bounced back from the wall. 'f don't know anything.' I don't know what made him so stubbom. Was it loyalty, was he defying the conqueror, or did he fear being implicated
He tried to comply with dignitn but no man can be very dignified being placed in a corner like a naughty schoolboy. 'You have a half hour to change your mind.' I busied myseif pretending to read answering a telephone call from the ATS, and signing some dummy letters she brought in. I passed her a hastily scribbled note saying I would be placing a dummy iall to London. She was merely to stay on the line and not be amazed at anything I might say. At the end of the allotted time I said, 'Half hour, Ziegier. Anything to tell me?'
I'll hold him in my office till you can arrange things. . . . Right, we'll have a drink on it. See you at dinner.' I went back to my supposed work. Ziegler didn't say a rhing. A half hour passed, an hour. He stood there without moving. I was sure he was calling my bluff. Perhaps my acring wasn't very convincing or my scenario was weak or he knew or guessed that we didn't use such merhods. I glared at his back. One way or another he was going to tell me what I wanted to know, but I didn't like the thoughr of the methods that would have to be
any more than is necessary. ernployed.
talk to you,
picked up the telephone. 'Miss Harley, get me London, priority call. I want to speak to General Menzies.' She rang back in a few minutes. 'General Menzies on the line, sir.' I said 'Thank you, Miss Harley' then, with listening pauses) 'Good morning, sir. . .. Yes, sir, I'm working on it. I have a civilian in my office now, sir, who knows where Salzer is, but he won't talk. .. . No, I caught him lying there's no doubt about it, he knows where Salzer is. . . . No, I don't think I can break him down, sir, not even that way. Either he's a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi or he has something to hide himself. Anywan I don't believe we need him. I have another lead. Should have an answer in a few days. . . . V.ry well, sir, but I should like your consent about the man I have here. There's no charge we can make against him, so I can't hold him, not without the risk of a stink being made. But I can't let him go either. He'd warn Salzer. Matter of fact, he might even find a way of warning him if we hold him. You know these prison tom-toms. I would like to have a free hand. . . . Yes, sir, splendid. I certainly shall take all the necessary precautions.' I rang off, then jiggled the bar to get Miss Harley again. This time I asked for a nonexistent Captain Smith. 'Bill?' I went into my soliloquy again. 'I have a case for the disposal unit. . .. Yes, I have an okay from the boss.. . . As soon as possible . . . but it has to look like an accident. And look, take him right out of here. He isn't booked, and I don't want him seen
'Only if you've decided to tell me what I want to know.' 'What will happen to me if I help?' 'You know that better than I do. If you're not guilty of anything from the Allied point of view, you'll be released.' 'Then I want to speak.' 'Come over here and sit down.' Ziegler turned around and walked uncertainly toward the desk. My skit had touched irs audience. He was grey and
'Ziegle4' I said, 'I'm not interested in you. Tell me where Salzer is, and you can walk out of here a free man as soon as I check your story.' His lips quivered. 'Salzer is hiding in a house called "Schloss,' on the outskirts of Minden. He goes under the name of Igenieur
Hugo Ulrich.' 'Do you know what happened to Johann Jebsen?' 'He was killed in a concentration camp. Salzer told me. He said Kaltenbrunner ordered it. Herr Jebsen knew too much about some currency deals.' 'Who thought he knew too much? Salzer or Kaltenbrunner?' 'That I wouldn't know.' 'Is Salzer living with someone at "Schloss"?' 'No, he lives alone. He rented a room there.' I called the corporal and had Ziegler escorted back to his cell, then I arranged with Aldrich to turn him free the following night if there was no news from me.
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chapter twenty-seven
Killing a German in Germany in August r94j presented no difficulties. Many accounts were being settled and in the state of turmoil that existed no one was going to caffy an investigation very far. Particularly when it concerned a war criminal. I acted cautiously primarily to avoid a scandal that might reflecr on Intelligence. I wasn't in the least concerned about my own reputation. That evening I set up my alibi. I drove to Bad Oenhausen, where the main headquarters of British Intelligence were locared. Bad Oenhausen was about four hours from Hamburg and one hour the other side of Minden. At headquarters I dined with several officers and then went to bed early, saying I wanted to leave for Paris early in the morning so as to arrive there by
through a large wood and at one point I found a dirt track which suited my purpose. It ended in the thick of the forest and was probably a fire lane. It didn't lead to a house or have any other justification. The weeds in the middle of the track looked as though they had been undisturbed for ages. Minden was a port city of less than fifty thousand at the iunction of two canals. There wasn't too much of it left standing. To get my bearings, I circled through the centre of the old town. Its eleventh-century cathedral had fallen down and the thirteenthcentury city hall was a broken shell. Minden felt as empty and devastated as I did. I experienced no elation even though my quarry was in sight. Not wanting to ask my way, I quartered the suburbs for about an hour until I came upon the 'Schloss'. It was a large house, not
I occupied an enormous mansion in Paris requisitioned for me by the army, as was the practice. During the war it had been seized for the residence of a high German officer, and its owner hadn't yet returned. The house was far too large for my own personal use and had become a way station for a crowd of Dubrovnik refugees. I knew my guests would testify willingly that I had arrived in Paris at any hour or day I specified. At five in the morning, I was on the road for Minden. Occasionally I crossed or caugbt up with another military vehicle, but a ieep and a man in uniform were the most anon5mous things in
difficult to spot. I knocked at the gatekeeper's lodge and asked for Herr Ingenieur Ulrich. 'First floor, fourth door on the leftr' the Hausmeisterin called out, 'but he's not in. He's out shopping.I saw him go by with his basket. Can you come back later?' 'I prefer to waitr' I said, choosing a chair in the hall that gave me a good view of the entrance, the lodge, and the wide staircase. 'It may be a long timer' the woman said. 'Shopping nowadays . . .' She shrugged her shoulders expressively. It was a long wait, but I was prepared to stay forever to meet Herr Salzer. I noticed that it was a lovely August morning, and it seemed the greatest of ironies. I was thinking of JohnnR and it didn't seem iust that his murderer should be alive and enioying it. Many people passed mainly elderly or children. They looked at me covertly, astonished to see a British lieutenant colonel seated in the hall, and scurried on. I smoked one cigarette after another, covering the floor with fag ends. Around noon I opened the small overnight case I was carrying. One couldn't leave anything in an open ieep. In it were a couple of sandwiches that had been prepaied for me the night before at the Officers' Club. Travellers in Germany carried their own food. At nearly two o'clock, my man entered the hall. I didn't need anyone to point him out. His left hand was gloved despite the surlmer heat, and the sabre scar stood out on his face. He was carrying a basket of potatoes and looked at me with pretended
276 Dusko Popw indifference as he started up the stairs. I knew he had to be at least curious. Everyone else had been. British officers didn't normally sit on your doorstep. 'Salzerr' I called from my chair. His body stiffened but he continued to climb the stairs at the
same pace, not turning around. 'Salzerr' I called again, following him up the stairs.
SpylCounterspy 277
that had sustained my search for months tumed into disgust. Vengeance is a dish which should be eaten cold, according to a French proverb. I was thoroughly cooled off, but how can one put a bullet in a sack of shit? 'Do you know why you're here?' I half-whispered to the object. He shook his head. 'Why are you hiding? Why did you change your name?'
spoke. 'But they . . . I was in the SD. They're arresting everyone who was in the SD.'
'You are making a mistake, sir. My name is Ulrich, Ingenieur Hugo Ulrich.' I undid my pistol holster. 'Come down, Salzer. I want to speak to you.' He gave me a long look as though trying to remember if he had seen me before and walked slowly down the stairs. His shambling, flabby figure revolted me. This was what had been exchanged for Johnny's life. 'Leave your sack there in the comer and take off your glove,' I ordered. He did so without a word of protest' exposing a badly
scarred hand.
'Johann Jebsen. .. . Why did you have him kidnapped in Lisbon?' He was so dulled by fear he looked at me like a cow. 'I didn't order it. Kaltenbrunner did,'he replied. 'At your suggestionr' I said accusingly. 'No, I acted on orders.'
'S(rhose orders?'
motioned him to
At the jeep, I handed him the key. 'Get in and drive.' He slipped under the wheel like a beaten man. I think his little room and potato diet had defeated him. Gone were the days of glory of the Third Reich. I drew my pistol and held it across my lap, pointing at him. 'Drive. I'll tell you where to go.' He drove slowly, his face a grey blank as he followed my directions through the city and onto the highway. As we turned ofi onto the lane he glanced at me. I motioned with my pistol, and he held his tongue. When the track petered out he had no choice but to stop. I reached over and switched off the ignition.
tGet out.t He moved with difficulty, hoisting himself out of the driver's seat as though his legs were paralysed. Keeping my gun on him I walked around the jeep. Get it over with, I said to myself. Shoot him right now and leave. I couldn't stand the sight of this cowering subhuman obiect. I only wanted to be away from it. This wasn't a man any longer, it was a sack of excrement. The fury
actions. But it wasn't against you. Not against the Allies. $(re didn't do anything against you.' I was twisting the shirt harder, my fist sinking into his flesh. 'Please, I can explain, I tell your' he gasped. 'I'll explain,' I said and could feel my face contorting in rage. 'You had Jebsen murdered to protect your own stinking skin. f'm going to kill you for that. Now. Right now. Larer I'll get everyone else, anyone else who was responsible with you.' Salzer's knees sagged. I had difficulty holding him up. I shoved him backwards against a tree, pinning him to it. He gave forth a foul odour, causing me to let him go and step back. He had
'My superiorsi' 'Superiors ! Always superiors. Always the same excuse. Their names? $7ho were they?' 'S - Superiorsr' he stuttered. 'And his killing at Oranienburg? Who ordered that?' 'Th - They did. My superiors.' My anger started building up again. I seized him by the front of his shirt, shoving my pistol hard into his sromach. 'And they don't have names either?' He was properly terrified now. 'No, yes, I mean, f can explain. Jebsen was doing illegal things. Black market. Currency rrans-
fouled his pants. He stood there, his legs slightly apart, shaking. I lifted the gun but couldn't pull the trigger. I threw it into the jeep shouting, 'You son of a bitch, I1l kill you with my own hands.' I smashed his face with my bare fist. The blow was very hard. It broke the skin on my knuckles. I was in such a towering rage I can't say if I was disgusted with myself for not shooting him or more disgusted by the contact with his vile body. My head seemed to have swollen ten times and my eyes had a film in front of them. I saw him in a haze. I punched him again and he fell on
his knees. 'Fight, you bastard' I yelled. He stayed on his knees. I found myself launching a tremendous kick at him. My heavy army boots landed in his ribs. There was a thud and a cracking sound at the same time. I was aware of them but they didn't seem real. Nothing did. I iust had to desroy this monstrosity in front of me. I grabbed him by the throat, but looking down at him that way, looking at this sack of meaningless, stinking flesh, my fingers wouldn't close. I held him, paralysed, wanting to let go but unable to do so. We remained in that position, both of us unmoving, for I don't know how long. Finally I threw him from me. I knew I wouldn't - couldn't - kill him. I turned an4 half running, stumbled to another tree, feeling as though a volcano were erupting in me. I heaved and started vomiting. The sandwiches I had had for lunch came first, then, as my heaving continued and my mind cleared what came out, it seemed was all I had lived through in the past five years, all the intrigue, the political manipulations. I vomited my sins and my shame and my pain. At the end I felt empty. Empty and somehow free. Free of all that. It was behind me. I got in the ieep and drove off. I think Salzer was still lying on the ground. I didn't turn to see.
Mr Popov now lives in France with his wife and four sons.