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Name: Kevin Segura

Daniel Perez Grade:Elementary School

Date: 10/05/2013 Title: Lesson Plan

Preparation: (link to prior knowledge or jump start)
Students will walk into the classroom and hear the song they will learn. It will be a two part rhythm stick duet. When the students have finished listening to the piece, have them draw an object describing the piece and what they heard. The ultimate goal is to create the duet setting.

Musical Focus: concepts/skills to

emphasize Playing instruments Singing Timbre

Harmony Melody Creating Rhythm Movement Expressive Qualities Form


Pencils, rhythm sticks, paper, smart board, speakers, and music stands.

Po Process & Personalization: (teaching sequence & student participation)

Introduce the rhythm sticks to the students. The sicks will be under the student's chairs on the floor. 1. Ask the students to pick the sticks 2. Show them rest position 3. Show them playing position Sticks are not to hit other students. Also, show the students how to gently rub the sticks together for sustained notes. Refresh on note values to understand the duet they will learn. Play a few exercises with a variety of note values. Now, introduce the duet to the students. Break them off into two different groups: Percussion 1 Percussion 2 1. Listen to the piece again with sheet music in front of them. 2. Teach the actual rhythms, measure by measure to each group. 3. Have the students play together in a group. 4. Put the duet together and explain the call and response. A call and response is a musical theme having a conversation with another theme. (For more advances groups, have the students switch parts as the last part of the assignment) Learning will take place as the music is being played.

Standards Addressed
Sunshine State Standards (music)

MU.2.S.3.2 - Play simple melodies on classroom instruments.

Sunshine State Standards (Other Subject)

Perform: (consolidation of lesson or Closure)

Objectives: Learners will
Understand (cognitive):

Students will perform together at different tempos to hear the call and response between the two groups.

How the music fits together.

Encounter (experiential):

Two part rhythm.

Notes/Extension: Find ways to apply this concept to all the pieces being studied in class.
Written Informal x Performance Individual Group Other:

Note values are a basis in music. This reenforces the students ability to read note values.

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