Earmark Request

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Hoo>< Appropri .. """ eoo .. " i"IT
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W"",;n .._ DC 10515

I .m "q""", ing fU,,"iol if> ' hc I"Y I0 Commcl<o, Ju"~,· , ,." ,,,, ,'l'I""I""" ...... ",H, ~v",' ' . On
b""""''''" .... 'l'rthnv~ """"'"' , TM ''fi' ~y '0 ,«<,i,', fundi n~ i. the City of V. ,Jo ... , Ix""", '"
P.O . ilox 1111, V.tOO<ta, GA J 161)3·1 12$. I, i. my , o<I< ..t>r<l " 1I '"" the fundin; ,",wid b< "",J
for ~";pm<"" 1 «~;f) mat , hi , f!<'<I:i«' doe.< "'" ",".0 • ";,,'" ,,,,I f""""""blc eff"'" on 'M
1'«"";'')' jo'«,,", of me or m) """'"",

I hc"'b; ,,~i I)' oh;o, !hi, wi II hc """"' publ;'; I; "., 101:>1, 00 m y 0 IIi.:" 1 ",boii« '" "'~"' ""
by CM i """" 01><, " "", w ' Comm;""" fIOIi<l' ,ho, ,,,
I)' I""'cd ""1""'" will hc "",,,,",,,cd,

C"", ; ~C "' wi,h ,ho R,publ;,," lc.dcrship" poltc} "" ,.n"""~ I "'«b;' wrt,') th., ",!h< ""'" 0'
'"I no'
'", .w1e.J~ !hi, ""P'<'" (I) i. di",,,,cd " .." on< ity Of po".,:r..m 'hot "'ill be twncd.ft".
, i nin~ Mcmbc, ofCootg<t"" (2) ;, ,.~ ,,,,,,\dod
'0 hc ">cd b;' an "nt " )' '0 """'" funci, 10. Olh<r
en,;, ",", "ok" tho u"" of fondinS i, OOIt,;",,", w;,h tho sp«i ficd i""P""" "f'ho e>.rrnm; .0<1 0)
'no<'> 0 ' <,,«<1 •• 11 ... ,uwy f«III"''''''''''''
fot mat<hi"~ ,.. ><Is "I .. " _f>i>li<,hle, I f"rtl",. «rt' fy ti."
""'" Id thi' "'que" hc ;och.Jcd i" , be hill, I wil l pi"", • """m<", i" tho C"'W'ss""",r I/crord
oc,",ribi". how tl", fund> ~ ,II be '1"'"' ..,J j " " ,f) ' "~ the ''''' of r""""d ,., f")'" f""",,",

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