Earmark Request
Earmark Request
Earmark Request
I am requesting funding for the Aquarium Reef Base Program in Fiscal Year
2010. The entity to receive funding for thi s project is the University of North Carolina at
Wilmington located at 601 Col\e:ge Road, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403. The
funding would be used to SUpp0I1 the leading undersea research program in the nation.
UNCW has one of the most valuable pieces of undersea research equipment, the
Aquarius. I certify that neither I nor my spouse has any financial interest in this project.
~ JJ.-.~
Mike Mclnt)'Te
Member of Congress
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(2021225---2731 gil<""A. NC 28422 19101 323'()260 1910\7Jli-OOIO 1910191£>.4959
fAX_ (2011 225-1\77~ 1910) 25:Hllsa FM: (9101323-0069 FAll-191m 139-5085 FAll 19101815---4543
FAA 1!l1012&3-0159