ScP029 Planets

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Mercury is the eighth planet in size. It is so close to the Sun that any gases or satellites get pulled away.

The Sun also

makes it difficult to see Mercury from the Earth.

Labels Key Words

Mercury Data File
Atmosphere Silicate
Mantle Water Ice Distance from Sun _______________
Crust Nickel Diameter ______________________
Core Iron
Caloris basin Mass __________________________
Temperature ___________________
Surface gravity (earth = 1) ________
Length of day ___________________
Length of year __________________
Number of moons _______________

Research Ideas

Which god was the planet Mercury named after? Presentation Ideas

Which space voyages have passed close to Mercury? Design a wall display
with diagrams, facts
Why doesn’t Mercury have any moons? and big, bold headings.
Make sure that your
When and where can Mercury be seen from Earth? work is as neat as
What would your weight be on Mercury?
Give a talk to your class.
Advance Research Prepare some diagrams
(maybe on overheads) to
Describe Mercury’s orbit. help illustrate your
What is the Caloris Basin?
Produce a short play
Discuss whether it would be possible for humans to exist on Mercury. about a visit to Mercury.

Are there any future plans to visit Mercury? Write a song or poem.

Describe the probable structure of Mercury’s interior. Make a video.

Internet Search Terms Websites

(we recommend “”)
• Mercury + “god of” •
• “Mercury has been visited” •
• Mercury + “no moons because” •
• Mercury + “see from Earth” •
• “your weight on Mercury” •

ORB Education Quality Teaching Resources

 ORB Education Visit for the full, editable versions. ScP029 - Planets

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