Electromagnetic Disturbances: XIII International Conference On
Electromagnetic Disturbances: XIII International Conference On
Electromagnetic Disturbances: XIII International Conference On
XI I I I n t e r n a t i o n a l Co n f e r e n c e o n
24-26 September 2003 Bialystok, POLAND
Jaroslaw WIATER
[email protected]
Technical University of Bialystok
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to develop
a reliable approximation method for the distribution of
the surface potential, step and touch voltage that occurs
when a lightning current is injected into the earthing
system of the electric power substation. The final design
is to limit touch and step voltage to safe levels for
personnel within the substation area during lightning
strikes. Calculations have been provided by the
HIFREQ and FFTSES computer software.
Good substation earthing is essential for the safe and
reliable power system. The main objective of this paper
is to develop a reliable approximation method for the
distribution of the surface potential that occurs when a
lightning current is injected into the earthing system of
the electric power substation.
The proper design of an AC substation earthing grid
involves ensuring that the substation environment and
immediate perimeter is free from the possibility of fatal
electric shock and that it provides a low impedance path
for fault, earth and lightning leakage currents.
The two primary functions of a safe earthing system
are: to ensure that a person who is in the vicinity of
earthed facilities during a fault is not exposed to the
possibility of a fatal electric shock. And to provide a
low impedance path to earth for currents occurring
under normal and fault conditions.
The commercial computer program package CDEGS
has been found to be one of the best currently available
to compute scalar potential distribution. HIFREQ and
FFTSES are being tested with experimental results and
also Earthing Standards and literatures formulas
available [1].
There are a variety of national and international
standards available, which provide empirical formulae
for the calculation of earthing design parameters and
shock potential safety limits.
BS 7354 - 1990: Code of practice for Design
of high-voltage open-terminal stations [2].
IEEE Std 80-2002: IEEE Guide for Safety in
AC Substation Grounding [3].
Electricity Association Technical Specification
41-24: Guidelines for the Design, Installation,
Testing and Maintenance of Main Earthing
Systems in Substations [4].
PN-E-05115:2002 [5].
Table 1. Safety table according to IEEE Std 80-2002 [3].
Fault Clearing Time
.100 sec. .200 sec. .300 sec.
[m] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V]
None 985,0 469,5 763,0 363,7 645,9 307,9
500 1162,0 513,8 900,1 398,0 762,0 336,9
1000 1802,3 673,9 1396,1 522,0 1181,9 441,9
1500 2422,8 829,0 1876,7 642,1 1588,8 543,6
2000 3036,8 982,5 2352,4 761,1 1991,5 644,3
2500 3647,9 1135,3 2825,8 879,4 2392,2 744,5
3000 4257,5 1287,7 3298,0 997,5 2792,0 844,4
3500 4866,2 1439,8 3769,5 1115,3 3191,2 944,2
4000 5474,3 1591,9 4240,6 1233,1 3590,0 1043,9
4500 6082,0 1743,8 4711,3 1350,8 3988,5 1143,5
Table 2. Safety table according to PN-E-05115:2002 [5].
Fault Clearing Time Touch Voltage
[s] [V]
0,04 800
0,08 700
0,14 600
0,2 500
0,29 400
0,39 300
0,49 250
0,64 220
0,72 150
1,1 125
10 80
The substation earth grid is used as an electrical
connection to earth at zero potential reference. This
connection, however, is not ideal due to the resistivity
of the soil within which the earth grid is buried. During
typical earth fault conditions, the flow of current via the
grid to earth will therefore result in the grid rising in
potential relative to remote earth to which other system
neutrals are also connected. This produces potential
gradients within and around the substation ground area
as depicted in Figure 1. This is defined as ground
potential rise or GPR.
The GPR of a substation under earth fault conditions
must be limited so that step and touch potential limits
are not exceeded, and is controlled by keeping the
earthing grid resistance as low as possible.
In order to ensure the safety of people at a substation, it
is necessary to ensure that step and touch potentials in
and around the yard during earth-fault conditions are
kept below set limits. These maximum permitted touch
and step potentials are addressed within various national
and international standards. An illustration of touch,
step, mesh and transferred potentials is provided in
Figure 1.
The touch potential is defined as the potential difference
between a persons outstretched hand, touching an
earthed structure, and his foot. A persons maximum
reach is normally assumed to be 1 meter.
The mesh potential is defined as the potential difference
between the centre of an earthing grid mesh and a struc-
ture earthed to the buried grid conductors. This is effec-
tively a worst-case touch potential. For a grid consisting
of equal size meshes, it is the meshes at the corner of
the grid that will have the highest mesh potential.
The step potential is defined as the potential difference
between a peoples outstretched feet, normally 1 meter
apart, without the person touching any earthed structure.
Transferred potential is a special case of a touch
potential in which a voltage is transferred into or out of
a substation for some distance by means of an earth
referenced metallic conductor. This can be a very high
touch potential as, during fault conditions, the resulting
potential to ground may equal the full GPR.
The maximum permitted values of step and touch
potentials vary widely between the different standards.
The value of maximum permitted touch potential has a
dominant role in determining the design of the earthing
grid. As a general rule, if an earthing grid design
satisfies the requirements for safe touch potentials, it is
very unlikely that the maximum permitted step potential
will be exceeded.
The IEEE 80 standard uses the maximum mesh voltage
as the touch voltage, and this usually exists at the corner
mesh. UK practice defines the touch voltage differently.
In practice the voltage at the surface of the ground is a
maximum adjacent to a corner of a grid. UK practice is
to define touch voltage as the sum of the step voltage
plus the voltage difference between the ground surface
adjacent to a corner and the grid beneath [3].
Although the mesh voltage is used as the defining touch
voltage in American practice, the maximum permitted
touch voltage used is less than that used in British
Standards. In practice, compliance with American usage
thus also ensures the arrangement will comply with UK
Polish Standard PN-E-05115:2002 specify only touch
voltage safe value level. PN-E dont specific safe step
voltage value level. In this point Polish Standard is far
behind American or British regulations [5].
CENELEC have issues a harmonization document HD
637 S1 containing references to the maximum body
impedance and permitted touch voltage [6].
All calculation has been performed according to IEEE
80 Std. Lightning 10/350s 100kA stroke to the point A
shown at figure 2a.
Fig. 1. Surface potential distribution
A typical KSU 110/15 kV substation will be analyzed.
The HV/MV substation consists of:
open terminal air-insulated design,
single busbar design with the busbar being
split into to sections and interconnected via a
bus section circuit-breaker,
two incoming circuits one feeding each
section of busbar,
two outgoing circuits feeding multi-radial
networks for overhead rural systems and ring
circuits for urban cable connected networks,
two distribution substation transformers 110/15
kV 6% 16MVA,
grounding system consists of a 107m by 62m
rectangular grid buried at a depth of 0.8m. The
gird is made of 6 equal spaced conductors
along the X axis and 10 equally spaced
conductors along the Y axis. The perimeter of
the grid was placed such that the outermost
conductors are located exactly 5m outside the
edge of the fence. The fence is regularly
connected to the outermost conductors. Ground
resistivity was assumed 100 m (uniform
ground model).
Fig. 2a. Illustration of the Lightning Analysis Problem.3D substation model
Fig. 2b. Substation feeder
Fig. 2c. Substation grounding grid
Fig. 2d. Typical distribution primary substation layout:
single busbar
The touch and step voltages obtained in calculations
indicate that analyzed HV/MV KSU 110/15kV
substation design is quite far away from providing a
safe ground grid design. The touch and step voltages
exceed the safe value at most locations of the
substation. The highest values occur in the corner
meshes of the grounding grid, which suggests that there
is a need to have more conductors towards the edge of
the grounding system and less in the central portion.
Moreover, practical considerations often introduce
additional constraints, which must be accounted for.
The simulations allowed an evaluation of surface
potential in a typical HV/MV substation, giving
information about the magnitude of crest value of step
and touch voltages and the graphical distribution of it
during lightning strike. This is relevant information for
selecting the grounding system modification design.
The results show a strong dependence of the quantities
upon the safe value of step and touch voltages and the
grounding system configuration. In general, the
obtained values tend to increase with increasing values
of lightning current parameters and ground resistivity.
Fig. 3. Distribution of scalar potential (a), step voltage (b), touch voltage (c) at the typical HV/MV substation
Computer analysis of this problem seems to be rights
choose and its economical for energy distributors.
1. CDEGS Users Manual, Safe Engineering
Services & Technologies Ltd., Montreal Canada.
2. PN-E-05115:2002 Instalacje elektroenergetyczne
prdu przemiennego o napiciu wyszym ni 1kV.
PKN, Warszawa 2002.
3. BS 7354 - 1990: Code of practice for Design of
high-voltage open-terminal stations.
4. IEEE Std 80-2002: IEEE Guide for Safety in AC
Substation Grounding.
5. Electricity Association Technical Specification 41-
24: Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing
and Maintenance of Main Earthing Systems in
6. PN-E-05115:2002 Instalacje elektroenergetyczne
prdu przemiennego o napiciu wyszym ni 1kV.
PKN, Warszawa 2002.
7. HD 637 S1. CENELEC harmonization document.
MSc Jaroslaw Wiater
Graduated in power system at Electric Power System
Faculty of Technical University, Bialystok in 2002.
Main research area is application of computer
technology in damage analysis at electric power
substation during direct lightning strikes.