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The document discusses the object number lengths and number range requirements for integrating Windchill data with SAP. Proper number range configuration is important to avoid errors when creating control characteristics in SAP.

The documentation is subject to copyright laws and is provided under a license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use. Any copies made must include the PTC copyright notice. Training materials may not be copied without express written consent.

Numeric control characteristic numbers must be 8 characters and padded with zeros if less. Numeric MIC number ranges must also be created internally using transaction QS29. The SAP format for these is described.

PTC Windchill Enterprise

Systems Integration
Installation and
Configuration Guide - SAP®
Windchill 10.2
September 2013
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About This Guide ........................................................................................................7

Introduction to Windchill ESI....................................................................................... 11
Windchill ESI Features ........................................................................................14
Technical Overview of Windchill ESI and ERP Connector ......................................15
Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI ......................................................................19
Installation and Configuration Checklist ................................................................20
Reviewing Requirements ....................................................................................20
Determining How to Handle Attribute Length Differences .......................................21
Creating ESI User Accounts and Configuring SAP for Windchill ESI .......................22
Configuring ERP Part Information ........................................................................45
Uninstalling TIBCO Software (optional) ................................................................46
Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI................................................................53
Supporting Multiple ERP Instances ......................................................................66
Configuring Windchill PDMLink and Info*Engine ...................................................67
Configuring Windchill ESI Using SUNMQ’s JMS....................................................68
Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable
Windchill ESI Preferences ...................................................................................74
Distribution Target Attributes................................................................................74
Global Variable Groups .......................................................................................86
Object Numbering ................................................................................................... 119
Object Numbering and Attribute Field Length Differences .................................... 120
Object Number Lengths in SAP ................................................................................ 123
Object Numbering SAP Number Range Configuration ......................................... 125
Exceptions for Process Plan numbers ................................................................ 127
Exceptions for Equipment.................................................................................. 127
Out of the Box SAP Number Ranges .................................................................. 127
SAP Functionality Summary .............................................................................. 128
Object Number Lengths in SAP for Master Inspection Characteristics
(MIC)............................................................................................................ 129
Exceptions for MIC Numbers ............................................................................. 129

About This Guide

This guide provides installers and administrators with the information required to
install and configure Windchill ESI components.
In general, this guide is intended for technical staff members who are experienced
in Windchill PDMLink and other application installations. It assumes you have
the following:
• Knowledge of the existing system data structures at your site.
• Knowledge of the web architecture used at your site.
• Knowledge of Java Server Page (JSP) capabilities.
• Knowledge of World Wide Web browser operation.
• UNIX system administration skills (if you are using UNIX systems).
• Windows system administration skills (if you are using Windows systems)
Since Windchill ESI and ERP Connector are supported with Windchill PDMLink,
this guide assumes that you have installed this product and have read and are
acquainted with its features.
Using Windchill ESI also involves using software components of TIBCO
BusinessWorks and assumes you are familiar with the features of this product
Windchill ESI and ERP Connector can also be used to publish manufacturing
objects. To publish manufacturing objects you must have Windchill MPMLink

Related Documentation
The following documentation makes up the Windchill ESI and ERP Connector
documentation set:
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Administration Guide - Oracle
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Administration Guide - SAP
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Customizer's Guide - Oracle
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Customizer's Guide - SAP
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration
Guide - SAP
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration
Guide - Oracle Applications
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Implementation Guide - Oracle
• PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Implementation Guide - SAP
• Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Open Application Programming
Interface Guide
• ERP Connector Administration Guide

Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t
Contact PTC Technical Support through the PTC website, or by phone, email, or
fax if you encounter problems using this product or the product documentation.
For complete details, see the PTC Customer Service Guide. You can find this
guide under C o n t a c t i n g Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t on the PTC Technical Support page:
You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) before you can receive
technical support. If you do not have an SCN, contact the PTC Maintenance
Department using the instructions found in the PTC Customer Service Guide or on
the PTC Technical Support page.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

8 SAP®
Documentation for PTC Products
You can access PTC documentation using the following resources:
• W i n d c h i l l H e l p C e n t e r —The Windchill Help Center is an online knowledge
base that includes a comprehensive index of all Windchill documentation. You
can browse the entire Windchill documentation set, or use the search
capability to perform a keyword search. To access the help center, you can:
○ Click any help icon in Windchill
○ Select H e l p ▶ W i n d c h i l l H e l p C e n t e r from the Q u i c k L i n k s menu at the top
right of any Windchill page
○ Use the following link to access all PTC help centers:
• R e f e r e n c e D o c u m e n t s We b s i t e —The Reference Documents website is a
library of all PTC guides:
A Service Contract Number (SCN) is required to access the PTC documentation
from the Reference Documents website. For more information on SCNs, see the
PTC Technical Support page:

PTC welcomes your suggestions and comments on its documentation. To submit
your feedback, you can:
• Send an email to [email protected]. Include the name of the
application and its release number with your comments. If your comments are
about a specific help topic or book, include the title.
• Click the PTC help center feedback icon in the upper right of a Windchill
Help Center topic and complete the feedback form. The help topic title is
automatically included with your feedback.

Documentation for PTC Products 9

Introduction to Windchill ESI
Windchill ESI Features...............................................................................................14
Technical Overview of Windchill ESI and ERP Connector .............................................15

Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration (Windchill ESI) is an Enterprise

Application Integration (EAI) based product, designed to integrate Product
Lifecycle Management (PLM) services offered by Windchill PDMLink, with the
services offered by distribution targets such as Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems.
This end-to-end integration provides real-time connection between Windchill
PDMLink and distribution targets. It also supports and enables the transfer and
mapping of business objects, such as parts, Bills of Material (BOMs), Change
Notices (CNs), documents and CAD document structures, and manufacturing
objects from Windchill PDMLink to the distribution targets.
The following lists specific publishing actions that users can accomplish:
• Create parts, bills of material (BOMs), documents associated to parts,
standalone documents, CAD document structures, and change notices (CNs)
in the distribution target from Windchill PDMLink.
• Change parts, bills of material (BOMs), documents associated to parts,
standalone documents, and CAD document structures in the distribution target
from Windchill PDMLink.
• Capture the publication history for all parts, BOMs, documents, CAD
document structures, CNs and promotion requests in Windchill PDMLink.
With Windchill MPMLink installed these publishing actions can be accomplished
on the following objects:
• Process plans, including operations and sequences
• Control characteristics associated to parts, process plans and operations

• Resources, including process materials, skills and tooling
• Documents associated with manufacturing objects, such as operations and

Some ERP systems do not support all of these functions. Check with your
administrator to verify the capabilities of your ERP system. For example:
• While a document, a CAD document or its structure that is released from
Windchill may be sent with the ESI response, none of these would be
published to Oracle Applications. Also, control characteristics associated
to parts (or to manufacturing objects) may be sent with the ESI response,
but are not published to Oracle Applications either.
• A CAD document structure that is released from Windchill PDMLink may
be sent with the ESI response, but only the documents that make up the
structure (and not their interrelationships) would be published to SAP.

Connecting these systems optimizes and automates business processes, improves

operational efficiencies, and creates opportunities to add value not available with
isolated systems. By controlling seamless information flow between functional
groups, such as engineering and manufacturing and their respective enterprise
applications, it ensures that:
• Latest product data information is represented in both systems and changes to
product data are automatically reflected in the distribution target.
• Latest design revisions are always available to manufacturing.
• Downstream services, such as logistics, finance, after-market support that
depend upon and use ERP systems, are also up-to-date.
• Secure end-to-end connection and transaction control are provided, reducing
manual data translation and the related maintenance and support costs.
Much of Windchill ESI's business logic runs within TIBCO's ActiveEnterprise
product suite, a leading EAI platform. The ActiveEnterprise suite provides
TIBCO's BusinessWorks integration services that include prebuilt ERP adapters,
an integrated graphical development environment, transaction management,
administrative and monitoring facilities, and other functionality. Using the
Graphical User Interface (GUI) based development environment, Windchill ESI
can be customized to include unique business processes that are not provided in its
default set of functions.
Windchill PDMLink communicates with the TIBCO EAI software through the
Windchill Open API. The Windchill Open API enables the product data within
Windchill PDMLink to be shared with the rest of the enterprise using industry

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12 SAP®
standards such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Java Messaging
Service (JMS), and extensible Markup Language (XML). The services are
independent of the EAI software and can be used to enable other middleware
applications to communicate with Windchill PDMLink.
Windchill ESI uses business objects that are shared across the enterprise. These
objects have attributes that are shared across systems, as well those that are unique
to particular systems. Windchill PDMLink is the system of record for all parts,
BOMs, documents, CAD document structures and their associated attributes
authored in and if Windchill MPMLink is installed manufacturing objects as well.

Introduction to Windchill ESI 13

Windchill ESI Features
The following are some of the key features provided by Windchill ESI:
• Enables Windchill PDMLink users to publish various business objects to SAP.
• Supports publishing from a Windchill PDMLink instance to one or more SAP
• Allows users to create or change parts, BOMs, documents associated to parts,
operations and certain types of manufacturing resources, and standalone
documents in SAP from Windchill PDMLink.
• Allows users to create or change manufacturing objects such as process plans,
operations, sequences, control characteristics and resources in SAP from
Windchill PDMLink.
• Allows users to create Change Notices (CNs) in SAP from Windchill
• Captures the publishing history for all parts, BOMs, documents, CAD
document structures, promotion requests and CNs in Windchill PDMLink.
• Captures the publishing history for manufacturing objects (process plans,
operations, sequences, control characteristics and resources) in Windchill
• Provides an architectural foundation that can be extended and enhanced for a
greater scope of functionality.
The provided default features allow you to:
• Publish new and changed parts, BOMs, documents associated to parts,
manufacturing objects and resources, standalone documents, process plans and
resources, and new Change Notices (CNs).
• Publish new and changed process plans (including operations and sequences)
and manufacturing resources such as process materials, skills and tooling.
• Publish new and changed control characteristics associated to parts, process
plans and operations.
• Publish objects from within Windchill PDMLink using the following methods:
○ Sample workflow
○ Customized workflow
○ Custom calls to various functions available in Windchill PDMLink
○ Ad hoc operations from a menu option in the object information page

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14 SAP®
Although a CAD document structure that is released from Windchill
PDMLink may be sent with the ESI response, only the documents that make
up the structure (and not their interrelationships) would be published to SAP.

Te c h n i c a l O v e r v i e w o f W i n d c h i l l E S I a n d
ERP Connector
The following outlines the functions of the key components of a Windchill ESI or
ERP Connector system.
Info*Engine provides the standard interface to Windchill PDMLink, creating a
single channel to multiple external environments, including the Windchill ESI
business logic.
Windchill ESI services produce output from Windchill PDMLink in a format that
can be easily accepted by the EAI software components of Windchill ESI. This
output can then be processed and mapped to a distribution target such as an ERP
system. The output from Windchill PDMLink is in XML format; it is transported
to the EAI software through XML messages that are delivered using a JMS
provider such as TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS).
While the response message (that represents the data being published) is in plain
XML, the result response message (that holds information on whether or not the
overall and subtransaction statuses could be updated in Windchill successfully) is
an XML message that is SOAP encoded
This messaging architecture supports bidirectional communication, guarantees
message delivery, and provides a common interface to different EAI applications.
JMS enables Windchill PDMLink to send messages that contain data in a
predefined format, communicate information about the publishing of this data to
the EAI software components of Windchill ESI, and receive the status of the
success or failure of attempts to publish. Since JMS communication is between
two systems: Windchill PDMLink and EAI components, Windchill ESI uses JMS
point-to-point communication via JMS queues. JMS guarantees message delivery;
therefore, messages published to the queue remain in the queue until the EAI or
Windchill ESI services retrieve them. Messages are not dropped if there is no
The Windchill ESI business logic in the EAI software accepts the product
structure data from Windchill ESI services and parses it to appropriate business
objects so that it can be transferred to the distribution targets. Since each
distribution target may differ from others in many ways, such as the format in
which data is accepted, how updates are performed, or with the type of business-

Introduction to Windchill ESI 15

level errors that might arise, the EAI software components keep these differences
transparent to Windchill PDMLink by automatically mapping and manipulating
the data in a format acceptable to the distribution target.
TIBCO BusinessWorks includes the following components that help the flow of
data between Windchill PDMLink and distribution targets:
• The TIBCO Designer graphical user interface (GUI) allows users to configure
ERP adapters, create and test the design of business processes, and deploy
these processes.
• The TIBCO BusinessWorks engine runs the business processes.
• TIBCO Administrator, a browser-based interface, monitors and manages the
business processes and machines.
Each of these components communicates using a messaging system called TIBCO
Rendezvous (RV).
TIBCO provides several default ERP adapters for major ERP vendors to enable
seamless data translation. The EAI software components use these adapters to
integrate Windchill PDMLink applications with the distribution targets.

While ERP Connector does not make use of TIBCO it does make use of the
Windchill capabilities available in Windchill ESI.

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16 SAP®
Introduction to Windchill ESI 17
Installing and Configuring
Windchill ESI
Installation and Configuration Checklist.......................................................................20
Reviewing Requirements ...........................................................................................20
Determining How to Handle Attribute Length Differences..............................................21
Creating ESI User Accounts and Configuring SAP for Windchill ESI ..............................22
Configuring ERP Part Information ...............................................................................45
Uninstalling TIBCO Software (optional) .......................................................................46
Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI ......................................................................53
Supporting Multiple ERP Instances .............................................................................66
Configuring Windchill PDMLink and Info*Engine ..........................................................67
Configuring Windchill ESI Using SUNMQ’s JMS ..........................................................68

Installation and Configuration Checklist
Use the following checklist as a guide to install and configureWindchill ESI on
Windows and UNIX platforms:
1. Reviewing Requirements on page 20
2. Determining How to Handle Attribute Length Differences on page 21
3. Creating ESI User Accounts and Configuring SAP for Windchill ESI on page
4. Configuring ERP Part Information on page 45
5. Uninstalling TIBCO Software (optional) on page 46
6. Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI on page 53
7. Configuring Windchill PDMLink and Info*Engine on page 67

Reviewing Requirements
Before beginning review the following Windchill ESI requirements.

To minimize the occurrence of known issues, you should obtain the latest
Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration software and patches from the PTC
software update website. Contact PTC Technical Support if you require

Windchill ESI Requirements

Windchill ESI requires a correctly installed version of Windchill PDMLink.
PTC provides a summary of the information on the products and operating
systems certified with Windchill ESI, as well as language support and inter-
operability of PTC products and specific platforms in the Windchill Product
Support Matrices. This information is available to you from the following link:

Each TIBCO product might require you to apply certain patches to your
operating system. Refer to the readme files accompanying each TIBCO
product for details on required patches.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

20 SAP®
Development and Production Requirements
The 64 bit SAP JCO is required for development (using Designer) and the 32 bit
is required for production (Business Works / Administrator).

SAP Notes
The following SAP Notes must be applied if standalone parts need to be revised
using parameter-effective change numbers:
• SAP ECC5.0 : SAP note #500117
• SAP ECC6.0 : SAP note #500117
The following SAP Notes must be applied. These notes are required to resolve
Routing alternate dates and date shift related issues, when using Change Notice.
• SAP ECC5.0 : SAP note #987084

This note is bundled with support pack "SAPKA64020". If you have
already applied support pack SAPKA64020 you do not have to apply this

• SAP ECC6.0 : SAP note #987084

This note is bundled with support pack "SAPKA70011". If you have
already applied support pack SAPKA70011 you do not have to apply this

Determining How to Handle Attribute

Len gt h D i ffe r enc es
Before you begin installing Windchill ESI, you need to determine if there are any
discrepancies between how Windchill PDMLink and SAP handle the following
object types: parts, BOMs, documents, process plans, sequences, operations,
process materials, tooling, control characteristics and CNs.
For more information see the SAP Attribute Length Assumptions section of
Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Implementation Guide - SAPas well as
the section Object Numbering on page 119.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 21

Creating ESI User Accounts and
Configuring SAP for Windchill ESI
This section provides an overview on how to create a Windchill ESI user account
and configure SAP distribution targets for Windchill ESI. It involves the following
• Setting up an SAP User Account for Windchill ESI on page 23
• Setting up SAP Configurations on page 24
• Configuring Document Parameters on page 26
• Configuring Change Management Parameters on page 32
• Configuring Revision Levels on page 32
• Configuring Engineering Change Management Parameters on page 34
• Configuring BOMs on page 35
• Configuring External Number Ranges for Parts, Documents, CNs, Process
Plans and Resources on page 37
• Configuring the Availability Check Default Value for Different Materials in
Specific Plants on page 38
• Determining the Approach to Use When Updating Routings in SAP on page
• Determining the Approach for Creating or Updating Equipment in SAP on
page 40
• Importing Custom RFCs on page 41
• Changing the Define Workcenter Application (T-CODE: DC30) on page 45

The instructions in the following sections make the following assumptions:
• You are acquainted with SAP interfaces and are familiar with their navigation
and selection processes.
• You have applied the support packs and OSS notes listed in the PTC Windchill

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

22 SAP®
Enterprise Systems Integration Implementation Guide - SAP. Windchill ESI
may not function as expected on SAP distribution targets that do not match
these criteria.
• You have administrator privileges.

Since distribution targets can be customized some of the options and screens
presented in the following steps may not match what you have on your
systems. Refer to the documentation provided with your systems for more
specific and detailed information.

Setting up an SAP User Account for Windchill ESI

To set up the required SAP user account for Windchill ESI use the following
• Use transaction SU01 to create an SAP user account called ESISYS. Perform
or note the following:
○ Under the L o g O n D a t a tab, specify C o m m u n i c a t i o n for User Type. This
account is valid and used only by automated RFCs to communicate with
the TIBCO Adapter for SAP.
○ Under D e f a u l t S e t t i n g s , establish the following date format Y Y Y Y- M M - D D
and the decimal notation: 1 , 2 3 4 , 5 6 7 . 8 9 as preferences for the ESISYS
○ To maintain security, do not grant a broad security authorization profile,
such as SAP_ALL to the ESISYS account. Since this account is not a
GUI-enabled dialog-type user account, SAP does not allow end-users to
log onto the account via the SAP graphical user interface.
○ To ensure the authorization profile complies with security policies, review
the precise SAP access required by Windchill ESI with your SAP
administrators. Determine the acceptable authorization profile for your
particular SAP systems. For reference, the primary online transactions that
correspond to the APIs used by Windchill ESI are as follows:
Tr a n s a c t i o n C o d e Description
MM01 Create Material
MM02 Change Material
MM03 Display Material
CS01 Create Material BOM
CS02 Change Material BOM
CS03 Display Material BOM

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 23

Tr a n s a c t i o n C o d e Description
CV01N Create Document
CV02N Change Document
CV03N Display Document
CC01 Create Change Master
CC02 Change Change Master
CC03 Display Change Master
IE01 Create Equipment
IE02 Change Equipment
IE03 Display Equipment
CR01 Create Work center
CR02 Change Work center
CR03 Display Work center
CA11 Create Reference Operation Set
CA12 Change Reference Operation Set
CA13 Display Reference Operation Set
CA01 Create Routing
CA02 Change Routing
CA03 Display Routing
QS21 Creating Master Inspection
QS23 Change Master Inspection
QS61 Maintain Material Specification

Setting up SAP Configurations

All Windchill ESI configurations are performed through the Implementation
Guide for Customizing (SAP Reference IMG) interface.
1. Enter Transaction /nSPRO in the Tr a n s a c t i o n window to bring up the
Implementation Guide window.

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24 SAP®
2. Click S A P R e f e r e n c e I M G . The following window appears:

3. Navigate through this file to find all the necessary configuration screens in the
following steps. Alternately, you can use the search function, CRTL+F, to
search the node titles for key words.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 25

Configuring Document Parameters
This involves defining document types. To define document types, perform these
1. From the Implementation Guide for Customizing (IMG), select C r o s s
Application Components ▶ Document Management System ▶ Control Data.
2. Select D e f i n e d o c u m e n t t y p e s . The following window appears:

3. Deselect all indicators forWindchill ESI document types: DES, DOC, DRW,

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

26 SAP®
4. Save your changes.
5. Select D E S (the document type). Double-click to display details on the
document types as shown in the following window:

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 27

These descriptions are unique to each document type and do not need to be
changed; however, certain fields need to be populated as shown in the
preceding window.

6. Enter the following values for these fields:

Field Va l u e
Internal number range Any valid internal number range
External number range Enter a valid external number range.
See Configuring External Number
Ranges for Parts, Documents, CNs,
Process Plans and Resources on page
Number exit MCDOKZNR
Vers. no. incr. 8
File size 12000000
Class type 017
Class CL0001
Document Status Does not equal “-” (suppress field)
Document desc. Does not equal “-” (suppress field)
User Does not equal “-” (suppress field)
Change number Does not equal “-” (suppress field)
7. Save changes.
8. Press F3 to go back to the D e f i n e d o c u m e n t t y p e s : O v e r v i e w window. Repeat
steps 5–7 for all the other document types: DOC, DRW, SPE, and TST.
9. Press F3 to go back to the D e f i n e d o c u m e n t t y p e s : O v e r v i e w window.
Highlight D E S and select D e f i n e o b j e c t l i n k s from the panel on the left. The
following window appears:

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28 SAP®
10. Verify that M A R A and M A R C are listed with Scr. No. (screen numbers) 201
and 211, respectively. If they are not, add the screen numbers by clicking N e w

Make sure the 1 : n r a t i o field is deselected.

11. Save changes.

12. Repeat Steps 9–11 for all the other document types: DOC, DRW, SPE, and
When you are done defining all these document object links, perform the next
13. Press F3 to go back to the D e f i n e d o c u m e n t t y p e s : O v e r v i e w window. Select
D E S (Document Type) and select D e f i n e d o c u m e n t s t a t u s from the panel on
the left. The following window appears:

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 29

14. Double-click S t a t u s I A . If entry I A does not appear, click N e w E n t r i e s and add
the type I A . The following window appears:

15. Verify that the following S t a t u s I A attributes are set to:

Attribute Va l u e / A c t i o n
Status type Empty
Object check Selected
Release flag Selected
Prev. 1 ...6 Empty

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

30 SAP®
Go back to the previous window and double-click F R in the Doc.St column. If
entry F R does not appear, click N e w E n t r i e s and add the type F R . The
following window appears:

16. Verify that the following S t a t u s F R attributes are set to:

Attribute Va l u e / A c t i o n
Status type S
Object check Selected
Release flag Selected
Prev. 1 Enter P R
Prev. 2 Enter A A .
Prev. 3 Enter I A .

These are not the default values. You must change them.

17. Verify that the document status for each document type is listed. If they are
not, click N e w E n t r i e s to add them.
18. Repeat for each document type: DOC, DRW, SPE and TST.
19. Click S a v e and create a Transport Request.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 31

For these functional changes to take effect you must create a Transport

Configuring Change Management Parameters

Configuring change management parameters involves the following:
• Configuring Revision Levels on page 32
• Configuring Engineering Change Management Parameters on page 34

Configuring Revision Levels

To configure revision levels, perform the following procedures:
1. From the I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e window select L o g i s t i c s - G e n e r a l ▶
E n g i n e e r i n g C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t ▶ R e v i s i o n L e v e l s , as shown in the
following window:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

32 SAP®
2. Select D e f i n e R e v i s i o n L e v e l s f o r M a t e r i a l s . The following window appears.

3. Verify that the numbers in the S e q (sequence) column go up to 26 to

correspond with the letters of the alphabet, A-Z. This is the default revisioning
scheme. If you need to you can add, change or delete revision levels. Refer to
your SAP documentation for details.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 33

Configuring Engineering Change Management Parameters
To configure Engineering Change Management parameters, perform the following
1. From the I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e window select L o g i s t i c s - G e n e r a l ▶
E n g i n e e r i n g C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t ▶ S e t u p c o n t r o l d a t a . The following
window appears:

2. Verify the following fields are selected:

• Parameter effectivity
• Rev. level act.
• Ext. revision level
• Release active
• Late package allowed
• Object maintenance
• Assign alternative date
• Complete hierarchy
3. Save your changes.
4. From the P r o j e c t Vi e w window select L o g i s t i c s - G e n e r a l ▶ E n g i n e e r i n g C h a n g e
M a n a g e m e n t ▶ D e f i n e s t a t u s e s f o r c h a n g e m a s t e r r e c o r d s . The following
window appears:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

34 SAP®
5. Verify the following options for these fields are selected: 1 2
Chg poss Date chg
Date chg

Configuring BOMs
To configure BOMs, perform the following procedure:
1. From the I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e window, select P r o d u c t i o n ▶ B a s i c D a t a ▶ B i l l
of Material ▶ Control Data for Bills of Material ▶ Define modification
p a r a m e t e r s , as shown in the following window:

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 35

2. Select D e f i n e M o d i f i c a t i o n P a r a m e t e r s . The following window appears:

3. Verify that the following modification parameters are selected:

• BOM validity maint.
• EC management active
• CAD active

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

36 SAP®
and U n i t ' p i e c e ' is set to P C .

Configuring External Number Ranges for Parts,

Documents, CNs, Process Plans and Resources
If you would like to change the out-of-the-box SAP external number ranges listed
in the following table, make sure that the Windchill PDMLink object number
schemas correspond with the external number ranges specified. For information
on how to configure object numbers in Windchill PDMLink refer to the Windchill
Business Administrator's Guide.
Object Internal Range External Range
Parts 1 to 99,999,999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
100,000,000 to
CNs 00,000,000,000 to 1 to 499,999,999,999
Documents 10,000,000,000 to 1 to 99,999
9,999,999,999,999,999 1,000,000 to
10,000,000,000,000,000 9,999,999,999
100,000 to 999,999
Equipment 00000001 to 00199999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
Process Plans 50000000 to 99999999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
Process Materials 1 to 99,999,999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
100,000,000 to

In the following sections, installation and configuration instructions apply to
both Windows and UNIX installations. Where Windows and UNIX differ,
additional documentation is provided to show the differences.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 37

C o n f i g u r i n g t h e A v a i l a b i l i t y C h e c k D e f a u l t Va l u e f o r
Di ff e r e n t M a t e ri a l s i n S p e ci f i c Pl a n t s
The following process describes how to set the Availability Check default values
for materials in a specific plant:
1. Login to SAP. Use the transaction /n s p r o

You must have the required privileges to customize the SAP instance.

2. Select the S A P R e f e r e n c e I M G option and navigate to:

S a l e s a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n - ▶ B a s i c F u n c t i o n s - ▶ A v a i l a b i l i t y C h e c k a n d Tr a n s f e r o f
R e q u i r e m e n t s - ▶ A v a i l a b i l i t y C h e c k - ▶ A v a i l a b i l i t y C h e c k w i t h AT P L o g i c o r
Against Planning

3. Select D e f i n e C h e c k i n g G r o u p s D e f a u l t Va l u e .
This will display the default values for Av a i l a b i l i t y C h e c k for a given material
for a specific plant.
4. In order to set the default value for a given plant and specific material type,
select the N e w e n t r i e s option.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

38 SAP®
For example, to set the Av a i l a b i l i t y c h e c k value of 0 1 v i z . . D a i l y r e q u i r e m e n t s for
material type description F i n i s h e d p r o d u c t in plant 1400 use the following
1. Specify the 'Matl type' from list (For example, FERT).
2. Specify the plant from list (For example, 1400).
3. Select the required availability value (For example, 01).
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for all required values.
5. Save the settings.

Determining the Approach to Use When Updating

Routings in SAP
There are two approaches for updating process plans (routings):
1. Using the custom RFC ZRFC_MODIFY_ROUTING developed and owned by
2. Using CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN API provided by SAP. This API
contains the status “Not released to customer” and therefore thorough testing
should be carried out on an identical TEST environment before updating. For
more information on CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN API refer to the
following sections in the PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration
Customizer's Guide - SAP:
• Advantages of using CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN
• Various actions tested on ECC50 and ECC60 SAP IDES instances.
• Sample test data for CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN
• Other RFC/ZRFC required to support CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN
You can also refer to the PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration
Implementation Guide - SAP for information on the mappings and other ZRFC/
RFCs required to support the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN API approach.
If no issues have been found when using the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN
API approach in a test environment then you may continue with this approach.
The following settings must be modified:
• Global variable changes:
○ By default the ESIFlag/ use ZRFC_MODIFY_ROUTING global variable
is set to “true”. ZRFC_MODIFY_ROUTING must be imported if the
value is set to “true”. To continue with the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_
PLAN API approach you must set this value to “false”.
○ ESISAPAdapter/ECC_Version: This global variable is used to decide
which adapter service should be used for CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_
PLAN. Different adapter services are used for “ECC5” and “ECC6” as the

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 39

structures are different in each SAP version. Thus unlike other RFCs/
BAPIs this API has to be differently fetched for each different ECC
version. Default version support is for ECC6. If you would like to use CP_
BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN with ECC 5.0 then this global variable value
must be set to “ECC5”.
The global variable ESISAPAdapter/ECC_Version by default is set to
“ECC6”. The value “ECC6” indicates that the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_
PLAN API structure is fetched from SAP version ECC 6.0 and the value
“ECC5” indicates that the API structure is fetched from SAP version ECC
5.0. Since the API has minor differences in the structure there are separate
adapter services configured for the supported SAP versions. The adapter
configuration “ESISAPAdapterConfigurationECC5” contains CP_BD_
ECC 5.0 SAP version whereas the adapter configuration
“ESISAPAdapterConfiguration” contains the services fetched from SAP
version ECC 6.0. Note that all other adapter services (for example, to
create materials, BOMs, routings) are also configured under the adapter
configuration “ESISAPAdapterConfiguration” and they are fetched from
SAP version ECC 6.0. Except CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN all other
services inside “ESISAPAdapterConfiguration” are compatible with both
the supported SAPs version ECC 5.0 and ECC 6.0.
○ Import the custom RFC ZRFC_OPR_LABEL. There is a limitation when
using the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN approach in that this API is
not capable of modifying the operation label (activity /sub activity values).
In order to achieve this specific functionality only, the custom RFC has
been developed by PTC using BDC technology. The functionality of this
custom RFC is very limited and is used to update operation labels only.
○ Adapter service: For ECC 6.0 the “ESISAPAdapterConfigurationECC5”
does not need to remain in “Running” mode. However, the MICU does not
dynamically determine the ECC version and therefore starts both Adapter
services. For ECC 5.0 both “ESISAPAdapterConfigurationECC5” and
“ESISAPAdapterConfiguration” adapter services must be up and running.

Determining the Approach for Creating or Updating

Equipment in SAP
The following standard BAPIs are used to create and update an Equipment:


PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

40 SAP®
There is a limitation with BAPI_EQUI_CREATE. It must invoke RFC_CALL_
TRANSACTION to provide the task list usage (by default it is set to 009 for
Routing ). This API contains the status “Not released to customer” and therefore
thorough testing should be carried out on an identical TEST environment
If you accept to use RFC_CALL_TRANSACTION then the above Equipment
BAPIs can be used safely and there is no need to use ZRFC_CREATE_
If the BAPI approach is selected the following configurations can be set to disable
the business logic to use BAPIs instead of ZRFC in order to create or update an
• Global Variable: ESIFlags/UsingZRFC
• Description: A flag for enabling the ZRFC when a not released RFC/API does
not work in a production environment. ZRFC_CREATE_EQUIPMENT and
ZRFC_MODIFY_EQUIPMENT must be imported if the value is set to “true”.
By default this flag value is set to “true”
For more information refer to the PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration
Implementation Guide - SAP.

Importing Custom RFCs

To publish process plans and tooling (of category fixture) you must use the
following information and procedures.
Windchill ESI uses the following PTC developed custom RFCs:

There is no standard BAPI available to associate and disassociate MIC from a
Material and from an Operation. The following custom RFC have been
developed to achieve these functionalities:
To import these zRFCs, take the appropriate files from <TIBCO_HOME>/esi/
RFC/<SAP Version>/

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 41

When updating a routing if the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN approach is
used you should be using the custom RFC ZRFC_OPR_LABEL rather than
When deploying the solution using the Middleware Installation and Configuration
Utility (MICU), the cofiles and data files are copied to the following location:
• RFC/<<SAP version>>/
• RFC/<<SAP version>>/ The file contains the source cofiles and data file for ZRFC_
MODIFY_EQUIPMENT. contains the
source cofiles and data files for ZRFC_OPR_LABEL.
For example, if your SAP version is ECC6.0 then the file location is:
• <TIBCO_HOME>/esi/RFC/6.0/
The file contains both the cofiles and the data files.

If you already have these RFCs deployed from a previous Windchill release
and these RFCs have been modified or customized, then importing these RFCs
again will overwrite all customizations that you have done. Verify that your
customizations are in the newly imported code. If not then your
customizations will need to be redone.

It is recommended that before importing the latest code, your existing customized
code be saved to the transport request and these requests should be released. On
releasing the transport request the cofiles and data files are generated. Backup
these files.
Use the following procedure to begin creating custom RFCs, by creating transport
1. Navigate to the file (or if the CP_BD_DIRECT_INPUT_PLAN
approach is being used,, found in the
following directory:
<TIBCO_HOME>/esi/RFC/<<SAP version 5.0/6.0>>
2. Copy the following files to the following SAP application directory path
On Windows systems:
• K9000XX.SID to <<drive>>:\usr\sap\trans\cofiles
• R9000XX.SID to <<drive>>:\usr\sap\trans\data

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

42 SAP®
On UNIX systems:
• K9000XX.SID to /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/
• R9000XX.SID to usr/sap/trans/data/
3. Using Telnet, copy the transport request to the cofiles and data folders of the
target system. For example:
K900016.PT3 to /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/
R900016.PT3 to /usr/sap/trans/data/
4. Change the owner of the request from r o o t : o t h e r to < s i d a d m > : s a p s y s
After you have completed this procedure, logon to the Target SAP instance in
the client where you wish to import the request.

To logon, use T-Code STMS

Complete the following procedure:

1. In the Tr a n s p o r t M a n a g e m e n t screen click the I m p o r t a n d O v e r v i e w icon.
2. In the I m p o r t O v e r v i e w window double-click the SID to import.

3. The transport request has not yet been added. Click E x t r a s ▶ O t h e r R e q u e s t s ▶


4. In the A d d Tr a n s p o r t R e q u e s t t o I m p o r t Q u e u e window click F 4 .

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 43

5. Select the transport requests to import, and click E n t e r . The transport request
is added to the import queue.
6. Select the transport request and click the I m p o r t R e q u e s t icon.

Do not click the I m p o r t A l l R e q u e s t s icon.

7. In the I m p o r t Tr a n s p o r t R e q u e s t window:
• On the D a t e tab change the Ta r g e t C l i e n t field to 800.
• On the E x e c u t i o n tab, select the S y n c h r o n o u s option.
• On the O p t i o n s tab set the import options as shown.

8. Click the green checkmark icon and click Ye s to start importing.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

44 SAP®
9. Once import is complete navigate to SE37 transaction in SAP, and check for
the following:

10. Execute the function module.

C h a n g i n g t h e D e f i n e W o r k c e n t e r A p p l i c a t i o n ( T-
For ECC5.0, or if you are using any other SAP instance on which SAP Note
948177 has been implemented, use the following procedure to change the D e f i n e
Wo r k c e n t e r A p p l i c a t i o n :

1. Enter the transaction code D C 3 0 .

2. Select the application N E T .
3. Apply the following suffix: *
4. Ensure that the file format is *.*

Configuring ERP Part Information

To configure ERP Part information you must set the attribute specified below on
the distribution target that is to be queried for ERP Part information. Use the
following procedure to configure a distribution target for ERP Part information:
1. Navigate to the S i t e or O r g a n i z a t i o n page, and click M a n a g e D i s t r i b u t i o n .
2. Select C r e a t e D i s t r i b u t i o n Ta r g e t .
3. Define the distribution target by populating its C o n t e x t Ty p e and P r i m a r y
A t t r i b u t e s as appropriate and click N e x t .

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 45

4. Set the various attributes pertaining toWindchill ESI response generation as
5. Navigate to the G e n e r a l P a r a m e t e r s and set the Web Service Definition URL
to point to the web service hosted by the deployedWindchill ESI solution. The
default value for this URL is:
The format for the URL is:
<HOST_NAME> is the name of the machine hosting the ‘ERP Part
Information’ web service. This value should match the value specified for
the global variable ‘ESIOthers/WShost’ provided by the hostingWindchill
ESI Solution.
<PORT_NUMBER> is the port number that the ‘ERP Part Information’
web service hosted by theWindchill ESI Solution is listening on. The value
should match the value specified for the global variable ESIOthers/
WSPort’ provided by the hostingWindchill ESI Solution.

To verify the configuration open the URL specified in the browser; the
URL should display the WSDL for the web service hosted by the
Windchill ESI Solution.

6. Click F i n i s h .

Uninstalling TIBCO Software (optional)

Before installing the latest versions of TIBCO software you must ensure that any
previous versions of TIBCO software have been removed from your system. To
do this you must first remove all previous instances of TIBCO, ensuring that you
are working from a clean machine. If there are no previous versions of TIBCO on
your system continue with the installation.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

46 SAP®
If you have a previous version of TIBCO software installed on your system,
do not attempt to upgrade your version, or remove your existing version using
the Windows Add/Remove feature. Any previous version of TIBCO software
must be removed using the TIBCO Uninstaller program as described below, or
as described in the TIBCO documentation.

The following sections provide an overview of how to remove existing versions of

TIBCO software. These instructions are provided as a guideline only. For more
detailed information on how to remove each component refer to the appropriate
TIBCO documentation.

Ti p
Before removing your existing TIBCO software document any configuration
changes you have made so that they can be redeployed with the new

Removing TIBCO software involves the following:

• Uninstalling TIBCO Software on page 47
• Uninstalling TIBCO EMS (5.1.4 or Earlier), Rendezvous (8.2 or Earlier) and
TIBCO Hawk (4.8.1 or Earlier) on page 50
• Cleaning the Installation Registry on page 52
• Removing the InstallShield Directory on page 52
• Removing the .TIBCO and .TIBCOEnvInfo Directory on page 52
• Removing all TIBCO Directories on page 52

If you are using EMS 5.x, or TRA 5.5, you must have Java 1.5 installed.

Uninstalling TIBCO Software

From a Windows System
To uninstall SAP Adapter 6.1, Oracle Adapter 5.4.1 and SDK 5.7 use the
following procedure:

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 47

1. Launch the uninstaller from one of the following locations:
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/adr3/6.1/_uninst/Tibuninstall.exe
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/adorapps/5.4/_uninst/Tibuninstall.
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/sdk/5.7/_uninst/Tibuninstall.exe
If a java exception error appears run one of the following commands:
• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/adr3/6.1/_uninst/uninstaller.jar
• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/adorapps/5.4/_uninst/
uninstaller.jar run
• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/sdk/5.7/_uninst/uninstaller.jar
To uninstall TRA 5.7.1 suite, EMS 6.0.1, Business works 5.9.0, Rendezvous 8.3.1,
Administrator 5.7.1 use the following procedure:
1. Using the Task Manager stop all TIBCO services, and kill the tibhawkma and
rvd processes.
2. Launch the universal uninstaller from <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/_
If a java exception error appears run the following:
• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/_uninstall/uninstall.jar run

The above commands require Java 6.

To uninstall earlier TIBCO software from a Windows system use the following
1. Stop all TIBCO services.
2. Select S t a r t ▶ P r o g r a m s ▶ T I B C O ▶ T I B C O I n s t a l l a t i o n M a n a g e r .
3. From the main menu, select A c t i o n .
4. Select U n i n s t a l l A l t + U .
5. Click Ye s .

From a UNIX System

To remove TIBCO software from a UNIX system use the following procedure:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

48 SAP®
1. Stop all TIBCO services.
2. Use the kill -9 <process_id> command to stop all running TIBCO processes,
where <process_id> may be fetched from the following commands:
ps -ef | grep tib
ps -ef | grep hawk
ps -ef | grep rvd

Each command must be run separately.

3. To uninstall SAP Adapter 6.1, Oracle Adapter 5.4.1 and SDK 5.7 use the
following procedure:
a. Launch the uninstaller from one of the following locations:
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/adr3/6.1/_uninst/Tibuninstall.
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/adorapps/5.4/_uninst/
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/adapter/sdk/5.7/_uninst/Tibuninstall.exe
4. To uninstall TRA 5.7.1 suite, EMS 6.0.1, Business works 5.9.0, Rendezvous
8.3.1, Administrator 5.7.1 launch the universal uninstaller from <TIBCO_

The above commands require Java 6.

5. To uninstall earlier TIBCO software run the T I B C O I n s t a l l a t i o n M a n a g e r by

executing the following command:

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 49

On some Linux and HP-UX platforms the TIBCO Installation Manager
does not launch. If this happens, use the following command:
java -cp
<TIBCO_Installation_Home>/tpcl /<version>/lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar

6. From the main menu, select A c t i o n .

7. Select U n i n s t a l l A l t + U .
8. Click Ye s .

Uninstalling TIBCO EMS (5.1.4 or Earlier),

Rendezvous (8.2 or Earlier) and TIBCO Hawk (4.8.1
or Earlier)
TIBCO EMS (5.x), Rendezvous and Hawk are not removed when using the
procedures outlined in Uninstalling TIBCO Software (optional) on page 46. To
uninstall these components, use the following procedures:

From a Windows System with TIBCO EMS 5.1.2/5.1.4, Rendezvous

8.2 and Hawk 4.8.1 installed:
1. Select S t a r t ▶ P r o g r a m s ▶ T I B C O ▶ T I B C O H a w k and click U n i n s t a l l .
2. Complete the uninstall procedure.
3. Select S t a r t ▶ P r o g r a m s ▶ T I B C O ▶ U n i v e r s a l I n s t a l l e r ▶ T I B C O E M S 5 . 1 ▶
4. Complete the uninstall procedure to remove EMS and Rendezvous.

From a Windows System with EMS 4.4.3, Rendezvous 8.1 and Hawk
4.7 installed:

TIBCO EMS 4.4.3 is removed when using the procedure outlined in
Uninstalling TIBCO Software (optional) on page 46.

1. Using the C o n t r o l P a n e l click A d d / R e m o v e P r o g r a m s .

2. Select T I B C O R e n d e z v o u s and click R e m o v e .

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

50 SAP®
3. Complete the R e n d e z v o u s removal procedure.
4. Select T I B C O H a w k and click R e m o v e .
5. Complete the H a w k removal procedure.

You may have to restart your system.

From a UNIX System with TIBCO EMS 5.1.2/5.1.4, Rendezvous 8.2

and Hawk 4.8.1 Installed
Execute the following commands:

These commands assume that the environment variable PATH is set to point to
the java executable.

• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/hawk/_uninst/uninstaller.jar run

• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/_uninstall/uninstall.jar run (if either
EMS or Rendezvous is installed).
• java –cp <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/_uninstall2/uninstall.jar run (if both
EMS and Rendezvous are installed)

From a UNIX System with TIBCO Rendezvous 8.1 and Hawk 4.7
Execute the following commands:
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/hawk/_uninst/Tibuninstall.bin
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/tibrv/8.1/_uninst/Tibuninstall.bin

From a UNIX System with TIBCO Rendezvous 7.2 and Hawk 4.7
Execute the following commands:
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/hawk/_uninst/Tibuninstall.bin
• <TIBCO_Installation_Home>/tibrv/7.2/_uninst/Tibuninstall.bin

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 51

Cleaning the Installation Registry
To clean the installation registry you must remove the following properties files:
• TIBCOInstallationHistory.xml
The files are located in the following directories
• On Windows systems these files are located in <drive>:\Windows or <drive>:
• On UNIX systems, these files are located in the user home directory. For
example, /home/<MachineName>/<username>.

Removing the InstallShield Directory

The InstallShield directory must be removed.
• On Windows systems this directory is typically located in <drive>:\Program
Files\Common Files\InstallShield.
• On UNIX systems this directory is typically located in the user home
directory. For example, /home/<MachineName>/<username>.

Removing the .TIBCO and .TIBCOEnvInfo Directory

These directories must be manually removed.
• On Windows systems this directory is typically located in %USERPROFILE%
directory. For example D:\User Profiles\admin
• On UNIX systems this directory is typically located in the user home
directory. For example, /home/<MachineName>/<username>.

Removing all TIBCO Directories

To complete the uninstall, remove all TIBCO directories and their contents, and
any temporary TIBCO files and folders from your user profile.

Ti p
Before removing these directories back up your log files.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

52 SAP®
Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI
This section describes how to install and configure Windchill ESI using the
Middleware Installation and Configuration Utility (MICU). It is divided into the
following subsections:
• Performing Pre-installation Steps on page 53: Describes the steps that must be
completed before you installWindchill ESI using the Middleware Installation
and Configuration Utility.
• Using the Middleware Installation and Configuration Utility (MICU) on page
54: Describes how to launch and use the MICU to install and configure
Windchill ESI.
• Performing Post Installation Steps on page 61: Describes the steps that must
be completed after executing the MICU.

Pre-installation Notes
Before beginning installation of Windchill ESI note the following:
• You may be asked to replace the <version>.xml file that already exists in the
folder. There is no danger in doing so and you can continue with the
• If you are installing both a TIBCO Adapter for an SAP system, and a TIBCO
Adapter for an Oracle system, then you must install both adapters in the same
location. If you have an adapter installed already, and you would like to install
the other adapter in a different location you must first uninstall the first adapter
and the TIBCO Runtime Agent.
• You must download SAP JCO and RFC library from the SAP website. TIBCO
adapters are compatible with SAP JCO version 2.1.6 or higher 2.1.x and RFC
SDK version 6.40 for Windows and RFC SDK version 7.x for other supported
platforms. Refer to the TIBCO adapter for SAP’s readme file for details and
updated information.
• On Windows, if you already have an older librfc32.dll in the %WINDir%
\system32 directory, replace it with the one that comes with JCO.

Performing Pre-installation Steps

This section describes the steps that must be completed before you install
Windchill ESI using the Middleware Installation and Configuration Utility.
To prepare your system for the installation of Windchill ESI use the following
1. Create a staging directory. For example on:
Windows: D:\MICUstage

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 53

UNIX: /opt/MICUstage
2. Copy the contents of the Windchill ESI Integration Suite for <platform> CD,
and the Windchill ESI Adapter for ERP CD, to this staging directory, where
<platform> represents the operating system you are using. (for example,
Windows or Solaris) and ERP represents the ERP System (for example, SAP
or Oracle) you are using.

Using the Middleware Installation and Configuration

Utility (MICU)
This section describes how to launch and use the Middleware Installation and
Configuration Utility (MICU) to install and configure Windchill ESI. Windchill
ESI can be installed and configured all at once (Typical) or in separate
components (Custom).
During the installation process the following options are available to you:

Ty p i c a l
This option enables you to install and configure theWindchill ESI middleware in
its entirety. During this process you configure the ESI Business Logic and install
the following components:
• TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service
• TIBCO BusinessWorks
• TIBCO Administrator
• TIBCO Adapter for SAP or Oracle

• If not already on your system the TIBCO Runtime Agent is also installed.
The TIBCO Runtime Agent is a prerequisite required for installing TIBCO
BusinessWorks, TIBCO Administrator and TIBCO Adapter for SAP or

Windchill ESI can be configured and deployed on multiple SAP or Oracle

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

54 SAP®
This option allows you to select components to install, including the option to
configure the ESI Business Logic. The following components can be selected for
• TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service
• TIBCO BusinessWorks
• TIBCO Administrator
• TIBCO Adapter for SAP or Oracle

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI for SAP

Use the following procedure to install and configure Windchill ESI for an SAP
1. Load the Windchill ESI Business Logic for SAP CD.
2. Launch the setup program from the CD.

This installer includes a virtual machine and does not require a Java
Runtime Environment.

The setup programs are named as follows:

Windows: setup.vbs
UNIX: setup
3. On the P T C L a n g u a g e S e l e c t i o n window, use the drop-down menu to select
the language to be used by Windchill ESI users. Click O K .
4. Review the B e f o r e Yo u B e g i n window. This window provides information on
additional prerequisites needed to complete the installation. Click N e x t .

Any previously installed TIBCO products will be detected by the MICU.
These products are not re-installed or upgraded by the MICU.

5. On the S e l e c t O p t i o n window select Ty p i c a l and click N e x t .

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 55

Selecting C u s t o m allows you to install specific components, instead of
installing all components at once. If components have already been
installed they will not be available for selection.

6. In the S e l e c t D i r e c t o r y window, select the directory to install in and click N e x t .

The directory you select should be different from your operating system

If you have selected a C u s t o m installation method, and are installing
specific components, or if you plan to deploy the EAR on multiple SAP
instances, take note of the directory you have selected to install in. Any
components that you choose to install at a later date must be installed in
this same directory.

7. In the S e l e c t M I C U S t a g i n g D i r e c t o r y window, select the staging directory you

created while Performing Pre-installation Steps on page 53. Click N e x t .
8. In the S e l e c t T I B C O H o m e D i r e c t o r y window, select the directory in which
TIBCO products are to be installed. Click N e x t .

If you have selected a C u s t o m installation method, and are installing
specific components, or if you plan to deploy the EAR on multiple SAP
instances, take note of the directory you have selected to install in. Any
components that you choose to install at a later date must be installed in
this same directory.

9. In the E S I T I B C O D o m a i n P r o p e r t i e s window set the following properties.

• D o m a i n N a m e : Choose the domain name. It is recommended that you use
the same name as the host name where TIBCO is installed.
• M a c h i n e N a m e : The host name where TIBCO is installed.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

56 SAP®
• D o m a i n A d m i n i s t r a t o r U s e r n a m e : The TIBCO administrator user name.
When installing TIBCO administrator software, you will be asked to enter
this value.
• D o m a i n A d m i n i s t r a t o r P a s s w o r d : The TIBCO administrator password.
When installing TIBCO administrator software, you will be asked to enter
this value
Click N e x t .
10. In the E S I T I B C O We b S e r v i c e P r o p e r t i e s window set the following properties:
• E S I We b S e r v i c e P o r t : Port number on which the Web Service providing
the ESI ERP Part Information functionality is hosted.
Click N e x t .
11. In the E S I T I B C O D o m a i n To m c a t P r o p e r t i e s window set the following
• H T T P P o r t : The recommended port number is 8426. Otherwise, enter any
available port.
• A J P 1 . 3 P o r t : The recommended port number is 8427. Otherwise, enter any
available port.
• S h u t d o w n P o r t : The recommended port number is 8428. Otherwise, enter
any available port.
• A p a c h e Wa r p C o n n e c t o r P o r t : The recommended port number is 8429.
Otherwise, enter any available port.
Click N e x t .

Ensure that these port numbers are not the same as those of the Windchill
Tomcat server or any other servers running on this machine. To verify this
run the following command:
• On Windows:
netstat | find /I "<portnumber>"
• On UNIX:
netstat | grep <portnumber>

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 57

12. In the E S I M i d d l e w a r e M a i l N o t i f i c a t i o n P r o p e r t i e s window set the following
• M a i l S e r v e r : The host name of the SMTP mail server.
• To E m a i l A d d r e s s : The e-mail address TIBCO and Windchill ESI use to
send transaction information to.
• F r o m E m a i l A d d r e s s : The e-mail address TIBCO and Windchill ESI use to
send transaction information from.
Click N e x t .
13. In the S A P J C o a n d R F C d i r e c t o r i e s window enter the required installation
Click N e x t .
14. In the E S I S A P A d a p t e r P r o p e r t i e s window enter the following properties:
• S A P U s e r n a m e : The default value is ESISYS.
• S A P P a s s w o r d : The default value is ESISYS.
• L o c a l e : The default value is en_US.

Click N e x t .
15. In the S A P E R P P r o p e r t i e s window set the following properties:
• S A P A p p l i c a t i o n S e r v e r : The host name where the SAP application server
is installed and setup.
• S A P S y s t e m N u m b e r : The system number of the SAP application server.
• S A P S y s t e m I D : The system ID of the SAP application server.
• S A P C l i e n t : The client of the SAP application server.

Contact your SAP Administrator if you do not have this information.

Click N e x t .
16. In the E M S S e r v e r P r o p e r t i e s window set the following properties:
• E M S S e r v e r H o s t N a m e : The name of the machine where the EMS Server
is installed. The default is the host name.
• A d m i n i s t r a t o r U s e r n a m e : The EMS server administrator’s user name. The
default is admin.
• A d m i n i s t r a t o r P a s s w o r d : The EMS server administrator’s password. The
default is admin.
Click N e x t .
17. In the E S I E M S U s e r n a m e a n d P a s s w o r d window set the following properties:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

58 SAP®
• E S I M i d d l e w a r e Q u e u e s U s e r n a m e : The username for the JMS queues
used by TIBCO Middleware to communicate with ESI Services. The
default is ESISYS.
• E S I M i d d l e w a r e Q u e u e s P a s s w o r d : The password for the JMS queues used
by TIBCO Middleware to communicate with Windchill ESI services. The
default is ESISYS.
• E S I S e r v i c e s Q u e u e s U s e r n a m e : The username for the JMS queues used
byWindchill ESI Services to communicate with TIBCO Middleware. The
default is WCESI. This entry must match the value specified for
theWindchill ESI preferences Data Response Queue User Name and
Result Queue User Name.
• E S I S e r v i c e s Q u e u e s P a s s w o r d : The password for the JMS queues used
byWindchill ESI Services to communicate with TIBCO Middleware. The
default is WCESI. This entry must match the value specified for
theWindchill ESI preferences Data Response Queue Password and Result
Queue Password.
Click N e x t .
18. In the E S I E M S Q u e u e s window set the following properties:
• Q u e u e n a m e f o r E S I E M S D a t a R e s p o n s e : The data response queue name.
The default is com.ptc.windchill.esi.DataResponse.<SAPSystem
ID>.<SAP Client>. The portion of the value that occurs before the
placeholders (viz., com.ptc.windchill.esi.DataResponse for the default
value) must match the value specified for theWindchill ESI preference
Data Response Queue Name.
• Q u e u e n a m e f o r E S I E M S R e s u l t : The result queue name. The default is
com.ptc.windchill.esi.Result. This entry must match the value specified for
theWindchill ESI preference Result Queue Name.
Click N e x t .
19. In the S p e c i f y O r g a n i z a t i o n I n t e r n e t D o m a i n N a m e window set the name of
your organization. This name must be the same as the domain name entered
when installing Windchill.

Ti p
To find the domain name in Windchill open the following file:
• <Windchill_Home>\\installer\\
Then look for the domain name specified in the following variable:
• WC_PROMPTED.wt.inf.container.SiteOrganization.internetDomain

Click N e x t .

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 59

20. In the S p e c i f y A p p l i c a t i o n N a m e f o r D e p l o y m e n t window set the application
name. This name must be unique for each SAP instance and is used to identify
the different applications configured for different SAP instances in the TIBCO
Administrator domain. Click N e x t .
21. Verify your settings and click I n s t a l l .

Providing Root User Privileges to the TIBCO Hawk Agent

Process (UNIX Systems Only)
On UNIX systems you must set the root user as the owner for the TIBCO Hawk
agent. Also, the Hawk HMA process must have the same set of rights as a root
user. To achieve this, execute the following commands as a root user:
chown root
chmod u+s

Additionally, you must resolve the library dependency of the tibhawkma file. To
do this on:
• HPUX v3: Update the /etc/ file and add <<Tibco_Home>>/tibrv/
<version>/lib to the list. Then run the following command:
chmod 744 /etc/

• On Solaris: Run the following command:

crle -64 -s <<Tibco_Home>>/tibrv/<version>/lib

• On Linux: Update the /etc/ file and add <<Tibco_Home>>/tibrv/

<version>/lib to the list. Then run the following command:

Common Installation and Configuration Errors

The following errors could cause problems during the installation and
configuration process. Should you have difficulty completing any installation or
configuration steps refer to the following for a possible cause:
• The removal and cleaning up of previous versions of TIBCO software was not
completed properly.
• Inconsistent domain names were specified while using the custom installation
option during multiple runs of the MICU.
• When installing some components on one machine and the remaining
components on another machine errors may occur if you set ESISAPAdapter/
JMSProviderURL to localhost. Use the EMS server hostname instead. (SAP
• Same application name used while deploying.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

60 SAP®
• Incorrect logon credentials (ERP/EMS/Admin).
• An additional Hawk service is running on UNIX platforms.
• Java parameters not set during manual deployment.
• Incorrect Java version in use. TIBCO installer fails to launch with an exit code
1 if the Java version is incompatible.
• Incorrect SAPJCo libraries are being used (SAP only).
• Incorrect CDs are being used. This often occurs during Solaris installations.
• Not enough space in the temporary installation directories, especially when
using VMware machines.
• There is a space in the installation folder name. For example, C:\ptc\esi_10.0
\TIBCO Install.

Performing Post Installation Steps

This section describes the steps that must be completed after executing the MICU.

Password Obfuscation (Optional)

Use this procedure to hide password values displayed in some global variables.
1. Open the project in TIBCO designer.
2. Select the G l o b a l Va r i a b l e s tab.
3. Click the pencil icon to modify one or more global variables.
4. Select the appropriate global variable and change the Type to Password. The
default type is S t r i n g . Retype the Va l u e for that global variable. The password
is now obfuscated.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 61

5. Save the project.
6. Generate a new EAR.
7. Manually deploy the new EAR from the TIBCO Administrator window.

H o w to C h e ck i f th e We b Se rvi c e f o r ER P P a r t I n f o r ma t i o n
i s Wo r k i n g
If exceptions are being thrown when you try to access ERP cost details for a part,
it could mean one of the following; Either the web service hasn't been configured
properly, or the service is not running in the background. The following procedure
describes how to check for these issues:
Go to the preferences section and click on the pencil icon to see if the web service
can be accessed. You should see a WSDL being used for fetching part costs. In
case you face problems with the web service, verify the following:
1. Verify that the port on which the web service is running is not blocked. For
example, a firewall, intruder detection software, or virus scan software could
be blocking the web service. If it is being blocked, change the appropriate
settings to permit data traffic on this port or use an open port for the web
2. Verify that the port is not being used by another application. If it is being used
by another application, use another open port.

P u b l i s h i n g D o c u m e n t s w i t h C r o s s - R e f e r e n c i n g Va l u e s
In order to publish documents successfully with cross-referencing values, you
must update the file <TIBCO_HOME>\esi\bin\ with the
D o m a i n N a m e Va l u e for each Windchill document type. The default value for the
domain is PTCNET. For more information refer to the following comment in the file:

Cross-referencing refers to the use of ERP equivalents for the data that comes
from Windchill.


For example the line:
Type.WCTYPE|wt.doc.WTDocument| <InternetDomain>.Plan$$Document.*.*=DOC
may be modified to read as follows:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

62 SAP®
Prerequisites for Publishing Operations
In order to successfully publish operations the work centers that are associated
with the operations in a process plan need to exist in the SAP system. Work
centers need to be defined with the standard SAP2 key. Other standard keys are
only supported if they have similar types of times (setup time, processing time,
labor time, standard queue time, standard move time, max wait time) defined.

Updating and ESIDefaults.

Refer to the <<TIBCO_HOME>>/esi/bin/ and <<TIBCO_
HOME>>/esi/bin/ files to update the default settings as per
your requirements.

Bu s i n e s sWo r k s C o n f i g u ra t i o n S e t t i n g s
To configure BusinessWorks use the following procedure:
1. Backup the following file:
2. In a text editor, open the following file:
3. Search for the following string:
4. Replace that string with the following:
tibco.env.CUSTOM_CP_EXT %RV_HOME%/lib/tibrvj.jar:%RV_HOME%/lib:%RV_HOME%/lib/64:

There may be additional folders on the path. Keep these entries when
replacing the string.

5. Search for the following string:


Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 63

6. Replace that string with the following:
tibco.env.CUSTOM_LIB_PATH %RV_HOME%/lib:%RV_HOME%/lib/64:

There may be additional folders on the path. Keep these entries when
replacing the string.

7. Save and close designer.tra

8. Open TIBCO Designer and start the process archive.

Manually Deploying the ESI EAR

By default MICU deploys the ESI EAR. However, in some cases, as when you are
deploying custom business logic, or supporting multiple SAP instances you may
need to manually deploy the newly generated EAR.
To manually deploy the EAR using the T I B C O A d m i n i s t r a t o r use the following
1. In a browser window login to the TIBCO Administrator in GUI mode using For example:
2. In the TIBCO Administrator click A p p l i c a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t .
3. Click N e w A p p l i c a t i o n .
4. Browse to and select the following EAR:
• <TIBCO_HOME>/esi/ear/ESI_SAP_TIB_5_6_EAR_10_0_
<BuildNumber>.ear” )
5. Click O K .
6. Ensure that P r o c e s s A r c h i v e . p a r displays the target as a BusinessWorks host
machine, and that E S I S A PA d a p t e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n . a a r displays the target as
7. Click S a v e .

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

64 SAP®
The deployment name string can only be modified from the "-" symbol on.
The string content before that symbol is the domain name. For example, if
the Deployment Name text box displays i2607 - SAP then:
• i2607 is the domain name
• SAP is the deployment name

8. In the C o n f i g u r a t i o n B u i l d e r window click S A P . This is the application name.

9. Click the A d v a n c e d tab.
10. Modify the E S I J M S and E S I S A PA d a p t e r variable groups and the E S I D i r e c t o r y
variable. For more information see Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution
Target Attributes and Global Variable Groups on page 73.

Ensure that
• "/" is used as a path separator and that the ESIDirectory path is
terminated by "/" .
• <ESISAPAdapter/SystemID>/.<ESISAPAdapterClient> is appended to
the value of the global variable ESIJMS/DataResponseQueue.
• The JMS URL in ESIJMS/JNDIContextURL and ESISAPAdapter/
JMSProviderURL, has the relevant hostname instead of “localhost”.

11. Click S a v e .
12. Click < $ H o s t n a m e $ > ▶ P r o c e s s A r c h i v e u n d e r P r o c e s s A r c h i v e . p a r .
13. Increase the H e a p S i z e , S e t M a x i m u m H e a p S i z e ( M B ) and J a v a T h r e a d S t a c k
S i z e ( K B ) to 512 or higher.
14. Click S a v e .
15. Click T I B C O A d m i n i s t r a t o r G U I ▶ A p p l i c a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t ▶
< A p p l i c a t i o n N a m e > ▶ C o n f i g u r a t i o n ▶ E S I S A PA d a p t e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n . a a r ▶
A d v a n c e d ▶ a d r 3 . m a x c o n n e c t i o n s and set the existing value to a higher value
(for example, 6), then add adr3.locale to UTF8.
16. Click S a v e .
17. Click D e p l o y and then O K .

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 65

If the EAR was deployed manually you need to configure the EMS

Configuring the EMS

To configure the EMS when the EAR has been deployed manually use the
following commands in the EMS Administration Tool window:
• Replace <ESIDataResponse>, <EAIUser>, <WCESIUser> and the remaining
variables with the applicable values such as com.ptc.windchill.esi.
DataResponse.TSTA, ESISYS, WCESI and so on.
• create user <WCESIUser> password=<WCESIPassword>
• create user <EAIUser> password=<EAIPassword>
• create queue <ESIResult>
• create queue <ESIDataResponse>
• set server authorization=enabled
• setprop queue <ESIDataResponse> secure
• setprop queue <ESIResult> secure
• grant queue <ESIDataResponse> <EAIUser> receive
• grant queue <ESIDataResponse> <WCESIUser> send
• grant queue <ESIResult> <EAIUser> send
• grant queue <ESIResult> <WCESIUser> receive
• setprop factory QueueConnectionFactory url=tcp://<JMSServer>:7222
• commit

Supporting Multiple ERP Instances

Windchill ESI allows you to publish data to multiple instances of an ERP system,
and to multiple instances of different ERP systems.
For more information see PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration
Implementation Guide - Oracle Applications.

Deploying For Multiple Homogeneous ERP Instances

To deploy Windchill ESI for multiple instances of a given ERP system type (for
example, multiple SAP systems, or multiple Oracle Applications systems) use the
following procedure:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

66 SAP®
1. Run the MICU using the Ty p i c a l installation method. Using this method
installs all TIBCO components and configures and deploys Windchill ESI for
one instance of the ERP system (for example, SAP or Oracle Applications).
2. Run the MICU again, using the C u s t o m installation method.
3. Select C o n f i g u r e a n d D e p l o y E S I . This option allows you to deploy Windchill
ESI for another ERP instance, with a different set of parameters.

Deploying for Multiple Heterogeneous ERP Instances

You can use Windchill ESI to associate SAP as well as Oracle Applications
distribution targets to an object from Windchill and publish that object to those
targets. To deploy Windchill ESI for multiple instances of different ERP system
types (for example, multiple SAP systems, and multiple Oracle Applications
systems) use the following procedure:
1. Run the MICU using the Ty p i c a l installation method. Using this method
installs all TIBCO components and configures and deploys Windchill ESI for
one instance of the ERP system (for example, SAP or Oracle Applications).
2. Having deployed Windchill ESI for one ERP instance, remove the installation
CD and replace it with the installation CDs for the other ERP system you want
to deploy next. For example, if you first installed Windchill ESI for SAP, use
the following CDs to deploy for an Oracle Applications instance:
• TIBCO Adapter for Oracle Applications
• Windchill ESI Business Logic for Oracle Applications
3. Select the option to install TIBCO Adapter for Oracle Applications.
4. Select C o n f i g u r e a n d D e p l o y E S I . This option allows you to deploy Windchill
ESI for another ERP instance, with a different set of parameters.

You can also use ERP Connector to associate distribution targets with an

Configuring Windchill PDMLink and

To use Windchill ESI, Windchill PDMLinkandInfo*Engine must be configured
The relevant configuration happens when running the PTC Solution Installer (or
the PSI) with Windchill ESI chosen as an optional product to install.

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 67

Configuring Windchill ESI Using
To configure Windchill ESI using SUNMQ’s JMS use the following procedures.
• Enable JMS in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks on page 68
• Connect to SUNMQ using LDAP on page 69
• Configure TIBCO on page 69
• Configuring SUNMQ on page 70
• Configuring Windchill on page 71

These procedures apply to systems with Windchill I-deas TDM Gateway
installed and configured before Windchill ESI is installed, and are based on
the assumption thatWindchill ESI is to use a Gateway configured SUNMQ

Ena bl e JM S i n TI B CO Ac ti ve Mat ri x B usi ne ssWor ks

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks acts as a JMS client when sending messages
to, or receiving messages from a JMS provider. Because of this you must place the
appropriate JMS client files supplied by the JMS provider, in the proper location.
Typically, this includes placing JAR files in a directory that is included on the
client's CLASSPATH.
See the documentation provided by your JMS provider for more information on
which files are needed and the location to place them to enable client access to the
JMS server.
Once you have located the appropriate files, you can place them in the following

This directory is in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks CLASSPATH, and

placing the JMS client files in this directory allows you to design and test the
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks process definitions that include JMS Palette

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

68 SAP®
When deploying your project the machine where the process engine is deployed
must also have the appropriate JMS client files. You should also place the JMS
client files in the <TIBCO_HOME>/bw/<version>/lib directory of the machines
where your process engines are deployed.

Connect to SUNMQ using LDAP

To connect to SUNMQ using LDAP the following files are required:
• fscontext.jar: available with SUNMQ installations
• imq.jar: available with SUNMQ installations
• ldap.jar: available from Sun
• jndi.jar: available from Sun
Copy these files into the following directory:

Configure TIBCO
To configure TIBCO use the following procedure:
1. Open the existing ESI TIBCO project in the designer.
2. Navigate to the following project:
• SharedConfigurations ▶ JMS ▶ ESIMaster_JMSConnection ▶
3. Modify the following parameters, using the appropriate JNDI properties:
• JNDI Context Factory
• JNDI Context URL
• JNDI User Name
• JNDI Password

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 69

4. Click A p p l y and then click Te s t C o n n e c t i o n .
5. If the connection test is successful test again using the D e s i g n e r Te s t e r to
6. Click To o l s ▶ C r e a t e P r o j e c t E A R to generate a new EAR for deployment.

Configuring SUNMQ
To configure SUNMQ use the following procedures:
• Create queues on SUNMQ
You must create the following queues on the SUNMQ destination:
○ SAP Default: com.ptc.windchill.esi. DataResponse.<systemID>.<client>
Where <systemID> is the system name for the SAP distribution target. and
<client> is the client for the SAP system. For example, 800 .<system> and
<client> must match the values specified for the attributes System ID and
Client respectively of the distribution target in Windchill.
○ Oracle Applications Default: com.ptc.windchill.esi. DataResponse.<DSN>
Where <DSN> is the ODBC datasource name for Oracle Applications
underlying database connection. This is the same value that is provided for
ESIOMAdapter/Datasource global variable.
To create these queues use the following procedure:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

70 SAP®
1. Create LDAP entries for each queue.
2. Select the D e s t i n a t i o n tab.
3. Click the A d d D e s t i n a t i o n icon. The A d d D e s t i n a t i o n O b j e c t window

4. Enter the following:

○ L o o k u p N a m e : cn=com.ptc.windchill.esi.Result
○ D e s t i n a t i o n Ty p e : Queue
○ D e s t i n a t i o n N a m e : com.ptc.windchill.esi.Result
• Create ESISYS and WCESI users on SUNMQ
To create ESISYS and WCESI Users on SUNMQ use the following
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Navigate to %MQ_HOME%/bin.
3. Create a user in the admin group by executing the following command.
imqusermgr add -u <username> -p <password> -g admin

Configuring Windchill
Use the following procedure to configure Windchill with SUNMQ:
1. Open the I n f o * E n g i n e A d m i n i s t r a t o r window, located at S i t e ▶ U t i l i t i e s .
2. Click on the Windchill adapter (com.ptc.ptcnet.<machine_name>.Windchill),
and change the following values:
• J M S B a s e U R I : <value_of_JMS_Base_URI> For example: ldap://,dc=I4242
• Q u e u e C o n n e c t i o n F a c t o r y : <Name_of_Queue_Connection_
Factory> For example: ieQCF
3. Delete the value for the following property
• J M S C o n t e x t P r o v i d e r F a c t o r y : <blank>

Installing and Configuring Windchill ESI 71

Windchill ESI Preferences,
D i s t r i b u t i o n Ta r g e t A t t r i b u t e s a n d
G l o b a l Va r i a b l e G r o u p s
Windchill ESI Preferences..........................................................................................74
Distribution Target Attributes ......................................................................................74
Global Variable Groups ..............................................................................................86

Administering Windchill ESI involves configuring and modifying some or all of

the following:
• Windchill ESI Preferences on page 74
• Distribution Target Attributes on page 74
• Global Variable Groups on page 86

Windchill ESI Preferences
Windchill ESI preferences are stored and maintained the same way as other
Windchill PDMLink preferences, in the P r e f e r e n c e M a n a g e m e n t utility.
Authorized users can configure the generation of Windchill ESI response
messages by modifying one or more of theseWindchill ESI preferences.
To open the P r e f e r e n c e M a n a g e m e n t utility, use one of the following links:
• Site ▶ Utilities ▶ Preference Management
• Site ▶ Organization ▶ Preference Management

Windchill ESI preferences are stored in XML files. These XML files should
not be manually edited.

For more information see Preference Management in the online help.

D i s t r i b u t i o n Ta r g e t A t t r i b u t e s
A distribution target has several attributes whose values determine what data
constitutes the ESI response message. For example, the attribute Publish
Alternates When Publishing a Part when set to Ye s ensures that when generating
the response message for the distribution target the alternate parts that have been
associated with the part being published are also processed.
For a list of distribution target attributes that are relevant for a given business
object type and their descriptions, see the following sections. These sections are
applicable to SAP distribution targets only.
• Attributes Pertaining to a Change Notice on page 75
• Attributes Pertaining to a BOM on page 78
• Attributes Pertaining to a Part on page 79
• Attributes Pertaining to a Process Plan on page 79
• Attributes Pertaining to a Manufacturing Resource on page 83
• Attributes Pertaining to a CAD Document Structure on page 83
• Other Configurable Attributes on page 84

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

74 SAP®
There are no distribution target attributes that impact publishing a standalone
document to SAP. There are no attributes that are specific to a promotion
request either. However, when publishing a given business object (for
example, a BOM) via a promotion request, distribution target attributes that
are relevant for that object type (BOM) are used.
In order for a promotion request to be released as a primary business object,
theWindchill ESI preference Publish Promotion Requests must have a value of
Ye s .

Attributes Pertaining to a Change Notice

The following table describes the attributes that impact the contents of the ESI
response message when publishing a Change Notice.
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Alternates for Defines whether or not No
Parts when Publishing a alternates for parts should
Change Notice be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Part Information Defines whether or not Yes
for Components in an part information for
Assembly when components in an
Publishing a Change assembly should be sent
Notice with the ESI response
when publishing a
Change Notice.
Saved Filter to be used Defines the saved filter to DEFAULT
when Publishing a be used for resolving the
Change Notice iterations of component
parts in an assembly
when publishing a
Change Notice.
Publish only Incremental Defines whether or not Yes
Changes for a Modified only incremental changes
Assembly when to an assembly should be
Publishing a Change sent with the ESI
Notice response when publishing
a Change Notice.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 75
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Documents when related documents should
Publishing a Change be sent with the ESI
Notice response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Line Numbers for Defines whether or not No
Components in an line number information
Assembly when should be sent with the
Publishing a Change ESI response when
Notice publishing a Change
Number of Levels in an Defines the number of 1
Assembly to Publish levels in an assembly to
when Publishing a be sent with the ESI
Change Notice response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Part Information Defines whether or not Yes
for an Assembly part information for an
Associated to a Process assembly associated to a
Plan when Publishing a process plan should be
Change Notice sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Operated On Defines whether or not No
Parts when Publishing a operated on parts
Change Notice associated to an operation
should be sent with the
ESI response when
publishing a Change
Publish Parts Associated Defines whether or not Yes
to a Process Plan when parts associated with a
Publishing a Change process plan should be
Notice sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Resources Defines whether or not Yes
Associated to an resources associated with
Operation in a Process an operation in a process
Plan when Publishing a plan should be sent with

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

76 SAP®
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Change Notice the ESI response when
publishing a Change
Publish Sequences Defines whether or not Yes
Associated to a Process sequences associated with
Plan when Publishing a a process plan should be
Change Notice sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Standard Defines whether or not No
Procedures in a Process standard procedures in a
Plan when Publishing a process plan should be
Change Notice sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Number of Levels of Sub- Defines the depth up to 1
Operations to be which sub-operations in a
Published when given operation should be
Publishing a Change sent with the ESI
Notice response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Reference Defines whether or not No
Designators when reference designator
Publishing a Change information should be
Notice sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.
Publish Substitutes for Defines whether or not Yes
Components in an substitutes for
Assembly when components in an
Publishing a Change assembly should be sent
Notice with the ESI response
when publishing a
Change Notice.
Publish Work Instructions Defines whether or not No
when Publishing a work instructions should
Change Notice be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a Change Notice.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 77
Attributes Pertaining to a BOM
The following table describes the attributes that impact the contents of the ESI
response message when publishing an assembly.
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Alternates for Defines whether or not No
Parts when Publishing a alternates for parts should
BOM be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a BOM.
Saved Filter to be used Defines the saved filter to DEFAULT
when Publishing a BOM be used for resolving
component part iterations
when publishing a BOM.
Publish only Incremental Defines whether or not Yes
Changes for a Modified only incremental changes
Assembly when to an assembly should be
Publishing a BOM sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a BOM.
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Documents when related documents should
Publishing a BOM be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a BOM.
Publish Line Numbers for Defines whether or not No
Components in an line number information
Assembly when should be sent with the
Publishing a BOM ESI response when
publishing a BOM.
Number of Levels in an Defines the number of 9999999
Assembly to Publish levels in an assembly to
when Publishing a BOM be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a BOM.
Publish Part Information Defines whether or not Yes
for an Assembly when part information for an
Publishing a BOM assembly should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a BOM.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

78 SAP®
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Reference Defines whether or not No
Designators when reference designator
Publishing a BOM information should be
sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a BOM.
Publish Substitutes for Defines whether or not Yes
Components in an substitutes for
Assembly when components in an
Publishing a BOM assembly should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a BOM.

Attributes Pertaining to a Part

The following table describes the attributes that impact the contents of the ESI
response message when publishing a stand-alone part.
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Alternates When Defines whether or not No
Publishing a Part alternates should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a part.
Publish Control Defines whether or not No
Characteristics when control characteristics
Publishing a Part should be sent with the
ESI response when
publishing a part.
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Documents When documents should be sent
Publishing a Part with the ESI response
when publishing a part.

Attributes Pertaining to a Process Plan

The following table describes the attributes that impact the contents of the ESI
response message when publishing a process plan.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 79
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Operation Allocation Defines a comma produced
Types to use when separated list of operation
Publishing a Process Plan allocation type values. If
the allocation type on a
BOM component is set to
any of these, the
associated quantity will
be sent with a negative
sign in the ESI response,
when publishing a
process plan.
Publish Alternates for Defines whether or not No
Related Parts when alternates for parts should
Publishing a Process Plan be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a process plan.
Publish Part Information Defines whether or not Yes
for an Assembly when part information for an
Publishing a Process Plan assembly should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a
process plan.
Publish Part Information Defines whether or not Yes
for Components in an part information for
Assembly when components in an
Publishing a Process Plan assembly should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a
process plan.
Saved Filter to be Use Defines the saved filter to DEFAULT
When Publishing a be used for resolving the
Process Plan iterations of component
parts in an assembly
when publishing a
process plan.
Publish Control Defines whether or not No
Characteristics when control characteristics
Publishing a Process Plan should be sent with the
ESI response when

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

80 SAP®
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
publishing a process plan.

With this attribute set
to Yes, a control
characteristic that is
associated to an
operation will be
published upon
publishing the holding
process plan; this
happens regardless of
the value of the
attribute Publish
Characteristics when
Publishing a Part,
even if the control
characteristic is also
associated to a part.
Publish only Incremental Defines whether or not Yes
Changes when Publishing only incremental changes
a Process Plan should be sent with the
ESI response when
publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Documents when related documents should
Publishing a Process Plan be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a process plan.
Publish Line Numbers for Defines whether or not No
Components in an line number information
Assembly should be sent with the
ESI response when
publishing a process plan.
Number of Levels in an Defines the number of 1
Assembly to Publish levels in an assembly to
when Publishing a be sent with the ESI
Process Plan response when publishing
a process plan.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 81
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Operated On Defines whether or not No
Parts when Publishing a operated on parts
Process Plan associated to an operation
should be sent with the
ESI response when
publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Parts Defines whether or not Yes
when Publishing a parts associated to a
Process Plan process plan should be
sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a process plan.
Publish Reference Defines whether or not No
Designators when reference designator
Publishing a Process Plan information for a related
assembly should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a
process plan.
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Resources when resources associated to an
Publishing a Process Plan operation in a process
plan should be sent with
the ESI response when
publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Sequences when sequences should be sent
Publishing a Process Plan with the ESI response
when publishing a
process plan.
Publish Related Standard Defines whether or not No
Procedures when standard procedures
Publishing a Process Plan should be sent with the
ESI response when
publishing a process plan.
Number of Levels of Sub- Defines the depth up to 1
Operations to be which sub-operations in a
Published when given operation should be
Publishing a Process Plan sent with the ESI
response when publishing

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

82 SAP®
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
a process plan.
Publish Substitutes for Defines whether or not Yes
Components in an substitutes for
Assembly when components in an
Publishing a Process Plan assembly should be sent
with the ESI response
when publishing a
process plan.
Publish Work Instructions Defines whether or not No
when Publishing a work instructions should
Process Plan be sent with the ESI
response when publishing
a process plan.

Attributes Pertaining to a Manufacturing Resource

The following table describes the attributes that impact the contents of the ESI
response message when publishing a manufacturing resource.
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Publish Related Defines whether or not Yes
Documents When documents should be sent
Publishing a with the ESI response
Manufacturing Resource when publishing a

Attributes Pertaining to a CAD Document Structure

The following table describes the attributes that impact the contents of the ESI
response message when publishing a CAD document structure:

Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e

Defines the saved filter to
Saved Filter to be used be used for navigating the
when Publishing a CAD CAD Document structure
Document Structure being published. Default
Publish only Incremental Defines whether or not Yes
Changes when Publishing only incremental changes
a CAD Document should be sent when
Structuref publishing a CAD
Document structure.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 83
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Number of Levels to Defines the number of 0 (zero), meaning only
Publish when Publishing levels to be sent when the top-level document in
a CAD Document publishing a CAD the structure would be
Structure Document structure. published.
Publish Referenced CAD Defines whether or not Yes
Documents when referenced documents
Publishing a CAD should be sent when
Document Structure publishing a CAD
Document structure.

Other Configurable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are used in general configurations.
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
Status Specifies whether or not Active
the distribution target is
active. An inactive target
when associated to an
object is ignored when
publishing the object.
Default for Context Specifies whether or not No
the distribution target is a
default one for the
associated context.
Client The client associated with
the SAP instance that the
distribution target
represents. This should
match the value specified
for the SAP Client field
of the SAP ERP
Properties screen when
running the MICU.
Plant The plant within the SAP
instance that the
distribution target
System ID The system ID associated
with the SAP instance
that the distribution target

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

84 SAP®
Attribute Name Description D e f a u l t Va l u e
represents. This should
match the value specified
for the SAP System ID
field of the SAP ERP
Properties screen when
running the MICU.
Web Service Definition Defines the URL
URL associated with a web ProcessDefinitions/
service that may be DataProcessing/
invoked for fetching cost SOAPServer?wsdl
information for parts
residing in a distribution
target. The web service is
on the machine that hosts
TIBCO BusinessWorks.
Date Effectivity Format Specifies the format that yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
will be used for sending
date ranges associated
with date effectivity.
ESI Response Meta Path to the file $CODEBASE$/com/ptc/
Information File Path ESIResponseMetaInfo. windchill/esi/
xml. When a business ESIResponse
object is exported to a MetaInfo.xml
distribution target, the
ESI response will be
generated making use of
the map and group
information provided by
the meta information file
specified via this
Task Uniform Resource URI associated with the com/ptc/windchill/esi/
Identifier Info*Enginetask that export/
places the ESI response ExportToJMSQueue.xml
message on the
appropriate JMS queue
that the TIBCO
BusinessWorks Engine
subscribes to.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 85
G l o b a l Va r i a b l e G r o u p s
Windchill ESI TIBCO global variables are grouped together in the following main
• Process Engine global variables
• Adapter Instance global variables

If you modify any global variables you must redeploy the application for any
changes to take effect. The description for any global variable can be viewed
as a tool-tip from the TIBCO Administrator GUI, by placing the mouse
pointer over the respective global variable.

P r o c e s s E n g i n e G l o b a l Va r i a b l e G r o u p s
The following global variable groups contain variables that are used in the
business logic.
G l o b a l Va r i a b l e G r o u p Description
ESIClassName This group contains the global variables that
represent the class names of various objects like
parts, BOMs, CNs, and process plans. If class
names are changed in Windchill then these
values also need to be changed accordingly.
These variables are used to compare and
identify a type of object. Based on the
identified type, a message is written to the
Process Archive log.
ESIConstants This group contains global variables for
constant values; For example actions like
Create, Change, Unchange, Delete and for
boolean values like true, false.
ESIFlags This group contains global variables that define
actions based on the boolean value they are set
ESIJMS This group contains global variables for JMS
connection and related activities.
ESILog This group contains global variables used to
configure and identify the information that
needs to written to the Process Archive log.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

86 SAP®
G l o b a l Va r i a b l e G r o u p Description
ESIMessaging This group contains global variables used to
configure and identify the information that
needs to be sent to Windchill.
ESIMail This group contains global variables used for
configuring e-mail parameters.
ESIPaddingTruncate This group contains global variables used to
configure lengths for padding and truncation.
Padding is automatic when certain object
numbers are numeric. Truncation is based on
the values set for the global variables in the
ESIFlags group. For example;
truncateNameDescription_Enable (SAP only).
ESIOthers This group contains various other independent
global variables used in the business logic.

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.

These global variables should not be modified until they have been first
modified in Windchill.

Global variable Description D e f a u l t Va l u e s

BOMClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.BOMHeader
the BOM
DocumentClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.Document
the Document
DocumentLinkClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.DocumentLink
ECNClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.ChangeHeader
the ECN object
OperationClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.Operation

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 87
Global variable Description D e f a u l t Va l u e s
the Operation
SAP only.
PartClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.Part
the Part object
ProcessMaterial- Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.
Class the ProcessMaterial
SAP only.
ReleaseResultClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.ReleaseResult
the Result
specified by the
global variable
ProcessPlanClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.ProcessPlan
the Process
Plan object.
ResourceClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.Resource
the Resource
SAP only.
SequenceClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.Sequence
the Sequence
SAP only.
ToolingClass Class name for com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.Tooling
the Tooling
SAP only.

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

88 SAP®
These global variables should not be modified. These values are used
extensively in the EAI business logic.

Global variable Description D e f a u l t Va l u e s

CHANGE Action Flag for modified Change
CREATE Action Flag for new Create
DELETE Action Flag for deleted Delete
UNCHANGE Action flag for Unchange
unchanged objects
TRUE Represents the boolean true
value True
FALSE Represents the boolean false
value False

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
RevisionsEnabled Defines whether or not a true, false
revision should be created Default: true
in SAP for the following
object types - Part,
Process Material or
Tooling of type Tool.
EnableSortString Specifies that a valid Sort true, false
Identification String attribute defined in Default: false
SAP be used as a unique
identifier for items on a
Bill of Materials.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 89
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI

This feature is
designed for those
who do not use line
numbers and wish to
support the scenario
where the same part
may appear on the
Bill of Materials
multiple times- as a
substitute, component,
or combination of
both. If enabled, all
Bills of Materials that
exist in SAP and
Windchill PDMLink
must have a valid Sort
String value defined
in SAP. If the value
for the Sort String in
SAP is not correctly
defined, data
corruption will occur.
If enabled, the Sort
String value for
components will be
defaulted with the out
of- the-box value of
"000", and the
substitute Sort String
will be populated with
the Alt Item group
sent from Windchill.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

90 SAP®
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
EnableDocument A flag that enables a true, false
ECNLock document version to be Default: false
modified in a CN-centric
environment without RevisionsEnabled under
requiring a revision ESIFlags must be set to
true for this global
change. If set to true,
variable to be used.
Change Master
information is written to
the document object in
the SAP distribution
target when documents
are created or changed.
Once a document version
is published to SAP, no
changes can be made to
that document unless the
document is revised. If set
to false, Change Master
information is not written
to the document object in
the SAP distribution
target when documents
are created or changed. In
this case, changes are
limited to document links
and distribution targets,
and can be made to the
same document version
without revising the
document. Changes to
document data other than
document links and
distribution targets
always requires a version
change irrespective of
how this global variable
is set. In an object-centric
environment, this global
variable does not apply,
and document links and

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 91
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
distribution targets can be
modified without revising
the document.
EnableDocument A flag that enables true, false
LinksToMARA creation of document Default: false
links in MARC and
MARA tables in SAP
distribution targets. If set
to true, when an
organization specific
document link is created,
it is created in both
MARC and MARA tables
in the SAP distribution
target – that is, the part
document links are able
to be viewed looking at
the part and the document
in the SAP distribution
target. If set to false, it
only creates a link in
MARC table in the SAP
distribution target – that
is, the part document link
is only apparent when
looking at the document
in SAP (not the part).
EnableChange A flag that enables true, false
ComponentDefaults overwriting the values in Default: true
the SAP distribution
target for changed
components. If set to true,
when changing a BOM
component that includes
an Alternate Item Group,
the default values for use
strategy, priority, and
usage probability
overwrite the existing

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

92 SAP®
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
values for those fields in
EnableDebugging The Windchill ESI true, false
business logic contains a Default: false
utility used for
debugging called
Debugging_Service. This
variable, when set to true,
and when this utility is
used, enables debug
messages. These debug
messages only print to the
console window in
TIBCO Designer when
the running the TIBCO
BusinessWorks Process
Engine in test mode, or to
the console when the
engine is run from a
command window. These
debug messages do not
print to the TIBCO
BusinessWorks process
engine log file.
WriteResponseToFile A flag that enables true, false
writing the Windchill Default: true
Response data to a file.
The file name and
location are determined
by the global variables
defined in the group
PartEffectivityFlag A flag that checks if true, false
effectivity dates for all Default: false
children in a BOM should

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 93
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
be set separately or not.
TruncateNameDescrip- A flag that enables true, false
tion truncating the name and/ Default: true
_Enable or description of objects
of the following types -
Document, CN. The
truncation length is
defined for the above
object types in the global
variable group
UseZRFC A flag for enabling the true
ZRFC in cases where a
not released RFC/API
does not work in a
production environment.
ZRFC must be imported
if the value is set to
This flag is applicable for
Create and Update
Equipment functionality.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

94 SAP®
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
usingZRFC_MODIFY_ A flag for enabling the true
ROUTING ZRFC in cases where a
not released RFC/API
does not work in a
production environment.
ZRFC must be imported
if the value is set to
This flag is applicable for
Update Routing
When this flag is set to
“false” , the global
variable ESISAPAdapter/
ECC_Version must be set
isMultiplePE A flag for enabling a true, false
single Process engine Default: true
instance to dynamically
generate the subject
name. Refer to the section
How to Configure a
Single Process Archive
for Multiple Instances in
the Windchill Enterprise
Systems Integration
Customizer’s Guide –
SAP for details.

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 95
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
JNDIContextURL The JMS JNDI context Default:tibemsnaming://
URL. localhost:7222
Name>:<EMS Server
Username The user used to logon Default : ESISYS
to JMS through the EAI
Password The password for the Default : ESISYS
user used to logon to
JMS through the EAI.
RetryCount The number of times to Any integer.
attempt sending a result Default: 3
message to JMS before
suspending the job.
RetryPeriod The time in seconds to Any integer.
delay between Default: 300
consecutive attempts to
send a result message to
MaxSessions The maximum number 1
of JMS sessions to be
created for incoming

The following JMS queue names may be changed to a valid JMS queue name,
with the following restrictions:
• New queues would need to be created on the EMS Server.
• The new queues must follow JMS queue configuration and security

Windchill JMS configurations may also need to be modified to support the
new queue.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

96 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
DataResponseQueue The DataResponse In SAP
queue name for the • Default:com.ptc.windchill.
JMS interface with esi. DataResponse.<<system
Windchill. This value ID>>.<<client>>
must match the Where <<system ID>> is the
DataResponse queue system name for the SAP
name specified on the distribution target. and
TIBCO EMS server <<client>> is the client for
and byWindchill ESI the SAP system. For
Services. example, 800.
<<system>> and <<client>>
must match the values
specified for the attributes
System ID and Client
respectively of the
distribution target in
In Oracle Applications:
• Default: com.ptc.windchill.
<DSN> is the ODBC
datasource name for Oracle
Apps underlying database
This is the same value that is
provided for
global variable.
ResultQueue The Result queue Default:com.ptc.windchill.esi.
name for the JMS Result
interface with
Windchill PDMLink.
This value must match
the Result queue name
specified on the
TIBCO EMS server

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 97
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
and byWindchill ESI

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
ERPPrimary The flag to enable Integer value 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of ERP Default: 1
Primary messages.
ERPSecondary The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of ERP Default: 1
Secondary messages.
Functional_Debug The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 0
functional (1) and
Severity debug (9)
Functional_Error The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 1
functional (1) and
Severity error (1)
Functional_ The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
Informational logging of Type Default: 0
functional (1) and
Severity informational
(4) messages.
Functional_Success The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 1
functional (1) and
Severity success (3)
Functional_Warning The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 1
functional (1) and
Severity warning (2)

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

98 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
RootCause The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of root cause Default: 1
Technical_Debug The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 0
technical (2) and
Severity debug (9)
Technical_Error The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 1
technical (2) and
Severity error (1)
Technical_ The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
Informational logging of Type Default: 0
technical (2) and
Severity informational
(4) messages.
Technical_Success The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 1
technical (2) and
Severity success (3)
Technical_Warning The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 = off;
logging of Type Default: 1
technical (2) and
Severity warning (2)

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 99
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
Delimiter The delimiter used Any character. Default: , (comma)
when logging
Locale Locale used to lookup Default: en_US
logging message text. Following are valid locale values:
Language / Country / Locale
Encoding Value English / United
States / en_US
English / United Kingdom / en_
French / France/ fr
German / Germany / de
Italian / Italy/ it
Spanish / Spain/ es
Japanese / Japan/ ja
Chinese Simplified / China (PRC)
/ zh_CN
Chinese Traditional / Taiwan / zh_
Korean / Korea / ko

To log Asian character sets
(for locales ja, zh_CN, zh_
TW, ko) you must change your
system encoding to the desired
language: Japanese, Korean,
Chinese. Or use the operating
system for that language.
On Windows:
To set your system encoding to,
for example, Japanese, on an
English operating system:
1. Click S t a r t >S
Se t t i n g s >C
Co n t r o l
2. Click R e g i o n a l O p t i o n s .

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

100 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
3. Change the locale encoding to
4. Make sure that Japanese is
checked in the language settings
for the system. If you do not have
the languages installed on your
operating systems, refer to the
Microsoft support site for help.
To view the log files on an English
operating system:
1. Open the file in any text editor
such as Notepad, that can display
international characters.
2. Select the font as M S
To view the log files in Internet
If you do not have a text editor
that can display international
characters, view it in Internet
Explorer by doing the following:
1. Rename the file with a .txt
2. Set the encoding value to Shift-
JIS by selecting View > Encoding
> More >Japanese (Shift_JIS)
To view the log files in the TIBCO
Administrator GUI:
1. Select the tracing tab of the
components of both the process
engine and the adapters.
2. View the log file. If the
characters appear incorrect,
perform the next step.
3. Stop and restart all of your
TIBCO services.
4. View the log file again.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 101
The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI

BCCAddress An optional field set to Any single valid e-mail

copy someone (using the address, or a series of
BCC e-mail feature) on valid e-mail addresses
the alert e-mail message separated by commas.
sent to the administrator
when there is an error in
the Result or the
CCAddress An optional field set to Any single valid e-mail
copy someone (using the address, or a series of
CC e-mail feature) on the valid e-mail addresses
alert e-mail message sent separated by commas.
to the administrator when
there is an error in the
Result or the
FromAddress A required field that Any single valid e-mail
should be set to the address.
designated e-mail address
of the sender of e-mail Note
alert messages when there Only one e-mail
is an error in the Result or address is allowed.
messages. This e-mail
address appears in the
From field.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

102 SAP®
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI

Failure to set a proper
value for this variable
can result in
incomplete error
handling. The process
will suspend without a
proper message. In
order to remedy the
error, the engine will
need to be restarted
after the variables
have been set.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 103
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI

SMTPHostServer The value of the SMTP Typically, a string that

host server. Contact your describes the server
IT department to get this name, such as: mail.
Failure to set a proper
value for this variable
can result in
incomplete error
handling. The process
will suspend without a
proper message. In
order to remedy the
error, the engine will
need to be restarted
after the variables
have been set.
ToAddress A field that should be set Any single valid e-mail
to the e-mail address of address, or a series of
theWindchill ESI valid e-mail addresses
administrator. The separated by commas.
administrator gets an e- N o t e : You can also use
mail with the alerts if the optional CCAddress
there is an error in the and BCCAddress
Result or ResultResponse variables.
message. The
administrator could then
examine the errors, make
the appropriate fixes, and
resume the process.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

104 SAP®
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI

Failure to set a proper
value for this variable
can result in
incomplete error
handling. The process
will suspend without a
proper message. In
order to remedy the
error, the engine will
need to be restarted
after the variables
have been set.

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
EAISecondary The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 =
sending functional off; Default: 1
decision and warning
messages back to
Windchill PDMLink
ERPPrimary The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 =
sending ERP Primary off; Default: 1
information back to
Windchill PDMLink
ERPSecondary The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 =
sending ERP Secondary off; Default: 1
information back to
Windchill PDMLink
RootCause The flag to enable Integer value: 1 = on; 0 =
sending Root Cause off; Default: 1
messages back to
Windchill PDMLink

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 105
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
Delimiter The delimiter used when Default: ||
returning information in N o t e : EAI software
the PostResultRPC components do not parse
message field to the message string to
Windchill PDMLink determine if the delimiter
does not exist in the
string. The value of this
delimiter should be set to
one or more characters
that do not appear in the
text of this field.
Characters to avoid
include – but are not
restricted to - "," "." ";"
":" "^"
Processor The message processor Default: SoapMessage
class passed in EMS
message header.

E S I P a d d i n g Tr u n c a t e
The following table describes global variables that are used either for padding or
truncating the numbers of objects (such as documents, CNs, parts and resources)
in order to make their lengths equal to those defined by default in SAP versions
ECC5.0 and ECC6.0

The default value of each global variable is also the length of the relevant
attribute, as defined in SAP. Also, padding will occur provided the value of the
attribute is all numeric. Truncation will occur if the global variable ESIFlags/
TruncateNameDescription_Enable is set to true

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

106 SAP®
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
PaddingNumber_ Used for padding the 25
DocumentLength number attribute on a
document, so as to make
its length equal to that
defined in SAP.
PaddingNumber_ Used for padding the 12
ECNLength number attribute on a CN,
so as to make its length
equal to that defined in
PaddingNumber_ Used for padding the 18
PartLength number attribute on a
part, so as to make its
length equal to that
defined in SAP for a
PaddingNumber_ Used for padding the 18
ResourceLength number attribute on a
resource, so as to make its
length equal to that
defined in SAP for a
PaddingNumber_ Used for padding the 6
SequenceLength number attribute on a
sequence, so as to make
its length equal to that
defined in SAP for a
PaddingNumber_ Used for padding the 18
SerialEffectivityLength serial number in serial
effectivity, so as to make
its length equal to that
defined in SAP.
TruncateDescript_ Used for truncating the 40
ECNLength description attribute on a
CN, so as to make its
length equal to that
defined in SAP.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 107
Global variable name Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
Windchill ESI
TruncateName_ Used for truncating the 40
ECNLength name attribute on a CN,
so as to make its length
equal to that defined in
TruncateName_ Used for truncating the 40
DocumentLength name attribute on a
document, so as to make
its length equal to that
defined in SAP.

The following table describes the global variables that make up this Process
Engine Global Variable Group.
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI

WCResponse When the global variable <tibco_home>/esi/bin/

Directory ESIFlags/
WriteResponseToFile flag is
set to ‘true’ theWindchill ESI
Response data will be written
to a file and that file will be
stored inside this folder.
The file name format is
determined by the value of the
global variable ESIOthers/
ResponseFileName, with the
transaction number appended
to its end.
SAPDateFormat The date format that the Default: yyyy-MM-dd
distribution target expects (the This value must match
date format of the user that is the date format that is
logged onto the distribution configured in the SAP
target). The format must use system for theWindchill
valid TIBCO notation. ESI user, specified for

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

108 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI

the global variable

SAPMPMDateFor- The SAP ECC date format that Default: yyyyMMdd
mat the Routing API and the ECN This value must match
APIs expect for a Routing the date format that is
object. configured in the SAP
system for theWindchill
ESI user, specified in the
Username global
APIRetryPeriod The time (in milliseconds) the Any integer value
TIBCO BusinessWorks engine Default: 300000
should wait for a response
from an adapter before sending
an error message.
BWInvokeBind The name of the exception Default:BindException
ExceptionClass class for adapter bind errors.
BWInvokeTime The name of the exception Default:Activity
OutClass class for adapter time-outs. TimedOutException
BWKillProcess Used by the ErrorHandling_
Service to intentionally end the Caution
process when a fatal error Do not change the
occurs. value of this global
Default: KillProcess
WCPostResultMe- The method name for post Default: PostResult
thod result messages. This value must match
the RPC name for
PostResult messages
inWindchill ESI
Services for the class
identified by the global
under the
ESIClassNames global
variable group.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 109
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI

WSHost The host name for the ERP This can be a machine
part information web service. name or a WebServer
domain name.
Default: localhost
WSPort The port number for the ERP Any port number
part information web service. ranging from 1024 to the
maximum value
supported on the
Default :6666
WCDateFormat The date format expected from Default: yyyy-MM-dd
Windchill PDMLink. HH:mm:ss
The format must use valid
This value must match
TIBCO notation. the date format used in
messages sent from
Windchill PDMLink.
ResponseFileName Filename for the Response data ESIResponseFromWC_.
sent by Windchill for a xml
WSRequestResponse Filename for the Request data ESISOAP_.xml
FileName sent by Windchill to the ERP
Part Information web service.
ReplaceZero If quantity is set to “0” in Possible value: Integer >
QuantityWith Windchill then the value 0
defined for this global variable Default value:
will be used for quantity 9999999999
PartBatchSize The number of part that should Possible value: any
be processed via a single call integer > 0.
to SAP BAPI. Default value: 100

G l o b a l Va r i a b l e s f o r A d a p t e r I n s t a n c e s
Adapter instance global variables belong to the global variable group named
ESISAPAdapter. These can be further categorized by their usage parameters, as
described below.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

110 SAP®
SAP connection parameters: These parameters are needed to connect to the SAP
• Username
• Password
• ApplicationServer
• Client
• System number
Adapter JMS transport parameters: These parameters are needed to ensure
communication between the Process Engine and the Adapter for some of the
• JMSProviderURL
• JMSProviderContextFactory
Adapter log file parameters:
• LogFileCount
• LogFileSizeLimit
Adapter client connection parameters:
• MaxConnections
• MaxReconnectionAttempts
• ReconnectionAttemptsNumber
• ReconnectionAttemptsInterval
The following table describes the global variables that make up this Adapter
Instance Global Variable Group.
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
ApplicationServer The application server The valid values for the
connection string of application server string when
the distribution target. making one of the following

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 111
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
• Through a firewall or an SAP
/H/<SAP Router>/S/<SAP
Router Service>/W/
Application Server>
<SAP Router> is the IP
address or name of the SAP
<SAP Router Service> is
defaulted to 3299.
<Password> indicates the
password for the connection
between the predecessor and
successor on the route and is
also optional. The default is ""
that is, no password.
<Target Application Server> is
the IP address or name of the
SAP application server.

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

112 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
A relevant entry should be
maintained in the route
permission table for the
application server. Standard
entries in a route
permission table appear as
follows: P/S/D <source-
host> <dest-host> <dest-
serv> <password>
<source-host> and <dest-
host> could be SAP
For more information on
SAP router string, refer to
SAP help at
• On the same network:
Enter the IP address or the
application server name of the
SAP server:
<Target Application Server>
SystemID The Windchill For SAP systems, this is typically
PDMLink identifier a three-character string. This
for the System ID variable is used in the TIBCO
attribute of the Rendezvous subject name when
distribution target. publishing messages to the TIBCO
This value appears in Adapter for ECC instances. The
the value of ESI distribution target System ID
Destination element value sent in the ESIResponse
sent in the response message by Windchill PDMLink
message from must match the System value set in
Windchill as in the corresponding TIBCO Adapter
<SystemID>.< Client> for ECC instances to ensure
successful publishing of messages
to the adapter instances and
ultimately to SAP.

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 113
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults

This value is case
sensitive as is the
value that
PDMLink sends.
Client The client number of Value is the three-digit client
the distribution target. number of the distribution target.
This variable is used in the TIBCO
Rendezvous subject name when
publishing messages to the TIBCO
Adapter for ECC instances. The
ESI distribution target client value
sent in the ESIResponse message
by Windchill PDMLink must
match the Client value set in the
corresponding TIBCO Adapter for
ECC instances to ensure successful
publishing of messages to the
adapter instances and ultimately to
CommitExpiry Session Timeout in 360000
milli seconds for SAP
“Commit Required”
SystemNumber The system number of This is a two-digit integer value.
the distribution target.
Username The username used to This value could be any string.
log onto the Default user name is: ESISYS.
distribution target.
Password The password used to Value could be any string.
log onto the
distribution target.
Locale The locale of the The following are the ISO standard
distribution target. locale values. Default is en_US
Determines the subject Following are valid locale values :
name the adapter is Language / Country / Locale
listening on. Encoding Value

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

114 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults

Note English / United States / en_US

The Locale value English / United Kingdom / en_
must match the GB
value specified for French / France/ fr
the JMS header
German / Germany / de
property com_
infoengine_locale Italian / Italy/ it
that gets sent Spanish / Spain/ es
withWindchill ESI
Japanese / Japan/ ja
Chinese Simplified / China (PRC)
/ zh_CN
Chinese Traditional / Taiwan / zh_
Korean / Korea / ko
This variable is used in the TIBCO
Rendezvous subject name when
publishing messages to the TIBCO
Adapter for ECC instances. The
com_infoengine_locale JMS
header property value sent in the
ESIResponse message by
Windchill PDMLink must match
the Locale value set in the
corresponding TIBCO Adapter for
ECC instances to ensure successful
publishing of messages to the
adapter instances and ultimately to
MaxConnections The number of SAP By default, it is set to 5. A
connections in the maximum of 99 connections is
client connection. This allowed.
option is used to
configure the
maximum number of
threads in the adapter
ReconnectionAt- Number of Reconnect The default value for this field is 1.
tempts Attempts before
Number suspending impacted

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 115
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
service(s). In other
words, it is the number
of times the
management process
tries to connect to the
application before the
listener for a
subscription or a one-
way Request-Response
Invocation service is
MaxReconnection Maximum number of By default, it is set to 1. This has
Attempts Reconnect Attempts - to be greater than or equal to the
the maximum number value specified for the global
of times the adapter variable
will retry to establish a ReconnectionAttemptsNumber.
connection to the SAP For the adapter to keep retrying
ECC system. forever, set the value to -1.
ReconnectionAt- Interval between The default value is 30000 ms.
tempts Reconnect Attempts
Interval (milliseconds) The
time interval between
two successive retries,
in milliseconds.
LogFilesizeLimit Maximum size of the Default is 3000000. Maximum is
log file, in bytes. 2147483647 bytes.
LogFileCount The number of Default is 3.
Adapter Log files to be
generated viz., the
number of roll over

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

116 SAP®
Global variable Description P o s s i b l e Va l u e s a n d
name Windchill ESI Defaults
JMSProviderURL JMS Provider URL to Default is set to: tcp://
connect to the EMS <<EMSservername>>:7222
server by Adapter JMS
ECC_Version Determines which ECC6
adapter service should
be used for CP_BD_
PLAN. There are
different adapter
services for “ECC5”
and “ECC6” and the
structures are different
in each SAP version.
Thus unlike other
has to be differently
fetched for each
different ECC version.
By default ECC60
version is supported. If
you want to use CP_
ECC 5.0 then this
global variable value
must be set to

Windchill ESI Preferences, Distribution Target Attributes and Global Variable

Groups 117
Object Numbering
Object Numbering and Attribute Field Length Differences ........................................... 120

This section describes various object numbering characteristics and differences

between Windchill PDMLink and your ERP system.

Object Numbering and Attribute Field
Len gt h D i ffe r enc es
The minimum and maximum lengths, as well as the character makeup of object
numbers in Windchill versus SAP, differ. These differences may cause failures or
erroneous results when publishing objects from Windchill PDMLink to SAP. The
differences can be characterized for each object type (Parts, BOMs, Documents,
Process Plans, Sequences, Operations, Process Materials, Equipment, CNs)
handled by Windchill ESI.
W i n d c h i l l O b j e c t Ty p e G U I a n d D a t a b a s e GUI and Database
Out of the Box O u t o f t h e B o x Ty p i c a l
Maximum Field Field Length
Parts 40 characters 10 characters - all
Documents 32 characters 10 characters - all
Change Notices 32 characters 5 characters - all numeric
Process Plans 40 characters 8 characters
Sequences 40 characters 6 characters
Tooling 40 characters 18 characters
Process Materials 40 characters 18 characters
Operations No limit 4 characters
Control Characteristics 40 characters 10 characters

For object types other than Operations, the applicable field in the above table
is Number. For Operations however, it is Label.

Fi e l d L e n g t h D i ff e re n c e s - D e t e r m i n i n g H o w t o
The discrepancies between Windchill and SAP for these field length differences
can be compensated in Windchill, in the Windchill EAI components, or in a
combination of both systems. For default Windchill and SAP, the following lists
where the information is located:

PTC Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Installation and Configuration Guide -

120 SAP®
• For information on how to limit field lengths in Windchill PDMLink, refer to
the instructions in the Windchill Customizer’s Guide.
• For information on how to set up auto-numbering in Windchill PDMLink,
refer to the instructions in the Windchill Administrator’s Guide.
If Windchill PDMLink or your ERP system has been customized, these
documents provide guidance on how to compensate for these field length

The Object Numbering Property

The following traits exist for the property that controls object numbering in
Windchill PDMLink:
• The auto numbering properties are controlled by the Object Initialization
Rules Administrator. There is a unique property that enables or disables auto
numbering for each object type. Use the following as an example:
• The auto numbering properties handle the following objects:
○ Parts
○ Documents
○ CAD documents
○ Managed baselines
○ Product configurations
○ Products
○ Change objects
○ Process plans
○ Resource groups
○ Process Materials
○ Skills
○ Tooling
○ Sequences

Object Numbering 121

Object Number Lengths in SAP
Object Numbering SAP Number Range Configuration................................................ 125
Exceptions for Process Plan numbers ....................................................................... 127
Exceptions for Equipment ........................................................................................ 127
Out of the Box SAP Number Ranges......................................................................... 127
SAP Functionality Summary..................................................................................... 128
Object Number Lengths in SAP for Master Inspection Characteristics (MIC) ................ 129
Exceptions for MIC Numbers.................................................................................... 129

This section describes certain aspects of how SAP handles object number length.
O b j e c t Ty p e SAP Database Field Lengths
Parts (Materials) 18 characters
Documents 25 characters
Change Notices (Change Masters) 12 characters

Process plans(Routing) 8 characters

Sequences 6 characters

Equipment 18 characters

Process Materials 18 characters

Operation labels 4 characters

For object types other than Operations, the applicable field in the above table
is Number. For Operations however, it is Label.

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Object Numbering SAP Number Range
When configuring objects in SAP, there are two number ranges which must be
defined for all objects.
• Internal number range: The range of object numbers that are assigned
internally by SAP when a user attempts to create an object and does not
provide an object number.
• External number range: The range of object numbers that can be manually
assigned to objects either through the GUI or through the API.
Keep the following in mind when configuring SAP number ranges:
• Number ranges can be numeric or alpha. In general, alpha-numeric object
numbers can be defined for an object regardless of the external number range
• Internal and external number ranges cannot overlap. They must be unique.
• When an object is published from Windchill PDMLink, the object number
should fall within the external number range. Exceptions to this are in the
following sections, listed by object type.

Exceptions for Part Numbers

The following are exceptions to the object numbering criteria specified:
• Part numbers assigned through the API do not need to fall within the external
number range defined. The reason provided by SAP is as follows:
There is currently no number range check in the ALE inbound. It is expected
that the material number is correct. The main reasoning behind this is so that
you can create materials in a special number range in one system and send
them to another system. This ensures that you can create materials in a number
range in the target system and if the number range does not exist there, you do
not need different material numbers in dependent systems.
• All numeric part numbers must be 18 characters. If a numeric part number is
less than 18 characters, the part number must be padded with zeroes.
• Alpha or alpha-numeric part numbers do not need to be 18 characters.
• If an all numeric part number is sent from an external system that is less than
18 characters, a success message will be returned from the API; however, the
part will not exist in the SAP system. This will cause a data inconsistency
between the two systems.

Object Number Lengths in SAP 125

Exceptions for BOM Numbers
The following are exceptions to the object numbering criteria specified:
• The Number Range for BOMs is defined at the part level. Therefore, BOMs
can be created through the API that do not fall within the external number
range defined.
• All numeric BOM numbers that are less than 18 characters do not need to be
padded. There is also no padding necessary for the numbers associated with
BOM components and substitutes.
• If parts are published with a BOM (create or change), they must follow the
rules associated to the part number range.

Exceptions for Document Numbers

The following are exceptions to the object numbering criteria specified:
• All numeric document numbers must fall within the defined external number
• All alpha and alpha-numeric document numbers do not need to fall within a
defined external number range.
• External number range in SAP only stores 20 characters. The document
number is actually 25 characters. All numeric document numbers that fall
within the external number range of 20 characters must be padded with zeroes
to meet the 25 character requirement.
• Alpha or alpha-numeric document numbers do not need to be 25 characters.
• Alpha and alpha-numeric document numbers can be created with a numeric
external number range.
• Numeric document numbers cannot be created with an alpha external number
• If a numeric document number is sent from an external system that is less than
25 characters, a success message will be returned from the API, however the
document will not exist in the SAP system. This will cause a data
inconsistency between the two systems.

Exceptions for Change Notice Numbers

• All numeric CN Numbers must fall within the defined external number range.
• All alpha or alpha-numeric CN numbers do not need to fall within a defined
external number range.
• Padding is NOT necessary for all numeric CN numbers that are less than 12
• Alpha or Alphanumeric CN numbers do not need to be 12 characters.

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• Alpha and/or Alpha-numeric CNs can be created with an all NUMERIC
external number range.
• Numeric CNs cannot be created with an ALPHA external number range.

Exceptions for Process Plan numbers

The following are exceptions to the object numbering criteria specified:
• Routing group number must fall within the defined external number range.
• Maximum number of characters supported is 8.
• By default Routing groups should be alphanumeric and must start with a letter.
To have numeric values only, the external range needs to be created in SAP.

Exceptions for Equipment

The following are exceptions to the object numbering criteria specified:
• Equipment number should fall within the defined number range.
• Maximum number of characters allowed is 18.

Out of the Box SAP Number Ranges

O b j e c t Ty p e Internal Ranges External Ranges
Parts 1 to 99,999,999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
100,000,000 to 199,999,999
Documents 10,000,000,000 to 1 to 99,999
9,999,999,999,999,999 1,000,000 to 9,999,999,999
10,000,000,000,000,000 to
100,000 to 999,999
CNs 500,000,000,000 to 1 to 499,999,999,999
Equipment 00000001 to 00199999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
Process Plans 50000000 to 99999999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
Process 1 to 99,999,999 A to ZZZZZZZZ
Materials 100,000,000 to 199,999,999

Object Number Lengths in SAP 127

SAP Functionality Summary
Object Object Out of the Box Number Range Object External
Ty p e Number Configuration Number Range
Character Padding Check
Limit Required
Internal External
Parts 18 1 to 99,999,999 A to ZZZZZZZZ Y – numeric N
100,000,000 to only
Documents 25 10,000,000 1 to 99,999 Y – numeric Y – numeric
,000 to 1,000,000 to only only
9,999,999,99 9,999,999,999
to 99,999,999,
100,000 to
CNs 12 500,000,000, 1 to 499,999,999, N Y – numeric
000 to 999 only
Process Plans 8 50000000 to A to Y – numeric Y – numeric
99999999 ZZZZZZZZ only only . By
default SAP
does not
customize to
have external
range set as
Equipment 18 00000001 to A to Y – numeric Y – numeric
00199999 ZZZZZZZZ only only . By
default SAP

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128 SAP®
Object Object Out of the Box Number Range Object External
Ty p e Number Configuration Number Range
Character Padding Check
Limit Required
Internal External
does not
customize to
have external
range set as
Process 18 1 to 99,999,999 A to Y – numeric N
Materials 100,000,000 to ZZZZZZZZ only

Sequences 6 N/A A to Y – numeric N


Object Number Lengths in SAP for Master

Inspection Characteristics (MIC)
Control characteristics in Windchill are mapped as MIC in SAP.

Exceptions for MIC Numbers

The following are exceptions to the object numbering criteria specified:
• Alpha or alpha-numeric MIC numbers can be created up to 8 characters and
for these numbers there is no need to specify any external number ranges.
• All numeric control characteristic numbers must be 8 characters. If a numeric
CC number is less than 8 characters, the control characteristic number must be
padded with zeroes. For a numeric MIC number, the external range (02) has to
be created.

Object Number Lengths in SAP 129

If the numerical number ranges are not properly maintained SAP fails to create
the control characteristic and displays the following error message:
Q0 -130: Number range interval 02 for number range object QMERKMALE not found

To avoid this error internal number ranges need to be maintained.

Use the following procedure to create a numeric number range for control
1. Navigate to the QS29 transaction.
2. Enter the plant where the numeric number range needs to be created click
Change Intervals.
3. Click I n s e r t I n t e r v a l s .
4. Enter the number range details. Clear the E x t box to ensure that the number
range is internal.

Number ranges for the Master Inspection Characteristics should follow the
SAP format. The SAP format is as follows:
SL NO Name of the Ty p e o f N u m b e r
Number Range Range
1 01 Should be internal
2 02 Should be internal

5. Click E n t e r and save the number range.

6. Repeat for all plants.

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