LAB: Learn Join Using Source Qualifier
LAB: Learn Join Using Source Qualifier
LAB: Learn Join Using Source Qualifier
Homogeneous Join: Using Source Qualifier (Source 1: Relational DB table, Source 2: DB Table, Target 1: DB Table) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source 1: Relational Table Table Name: CUSTOMER Columns: CUST_ID CUST_F_NAME CUST_L_NAME Source 2: Relational Table
Target 1: Relational Table Table Name: CUSTOMER_DETAILS Columns: CUSTOMER_NAME CUSTOMER_ADD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instructions: 1. Customer full name need to be generated by concatenating first name & last name 2. Customer Id need to be used as primary key to join over riding SQL in source qualifier.
Drag the two sources into mapping designer. Press CTRL+S too keep saving your work
Now remove any one source qualifier and link the ports of source to other source qualifier as in this mapping we will be using one source qualifier only to join. From source qualifier drag all ports to an expression. Double click on source qualifier and use user defined join to mention the condition for join.
Step 5: Use Expression transformation to concatenate the first name & last name.
Step 6 : Drag target into mapping designer & drag ports from expression to respective port in target.
Create session, workflow and Run. Note session log for any error.