Epcusa 02 24 2013 Update
Epcusa 02 24 2013 Update
Epcusa 02 24 2013 Update
In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see
803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org
Volume 37 Number 7
Dear Eastminster Family, In the past two editions of the Update, Ive shared some of the improvements that will enhance our ministry and mission. Below are the items approved by the Session. Several of these are dependent upon being architecturally feasible. For example, enclosing the breezeway between the Administration Building and the Sanctuary may not be practical due to architectural or code challenges. Also, you see that doing the necessary work in the Sanctuary will mean our worshiping in the Christian Life Center for at least six months. Thus, we will work to make that space as worshipful and inviting as possible. Finally, while there are funds included for the cost of the campaign, we will not be using an outside consultant. Our hope is that these needs are sufficiently clear that we will step up as a church family without the outside impetus, or cost, of a consultant. This is an exciting opportunity for us to update and upgrade that which has been entrusted to us for ministry our Lord will yet do in this place. Grace and Peace, Brad Project List Sanctuary Renovations -Replace heat & air, duct work & electrical -Mens restroom & womens restroom made ADA accessible -Elevator in Parlor for ADA access to Thompson Hall walkway & basement -Chancel renovations -Porte-cochere at Nelle Gunter Room entry
your old men will dream
ACTS 2:17
Dr. Bradley D. Smith Pastor Dr. Mark E. Durrett Associate Pastor Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire Associate Pastor Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith Associate Pastor Dr. James I. St. John Parish Associate Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner Associate Pastor Mr. Croskeys Royall Director of Childrens Ministries Mrs. Fredna Lee Director of Music Ministries
Our Missionaries: Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska Sarah Snapp - Bolivia Rev. John McCall - Taiwan Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US George & Anne Harper - Philippines
Additional Sanctuary Enhancements -Pew cushions -Choir robes -Video capacity Thompson Hall Enhancement -Sound baffles -Reconfigure to horizontal worship set-up Bus -One new bus -Overhaul of bus (current buses were purchases in 1999) Interior & Exterior Signage -Install directional signs Facilities Transition Expenses -Make the gym an appropriate worship space for the construction period -Possible paint and carpet replacement in the sanctuary Enclosure of breezeway between Administration Building & Sanctuary Rework steps between Administration Building & Sanctuary to make less steep Capital Campaign Expenses Funds for Partial Implementation of Vision 2020 Ideas Minimum Sub-Total Tithe (10%) Total $2,400,000 $240,000 $2.6mm-$3.0mm
9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Jubilee Dr. Bradley D. Smith I Am the Way, Truth, & Life John 14:6
Sunday, february 24
SUNDAY, February 24
8:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Worship & Childrens Church Alma Grace Thornton Bapt. 10:00 Sunday School Pastors Class Jubilee Band Practice Eastminster First Step Worship Discovery 10:05 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11:15 Worship & Childrens Church Jubilee Worship 12:15 Congregational Lunch 3:00 Cubscouts Wolf Den Parenting Workshop 4:00 Webelos 1 & 2 Cubscout Bears, Tigers Youth Band Practice 5:30 Youth Group Dinner & Mtg. 5:45 Childcare 6:00 Kerygma Confirmation Parent Mtg. 7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast 9:00 Count Team Fifty Plus Exercise Class 2:00 Pastors Mtg. 2:30 Program Staff Mtg. 4:30 Stewardship Mtg. 5:30 Mens Basketball League Yoga Webelos 1 7:00 Sr. High Guys Bible Study Boy Scouts Troop 10 Lee/Orlandini Small Group 9:00 Drop-In Nursery 9:30 Staff Meeting 10:00 Bible Moderators 11:45 Tuesday Lunch 12:00 Savvy Seniors 4:00 CHAMPS Tutoring 5:00 Tai Chi 5:15 Vision 2020 Coordinating Team 5:30 Girls on Run Zumba Diaconate Mtg. 6:00 Handbells Joint Diaconate/Session Mtg. 7:00 Zumba Fitness Scottish Country Dance 9:00 Drop-In Nursery Fifty Plus Exercise Class 9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry EDS Chapel 11:00 Lenten Study - Gospel of John 12:00 Communications Committee 5:00 Angel, Junior Choir Rehearsals 5:15 WE@EPC Dinner 5:45 Childcare 6:15 DivorceCare Crossroads Career Gospel of John MS Youth 6:45 Bible Study Groups 7:15 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Eastminster will have a congregational meal in the gym on Sunday, February 24 following the 11:15 a.m. worship service. Make plans to enjoy a delicious lunch and fellowship with your church family! Regular pricing will apply. Please call Mary at 256-1654 for reservations. Menu: Seasoned pork roast, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, copper penney carrots, yeast rolls, tossed salad and assorted desserts. Childrens menu: Chicken strips and French fries. Jesus Signs from the Gospel of John - A Celebration of Faith. This is a family event the weekend of March 9 and 10. We will welcome three visiting speakers! Rev. Dr. Scott Andrews, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Bennettsville, SC, will lead a series of sessions in continuation with our Lenten study on the signs that Jesus preformed in the Gospel of John. Dr. Duffy Robbins, Professor of Youth Ministry at Eastern University, St. Davids, PA, will lead classes for families of elementary children on the importance of faith formation in the home, and a class on the importance of faith formation in teenagers. Our third visiting guest, Rev. David Ealy, of Hawfields Presbyterian Church in Mebane, NC, uses various forms of visual arts to reach Gods people. He will lead a class for anyone intrigued or interested in photography as a way to tell the story of ministry. Brochures and sign up are available on the church website. The Flower Guild is accepting memorials and honoraria for Easter lilies to decorate the sanctuary for Easter. Please write the wording you wish to have printed in the bulletin and enclose a check for $15.00 made out to the Eastminster Flower Guild for each lily. Checks may be mailed to the church or placed in the Flower Guild box in the workroom. Forms are available in the reception area. The deadline for your order is Monday, March 18 . Lilies may be removed by the donor from the sanctuary after the 10:30 a.m. service on Easter. A new Eastminster First Step Class will begin Sunday, March 3, in room E-250 (second floor of our education building) during our Sunday school hour (10:00-11:00 a.m.). Eastminster First Step is twelve-week class, taught by our pastors and assisted by our lay leaders, for anyone interested or curious about membership at Eastminster. The class will join the church on May 19. An Eastminster Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, March 17, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the CLC parking lot. Look for the Blood Mobile! To schedule an appointment please visit Redcrossblood.org and enter the sponsor code: Eastminster or contact John Sim at 803-6067230. Remember, the need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood! The 2013 Eastminster Senior High Urban Mission Trip will be in Nashville, TN. The total cost of this trip is $320.00 which includes transportation, lodging, programming, and the majority of meals. Scholarships are available. Please return your registration and the full payment by Friday, April 5, 2013. (If you have misplaced your form, additional forms are available on Tricias desk.) There are only 20 spots available; these will be filled as registrations are received. Eastminster will sponsor a Habitat build in New Orleans in coordination with St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church. If youve never been on one of these trips, you might consider this a pilgrimage as well as a Christian outreach project. We stay in a nice hotel, enjoy good Creole cuisine, and assist a needy family in building the first home they will ever own. The weather is good in New Orleans this time of year, and the effort is something you will never forget. Contact Mark Rosenberg at 446-0003 for information, or to signup [email protected].
Monday, February 25
Lily Memorials
TUESDAY, February 26
WEDNESDAY, February 27
THURSDAY, February 28
7:00 HS Prayer Breakfast 9:00 Drop-In Nursery 4:00 champs Tutoring 5:30 Girls on the Run Zumba 7:00 Zumba Fitness 7:30 Jubilee Band Practice
FRIDAY, march 1
9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class 11:00 Support Staff Mtg. 4:00 Sr. High Girls Bible Study
SATURDAY, march 2
True Story: At the recent Presbytery meeting held at Eastminster, the celebrants found themselves in the awkward position of running out of bread. Resourceful fellow that he is, Dr. Brad Smith dashed to the parlor and came back up with two breakfast sticky buns. The congregants were all able to partake of communion, even if it was more sugary than usual. This brings new meaning to the notion of sweet communion. John Arnold
USC Athletics Director Ray Tanner will speak at the next Savvy Senior meeting on Tuesday, February 26. He will talk about updates in the Universitys athletic program and take a look at current teams -- hope for basketball; prospects for baseball; and dreams for the coming football season. If time permits, he will also be available for questions. Reservations for the noon lunch in Thompson Hall must be made. Call Mary Baldauf at 254-1654. Attention all 6 8th graders! Want to go to Washington DC? Well be doing inner-city mission work as we serve as a group and with other youth groups from all over the U.S. The cost is $340.00 with a deposit of $170 due by March 15th. There are only 15 spaces left so please dont wait until the last minute to reserve your spot. The week includes: lodging, transportation, worship and fun-themed nights, a free evening in D.C., and a t-shirt. If you have any questions contact Jeff Smith (Associate Pastor) at 256-1654. Registration forms are available from and should be turned in to Tricia McCormick, administrative assistant for youth and children. The Christian Life Center will host a summer basketball skills camp for rising 1st - 6th grade boys and girls, June 24 - 27. This camp is conducted by The Greatest Champion. For more information, contact Bill Ketchin ([email protected]) or 256-1654 or check out their website at www.thegreatestchampion. org. Hold the date! Vacation Bible School will be June 17 - June 20, 2013! Curriculum for this year will be Athens, Pauls Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth. The children will travel with Paul on his second missionary journey. Volunteer parents, please remember that we offer free childcare for younger children of VBS volunteers in the Drop In nursery rooms that week.
Leslie & Jordon Myers, on the birth of their son, James Mitchum Myers, February 15, 2013.
On weekends a minister is on call. If you have a crisis which one of the ministers needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and leave a message. A minister will return your call.
This years Christmas Challenge raised $24,000 from generous congregation members the week before Christmas to help feed the hungry, provide something to drink for the thirsty, provide clothing to the poor, take care of the sick, visit those in prison and welcome the lonely. The money raised from this program was provide by EPC to The Salvation Army, Living Water for the World, Oliver Gospel Mission, Cooperative Ministry, Free Medical Clinic, CIU Prison Initiative and four other local Columbia ministries. Thank you for sharing a portion of your Christmas blessings with those in our community who needed our blessings. Robbie Foster
Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3200 Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29204
Supper Six is a new fellowship opportunity at Eastminster. Couples or single adults are invited to register for a supper club comprised of 6 Eastminster members. Groups of six will be randomly formed. The goal is to develop meaningful friendships and get to know other members. Each Supper Six group will meet three times: once a month, for three months, March, April and May. Once formed, each Supper Six group will decide the location and time to meet each month. Groups may choose to meet at a members home and share the food preparation, or the group may decide to pick a restaurant and go Dutch. Two ways to sign up: 1. Registration forms will be located in the Narthex on Sunday mornings, and in the Church Receptionists area each day. Fill out a form and leave in the adjacent box; or, 2. Sign up electronically in the E-News.
Joshua Evanovich is an organist, pianist, music editor and arranger. He graduated with a double major in music & business administration from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. As an editor, Joshua has worked for publishers Augsburg Fortress and GIA, and he enjoys writing choral, keyboard, and instrumental music. Playing the organ and piano and helping to lead worship has always been a delight. Joshua is relocating to Columbia from the Chicago area, and believe it or not, he will miss the snow and cold weather! He will begin work on March 1, 2013.
Cookbooks are available for all, no pre-order needed! These books are available for purchase in the parlor on Sunday mornings and make great gifts for birthdays, graduations, showers, etc. If you are unable to pick one up on Sunday, contact Fredna Lee ([email protected]) to find out how you may purchase one.
Table Blessings