I. GENERAL GUIDELINE: 1. The contest is open to all pupils/ students of Regina Angelorum School. 2. Contestant shall indicate their contest of interest in the contest registration form and shall submit the same to the facilitators during the contest. 3. There shall be a contest briefing 5 10 minutes before the contest proper. 4. Decisions of the Board of Judges are final. II. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES A. ON THE SPOT PAINTING CONTEST (Elementary: Cat. A: Grades 1 3, Cat. B: Grades 4-6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. One contestant per grade or year level will be allowed to join the contest. 2. The painting should revolve around the theme which will be announced by the contest administrator during the contest proper. Creativity 25% Relevance of the theme 20% Color harmony 25% Neatness 10% Uniqueness/ Visual Impact 10% Speed and accuracy 10% TOTAL 100 B. ON THE SPOT COLLAGE MAKING CONTEST (Elementary: Cat. A: Grades 1 3, Cat. B: Grades 4-6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. One contestant per grade or year level will be allowed to join the contest. 2. The COLLAGE should revolve around the theme which will be announced by the contest administrator during the contest proper. The contestant should use indigenous and recyclable materials that are limited to 4 6 kinds of materials 3. All the materials shall be provided by the contestant. Outlining of masterpiece before the contest and borrowing of materials is strictly not allowed. The required base paper to be used during the contest is illustration board, 20x30. 4. The allocated time for the contest is one and a half hours, after which all entries shall be submitted to the contest administrator. Contestant may submit his/her poster earlier without waiting for the lapse of one and a half hours. Late submission shall be deducted 1% from the total for every extension of five minutes. 5. Each output shall be identified by a number that corresponds to the number and identity of the contestant for judging process. Finished outputs should not contain any label of the name of the contestant. 6. Judging shall be based on the following: Creativity 35% Relevance of the theme 20%
3. The medium for visual artistry shall be oil pastel for elementary and water color for secondary. The required base paper to be used during the contest is illustration board, 20x30. 4. All the materials shall be provided by the contestant. Outlining of masterpiece before the contest and borrowing of materials is strictly not allowed. 5. The allocated time for the contest is one and a half hours, after which all entries shall be submitted to the contest administrator. Contestant may submit his/her poster earlier without waiting for the lapse of one and a half hours. Late submission shall be deducted 1% from the total for every extension of five minutes. 6. Each painting shall be identified by a number that corresponds to the number and identity of the contestant for judging process. Finished outputs should not contain any label of the name of the contestant. 7. Judging shall be based on the following:
C. ON THE SPOT POSTER MAKING CONTEST (Elementary: Cat. A: Grades 1 3, Cat. B: Grades 4-6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. One contestant per grade or year level will be allowed to join the contest. 2. The POSTER should revolve around the theme which will be announced by the contest administrator during the contest proper. Originality of idea 40% Relevance of the theme 40% Overall impact 20% TOTAL 100% D. TECHNO QUIZ (Elementary: Grades 1 6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. One contestant per grade or year level will be allowed to join the contest. 2. Questions shall focus on the environmental facts, current events, laws, trivia included in the grade/ year level PELC/ PSSLC. 3. Each question shall be read twice by the quizmaster. The contestant shall only answer as soon as the Quizmaster has read the question twice and pronounced the word GO have so indicate to write the answer in bold letter/s. countdown shall start immediately thereafter. 4. Contestant shall answer the question in 20 seconds if requires computation. Other questions shall be allotted in ten seconds. 5. Contestants shall bring their own illustration board, board eraser and chalks. 6. The contestants shall raise their illustration boards as soon as the allotted time to answer is over. 7. The test will compose the following: EASY ROUND three (3) questions
AVERAGE ROUND five (5) questions DIFFICULT ROUND five (5) questions CLINCHER ROUND as many breaking questions, as long as the first to get the Highest score is declared to win the title. E. SCI ESSAY WRITING (Elementary: Cat. A: Grades 1 3, Cat. B: Grades 4-6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. The theme for the essay writing contest will be given during the contest proper 2. From grades 4 4th year, the essay must be written in cursive and legibly in English (U.S.) with a minimum of 150 words while from the grades 1-3, their essay must written in mother tongue language. 3. Each contestant will be given one hour to complete his/her entry 4. Participants that do not comply with the guidelines will be subject to disqualification. 5. Each entry will be judge based on the following criteria: Substance of the content 50% Relevance to the theme 25% Organization on the clarity of ideas 25% TOTAL 100% F. SCI DAMA (Elementary: Grades 3 6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. The contestants must bring their own Sci Damath board and chips. 2. Each grade / year level must have a one participant. G. SCI FOLK DANCE (Elementary: Grades 1 3) 1. Consist of 10 15 dancers. 2. Science oriented presentation. 3. Non dangerous props are not allowed. 4. Presentation time is 5 7 minutes. 5. Judging shall be based on the following: Mastery 25% Coordination and Projection 25% Costume & attire with science implication 25% Stage presence, harmony & difficulty of execution 25% TOTAL 100% H.ROBOTICS DANCE (Elementary: Grades 4 6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. Consist of 10 15 robotic dancers. 2. Science oriented presentation. 3. Non dangerous props are not allowed. 4. Presentation time is 5 7 minutes. 5. Judging shall be based on the following: Robot costume 30% Gracefulness in robotics style 40% Stage presence 10% Coordination 20% TOTAL 100%
I. SCIENCE INVESTIGATORY PROJECT (Elementary: Grades 4 6 and Secondary: Grades 7 4th year) 1. The contest is divided into two categories, the life and applied sciences. 2. Each grade/ year level should have one team with three members. 3. The teams should pass their complete research paper during registration as well as a 1 whole size illustration board of their project. The illustration board must provide information on what the research was about and how the research output works. 4. Each team will be given a maximum of five minutes to deliver their oral presentation and ten minutes for the oral defense. 5. Judging shall be based on the following: Scientific thought and engineering labels (30%) 1. scientific thought a. brief and clear statement of the problem b. well defined procedure 2. engineering goals a. clear and relevant objective/s b. economically feasible solutions 3. potential contribution/ practical value Creativity, resourcefulness and inventiveness (30%) 1. Creative ability in presenting the problem / in the approach to solve the problem 2. innovative design / new idea shown 3. intelligence and imagination in finding ways/ means to undertake the project Thoughtfulness (15%) 1. familiarity with scientific literature in the relative field 2. awareness of other approaches or theories 3. appropriateness of methodology Research skill 1. use of laboratory innovative resources 2. appropriate, orderly presentation of data (15%) equipment / and effective
Oral presentation skill (10%) 1. clear and thorough discussion of the project 2. clarity and conciseness of explanation pertaining to important aspects of the research proposal 3. presentation aided by audio visual materials 4. overall personality a. self confidence b. enthusiasm
1. There should one pair of candidates per year level. 2. The pageant shall consist of three positions, namely: a. Kalikasan Gown Attire Competition - Contestant shall wear creative costumes using indigenous materials. b. Talent Show - Talent to be presented must have relevance to environmental awareness or cause. c. Question and Answer - The questions to be announced must have relevance to environment. 3. Judging shall be based on the following: Beauty and handsomeness 20% Talent 20% Intelligence 20% Costume (indigenous attire) 40% TOTAL 100%
Criteria for Judging Creativity (25%) Relevance of the theme (25%) Color harmony (10%) Neatness (10%) Uniqueness/ Visual Impact (20%) Speed and accuracy (10%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ON THE SPOT PAINTING (ELEMENTARY CATEGORY B) Participants
Criteria for Judging Creativity (25%) Relevance of the theme (25%) Color harmony (10%) Neatness (10%) Uniqueness/ Visual Impact (20%) Speed and accuracy (10%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ON THE SPOT PAINTING (SECONDARY) Participants
Criteria for Judging Creativity (25%) Relevance of the theme (25%) Color harmony (10%) Neatness (10%) Uniqueness/ Visual Impact (20%) Speed and accuracy (10%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ON THE SPOT PAINTING (SECONDARY) Participants
Criteria for Judging Creativity (25%) Relevance of the theme (25%) Color harmony (10%) Neatness (10%) Uniqueness/ Visual Impact (20%) Speed and accuracy (10%) TOTAL (100%)
ON THE SPOT COLLAGE MAKING Criteria for Judging Creativity (35%) Relevance of the theme (20%) Originality (20%) Visual Impact (25%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
ON THE SPOT COLLAGE MAKING Criteria for Judging Creativity (35%) Relevance of the theme (20%) Originality (20%) Visual Impact (25%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Criteria for Judging Creativity (35%) Relevance of the theme (20%) Originality (20%) Visual Impact (25%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ON THE SPOT COLLAGE MAKING (SECONDARY) Participants
Criteria for Judging Creativity (35%) Relevance of the theme (20%) Originality (20%) Visual Impact (25%) TOTAL (100%)
ON THE SPOT POSTER MAKING Criteria for Judging Originality of idea (40%) Relevance of the theme (40%) Overall impact (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
ON THE SPOT POSTER MAKING Criteria for Judging Originality of idea (40%) Relevance of the theme (40%) Overall impact (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Criteria for Judging Originality of idea (40%) Relevance of the theme (40%) Overall impact (20%) TOTAL (100%)
Criteria for Judging Originality of idea (40%) Relevance of the theme (40%) Overall impact (20%) TOTAL (100%)
Criteria for Judging Substance of the content (50%) Relevance to the theme (25%) Organization on the clarity of ideas (25%) TOTAL (100%)
Criteria for Judging Substance of the content (50%) Relevance to the theme (25%) Organization on the clarity of ideas (25%) TOTAL (100%)
Criteria for Judging Substance of the content (50%) Relevance to the theme (25%) Organization on the clarity of ideas (25%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature SCI WRITING CONTEST (SECONDARY) Participants
Criteria for Judging Substance of the content (50%) Relevance to the theme (25%) Organization on the clarity of ideas (25%)
TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature SCI FOLKDANCE Participants Criteria for Judging GRADE GRADE 1 GRADE 2 3 Mastery (25%) Coordination and Projection (25%) Costume & attire with science implication (25%) Stage presence, harmony & difficulty of execution (25%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature SCI FOLKDANCE Participants GRADE 1 Mastery (25%) Coordination and Projection (25%) Costume & attire with science implication (25%) Stage presence, harmony & difficulty of execution (25%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature SCI FOLKDANCE Participants GRADE 2 GRADE 3
Criteria for Judging Mastery (25%) Coordination and Projection (25%) Costume & attire with science implication (25%) Stage presence, harmony & difficulty of execution (25%) TOTAL (100%)
Criteria for Judging Mastery (25%) Coordination and Projection (25%) Costume & attire with science implication (25%)
Stage presence, harmony & difficulty of execution (25%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ROBOTICS DANCE Participants GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 style
Criteria for Judging Robot costume (30%) Gracefulness in robotics (40%) Stage presence (10%) Coordination (20%) TOTAL (100%)
Criteria for Judging Robot costume (30%) Gracefulness in robotics (40%) Stage presence (10%) Coordination (20%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ROBOTICS DANCE Participants GRADE 3RD YEAR 8
Criteria for Judging GRADE 7 Robot costume (30%) Gracefulness in robotics style (40%) Stage presence (10%) Coordination (20%) TOTAL (100%)
___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature ROBOTICS DANCE Participants GRADE 3RD YEAR 8
Criteria for Judging GRADE 7 Robot costume (30%) Gracefulness in robotics style
(40%) Stage presence (10%) Coordination (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Criteria for Judging Scientific thought and engineering labels 1. scientific thought a. brief and clear statement of the problem b. well defined procedure 2. engineering goals a. clear and relevant objective/s b. economically feasible solutions 3. potential contribution/ practical value (30%)
Creativity, resourcefulness and inventiveness (30%) 1. Creative ability in presenting the problem / in the approach to solve the problem 2. innovative design / new idea shown 3. intelligence and imagination in finding ways/ means to undertake the project Thoughtfulness (15%) 1. familiarity with scientific literature in the relative field 2. awareness of other approaches or theories 3. appropriateness of methodology Research skill (15%) 1. use of laboratory equipment / innovative resources 2. appropriate, orderly and effective presentation of data Oral presentation skill (10%) 1. clear and thorough discussion of the project 2. clarity and conciseness of explanation pertaining to important aspects of the research proposal 3. presentation aided by audio visual materials 4. overall personality a. self confidence b. enthusiasm TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Criteria for Judging Scientific thought and engineering labels 1. scientific thought a. brief and clear statement of the problem b. well defined procedure 2. engineering goals a. clear and relevant objective/s b. economically feasible solutions 3. potential contribution/ practical value (30%)
Creativity, resourcefulness and inventiveness (30%) 1. Creative ability in presenting the problem / in the approach to solve the problem 2. innovative design / new idea shown 3. intelligence and imagination in finding ways/ means to undertake the project Thoughtfulness (15%) 1. familiarity with scientific literature in the relative field 2. awareness of other approaches or theories 3. appropriateness of methodology Research skill (15%)
1. use of laboratory equipment / innovative resources 2. appropriate, orderly and effective presentation of data Oral presentation skill (10%) 1. clear and thorough discussion of the project 2. clarity and conciseness of explanation pertaining to important aspects of the research proposal 3. presentation aided by audio visual materials 4. overall personality a. self confidence b. enthusiasm TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature SCIENCE INVESTIGATORY PROJECT (LIFE SCIENCE CATEGORY) Participants (30%)
Criteria for Judging Scientific thought and engineering labels 1. scientific thought a. brief and clear statement of the problem b. well defined procedure 2. engineering goals a. clear and relevant objective/s b. economically feasible solutions 3. potential contribution/ practical value
Creativity, resourcefulness and inventiveness (30%) 1. Creative ability in presenting the problem / in the approach to solve the problem 2. innovative design / new idea shown 3. intelligence and imagination in finding ways/ means to undertake the project Thoughtfulness (15%) 1. familiarity with scientific literature in the relative field 2. awareness of other approaches or theories 3. appropriateness of methodology Research skill (15%) 1. use of laboratory equipment / innovative resources 2. appropriate, orderly and effective presentation of data Oral presentation skill (10%) 1. clear and thorough discussion of the project 2. clarity and conciseness of explanation pertaining to important aspects of the research proposal 3. presentation aided by audio visual materials 4. overall personality a. self confidence b. enthusiasm TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Criteria for Judging Scientific thought and engineering labels 1. scientific thought a. brief and clear statement of the problem b. well defined procedure 2. engineering goals a. clear and relevant objective/s b. economically feasible solutions 3. potential contribution/ practical value (30%)
Creativity, resourcefulness and inventiveness (30%) 1. Creative ability in presenting the problem / in the approach to solve the problem 2. innovative design / new idea shown 3. intelligence and imagination in finding ways/ means to undertake the project Thoughtfulness (15%) 1. familiarity with scientific literature in the relative field 2. awareness of other approaches or theories 3. appropriateness of methodology Research skill (15%) 1. use of laboratory equipment / innovative resources 2. appropriate, orderly and effective presentation of data
Oral presentation skill (10%) 1. clear and thorough discussion of the project 2. clarity and conciseness of explanation pertaining to important aspects of the research proposal 3. presentation aided by audio visual materials 4. overall personality a. self confidence b. enthusiasm TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Handsomeness (20%) Talent (20%) Intelligence (40%) Costume - indigenous attire (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature SEARCH FOR GINOONG KALIKASAN 2013 Participants GRADE 4TH YEAR GRADE 7 3RD YEAR 8
Handsomeness (20%) Talent (20%) Intelligence (40%) Costume - indigenous attire (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Beauty (20%) Talent (20%) Intelligence (40%) Costume - indigenous attire (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature
Beauty (20%) Talent (20%) Intelligence (40%) Costume - indigenous attire (20%) TOTAL (100%) ___________________________________________ Judges Complete Name & Signature