SGIS Gesunde Ernährung
SGIS Gesunde Ernährung
SGIS Gesunde Ernährung
Learning experiences
Listening Comprehension
Learn the names of vegetables and fruits to extend vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
Examine recipes to explore technical writing
Create food pyramids and categorize food according to nutritional value Write recipes to practice giving directions Track eating habits through a food diary to apply new vocabulary and raise awareness Students create a brochure about healthy eating to showcase their new vocabulary and writing skills.
Practice ordering food in a German restaurant through role-play: Set up a restaurant in class Apply new vocabulary through role-play: Set up a cooking show, children have to create instructions for how to make a food item Apply new vocabulary through role-play
(Gesunde Ernhrung)
1. 2. 3. 4. Lebensmittelpyramide zuordnen Aktivitt: die Selbstreflektion deiner Ernhrung Videos von Schler 1 und Schler 2 Mgliche Materialien sichten entsprechend der unterschiedlichen Lernniveaus 5. Gesprchsrunde
GELB Strkt das Herz & Immunsystem & frdert die Verdauung
(Gesunde Ernhrung)
1. 2. 3. 4. Lebensmittelpyramide zuordnen Aktivitt: die Selbstreflektion deiner Ernhrung Videos von Schler 1 und Schler 2 Mgliche Materialien sichten entsprechend der unterschiedlichen Lernniveaus 5. Gesprchsrunde
Reading Comprehension
Read articles about various famous artists, including Picasso and Cezanne to extend and practice grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary
Students practice descriptive writing to describe shapes, colors and feelings
Students present artwork in front of a small group or whole class to practice analysis and public speaking Present own artwork to the class to practice giving and accepting critical feedback
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- Baum - Sense - Augen
1. 2. 3. 4.
The Double-Sided Notebook Video Mglicher Einstieg Mgliche Materialien sichten entsprechend der unterschiedlichen Lernniveaus Gesprchsrunde