Ergo June 30
Ergo June 30
Ergo June 30
Railway police arrest two for stealing
jewellery from passengers
Indian soccer may have suffered its worst body blow yet with Bharti
Enterprise, which promised to invest Rs 100 crore, now rethinking its
investment following wranglings within AIFF, reports Ayon Sengupta. » PAGE 09
02 NAMMA CHENNAI ERGO Tuesday, June 30, 2009
20% off
Fastrack is offering 20 per cent discount on all its watches and
sunglasses. The watches post-discount are priced from Rs. 475 and
sunglasses at Rs. 555. The offer is valid till July 26 and available at all
World of Titan showrooms and Titan Plus outlets.
he Government Railway Po-
lice (GRP) on Monday ar-
rested two men who
travelled in AC 2-tier train
compartments and stole gold je-
wellery and valuables from co-
Eric Miller (right), Director, World passengers. The men struck over
Storytelling Institute, at a workshop. 30 times in various trains in the
PHOTO: V. GANESAN state and had fled with 352 sover-
eigns of gold. A total of 285.5 sov-
ereigns of stolen gold jewellery
were recovered from the duo,
making it the biggest seizure by
GRP in the last five years.
Following repeated complaints
from train passengers over the
loss of valuables from 2-tier AC
compartments, special teams
were formed under the supervi-
sion of the Superintendent of Po-
lice (Railways), Chennai, to nab
the culprits.
Meanwhile, on Monday morn-
ing two unidentified persons at-
tempted to rob a 40-year-old
women passenger at knifepoint
on platform no. 1 of Chennai A section of the recovered jewellery. PHOTO: R. SHIVAJI RAO
Central station. Police personnel
on the premises rushed in to ap- alias Amarnath Jaiswal (43), who the loot. The victims would not
prehend the duo after the victim used to buy AC 2-tier tickets in even realise that they had been
raised an alarm. trains after registering fake robbed till they went home or
Upon questioning, the men ad- names and addresses. opened their bags,” said S. Ma-
mitted to the crime and also vari- “After boarding the train they noharan, Superintendent of Po-
ous other thefts from rail would wait for the passengers to lice (Railways), Chennai.
passengers in the state over the fall asleep at night and in the dark The accused were remanded to
last two years. The duo from Ran- open their bags and extract all custody and sent to Puzhal pris-
chi in Jharkhand were identified items of value from them, secure on. Police is conducting further
by police as Rajan alias Rajan the luggage again to prevent any investigations to ascertain if
Ram Srivastava (47) and Amar sign of break-in and decamp with more people are involved. ■
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
harmo Rakshathi Rakshith – the business when they were in back and they opened up branches
When you protect your duty, their early 20s. In mid-70s, T.V.S. in Mumbai, Bangalore, Coimba-
you get protected by the du- Giri along with his sons and daugh- tore, Madurai and Mylapore, Adyar
ty. ters – Sharada Prakash and Mee- and Nanganallurin in Chennai.
This has been the philosophy of nakshi Balu – opened a 200 sq ft The devotional song cassette
Giri Trading Agency Pvt. Ltd. – an shop in Mylapore, next to the Kapa- business prompted one of the
epitome of rags to riches. The com- leeshwar Temple. They got a small brothers, Aiyapan, to begin music
pany was started by T.V.S. Giri and space inside the temple and sold company, Gitaa Cassettes, in the
is popular for books on philosophy, minimal pooja items like camphor, early 1980s. By chance they started
mythology, slokas and devotional kumkum and vibhuti along with a radio station, SS International in
songs. Its first shop opened in 1976. books. early 1991 and it ran until 1999.
Ranganathan Giri, MD However, the family The Gitaa Cassettes Company al-
of the company and did face their own so picked up simultaneously. “Till
youngest son of T.V.S. hardships in nurturing now we have together released over
Giri, says, “It was dur- the business. “My 300 cassettes and CDs of various ar-
ing the early 50s. My brothers used to cycle tistes from Madurai Mani Iyer to
father wanted to buy a to Parrys Corner, Thi- M.D. Ramanathan to S.P. Balasu-
sandhya vandanam ruvanmiyur, T. Nagar brahmanyam to Nithyasree to P.
book for one of his from Mylapore to buy Susheela.”
friend’s son’s thread ceremony in goods from the wholesale market. Giri Trading was registered in
Mumbai. He couldn’t find one The rest of the stuff was sent to 1993 and from its inception they
there and this triggered him to start Mumbai. And in Mumbai, my sis- have clients from all over the world.
selling traditional books in the city. ters used to take books in baskets to Currently the company, handled by
He immediately took a trip to Ma- sell in stores,” recalls Ranganathan. the second generation, is guided by
dras and bought a few books to sell Chairman T.S. Raghavan, COO E.
in the Matunga Railway Station and Branching out Bala and CEO V. Subramanian.
soon he had a shack in a nearby By late 80s, they got popular. Ranganathan sums up, “We plan to
street. This went on for nearly 20 Ranganathan says, “We opened our go into private equity and we are
years.” first showroom in Mumbai in 1990 seriously thinking of starting anoth-
The stores in Mumbai and and another shop in Mylapore in er branch overseas.” ■
Chennai; (inset) TVS Giri, Battling odds 1991. We began selling all pooja (Made in Chennai is a column that
founder, Giri Trading Agency Ranganathan’s older siblings – items, veshtis for Shabarimala pil- showcases the evolution of home-
Kashi Vishwanathan, T. S. Aiyapan, grims and eventually devotional grown businesses)
1954 – Footpath shop started in Mumbai near
Matunga Railway Station
1976 – First shop in Mylapore
1983-84 – Gitaa Cassettes music company launched
1990 – First showroom in Mumbai
1991 – Radio station SS International launched
1993 – Giri Trading Agency Pvt Ltd registered
2007 – Mylapore shop expanded into 3 floors
04 TECHNORAMA ERGO Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bing is a competitor. We have absolutely looked
at Bing; we have actually studied what they do
as Microsoft studied what Google does
Eric Schmidt, Google CEO
GREAT KIT FOR LESS Can’t afford the best? Then check out the rest...
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NIKON D90 Olympus E-520
The Nikon contains 12.3-megapixels, a PANASONIC DMC-L10 Sony DSLR A350K Bargain seekers could do a lot
self-cleaning device for dust removal, Here, your money gets you ten At the more budget end of the DSLR worse than this ten-megapixel
and it starts up in a ridiculously fast megapixels – that’s more than enough spectrum comes this Sony, with a camera with a shooting speed
0.15 seconds. Not too shabby. Not too for most users – face detection for up chunky 14-megapixels, a 2.7-inch screen of 3.5fps and a built-in image
cheap, either … to 15 visages, and a 2.5inch LCD to and an anti-dust system. That’s value stabiliser to stave off
Rs 72,995, frame it all on. for money. wobblevision.
TBC, Rs 49,990, Rs 39,990,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Firefox add-ons available as collections
It has just become easier for Firefox users to acquire helpful extensions for the browser. The creators of Mozilla have now released a
series of add-on collections for free at Registered users also have the option of publishing their personal
add-on packages on the website for others to access. That includes the option for commentary about why the extensions are so useful.
Health games
become serious business
ideogames were once With interest in
blamed for rising obesity
rates but are now being health games
championed by the med- rising, the fifth
ical industry and for use by go-
vernment departments for their
annual Games for
health benefits. Health Conference
Games like Electronic Arts’ in Boston
“EA Sports Active” and Ninten-
do’s “Wii Fit” have got players expanded to 390
of all ages moving - and game people this year
developers and investors look-
ing for hot new titles to cash in
from 100, including
on this booming segment of the developers,
market. investors and
Big John Games’ upcoming
“Butt Kicker” Nintendo DSi medical experts
game will provide an action-
based environment in which
players fight against cigarettes The Games for Health Confe-
and "Karate Bears" for Wii rence also showcased how vid-
teaches players real karate rou- eogames are being used to help
tines using the Wii’s motion- doctors and patients alike.
sensor controllers. Serious games developer Vir-
“Healthcare is 18 percent of tual Heroes is working on a new
the GDP of the United States first-person shooter sequel for
and so games for health is Hope Lab’s popular “Re-Mis-
probably the largest sector of sion” game, which has been
activity in the serious games distributed to cancer patients
field long-term,” said Ben Sa- in 81 countries since 2006.
wyer, co-founder of The Games “We’re taking their existing
for Health Project. concept and trying to raise the
“If you add up the 18 month fun bar and creating more life-
sales of “Wii Fit” and the sales like and enjoyable environ-
of “EA Sports Active,” Konami’s ments within the human body,”
“Dance Dance Revolution” and explained Jerry Heneghan, CEO
other healthy games, the world- of Virtual Heroes.
wide retail numbers are over $2 “Players will take control of
billion.” Roxy, the protagonist, and have
Dr. Michael Levine, executive new weapons to battle cancer
director of the Joan Ganz Coo- with thanks to input from can-
ney Center at Sesame Work- cer patients.”
shop, which fosters innovation Virtual Heroes is also updat-
in children’s learning, has just ing its HumanSim technology
released a report looking at with a new human physiology
how digital games can play a engine, technology has been
beneficial and educational role used by Duke Medical Center’s
in health care. nursing school to train nurses
“States’ governors should di- virtually.
rect their school technology of- Heneghan said he hopes this
ficers to look at innovations like software will inspire gamers to
“Dance Dance Revolution” and turn to careers in healthcare
“Wii Fit” as a way to extend the and make people in the med-
reach of physical education and ical profession more proficient
comprehensive health educa- with more grants and funding
tion,” said Dr. Debra Lieber- A guest tries out a Wii Fit Plus flowing into universities for
man, director of Health Games game at an expo in Los Angeles. health games. ■
Research for the foundation. Reuters
06 VILLAGE ERGO Tuesday, June 30, 2009
onder how star soccer “Our studies could help to athletic performance and skill,”
players like Ronaldo streamline selection criteria and explained Wilson.
and Beckham dazzle efficiency by providing a rank “Our studies suggest that skill
fans with their intricate ordering of individuals based is just as important, if not more
footwork and amazing ball con- upon competitive one-on-one important, than athletic ability
trol? Their skill is just as impor- tasks,” said Wilson. in determining performance of
tant, if not more important, Members of the quasi-profes- complex traits, such as perfor-
than athletic ability, according sional UQ Football Club mance on the football field.” ■
to a recent study. (UQFC) were recruited as exper- IANS
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Websites of the day Frogs legs mystery solved
Get your daily dose of Sudoku here:
Scientists think they’ve resolved the mystery
surrounding why some frogs are born with only one
Learn facts about the Guinness World
leg - the deformed animals are the victims of
Records here:
dragonfly nymphs that eat the tadpoles legs.
he economic crisis is turn- - even though, given a choice,
ing more Asian women into many mothers would prefer to
CFOs, or chief family offi- This was stay at home and watch their
cers, according to a new sur- particularly children grow up, Harish said.
vey, juggling work and childcare Some 81 percent of mothers
as they try to boost the family the case in surveyed said they felt so busy
income. the fast-paced these days that they did not
Three in four people in Asia be- spend enough time with their
lieve women are capable of jug- economies children, which Harish said, led
gling work and family of Taiwan, to many moms over-indulging
successfully, the massive survey Singapore and their children to assuage their
of 33,000 people in 16 countries guilt.
showed. Hong Kong, “In many ways, women have
Asian women have long been but less so evolved, while many men still
part of the region’s workforce, maintain a traditional attitude
but the global economic down- in developing and do not acknowledge that
turn has made having a job a ne- countries they need to take part in the
cessity for most, according to the such as child-minding and running the
“Eye on Asia” poll by global mar- house,” Harish said.
keting communications firm Bangladesh, Overall, nearly two-thirds of
Grey Group. Indonesia Asians said they felt society sup-
“This, however, has put a lot of ported working mothers, which,
pressure on many women, who and Vietnam in many cases, meant grandpar-
in addition to having a career, ents taking care of the children.
must also take on the role of chief The survey polled 33,000 peo-
family officer,” Charu Harish, re- ple in 16 countries: Australia,
gional communications planning and employee, which puts them 90 per cent said it was necessary Pacific respondents worry about Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong,
director for Grey Group Asia Pa- in an unfair, and little recognised for mothers to work to contribute their finances and were saving for India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,
cific, said. position.” to the family income, especially the future. Malaysia, New Zealand, the Phi-
“Because of the traditional atti- According to the survey, one of in the current economic climate. Over three-quarters believed lippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
tudes, women feel they must be the largest snapshots of opinions The same survey found that a women were capable of doing Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. ■
the picture-perfect wife, mother and trends in the region, nearly majority - 86 per cent - of Asia both - taking care of the family Reuters
ive-time world cham- cio then rose at the far post to kind of pressure.” Robinho, Felipe Melo, Mai- Hansson waved play on.
pions Brazil came from head in a corner from substi- A capacity crowd in Johan- con and Andre Santos were all After Kaka’s effort, there was
two goals down to defeat tute Elano to wreck US dreams nesburg’s Ellis Park stadium foiled by Howard, but the Ever- some desperate defending by
the United States 3-2 in and give the Selecao a third saw Brazil begin strongly, but ton keeper could do nothing to the US as the Brazilians began
the final of the Confederations Confederations Cup title after then go behind in the 10th prevent Luis Fabiano getting to dominate, but the Ameri-
Cup in Johannesburg. wins in 1997 and 2005. minute when Fulham midfiel- Brazil back in the game in the cans enjoyed a brief spell of
Captain Lucio headed an “This means everything to der Dempsey opened the scor- 46th minute. possession midway through
84th-minute winner after two me,” Lucio said. “When Brazil ing as he neatly glanced in a Despite the close attention the half and first Donovan and
second-half goals by Luis Fa- wins then I thank God. God is cross from Jonathan Spector of Jay DeMerit, the striker swi- then Dempsey tested Julio Ce-
biano on Sunday to ensure a the only one who knows, I for his third goal of the tourna- velled on the edge of the area sar with shots from outside the
successful title defence for Bra- thank God for having the op- ment. Donovan then stunned to find enough room to fire a area.
zil, who had been stunned by portunity to give joy to the the favourites with a fine sec- shot past Howard into the cor- US resistance was finally
first-half goals for the United country.” ond on the break in the 27th ner of the net. broken in the 74th minute
States from Clint Dempsey and American captain Carlos Bo- minute, in which he fed Char- Howard again came to the when Fabiano headed in after
Landon Donovan. The US canegra said that their side had lie Davies on the left on a run rescue when he dived to stop a Robinho had turned a Kaka
came close to a first title in a simply run out of steam. “I from inside his own half, took Lucio header from a corner, cross from the left onto the un-
senior Fifa competition, after think after putting in such a the return and cut inside Ra- but was fortunate when a Kaka derside of the bar for his fifth
taking a two-goal lead, but Bra- terrific first half performance, mires before hitting a left foot header deflected off the keep- goal of the tournament. With
zil were rewarded for second- we simply ran out of steam in shot past Julio Cesar in goal. er’s gloves onto the underside six minutes remaining, Brazil
half pressure with Fabiano’s the second,” he said. “The Bra- At the other end goalkeeper of the bar. Kaka appealed for a clinched victory when substi-
goals in the 46th and 74th min- zilians just came at us and that Tim Howard kept the US ahead goal and television replays tute Elano swung in a corner
utes taking his tally to five for is why they are some of the with a series of fine saves as showed the ball had crossed from the right and Lucio rose
the tournament. best players in the world. It is Brazil desperately tried to get the line before Howard got to it to head powerfully just inside
Bayern Munich defender Lu- very difficult to withstand that back in the game. but Swedish referee Martin the far post. ■
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I love Origin football and for me, with Origin football comes a few beers. I was
wrapped up in watching football and then when I got back (from the pub) I
knew then (my career was over).
Andrew Symonds
Languishing nowhere
AIFF fails to mend its ways as football in India suffers time and again
AYON SENGUPTA children in rural India,” a statement from The federation, still headed by former
[email protected] the group read. “Given our deep com- Union Minister Priya Ranjan Das Munshi,
mitment to the education programme, who has been in coma for almost a year
othing’s going to change for the we have decided to put the football a- now, has also failed to appoint a CEO for
better in Indian football. The irre- cademy project on hold for now.” its “professional” I-League. “A profes-
sponsible All-India Football Feder- The proposed academy, which had al- sional League needs a CEO and we have
ation running the show in the so drawn interest from Manchester Unit- passed a resolution in this regard but we
same lackadaisical way for the last many ed on a technical level, had run into are yet to finalise a choice. We also dis-
years has again failed to hold on to an rough weather at the very beginning. A cussed it in our last executive committee
olive branch dangled by a sympathetic tussle between Goan football chiefs and meeting in early June,” AIFF vice-presi-
corporate. also state ministers made it virtually im- dent Subrata Dutta said. “We will sort it
Bharti Enterprise had promised to possible for the AIFF to take possession out soon.”
pump in investment worth Rs. 100 crore of the land. A decision to move the acad- Even the club licensing system, neces-
for a modern football academy for the emy, first to Tamil Nadu and then Harya- sary for AFC Champions League partici-
federation in Goa a year ago. But infight- na, also bore no fruit. While no suitable pation, has not been followed
ing between AIFF officials and their in- land was found in Tamil Nadu, the Ha- thoroughly. According to AFC criteria,
ability to acquire land had already ryana Football Association headed by clubs in India have to be separate legal
landed the project in doldrums. And the state Chief Minister’s son Deepender and commercial entities. But interesting-
now, if officials from Bharti are to be Singh Hooda (a Lok Sabha member) also ly, I-League side Air India still hasn’t ful-
believed, the project has been complete- failed to allocate any land, months after filled the criterion of being an
ly scrapped. they made a proposal to AIFF and Bharti. independent commercial entity and is
“At this point we are focused on roll- “It’s a big setback for us. The academy still a government-owned club with AIFF
ing out the Satya Bharti School Program would have solved a lot of our problems acting president Praful Patel as its head.
through the Bharti Foundation, the phil- and set an agenda for future growth,” With problems on every side, the AIFF
anthropic arm of Bharti group. Under an AIFF official said on condition of ano- is desperately trying to find a silver lin-
this programme we are providing free nymity. “But we haven’t given up all ing, banking on the senior national
quality education to underprivileged hope. Our acting president Praful Patel is team’s success at the 2011 Asia Cup. But
set to meet Sunil Mittal, chairman and with little government grants and practi-
CEO of Bharti Enterprises, to sort out the cally no corporate support that too looks
issues.” a distant dream right now. ■
Indian players celebrate their AFC
Challenge Cup win, which gave them
a ticket to the main round of the
10 FLICK ERGO Tuesday, June 30, 2009
fter a dull response to out what I have learnt from
his previous releases them (Kareena and Katrina)
8X10 Tasveer and yet, but yes, working with
Chandni Chowk to them was a learning experi-
China, Akshay Kumar is ence,” says the actor, who
looking forward to Kam- has also teamed up with Pri-
bakkht Ishq to turn the tide. yanka Chopra, Deepika Pa-
The film releases this Friday dukone and Ayesha Takia.
and stars Kareena Kapoor Akshay plays a Hollywood
opposite him. stuntman in Kambakkht
Ask Akshay to compare Ishq, which also boasts of
Kareena with Katrina Kaif, big Hollywood names like
his other favourite co-star, Sylvester Stallone, Denise
and he says, “Both Kareena Richards and Brandon
and Katrina are really good Routh – working with whom
but who is the better among has been a “dream come
them depends on their roles true” for the actor.
in the films. Otherwise, both In the film, Akshay has
of them have sexy bodies done what he is best at – ac-
and are absolutely wonder- tion and daredevilry – so-
ful actresses,” says Akshay. mething that had taken a
Akshay has done four backseat in his career for a
films with Katrina, including while.
Namastey London and Singh “I decided to stop doing
Is Kinng, while he has stunts till Aarav (son) turns
worked with Kareena in five at least six. Now I’m back at
that include hits Ajnabee it again. In Blue, which is an
and Aitraaz. action thriller, I have done
“In Kambakkht Ishq, Ka- some death-defying stunts,
reena has performed very like the one where I had to
well. Her character required swim 150 feet underwater
to answer back at me and be with 30-40 sharks. But I will
strong and she has por- talk about it sometime lat-
trayed it in a powerful, yet er,” he said.
lovable way. On the other At the moment, the 41-
hand, even Katrina was real- year-old actor is pinning
ly good in Namastey Lon- hopes on Sajid Nadiadwa-
don. So it’s not really about la’s Kambakkht Ishq. “I’m
my choice... it all depends expecting great response for
on their roles,” the actor this film. Though I had
says. worked very hard in Chand-
Akshay, who has spent ni Chowk... , the response
more than 18 years in the didn’t turn out to be as ex-
Hindi film industry, says pected. Some people and
acting with a new league of critics didn’t like it and 8X10
actresses is a learning expe- Tasveer was more like an art
rience. film, which has a niche mar-
“As a senior actor, I don’t ket in India. Kambakkht
always have to give out tips Ishq is a complete entertain-
to the younger ones. In fact, er and I hope the audience
I feel I can learn a lot from appreciates it,” he says.
the younger generation be- Apart from Kambakkht
cause they have new ways of Ishq, Akshay will also be
acting and a different ap- seen in Blue, De Dana Dan
proach to work. and Action Replay. ■
I cannot particularly point IANS
Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor pose during a promotional event of Kambakkht Ishq in Mumbai recently. PTI PHOTO
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Russell Crowe leaves 600-pound tip
Russell Crowe left behind a 600-pound tip during a recent trip to a
small bar in South Wales. He also gave a pleasant surprise to the
people present by playing several songs on his guitar with his friends.
The Gladiator star had gone with co-stars to Carew Inn near Tenby for
a toast from his side.
‘Jennifer Aniston’s
a friend’
12 ERGO Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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■ Dear Deeps,
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Prem Kumar,
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14 TRAFFIC JAM ERGO Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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