No More Tension - Easiest Way - Ten Yoga Poses - TRY THIS
No More Tension - Easiest Way - Ten Yoga Poses - TRY THIS
No More Tension - Easiest Way - Ten Yoga Poses - TRY THIS
The following are a list of poses that when performed in combination with mindfulness and breathing
techniques can draw your body out of the sympathetic (stress response) nervous system and into the
parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response), thereby reducing the health risks associated with
chronic stress. Although these poses are considered therapeutic, always move into and out of each pose
slowly and mindfully to avoid injury. As you hold each pose focus on your breath. Notice the quality
of your breath (short, full, fast, slow, in your belly, in your chest). As you become more mindful of your
breath it will naturally slow down. Experiment with lengthening the exhale, or pausing between each
inhale and exhale. Try mindfully sending the breath to parts of your body that are holding tension and
as you exhale visualize that area “letting go”.
8) Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose): Actively 9) Supported Child’s Pose: Resting the up-
opening the chest Lie down on your back per back and releasing the neck. Sit on a folded
with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart. blanket with your knees bent and your feet under
Roll the shoulders under and reach the hands your buttocks. Separate your knees more than hip-
towards the feet, keeping the little finger side width apart and bring your feet together. Bring your
of the hands on the floor. On the exhalation, torso forward, resting it on a stair-stepped arrange-
raise the buttocks, lifting the sternum towards ment of blankets or a bolster, adjusted to a comfort-
the chin. Elongate the back of the neck with- able height. Pull the support into your belly. Drop
out pushing it into the floor; you want the your chin towards your chest as you rest your head.
neck to stretch, not flatten. Interlocking the You may want an additional blanket to support your
fingers on the ground under the back helps forehead, but continue to lengthen the neck. Drop-
to roll the shoulder blades under and is an ping the chin to the chest provides a gentle stretch
interesting variation. Relax the facial muscles to the back of the neck, right below the skull. The
and jaw, breathe deeply, and come down on arms should rest on the floor, palms down, elbows
an exhalation. This pose is not appropriate bent, hands near the head.
during the second half of pregnancy, or if you
have been diagnosed with spondylolysis or
Ten Yoga Poses for Tension Relief, Continued
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