Daewoo Engine D1146-T-TI Shop Manual
Daewoo Engine D1146-T-TI Shop Manual
Daewoo Engine D1146-T-TI Shop Manual
This is the Diesel Engine Maintenance manual of D1146, D1146T, D1146TI Diesel Engines produced by Daewoo Heavy Industries Co.
D1146, D1146T, D1146TI Diesel Engines (In-line, 6 cylinders, 4 stroke, direct injection type) have been so designed and manufactured to be used for the overland transport or industrial purpose. They meet all the requirements such as quiet operation, fuel economy, excellent
durability at high speed running condition and so on, and accordingly are more economical and outstanding engines with high efficiency than any others. For the contents for maintenance explained in detail by means of illustrations and graphs, we wish all the relevant person will consult with this manual in needs, securing it sufficiently.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication approval. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice, and if you have any questions on its contents or maintenance, please feel free to contact with our service line.
1. General Information
1.1. Engine Characteristics
Toroidal combustion system developed by Daewoo Heavy Industries Co.
The main design features of this system are the combustion chamber arranged in the center of the piston and the swirling passage in the cylinder head.
Due to the swirling passage, the air entering the cylinder through the helical port designed specially during intake stroke is imparted a strong rotary motion in the combustion chamber and the complicated turbulence motion created by the swirl produced during compression stroke and strong squish flow makes the fuel be mixed more sufficiently with air.
During the power stroke, the fuel injected from a multi-orifice nozzle is mixed sufficiently with air for complete combustion, so that the improvement of performance is achieved.
Engine with the Toroidal combustion system are characterized by their quiet running, high flexibility and very low specific fuel and oil consumption.
Combustion Chamber Toroidal Combustion Chamber Fuel Injection Bore B Stroke- No. of Cyl. Total Displacement Compression Ratio Maximum Output Maximum Torque Injection Timing Firing Order Injection Pump Type Governor Type Timer Type Injection Nozzle Type Feed Pump Type Intake Valve Open At Intake Valve Close At Exhaust Valve Open At Exhaust Valve Close At Oil Pump Oil Cooler Fuel Filter Oil Capacity Coolant Capacity Thermostat Alternator Starter :V-I : V - kW Direct Injection Type 111mm B 139mm - 6 8,071 cc 17.6 : 1 182PS / 2,500 rpm 57.5 kg.m/1,600 rpm 15 BTDC 1-5-3-6-2-4 NP-PE 6AD95 B412 RS2 NP-EP/RFD200/1650AF9CHL NP-EP/SP700-1250 B4R DLLA150S312 NP-FP/KE ADS BTDC 16 ABDC 36 NP-PE 6P120/721RS3000 KP-PE 6AD100 B412 RS2 NP-EP/RFD200/1650PF9CZR NP-EP/SP950-1150Z4R DLLA150S1064 NP-FP/K-P KP-EP/RLD250-1400A1FXL KP-EP/SA700-1100B3DR LUCAS DPN5227 KP-FP/KE ADS 17.2 : 1 238PS / 2,300 rpm 80 kg.m/1,400 rpm 11 BTDC 16.7 : 1 205PS / 2,200 rpm 75 kg.m/1,400 rpm 9 BTDC
Gear Type Water - Cooled Double Element Type 15.5 M (In Oil Pan ) 11 M Wax-Pallet 24V-25A (For Industrial Use) 24V-45kW Cartridge Type
Fuel Cousumption
1.3.2. D1146T
ps kW
160 120
170 160
1.3.3. D1146TI
g/kW.h g/ps . h
Fuel Cousumption Revolution(rpm) Performance Creteria Output(Max.) Torque(Max.) Fuel Cousumption Ratio(Min.)
13 22
24 4
8. Cylinder Head 9. Oil Filter 10. Oil Cooler 11. Oil Pan 12. Oil Dipstick 13. Water Pipe 14. Water Pump 15. Exhaust Manifold 16. Intake Manifold 17. Intake Stake 18. Injection Pump 19. Injection Pump Bracket
3 15 8
1.4.2. D1146T
1. Fuel Filter
15 25
19 2
3 5
5.Water Pump 6. Cooling Fan 7. V-Belt 8. Vibration Damper 9. Timing Gear Case Cover 10. Oil Pan 11. Oil Dipstick 12. Oil Filter 13. Flywheel Housing 14. Fuel Injection Pump
15. Fuel Hose 16. Exhaust Manifold 17. Cylinder Head Cover
13 14 12 10
16 17
21. Starter 22. Cylinder Block 23. Oil Cooler 24. Cooling Water Pipe
21 23 11
3. Breather
13 26
28 4
8. Cylinder Head 9. Oil Filter 10. Oil Cooler 11. Oil Pan 12. Oil Dipstick 13. Water Pipe 14. Water Pump 15. Exhaust Manifold 16. Intake Manifold 17. Intake Stake 18. Turbocharger
19. Air Pipe (T/C-A/P) 20. Air Pipe (A/P-I/C) 21. Injection Pump
3 15 8
22. Injection Pump Bracket 23. Fuel Filter 24. Starter 25. Air Heater 26. Air Compressor
2. Major Maintenance
2.1. Preventive Maintenance
2.1.1. Coolant
1) Check the coolant level of the radiator by removing the radiator filler cap, and add coolant if necessary. 2) Check the pressure valve opening pressure using a radiator cap tester. Replace the radiator filler cap assembly if the measured value does not reach the specified limit (0.5 kg/cm2). 3) When injecting antifreeze solution, first drain out the old coolant from the cylinder block and radiator, and then clean them with cleaning solution. 4) Be sure to mix soft water with antifreeze solution . 5) A proportion of antifreeze is represented as the ratio of antifreeze in volume, and antifreeze must be added according to each ambient temperature as described below: Cooling Water(%) 85 80 73 67 60 56 50
Antifreeze Solution(%) 15 20 27 33 40 44 50
Freezing Point(C) -10 or above -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -40
6 If you add antifreeze in excess of 50% in volume, the engine may be overheated. Avoid this. 6 As the individual freezing points corresponding to the above proportions of antifreeze are subject to change slightly according to the kind of antifreeze, you must follow the specifications provided by the antifreeze manufacturer. 6) As the ratio of antifreeze in the mixture decreases each time new coolant is added to make up for the loss in old coolant resulting from engine operation, check the mix ratio with every replenishment of coolant, and top up as necessary. 7) To prevent corrosion or air bubbles in the coolant path, be sure to add a specific additive, i.e. corrosion inhibitor, to the coolant.
Type : INHIBITOR (DCA4, DCA65L ... ) Mix ratio : 1.5M of inhibitor to 50M of coolant
(Namely, add corrosion inhibitor amounting to 3% of water capacity.) 8) Add antifreeze of at least 5% in volume to prevent possible engine corrosion in hot weather.
- 10 -
3) Cut off fuel circulation, rotate the starter, then measure compression pressure in each cylinder. 6 Testing conditions: Coolant temperature, 20C Engine rpm, 200 rpm (10 turns)
- 11 -
2.1.12. Battery
1) Check the battery for damage or leaking of battery fluid(electrolyte) from cracks on the battery. Replace the battery if damaged. 2) Check battery fluid level and add distilled water if necessary. 3) Measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte in the battery. Recharge the battery if the hydrometer readings are lower than the specified limit(1.12~1.28)
- 12 -
Too low
Replenish or recharge
No fuel
Retighten or replace
Too low
No fuel injection
Repair or replace
Retighten or replace
Repair or replace
Clean or replace
Air bleeding
- 13 -
2. Engine Overheating
Cooling system
Fuel system
Too low
Repair or replace
Check thermostat
Retighten or repair
Overhaul engine
Check radiator
Repair or replace
Repair or replace
- 14 -
3. Lack of Power
Fuel system
Clean or replace
Clean or replace
Check fuel filter element and overflow valve Normal Normal Replace Check valve clearance Check injection piping Normal Normal Repair or replace Check cylinder head gasket for break Check injection nozzle(injection pressure, nozzle spray patterns, etc.) Adjust Adjust
Adjust or replace
- 15 -
Too low
Too high
Adjust or replace
- 16 -
Oil leakage
Retighten or replace
Adjust or replace
- 17 -
Retighten or replace
- 18 -
7. Engine Knocks(Excessive)
Check fuel and oil burning(Check carbon deposit from exhaust gas)
Check compression pressure Overhaul engine Normal Check injection timing Too low
Replace or adjust
Overhaul engine
Harness, switch
Repair or replace
Normal Check battery fluid specs. Damaged battery case Battery discharged Battery overcharged
Adjust or replace
- 19 -
Complaint 1) Difficulty in engine starting (1) Trouble in starter (2) Trouble in fuel system (3) Lack of compression pressure
2 3 4
Valves holding open, skewed valve Check valve and valve seat, stem Valve springs damaged Leaky cylinder head gasket Worn pistons, piston ring, or liner Wrong injection timing Air in injection pump then repair or replace Replace valve springs Replace gasket Replace Adjust Air bleeding
1 2
1 2 3 4
Valve clearance incorrect Valve poorly seated Leaky cylinder head gasket Piston rings worn, sticking, or damaged
5 6 7
Volume of fuel delivery insufficient Adjust injection pump Nozzle injection pressure incorrect Adjust or replace nozzles or nozzles seized Feed pump faulty Restrictions in fuel pipes Volume of intake air insufficient Compression pressure insufficient Injection timing incorrect
8 9 10
Repair or replace Repair Clean or replace air cleaner Overhaul engine Adjust
1 2 3 4 5
Volume of fuel delivery insufficient Adjust injection pump Injection pump timer faulty Nozzle injection pressure or spray angle incorrect Repair or replace Repair or replace
6 7
Feed pump faulty Volume of intake air insufficient Lack of engine oil or poor oil Lack of coolant
Repair or replace Clean or replace air cleaner Replenish or replace Replenish or replace
4) Engine overheating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fan belts slipping, worn or damaged Adjust or replace Water pump faulty Thermostat inoperative Valve clearance incorrect Back pressure in exhaust line Repair or replace Replace Adjust Clean or replace
- 20 -
It is important to correctly locate the causes of noise since generally noises may originate from various engine components such as rotating parts, sliding parts, etc. (1) Crankshaft
Replace bearings and grind crankshaft Grind or replace crankshaft Clean oil path Replace bearings and grind crankshaft Replace bearings
2 3
Crankshaft worn out-of-round Restrictions in oil ports and resultant lack of oil supply
2 3 4
Piston clearance excessive due to Replace pistons and piston worn piston and piston rings rings Replace pistons and piston rings
3 4 5
Piston seized up Piston poorly seated Piston rings damaged Crankshaft and/or thrust bearing worn
Replace pistons Replace pistons Replace piston rings Replace thrust bearings
(4) Others
2 3 4 5 6
Camshaft end play excessive Idle gear end play excessive Timing gear backlash excessive Valve clearance excessive Tappets and cams worn
Replace thrust plate Replace thrust washers Adjust or replace Adjust valve clearance Replace tappets and camshaft
1 2 3 4
Gear selection inadequate(frequent Select gears correctly use of low gears) according to load
- 21 -
Complaint 7) High oil consumption (1) Oil leaking into combustion chamber
2 1
Clearance between cylinder liner and piston excessive Piston rings and ring grooves worn excessively
3 4 5
Piston rings broken, worn, or sticking Replace piston rings Piston rings gaps set incorrectly Piston skirt portion broken, worn excessively Correct Replace pistons
7 8
Oil ring seated incorrectly Breather piping restricted Valve stems and valve guide loose excessively
2 3
Valve stem seals worn Leaky cylinder head gasket Applicable parts loosened Applicable packings worn Oil seals worn
Replace seals Replace gasket Replace or repair gasket Replace packings Replace oil seals
1 2 3
- 22 -
- 23 -
3.1.6. V-Belt
1) Loosen the tension adjusting bolts of the alternator and the idle pulley, and take off the V-belts.
3.1.7. Thermostat
1) Loosen the rubber hose connected to the cooling. Water pipe, and remove the thermostat. 2) Remove the rubber hose of the by-pass line.
3.1.8. Starter
1) Unscrew the starter fixing nuts and remove the starter as taking care not to damage it.
- 24 -
<Fig. 6> Breather Pipe (On The Cylinder Head Cover) Breather Pipe
3.1.11. Alternator
1) Remove the alternator fixing bolts and take off the alternator.
- 25 -
3) Unscrew the idle pulley fixing bolts and take off the idle pulley.
<Fig.12> Idle Pulley Disassembling 4) Unscrew the air compressor fixing bolts and remove the bracket. 5) Unscrew the power steering pump fixing bolts and remove the power steering pump.
- 26 -
<Fig. 15> Injection Pipe Removal 2) Install a special jig on the nozzle holder, and then pull out the nozzle as striking the hammer of the jig backwardly. (Take care not to damage the nozzle at disassembly) 3) Take out the seal ring from the nozzle hole of the cylinder head and discard it.
- 27 -
- 28 -
<Fig.21> Rocker Arm Disassembling 3) Optional Disassembly (1) Remove the snap rings from the both ends of rocker arm shaft by means of a piler. (2) Remove the washer, rocker arm, bracket and spring from the rocker arm shaft in sequence. (3) Press out the rocker arm bush. (When reassembling the bush, cool the bush in dry ice and press the bush while aligning the bush with the oil hole of the rocker arm)
- 29 -
<Fig. 23> Cylinder Head Bolt Removal 2) Keep the removed bolts in place to avoid damage. 3) Hoist the cylinder head carefully and put it sidewards. 4) Remove the gasket and discard it. 5) Be sure that gasket residue does not remain on the surfaces of the cylinder head and cylinder block. (besides, the gasket joining surfaces should be free from any scar) 6) Optional Disassembly (1) Place the cylinder head assembly on a individual shelf. (2) As pressing the valve spring with a special tool, remove the cotter pin, valve spring.
- 30 -
(3) Take out the intake and exhaust valves. (4) For removal of valve seat, apply welding bead to the valve seat, and pull out the valve seat with a special tool. (5) The disassembled parts are to be kept laid in turn. (6) Remove the valve stem seals. (7) By means of a special tool, punch, pull out the valve guide.
- 31 -
3.1.29. Piston
1) Unscrew the bolts clamping the connectingrod bearing cap on reverse sequence of assembling sequence while taking the same steps as disassembling way of cylinder head bolts.
- 32 -
2) As tapping the upper and lower portions of the bearing cap with a urethane hammer, remove the bearing cap and take off the bearing inside. 3) Disassemble the piston assembly by pushing the connecting-rod with a wooden bar toward cylinder head side from oil pan side. 4) Prevent disassembled piston assembly from being interchanged or colliding with each other. 5) Semi-Assemble the bearing caps to their respective connecting-rod to avoid their interchange.
6) Optional Disassembly of Piston (1) Remove the snap rings by means of a plier.
(2) Heat the piston with a electric heater, then take out the piston pin from the piston as tapping it with a round wooden bar.
<Fig.31> Piston Pin Removal (3) Remove the piston ring with a plier.
<Fig.32> Piston Ring Removal (4) Wash clean the piston thoroughly.
- 33 -
2) Unscrew two bolts fixing the idle gear, then remove the idle gear and its pin.
- 34 -
3) Remove the bolts and nuts which connect the coupling flange. To the injection pump.
4) Unscrew the injection pump fixing bolts and remove the injection pump by lifting it up.
5) Unscrew the bracket fixing bolts and remove the bracket while tapping it lightly with a urethane hammer.
- 35 -
3.1.32. Flywheel
1) Remove the fixing bolts by loosening them in diagonal sequence. 2) Remove the flywheel.
- 36 -
- 37 -
2) Distortion of Bottom Face (1) Measure the amount of distortion by means of a straight edge and a feeler gauge in 6 directions as illustrated.
<Fig.41> Measuring Cylinder Head for Distortion (2) If the measured value exceeds the standard for use (0.2mm), resurface the head with grinding paper of fine grain size to correct such defect. (3) If the measured value exceeds the limit for use (0.3mm), replace the cylinder head. 3) Measure the flatness of the joining surfaces to the intake and exhaust manifolds by means of a straight edge and a feeler gauge. 4) Hydraulic test for the cylinder head is the same as that for the cylinder block.
- 38 -
5) Valve (1) clean the valves with clean diesel oil, (2) Measure the diameter of valve stem at 3 locations (top, middle and bottom) if the amount of wear
exceeds the limit for use (0.02mm), replace the valve and valve guide.
<Fig.42> Valve Stem Measurement Valve stem wear Intake valve stem (mm) Exhaust valve stem (mm) standard l8.950~8.970 l8.935~8.955 Limit l8.93 l8.91
(3) Inspect the valve seat faces for scratch or wear, and refinish the faces with grinding paper as
(4) Measure the thickness of the valve head, and replace the valve head if the thickness is less than 1mm.
- 39 -
6) Valve Guide (1) Insert the valve stem into the valve guide and measure the clearance between themselves by valve movement. if the clearance is too excessive, measure the outer diameter of valve stem and inner diameter of the valve guide, determining to replace either of the two, which ever is worn more. (2) Assemble the valve into the valve guide installed in the cylinder head, and see if it is being well centered with the valve seat by means of a special tool.
7) Valve Seat (1) Measure the width of mating faces between the valve seats and
intake/exhaust valves for valve seat wear, and replace the valve seat if measured value exceeds the limit for use.
(2) Install the valve onto the valve seat of the cylinder head, and measure the amount of valve projection from the head face. if the measured value
8) Valve Spring (1) Visually inspect the appearance of the valve spring, and replace it if necessary. (2) With a venier calipers,measure the free length of the spring.
- 40 -
(3) With a spring tester, measure the tension force of the spring. (4) Measure the straightness of the
Square 1mm or Less Free Length
<Fig.46> Springs Tension & Straightness Measurement (5) Compare the measured value with the limit for use, determining to repair or replace the valve spring.
(2) With an outside micrometer, measure the diameter of rocker arm shaft at the position where it was assembled. if the measured value deviates the limit, replace the rocker arm shaft.
- 41 -
2) Inspection of Rocker Arm (1) Visually inspect the rocker arm face in contact with valve stem ends for scores and stepped wear. then correct them with oil stone or fine grinding paper if necessary. (2) With an inner diameter or vernier calipers, measure the inner diameter of the rocker arm bush and compare the measured value with rocker arm shaft diameter, determining the clearance. if the clearance is exceeds the limit for use, replace either rocker arm shaft or bush.
3) Inspection of Tappet and Push Rod (1) With an outer diameter, measure the diameter of the tappets. if the amount of wear exceeds the limit for use, replace the tappet.
B A (A) (B) (C)
(2) Visually inspect the face of the tappets in contact with the cam for pitting, scores or crack. then correct them with oil stone or fine grinding paper if necessary.Replace the (1) Pitting (2) Crack (3) Normal
(4) Abnormal
(3) While laying the push rod down the surfasce plate for measurement, check the push rod for bend by means of clearance gauge and if abnormal, replace the push rod with a new one.
- 42 -
<Fig.51> Cam Shaft End-Play Measurement 2) Inspection of Cam Profile (1) Measure the height of the cam and replace it if the cam nose is severely worn out. (2) Inspect the cam face for scratch or damage. minor wear on the cam face may be corrected with oil stone or oiled grinding paper, however,
replace the cam shaft if severely damaged. 3) Clearance Between Cam Shaft and Cam Shaft Bush (1) With an outer diameter, measure the diameter of the cam shaft journal. (2) With a cylinder gauge, measure the inside diameter of cam shaft bush in the cylinder block, (3) Compare the two measured value, determining the clearance between them. If the clearance exceeds the limit for use, replace the cam shaft bush. 4) Run-Out of Cam Shaft Place the cam shaft on two V-blocks and measure its run-out, and correct or replace the cam shaft if the run-out exceeds the limit for use.
- 43 -
2) Measurement of crank shaft for wear (1) With an outside micrometer, measure the diameter of the crank shaft journals and pins in the directions and at the location as illustrated.
A EFM2047S
(2) If the amount of wear exceeds the limit for use, grind the crankshaft and install undersized bearings.
3) Undersized Bearings Available (1) STD (Standard bearing) (2) 0.25 (inner diameter is smaller than STD by 0.25mm) (3) 0.50 (inner diameter is smaller than STD by 0.50mm) (4) 0.75 (inner diameter is smaller than STD by 0.75mm) (5) 1.00 (inner diameter is smaller than STD by 1.00mm) 4 different undersized bearings are available as indicated above , and the crank shaft also can be reused through the regrinding like above.
- 44 -
Note : When regrinding the crank shaft, the fillet R should be correctly finished. Avoid stepped portion or rough surface on it.
"R" "R"
Standard Value for R Portion Crankshaft pin R (mm) Crankshaft journal R (mm) 4.5 4.0
"R" "R" "R"
<Fig.56> R Formation of Crank Shaft 3) Run-Out of Crank Shaft (1) Place the crank shaft with its No.1 and No.7 journals on two V-blocks respectively. (2) Measure the run-out of crank shaft as turning the crank shaft slowly in one direction with the probe of a dial indicator on a crank shaft journal.
<Fig. 57> Crank Shaft Run-Out Measurement 4) Inspection of Crank Shaft Bearing and Connectingrod Bearing (1) Visually inspect the surfaces of crank shaft bearing and connectingrod
5) Measurement of Oil Clearance (1) Install the main bearing onto the cylinder block and tighten the bearing cap to the specified torque and measure its inner diameter.
- 45 -
(2) Insert the bearing into the big-end of connectingrod and tighten the cap bolt to the specified torque, and
<Fig.59> Connecting Rod Bearing Inner Dia. Measurement (3) Compare two values through (1) and (2) with two inner diameter of crank shaft journal and pin respectively, determining the two clearances for oil passage. (4) If the calculated clearances exceed the limit for use, grind the crank shaft and adopt undersized bearing.
- 46 -
3.2.6. Piston
1) Visually check the piston for cracks, scuff and wear. 2) Clearance Between Piston and Liner (1) With an outside micrometer, measure the piston diameter at the location 13mm away from its bottom end and at the right angle against the piston pin direction.
(2) With a cylinder bore gage, measure the inside diameter of cylinder liner at 3 locations, that is, top ring joining portion, middle portion and oil ring joining portion of BDC in every 45 direction respectively. Among the obtained values, rule out the largest and smallest and take an average of the rest.
(3) The difference between inner diameter of cylinder liner and outer diameter of piston is defined as clearance. If the clearance deviates the limit for use, replace either the piston or liner whichever is worn more.
- 47 -
3) Visual Inspection of Piston Ring (1) Replace the piston ring with a new one when found be worn or broken, or in case of
overhauling work. 4) Piston Ring Gap (1) Insert the piston ring into the upper portion of cylinder liner so that the ring is secured at the right angle to the cylinder liner wall. (2) With a filler gauge, measure the gap of piston ring.
(3) If the measured gap exceeds the limit for use, replace the piston with a new one. Dimension 1st ring 2nd ring Oil ring Standard (mm) 0.40 ~0.65 0.40 ~ 0.65 0.30 ~ 0.60 Limit (mm) 1.5 1.5 1.5
5) Side Clearance of Piston Ring (1) Assemble the compression rings (1st / 2nd rings) and oil ring into the piston ring grooves. (2) With a feeler gauge, measure the side clearance of each ring. if the measured value exceeds the limit, replace either the ring or the piston whichever is worn more. Item 1st ring 2nd ring Oil ring Dimension Standard (mm) 0.07 ~0.102 0.05 ~ 0.085 Limit (mm) 0.15 0.15
6) Tension of Piston Ring Measure the tension of piston ring with a tension tester, if the measured value exceeds the limit, replace the piston ring with a new one.
- 48 -
7) Piston Pin (1) Measure the diameter of piston pin at several portions illustrated in Fig.64 Replace the piston pin if the
(2) With a cylinder bore gauge, measure the inner diameter of the bush in the connecting rod, and compare the measured value with piston pin diameter, determining the clearance. if the clearance exceeds the limit for use, replace either the piston pin or its bush whichever is worn more.
(3) Inspect the fitting condition of piston pin with piston. The piston pin fitting interference may be regarded as normal when it is fitted into the piston with fingered pressure after heating the piston to a certain temperature. When replacing the piston, its necessary to replace the piston pin alike.
- 49 -
2) Alignment; Check the alignment between the piston pin bush hole and bearing hole in big-end portion. A individual aligner and a filler gauge are also necessary to do this.
3) Side Clearance; (1) Assemble the connecting rod to the crank shaft and measure the side clearance of its bigend. (2) Assemble the connecting rod to the cam shaft and measure the side clearance of its smallend. (3) If the above measured values exceed the limit for use (0.5mm), Replace the connecting rod.
- 50 -
3.3. Reassembly
3.3.1. Precautions Before and After Engine Reassembly
1) Clean up disassembled parts, particularly oil ports and water passages of each part applying compressed air, then check that they are all free from any restrictions. 2) Arrange all the general and special tools sequencely. 3) prepare clean engine oil for spreading on every sliding parts. 4) Prepare side materials such as an adhesive. 5) Discard used gaskets and seal rings and replace them with new ones at reassembly. 6) Check to see if the motions of moving parts are smooth after reassembly. 7) Check to see if the tightness of every fastenings is achieved after reassembly.
<Fig.66> Tappet Assembling 4) Apply engine oil over the cams and journals of the cam shaft and the inside of cam shaft bush as well, then install the cam shaft in position into the cylinder block while turning the cam shaft. (When installing the cam shaft, exercise care not to scratch the cam shaft and the bush)
5) When the cam shaft has been installed, turn the cam shaft to see if the cam shaft turns smoothly.
- 51 -
<Fig.68> Metal Bearing Assembling Sequence 3) Tighten bolts temporarily on the both sides of the crank shaft, then carefully hoist the crank shaft, installing it onto the cylinder block as keeping its balance. (Apply engine oil over the pin and journal of the crankshaft) 4) Assemble the bearing and thrust washer to the bearing cap. 5) Place the pre-assembled bearing cap to the cylinder block as identifying their assembly No. (Apply engine oil over the bearing) 6) coat the cap bolt with engine oil, then tighten the cap bolt to the specified torque of 30kg.m in the following manner;
<Fig. 69> Bearing Cap Assembling (1) 1st step : coat the cap bolt with engine oil. (2) 2nd step : Tighten the bolt in 1 ~ 2 threads. (3) 3rd step : Tighten the bolt to the torque of approx. 15kg .m with a wrench. (4) 4th step : Tighten the bolt to the torque of approx. 25kg.m with a wrench. (5) 5th step : Finally, tighten the bolts to the specified torque of 30kg.m with a torque wrench in sequence of bearing cap number, 4 3 5 2 6 1 7
7) As a final check, Turn the crank shaft to check that the crankshaft turns smoothly with hands.
- 52 -
4) With a oil seal fitting jig, Press a new rear oil seal lubricated with engine oil in the flywheel housing. If the crankshaft is skid marked with old oil seal, shift new oil seal location by inserting a shim which has about 1mm thickness. Be sure to avoid damage of oil seal when assembling.
3.3.6. Flywheel
1) Temporarily install guide bars to
crankshaft bollt holes, then hoist the flywheel and attach it to the crankshaft as sliding flywheel with its holes along the guide bars.
2) Coat the flywheel fixing bolts with adhesive (#271 Loctite) and tighten them in numerical sequence to the specified torque of 21.5kg.m, while taking the same steps as those of bearing cap bolts tightening procedure mentioned in section 3.3.4. (Remove the guide bars when bolts fixing)
1 5 3
4 2
- 53 -
3) Install the camshaft thrust washer on the timing gear case, then install the cam gear by tapping it lightly with a urethane hammer. 4) Tighten the fixing bolts in diagonal sequence to the specified torque.
5) Install the idle gear, so that the marks on the idle gear are exactly met with marks on the camshaft gear and crankshaft gear respectively.
Fuel injection pump drive gear Cam gear Idle gear
Crank gear
6) Install the thrust washer on the idle gear and tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque. 7) When assembling the timing gear in position, check the amount of backlash between gears by means of a thickness gauge. If the amount of backlash
Measuring Position Between Cam gear & Idle gear Between Crank gear & Idle gear Between Injection pump drive gear & Idle gear
- 54 -
0.1mm, 0.15mm, 0.2mm and 0.5mm in thickness and there are also 3 types of shim for adjusting the vertical alignment such as 0.1mm, 0.2mm and 0.3mm in thickness. 2) Mount the injection pump on the bracket, then tighten the bolts to the specified torque. 3) Assemble the coupling as checking the alignment between injection pump shaft and drive gear shaft. If the alignment is not achieved, do disassembling and replace the shim with correct one and reassemble the mounting bracket and the injection pump. 4) Rotate the flywheel in direction of rotation until the mark on the vibration damper exactly meets the pointer. 5) Align the pointer on the injection pump with the line on timer, and couple the injection pump to the coupling drive shaft by tightening fixing bolts and nuts.
objects get in the bottom side of liner flange when assembling) 3) Coat engine oil inside the liner.
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3.3.9. Piston
1) Array the pistons sequencely according to their designated No. and insert the bearing onto the piston. 2) Coat engine oil over the pistons.
<Fig.83> Piston Arrangement Before Assembling 3) Insert the special tool for piston
assembling to the piston and hang the piston in the cylinder block.
4) The gap of each piston ring should be positioned so that it is 120 opposite that of the preceding ring. Make sure that rings are installed with Y mark turned up and piston ring gap is away from pin direction.
Oil ring gap 120
Top ring gap 120 120 Piston pin Piston 2nd ring gap
- 56 -
5) Push the piston into the cylinder block until the connecting rod bearing is brought into contact with the crankshaft pin, taking care not to scratch the piston or cylinder liner wall. 6) Install over it.
<Fig.86> Connecting Rod Bearing Cap Assembling 7) Turn the crankshaft until connecting rod big end rides on the crankshaft pin, and assemble the connecting rod bearing cap with a urethane hammer. 8) Coat engine oil over the connecting rod bearing cap bolts and tighten them to the specified torque in a following manner; (1) 1st step : Lubricate the cap bolt with engine oil. (2) 2nd step : Tighten the bolt in 1 ~ 2 threads. (3) 3rd step : Tighten the bolt to the torque of approx. 10kg.m with a wrench. (4) 4th step : Tighten the bolt to the torque of approx. 15kg.m with a wrench. (5) 5th step : Finally, tighten the bolts to the specified torque of 18kg .m with a torque wrench. However, tighten both sides of bolts simultaneously as above steps. 9) When the connecting rod bearing cap bolts are tightened, check the
connecting rod end play to the right and left with hand. If no end play is found, remove and reinstall or replace the connecting rod bearing cap.
- 57 -
2) Install the nut with lock washer and tighten the bolts to the specified torque. 3) Bend the lock washer toward the bolt to prevent its release. 4) Connect the oil suction pipe and supply pipe to the oil pump.
- 58 -
<Fig.92> Oil Seal Press In 3) Attach new gasket on the timing gear case cover, and assemble the case as tapping the locating pin side lightly with a urethane hammer.
1 6 4 8 2
7 3 5
- 59 -
surfaces and place a new oil pan gasket. 3) Assemble the oil pan, and tighten primarily the bolts located at both the ends of the cover (4EA at both sides) and middle bolts (upper, lower 2EA), then tighten the rest.
- 60 -
3) Connecting the cooling water pipe between oil cooler and water pump, and tighten the hose clamp securely.
3.3.17. Starter
1) Insert the starter inside the flywheel housing then tighten the fixing nuts.
<Fig.101> Stem Seal Press In (3) Coat engine oil over valve stem and valve guide and assemble the valve. However, be careful for the damage of valve stem seal. (4) Install the lower seat of valve spring to the valve guide of cylinder head. (5) After putting inner, outer spring, install the retainer on it. (6) Assemble the valve by inserting the valve cotter pin, while pressing the retainer with a special tool. (7) After installinng the valve, check whether the valve is correctly installed or not, tapping it lightly with a urethane hammer.
- 61 -
2) Clean up the cylinder head bolt holes with compressed air. 3) Wipe out the gasket joining surface of cylinder block. Be sure that gasket residue do not enter inside the engine. 4) Attach a new gasket on the cylinder block as aligning its locating pins.
5) Install the cylinder head on the cylinder block as aligning it with locating pins of cylinder block. If the cylinder head does not engage with locating pins well, Lift up the cylinder head again and retry to settle the cylinder head on the cylinder block. (Be careful not to damage the cylinder head gasket during this attempt)
6) When having to disassemble the cylinder head even after tightening the cylinder head bolts, cylinder head gasket should be replaced with a new one.
- 62 -
7) Clean the cylinder head bolts and dip them in engine oil, then install the bolts on the cylinder head to the specified torque of 24.5kg .mm in a following manner; (1) 1st step : Coat the cylinder head bolts with engine oil. (2) 2rd step : Tighten the bolt in 1 ~ 2 threads. (3) 3rd step : Tighten the bolt to the torque of approx. 15kg.m with a wrench. (4) 4th step : Tighten the bolt to the torque of approx. 20kg.m with a wrench. (5) 5th step : Finally, tighten the bolts to the specified torque of 24.5kg.m with a torque wrench. However, tighten all the bolts simultaneously as
above steps.
- 63 -
3) Adjust the valve clearance in the following manner; CYLINDER NUMBER #1 TDC #6 TDC I : Intake valve E : Exhaust valve 1 I E I 2 E I 3 E I 4 E I 5 E I 6 E
(1) Turn the crankshaft until intake/exhaust valves of #6 cylinder (1st cylinder from water pump) are overlapped (that is, #1 piston is at TDC position). Adjust the valve clearance marked with in the table.
(2) Conversely, Turn the crankshaft until intake/exhaust valves of #1 cylinder are overlapped (that is, #6 piston is at TDC position), Adjust the valve clearance marked with in the table.
(3) In performing the valve clearance adjustment operation, Insert the feeler gauge of 0.3mm thickness into the clearance between the valve stem and rocker arm, then adjust the clearance with the adjust screw. Fully tighten the rock nut when a correct adjustment is achieved.
<Cautions> (1) Turing the crankshaft is to be done by hands not by the starter. (2) Turn the crankshaft in the direction of engine rotation, but do not use the fixing bolts at the turn. (3) The cylinder No. and the sequence of intake and exhaust can be nominated from the flywheel housing.
- 64 -
3 5 4
<Fig. 108> Intercooler Assembling Notice : For overland use, the inter cooler is mounted on the vehicle side.
- 65 -
exhaust manifold on the cylinder head and tighten the fixing bolts securely.
- 66 -
mounting bracket carefully and tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque. (Exercise care not to damage the O-ring) 4) Assemble the oil feed pipe.
3.3.28 Alternator
1) Install the mounting bracket and
supporter to cylinder block, then tighten the fixing bolts. 2) Install the alternator to the mounting bracket and to supporter, then tighten the fixing bolts.
- 67 -
2) Connect the fuel inlet hose and outlet hose to the fuel filter respectively by tightening hollow screws. Be sure not to damage the connection part due to over-tightening the hollow screw. 3) Fuel filter (cartridge type) (1) Remove the used cartridge(2) from the head(3). (Fuel should be drained into a
and the engine) (2) Fill a new cartridge with fresh diesel fuel. (3) Lubricate the surface of rubber packing (5) of the cartridge. (3) Clean the joining face of the head, and spin the cartridge until the surface of its packing comes into contact with the head face. (4) From this position, additionally, tighten the cartridge by 1/2 turn. 5) Loosen the air bleeding screw on the head of the fuel filter and flowing from the filter. 6) Tighten the plug screw, and spin engine over with key and check for any fuel leakage. feed fuel by manually operating the priming pump of the feed pump until the air bubbles completely expel in the fuel
6 2
- 68 -
3) Connect the fuel injection pipe to the fuel injection pump and to the nozzle, and tighten them with nuts. 4) Assemble the fuel return hose to the nozzle. 5) Connect the injection pump lubricating oil hose with a hollow screw. Be sure not to damage the connection part due to over-tightening the hollow screw.
- 69 -
3.3.33. Thermostat
1) Connect the thermostat housing to the cooling water pipe with rubber hose engaged, then tighten the hose clamps. 2) Connect the thermostat housing to the water pump with rubber hose engaged, then tighten the hose clamps.
3.3.35. V-Belt
1) Check the V-belt for fraying or damage and replace it with a new one if necessary. 2) Wind one V-belt around the alternator pulley, water pump pulley and
crankshaft pulley, and then adjust the V-belt tension by shifting the tension adjusting bolt of the alternator. 3) Wind the other V-belt around the idle pulley, crankshaft pulley and air
compressor pulley, then adjust the Vbelt tension by shifting the tension adjusting bolt of the idle pulley.
- 70 -
3.4 Breaking-In
3.4.1. Preparations Prior to Breaking-In
1) Fill fresh engine oil through the oil filler cap. 2) Check the oil level with the oil dipstick. the oil level should be about 10mm above the MAX. line. 3) Connect the cooling water hose and replenish cooling water. 4) Further on, connect the fuel hose to the fuel tank, and bleed the fuel system (refer to section 3.3.34.)
- 71 -
cooling system, the coolant pumped up by the water pump goes through the oil cooler along the cooling water pipe to absorb the oil heat, flowing through the water jacket of the cylinder block and water passages of the cylinder head to absorb the heat of the combustion chamber. then the coolant moves on to the thermostat through the cooling water pipe, where the coolant returns to the water pump if the coolant temperature is lower than the valve opening temperature of the thermostat, otherwise further circulating to the radiator, where the heat of the coolant is radiated and the cooled coolant again returns to the water pump, completing 1 cycle of cooling system.
R a d i a t o r
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Block
Oil Cooler
Water Pump
4.1.2. Specification
Item 1. Water Pump Type Delivery (M/min.) pump Back Pressure 2. Thermostat Opening Temperature Valve Lift Operating Temperature 3. Cooling Fan and Belt Fan Dia. B No. of Blades Fan Belt Tension 528 B 6 15mm / Deflection by Thumb 79c 8mm or More (At 94c) 79 ~ 94c Centrifugal Approx.190 (At Pump Speed of 2000 rpm) 0.5 bar Specification
- 72 -
<Fig. 2> Water Pump Pulley Removal (2) Loosen the bolts and disassemble the water pump cover.
(3) Remove the hub by means of a suitable extractor or press, then remove the snap ring with a plier. (the hub is securely fitted on the shaft of the unit bearing)
- 73 -
2) Inspection (1) Inspect the bearing for wear and scores. turn the bearing with hand to see if it rotates smoothly without noise. (2) Replace the bearing with a new one if the radial movement of the shaft exceeds the limit for use (0.2mm) (3) Inspect the impeller and shaft for wear, corrosion, bending, and damage. Pay a special attention to the surface of impeller and seal unit fitting face for wear and corrosion.
3) Reassembly (1) Coat the selant over the periphery of the mechanical seal and press it onto the housing.
- 74 -
(2) Coat the multipurposable grease over the periphery of unit bearing body and press it into the housing.
<Fig. 8> Unit Bearing Assembling (3) Insert the snap ring into the housing to secure the unit bearing.
(4) Press the impeller into the shaft of the unit bearing.
<Fig.10> Impeller
- 75 -
(5) Press the hub into the other part of the shaft of the unit bearing. (6) Measure the clearance between the impeller and the housing with a feeler gauge the clearance can be adjusted by a bench press or by a puller when the clearance exceeds the limit for use. (0.35mm)
(7) Coat adhesive on the either side of a new gasket, and assemble the water pump cover to the housing with the gasket engaged.
(8) Press the pulley into the shaft of the unit axis. The measured value can be adjusted by a bench press or by a puller when the value exceeds the limit for use. (0.3mm) bearing and measure its perpendicularity around the shaft
- 76 -
4.1.4. Thermostat
1) General description and specification The thermostat is designed to maintain a constant temperature of coolant (79 ~ 94c) and enhance the thermal efficiency of the Engine by deterring heat loss. In other words, when the coolant
temperature is low, the thermostat is closed to make the coolant bypass to the water pump directly. when the coolant
temperature rises to open wide the thermostat valve, the bypass circuit is closed and the water passage to the radiator opens instead so that the
coolant is forced to flow into the radiator. Item Type Open At Full Open At Valve Lift (c) (c) Specification Wax-Pallet 79 (71) 94 (85) 8mm or More
There are 2 kinds of thermostats according to surrounding and operating conditions. One is named by 71c type and the other is 74c. 2) Inspection (1) Inspect the Wax-pallet and spring for damage. (2) Check valve lift and valve opening temperature by submerging the Bar Temperature
thermostat in the water and increasing the water temperature gradually. Check if the valve lift is 0.1mm at 79c (starting to open) and 8mm at 94c (full open)
<Fig. 16> Thermostat Inspection 3) Precautions and Replacement (1) Precautions for handling the thermostat; The wax-pallet type thermostat does not respond as quickly as bellows type ones do. That is mainly due to its higher heat capacity. Therefore, to avoid a stiff uprise of coolant temperature, it is necessary to have the Engine under idling sufficiently before running it, do not run the Engine at overload or overspeed right after starting-up. (2) When draining out or replenishing coolant, do it slowly so that the air is bled sufficiently from the entire cooling system. (3) Replacement of thermostat; If the thermostat is found defective, replace it with a new one. It is preferable to replace the thermostat every 50,000~70,000 km run as it varies according to the running condition.
- 77 -
- 78 -
Specifications Forced Pressure Circulation Gear Type 10L1.5 Oil Filter Type
Specifications Full-Flow
Bypass for Entire Oil Filter 5+1 Valve Opening Pressure(kg/cm2) 4.0~4.8
1. Oil Pipe (Injection Pump) 2. Oil Pipe (Timing~Idle gear) 3. Oil Pipe (Connecting-Rod Bearing) 4. Oil Pipe 5. Oil Cooler 6. Oil Pump 7. Oil Suction Pipe 8. Oil Filter 9. Strainer 10. Oil Pipe (Air Compressor) 11. Oil Pipe (Rocker Arm Shaft) 12. Main Oil Gallery 13. Oil Pressure Unit 14. Oil Pipe (Cam Shaft Bearing) 15. Oil Spray Nozzle (Piston) 16. Oil Pipe (Crank Shaft Bearing) 17. Oil Pipe (Turbo Charger)
- 79 -
<Fig.2> Drive Gear Disassembling (4) Remove the oil pump cover fixing nuts and disassemble the oil pump cover. The oil pump cover is secured to the pump housing with two dowel pins. (5) Remove the pump gears.
<Fig.3> Pump Cover Disassembling 2) Measurement and Inspection (1) With a steel rule and a feeler gauge, measure the axial end play of the oil pump gear. Replace if the measured value exceeds the limit for use. Limit (mm) 0.025 ~ 0.089
<Fig.4> End Play Measurement (2) With the feeler gauge, measure the back-lash between the driving gear and driven gear in the oil pump housing. Replace if the measured
value exceeds the limit for use. Limit (mm) 0.50 ~ 0.64
- 80 -
(3) Measure the diameters of driving shaft and driven shaft, and replace if the measured values are under the limit for use (l16.95mm) (4) Measure the inner diameter of the pump housing bush to determine the clearance between the bush and shaft, and compare the measured value with the standard value (0.032 ~ 0.077mm) to determine if they are to be replaced or not. 3) Reassembly (1) To reassemble, follow the disassembly procedures in the reverse sequence.
17. Oil Drain Gallery <Fig.6> Oil filter 18. Valve Seat 19. By-Pass Valve
2) Disassembly (1) Drain out the oil by removing the drain plug (2) Remove the oil filter assembly from the Engine (3) Loosen the center bolt and take out the filter element (4) Remove the by-pass valve from the filter head.
3) Inspection (1) Visually Inspect the filter housing and head for cracks or damage and replace as necessary. (2) Visually check its spring for damage. (Opening pressure of over flow valve for paper filter element : 1.8 ~ 2.3 kg/cm2) (3) Visually Inspect the full flow by-pass valve (Opening pressure of by-pass valve : 5.3 ~ 6.3 kg/cm2)
4) Reassembly (1) To reassemble, follow the disassembly procedures in the reverse sequence.
- 81 -
Complaints Excessive
Corrections (1) Drain and refill with recommended oil (2) Repair or replace
(3) Piston ring and piston ring groove worn (3) Replace piston ring or piston (4) Cylinder liner worn (5) Piston ring sticking (6) Valve guide oil seal, valve guide, or valve stem worn Low Oil Pressure (1) Wrong oil in use (2) Relief valve sticking (3) Strainer clogged (4) Pump gear worn (5) Oil pump defective (6) Oil pressure gauge defective (4) Replace Cylinder liner (5) Replace pistons and/or piston rings (6) Replace valve guide oil seal, valve guide, or valve stem worn (1) Drain and refill with recommended oil (2) Replace (3) Clean strainer (4) Replace (5) Repair or Replace (6) Repair or Replace
(7) Crankshaft or connecting rod bearings worn (7) Replace bearings Quick (1) Clogged oil filter (1) Replace filter element (2) Replace piston rings and cylinder liners (3) Wrong oil in use (3) Drain and refill with recommended oil
- 82 -
2a 1 1a 3
4 7
8 12 10 9 11
1. Primary Fuel Filter (Felt Type) 1a. Secondary Fuel Filter (Paper Type) 1b. Cartridge Fuel Filter (Equals Both 1 and 1a) 2. Air Bleeding Screw 2a. Water Drain Screw 3. Injection Nozzle 4. Over Flow Hose 5. Fuel Hose (Filter Injection Pump)
6. Over Flow Valve 7. Injection Pipe 8. Fuel Hose (Feed Pump 9. Fuel Tank 10. Fuel Return Line 11. Suction Pipe 12. Feed Pump 13. Injection Pump Filter)
- 83 -
2) Construction 1. Nozzle Holder 2. Union Nut 3. Shim 4. Coil Spring 5. Guide Bush 6. Intermediate Washer 7. Nozzle
- 84 -
3) Disassembly (1) Clamp the nozzle assembly and remove the nozzle holder. (2) Remove the nozzle nut and components inside.
5) Reassembly (1) To reassemble, follow the disassembly procedures in the reverse sequence. 6) Nozzle Spray Test (1) After reassembly, install the nozzle on a tester. (2) Operate the hand lever 2 or 3 times to see if the nozzle is properly set in position. (3) When the injection pressure deviates from the specified range. adjust the spring tension by means of the shim. Besides, spray pattern should be uniform and free of spattering.
- 85 -
Rotation direction : C.W at driving gear side Injection older Injection timing : 1-5-3-6-2-4 : BTDC 15 L1
(2) Calibration Data Injection volume (mm3/1,000st) 8.5 79.5 84.0 65.0 115.0 Variation rate (%) L1.5 L1 L2 L2 L15
Adjusting point H A B C I
Rack position Pump speed(rpm) 9.7 11.8 11.9 11.5 300 700 1250 500 100
Contents Nozzle holder assy Nozzle Adjusting point Nozzle holder Opening pressure Injection pipe Fuel dilivery pressure Fuel temperature
- 86 -
Rack position(mm)
1310 1385
- 87 -
2) D1146TI (1) Main Data and Specification Part No. Model Governor Timer Plunger Delivery valve Feed pump Prestrock : 65.11101-7298(101608-9531) : PE6P type : KP-RLD2501400A1FXL(105932-2490) : KP-EP/SA700-1100B3DR(105644-0570) : l=10mm, 20 +50 LEAD : : KP-EP/KE-ADS(105210-5280) : 4.6mm
Rotation direction : C.W at driving gear side Injection older Injection timing : 1-5-3-6-2-4 : BTDC 9 L1
Adjusting point H A B C D
Rack position Pump speed(rpm) 9.7 11.9 12.3 11.7 10.5 300 700 1100 500 100
(3) LDA Calibration data Injection volume (mm3/1,000st) Variation rate (%) -
Adjusting point P1 P2
Contents Nozzle holder assy Nozzle Adjusting point Nozzle holder Opening pressure Injection pipe Fuel dilivery pressure Fuel temperature
214+8 kg/cm2
- 88 -
12 .3 12
10 H
Rack position(mm)
0 300
11.7 11.5
Rack position(mm)
P1 10.5
Boost pressure (mmHg)
- 89 -
- 90 -
Possible Causes (1) Injection timing incorrect (2) Nozzle injection pressure too low (3) Nozzle spring broken (4) Nozzle not working normally (5) Plungers worn excessively (6) Delively valves seat defective (7) Supply of fuel excessively
Corrections Adjust Adjust Replace Replace Adjust Replace Check feed pump Check feed pump Bleed Replace fuel Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct Adjust Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct Disassemble, correct
(1) Supply of fuel insufficient (2) Air in fuel (3) Water in fuel (4) Operation of plungers unsmooth (5) Movement of control rack sluggish (6) Nozzles defective (7) Injection starting pressure of each barrel incorrect (8) Automatic timer defective
(1) Nozzles not working normally (2) Governor defective (1) Movement of control rod sluggish (2) Operation of plungers unsmooth (3) Control pinions not engaged with control rod correctly
- 91 -
Indicator Lamp
Air Heater
- 92 -
4.5.2. Functions
1) Turbine Exhaust gas discharged from the combustion chamber distributes its own energy to the turbine blades while passing the inside of the turbine housing, with the result that the turbine shaft can get rotating force. This is the working principle of 'turbine', which is mounted with seal rings and heat protector to prevent exhaust gas from affecting the bearings adversely.
2) Compressor The compressor, which is connected to the turbine over the one and same shaft to form a rotating body, takes in and compresses ambient air with rotating force transmitted from the turbine shaft. Then, the compressed air is delivered to the intake pipe. This is the working principle of the compressor.
3) Bearings (1) Thrust Bearing The turbine wheel creates thrust force. Therefore, exercise care so that the shaft is not deviated from its original position due to this thrust. (2) Journal Bearing This journal bearing of floating type forms a dual oil film on both the inside and outside of the bearing so that the bearing can rotate independently. As the dual oil film plays a role as a damper, the sliding speed of the bearing surface becomes lower than the rotating speed of the shaft, resulting in assurance of stability in its movement. 4) Sealing-Compressor Shaft The compressor is of a dual construction type composed of seal plate and seal ring to prevent the leak of compressed air or lubricating oil.
- 93 -
4.5.3. Specification
Item Type Air pressure (at compressor outlet) At maximum output Air suction volumetric speed Turbine revolution Specifications 1300VQ32NF BRL 557A Approx. 1,23kg/cm2 gauge Approx. 13.6m3/min Approx. 110,000 rpm 120,000 rpm 750c External oil supply 10 kg
Maximum speed (allowable) Maximum temperature of exhaust gas at turbine inlet (allowable) Lubrication system Weight
1 3
3. Bearing Housing
4. Compressor 5. Turbine
5 A B
A. Air Inlet B. Exhaust Gas Outlet C.Exhaust Gas Inlet D. Oil Inlet E. Oil Outlet
- 94 -
4.5.5. Construction
20 21 22 14
3 13
18 17 15 2 16 1 9 5 19 12
8 4
10 23, 24, 25 11
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Part Shaft & Turbine Wheel Assy Thrust Bush Oil Thrower Lock Nut Seal Ring; Turbine Side Seal Ring; Large Seal Ring; Small Compressor Wheel Turbine Housing Bolt Clamp Bearing Housing Retaining Ring
No 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Part Seal Plate Thrust Bearing Journal Bearing Screw Screw Heat Protector Compressor Housing Clamp Bolt Liquid Gasket Loctite Anti-seize Sealing Liquid
- 95 -
5. Maintenance Specifications
5.1. Torque Values
5.1.1. Major Part Torque Values
Part Cylinder Head Bolt Conn. Rod Bearing Cap Bolt Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap Bolt Balance Weight Fixing Bolt Flywheel Fixing Bolt Crankshaft Gear Fixing Bolt Dia.BPitch(mm) M14B1.5 M14B1.5 M16B1.5 M12B1.5 M14B1.5 M12B1.5 Grade 12.9X 12.9X 12.9X 10.9X 10.9X 10.9X Torque Value 24.5 18 30 10 21.5 13 Remarks
- 96 -
Torque Value(kgm) M5 M6 M7 M8 M8B1 M10 M10B1 M12 M12B1.5 M14 M14B1.5 M16 M6B1.5 M18 M18B1.5 M20 M20B1.5 M22 M22B1.5 M24 M24B1.5 Others: 1. The above torque ratings have been determined to 70% or so of the limit value for bolt elasticity. 2. Tension is calculated by multiplying tensile strength by cross section of thread. 3. Special screws should be tightened to 85% or so of the standard value. For example, a screw coated with MOS2 should be tightened to 60% or so of the standard value. 0.15 0.28 0.43 0.70 0.73 1.35 1.50 2.40 2.55 3.70 4.10 5.60 6.20 7.80 9.10 0.16 0.30 0.46 0.75 0.80 1.40 1.60 2.50 2.70 3.90 4.30 6.00 6.50 8.30 9.50 0.25 0.45 0.70 1.10 1.20 2.20 2.50 3.70 4.00 6.00 6.60 9.00 9.70 12.50 14.50 18.00 20.50 24.50 28.00 33.00 37.00 0.22 0.40 0.63 1.00 1.10 1.90 2.10 3.30 3.50 5.20 5.70 0.31 0.55 0.83 1.40 1.50 2.70 3.10 4.70 5.00 7.50 8.30 0.28 0.47 0.78 1.25 1.34 2.35 2.80 4.20 4.60 0.43 0.77 1.20 1.90 2.10 3.70 4.30 6.30 6.80 0.48 0.85 1.30 2.10 2.30 4.20 4.90 7.20 7.70 0.50 0.90 1.40 2.20 2.40 4.40 5.00 7.50 8.00 0.75 1.25 1.95 3.10 3.35 6.20 7.00 10.50 11.20 17.00 18.50 26.00 28.00 36.00 41.00 51.00 58.00 67.00 75.00 82.00 0.90 1.50 2.35 3.80 4.10 7.40 8.40 12.50 13.40 20.00 22.00 31.00 33.50 43.00 49.00 60.00 68.00 75.00 85.00 92.00
7.00 10.00 7.50 11.10 10.50 15.50 11.30 17.00 14.50 21.00 16.70 24.50 19.00 31.50 22.50 35.00 26.00 42.00 29.00 47.00 34.00 55.00 38.00 61.00
11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 17.90 18.50 19.50 20.00 24.20 25.00 27.50 28.50 35.00 36.00 39.50 41.00 46.00 49.00 52.00 56.00 58.00 63.00 67.00 74.00
8.00 11.50 8.60 12.50 11.00 16.00 12.50 18.50 16.00 22.00 18.00 25.00 21.00 30.00 24.00 34.00 27.00 40.00 31.00 45.00
11.50 12.00 12.80 13.50 15.50 16.00 17.00 18.50 20.50 21.50 23.00 25.00
93.00 103.00
- 97 -
Part Name
Inspected Item
Amount of liner projection Cylinder Block The flatness of upper surface of cyl. block
Measure unworn portion beneath the rim of the upper side Projection difference between adjacent liners : 0.15 Referenced length : 200mm
Thickness of cyl.
Direction of ring gap Piston Outer diameter of piston pin Pin Clearence between piston pin and its bush
Part Division Name Nominal Standard Value Limit for Value for Assembly Use Correction Correct with a grinder Remarks 0.01 N84 N71 0.008 0.010 0.010 0.052~0.122 0.15~0.325 0.1 60 30 0.19~0.22 0.5 Replace thrust bearing 0.25 Replace bearing Measure at crown part not parting line N70.971~70.990 N70 N83.966~83.988 N83
Check Items
Diameter of journal
Diameter of pin
Taper of journal & pin Crank Shaft Clearance between crank shaft & bearing
Major Moving Parts 0.170~0.248 0.034~0.098 0.050~0.081 0.30~0.50 0.50 56g 18 N57.86~57.88 0.12~0.17 0.28~0.43 0.24 0.6 0.1 0.025~0.091 0.043~0.167 0.16~0.28 0.15 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.50
- 99 -
at No. 4 bearing Adjust by a press if bended Measure (No. 1&7 bearing supported) Check dynamic balance Measure at 400 rpm Clean foreign objects on Coat the bolt with engine oil joiningout surface Measure after tightening metal cap and releasing one stud Replace oil seal if oil leaking
Crush of con-rod
Measure after installing the bearing and releasing one bolt Replace con-rod
Clean out foreign objects on joining surface Replace cam bush Replace thrust washer Correct or replace the cam shaft
Diameter of cam shaft journal Cam Clearance between cam shaft & cam bush Shaft End play of cam shaft
Timing Clearance between idle shaft bush & idle shaft Gear End play of idle gear shaft Back-lash between gears (cam, idle, crank and injection)
Diviion Repairing Pointer Remarks N9 N9 N8.935~8.955 0.030~0.065 0.045~0.080 N8.950~8.970 When replacing valve, Replace valve & valve guide replace valve guide alike N8.91 0.15 Replace valve or valve guide Replace one worn more. 0.15 1 or more Replace valve 1 or more Replace valve seat 0.03 0.01~0.39 26 26 Approx. 64 70 1.0 Approx. 60 28.6 1.0 Approx. 71 66 62.7~69.3 67.7 1.0 0.30 0.30 Adjust Replace valve spring 27.2~30.0 26.2 Replace valve spring 66.5~73.5 66.5 Replace valve spring N8.93
Part Name
Inspected Item
Diameter of exhaust valve stem Clearance between valve Intake stem and valve guide Exhaust Intake Thickness of valve head Exhaust Intake Valve seat depression Exhaust 2.2 2.2 0~0.3 0~0.3
Spread oil over valve guide and press it into the hole Without spring seat
Free length Tension force kg (when pressed to 41 mm) Straightness (along free length direction)
Free length Tension force kg (when pressed to 38 mm) Straightness (along free length direction)
valve spring
Free length Tension force kg Outer (when pressed to 41 mm) Straightness (along free length direction)
Grind or replace if severely pitted on tip of rocker arm and stem Replcae bush or shaft Replace
Division Repairing Pointer Remarks Replace tappet Replace tappet ReplaceReplace if severely worn or deformed Check oil leakage and clearance between each part 0.6 90 Use recommended oil 0.035~0.077 N20 N19.944~19.965 4.8 0.8~1.4 -0.055~0.105 0.032~0.077 0.040~0.094 N16.950~16.968 N27.939~27.960 0.15~0.25 0.15~0.25 4.0~4.8 1.8~2.3 4.0~4.8 8.5~11.5 1.5~1.3 100 Replace gear or cover Replace gear shaft or cover Replace bush or cover -0.1
Part Name
Inspected Item
Diameter of tappet
Oil Max. oil temp (c) Temp Short term peak oil temp (c)
System N16.950 Replace gear shaft N27.939 Replace bush Adjust back-lash
Clearance between driving gear bush & cover hole Oil Pump Diameter of gear shaft N17e7
Replace valve Replace valve Replace valve Replace valve Replace valve Clean or replace
By-pass valve for filter element kg/cm2 Valve Opening By-pass valve for full oil filter kg/cm2 Pressure Relief valve for oil pump kg/cm2
Division Remarks
Part Name Repairing Pointer Approx. 190 0.35 0.3 Approx. 15 80~85 105 71 86 or less 28 24 Replace Replace if defective stroke : mimimum 8 mm Overhaul the engine Repair or replace Replace fuel filter 1~1.5 3.6~4.1 0.1 Replace valve Replace cyl.head & nozzle Replace rotor Replace bearing Correct by sand paper 14 300 28V 28V, 40A 27.5~29.5 8~12 255~345 950 5000 Correct if terminal point is defective 7 Correct or replace if defective must not exceed this value 95 Adjust Adjust by a bench press Replace if impeller & housing are intact Check the water passage For any restrictions
Inspected Item
pump speed 2000rpm Dilivery(M/min) water temp. 80 negative pressure 0.5 bar
Cooling System
Perpendicularity of pulley
Fuel pipe, injection pipe & nozzle holder Piping & for damage, crack, improper packing, etc. Others Fuel filter element for damage or dimple
Shaft run-out
Bearing noise
Unload speed
Output speed
Division Repairing Pointer Correct N14 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 N45 Replace Correct Correct Correct by sand paper if fouled or damaged 0.05 0.5~0.8 0.2 0.4 Front bearing Center bearing Pinion bearing N48 N14 N20.4 N14 Remarks
Part Name
Inspected Item
Shaft run-out
Gap between
Diameter of commutator
Surface of commutator
- 103 Length of brush 19.5 12.5 Spring force of brush V V 22 8 22~23 3~5 4000 1.5 3.3 105 Replace 16 1300 1300 g 1100 +1 rpm g.m kg.m
Correct or replace if Surface of commutator is defective Spring force or strength is improper Brush is severely damaged or worn Contact between brush & brush holder is improper
Operating voltage
Holding voltage
Pinion stroke
Unload speed
Constrained torque
Inspected Item
Battery terminal
Electrical Devices 24-65B2 12.6 Specified level 10.8 Recharging Replenish distilled water if low level Correct electrical devices if abnormal noise Correct
Temp convesion coeffiient (based on 20C) Every extra +1C : -0.007 Everu extia -C : +0.003
Terminal voltage
- 104 kg/cm2 24~28 10% against average 3~4.8 Continuous max. output 105% rpm 650~750 Adjust 24 Correct Correct kg/cm2 Adjust
Running-in engine
Retighten head bolt after running in at 200 rpm at 200 rpm, 20c
Oil pressure
Test of output
Fuel consumption
Idling speed