Syllabus13 14

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San Leandro High School Chemistry CP Course Syllabus 2013-2014

Contact Information for Ms. Christine Yow School e-mail: [email protected] Google voice txt/phone: (510) 779-CHEM (2436) School phone: (510) 618-4600 x 2243 School room: Main Campus, 243

Best way to reach me is through the school e-mail or sending me a text at my Google voice number. Grading Course grades will be weighed according to the following categories and percentages: Tests and Quizzes55% Homework, Classwork Labs, Notebook, Projects.30% Final.10% Participation..5% Materials Students must be prepared everyday and bring all materials relevant to the class. Spiral bound notebook for this class only o 100+ pages, at least 8.5x11and college ruled. o with plastic or thicker paper cover o you will need two overall, one for each semester Scientific calculator o TI30XIIS has been found to be the easiest to use if you do not have a calculator already. $9-10 is a reasonable price if you can get it during a sale. #2 pencils, highlighters of various colors, and at least 4 different colored pens o I will buy a bunch of pens from Daiso that you can buy at cost glue (whichever kind you like better) colored pencils and sharpener some loose-leaf college ruled paper a binder or a section of a binder for things that do not go into the notebook planner Textbook: Modern Chemistry, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006

Please notify me by Friday, August 23, 2013 if there are any complications in obtaining the necessary materials for this class. Tests and Quizzes Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit and will be cumulative of the entire unit. Units range from 3-6 weeks. Quizzes, both open- and close-note(book), will be given almost every week and will cover material covered so far in the unit. Homework Homework is assigned nearly every day and is always due the next day at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified. Assignments are generally worth 10 points each. In general, no problem should be left blank as you should attempt and do all you can for each problem or write down where you are having trouble with it. Classwork & Labs Laboratory work and activities will serve to strengthen concepts presented in the text and in lecture/class. Safety is a primary concern during labs and activities. Students should always listen for safety tips presented before each lab or activity. Playing around and intentional misuse of equipment will not be tolerated and may end up in the student being suspended from all labs.

Notebook Students will be keeping an interactive science notebook (INB), which will serve as their main study tool. The purpose and goal of the notebook is to help students really process the content they are learning. Missed work If a student misses a lab due to an excused absence, s/he must make up the lab or obtain a substitute assignment from Ms. Yow. Labs or other assignments missed due to unexcused absences will result in a 0. Students will be advised of the various resources they will have to find out about and make-up missed work. Participation Everyone begins the semester with 50 participation points. Students are expected to be on time (which means you are in your seats and working quietly on your warm-up), to be on task, and to be engaged and participate during class. Being tardy, off task, or disrespectful will lower your participation grade by 2 points for each infraction. Classroom Rules and Expectations I expect each student to help in creating a classroom atmosphere that promotes learning by behaving responsibly and appropriately at all times. This means that you will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be on time. That means you are in your seat and working on your warm-up by the time the bell rings. Be prepared. Bring daily-required materials to class every day. Practice SLANT sit up, listen, ask and answer questions, nod your head, track the speaker. Be respectful of the rights of yourself and others to learn by using appropriate language, listening carefully when students and teacher are speaking, and treating materials and property with care. Follow instructions and lab safety rules. Work hard. Give 100 percent. Be engaged. Do all work with honesty and integrity. CHEATING, PLAGIARISM, ACADEMIC DISHONESTY OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Anything electronic, cell phones, ipods, game players, etc. will be taken if seen and returned at the end of the class period, unless directed otherwise. Neither the school nor the instructor is responsible for devices lost or stolen during class time or due to confiscation. Silence during tests and quizzes until everyone has finished.


Simply putI expect you to WORK HARD and BE NICE.

I can guarantee that the more effort and thought you put into your work for this class, the better your test scores and overall grade will be. However, if this ends up not being the case, please let me know and we will work together to figure out why. Consequences for Misbehavior Level 1 (Incompetence, forgetfulness): Warning, correction, or self-check Level 2 (Deliberate disobedience or defiance): Conference, phone call, and/or detention Level 3 (Egregious or repetitive misbehavior): Referral to administrator or counselor Extra Help Chemistry builds on each unit, so if you dont understand something it will come back to haunt you. It is important that students master topics as they are discussed and not wait until the night before a test. If a student needs extra help, they should arrange a time to meet with me or contact me through e-mail or text to ask me questions. Afterschool tutoring is available in the school library Monday through Thursday for all subjects. Notes:

Media Some classroom activities will be documented through photography or other media means. These media may get posted on my class website, my teacher Facebook page, and will be for educational purposes only. Please let me know if you are not comfortable with this. Remind me again when I am taking the photos. Notes:

San Leandro High School Chemistry CP Course Syllabus 2013-2014

STUDENT: I have read the syllabus and agree to follow classroom expectations and procedures. I will notify Ms. Yow immediately if I fall behind on assignments or class work so that we can make a plan for me to be successful. I will ask for help when I need it and give help when it is sought. I understand the meaning of plagiarism and agree that all work with my name on it will be my own. I promise to respect others and myself. I will respect the learning environment and understand that my role is to learn and help others learn. I will work hard and be nice. Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: I will help my student organize study time and I will notify Ms. Yow immediately (via e-mail) of any concerns I have about my childs progress. I will make sure that my student has the materials and comes to class prepared everyday. I will notify Ms. Yow if there are any complications regarding the necessary supplies. I understand that there may be photographic documentation of class activities that may include my student and allow them to be posted on Ms. Yows Classroom website or sent to for educational purposes only. I will communicate openly with my student and with Ms. Yow in order to help my student succeed in Chemistry this year. Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Please complete the following information: (Please print CLEARLY) STUDENT name (printed): ___________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN Name (printed): _________________________________________________________ Phone number/E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN Name (printed): __________________________________________________________ Phone number/E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________

Best way to contact (circle one): Best Time: _______________________ 1.




Please describe how your student performs best in a classroom setting and how I can best help them succeed.


Do you have any comments, questions or anything you would like me to know about your student or about the syllabus/class?

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