PENETRATION This Type of Defect Is Found in Any of Three Ways
PENETRATION This Type of Defect Is Found in Any of Three Ways
PENETRATION This Type of Defect Is Found in Any of Three Ways
1) When the weld bead does not penetrate the entire thickness of the base plate.
2) When two opposing weld beads do not interpenetrate.
3) When the weld bead does not penetrate the toe of a fillet weld but only bridges across it.
Welding current has the greatest effect on penetration. Incomplete penetration is usually caused by the use
of too low a welding current and can be eliminated by simply increasing the amperage. Other causes can be
the use of too slow a travel speed and an incorrect torch angle. Both will allow the molten weld metal to roll
in front of the arc, acting as a cushion to prevent penetration. The arc must be kept on the leading edge of
the weld puddle. Figure 10-1 - Examples of Lack of Penetration
LACK OF FUSION Lack of fusion, also called cold lapping or cold shuts, occurs when there is no
fusion between the weld metal and the surfaces of the base plate. This defect can be seen in Figure 10-2.
The most common cause of lack of fusion is a poor welding technique. Either the weld puddle is too large
(travel speed too slow) and/or the weld metal has been permitted to roll in front of the arc. Again, the arc
must be kept on the leading edge of the puddle. When this is done, the weld puddle will not get too large and
cannot cushion the arc. Another cause is the use of a very wide weld joint. If the arc is directed down the
center of the joint, the molten weld metal will only flow and cast against the side walls of the base plate
without melting them. The heat of the arc must be used to melt the base plate. This is accomplished by
making the joint narrower or by directing the arc towards the side wall of the base plate. When multipass
welding thick material, a split bead technique should be used whenever possible after the root passes. Large
weld beads bridging the entire gap must be avoided. Lack of fusion can also occur in the form of a rolled
over bead crown. Again, it is generally caused by a very low travel speed and attempting to make too large a
weld in a single pass. However, it is also very often caused by too low a welding voltage. As a result, the
wetting of the bead will be poor. When welding aluminum, the common cause of this type of defect is the
presence of aluminum oxide. This oxide is a refractory with a melting point of approximately 3500 F 0
(1927 C). It is also insoluble in molten aluminum. If this oxide is present on the surfaces to be welded, fusion
The best safeguard against this is to remove all oxide as soon before welding as possible. Although iron
oxide (rust, mill scale) can be welded over in mild steel, an excessive amount can cause lack of fusion
However, as the arc voltage is raised to excessive levels, undercutting may again appear. This is
particularly true in spray arc welding. When the arc becomes very long, it also becomes too wide. This
results in an increased amount of base material being melted. However, the heat transfer of a long arc is
relatively poor, so actually the arc is supplying no more total heat to the weld zone. The outermost areas are
very quickly cooled and again proper wetting is prevented. The arc length should be kept short, not only to
avoid undercutting but to increase penetration and weld soundness. Excessive welding currents can also
cause undercutting. The arc force, arc heat and penetration are so great that the base plate under the arc is
actually ”blown” away. Again, the outermost areas of the base material are melted but solidify quickly. Puddle
turbulence and surface tension prevent the puddle from wetting properly. It is always advisable to remain
within the current ranges specified for each wire size.
POROSITY Porosity is gas pores found in the solidified weld bead. As seen in Figure 10-4, these
pores may vary in size and are generally distributed in a random manner. However, it is possible that
porosity can only be found at the weld center. Pores can occur either under or on the weld surface. The most
common causes of porosity are atmosphere contamination, excessively oxidized work piece surfaces,
inadequate deoxidizing alloys in the wire and the presence of foreign matter. Atmospheric contamination can
be caused by: 1) Inadequate shielding gas flow. 2) Excessive shielding gas flow. This can cause
aspiration of air into the gas stream. 3) Severely clogged gas nozzle or damaged gas supply system
(leaking hoses, fittings, etc.) 4) An excessive wind in the welding area. This can blow away the gas shield.
The atmospheric gases that are primarily responsible for porosity in steel are nitrogen and excessive
oxygen. However, considerable oxygen can be tolerated without porosity in the absence of nitrogen. Oxygen
in the atmosphere can cause severe problems with aluminum because of its rapid oxide formation. The gas
supply should be inspected at regular intervals to insure freedom from leakage. In addition, excessive
moisture in the atmosphere can cause porosity in steel and particularly aluminum. Care should be exercised
in humid climates. For example, a continuous coolant flow in water cooled torches can cause condensation
during periods of high humidity and consequent contamination of the shielding gas. Excessive oxidation of
the work pieces is an obvious source of oxygen as well as entrapped moisture. Again, this is particularly true
for aluminum where a hydrated oxide may exist. Anodized coatings on aluminum must be removed prior to
welding because they contain water as well as being an insulator. Porosity can be caused by inadequate
wire deoxidation when welding semi-killed or rimmed steels. The oxygen in the steel can cause CO porosity
if the proper deoxidizing elements are not present. Foreign matter can be a source of porosity. An example
is excessive lubricant on the welding wire. These hydrocarbons are sources of hydrogen which is particularly
harmful for aluminum. Other causes of porosity may be extremely fast weld solidification rates and erratic
arc characteristics. When solidification rates are extremely rapid, any gas that would normally escape is
trapped. Extremely high travel speeds and low welding current levels should be avoided. Erratic arc
characteristics can be caused by poor welding conditions
Erratic arc characteristics can be caused by poor welding conditions (voltage too low or high, poor metal
transfer) and fluctuation in the wire feed speed. All these occurrences cause severe weld puddle turbulence.
This turbulence will tend to break up the shielding gas envelope and cause the molten weld metal to be
contaminated by the atmosphere.