Cleaning Up Grammars: Useless - Productions
Cleaning Up Grammars: Useless - Productions
Cleaning Up Grammars: Useless - Productions
Note that X wouldn't really be useful if or
included a symbol that didn't satisfy (1),
so it is important that (1) be tested rst, and
symbols that don't derive terminal strings be
eliminated before testing (2).
Finding Symbols That Don't Derive Any
Terminal String
Recursive construction:
Basis : A terminal surely derives a terminal string.
Induction : If A is the head of a production whose
body is X1 X2 Xk , and each Xi is known to
derive a terminal string, then surely A derives a
terminal string.
Keep going until no more symbols that derive
terminal strings are discovered.
S ! AB j C; A ! 0B j C; B ! 1 j A0; C !
AC j C1.
Round 1: 0 and 1 are \in."
Round 2: B ! 1 says B is in.
Round 3: A ! 0B says A is in.
Round 4: S ! AB says S is in.
Round 5: Nothing more can be added.
Thus, C can be eliminated, along with any
production that mentions it, leaving S ! AB;
A ! 0B; B ! 1 j A0.
Finding Symbols That Cannot Be Derived
From the Start Symbol
Another recursive algorithm:
Basis : S is \in."
Induction : If variable A is in, then so is every
symbol in the production bodies for A.
Keep going until no more symbols derivable
from S can be found.
S ! AB; A ! 0B; B ! 1 j A0.
Round 1: S is in.
Round 2: A and B are in.
Round 3: 0 and 1 are in.
Round 4: Nothing can be added.
In this case, all symbols are derivable from S,
so no change to grammar.
Reader has an example where not only are
there symbols not derivable from S, but you
must eliminate rst the symbols that don't
derive terminal strings, or you get the wrong
Eliminating -Productions
A variable A is nullable if A )
. Find them by a
recursive algorithm:
Basis : If A ! is a production, then A is
Induction : If A is the head of a production
whose body consists of only nullable symbols, then
A is nullable.
Once we have the nullable symbols, we can
add additional productions and then throw
away the productions of the form A ! for
any A.
If A ! X1 X2 Xk is a production, add all
productions that can be formed by eliminating
some or all of those Xi 's that are nullable.
✦ But, don't eliminate all k if they are all
If A ! BC is a production, and both B and C are
nullable, add A ! B j C.
Eliminating Unit Productions
1. Eliminate useless symbols and -productions.
2. Discover those pairs of variables (A; B) such
that A )*
✦ Because there are no -productions, this
derivation can only use unit productions.
✦ Thus, we can nd the pairs by computing
reachablity in a graph where nodes =
variables, and arcs = unit productions.
3. Replace each combination where A ) *
and is other than a single variable by A !
✦ I.e., \short circuit" sequences of unit
productions, which must eventually
be followed by some other kind of
Remove all unit productions.
Chomsky Normal Form
0. Get rid of useless symbols, -productions, and
unit productions (already done).
1. Get rid of productions whose bodies are mixes
of terminals and variables, or consist of more
than one terminal.
2. Break up production bodies longer than 2.
Result: All productions are of the form A !
BC or A ! a.
No Mixed Bodies
1. For each terminal a, introduce a new variable
Aa , with one production Aa ! a.
2. Replace a in any body where it is not the
entire body by Aa .
✦ Now, every body is either a single
terminal or it consists only of variables.
A ! 0B1 becomes A0 ! 0; A1 ! 1; A ! A0 BA1 .
Making Bodies Short
If we have a production like A ! BCDE, we
can introduce some new variables that allow the
variables of the body to be introduced one at a
A body of length k requires k , 2 new
Example: Introduce F and G; replace A !
BCDE by A ! BF ; F ! CG; G ! DE.
Summary Theorem
If L is any CFL, there is a grammar G that
generates L , fg, for which each production is
of the form A ! BC or A ! a, and there are no
useless symbols.
CFL Pumping Lemma
Similar to regular-language PL, but you have to
pump two strings in the middle of the string, in
tandem (i.e., the same number of copies of each).
9 integer n
8 z in L, with jz j n
9 uvwxy = z such that jvwxj n and jvxj > 0
8 i 0, uvi wxiy is in L.
Outline of Proof of PL
Let there be a Chomsky-normal-form CFG for
L with m variables. Pick n = 2m .
Because CNF grammars have bodies of no
more than 2 symbols, a string z of length
n must have some path with at least m + 1
Thus, some variable must appear twice on the
✦ Compare with the DFA argument about a
path longer than the number of states.
Focus on some path that is as long as any
path in the tree. In this path, we can nd
a duplication of some variable A among the
bottom m + 1 variables on the path.
✦ Let the lower A derive w and the upper A
derive vwx.
CNF guarantees us that jvwxj n and vx 6=
By repeatedly replacing the lower A's tree by
the upper A's tree, we see uvi wxi y has a parse
tree for all i > 1.
✦ And replacing the upper by the lower
shows the case i = 0; i.e., uwy is in L.
L = f0k2 j k is any integerg is not a CFL.
Suppose it were. Then let n be the PL
constant for L.
Consider z = 0n2 . We can write z = uvwxy,
with jvwxj n and jvxj > 0.
Then uvvwxxy is in L. But n2 <
juvvwxxyj n2 + n < (n + 1)2 , so there is
no perfect square that juvvwxxyj could be.
By \proof by contradiction," L is not a CFL.