An Inaudible Pseudonoise Sequence Generation For Digital Audio Watermarking
An Inaudible Pseudonoise Sequence Generation For Digital Audio Watermarking
An Inaudible Pseudonoise Sequence Generation For Digital Audio Watermarking
, u, 1] where
denotes -
1. The recoding is canonical if D contains no adjacent nonzero
The first step in generation of the proposed PN sequence
was starting from generating the typical PN sequence with
secret key, and then it was coded by canonical signed digit
coding (CSDC). In binary digit vector analysis, CSDC is
known to optimum representation to minimize nonzero digit
of binary sequence.
Thus, a canonical signed digit vector of E is the
form = (
) ,
e {1,u, 1]
, u), (u, 1
And we also defined a set Q in (2). The elements of set Q
were characterized by having different signed ordered pair.
Q {(1, 1
), (1
, 1)] (2)
The correspondence between the set P
and the set Q was
shown in Fig. 2.
Figure. 2. Correspondence between the set P and the set Q
The ordered pair (u, u) in the set P has two correspondences
in the set Q; if the ordered pair immediately before (u, u) in
the set P is(1, 1
, 1) in
the set Q and if it is(1
). Two
dashed- lines in Figure 2 denote the transition of (u, u) in the
set P to the set Q. In the time domain, the proposed PN
sequence with a delay n
and period N was represented in (3).
(n) = r
(o(n - n
- i) - o(n - n
-i - 1))
PN sequence generation
CSDC of PN sequence
Ordered pairing of digits
Ordered pairing transition
(1, 1)
(1, 0)
(1, 0)
(0, 1)
(0, 0)
ISBN 978-89-5519-163-9 736 Feb. 19~22, 2012 ICACT2012
In the frequency domain, the frequency components of the
proposed PN sequence differed from those of the original PN
sequence while the proposed PN sequence kept its
randomness in the time domain. The frequency domain
representation of (3) was represented in (4).
() = r
- c
We can observe that (c
- c
) is very
small value when frequency is small in (4). This
observation implies the frequency components of our PN
sequence slowly changed in low frequency band. We can
extend the correspondence of the set P and the set Q to n-digit
ordered pair to m-digit ordered pair. For example 2-digit
ordered pairs in (1) was extended to 4-digit ordered pair as in
Table 1.
TABLE 1. Correspondence of 2- to 4- digit in the set P and the set Q
Set P Set Q
(u,u) Q
(t - 1)
(1,u) (1
, 1, 1
, 1)
(u,1) (1, 1
, 1
, 1)
, u) (1, 1
, 1, 1
(u, 1
) (1
, 1,1, 1
In Table 1, (t - 1) means that the ordered pair in the
set Q is changed 1 to 1
and 1
(t - 1)
(u,1,u) (1
, 1,1, 1
, 1, 1
, 1
, 1)
(1,u,u) (1
, 1,1, 1
, 1, 1
, 1, 1
(1,u,1) (1
, 1,1, 1
, 1
, 1, 1
, 1)
(u, 1
, u) (1
, 1,1, 1
, 1
, 1,1, 1
, u,u) (1
, 1, 1
, 1,1, 1
, 1
, 1)
, u, 1
) (1
, 1, 1
, 1,1, 1
, 1, 1
, u,1) (1
, 1, 1
, 1, 1
, 1, 1
, 1)
(1,u, 1
) (1
, 1, 1
, 1, 1
, 1,1, 1
As a result, we could induce the new PN sequence with
improved imperceptibility.
In simulation experiment, we analyzed 100 PN sequences
generated by the proposed method described in Section III.
Each PN sequence was generated based on typical PN
sequences generated by different secret keys and composed
with 256 samples. The our simulation processes included the
generation process of the typical PN sequence with secret key,
the result of CSDC in the process for generating new PN
sequence and the example of the proposed new PN sequence.
Auto and cross correlation analysis and frequency magnitude
spectrum analysis were carried out to analyze properties of the
proposed PN sequence in time and frequency domain
Figure 3 shows an example of typical PN sequence that is
satisfied with the Golombs randomness postulates [9]. In the
generation process of the typical PN sequence, a random seed
as secret key is applied for security
Figure 3. An example of typical PN sequence that satisfies with Golombs
randomness postulates
A sequence in the dashed box shows 16 samples from 140
sample point to 155 sample point in the generated typical PN
sequence. We can observe consecutive samples of 1 or -1 in
samples of dashed box.
Figure 4. The example of the proposed PN sequence
ISBN 978-89-5519-163-9 737 Feb. 19~22, 2012 ICACT2012
In the sequence, consecutive sequences of 1 or -1 lead to the
high and fluctuating magnitude spectrum in frequency domain
and then an unwanted noise occurs in audible frequency band
including the PSR. Figure 4 shows an example of new PN
sequence generated from Figure 3. A sequence in the dashed
box shows 16 samples of the same sample positions of Figure
3 in the new PN sequence. We can observe that the ordered
pairs of new PN sequence are always (1,-1) or (-1, 1). This
property of new PN sequence causes slow change of
frequency spectrum in low frequency band as described in (4)
and leads to convergence to approximate zero in difference of
frequency spectrum of adjacent samples. Therefore the
proposed new PN sequence has little affect the PSR in HAS.
Figure 5 shows frequency magnitude spectrums of PN
sequences in Figure 3 and Figure 4. In Bark scaled horizontal
axis, 0-15Bark covers the PSR in HAS. The frequency
magnitude spectrum of the proposed PN sequence is
approximate zero and little fluctuation while that of the typical
PN sequence is high and heavy fluctuation. This observation
implies that the audience can little hear and feel the influence
of noise caused by PN sequence inserted as watermark.
Figure 5. Frequency magnitude spectrum of (a) Proposed PN sequence (b)
Typical PN sequence
The PN sequences used as watermark have high auto-
correlation and low cross-correlation property for security and
this property plays an important role in correlation based
detection process of an watermarking scheme.
(a) Auto-correlation of proposed sequence
(b) Cross-correlation of proposed sequence
Figure 6. Auto- and cross- correlation examples of the proposed PN
Figure 6(a) shows the autocorrelation example of the
proposed PN sequence randomly selected from 100 sequences.
The maximum value of autocorrelation is the strength of
sequence when delay factor is zero. This means that the
autocorrelation of the proposed sequence is strong as much as
that of the typical PN sequence. Figure 6(b) shows the cross
correlation example of the proposed PN sequences randomly
selected from 100 sequences. We can observe that that the
cross correlation values of the proposed sequences are
uncorrelated as the property of a typical PN sequence.
In this paper we proposed the generation method of PN
sequence that is imperceptible in the PSR of HAS. The PN
sequence generated by the proposed method was analyzed in
frequency domain analysis, and correlation analysis and
simulation results are compared with those of the typical PN
sequence that satisfies the Golombs randomness postulates.
In frequency domain analysis the frequency magnitude
spectrum of the proposed PN sequence showed the explicit
ISBN 978-89-5519-163-9 738 Feb. 19~22, 2012 ICACT2012
small value and low fluctuation in PSR of HVS. This implies
that the proposed PN sequence is much imperceptible in
comparison of the typical PN sequence. This property is
significant in the view point of imperceptibility of audio
watermarking. The imperceptibility of watermark in the PSR
of HAS improves the quality of watermarked audio signal in
audio watermarking scheme.
In time domain analysis we could observe that the proposed
PN sequence had same or much strong autocorrelation and
same or less cross correlation from simulation results. And
also the proposed PN sequence is much applicable than the
typical PN sequence for audio watermarking in comparison of
maximum cross-correlation in sample number change and the
percentage ratio of maximum cross-correlation values and
sample number. We expect to apply for audio watermarking
with high imperceptibility in the PSR of HAS.
This research project was supported by Ministry of Culture,
Sports and Tourism (MCST) and from Korea Copyright
Commission in 2011.
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ISBN 978-89-5519-163-9 739 Feb. 19~22, 2012 ICACT2012