Chapter 2: The Demand For Money: Learning Objectives
Chapter 2: The Demand For Money: Learning Objectives
Chapter 2: The Demand For Money: Learning Objectives
Reading advice
Before embarking on this chapter, and before consulting any of the recommended reading, you should review your understanding of the demand for money from your studies in macroeconomics. A very useful text on the demand for money is Laidler (1993), which is both readable and comprehensive, and should be consulted on everything covered in this chapter. Goodhart (1989) is also essential reading and should be read while you work through the chapter.
Essential reading
Goodhart, C.A.E. Money, Information and Uncertainty. (London: Macmillan, 1989) Chapters 3 and 4. Laidler, D.E.W. The demand for money: Theories, evidence and problems. (New York: Harper Collins, 1993) Section II. Lewis, M.K. and P .D. Mizen Monetary Economics. (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000) Chapters 5, 6, 11 and 12.
Further reading
Friedman, M. The quantity theory of money: a restatement, in Friedman, M. (ed.) Studies in the quantity theory of money. (University of Chicago Press, 1956). Goldfeld, S.M. Demand for money: empirical studies, in Newman, P ., M. Milgate and J. Eatwell (eds) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance. (London: Macmillan, 1994). Goldfeld, S.M. and D.E. Sichel The demand for money, in Friedman, B. and F. Hahn (eds) Handbook of monetary economics. (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990). Harris, L. Monetary Theory. (New York; London: McGraw-Hill, 1985) Chapters 9 and 10.
Journal articles
Baumol, W. The transactions demand for cash: an inventory theoretic approach, Journal of Econometrics (1952) 66, November, pp.54556. Judd, J. and J. Scadding The search for a stable money demand function: a survey of the post-1973 literature, Journal of Economic Literature 20(2) 1982 pp.9931023. Miller, M. and D. Orr A model of the demand for money by firms, Quarterly Journal of Economics 80(3) 1966, pp.41335. Sprenkle, C. The uselessness of transactions demand models, Journal of Finance 24(5) 1969, pp.83547. Tobin, J. The interest elasticity of transactions demand for cash, The Review of Economics and Statistics 38(3) 1956, pp.24147. Tobin, J. Liquidity preference as behaviour towards risk, Review of Economic Studies 25(1) 1958, pp.6586.
In Chapter 1 we saw why there was a need for money: 1. to solve the double coincidence of wants problem associated with barter 2. t o obviate the lack of trust between the payer and the payee in a transaction. However, what determines the quantity of money that individuals and economies demand is a separate question. It is the aim of this chapter to explain what determines the quantity of money we demand and also to present a number of models (or theories) of the demand for money. The chapter is split into two main sections: The first part considers: the demand for money from individuals or institutions/firms the microeconomic determinants of money demand. The second part: examines the demand for money at the macroeconomic level gives a brief history of money demand, focusing on the breakdown of the macroeconomic demand for money function.
holding other, interest earning, assets is generally considered to be greater. If the price of assets is likely to vary over time then, by the time we want to sell those assets in order to obtain money to undertake transactions, we may face considerable capital loss. If we are risk-averse then our demand for money will therefore be a positive function of the riskiness or price uncertainty of alternative assets. 4. The expected pattern of expenditures and receipts. If individuals were paid their wages in lump sums weekly then average cash balances would be less than if wages were paid monthly. If the pattern of payments and receipts was uncertain then cash balances would be likely to be higher; it may be unwise to face the brokerage fees and transfer cash to bonds if there is a possibility that you will need to make a large cash payment in the near future. Keynes (1936) broke down the demand for money into three types: transactions, precautionary and speculative motives: The transaction demand for money is essentially that needed to buy goods and services where money is needed as a medium of exchange. Precautionary money balances are simply holdings of money kept in case of emergencies (an unexpectedly large tax bill or hospital treatment for example). Finally, the speculative demand for money considers money as an alternative to interest earning assets. Due to the capital loss involved with holding bonds when the interest rate increases2 if an individual expects the interest rate to rise, then he will expect to experience a capital loss on his bond holdings. Knowing that the bond price will fall, he will want to hold a larger quantity of money. In fact, Keynes originally assumed that individuals held their expectations of interest rate movements with certainty. When the interest rate was below what they expected in the long run, R* in Figure 2.1, then they would put all of their financial wealth in the form of money to avoid the capital loss associated with holding bonds. When the interest rate was above what was expected, then the expected interest rate fall would be associated with a capital gain from holding bonds. The individual would then hold as little money as possible, only covering the transactions and precautionary motives. The individuals demand for money, as a function of the interest rate, would then be a step function, shown in Figure 2.1 below.
2 This is due to the negative relationship between the price of a bond and the yield the bond earns. This is considered in more detail in Chapter 9.
It has become standard to model each component of the demand for 3 money separately. The transaction demand for money is typically modelled by allowing money to be a function of determinants 1, 2 and 4 above (i.e. ignoring asset price uncertainty). By allowing more flexible assumptions on the expected pattern of expenditures and receipts, similar analysis can incorporate a precautionary motive for money holdings.4 Analysis of the speculative demand for money, however, concentrates on determinant 3, asset price uncertainty, while dropping one or more of the other factors for tractability.
See Goodhart (1989) Chapter 3, Sections 1 and 2 for a more complete discussion of the modelling techniques. See Miller and Orr 1966).
Costs, C, are made up of brokerage costs, equal to the cost per transfer, b, multiplied by the number of transfers, T/Z, plus the interest foregone by (opportunity cost from) holding money. The interest rate foregone will equal the interest rate, i, multiplied by the average money holdings, Z/2. Differentiating the cost with respect to the choice variable, Z, the amount we transfer each time, gives: dC bT i = + dZ Z2 2 (2.2)
The average money demand, M, is then a positive function of both the brokerage cost, b, determinant number 2, and income/receipts, T, determinant number 4. It is also a negative function of the interest rate
earned on alternative assets, i, determinant number 1. One can also show that the interest and income elasticities of money demand are - and , respectively. This is left as an exercise. So average money demand will increase by % if income increases by 1% and decreases by the same amount if the interest rate earned on alternative assets increases by 1%. The model generates a saw tooth pattern of money holdings as shown in Figure 2.2 below. For simplicity, assume that interest payments are made at the end and do not accrue during the period. The diagram shows a situation where the optimal number of times to transfer between bonds and money is 4. At time t0, the cash manager receives T in bonds and transfers Z to cash immediately in order to buy goods and services. The amount of bonds left is therefore B1 (the difference between T and B1 being Z). Money balances and hence financial wealth decline gradually as the cash is spent. At time t1, another transfer is made that reduces bond holding by a further Z to B2. The process continues until all wealth is spent and a new income is received. Money holdings are therefore shown by the saw-tooth pattern, financial wealth is shown by the straight line from T and the level of bond holdings is shown by the dashed step function.
Figure 2.2:Saw tooth pattern of money holdings from the BaumolTobin model of money demand
Extended activity 2.1 A taxi driver takes 15,000 net over the course of a year, at an approximately constant daily rate. He spends 80% of his takings on consumption goods, also at an approximately constant daily rate, but saves the remainder to pay for a world cruise at the end of the year. He can hold his savings in a deposit account in a bank paying 4% per annum, with costless deposits and withdrawals, or he can purchase bonds paying a known yield of 7%. The brokerage fee in purchasing or selling bonds is 5 per transaction. Assume the taxi driver manages his finances optimally by making n transactions, n1 of these being purchases of bonds spaced equally through the year, and the nth transaction being the sale of bonds at the end of the year to pay for the world cruise. a) Draw the time profile of the taxi drivers holdings of deposits and bonds. b) What is the optimal value of n? (Note that n must be a whole number). c) What is the taxi drivers demand for money, or average deposit balance? (For Feedback, see the end of this chapter.)
(2.4) (2.5)
A portfolio containing a share B of bonds and 1B of money therefore has a distribution: Portfolio~(0*(1B)+B,0*(1B)2+s2B2)=(B,sB2) p = B s =sB
2 p 2 2
Let the mean return of this portfolio be p and the variance be sp2.
Writing B in terms of s and sp from 2.8 and substituting into 2.7 gives a budget constraint relating the maximum return on a portfolio to the standard deviation, which we assume is a proxy for risk. = sp s p
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Assuming that agents are risk-averse, the indifference curves will be convex and upward sloping, as shown in Figure 2.3. The top part of the figure shows the budget constraint and indifference curves of the agent. Note that there is an upper bound on the return and risk of the portfolio, p and sp, respectively, where the individual has put all of their financial wealth in bonds; B=1. At this point it is impossible to increase the return or risk of the portfolio by substituting between money and bonds. The bottom part of the figure simply shows the share of the portfolio held in bonds and the corresponding risk of the portfolio. As can be seen in the figure, the individual maximises utility by being at the point where the indifference curve is tangential to the portfolio budget constraint, point E. The share of wealth held in bonds is B* and the share held in money is 1B*. By using portfolio analysis, Tobin showed how individuals can diversify their wealth into more than just one asset. By changing the return earned on bonds, , this will shift the lines in the figure, resulting in a new equilibrium and different bond/money allocation (see feedback to extended exercise 2.1 at the end of this chapter).
1. their price 2. the price of pears 3. the incomes of consumers, and 4. the tastes and preferences of consumers. Then a change in the supply of apples will be expected to alter one of these factors influencing demand. In this case most probably the price of apples. In a similar fashion, changes in the supply of money can be expected to bring about a change in the value of one or more of the determinants of the demand for money. The possibility that these determinants may include interest rates, real income and the general level of prices themselves important macroeconomic variables gives the study of the demand for money a particular importance. A particular aggregate money demand function takes the form: Md = f(Y, Ri, W) (2.10) Md is the demand for nominal money balances, Y is nominal income and Ri is the rate of return on asset i. Since the rate of return on a number of assets will determine the demand for money, including that on money itself, i can represent a number of assets. The Ris represent the opportunity cost of holding money and Y acts as a proxy for the level of transactions undertaken. Wealth (W) is included as it forms the budget constraint on which the choice of money holdings depends but since wealth is capitalised current and future income, it is not independent of Y. For this reason, and also because data on wealth levels of nations are very difficult to obtain, W is often dropped from the analysis. If money demand is homogenous of degree one in prices (i.e. a doubling of the price level leads to a doubling of the demand for nominal money balances), Equation 2.10 can be re-written as: M d = g(y, Ri) (2.11) P
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where y is real income. A common log linear form of this equation is: mt pt = ayt bRt (2.12) where mt, pt and yt are log values of the nominal money supply, price level and income at time t respectively and Rt is the nominal interest rate at time t. Two important parameters of the money demand function are the elasticities with respect to income and the interest rate. For a summary of the empirical evidence on these estimates, see Lewis and Mizen, especially Chapter 11. This chapter also explains in detail the methods used to 5 estimate such money demand functions. The interest elasticity of money demand is important in the debate over whether monetary or fiscal policy is more powerful. A low value of b implies a relatively steep LM curve and, other things being equal, monetary policy has a larger effect on output than fiscal policy. Keynesians on the other hand argue the opposite: a high value of b and therefore a relatively shallow LM curve, implying a greater role for fiscal policy. Of equal importance is whether or not the money demand equation is stable. If the monetary authorities decide to target the money supply then an unstable money demand function can lead to unexpected and adverse changes in nominal and possibly real factors in the economy. The stability of money demand can only be determined by statistical analysis of the relevant data hence the enormous number of empirical studies relating to the demand for money.
5 For a more technical review, see also Goldfeld and Sichel listed in the further reading section.
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where ut is a random error term and a lagged dependent variable, ln(M/P)t1, is also included. Goldfeld himself suggested:
Perhaps most interesting is the apparent sturdiness of a quite conventional formulation of the money demand function, however scrutinised(T)he conventional equation exhibits no marked instabilities, in either the short run or the long run.6
However, from 1974 Goldfelds equation overpredicted real money balances, M1, in the US. This was known as the case of the missing money (Goldfeld, 1976). Basically, for any given level of real income and interest rates, the above equation suggested that there should be more money in circulation than there actually was.7 Such demand for money functions were breaking down, not only in the US but also elsewhere, such as the UK see Hacche (1974) who examined a broader measure of money, M3. Whereas Goldfelds equation overpredicted the amount of money in the US, money demand equations for the broader M3 aggregate in the UK were underpredicting the amount of money.
7 For a review of the stability of the demand for money function, see Judd and Scadding (1982).
Knowledge of such econometric theory is not needed for this subject however.
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The first term is the interest earned on bonds (7% = 0.07) multiplied by average bond holdings. The second term is the interest earned on deposits, 4%, multiplied by the average deposit balance, and the last term is the cost per transfer, 5, times the number of transfers. Simplifying the expression leads to: 45 max 105 5n n n Differentiating with respect to n and setting equal to zero gives an optimal number of transfers, n, equal to 3, and the average deposit balance, M, is given by: M = 3000 = 500 2n
and Mi can be shown to equal 1/2. The BaumolTobin model therefore suggests transactions and interest elasticities of money demand to be and respectively. These are different to the empirical estimates of 1 and 0. The main reason for the difference is that many people cannot afford to enter the bond markets due to the large brokerage fees. When income increases, agents increase their money holdings one-for-one. If the interest rate increases, agents do not convert any wealth to bonds since the high brokerage fees outweigh the benefit of higher interest received on bonds.