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High Reliability Guide

Avionics Defense Die/Wafer Solutions Enhanced Products (EP) High Temperature Space



HiRel Guide
Introduction and Contents
The Texas Instruments (TI) High Reliability (HiRel) division focuses on increasing system-level reliability in applications subjected to unusually demanding and harsh conditions, offering an extended range of temperature characterization, special packaging and special qualification options. Devices designed into challenging applications must be able to perform seamlessly. Beyond offering products that can withstand extreme temperatures, TIs HiRel group also offers features in its radiationtolerant products (for example) that can improve performance, such as limiting total irradiated dosage to lower leakage currents. Radiation tolerance is necessary not only for space and aircraft but for todays medical applications. Now that images are captured electronically rather than stored on photographic film, circuits and data converters in dental and medical X-ray diagnostic equipment must be able to withstand low doses of radiation daily. The benefits of HiRel devices include: Increased long-term reliability Lower maintenance, repair and replacement costs Fewer incoming inspection/testing criteria and fewer system-level shielding requirements Among TIs broad device portfolio, products in the HiRel family include: Amplifiers Data converters Power management integrated circuits Advanced CMOS (AC) logic devices DSPs

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Enhanced Products (EP)

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Analog-to-Digital Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Digital Isolators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Digital Media Systems-on-Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Microcontrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Selection Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Data Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Digital Signal Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Selection Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

High Temperature
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Featured Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Selection Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Die/Wafer Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Defense

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Featured Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Analog Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Digital Signal Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 First-In, First-Out Memory (FIFOs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Logic Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 CD4000 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Process Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Symbolization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Worldwide Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments 2010

HiRel Guide
The HiRel products found in this guide are organized into five segments: Enhanced Products (EP). These products have the benefits of a controlled production baseline (one assembly/test site, one fabrication site), extended product change notification and a qualification pedigree in industry-standard packaging. TI guarantees that EP products will perform in environments with temperatures from -55C to 125C. The EP line is certified to the Aerospace Qualified Electronic Component standard, which the aerospace and semiconductor industries developed for components used in military, avionic, aerospace and medical applications. In fact, TI is focusing on the emerging medical market for EP. Space. Products in this segment are designed to be tolerant to the extreme radiation levels found beyond the Earths atmosphere. TIs military performance (MIL-PRF)-38535 Qualified Manufacturer List (QML) Class V (space) products can be placed into satellite systems, space stations, launch vehicles, exploration vehicles and planetary robots. High Temperature (HT). Designed for such applications as downhole drilling, geothermal drilling, aerospace, heavy industrial, and automotive, HT products are operable in temperatures from -55C to 210C for 1,000 hours. The components in this portfolio span a complete signal chain roadmap and are able to accommodate the unique requirements of signal conditioning, data capture and processing in both surface-mount ceramic or known good die packaging options. Die/Wafer Solutions. This segment meets demand for bare die also known as unpackaged integrated circuits as well as known good die and wafers for automotive, computing, communication, medical, defense and entertainment applications. In addition to meeting customer requests for specific test platforms, end applications and packaging options, TI specializes in value-added processes like hybrid circuits, multichip modules, chips on board, flip chips and bumping. Defense. This is the HiRel divisions original segment and remains its broadest. Like the Space portfolio, these products are QML-certified, qualified to MIL-PRF-38535, but also compliant with MIL-STD-883; ISO 9001; and Classes B, Q and V, with extended temperature and radiationtolerant operating ranges. HiRel parts support specific requirements where reliability, qualification, vendor item drawings, standard microcircuit drawings and baseline control are critical. For more information, visit www. ti.com/hirel

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP))

The ADS1258-EP a QFP package release for an avionic application. TIs EP products are guaranteed to perform to data sheet specifications in environments that require extended temperatures (typically -55C to +125C). To ensure that a device exhibits the highest quality and reliability possible for targeted applications, TI performs the following qualification procedures before the device is released: All EP devices undergo extensive requalification Qualification data is reviewed and audited for accuracy and compliance Reliability and electromigration monitoring is performed at maximum recommended operating conditions in the targeted package. Certified test programs and test hardware Electrical characterization is performed across specified temperature range Package performance is confirmed over extended temperatures (some mold compounds are not suitable for extended temperatures). Nickel/palladium/gold/lead finish eliminates tin whisker reliability issues EP versus upscreening: TIs EP portfolio offers an alternative to third party upscreening for designers who believe that an enhanced product is suitable for their particular application. Although our EP products receive additional testing and process verification over and above their commercial counterparts, they may still not be suitable for all environments, so TI strongly suggests that OEMs qualify devices for their applications. For designers with applications requiring a ceramic/hermetic packaged integrated circuit, TI has an expansive product line to meet their needs. TIs EP line eliminates: Yield loss and damage caused by electrical overstress and handling. Mechanical damage, which causes moisture issues. Burn-in, which can cause lead finish degradation. Lack of support by IC manufacturers. Few upscreening test facilities have the ability to test complex parts. No access to TIs wafer processing history by third parties. Additional value that can be expected from TIs EP line: Qualification summary report Access to leading-edge commercial technology Commitment to the Industrial, Medical, Avionic and Defense markets Customer-driven portfolio Enhanced obsolescence management In addition to the active EP products listed in this guide and on our website, TI will evaluate the release of other TIs catalog devices in an EP versions based on customer requirements. Please contact TIs Product Information Center to discuss your needs. (Contact information on back cover.)

TIs Enhanced Product (EP) line offers design flexibility while still meeting HiRel and Medical standards for operating environments where high reliability and long service life are a requirement. The EP line offering can benefit avionic, defense, aerospace, medical, and industrial designers. In addition, designers in other rugged operating environments and long service life application fields can benefit from the EP line. TIs Enhanced Product line is a commercial of-the-shelf (COTS) solution with the following key benefits: Fabrication and assembly controlled baseline Extended product change notification (PCN) Extended temperature performance (typically -55C to +125C) Standalone data sheet Qualification pedigree Product traceability Long life cycles TIs EP line offers an additional benefit which is the availability of TIs High Reliability Group to work with our designers to offer capabilities that surpass TIs standard catalog offering, among them: SnPd solder ball package options Different choice of packages from our TI standard catalog offering. Enhanced testing coverage for devices. TI HiRel group can work with the customer to understand their requirements to release EP devices with the features specified above. Examples of devices released under this program are as follow: The MSP430F2618-EP a BGA SnPd solder ball release for implantable medical applications.

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Analog-to-Digital Converters
Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at www.ti.com/sc/device/ADS6445-EP Key Features -55C to 125C operating junction temperature range 3.3-V analog and digital supply 1680-mW power consumption (typ) Simultaneous sample and hold Applications Base-station IF receivers Diversity receivers Medical imaging Radar systems Test equipment The ADS6445-EP high-performance, 14-bit, quad-channel analog-to-digital converter operates at a 125-MSPS sample rate. Serial LVDS outputs reduce the number of interface lines, allowing for a 64-pin QFN package and thus high system integration density. The device includes 3.5-dB coarse gain and 1-dB to 6-dB programmable fine gain options for SFDR/SNR trade-off.

Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at www.ti.com/sc/device/ADS1258-EP Key Features Fixed- or automatic-channel scan 125 kSPS fixed-channel data rate or 23.7 kSPS/channel auto-scan data rate 42-mW power consumption (typ) 48-pin HTQFP or VQFN package 16 single-ended or 8 differential inputs Applications Medical, avionics and process control Machine and system monitoring Fast scan multichannel instrumentation Industrial systems Test and measurement systems The ADS1258-EP 16-channel 24-bit analog-to-digital converter provides singlecycle settled data at channel scan rates from 1.8 to 23.7 kSPS per channel. A flexible input multiplexer accepts combinations of eight differential or 16 singleended inputs with a full-scale differential range of 5 V or true bipolar range of 2.5 V when operating with a 5-V reference. The fourth-order delta-sigma modulator is followed by a fifth-order sinc digital filter optimized for low-noise performance. The differential output of the multiplexer is accessible to allow signal conditioning before the input of the ADC. Internal system monitor registers provide supply voltage, temperature, reference voltage, gain and offset data.
General-Purpose I/O

Flex Mux and Temp Monitor and VDD Monitor and Sensor Detect


Programmable Digital Filter

Serial Interface


Clock Generator and 32 kHz PLL



High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments 2010

Enhanced Products (EP)

Digital Isolators
Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at www.ti.com/sc/device/ISO721M-EP Key Features 4000-V(peak) Isolation, 560-Vpeak VIORM UL 1577, IEC 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884, Rev. 2) IEC 61010-1, IEC 60950-1 and CSA approved 50-kV/s transient immunity (typ) 0- to 150-Mbps signaling rate Low-power sleep mode High electromagnetic immunity Low input-current requirement Failsafe output Applications Industrial fieldbus Modbus Profitbus DeviceNet data buses Smart Distributed Systems Computer peripheral interface Servo control interface Data acquisition The ISO721-EP digital isolator has a logic input and output buffer separated by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. This barrier provides galvanic isolation of up to 400 V. Used in conjunction with isolated power supplies, these devices prevent noise currents on a data bus or other circuits from entering the local ground and interfering with or damaging sensitive circuitry.


Data CAN SN65HVD233

120 CAN SN65HVD233 2x ISO721M

2x ISO721M TMP101 Sensor






SM320F2812 DSP with CAN controller





Digital Media System-on-Chip

Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at www.ti.com/sc/device/SM320DM355-EP Key Features ARM926EJ-S core ARM9 memory architecture MPEG4/JPEG coprocessor Video processing subsystem Temperature range -55oC to +125oC Applications Digital still cameras Digital photo frames IP security cameras Four-channel digital video recorders Video doorbells Portable digital video applications The SM320DM355-EP combines high-performance MPEG-4 HD (720p) codecs and JPEG codecs (up to 50 megapixels per second) with low-power consumption. The DM355 also enables a seamless interface to most additional external devices required for a complete digital camera implementation. The interface is flexible enough to support various types of CCD and CMOS sensors.
CCD/ CMOS Module CCDC CCD C H3A 3A VPFE 10b DAC Vide Video OS OSD Encod Encoder o D er VPBE VPSS


Enhanced channels 3PCC /TC (100 MHz DDR DDR controller MH z) er c ARM DL DLL/ PHY

USB 2.0 Nand / Nand/SM/


z) cach l-cache I-16KB 16 e K B cach B D-cache D- 8K 8KB e



Enhanced MPEG4/JPEG Coprocessor channels 3PCC /TC (100 MHz


(AEMIF) ASP (2x) Speaker microphone

UART (x3) I2C Timer/ GIO


(optional) RTO

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments 2010

Enhanced Products (EP)

Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at www.ti.com/sc/device/MSP430F249-EP Key Features 1.8-V to 3.6-V range Temperature range -55oC to +125oC 64-pin LQFP package Applications Control systems Sensor systems Industrial control applications Handheld meters High temperature electronics The MSP430F249-EP microcontroller has two built-in 16-bit timers, a fast 12bit A/D converter, a comparator, four universal serial communication interface modules and as many as 48 I/O pins. A calibrated digitally controlled oscillator facilitates ultra-fast >1s wakeup from standby mode. Like other devices in the MSP430 microcontroller family, the MSP430F249-EP features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency.

ACLK Oscillators Base Clock SMCLK System+ MCLK

Flash 60 kB 56 kB 48 kB 32 kB

RAM 2 kB 4 kB 4 kB 4 kB

ADC 12 12-Bit 8 Channels

Ports P1/P2 2x8 I/O interrupt capability

Ports P3/P4 P5/Pg 4x8 I/O

16 Mhz CPU Incl. 16 Registers



Emulation JTAG Interface RST/NMI BOR SVS/SVM

Hardware Multiplier MPY, MPYS, MAC, MACS

Watchdog WDT+ 15/16-Bit

Timer_B7 Timer_A3 3CC Registers 7 CC Registers, Shadow Reg Comp_A+



Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at www.ti.com/sc/device/MSP430F2274-EP Key Features Two 16-bit timers with three capture/compare registers Universal serial communication interface 10-bit 200-kSPS A/D converter with integrated reference and data transfer controller 32 I/O pins 40-pin QFN package Applications Handheld defense devices requiring low power Avionics Industrial Control and monitoring equipment High-temperature electronics Metering equipment The MSP430F2274-EP is the first extended temperature mixed-signal microcontroller from Texas Instruments designed specifically for ultra-low-power applications. A flexible clocking system, multiple operation modes and zeropower, always-on, brown-out reset (BOR) can reduce power consumption and dramatically extend battery life. The MSP430 BOR function is always active, even in low-power modes, to ensure the most reliable performance possible. The MSP430 CPU architecture, with 16 registers and 16-bit data and address buses, minimizes power-consuming fetches to memory, while a fast vectoredinterrupt structure reduces the need for wasteful CPU software flagpolling. Intelligent hardware peripheral features were also designed to allow tasks to be completed more efficiently and independently of the CPU.
Clock System MCLK MAB RISC CPU 16-Bit JTAG/Debug ACLK Flash SMCLK RAM Port



Analog Peripheral

Digital Peripheral

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments 2010

Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Iq Per Channel (Max) (mA) 6 0.5 0.5 0.02 0.15 0.005 0.002 0.001 Number of Channels 1 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 VIO (25 deg C) (Max) (mV) 3 2.5 5 5 5 12 15 5 Total Supply Voltage (V) (Max) (+5 V = 5, +/-5 V = 10) 30 30 30 16 16 5.5 5.5 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single Supply

Device LM211-EP LM239A-EP LM293-EP TLC3702-EP TLC372-EP TLV3011-EP TLV3492A-EP TLV3701-EP

Description Differential comparator with strobes Quad differential comparator Dual differential comparator Micropower LinCMOS technology-based voltage comparator LinCMOS dual differential comparator, nanopower 1.8-V, SOT-23 comparator with voltage reference Nanopower, push-pull output comparator Nanopower, push-pull output comparator

Pin/Package(s) 8SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 6SOT-23 8SOIC 5SOT-23

Operational Amplifiers
Iq Per Channel (Max) (mA) 2 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.55 2.5 0.025 0.025 0.035 0.95 22 28 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Number of Channels 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 4 VIO (25 deg C) (Max) (mV) 1.45 2 7 7 7 3 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.5 4 7 0.85 1.5 0.85 1.5 0.95 0.95 2.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.85 1.1 Slew Rate (typ) (V/ s) 15 1 0.3 0.5 0.5 7 0.16 0.16 0.03 6 10500 1300 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 3.6 3.6 3.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total Supply Voltage (V) (Max) (+5 V = 5, +/-5 V = 10) 5.5 18 32 26 32 10 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 15 15 16 16 16 16 4.4 16 16 40 40 40 40 40 40 Pin/ Package(s) 8MSOP 5SOT-23 8SOIC 14TSSOP 16SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 5SC70, 5SOT-23 5SOT-23 5SOT-23 8MSOP PowerPAD 8MSOP PowerPAD 8SOIC 8SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC 8SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 16SOIC 16SOIC

Device INA159-EP INA193A-EP LM258A-EP LM2902-EP LT1014D-EP MC33078-EP OPA2333A-EP OPA333A-EP OPA336-EP OPA340-EP THS3201-EP THS4503-EP TLC2252A-EP TLC2252-EP TLC2254A-EP TLC2254-EP TLC2272A-EP TLC2274A-EP TLC2274-EP TLE2021A-EP TLE2021-EP TLE2022A-EP TLE2022-EP TLE2024A-EP TLE2024-EP

Description Precision gain of 0.2 level translation difference amplifier Current shunt monitor: -16 V to +80 V common-mode range Dual operational amplifier Quad operational amplifier Quad precision operational amplifier Dual high-speed, low-noise operational amplifier 1.8-V micropower CMOS operational amplifier, zero-drift series 1.8-V micropower CMOS operational amplifier, zero-drift series Single-supply micropower CMOS MicroAmplifier operational amplifier in miniature packages Single-supply rail-to-rail MicroAmplifier operational amplifier in miniature packages 1.8-GHz, low-distortion current, feedback amplifier Wideband, low-distortion, fully differential amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail dual operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail operational amplifier Excalibur high-speed, low-power precision operational amplifier Excalibur high-speed, low-power precision operational amplifier Excalibur high-speed, low-power precision operational amplifier Excalibur high-speed, low-power precision operational amplifier Excalibur high-speed, low-power precision operational amplifier Excalibur high-speed, low-power precision operational amplifier

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Operational Amplifiers (continued)
Iq Per Channel (Max) (mA) 5.3 4.4 4.4 0.15 0.15 0.56 0.56 0.575 0.9 2 2 2 1 Number of Channels 1 1 4 2 2 4 4 1 4 2 1 2 4 4 2 VIO (25 deg C) (Max) (mV) 0.1 1.4 1.4 0.85 1.5 1.5 0.85 4.5 4.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.5 Slew Rate (typ) (V/ s) 2.8 45 45 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 2 1.6 1.6 6, 9 6 6 1.57 Total Supply Voltage (V) (Max) (+5 V = 5, +/-5 V = 10) 38 44 44 16 16 16 16 16 16 6 6 6 5.5 5.5 6 Pin/ Package(s) 8SOIC 8SOIC 16SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC 5SOT-23 14SOIC 8SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 8SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC 10MSOP PowerPAD

Device TLE2027-EP TLE2141-EP TLE2144-EP TLV2252A-EP TLV2252-EP TLV2254-EP TLV2254A-EP TLV2371-EP TLV2374-EP TLV2462A-EP TLV2464A-EP TLV2772A-EP TLV2774A-EP TLV2774-EP TLV4113-EP

Description Excalibur, low-noise, high-speed, precision operational amplifier Excalibur low-noise high-speed precision operational amplifier Excalibur low-noise, high-speed precision quad operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier Advanced LinCMOS technology-based rail-to-rail very low-power operational amplifier 550-A/ch, 3-MHz, rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier 550-A/ch, 3-MHz, rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier Low-power, rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier with shutdown Low-power, rail-to-rail, input/output operational amplifier with shutdown 2.7-V high-slew-rate rail-to-rail output operational amplifier with shutdown 2.7-V, high slew rate rail-to-rail output operational amplifier with shutdown 2.7-V, high slew rate rail-to-rail output operational amplifier with shutdown Dual high-output drive operational amplifier with shutdown

High-Speed Operational Amplifiers

THS4032-EP THS4271-EP 100-MHz low-noise high-speed amplifier Low-noise, high slew rate, unity gain, stable voltage feedback amplifier 11 24 2 1 100 400 90 160 100 1000 8MSOPPowerPAD 8MSOPPowerPAD

Instrumentation Amplifier
CMRR (Min) (dB) 120 NonLinearity (+/-) (Max) (%) 0.002 Output Offset (+/-) (Max) (uV) 500/G Bandwidth at G=100 (Min) (kHz) 200

Device INA129-EP

Description Precision, low-power instrumentation amplifier

Gain (V/V) 1 to 10000

Pin/ Package(s) 8SOIC

Special Functions
Device OPA4872-EP TL441-EP Description 4:1 high-speed multiplexer Logarithmic amplifier Pin/Package(s) 14SOIC 16SO

Device CDC2351-EP CDCP1803-EP Description 1- to 10-line clock driver with three state outputs 1:3 LVPECL clock buffer with programmable divider VCC (V) 3.3 3.3 No. of Outputs 10 3 Output Drive (mA) -12/12 Input Level LVTTL multiple Output Level LVTTL LVPECL Static Current (mA) 15 Pin/ Package(s) 24SSOP 24VQFN

High Reliability Guide

Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Interface Isolators
Supply Voltage(s) (V) 3.3, 5 3.3, 5 # of Channels 1 4 Insulation Rating (VRMS) 1500 2500 Thermal Shutdown No No Input Threshold CMOS TTL Data Rate (MBPS) 150 1 Channel Conf. 1/0 3/1 Prop. Delay (Max) (ns) 16 80 Input Noise Filter None Yes Pin/ Package 8SOIC 16SOIC

Device ISO721M-EP ISO7241A-EP

Description Single 150 MBSPS digital isolator 1-MBPS quad ch, 3/1 digital isolator

Footprint ADuM1100 ADuM1401

Analog-to-Digital Converters
Device ADS1258-EP ADS5440-EP ADS5444-EP ADS5463-EP ADS5500-EP ADS6445-EP Description 16-channel, 24-bit analog-todigital converter 13-bit, 210-MSPS analog-todigital converter 13-bit, 250-MSPS analog-todigital converter 12-bit, 500-MSPS analog-todigital converter 14-bit, 125-MSPS analog-todigital converter Quad-channel, 14-bit, 125-/105/80-/65-MSPS ADC with serial LVDS outputs 12-bit, 6-MSPS, ADC quadchannel (config.), DSP/up if, integrated 16x FIFO 14-bit, 1-MSPS, DSP-compatible analog-to-digital converter 14-bit, 3-MSPS, DSP-compatible analog-to-digital converter 14-bit, 8-MSPS, DSP-compatible analog-to-digital converter 10-bit analog-to-digital converters with serial control and 11 analog inputs 12-bit ADC with serial control and 11 analog inputs 12-bit 200-kSPS ADC ser. Low-voltage 10-bit ADC with serial control and 8 analog inputs 12-bit, 200-kSPS ADC serial output, auto powerdown (software and hardware), low power with 8x FIFO with 8 channels 12-bit, 200-kSPS, 11-channel, low-power serial ADC with internal reference Res. (bits) 24 13 13 12 14 14 Sample Rate (MSPS) 0.13 210 250 500 125 125 No. of Input Channels 16 1 1 1 1 4 Architecture Delta-Sigma Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline SINAD (dB) 68 68 65.1 70 72.3 SNR (dB) 68 69 65.2 71 73.2 SFDR (dB) 80 73 84 84 83 DNL +/LSB 1 0.95 0.95 1.1 2.5 INL +/LSB 1.5 1.5 8 5 Supply Voltage (V) 4.75, 5.25 4.75, 5.25 4.75, 5.25 4.75, 5.25 3, 3.6 3, 3.6 4.75, 5.25 3, 3.6 3, 3.6 3, 3.6 Power (mW) 42 2250 2250 2250 780 1680 Pin/ Package(s) 48QFN, 48QFP 80HTQFP 80HTQFP 80HTQFP 64HTQFP 64VQFN

THS1206-EP THS1401-EP THS1403-EP THS1408-EP TLC1543-EP

12 14 14 14 10

6 1 3 8 .038

4 1 1 1 11

Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline SAR

65 70 70 70

68 72 72 72

71 80 80 80

1 1 1 1 1

1.8 5 5 5 1

186 270 270 270 4


TLC2543-EP TLV1548-EP

12 10

.066 .085

11 8


1 1

1 1

4.5, 5.5 2.7, 5.5









3, 5.5







2.7, 5.5


High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Audio Analog-to-Digital Converters
Device PCM4202-EP Description 118-dB SNR stereo audio analog-to-digital converter (extended qualification) Supply Voltage(s) (V) 3.3 V digital, 5 V analog No. of Inputs 2 No. of Outputs 0 Control interface H/W Pd (typ) (mW) 300 Resolution (bits) 24 Additional Features Int. PLL Sampling Rate (Max) (kHz) 216 Pin/ Package(s) 28SSOP

Digital-to-Analog Converters
Res. (bits) 10 12 14 14 16 16 16 12 12 12 12 Sample/ Update Rate (MSPS) 275 275 275 400 500 1 2 0.102 0.093 1 0.233 Setting Time (s) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.012 0.012 1 1 3 3 1 1 DAC Channels 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 SNR (dB) 63 73 77 75 74 76 78 74 SFDR (dB) 80 81 84 77 80 70 72 72 72 DNL +/LSB 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 INL +/LSB 0.5 2 4 4 6 1 1 4 4 4 4 Supply Voltage (V) 3, 3.6 3, 3.6 3, 3.6 315, 3.6 3, 3.6 2.7, 5.5 2.7, 5.5 2.7, 5.5 2.7, 5.5 2.7, 5.5 2.7, 5.5 Power (mW) 290 330 330 820 0.015 0.015 3.6 1.8 4.3 4.5 Pin/ Package(s) 48TQFP 48TQFP 48TQFP 48HTQFP 100HTQFP 8SOIC 14SOIC 16TSSOP 8SOIC 20SOIC 8SOIC

Device DAC5652-EP DAC5662-EP DAC5672-EP DAC5675-EP DAC5687-EP DAC8830-EP DAC8831-EP TLV5614-EP TLV5618A-EP TLV5619-EP TLV5638-EP

Description 10-bit, 275-MSPS, dual digital-toanalog converter Dual 12-bit, 200-MSPS Dual 14-bit, 200-MSPS 14-bit, 400-MSPS 16-bit, 500-MSPS, 2x-8x interpolating dual-channel DAC 16-bit, ultra-low-power voltage output 16-bit, ultra-low-power voltage output Quad, serial-in, programmable settling time, low power, hardware or software powerdown Digital-to-analog converter with power down 12-bit, single-channel DAC, parallel, voltage out, low power 12-bit, 1-s serial input dual DAC, programmable internal reference, settling time 12-bit, 1 or 3.5 s

Architecture I-steering l-steering l-steering l-steering l-steering R-2R R-2R String String String String

Digital to Analog Audio Converters

SNR (typ) (dB) 118 118 Sampling Rate (Max) (kHz) 192 216 Resolution (bits) 24 24 Digital Audio Interface I2S TDM PCM/DSD Control Interface H/W SPI H/W Pd (Typ) (mW) 200 300 Pin/ Package(s) 48TQFP 28SSOP

Device PCM4104-EP PCM4202-EP

Description 118dB SNR 4-channel audio DAC 118dB SNR stereo audio ADC

# DAC 4 2

Video Decoder
Device TVP5150AM1-EP Description Ultra-low-power NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoder w/robust sync detector Supply Voltage (V) 3.3 Input Format CVBS S-Video Output Format 8bit 4:2:2 YCbCr Analog Inputs 2 Input Standard(s) NTSC/PAL/ SECAM ADC 9-bit 20MHz Output Standards ITU-R BT.656 Pin/Package 32TQFP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
DC/DC Controllers
Device TL1451A-EP TPS40055-EP TPS40200-EP TPS5120-EP Description Dual pulse-width-modulation control circuits Wide-input synchronous buck controller Wide-input-range non-synchronous voltagemode controller Dual-output two-phase synchronous buck DC/ DC controller Vin (Min) (V) 3.6 8 4.5 4.5 Vin (Max) (V) 50 40 52 28 Duty Cycle (Max) (%) 100 94 90 100 Iout (Max) (A) 3 20 3 1.5 Iq (typ) (mA) 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.1 Switching Frequency (Max) (kHz) 500 1000 500 500 Type Nonsynchronous Synchronous Nonsynchronous Synchronous Pin/ Package(s) 16SOIC 16HTSSOP 8SOIC 30TSSOP

Device TPS70345-EP TPS70751-EP TPS71202-EP TPS71501-EP TPS72118-EP TPS731xx-EP TPS732xx-EP TPS736xx-EP TPS75125-EP TPS752xx-EP TPS752xxM-EP TPS753xx-EP TPS767xx-EP Description Dual-output low-dropout voltage regulators with power-up sequencing Dual-output low-dropout voltage regulators with power-up sequencing Dual, 250-mA output, ultra-low-noise, high PSRR, lowdropout linear regulator 50-mA, 24-V, 3.2-A supply current, low-dropout linear regulator Low-input voltage, cap-free, 150-mA low-dropout linear regulators Cap-free NMOS 150-mA low-dropout regulator with reverse current protection Cap-free NMOS 250-mA low-dropout regulator with reverse current protection Cap-free NMOS 400-mA low-dropout regulator with reverse current protection Fast transient response 1.5-A low-dropout voltage regulator with power good Fast transient response voltage regulators Fast transient response voltage regulators Fast transient response 1.5-A low-dropout voltage regulator Fast transient response 1-A low-dropout voltage regulators Regulated outputs (No.) 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Output voltage options (V) 1.2, 3.3 1.8, 3.3 Adj. Adj. 1.8 Adj., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.2, 3.3, 5.0 Adj., 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 5.0 Adj., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.2, 3.3 2.5 Adj., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3 1.5 Adj., 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.3 Adj., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5.0 Adj., 3.3 Adj., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5.0 1.2 to 5.5 Adj. Adj., 1.5, 1.8,2.5, 3.3 Adj., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3 Adj., 1.8, 3.3, 4.7 1.8 Adj., 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 4.75 1.8 3 Vin (Min) (V) 2.7 2.7 2.5 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2 1.8 Vin (Max) (V) 6 6 24 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Iout (Max) (A) 2.35 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.4 1.5 2 2 1.5 1 1 1 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.01 0.01 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.25 0.187 0.003 850 0.4 0.4 0.001 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.018 0.09 0.085 0.085 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.005 0.005 Pin/ Package(s) 24HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 10SON 5SC70 5SOT-23 5SOT-23 5SOT-23 5SOT-23, 6SOT-223, 8SON 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 28HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 5SOT 8MSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 6SOT-23 5SOT-23 6SOT-23 5SC70 5SC70 2010

TPS767D301-EP Dual-output low-dropout voltage regulators TPS768xx-EP TPS76901-EP TPS77401-EP TPS775xx-EP TPS776xx-EP TPS791xx-EP TPS79318-EP TPS793xx-EP TPS79718-EP TPS79730-EP Fast transient response 1-A low-dropout voltage regulators Ultra-low-power, 100mA low-dropout linear regulator 250-mA low-dropout voltage regulator with power-good output Fast transient response 500-mA low-dropout voltage regulators Fast transient response 500-mA low-dropout voltage regulators Ultra-low-noise, high PSRR, fast RF, 100-mA low-dropout linear regulator Ultra-low-noise, high PSRR, fast RF, 200-mA low-dropout linear regulator Ultra-low-noise, high PSRR, fast RF, 200-mA low-dropout linear regulator Ultra-low-power, 10-mA low-dropout linear regulators with power good Ultra-low-power, 10-mA low-droput linear regulators with programmable output

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments

Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
LDOs (continued)
Device UC2832-EP UCC284-EP Description Precision low-dropout linear controllers Single-output LDO, 500-mA, fixed (5 V), low quiescent current, wide-input, voltage range Regulated outputs (No.) 1 Output voltage options (V) 2 -5 Vin (Min) (V) 3.3 -5.2 Vin (Max) (V) 36 -16 Iout (Max) (A) 0.1 0.5 Iq (typ) (mA) 3.3 0.2 Pin/ Package(s) 16SOIC 8SOIC

MOSFET Drivers
Device TPS2818-EP TPS2819-EP UCC27423-EP UCC27424-EP Description Inverting high-speed MOSFET driver with internal regulator Non-inverting high-speed MOSFET driver with internal regulator Dual 4A, MOSFET driver with enable Dual 4A, high-speed, low-side MOSFET driver with enable Rise Time (ns) 25 25 20 20 Peak Output Current (A) 2 2 4 4 No. of Outputs 1 1 2 2 Input Threshold CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS Driver Configuration Inverting Non-Inverting Inverting Non-Inverting Vcc (Min) (V) 5 5 4 5 Vcc (Max) (V) 14 14 15 15 Prop Delay (ns) 50 50 30 25 Fall Time (ns) 35 35 15 15 Pin/ Package(s) 5SOT-23 5SOT-23 8SOIC 8MSOPPowerPAD

Multi-Channel IC (PMIC) Solutions

Device TPS75003-EP Description Triple supply power management IC for powering FPGAs and DSPs Regulated outputs (No.) 3 LDO 1 Vin (Min) (V) 2.2 Vin (Max) (V) 6.5 Processor Name Altera, Xilinx Step-Down DC/DC Controller 2 Pin/ Package(s) 20QFN

Power Factor Correction ICs

Practical Operating Frequency (Max) (MHz) 0.2 0.25 Duty Cycle (Max) (%) 95 100 Startup Current (mA) 0.25 0.15 Vref tol (%) 1.3 1.5 Vref (V) 7.5 7.5 Operating Supply Current (mA) 12 4 Operating Supply (Max) (V) 20 18 UVLO Thresholds On/Off (V) 10.5/10 10.5/10 Pin/ Package(s) 16SOIC 16SOIC

Device UC2854B-EP UCC2818-EP

Description Advanced high-power factor preregulator BiCMOS power factor preregulator

PWM Power Driver

Device DRV401-EP Description Sensor signal conditioning for closeloop magnetic current sensor Vs (mim) (V) 4.5 Vs (Max) (V) 5.5 Iq (Max) (mA) 6.8 Saturation Voltage (Max) (V) 0.4 Output Current (Min) (A) 0.2 Pin/Package(s) 20SO PowerPAD 20VQFN

PWM Power Supply Controllers

Device UC1842A-EP UC1843-HIREL UC1843A-EP UC1844A-EP UC1846-EP UCC2800-EP UCC2801-EP Description Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Topology Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward, Full-Bridge, Half-Bride, Push-Pull Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward PWM Outputs (#) 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 UVLO Thresholds On/Off (V) 16/10 8.4/7.6 8.5/7.9 16/10 7.7/6.95 7.2/6.9 9.4/7.4 Frequency (Max) Control Method (kHz) Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode 500 450 500 500 450 1000 1000 Duty Cycle (Max) (%) 100 100 100 50 50 100 50 Regulated Output (#) 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Texas Instruments 8SOIC 8SOIC 16SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 2010 Pin/ Package 8SOIC

High Reliability Guide


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
PWM Power Supply Controllers (continued)
Device UCC2802-EP UCC2803-EP UCC2804-EP UCC2805-EP UCC2808A-1EP UCC2808A-2EP UC2825A-EP UC2875-EP UCC2895-EP UCC28C43-EP UCC28C45-EP Description Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Low-power current mode push-pull PWM Low-power current mode push-pull PWM High-speed PWM controller Phase shift resonant controller BiCMOS advanced phase shift PWM controller Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM Topology Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward Boost, Flyback, Forward Full-Bridge, HalfBridge, Push-Pull Full-Bridge, HalfBridge, Push-Pull Boost, Flyback, Forward, Full-Bridge, Half-Bride, Push-Pull Full-Bridge Full-Bridge Boost Buck Flyback Forward Boost Buck Flyback Forward PWM Outputs (#) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 1 1 UVLO Thresholds On/Off (V) 12.5/8.3 4.1/3.6 12.5/8.3 4.1/3.6 12.5/8.3 4.3/4.1 9.6 10/7/9.2 11.8/9.8 8.4/7.6 8.4/7.6 Frequency (Max) Control Method (kHz) Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode Current mode, Voltage mode Current mode, Voltage mode Current mode Current mode Current mode 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 527 1000 1000 Duty Cycle (Max) (%) 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 50 Regulated Output (#) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 1 1 Pin/ Package 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 16SOIC 28SOIC 20SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC

SWIFT DC/DC Converters

Device TPS5410-EP TPS5420-EP TPS5430-EP TPS54310-EP TPS54311-EP TPS54312-EP TPS54313-EP TPS54314-EP TPS54315-EP TPS54316-EP TPS54350-EP TPS54354-EP TPS54356-EP TPS5450-EP TPS54610-EP Description 5.5V to 36-V, 1A, 500-kHz step-down SWIFT converter 5.5V to 36V, 2A, 500-kHz step-down SWIFT converter 5.5V to 36V, 3A, 500-kHz step-down SWIFT converter 3V to 6V, 3A Synchronous Step Down SWIFT converter 3V to 6V, 3A output synchronous-buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V, 3A output synchronous-buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V, 3A output synchronous-buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V, 3A output synchronous-buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V, 3A output synchronous-buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V, 3A output synchronous-buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 4.5V to 20V input, 3A output synchronous PWM switcher with integrated FET 4.5V to 20V input, 3A output synchronous PWM switcher with integrated FET 4.5V to 20V input, 3A output synchronous PWM switcher with integrated FET 5.5V to 36V, 5A, 500kHz Step Down SWIFT converter 3V to 6V, 6A output synchronous buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs Vin (Min) (V) 5.5 5.5 3.6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 3 Vin (Max) (V) 36 36 5.5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 20 20 20 36 6 Vout (Min) (V) 1.23 1.23 1.23 0.9 0.891 1.22 0.9 Vout (Max) (V) 31 31 31 3.3 12 31 4.5 Preset Vout (V) 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 1.8 3.3 Iout (Max) (A) 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 6 Switching Frequency (Max) (kHz) 500 500 500 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 600 600 500 700 Pin/ Package(s) 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SO, PowerPAD 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 20HTSSOP 16HTSSOP 16HTSSOP 16HTSSOP 8SO PowerPAD 28HTSSOP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
SWIFT DC/DC Converters (continued)
Device TPS54613-EP TPS54615-EP TPS54680-EP TPS62110-EP TPS62111-EP TPS62112-EP Description 3V to 6V input, 6A output synchronous buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V input, 6A output synchronous buck PWM switcher with integrated FETs 3V to 6V Input, 6A output tracking synchronous buck PWM switcher 17V, 1.5A synchronous step-down converter 17V, 1.5A synchronous step-down converter 17V, 1.5A synchronous step-down converter Vin (Min) (V) 3 3 3 3.1 3.1 3.1 Vin (Max) (V) 6 6 6 17 17 17 Vout (Min) (V) 0.9 1.153 3.8 5.5 Vout (Max) (V) 3.3 16 17 17 Preset Vout (V) 1.5 2.5 Iout (Max) (A) 6 6 6 1.5 1.5 1.5 Switching Frequency (Max) (kHz) 700 700 700 1000 1000 1000 Pin/ Package(s) 28HTSSOP 28HTSSOP 28HTSSOP 16QFN 16QFN 16QFN

Supervisory Circuits (Voltage Supervisors)

No. of Supervisors 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vit1 (typ) (V) Adj 4.5 2.93 2.94 2.93 4.55 2.93 2.93 Adj 1.4 3.05 Adj 4.55 2.93 2.64 2.93 2.25 2.64 2.93 Vit2 (typ) (V) Adj 1.68 2.93 Adj 3.3 Programmable Delay Yes Manual Reset Yes Yes Yes Yes Reset Active Low Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IDD (typ) (uA) 9 9 9 1.2 15 15 15 15 3 3 3 2.4 9 9 9 9 0.22 0.25 0.22 Pin/ Package 8SOIC, 8TSSOP 8TSSOP 8TSSOP 6SOT-23 8SOIC 8MSOPPowerPAD 8MSOP 8MSOP 5SC70 5SC70 5SC70 6SOT-23 3SOT-23 3SOT-23 3SOT-23 6SOT-23 5SOT-23 5SOT-23 5SOT-23

Device TLC7701-EP TLC7705-EP TLC7733-EP TPS3106-EP TPS3307-18-EP TPS3307-33-EP TPS3619-33-EP TPS3620-33-EP TPS3803-01-EP TPS3803G15-EP TPS3805H33-EP TPS3808-EP TPS3809I50-EP TPS3809K33-EP TPS3809L30-EP TPS3813K33-EP TPS3836J25-EP TPS3836L30-EP TPS3837K33-EP

Description Micropower supply voltage supervisor Micropower supply voltage supervisor Micropower supply voltage supervisor Ultra-low supply-current/supply-voltage supervisory circuit Triple processor supervisors Triple processor supervisors Backup-battery supervisors for RAM retention Backup-battery supervisors for RAM retention Single voltage detector Single voltage detector Dual voltage detector Low-quiescent current, programmable delay supervisory circuit 3-pin supply voltage supervisor 3-pin supply voltage supervisor 3-pin supply voltage supervisor Processor supervisory circuit with window watchdog Nanopower supervisory circuit Nanopower supervisory circuit Nanopower supervisory circuit

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Voltage References
Device REF3212-EP REF3220-EP REF3225-EP REF3230-EP REF3233-EP REF3240-EP TL1431-EP Description 4 Ppm/Degreesc 100 Ua Sot23-6 series voltage references 4 Ppm/Degreesc 100 Ua Sot23-6 series voltage references 4 Ppm/Degreesc 100 Ua Sot23-6 series voltage references 4 Ppm/Degreesc 100 Ua Sot23-6 series voltage references 4 Ppm/Degreesc 100 Ua Sot23-6 Series Voltage References 4 Ppm/Degreesc 100 Ua Sot23-6 series voltage references Precision adjustable (programmable) shunt reference Sub Family 4 Ppm/C, 100 Ua, Sot23-6 series voltage reference 4 Ppm/C, 100 Ua, Sot23-6 series voltage reference 4 Ppm/C, 100 Ua, Sot23-6 series voltage reference 4 Ppm/C, 100 Ua, Sot23-6 series voltage reference 4 Ppm/C, 100 Ua, Sot23-6 series voltage reference 4 Ppm/C, 100 Ua, Sot23-6 series voltage reference Precision adjustable (programmable) shunt reference VI (Max) VO (V) (V) 1.25 2.052 2.5 3 3.307 4.096 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 VI (Min) (V) 1.8 2.55 3.05 4.146 Temp Coeff (Max) (ppm/ degree C) 7 7 7 7 Iq (Max) (uA) 120 120 120 120 120 120 Iout/Iz (Max) (mA) 10 10 10 10 100 Pin/ Package 6SOT-23 6SOT-23 6SOT-23 6SOT-23 6SOT-23 6SOT-23 8SOIC

Digital Signal Processors

Frequency (MHz) Core Supply (Volts) IO Supply Pin/ (Volts) Package(s)










DaVinci Video Processors

SM320DM355-EP Digital media systemon-chip (DMSoC) Video/imaging fixedpoint DSP 1 ARM9; DaVinci Video 1 C64; Video 216 4 1 16-Bit mDDR/ DDR2, 1 8/16-Bit EMIFA 1 64-Bit 64-Ch EDMA 1.3 1 3 1.8 337NFBGA


64-Ch EDMA



548GDK, 548ZDK

Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors

SM320C6201-EP SM320C6202-EP SM320C6424-EP Fixed-point DSP Fixed-point DSP Fixed-point DSP 1 C62x 1 C62x 1 C64x+ 200 200 600 3 1 32-Bit 1 32-Bit 1 16/8-Bit EMIFA, 1 32/16-Bit DDR2 1 32-Bit DDR@ EMIF, 1 64Bit EMIFA 1 16-Bit 1 16-Bit 1 16-Bit 1 32-Bit 1 16-Bit, 1 64-Bit 1 16-Bit, 1 64-Bit 1 16-Bit, 1 64-Bit 4-Ch 4-Ch 64-Ch EDMA 1.8 1.5 1.05, 1.2 2 3 2 1 3.3 3.3 1.8, 3.3 352FC/CSP 352FCBGA 376BGA


Fixed-point DSP

1 C64x+


64-Ch EDMA


3.3, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 2.7 to 3.6 3.3

697BGA 144BGA MicroStar 144LQFP, 144BGA MicroStar 144LQFP 144LQFP 240BGA MicroStar

SM320VC5409-EP SM320VC5416-EP SM320VC5421-EP SM320VC5507-EP SM320VC5510A-EP SM320C6414-EP SM320C6415-EP SM320C6416-EP

Fixed-point DSP Digital signal processor Digital signal processor Fixed-point DSP Fixed-point DSP Fixed-point DSP Fixed-point DSP Fixed-point DSP

1 C54x 1 C54x 2 C54x 1 C55x 1 C55x 1C64x 1C64x 1C64x

100 120, 160 100 108, 144, 200 200

6-Ch Ext 6-Ch Ext 2 6Ch Ext 6-Ch 6-Ch Int/Ext 64-Ch EDMA 64-Ch EDMA 64-Ch EDMA

1.8 1.5, 1.6 1.8 1.2, 1.35, 1.6 1.6

3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments 2010

Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Digital Signal Processors (continued)
Frequency (MHz)







Core Supply (Volts)




IO Supply Pin/ (Volts) Package(s)

Floating-Point Digital Signal Processors

SM320C6701-EP SM320C6711D-EP SM320C6712D-EP SM320C6713B-EP Flosting-point DSP Flosting-point DSP Flosting-point DSP Flosting-point DSP 1 C67x 1 C67x 1 C67x 1 C67x 167 167, 200 167 200, 300 1 32-Bit 1 32-Bit 1 16-Bit 1 32-Bit 4-Ch 16-Ch EDMA 16-Ch EDMA 16-Ch EDMA 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.4 2 2 2 2 2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 352FC/CSP 272BGA 272BGA 272BGA

OMAP Processors
OMAP3530-HIREL Applications processor 1 64x+; 1 ARM Cortex-A8 1 64x+; 1 ARM Cortex-A8 1 16-Bit GPMC, 1 32-Bit SDRC 1 16-Bit GPMC, 1 32-Bit SDRC 32-Bit Ch SDMA, 64Ch EDMA 32-Bit Ch SDMA, 64Ch EDMA 0.8 to 1.35 5 3 1.8 to 3.0 515 POPFCBGA


Applications processor

0.8 to 1.35

1.8 to 3.0


C2000 Microcontrollers
SM320F2801-EP 32-bit, digital signal controller with flash 32-bit, digital signal controller with flash 32-bit, digital signal controller with flash 1 C28x 100 8-Ch 1.8 1 2 1 3.3 100LQFP


1 C28x





100LQFP 176LQFP, 179BGA MicroStar 176BGA, 176HLQFP, 179BGA MicroStar 144LQFP


1 C28x



1 16-Bit




Delfino microcontroller

1 C28x



1 32/16-Bit

6-Ch DMA




DSP controller

1 C24x





MSP430 Microcontrollers
Device MSP430F2274-EP Description 16-bit ultra-low-power microcontroller, 32-KB flash, 1-K RAM 16-bit ultra-low-power microcontroller, 60-KB flash, 2-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, 2 USCIs 16-bit ultra-low-power MCU, 92-KB flash, 8-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, dual DAC, 2 USCIs Sub Family 2xx 16-MHz series Frequency 16 ADC 10-bit SAR RAM GPIO 32 Pin/ Package(s) 40QFN


2xx 16-MHz series


12-bit SAR


64LQFP 113BGA, MicroStar Junior


2xx 16-MHz series


12-bit SAR

8 KB

48, 64

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Buffers, Drivers and Transceivers
Device Description No. of Gates Static Current IOL (mA) Voltage Nodes (V) Output Drive (mA) tpd Max (ns) Vcc Range (V) ICC (uA) Pin/ Package(s)

Buffers and Drivers

SN74ABT244A-EP SN74ABT541B-EP SN74AC04-EP SN74AC244-EP SN74ACT04-EP SN74ACT244-EP SN74AHC04-EP SN74AHC125-EP SN74AHC14-EP SN74AHC244-EP SN74AHC245-EP SN74AHCT125-EP SN74AHCT126-EP SN74AHCT14-EP SN74AHCT244-EP SN74AHCT541-EP SN74AHCU04-EP SN74ALVC244-EP SN74ALVCH16827-EP SN74AUC1G125-EP SN74AUC1G14-EP Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter Quadruple bus buffer gates with 3-state outputs Hex Schmitt-Trigger inverter Quadruple bus buffer gate with 3-state outputs Octal bus transceiver with 3-state outputs Quadruple bus buffer gate with 3-state outputs Quadruple bus buffer gate with 3-state outputs Hex Schmitt-Trigger inverter Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 20-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Single bus buffer gate with 3-state output Single Schmitt-Trigger inverter 6 6 6 4 6 8 6 8 8 30 0.02 0.04 0.002 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.7,3, 5, 8,9 5 5 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5 5 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 1.8, 2.5, 2.7, 3.3 -24/48 -32/64 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -24/24 -24/24 3.5 7 7 8.5 9 8.5 8.5 12 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 9 9.5 9.5 2.8 4 2,4, 4.5, 5.5, 5.8 2, 4, 4.5, 5.5, 5.8 34 20 38 7.5 14 8.5 4.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 6.0 2.0 to 6.0 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2 to 5.5 1.65 to 3.6 1.65 10 20SSOP 20TSSOP 14SOIC 20SO, 20SOIC 14SOIC 20SO, 20SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 20SOIC 14TSSOP 20TSSOP 56SSOP 5SC70 5SOT-23


Single Schmitt-Triger inverter Low-power single Schmitt-Trigger buffer Octal buffer/driver with open-collector outputs Octal buffer and line driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter Octal buffer and line driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter Hex Schmitt-trigger inverter Octal buffer and line driver with 3-state outputs Hex inverter

10 6 6 6 6

0.16 0.02 0.16 0.02 0.02 0.01

6, 4.5, 2 5 5 5, 3.3, 2.5 5, 3.3, 2.5 5/3.3/2.5 3.3, 2.7

7.8/7.8 -4/4 -6/6 -12/12 -12/12 -24/24

0.8 to 3.6 -0.5 to 7 2.0 to 6.0 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2 to 5.5 2.0 to 3.6



High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Buffers, Drivers and Transceivers (continued)
Device Description No. of Gates Static Current IOL (mA) Voltage Nodes (V) Output Drive (mA) tpd Max (ns) Vcc Range (V) ICC (uA) Pin/ Package(s)

Buffers and Drivers (continued)

SN74LVC06A-EP SN74LVC07A-EP SN74LVC125A-EP SN74LVC14A-EP SN74LVC16244A-EP SN74LVC1G04-EP SN74LVC1G06-EP SN74LVC1G07-EP SN74LVC1G125-EP SN74LVC1G126-EP SN74LVC1G14-EP SN74LVC1G17-EP SN74LVC1G97-EP SN74LVC1G98-EP SN74LVC1GX04-EP SN74LVC2G04-EP SN74LVC2G06-EP SN74LVC2G07-EP SN74LVC2G17-EP SN74LVC2G34-EP SN74LVC3G07-EP SN74LVC540A-EP SN74LVC541A-EP SN74LVT125-EP SN74LVTH125-EP SN74LVTH162240-EP SN74LVTH162244-EP SN74LVTH16240-EP Hex inverter buffer/driver with open-drain outputs Hex buffer/driver with open-drain outputs Quadruple bus buffer gate with 3-state outputs Hex Schmitt-Trigger inverter 16-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Single inverter gate Single inverter buffer/driver with open-drain output Single buffer/driver with open-drain output Single bus buffer gate with 3-state outputs Single bus buffer gate with 3-state outputs Single Schmitt-Trigger inverter Single Schmitt-Trigger buffer Configurable multiple-function gate Configurable multiple-function gate Crystal oscillator driver Dual inverter gate Dual inverter buffer/driver with open-drain output Dual buffer/driver with open-drain output Dual Schmitt-Trigger buffer Dual buffer gate Triple buffer/driver with open-drain output Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT quadruple bus buffers with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT quadruple bus buffers with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, quadruple bus buffer with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 8 4 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 7 7 5 5 32 32 32 32 32 32 24 32 3.3 5, 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5 1.8, 2.5 3.3,5 5 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 +\-24 +\-24 +24,-24 -24/24 -24/24 -32/32 -32/64 -12/12 -12/12 5 2.6 4.8 6.4 4.1 4 4 4.6 5.1 5.1 5 5.7 5.3 5.1 4.2 3.9 4 4 1.65 to 3.6 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 1.65 to 3.6 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 up to 6.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 14SOIC 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 48TSSOP 5SOT-23 5SC70 5SC70 5SC70 5SC70 5SOT-23 5SC70,5SOT23 6SC70 6SC70 6SOT 6SC70 6SC70 6SC70 6SC70 6SC70 8US8 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 48TSSOP 48TSSOP 48TSSOP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Buffers, Drivers and Transceivers (continued)
Device Description No. of Gates Static Current IOL (mA) Voltage Nodes (V) Output Drive (mA) tpd Max (ns) Vcc Range (V) ICC (uA) Pin/ Package(s)

Buffers and Drivers (continued)

3.3-V ABT, 16-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 48SSOP, 48TSSOP, 48TVSOP, 56BGA MicroStar Junior 20TSSOP 20TSSOP 20SSOP, 20TSSOP 96LFBGA


3.3, 2.7



2.7 to 3.6


3.3-V ABT, octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 32-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs

5 5 14 mA

3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7

-32/64 -32/64 -24/32

4 3.5 4.7

2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6

SN74ABT16245A-EP SN74ABT245B-EP SN74AC245-EP SN74ACT16245-EP SN74LVC245A-EP SN74ALVCH16245-EP SN74LVCH16652A-EP SN74LVTH162245-EP 16-bit bus transceiver with 3-state outputs Octal bus transceivers with 3-state outputs Octal bus transceivers with 3-state outputs 16-bit bus transceiver with 3-state outputs Octal bus transceiver with 3-state outputs 16-bit bus transceiver with 3-state outputs 16-bit bus transceiver and register with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit bus transceiver with 3-state outputs 30 0.004 160 uA 0.001 0.04 0.02 5 5 5, 3.3 5 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7 -24/32 -24/32 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -32/64 3.5 7 9.3 6.1 3 6.3 4 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 6.0 4.5 to 5.5 1.65 to 3.6 1.65 to 3.6 1.65 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 48SSOP 20SSOP 20SOIC 48SSOP 20TSSOP 48SSOP 56TSSOP 48SSOP, 48TSSOP 48SSOP, 48TSSOP, 48TVSOP, 56BGA MicroStar Junior 56SSOP, 56TSSOP 56TSSOP 56TSSOP 56TSSOP 20SSOP, 20TSSOP 24TSSOP 24TSSOP 24TSSOP


3.3-V ABT, 16-bit bus transceiver with 3-state outputs

3.3, 2.7



2.7 to 3.6


3.3-V ABT, 16-bit registered transceiver with 3-state outputs 3.3 V ABT, 16-bit bus transceiver and register with 3-state outputs 3.3 V ABT, 16-bit bus transceiver and register with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit registered transceiver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal bus transceiver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal registered transceiver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal bus transceiver and register with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal bus transceiver and register with 3-state outputs

5 5 5 5

3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7

-32/64 -32/64 -32/64 -32/64

3.5 3.7 4.7 4.7

2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Flip-Flop Latches and Registers
Device Description Output Drive (mA) th (ns) tpd Max (ns) Vcc range (V) Static Current tsu (ns) Voltage Nodes (V) Pin/ Package

SN74ACT16374-EP SN74ACT74-EP SN74AHC74-EP SN74AHCT74-EP SN74HC74-EP SN74LV374A-EP SN74LVC1G175-EP SN74LVC1G79-EP SN74LVC2G74-EP SN74LVC374A-EP SN74LVC574A-EP SN74LVC74A-EP SN74LVTH16374-EP SN74LVTH273-EP SN74LVTH32374-EP SN74LVTH374-EP SN74LVTH574-EP 16-bit, D-type edge-triggered flip-flop with 3-state outputs Dual positive-edge-triggered, D-type flip-flop with clear and preset Dual positive-edge-triggered, D-type flip-flop with clear and preset Dual positive-edge-triggered, D-type flip-flop with clear and preset Dual positive-edge-triggered, D-type flip-flop with clear and preset Octal edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with 3-state outputs Single D-type flip-flop with asynchronous clear Single positive-edge-triggered D-type tlip-tlop Single positive-edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with clear and preset Octal edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with 3-state outputs Octal edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with 3-state outputs Dual positive-edge-triggered, D-type flip-flop with clear and preset 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal D-type flip-flops with clear 3.3-V ABT, 32-bit edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal edge-triggered D-type flip-flop with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal edge-triggered D-type flip-flops with 3-state outputs -16/16 -24/24 -8/8 -8/8 -16/16 24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -32/+64 -32/+64 -32/+64 1 1 0.5 0 2 1.5 2 1 0 0.8 0.3 10.9 11 13 345 3.8 7.9 8.5 8 5.2 4.9 4.5 4.5 4.5 to 5.5 CMOS 2.0 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2 to 5.5 1.65 to. 5.5 1.65 to. 5.5 1.65 to 5 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 160 uA 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 10 10 10 0.01 0.01 0.01 5 5 5 6.5 4 5 5 150 3 2 2 3 2.3 1.5 2 5 5 5, 3.3 5 5, 3.3, 2.5 3.3 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 48SSOP 14SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 20TSSOP 6SC70 5SC70 8US8 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 48SSOP, 48TSSOP 20SO, 20TSSOP 96LFBGA 20TSSOP 20TSSOP

SN74ABT16373A-EP SN74AC373-EP SN74ACT16373-EP SN74ACT373-EP SN74LVC16373A-EP SN74LVC373A-EP SN74LVC573A-EP SN74LVTH162373-EP 16-bit, transparent D-type latches with 3-state outputs Octal D-type transparent latche with 3-state outputs 16-bit, transparent D-type latches with 3-state outputs Octal D-type transparent latche with 3-state outputs D-type latch with 3-state outputs D-type latch with 3-state outputs D-type latch with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit transparent D-type latche with 3-state outputs -24/24 -16/16 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 2.2 1 5 1 1.6 2 2.5 3.3 9.5 10.8 12.5 4.2 7.5 7.7 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 6.0 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 1.65 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 0.04 160 uA 0.04 0.01 0.01 2.4 4 1 8.5 1.7 2 2 5, 3.3 5 5 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 48SSOP 20SOIC 48SSOP 20SOIC 48SSOP 20SOIC, 20SSOP, 20TSSOP 20SOIC, 20TSSOP 48SSOP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Flip-Flop Latches and Registers (continued)
Device Description Output Drive (mA) th (ns) tpd Max (ns) Vcc range (V) Static Current tsu (ns) Voltage Nodes (V) Pin/ Package

Latches (continued)
SN74LVTH16373-EP 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit transparent D-type latche with 3-state outputs 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 3.3, 2.7 48SSOP, 48TSSOP, 56BGA Microstar Junior 96LFBGA 20TSSOP 20TSSOP


3.3-V ABT, 32-bit transparent D-type latche with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal transparent D-type latche with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, octal transparent D-type latche with 3-state outputs

-32/+64 -32/+64

1.4 1.5

3.9 3.9

5 5

1.1 0.7

3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7

SN74HC165-EP SN74LV165A-EP SN74HC166A-EP SN74LV595A-EP SN74LV74A-EP 8-bit parallel-load shift registers 8-bit parallel-load shift registers 8-bit parallel-load shift registers 8-bit shift register with 3-state output register 8-bit shift register with 3-state output register -4/4 0.02 +/-4 -16/16 -16/16 5 0.5 5 1.5 1.5 30 12.5 11.9 11.9 2.0 to 6.0 2 to 5.5 2 to 6 2 to 5.5 2 to 5.5 0.008 0.008 0.02 0.02 30 5 29 8 8 6, 5, 2 5, 3.3, 2.5 2, 4.5, 6 5, 3.3, 2.5 5, 3.3, 2.5 16SOIC, 16TSSOP 16TSSOP 16SOIC 16TSSOP 16TSSOP

Dual-Supply Translators and Tranceivers

Device CD4504B-EP SN74ALVC164245-EP SN74AVCH4T245-EP SN74LVC1T45-EP SN74LVC2T45-EP SN74LVC4245A-EP SN74LVC8T245-EP SN74LVCC3245A-EP SN74LVCC4245A-EP SN74LVCH16T245-EP Description CMOS hex voltage-level shifter for TTL-to-CMOS or CMOS-to-CMOS operation 16-bit 2.5-V to 3.3-V/3.3-V to 5-V level-shifting transceiver, 3-state output 4-bit dual-supply bus transceiver with configurable voltage translation and 3-state outputs Single-bit dual-supply bus transceiver, configurable voltage translation and 3-state outputs Dual-bit dual supply transceiver with configurable voltage translation and 3-state outputs Octal bus transceiver and 3.3-V to 5-V shifter with 3-state outputs 8-bit dual-supply bus transceiver with configurable voltage translation and 3-state outputs Octal bus transceiver with adjustable output voltage and 3-state outputs Octal dual-supply bus transceiver with configurable output voltage and 3-state outputs 16-bit dual-supply bus transceiver, configurable voltage translation, 3-state outputs No. of Outputs 6 16 1 8 8 16 tpd Max (ns) 5.8 6.7 7.6 Vcc Range (V) 5.0 to 20 SplitRail 1.2 to 3.6 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 SplitRail 1.65 to 5.5 SplitRail SplitRail 1.65 to 5.5 Pin/ Package(s) 16TSSOP 48SSOP, 48TSSOP 16QFN 6SC70 8SM8 24TSSOP 24TSSOP 24SOIC, 24SSOP, 24TSSOP 24TSSOP 48TSSOP, 48TVSOP

Line Drivers, Receivers and Transceivers

Device AM26C31-EP AM26C32-EP AM26LS32AM-EP AM26LV31E-EP AM26LV32E-EP MAX3221-EP MAX3223-EP Description Quadruple differential line driver Quadruple differential line receiver Quadruple differential line receiver Low-voltage high-speed quad differential line driver, +/-15-kV IEC ESD protection Low-voltage high-speed quad differential line receiver, +/-15-kV IEC ESD 3-V to 5.5-V single-channel RS-232 line driver/receiver with +/-15-Kv ESD 3-V to 5.5-V multichannel RS-232 line driver/receiver with +/-15-Kv ESD Signaling Rate (Mbps) 32 32 Supply Voltage(s) (V) 5 5 5 3.3 3.3 3.3 or 5.0 3.3 or 5.0 No. of TX/RX 4 TX 4 RX 4 RX 4 TX 4 RX 1 TX/1 RX 2 TX/2RX ICC (Max) (mA) 3.2 15 70 0.1 1 1 Pin/ Package(s) 16SOIC 16SOIC 16SOIC 16SOIC 16SOIC 16SSOP 20SSOP 2010

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments

Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Line Drivers, Receivers and Transceivers (continued)
Device MAX3232-EP MAX3243-EP PCI1520-EP SN65HVD1050-EP SN65HVD10-EP SN65HVD12-EP SN65HVD21M-EP SN65HVD230M-EP SN65HVD233-EP SN65HVD30-EP SN65HVD33-EP SN65LBC174A-EP SN65LBC176A-EP SN65LV1023A-EP SN65LV1224B-EP SN65LVDS179-EP SN65LVDS33-EP SN65LVDS95-EP SN65LVDT14-EP SN65LVDT41-EP SN75976A-EP TFP401A-EP TFP410-EP TL16C752B-EP Description 3-V to 5.5-V multichannel RS-232 line driver/receiver with +/-15-Kv ESD 3-V to 5.5-V multichannel RS-232 line driver/receiver with +/-15-Kv ESD PC card controllers data manual EMC-optimized CAN transceiver 3.3-V RS-485 transceiver 3.3-V RS-485 transceiver Extended common-mode RS-485 transceiver 3.3-V CAN transceiver with standby mode 3.3-V CAN tranceiver 3.3-V full-duplex RS-485 driver and receiver 3.3-V full-duplex RS-485 drivers and receiver Quadruple RS-485 differential line driver Differential bus transceivers 10:1 LVDS SERDES transmitter 100-660 Mbps 1:10 LVDS SERDES receiver 100-660 Mbps High-speed differential line drivers and receivers High-speed differential receivers 23:1 LVDS SERDES transmitter Memorystick interconnect extender chipset Memorystick interconnect extender chipset 9-channel differential transceiver PanelBus DVI receiver 165 MHz, HSYNC fix PanelBus digital transmitter 3.3-V dual UART with 64-byte FIFO Signaling Rate (Mbps) N/A 1 25 1 5 1 1 25 25 30 30 660 660 400 400 1,360 125 125 20 495 495 3 Supply Voltage(s) (V) 3.3 or 5.0 3.3 or 5.0 3.3 5 3.3 3.3 5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 5 5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 5 3.3 3.3 3.3 No. of TX/RX 2 TX/2RX 3 TX/5 RX 1 TX / 1 RX 1 TX/1 RX 1 TX/1 RX 1 TX/1 RX 1 TX / 1 RX 1 TX / 1 RX 1 TX/1 RX 1 TX/1 RX 4 TX/0 RX 1 TX/1 RX 1 TX 1 RX 1 TX 1 TX/4 RX 4 TX/1 RX 9 TX/9 RX 3 RX 3 TX 2 TX/2 RX ICC (Max) (mA) 1 1 n/a 10, 70 15.5 15.5 15 17 6 2.1 2 23 15 25 35 12 25 110 25 25 10, 45, 60 400 250 20 Pin/ Package(s) 16SSOP, 16TSSOP 28SSOP, 28TSSOP 208LQFP, 209BGA MicroStar 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 8SOIC 14SOIC 20SOIC 8SOIC 28SSOP 28SSOP 8MSOP 16SOIC 48TSSOP 20TSSOP 20TSSOP 56TSSOP 100HTQFP 64HTQFP 48LQFP

Device Description Vcc Range (V) Voltage Nodes (V) IOL (mA) tpd Max (ns) No. of Gates IOH (mA) ICC (uA) Output Drive (mA) Pin/ Package(s)

Single Input Gates

SN74AHC1G02-EP SN74AHC1G86-EP SN74LVC1G00-EP SN74LVC1G02-EP SN74LVC1G08-EP SN74LVC1G11-EP SN74LVC1G32-EP SN74LVC1G86-EP Single 2-input positive-NOR gate Single 2-input exclusive-OR gate Single 2-input positive-NAND gate Single 2-input positive-Nor gate Single 2-input positive-AND gate Single 3-input positive-AND gate Single 2-input positive-OR gate Single 2-input exclusive-OR gate 2 to 5.5 2 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5 8 8 32 32 32 32 32 4 4 5.9 4 1 1 1 1 -8 -8 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 24 5SC70 5SC70 5SC70, 5SOT-23 5SC70 5SC70, 5SOT-23 6SC70 5SC70, 5SOT-23 5SC70

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Gates (continued)
Device Description Vcc Range (V) Voltage Nodes (V) IOL (mA) tpd Max (ns) No. of Gates IOH (mA) ICC (uA) Output Drive (mA) Pin/ Package(s)

Dual Input Gates

SN74LVC2G00W-EP SN74LVC2G02-EP SN74LVC2G08-EP SN74LVC2G32-EP Dual 2-input positive-NAND gate Dual 2-input positive-NOR gate Dual 2-input positive-AND gate Dual 2-input positive-OR gate 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 32 24 24 3.3 5.4 4.8 2 2 2 -32 -24 -24 10 10 10 10 8SM* 8US8 8US8 8US8

Triple Input Gates

SN74AC11-EP SN74HC10-EP SN74LV11A-EP Triple 3-input positive-AND gate Triple 3-input positive-NAND gate Triple 3-input positive-AND gate 2.0 to 6.0 2.0 to 6.0 2.0 to 5.5 5, 3.3 6, 5, 2 5, 3.3, 2.5 8 19 7.9 3 3 3 -24/24 -4/4 -12/12 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14TSSOP

Quadruple Input Gates

CD74ACT86-EP CD74HC08-EP SN74AC08-EP SN74AC32-EP SN74ACT08-EP SN74AHC00-EP SN74AHC02-EP SN74AHC08-EP SN74AHC32-EP SN74AHCT00-EP SN74AHCT08-EP SN74AHCT32-EP SN74LV08A-EP SN74LV32A-EP SN74LV86A-EP SN74ALVC00-EP SN74ALVC08-EP SN74LVC08A-EP SN74LVC86A-EP SN74LVC00A-EP SN74LVC02A-EP SN74LVC32A-EP Quadruple 2-input exclusive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-NOR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input exclusive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-AND gate Quadruple 2-input exclusive-OR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-NAND gate Quadruple 2-input positive-NOR gate Quadruple 2-input positive-OR gate -0.5 to 6 2 to 6 2.0 to 6.0 2 to 6 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2 to 5.5 1.65 to 3.6 1.65 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2.0 to 3.6 2 to 3.6 2, 4.5, 6 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5, 3.3 5 5 5 5, 3.3, 2.5 5, 3.3, 2.5 3.3, 2.5, 5 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7, 2.5, 1.8 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 18 7.5 7.5 10 9.5 8.5 9 8.5 9 9 9 12 12 8.8 3 2.9 4.1 4.6 4.3 5.5 3.8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.08 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -8/8 -12/12 7.5 -12/12 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 -24/24 14SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 14SOIC 14SOIC 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP 14TSSOP 14SOIC, 14TSSOP

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Texas Instruments


Enhanced Products (EP)

Selection Tables
Gates (continued)
Device Description Sub Family tpd Max (ns) # of Configuration Channels ron(Max) (ohms) Vcc range (V) ICC (uA) Voltage Nodes (V) Pin/ Package

Signal Switches
CD74HC4051-EP High-speed CMOS logic analog multiplexer/demultiplexer 8-channel analog multiplexer/ demultiplexer Analog Switches and Multiplexers (less than or equal to 5V) Analog Switches and Multiplexers (less than or equal to 5V) 60 1 X 1:8 MUX 8 180 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 2.0 to 5.5 1.65 to 5.5 2.3 to 3.6 2, 4.5, 6 5, 3.3, 2.5 5, 3.3, 2.5 5, 3.3, 2.5 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 5.0 3.3, 2.5 16SOIC 16SOIC, 16TSSOP 16SOIC, 16TSSOP 16SOIC, 16TSSOP 6SOT-23 16TSSOP


1 X 1:8 MUX




Switches and Dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/ Analog Multiplexers (less than or demultiplexer equal to 5V) Triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer 1-Ohm Spdt analog switch Low-voltage, 4-bit, 1-Of-2 FET multiplexer/demultiplexer Analog Switches and Multiplexers (less than or equal to 5V) Analog Switches and Multiplexers (less than or equal to 5V) Digital Bus Exchange/ Multiplexing Switches

2 X 1:4 MUX








TS5A3159-EP SN74CBTLV3257-EP


1.3 7

0.01 10

Specialty Logic
Device SN74LVTH182512-EP SN74LVTH18502A-EP SN74LVTH18646A-EP SN74LVT8980A-EP SN74LVT8996-EP SN74SSTV32852-EP SN74SSTV32867-EP SN74AHC123A-EP SN74LV123A-EP SN74V263-EP SN74V273-EP SN74V283-EP SN74V293-EP Description 3.3-V ABT, scan test device with 18-bit universal bus transceiver 3.3-V ABT, scan test device with 18-bit universal bus transceiver 3.3-V ABT, scan test device with 18-bit universal bus transceiver Test-bus controller IEEE Std 1149.1 (Jtag) tap master 3.3-V ABT, 10-bit multidrop-addressable IEEE Std 1149.1 tap transceiver 24- to 48-bit registered buffer with Sstl_2-inputs and outputs 26-bit registered buffer with Sstl_2-inputs and LvCMOS outputs Dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator Dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator 8192 X 18 synchronous FIFO memory 16384 X 18 synchronous FIFO memory 32768 X 18 synchronous FIFO memory 65536 X 18 synchronous FIFO memory Sub Family Boundary Scan (JTAG) Bus Devices Boundary Scan (JTAG) Bus Devices Boundary Scan (JTAG) Bus Devices Boundary Scan (JTAG) Support Devices Boundary Scan (JTAG) Support Devices DIMM Memory Drivers and Transceivers DIMM Memory Drivers and Transceivers Monostable Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrators Synchronous FIFOs Synchronous FIFOs Synchronous FIFOs Synchronous FIFOs Output Drive (mA) -32/64 -32/64 -32/64 -2/8 -2/8 -2/8 -2/8 Vcc range (V) 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2.7 to 3.6 2 tp 5.5 2 to 5.5 3.15 to 3.45 3.15 to 3.45 3.15 to 3.45 3.15 to 3.45 Static Current 24 24 24 Voltage Nodes (V) 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 3.3, 2.7 2.5 5, 3.3 5, 3.3, 2.5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 tpd Max (ns) 5.7 4.9 4.7 3.1 Pin/Package 64TSSOP 64LQFP 64LQFP 24SOIC 24TSSOP 114BGA MICROSTAR 96LFBGA 16SOIC 16TSSOP 80LQFP 80LQFP 80LQFP 80LQFP

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Texas Instruments


TI-HiRel Radiation-Tolerant Space Products
To support the demanding nature of space applications, TI HiRel has introduced MILPRF-38535 radiationtolerant products to our extensive qualified manufacturer listing (QML) Class V family. Benefits of TI HiRel QML Class V Products: Broad product offering Designer-driven portfolio High-performance devices Latest available technology Radiation reports available upon request Potential Applications: Commercial and defense space-based systems Data processing Flight critical control systems Gas chromatographs Particle detectors Photometers Space-based imaging and surveillance Spectrometers Wave analyzers For more information on TI-HiRel space products, see www.ti.com/space. Radiation Effects High-energy protons, electrons and charged particles in natural space environments can strongly affect the operation of electronic circuits used in space applications. Radiation is energy in transit, taking the form of high-speed particles and electromagnetic waves. We encounter electromagnetic waves every day. They make up our visible light, radio and television waves, ultraviolet (UV) light and microwaves with a large spectrum of energies. These examples of electromagnetic waves do not cause ionizations of atoms because they do not carry enough energy to separate molecules or remove electrons from atoms. Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits, causing the atom to become charged or ionized. Examples are gamma rays, protons and neutrons. The most common radiation requirement in the aerospace design community is total ionizing dose (TID), also known as total dose. Total dose irradiation is primarily caused by electrons and protons that penetrate into the silicon and can result in device degradation and/or device failure. Charge buildup affects the currentvoltage characteristics of transistors used in semiconductor circuits. Proper operation of a transistor relies on the ability to switch it from a lowconductance (off) state to a highconductance (on) state as the gate voltage passes through a threshold. Extended exposure to radiation can shift the threshold voltages making the transistors easier or harder to switch. Radiation may also increase the leakage current, causing the on and off states of the transistors to become less distinguishable. Either effect can ultimately cause circuit failure. HiRel performs total dose testing on all space-qualified, QML Class V new product releases in order to determine how much radiation our devices can absorb before device degradation occurs. The test results for each device are available on request.

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Texas Instruments 2010

Single-event effects Although total dose is the most common measure of radiation tolerance used in the industry, single-event effects, or SEE, rank as the number-one concern for space system designers. There are three common SEEs. The first is single-event upset, or SEU. In digital devices an SEU results in a bit flipping states from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1, whereas in analog devices, an electrical transient can propagate through the signal chain, causing electrical errors or worse. The second SEE is a single event latch-up, which can lead to severe disruption or even catastrophic device failure. Once a device latches, it can be recovered if caught soon enough, but only by powering down the system within approximately 500 mS of latch-up. If not, the unchecked increase in current flow will result in the third SEE, which is single-event burnout. All of these failure modes are difficult enough to diagnose in terrestrial-based applications, but in a closed system such as a satellite can result in a very expensive repair trip. TIs complementary bipolar (BiCOM) processes are manufactured using silicon over insulator, deep-trench isolated wafer construction techniques that result in devices that are inherently immune to latch-up. Radiation test services TI offers additional radiation test characterization services to accommodate specific program requirements. ELDRS and SEE testing Prompt dose characterization Radiation test method To assure reliable performance under the aforementioned environmental conditions, the HiRel space product line is thoroughly tested for radiation performance as part of the qualification process. The flow diagram shown here illustrates the HiRel radiation test procedure.
High Reliability Guide

The devices are electrically tested before irradiation, with parametrics recorded and datalogged for later comparison. Devices are electrically biased in specialized fixtures within the radiation chamber and exposed to a predetermined radiation level. They are then electrically tested after irradiation

to determine if degradation or device failure has occurred. If no measurable degradation has occurred, the devices are irradiated again at a higher dose level and tested once more. This process repeats until the devices fail or reach the maximum predetermined radiation level.

Radiation test method

Start Pre-rad measurements Record Data Irradiate sample under bias conditions

Increment Dose

Record Data Device Failure Yes End


TI space solutions TI has radiation-tolerant, hermetically packaged devices released for each one of the blocks shown in the block diagram.

The Real World

Temperature Pressure Position Speed Flow Humidity Sound Light Identification


Data Converter


Low-Power RF

Power Management

Embedded Processing


Data Converter

Clocks & Timing



Texas Instruments


Data Converters
Digital-to-Analog Converter DAC5670-SP
Get samples, datasheets, and evaluation modules at: www.ti.com/sc/device/DAC5670-SP Key Features Radiation performance: TID = 150kRad (Si) 3.3-V analog supply operation 2-W power dissipation 5-mA to 30-mA differential scalable current outputs On-chip 1.2-V reference 192-ball CBGA (GEM) package QML-V qualified, SMD 5962-07247 Defense temperature range -55C to 125C Applications Orbital data processing Point-to-point microwave Radar and satellite communications Space-based critical control systems The DAC5670-SP is a 14-bit, 2.4-GSPS digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with dual demultiplexed differential input ports. The DAC5670-SP is clocked at the DAC sample rate and the two input ports run at a maximum of 1.2 GSPS. An additional reference bit input sequence is used to adjust the output clock delay to the data source, optimizing the internal data latching clock relative to this reference bit with a delay lock loop.

SLEEP DA_P[13:0]


DA_N[13:0] DB_P[13:0] DB_N[13:0] DTCLK_P

100 100

Input Input Registers Registers

Demux Demux and and Format Format

14-bit 2.4Gsps 2.4Gsps DAC DAC





Loop Filter Bandgap Ref 2 Variable Variable Delay Delay 2



AV DD + A2 TH3 +

Functional block diagram DAC5670-SP

Analog-to-Digital Converter ADS5463-SP

Get samples, datasheets, and evaluation modules at: www.ti.com/sc/device/ADS5463-SP Key Features Radiation performance: TID = 150kRad (Si) SNR > 64.5 dBFS at 450 MHz and 500 MSPS 2.2-VPP differential input voltage 2.2-W total power dissipation On-chip analog buffer, track and hold and reference circuit 84-pin ceramic nonconductive tie-bar package (HFG) Defense temperature range -55C to 125C Applications Orbital communication Orbital control systems Spacecraft communications
High Reliability Guide

The ADS5463-SP is a 12-bit, 500-MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates from both a 5-V supply and 3.3-V supply, providing LVDS-compatible digital outputs from the 3.3-V supply. The input buffer isolates the internal switching of the onboard track and hold from disturbing the signal source while providing a high-impedance input.










5 CLK CLK Timing Digital Error Correction




Functional block diagram ADS5463-SP


Texas Instruments


SerDes Interface Transceiver

Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/TLK2711-SP Key Features Radiation performance: TID = 40kRad (Si) Hot-plug protection High-performance 68-pin ceramic quad flat pack package (HFG) Low-power operation Interfaces to PCBs, copper cables or fiber-optic cable On-chip PLL provides clock synthesis from low-speed reference Receiver differential input thresholds 200-mV minimum Low power: < 500 mW Ideal for high-speed backplane interconnect and point-to-point data link Applications Flight critical control systems Launch vehicles Satellite communications Space-based imaging and surveillance The TLK2711-SP is a member of the WizardLink transceiver family of multi-gigabit transceivers, intended for use in ultra-high-speed, bidirectional, point-to-point data transmission systems. The TLK2711-SP supports an effective serial interface speed of 1.6 Gbps to 2.5 Gbps, providing up to 2 Gbps of data bandwidth. The primary application of this transceiver is to provide very high-speed I/O data channels for point-to-point baseband data transmission over controlled impedance media of approximately 50.


PRBS Generator

10 2:1 10 MUX Parallel to Serial BIAS


8b/10b Encoder

9 TXD0TXD15 TKLSB 18 Bit Register

10 MUX




8b/10b Encoder


TXCLK TESTEN ENABLE PRBSEN 2:1 MUX PRBSEN Comma Detect and 8b/10b Decoding Comma Detect and 8b/10b Decoding Controls: PLL, Bias, RX, TX

Clock Synthesizer


Interpolator and Clock Recovery

2:1 MUX



PRBS Verification

Recovered Clock

9 18 Bit Register RXD0RXD15 RKMSB

10 1:2 MUX 10 10 Serial to Parallel 2:1 MUX Data RXP RXN

Signal Detect (LOS)

Functional block diagram TLK2711-SP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Clock Synchronizer/Jitter Cleaner CDCM7005-SP
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/CDCM7005-SP Watch our video Clocking a High-Speed ADC. Key Features Radiation performance: TID = 50kRad (Si) Two reference clock inputs (primary and secondary clock) for redundancy support with manual or automatic selection Accepts LVCMOS input frequencies up to 200 MHz VCXO IN operating frequencies up to 2.2 GHz (LVPECL) Up to five differential LVPECL outputs or up to 10 LVCMOS outputs Frequency is individually selectable on each output SPI-controllable device setting 3.3-V power supply High-performance 52-pin ceramic quad flat pack (HFG) Applications High-speed data acquisition and generation MRI: magnetic resonance imaging Orbital data aquisition Satellite communications Software defined radio (SDR) Space-based imaging & surveillance Spacecraft wireless infrastructure Ultrasound system X-ray: baggage scanner X-ray: medical The CDCM7005-SP high-performance, low-phase noise and low-skew clock synchronizer synchronizes a voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) or voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) frequency to one of two reference clocks. The CDCM7005-SP can lock to one of two reference clock inputs and supports frequency hold-over mode and fast frequency locking for fail-safe and increased system redundancy.




Reference Clock Feedback Clock



Charge Pump Current Reference













90o 90o



P16-Div P Divider




VCC 1.3V




Functional block diagram CDCM7005-SP

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Texas Instruments


Digital Signal Processor
Floating-Point DSP SMJ320C6701-SP
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/SMJ320C6701-SP Key Features Radiation performance: TID = 100kRad (Si) 1 GFLOP performance at a 167-MHz clock rate Qualified to QML Class-V MIL-PRF-38535 standards Operating temperature ranges Extended (W) -55C to 115C Two MACs per cycle for a total of 334 million MMACs 1 MB on-chip SRAM 64 KB block of program memory configurable as cache or memorymapped program space Peripherals: Two McBSPs Two general-purpose timers HPI Glueless EMIF Applications Multichannel and multifunction applications The C6701 DSP is based on TIs high-performance VelociTI very-long-instruction-word architecture, making it ideal for multichannel, multifunction applications. The C6701 DSP possesses the operational flexibility of high-speed controllers and the numerical capability of array processors. This processor has 32 general-purpose registers of 32-bit word lengths and eight highly independent functional units. The land grid array (LGA) package configuration is designed for column attachment, yielding a column grid array (CGA) package.

The LGA facilitates ease of socketing for testing before column attachment, giving designers a choice in vendors for column attachment and the flexibility to specify column width and column length.


Program Bus


C6701 Digital Signal Processor

Program Access/Cache Controller Internal Program Memory 1 Block Program/Cache (64K Bytes)

External Memory Interface (EMIF)

Timer 0 Timer 1 Framing Chips: H.100, MVIP, SCSA, T1, E1 AC97 Devices, SPI Devices, Codecs Multichannel Buffered Serial Port 0 Multichannel Buffered Serial Port 1

C67x CPU Instruction Fetch Instruction Dispatch Instruction Decode Data Path A A Register File
DMA Buses

Control Registers Control Logic Test In-Circuit Emulation Interrupt Control

Data Path B B Register File .D2 .M2 .S2 .L2

Data Bus

.L1 .S1 .M1 .D1

HOST CONNECTION MC68360 Glueless MPC860 Glueless PCI9050 Bridge + Inverter MC68302 + PAL MPC750 + PAL MPC960 (Jx/Rx) + PAL


Host Port Interface (HPI)

Direct Memory Access Controller (DMA) (4 Channels) PLL (x1, x4)

PowerDown Logic

Data Access Controller

Internal Data Memory (64K Bytes) 2 Blocks of 8 Banks Each

These functional units execute floating-point instructions.

Functional block diagram C6701-SP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Power Management/Selection Tables
Unitrode UC18xx PWM Controllers and AC Logic Devices.
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules at: www.ti.com/sc/device/space

Unitrode Radiation Improvement Releases

Device UC1825J-SP/FK-SP UC1825AJ-SP UC1525BFK-SP UC1846J-SP/FK-SP UC1843AJG-SP UC19432-SP UC1637-SP SMD Orderable 5962-8768104VEA/V2A 5962-8768105VEA 5962-8951106V2A 5962-8680603VEA/V2A 5962-8670409VPA TBD 5962-8995701VSA Description Dual output, 1-MHz voltage/current mode PWM Controller Dual output, 1-MHz voltage/current mode PWM Controller Dual output, 250KHz voltage mode PWM Controller Dual output, 500KHz voltage/current mode PWM Controller Single ended, 500KHz voltage/current mode PWM Controller Precision analog controller Switched-mode controller for DC motor drive

Enhanced low-dose-rate sensitivity (ELDRS) has become an issue in total dose radiation-tolerant analog applications. To help mitigate this effect, TI improved the radiation performance on its UC18xx power management devices to achieve > 40kRad (Si) tolerance to low-dose-rate radiation. TI also released new versions of its AC logic device family, which reach total irradiated dose levels of 100 Krads. These improvements provide lower leakage current and improve radiation performance for high-temperature aerospace applications.

AC Logic Family Releases

Device SN54AC14-SP SN54AC02-SP SN54AC00-SP SMD Orderable 5962-8762402VDA 5962-8761203VDA 5962-8754903VCA Description Hex Inverter, Schmitt Trigger Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NOR Gates Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND Gates

Selection Tables
Device LM139-SP SMD Orderable 5962-7700801VCA Description Quad differential comparator Channels 4 tRESP Low to High (s) 0.3 VS (Min) 2 VS (Max) 30 Output Type Open collector Package 14-CDIP

Operational Amplifiers
Device LM124-SP THS4511-SP THS4513-SP SMD Orderable 5962-7704301VCA 5962-0722201VFA 5962-0722301VFA Description Quadruple op amp, 4 channels Rad-tolerant Class V, wideband, fully differential amplifier, 100 MHz, 1 channel Rad-tolerant Class V, wideband, fully differential amplifier, 100 MHz, 1 channel VI/O Vs (25 C) (Max) (Max) (mV) (V) 3 4 5 32 5.25 5.5 Lib (Max) 50 nA 20 uA 20 uA Slew Rate (typ) (V/s) 100 5100 5100 GBW (typ) (MHz) 1.2 1100 1100 Packages 14-CDIP 16-CFP 16-CFP

Analog-to-Digital Converters
Device ADS5424-SP ADS5444-SP ADS5463-SP SMD Orderable Description Sample Rate (MSPS) 105 250 500 SNR (dB) 64 6.5 62.2 SFDR (dB) 65.4 60.5 51.6 DNL LSB 1.5 2 1.2 INL LSB 6.9 4.8 2.9 Supply Voltage (V) 4.75, 5.25 4.75, 5.25 4.75, 5.25 Power (mW) 1900 2000 2425 Packages 52-CFP 84-CFP 84-CFP

tolerant class V, 14-bit, 105-MSPS 5962-0720601VXC 100kRad ADC w/one input channel tolerant class V, 13-bit, 250-MSPS 5962-0720701VXC 100kRad ADC w/one input channel tolerant class V, 12-bit, 500-MSPS 5962-0720801VXC 100kRad ADC w/one input channel

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Selection Tables
Digital-to-Analog Converters
Device SMD Orderable Description Sample/Update Settling SNR SFDR DNL Rate (MSPS) Time (s) (dB) (dB) LSB 2400 400 0.0035 0.012 60 67 55 82 1.75 2.5 INL LSB 7.5 4.6 Supply Voltage (V) 3.0, 3.6 3.15, 3.6 Power (mW) Packages 2000 660 192-CBGA 52-CFP

DAC5670-SP 5962-0724701VXA 14-bit, 2.4-GSPS DAC with two DAC channels DAC5675A-SP 5962-0720401VXC Class V, 14-bit, 400-MSPS DAC w/one DAC ch.

Device SN55182-SP SN55183-SP SN55LVDS31-SP SN55LVDS32-SP SN55LVDS33-SP TLK2711-SP SMD Orderable 5962-7900801VXA 5962-7900901VCA 5962-9762101VFA 5962-9762201VFA 5962-0724801VFA 5962-0522101VXC Description Rad-tolerant Class V dual differential line receiver Rad-tolerant Class V dual differential line driver 100kRad tolerant quad LVDS transmitter 100kRad tolerant quad LVDS receiver 100kRad tolerant high-speed differential receiver 1.6- to 2.5-Gbps, low-power serializer/deserializer ESD HBM (kV) 2 2 8 8 15 2 Packages 14-CDIP, CFP 14-CDIP 16-CFP 16-CFP 16-CFP HFG

Device CDCM7005-SP SMD Orderable 5962-0723001VXC Description 3.3-V, high performance rad-tolerant class V, clock synchronizer and jitter cleaner Operating Supply Current (mA) 5 Input level LVCMOS, LVPECL VIN (Min) (V) 4.5 Output Frequency (Max) (Mhz) 1500 Output Level LVPECL, LVCMOS Reference Voltage (V) 1.5 VCC (V) 3.3 No. of Outputs 5 Package 52-HFG

Feedback Signal Generator

Device UC1901-SP SMD Orderable Description VIN (Max) (V) 40 Tolerance (%) 1 Package 14-CDIP 5962-8944101VCA Isolated feedback generator

Contact a Product Information Center near you for ELDRS free version. Contact information on back.

LDO Controllers
Device UC1832-SP UC1834-SP SMD Orderable 5962-9326501VCA/V2A 5962-8774201VEA/V2A Description Precision low-dropout linear controller High-efficiency linear regulator Idrive (Max) (mA) 100 200 VO (Min) (V) 2 1.5 VIN (Max) (V) 40 40 Packages 14-CDIP, 20-LCCC 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC

Power Supply Controllers

Device UCC1805-SP UCC1806-SP UC1823A-SP UC1842-SP UC1842A-SP UC1844-SP UC1844A-SP UC1845-SP UC1845A-SP UC1863-SP UC1875-SP SMD Orderable 5962-9451305VPA 5962-9457501VEA/V2A 5962-8990502VEA/V2A 5962-8670401VPA/VXA 5962-8670405VPA/VXA 5962-8670403VPA/VXA 5962-8670407VPA/VXA 5962-8670404VPA/VXA 5962-8670408VPA/VXA 5962-9203103VEA/V2A Description Low-power BiCMOS current-mode PWM

Contact a Product Information Center near you for ELDRS free version. Contact information on back. VIN (Min) (V) 3.6 6.75 8.4 10 10 10 10 7.6 7.6 7 9.25 VIN (Max) (V) 12 15 22 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 20 Duty Cycle (Max)(%) 50 50 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 PWM Outputs (#) 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4

Packages 8-CDIP 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 20-CDIP, 28-LCCC

Low-power, dual-output, current-mode PWM controller High-speed PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Resonant-mode power-supply controller

5962-9455501VRA/V3A Phase-shift resonant controller

Contact a Product Information Center near you for ELDRS free version. Contact information on back.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Selection Tables
Radiation-Tolerant PWM Power Supply Controllers
Device UC1825-SP UC1525B-SP UC1825A-SP UC1843-SP UC1843A-SP UC1846-SP SMD Orderable 5962-8768101VEA/V2A 5962-8951105VEA/V2A 5962-8768102VEA/V2A 5962-8670402VPA/VXA 5962-8670406VPA/VXA 5962-8680601VEA/V2A Description High-speed PWM controller Regulating pulse-width modulator High-speed PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller Current-mode PWM controller VIN (Min) (V) 8.4 8 8.4 7.6 7.6 7 VIN (Max) (V) 22 35 30 30 30 40 Duty Cycle (Max)(%) 50 50 50 100 100 50 PWM Outputs (#) 2 2 2 1 1 2 Radiation Tolerance (TID [Si]) 40 KRad (ELDRS-free) 40 KRad (ELDRS-free) 40 KRad (ELDRS-free) 40 KRad (ELDRS-free) 40 KRad (ELDRS-free) 40 KRad (ELDRS-free) Packages 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC

MOSFET Drivers
Device UC1705-SP UC1707-SP UC1708-SP UC1709-SP UC1710-SP SMD Orderable 5962-9579801VPA 5962-8761901VEA/V2A, 5962-0051401VPA 5962-0051401VEA/V2A 5962-0151201VPA 5962-0152001VPA Description Complementary high-speed power driver w/internal regulator Complementary high-speed power driver Non-inverting high-speed power driver Inverting high-speed MOSFET driver Complementary high-current MOSFET driver Peak Output Current (A) 1.5 1.5 3 1.5 6 VIN (Min) (V) 5 5 5 5 4.7 VIN (Max) (V) 40 40 35 40 18 Number of Outputs (#) 1 2 2 2 1 Packages 8-CDIP 8, 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC, 16-CDIP, 20-LCCC 8-CDIP 8-CDIP

Schottky Diode Arrays

Device UC1611-SP SMD Orderable Description

Contact a Product Information Center near you for ELDRS free version. Contact information on back. Output Current (A) 1 VIN (Min) (V) 0 VIN (Max) (V) 50 Number of outputs (#) 100 Packages 8-CDIP, 20-LCCC

5962-9053801VPA/V2A Quad Schottky diode array

Shunt Voltage Reference

Device TL1431-SP SMD orderable Description Initial Accuracy at 25C (%) 0.4 V0 Adj (Min) (V) 2.5 V0 Adj (Max) (V) 36 Min Iz for Regulation (A) 1000 Package 8-CDIP

5962-9962001VPA 30kRad ELDRS free precision-adjustable (programmable) shunt reference

Device 54ALS244-SP 54LVT162244-SP 54LVTH16244A-SP 54HC244-SP 54HCT244-SP 54LVTH244A-SP 54LVTH162245-SP 54LVTH162373-SP 54HC273-SP SMD Orderable 5962-8683901 5962-9680901 5962-9668501 5962-8409601 5962-8513001 5962-9584401 5962-9678001 5962-9763801 5962-8409901 Octal buffer and line driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs Octal buffer and line driver with 3-state outputs Octal buffer and line driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit octal buffer/driver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit bus transceiver with 3-state outputs 3.3-V ABT, 16-bit transparent D-type latch with 3-state outputs Octal D-type flip-flop Description Packages VRA, VSA VXA VXA VRA, VSA VRA, VSA V2A, VRA, VSA VXA VXA VRA, VSA

To view more of our Logic portfolio for space applications, visit www.ti.com/space.

Digital Signal Processor

Device SMJ320C6701-SP SMD Orderable 5962-9866102V Description Rad-tolerant, Class V, floatingpoint digital signal processor DMA 4 Core Supply (V) 1.9 I/O Supply (V) 3.3 Rating Space Timers (2) 32-bit Radiation Tolerance 100kRad Packages 429-CFCBGA, 429-FCLGA

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


High Temperature
Design considerations
The Texas Instruments High Reliability (HiRel) group offers a wide range of semiconductors for use in High Temperature. Many applications need electronics that operate outside the typical industrial operating temperature range and even beyond the standard defense temperature range of -55C to +125C. These applications have special requirements for qualification and packaging. TI has developed semiconductors to satisfy the needs for quality and reliability in areas that need detailed characterization, operating life tests and special packaging. High Temperature applications: Oil and gas exploration and production Undersea cabling Industrial Medical Aerospace High temperature Texas Instruments introduced a new line of devices that can withstand operating temperatures from -55C to +210C. These High Temperature (HT) offerings provide a solution to the needs of customers requiring extreme temperature operation for a variety of applications. TI HiRel continues to expand these offerings with new parts to provide a complete signal chain solution for customers. High temperature offerings: Standard off-the-shelf parts offering -55C to +210C operation High temperature characterization +200C +200C operation for 1,000 hours Packaging Ceramic packages Known good die Support for long product lifecycles Standard HT datasheet High temp data Operating life curve Small size and low-power offerings For more information about TIs HiRel and HT products, see www.ti.com/ht.

Featured Products
HT ARM7TDMI(tm) Flash Microcontroller
Key Features
High-Performance Static CMOS Technology 60-MHz System Clock (Pipeline Mode) Independent 16/32-Bit Instruction Set Open Architecture With Third-Party Support Built-In Debug Module 1M-Byte Program Flash 64K-Byte Static RAM (SRAM) Memory Security Module (MSM) JTAG Security Module Low-Power Modes: STANDBY and HALT

The SM470R1B1M(3) devices are members of the Texas Instruments SM470R1x family of general-purpose 16/32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microcontrollers. The B1M microcontroller offers high performance utilizing the high-speed ARM7TDMI 16/32-bit RISC central processing unit (CPU), resulting in a high instruction throughput while maintaining greater code efficiency. The ARM7TDMI 16/32-bit RISC CPU views memory as a linear collection of bytes numbered upwards from zero. The SM470R1B1M utilizes the big-endian format where the most significant byte of a word is stored at the lowest numbered byte and the least significant byte at the highest numbered byte.
Program Flash Data RAM

Peripheral Library

Applications Supports extreme temperature applications

Controlled Baseline One Assembly/Test Site One Fabrication Site Available in Extreme (55C/210C) Temperature Range(1)

Oscillator PLL

High End Timer


CAN J1850 Digital

16 -bit Thumb Instruction Set Decompression

Addr . Registers Registers Multiplier Shifter


System Decoder Memory Protection Watchdog RTI DMA IEM


10 -bit


Debug Module


32- bit ALU



High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments 2010

High Temperature
Featured Products
Quad/Octal, Simultaneous Sampling, 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters
Key Features
Simultaneously Measure Eight Channels Up to 128-kSPS Data Rate Linear Phase Digital Filter SPI or Frame-Sync Serial Interface Low Sampling Aperture Error Modulator Output Option (digital filter bypass) Analog Supply: 5 V Digital Core: 1.8 V I/O Supply: 1.8 V to 3.3 V Currently Available in an 84-Pin HFQ Package and a KGD Chip tray Option

Based on the single-channel ADS1271, the ADS1278 (octal) is a 24-bit, deltasigma () analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with data rates up to 128 k samples per second (SPS), allowing simultaneous sampling of eight channels. Traditionally, industrial delta-sigma ADCs offering good drift performance use digital filters with large passband droop. As a result, they have limited signal bandwidth and are mostly suited for dc measurements. High-resolution ADCs in audio applications offer larger usable bandwidths, but the offset and drift specifications are significantly weaker than respective industrial counterparts. The ADS1278 combines these types of converters, allowing high-precision industrial measurement with excellent dc and ac specifications.



IOVDD 1.8V - 3.3V

Applications Supports extreme temperature applications Controlled Baseline One Assembly/Test Site One Fabrication Site Available in Extreme (55C/210C) Temperature Range(1)



Serial Interface SCLK DIN DOUT[8:1] DRDY/FS TEST[1:0] MODE[1:0] Control Logic SYNC PDWN[8:1] CLKDIV FMAT[2:0] CLK


IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 FIR Filters With IN8 AGND


Bypass Mode DGND

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


High Temperature
Featured Products
Low Noise, Very Low Drift, Precision Voltage References
Key Feature Low Temperature Drift: 20 ppm/C Low Noise: 3 VPP/V High Output Current: 7 mA Applications Supports extreme temperature applications Down-Hole Drilling High Temperature Environments Controlled Baseline One Assembly/Test Site One Fabrication Site Available in Extreme (55C/210C) Temperature Range(1) The REF5025 is a low-noise, low-drift, very high precision voltage reference. This reference is capable of both sinking and sourcing, and is very robust with regard to line and load changes. Temperature drift (20 ppm/C) from 55C to 210C is achieved using proprietary design techniques. These features combined with very low noise make the REF5025 ideal for use in down-hole drilling applications.
5V Input Signal 0 V to 4 V R1 50 OPA365 C1 1.2 nF +IN ADS8326 IN REF GND V DD 5V


1.8-V Micropower CMOS Operational Amplifier Zero-Drift Series

5.5 V (2.75 V) may be used. They are optimized for low-voltage singlesupply operation. Key Feature Low Offset Voltage: 26 V (Max) 0.01-Hz to 10-Hz Noise: 1.5 VPP Quiescent Current: 50 A Single-Supply Operation Supply Voltage: 1.8 V to 5.5 V Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Applications Supports extreme temperature applications Down-Hole Drilling High Temperature Environments Controlled Baseline One Assembly/Test Site One Fabrication Site Available in Extreme (55C/210C) Temperature Range(1) The OPA2333 series of CMOS operational amplifiers uses a proprietary autocalibration technique to simultaneously provide very low offset voltage and near-zero drift over time and temperature. These miniature, high-precision, lowquiescent-current amplifiers offer high-impedance inputs that have a commonmode range 100 mV beyond the rails, and rail-to-rail output that swings within 150 mV of the rails. Single or dual supplies as low as 1.8 V (0.9 V) and up to


R1 +5V






High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


High Temperature
Selection Tables
High Temperature Product Portfolio
Device Description Package

OPA2333-HT OPA211-HT 1.8-V Micropower CMOS Operational Amplifier Zero-Drift Series Low Noise Precision Operational Amplifier KGD, 8CFP KGD, 8CFP

Analog-to-Digital Converters
ADS1278-HT Octal, Simultaneous Sampling, 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters KGD, 84CQFP

SN65HVD233-HT SN65HVD11-HT 3.3-V CAN Transceiver 3.3-V RS-485 Transciever KGD, 8CFP, 8CDIP KGD, 8CFP, 8CDIP

SM320F2812-HT SM470R1B1M-HT 32-Bit Digital Signal Controller with Flash ARM7TDMI Flash Microcontroller KGD, 172CQFP KGD, 84CQFP

Power Management
TPS62000-HT TPS76901-HT REF5025-HT TPS40200-HT High-Efficiency, Step-Down, Low-Power DC-DC Converter Single-Output LDO, 100-mA, Adjustable Low-Noise, Very Low Drift Voltage Reference Wide-Input Non-Synchronous Buck DC/DC Controller KGD, 10CFP KGD, 8CFP KGD, 8CFP KGD, 8CFP

Standard Ceramic HiRel Parts Used in High Temperature

Device Description Package

LM124J LT1014AMJ TL074MJB TLC2272MJG TLE2022MJGB TLV2262MJGB OPA2335AMJG Quad Op Amp Quad Precision Operational Amplifier High-Speed, Low-Noise, JFET-Input Quad Operational Amplifier Low-Noise Advanced LinCMOS Dual Operational Amplifier High-Speed, Low-Power Precision Dual Operational Amplifier Low-Voltage, Low-Power Advanced LinCMOS technology based (TM) Dual Op Amp 0.05-uV/C max, Single-Supply CMOS Operational Amplifier 14CDIP 14CDIP 14CDIP 8CDIP 8CDIP 8CDIP 8CDIP

Analog-to-Digital Converters
TLV5638MJGB TLC2543MJ Low-Power 12-bit Dual DAC 12-Bit, 66 kSPS ADC Serial Out 8CDIP 20CDIP

Power Management
TLC7705MFKB UC1845J UC1903J UCC1801J UCC1806J Single Power SVS (5V) with Programmable Time Delay Current-Mode PWM Controller Quad Supply and Line Monitor Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Low-Power, Dual-Output, Current-Mode PWM Controller 20LCCC 8CDIP 18CDIP 8CDIP 16CDIP

SMJ320C30 SMJ320C40 SM320F240HFPM40 Third Generation Digital Signal Processor Fourth Generation Digital Signal Processor 16-bit, 5-V Fixed Point DSP with Flash KGD, 181CPGA, 196CFP KGD, 325CPGA,352CFP 132 CQFP

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Die/Wafer Solutions
Texas Instruments offers bare die/ wafer solutions for applications that require higher levels of integration to reduce board space. TI provides a wide range of products in bare die and wafer form. A variety of testing and qualification options are available based on product maturity and complexity, as well as customer requirements. Typical screening options include DC probe or AC/DC probe at temperature. Typical processing and capabilities include: Mount and bond diagrams Probed die 55C to +210C or special temp Shipping: tape and reel, waffle packs, custom trays, Gel-Pak Sidewall and visual inspections TI offers three categories of die screening: Commercial wafers and die Standard TI wafer fabrication Known good die (KGD) Stand-alone data sheet and warranted over temperature Customer-defined qualification QML Class Q (MIL-STD) QML Class V (Space) Additional options available For more information regarding TIs die and wafer offerings, visit www.ti.com/ hirel or email [email protected].

Known Good Die

Device OPA2348CKGD4 LT1009MKGD1 TPS40200SKDG1 TPS62000SKGD1 TPS76901SKGD1 REF5025SKGD1 OPA211SKGD1 OPA2333SKGD1 ADS1278SKGDA ADS1282SKGDA INA129SKGD1 SN65HVD11SKGDA SN65HVD233SKGDA SM320F2812KGDS150A SM470R1B1MKGDS1 Description 1-MHz, 45-A, RRIO, dual operational amplifier 2.5-V integrated reference circuit Wide-input, non-synchronous buck DC/DC controller High-efficiency, step-down, low-power DC/DC converter Ultra-low-power 100-mA low-dropout line regulator Low noise, very low drift precision voltage reference 1.1-nV/rtHz noise, low-power precision operational amplifier 1.8-V micropower CMOS operational amplifier zero-drift series Octal, 144-kHz, simultaneous sampling 24-bit delta-sigma ADC Ultra-high resolution delta-sigma ADC with PGA for seismic and energy exploration Precision low-power instrumentation amplifier 3.3-V RS-485 transceiver 3.3-V CAN transceiver 32-bit digital signal controller with flash 16-/32-bit RISC flash microcontroller Tempature Range (0/70C) (55C/125C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/210C) (55C/220C) (55C/220C)

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments 2010

TIs High Reliability Defense & Aerospace (TI HiRel) Group (CAGE code number 01295) was created in 1978 to serve the special requirements of the defense customer. Today, TI HiRel is one of the worlds largest ISO 9001 certified broad-line suppliers, operating as a dedicated business unit under TIs corporate umbrella. This position enables us to leverage the latest technology, manufacturing capability and product mix for advanced and critical aerospace and defense applications. TI HiRel offers a broad selection of semiconductor technology, foundry services, components, advanced packaging and support for specific requirements where reliability, qualification, vendor item drawings (VIDs), standard microcircuit drawings (SMDs) and baseline control are critical. TIs HiRel portfolio provides devices as enhanced products (EP) in plastic pack ages and full military-class ceramic (QML) packages with extended operating-temperature ranges. We offer an expanding portfolio of QML Class Q and V (qualified to MIL-PRF38535) product lines with extended temperature and radiation-tolerant operating ranges. Complexity ranges from a low-voltage single op amp to a complete system on a chip. It is TI HiRels vision to be the worlds leading supplier of semiconductorbased products and services to the defense and aerospace markets, achieving customer satisfaction by providing innovative solutions through standard and differentiated integrated circuits. In order to meet this aggressive goal, we must continue to both meet and exceed customer expectations.

Featured Products
3-V to 5.5-V, 12-Bit, 200-kSPS, 4-/8-Channel, Low-Power Serial Analog-to-Digital Converter
Key Features Maximum throughput 200 kSPS Built-in reference, conversion clock and 8x FIFO Differential/integral nonlinearity error: 1.2 LSB at 55C to 125C Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio: 65 dB, fi = 12 kHz at 55C to 125C Spurious-free dynamic range: 75 dB, fi = 12 kHz SPI-/DSP-compatible serial interfaces with SCLK up to 20 MHz Single wide-range supply: 3 VDC to 5.5 VDC Analog input range: 0 V to supply voltage with 500-kHz BW Low operating current: 1 mA at 3.3 V 1.7 mA at 3.3 V 2 mA at 5.5 V with external ref 2.4 mA at 5.5 V with internal ref Power down: Software/hardware power-down mode (1 A typ, ext ref) Auto power-down mode (1 A typ, ext ref) Programmable auto-channel sweep The TLV2548M is a high-performance, 12-bit, low-power, 3.5-s CMOS analogto-digital converter (ADC) operating from a single 3-V to 5.5-V power supply. This device has three digital inputs and a three-state output (chip select [CS], serial input/output clock [SCLK], serial data input [SDI], and serial data output [SDO]) that provide a direct four-wire interface to the serial port of most popular host microprocessors (with an SPI interface). For interface with a DSP, a frame sync (FS) signal is used to indicate the start of a serial data frame.

RF Transmit Radar Radar Receiver ADC Data Correction Processor DAC SDRAM FIFO Flash/ EPROM

Image Processing

Image Processor

Support Logic

Bus Interface

System Processor

Support Logic

System Control System Communication





Communications Processor

Display Processor RAM DAC CRT

Communications RS-465, 1394, LVDS, SerDes

Support Logic

LCD Display Drivers


Power Management



High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Featured Products
Defense Digital Signal Processor
Key Features
High-performance static CMOS technology 150 MHz (6.67-ns cycle time) Low power (1.8-V core at 135 MHz, 1.9-V core at 150 MHz, 3.3-V I/O) 3.3-V flash voltage JTAG boundary-scan support High-performance 32-bit CPU (C28x DSP) 16 x 16 and 32 x 32 MAC operations 16 x 16 dual MAC Harvard bus architecture Atomic operations Fast interrupt response and processing Unified memory programming model 4M linear program address reach 4M linear data address reach Code-efficient (in C/C++ and assembly) TMS320F24x/LF240x processor, source-code compatible On-chip memory

The SMJ320F2812 device, member of the TMS320C28x DSP generation, is a highly integrated, high-performance solution for demanding control applications.
Seeker Front-End Down Conversion




Flash/ EPROM

Image Processing
Support Logic


Data Correction Processor

Image Processor

Communications RS-465, 1394, LVDS, SerDes

Data Communications

BootLoad EPROM Flash

Flight Control

Fin Motor

Host System Processor Inertial Measurement GPS Processor

Display Processor RAM DAC Motor Fin

Support Logic


Power Management


Defense Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor

Key Features SMJ: QML processing to MIL-PRF38535 SM: Standard processing TMP: Commercial-level processing TAB Operating temperature ranges: Defense (M): 55C to 125C Special (S): 55C to 100C Commercial (C): 25C to 85C Commercial (L): 0C to 70C Highest-performance floating-point DSP Six communication ports Six-channel direct memory access (DMA) coprocessor Single-cycle 1/x, 1/x Twelve 40-bit registers, 8 auxiliary registers, 14 control registers and 2 timers SMJ320C40 digital signal processors (DSPs) are 32-bit, floating-point processors manufactured in 0.72-m, double-level metal CMOS technology. They are part of the fourth-generation DSP family from TI and are designed primarily for parallel processing.
RF Transmit Radar Radar Receiver ADC Data Correction Processor Image Processor Support Logic DAC SDRAM FIFO Flash/ EPROM

Image Processing

Bus Interface

System Processor

Support Logic

System Control System Communication





Communications Processor

Display Processor RAM DAC CRT

Communications RS-465, 1394, LVDS, SerDes

Support Logic

LCD Display Drivers


Power Management



High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Analog Family
TI HiRel offers a strong mixed-signal and analog portfolio. The process/ screening levels available include Department of Defense (DoD) and Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC) endorsed Standard Micro circuit Drawing (SMD) and MIL-PRF38535 (QML), comprehending best commer cial practices. Mil-temp ceramic and enhanced products (EP) are also available. FK = ceramic leadless chip carrier (CLCC)/20 or 28 GA = ceramic pin grid array/84 HFG = ceramic flatpack/84 or 164 J = ceramic DIP/8, 14, 16, 20 or 28 JG = ceramic DIP/8 U = ceramic flatpack/10 W = ceramic flatpack/14 or 16 WD = ceramic flatpack/56 L = ceramic leadless chip carrier (CLCC)/20 or 28 PHP = plastic quad flatpack PowerPAD integrated circuit package/48 PCE = plastic quad flatpack/144 or 160 PWP = plastic power TSSOP/14, 16, 20, 24 or 28 DW = plastic widebody (30 mil) SOIC/16, 20, 24 or 28 TCP = tape carrier package/custom PFB = plastic quad flatpack/48 Process LevelB Blank = standard suffix, commercial processing B = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML) Enhanced ProductEP Select enhanced products are available. The part numbers for those devices end in EP.

Product Nomenclature (TIUnitrode Power Management Products)

Example: UC1825BJ883B PrefixUC UC = linear integrated circuits UCC = BiCMOS Part Number1825 First digit 1 = defense temperature range2 First digit 2 = industrial temperature range2 First digit 3 = commerical temperature range2 Optional GradesB A or B = improved version Process LevelJ883B3 J, JE = ceramic DIP (300 mil and 600 mil) L, L20 = ceramic leadless chip carrier (CLCC) Enhanced ProductEP Select enhanced products are available. The part numbers for those devices end in EP.

Product Nomenclature (Typical Analog Products)

Example: TLE2022AMJGB PrefixTLE SNJ = TI interface, MIL-PRF-38535 (QML) SN = commercial processing TL = TI linear control circuit TLC = TI LinCMOS technology TLE = TI Excalibur technology TLV = TI linear low voltage TPIC = TI intelligent power AD = analog devices1 AM = advanced micro devices1 LM = National Semiconductor1 LT = linear technology1 OP = PMI1 SE = Signetics1 A = Fairchild1 THS = TI high power TPS = TI power supply Unique Device Designator2022A A or B in last position = upgrade Temperature RangeM M = 55C to 125C (applicable to all TI prefixes except SNJ) Q = 40C to 125C I = 40C to 85C T = 40C to 105C Package Type/Pin CountJG DA = plastic small-outline package/28, 30, 32 or 38

1 Second 2 Consult 3

source. individual data sheets for specific temperature ranges on each part. The 883B designator was retained to be consistent with the original Unitrode naming convention.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Analog Family
Analog-to-Digital Converters
Device THS1408M (5962-0051101NXD) THS1206M (5962-9957701NXD) TLC876M TLC2543M TLV1548M TLV1543M TLC1542M TLV2548M Bits 14 12 10 12 10 10 10 12 Analog Input Channels 1 4 1 11 8 11 11 8 Supply Voltage Range (V) 3.0 to 3.6 3.0 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.2 4.5 to 5.5 2.7 to 5.5 3.0 to 3.6 4.5 to 5.5 2.7 to 5.5 Sample Rate 8 MSPS 6 MSPS 20 MSPS 66 kSPS 85 kSPS 38 kSPS 38 kSPS 200 kSPS Output Interface Type Parallel Parallel Parallel Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial V. Ref Internal/ External Int. Int. Ext./Special Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Int. or Ext. Power (Typ) (mW) 270 186 107 12 4 8 12 9.5 DNL (Max) (LSB) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INL (Max) (LSB) 5 1.8 1.6 1 1 1 1 1 Package PHP (QML plastic) PWP (QML plastic) DW J, FK J, FK J, FK J FK

Digital-to-Analog Converters
Device TLV5638M TLC5618AM TLV5618AM TLV5619M Bits 12 12 12 12 Analog Input Channels 2 2 2 1 Supply Voltage Range (V) 2.7 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 2.7 to 5.5 2.7 to 5.5 Sample Rate 0.233 MSPS 0.093 MSPS 0.093 MSPS 1 MSPS Output Interface Type Serial Serial Serial Parallel V. Ref Internal/ External Int. Ext. Ext. Int. Power (Typ) (mW) 7.5 to 22 9 5.4 2.7 DNL (Max) (LSB) 1 1 1 0.5 INL (Max) (LSB) 4 4 4 3 Package JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK J, FK

Interface (Data Transmission)

Device Drivers/Receivers Per Package PropagationDelay tpd (ns) ICC (mA) Package

EIA-RS-422A, CCITT v.11

AM26LS32AM AM26LS33AM SN55173 AM26C32M SN55LBC173 SN55LBC175 AM26C31M 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 4/0 35 35 35 27 30 30 12 70 70 70 15 20 20 3 J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W

SN55189A SN55188 0/4 4/0 85 350 26 34 J, FK, W J, FK, W

Miscellaneous Standards
SN55189A SN55188 AM26C32M AM26C31M SN55976A1 AM26LS32AM AM26LS33AM SN55LBC173 SN55LBC175 SN55173 High Reliability Guide 0/4 4/0 0/4 4/0 9/9 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 85 350 RS-423 RS-423 SCSI RS-423 RS-423 RS-423 RS-423 RS-423 26 34 15 3 60/45 70 70 20 20 70 J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W WD J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK Texas Instruments 2010


Analog Family
Voltage-Mode Pulse-Width-Modulator (PWM) Controllers
Device TL5001 TL1451A UC1524A UC1525A UC1525B UC1526 UC1527A Maximum Practical Freq. 500 kHz 500 kHz 250 kHz 450 kHz 450 kHz 250 kHz 250 kHz Startup Current 1.0 mA 1.3 mA 4 mA Operating Current 20 mA 20 mA 5 mA 14 mA 14 mA 14 mA 14 mA Supply Voltage (V) 3.6 to 40 3.6 to 50 8 to 40 8 to 35 8 to 35 8 to 35 8 to 35 UVLO: On/Off (V) 3.0/3.0 2.7/2.6 7.5/7 7.0/6.8 7.0/6.8 7.0/7.0 Maximum Duty Cycle (%) Prog. Prog. Prog. Prog. Prog. Prog. Prog. Soft Start Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Shutdown No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Drive (Sink/ Source) (A) 0.02 0.02 0.2/0.2 0.1/0.4 0.1/0.4 0.2/0.2 0.2/0.2 Package 8-JG, 20-FK 16-JG, 20-FK 16-J, 20-L 16-J, 20-FK 16-J, 20-FK 18-J, 20-L 16-J, 20-L Topology For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost Full, half bridge For, fly, buck, boost, full, half bridge For, fly, buck, boost, full, half bridge Full, half bridge Full, half bridge

Current-Mode PWM Controllers

Device UCC1800 UCC1801 UCC1802 UCC1803 UCC1804 UCC1805 UCC1806 UC1842 UC1842A UC1843 UC1843A UC1844 UC1844A UC1845 UC1845A UC1846 Maximum Practical Freq. 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 350 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz Startup Current 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 0.5 mA 0.3 mA 0.5 mA 0.3 mA 0.5 mA 0.3 mA 0.5 mA 0.3 mA 1.5 mA Operating Current 500 A 500 A 500 A 500 A 500 A 500 A 1.4 mA 11 mA 11 mA 11 mA 11 mA 11 mA 11 mA 11 mA 11 mA 17 mA Supply Voltage (V) 7.2 to 15 9.4 to 15 12.5 to 15 4.1 to 15 12.5 to 15 4.1 to 15 7 to 15 10 to 30 10 to 30 7.6 to 30 7.9 to 30 10 to 30 10 to 30 7.6 to 30 7.9 to 30 8 to 40 UVLO: On/Off (V) 7.2/6.9 9.4/7.4 12.5/8.3 4.1/3.6 12.5/8.3 4.1/3.6 7.5/6.7 16.0/10.0 16.0/10.0 8.4/7.6 8.5/7.9 16.0/10.0 16.0/10.0 8.4/7.6 8.5/7.9 7.7/7 Maximum Duty Cycle (%) 100 50 100 100 50 50 Prog. 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 Prog. Soft Start Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Shutdown No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Drive (Sink/ Source) (A) 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 0.5/0.5 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 1.0/1.0 0.5/0.5 Package 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 16-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L 8-J, 20-L Topology Buck, boost Buck, boost Forward, flyback Buck, boost Forward, flyback Forward, flyback Full, half, push-pull For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost For, fly, buck, boost Full, half, push-pull

Voltage and Current Mode Compatible

Device UC1823 UC1823A UC1825 UC1825A Maximum Practical Freq. 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz Startup Current 1.1 mA 1.1 mA 1.1 mA 100 A Operating Current 22 mA 22 mA 22 mA 28 mA Supply Voltage (V) 9 to 30 9 to 22 9 to 30 9 to 22 UVLO: On/Off (V) 9.2/8.4 9.2/8.4 9.2/8.4 16/10 Maximum Duty Cycle (%) Prog. Prog. Prog. Prog. Soft Start Yes Yes Yes Yes Shutdown No No No No Drive (Sink/ Source) (A) 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 1.5/1.5 2.0/2.0 Package 16-J, 10-L 16-J, 10-L 16-J, 10-L 16-J, 10-L Topology Buck, boost Buck, boost Full, half, push-pull Full, half, push-pull

Soft-Switching PWMResonant Mode

Device UCC1895 UC1875 Maximum Practical Freq. 1 MHz 1 MHz Startup Current 150 A 150 A Operating Current 5 mA 45 mA Supply Voltage (V) 11 to 17 10.7 to 20 UVLO: On/Off (V) 11/9.0 10.7/9.3 Maximum Duty Cycle (%) 100 100 Soft Start Yes Yes Shutdown Yes No Drive (Sink/ Source) (A) 0.1/0.1 2.0/2.0 Package 20-J 20-J, 28-L Topology Full bridge Full bridge

Power-Factor-Correction Products
Device UC1854 UC1854B Maximum Practical Freq. 200 kHz 200 kHz Current Error Amp Bandwidth 800 kHz 5 MHz Average Current Mode Yes Yes Worldwide Input Voltage Operation Yes Yes Output Drive (A) 1 1 Startup Current (mA) 1.5 0.3 Under-Voltage Lockout (V) 16/10 10.5/10 Enable Input Yes Yes Multiplier/ Divider Feedforward Yes Yes Package 16-J 16-J 2010

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Texas Instruments

Analog Family
DC Motor Controllers
Device UC1637 Output Clamps Diodes Hall Logic Output Current Per Output (A) 0.1 Operating Voltage (V) 2.5 to 20 Differential Current Sense Amplifier Current Limit Yes Package 18-J (through-hole package and surfacemount package)

PWM Support ProductsPower Drivers

Device UC1705 UC1706 UC1707 UC1708 Power Driver Single Dual Dual Dual Output Configuration Complementary Complementary Complementary Non-Inverting Enable Yes Inhibit Yes Yes Analog Stop Yes Yes Output Rise Time (ns) 60 130 50 25 Maximum Voltage (V) 40 40 40 35 Peak Output Current (A) 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 Package 8-J, 20-L 16-J, 20-L 16-J, 20-L 8-J, 16-E, 20-L

PWM Support ProductsPower FET Drivers

Device UC1709 UC1710 Output FET Driver Single Single Output Configuration Complementary Complementary Peak Rise Time (ns) 80 35 Maximum Voltage (V) 40 20 Output Current (A) 1.5 6.0 Package 8-J, 20-L 8-J

PWM-Supply Support Products

Device UC1611 UC1901 Description Quad Schottky Isolated feedback generator Key Application Four-diode array for high-current bridges and voltage clamps Amplitude modulation system used to couple a control signal across a voltage-isolation barrier Features Matched, four-diode monolithic array, high peak current, low forward voltage, can be connected in parallel for higher current or lower drop Transformer couples isolated feedback error signal. Low-cost alternative to optocouplers. 5-MHz carrier provides fast-response capability. Modulator synchronizable to an external clock. Package 8-J, 20-L 14-J, 20-L

Power-Supply Support ProductsSupervisory and Monitoring (SVS) Circuits

Device TLC7733M TLC7705M Attributes Single micropower with programmable delay Single micropower with programmable delay VCC (Nom) (V) 3.3 5 VIT (V) 2.93 4.55 Tolerance (%) 2.4 1.5 VIN (Min) (V) 1 1 Number of SVSs 1 1 Complementary Outputs Yes Yes ICC (Max) (mA) 0.016 0.016 OverVoltage Sense No No WDI No No Package JG, FK JG, FK, U

Power-Supply Support ProductsQuad Line Monitors

Device UC1903 Attributes Quad VIN Range (V) 8 to 40 Window Adjust Yes Proj. Fault Threshold Yes Prog. Time Delay Yes Current Limit No Power-Supply Monitor Quad Package J, L

Linear-Regulation ProductsLinear Controllers

Device UC1832 UC1834 UC1836 Type of Output Positive adjustable Positive or negative adjustable Positive adjustable Maximum Input Voltage (V) 36 40 40 Minimum Output Voltage (V) 2.0 1.5/2.0 2.5 Output Drive (mA) 300 350 500 Type of Short-Circuit Limit Duty cycle Foldback Foldback ReferenceVoltage Accuracy (%) 2 3/4 2 Special Features Multiple pins Built-in Rsense Package 14-J, 20-L 16-J, 20-L 8-J

Linear-Regulation ProductsDefense Precision Programmable Voltage References

Output Voltage Device TL1431 Attributes Adjustable shunt Vref (V) 2.5 (Min) (V) Vref (Max) (V) 36 Tolerance (%) 0.4 Sink Current (Min) (mA) 1 (Max) (mA) 100 Temp. Coeff. (Type) (ppm/C) 23 Input Voltage (Max) (V) 36

Package JG, FK

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Texas Instruments


Analog Family
Device LM111 LM139 LM139A LM193 TLC139M TLC193M TLC372M TLC374M TLC3702M TLC3704M TLV2352M TLV2354M Supply Voltage (V) 4 to 30 4 to 30 4 to 30 4 to 30 4 to 16 4 to 16 4 to 16 4 to 16 4 to 16 4 to 16 2 to 8 2 to 8 VIO (Max) (mV) 4 9 4 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IIB (Max) (nA) 150 300 300 300 30 30 20 20 30 30 20 20 IOL (mA) 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 20 20 6 6 Response Time (Typ) (ns) 165 300 300 300 1100 1100 200 200 1100 1100 1400 1400 Package JG, FK JG, FK, W JG, FK, W JG, FK JG, FK, W JG, FK JG, FK, U JG, FK, W JG, FK, U JG, FK, W JG, FK, U JG, FK, W

Operational AmplifiersHigh Speed

Device THS4011M THS4031M THS4051M THS4061M Supply Voltage (V) 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 VIO (Max) (mV) 6 2 8 9 IIB (Max) (nA) 25 75 9 9 AVD (V/mV) 290 100 70 180 B1 (MHz) 290 100 70 180 Slew Rate (V/s) 310 100 240 400 Package JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK

Operational AmplifiersSingle
Device OP27A OP27C OPA688M OPA689M TLC2201M TLC2201AM TLC2652M TLC2652AM TLC2654M TLC2654AM TLE2021M TLE2021AM TLE2021BM TLE2027M TLE2027AM TLE2061M TLE2061AM TLE2061BM TLE2071M TLE2071AM TLE2161M TLE2161AM TLE2161BM TLE2141M Supply Voltage (V) 4/22 4/22 5 5 4.6/16 4.6/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 2/20 2/20 2/20 4/22 4/22 3.5/18 3.5/18 3.5/18 2.3/19 2.3/19 3.5/20 3.5/20 3.5/20 2/22 VIO (Max) (mV) 0.06 0.3 6 5 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.008 0.05 0.04 1 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 6 3.6 1.7 9.2 7.2 6 3.6 1.7 1.7 IIB (Max) (nA) 60 150 1200 1200 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 70 65 60 150 150 40 40 40 65 65 40 40 40 1800 AVD (V/mV) 600 300 1 1 45 45 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 2500 3500 20 20 20 88 88 20 20 20 20 B1 (MHz) 8 8 530 280 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2 2 2 13 13 2 2 2 10 10 6.4 6.4 6.4 6 Slew Rate (V/s) 2.8 2.8 1000 1600 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.8 2 2 0.65 0.65 0.65 2.8 2.8 3.4 3.4 3.4 40 40 10 10 10 45 Package JG, FK JG JG JG JG, FK JG, FK J, JG, FK J, JG, FK J, JG, FK J, JG, FK JG, JG JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK, U JG, FK, U JG JG, FK, U JG, FK, U JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK JG, FK

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Analog Family
Operational AmplifiersSingle (Continued)
TLE2141AM TLV2460M TLV2460AM TLV2461M TLV2461AM

Supply Voltage (V)

2/22 2.7/6 2.7/6 2.7/6 2/6

VIO (Max) (mV)

1.2 2.2 1.7 2.2 1.7

IIB (Max) (nA)

1800 14 14 14 14

AVD (V/mV)
20 32 32 32 32

B1 (MHz)
6 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2

Slew Rate (V/s)

45 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6


Operational AmplifiersDual
LM158 LM158A LT1013M LT1013AM MC1558 TLC2202M TLC2202AM TLC2252M TLC2252AM TLC2262M TLC2262AM TLC2272M TLC2272AM TLC4502M TLC4502AM TLE2022M TLE2022AM TLE2022BM TLE2062M TLE2062AM TLE2062BM TLE2072M TLE2072AM TLE2082M TLE2082AM TLE2142M TLE2142AM TLV2262M TLV2262AM TLV2252M TLV2252AM TLV2422M TLV2422AM TLV2442M TLV2442AM TLV2432M TLV2432AM TLV2462M TLV2462AM TLV2463M TLV2463AM TLV2772M TLV2772AM TL062M TL072M TL082M

Supply Voltage (V)

1.5/15 1.5/15 5/22 5/22 5/15 4.6/16 4.6/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4/6 4/6 2/20 2/20 2/20 3.5/18 3.5/18 3.5/18 2.3/19 2.3/19 2.3/20 2.3/20 2/22 2/22 2.7/8 2.7/8 2.7/8 2.7/8 2.7/10 2.7/10 2.7/10 2.7/10 2.7/10 2.7/10 2.7/6 2.7/6 2.7/6 2.7/6 2.5/5.5 2.5/5.5 5/15 5/15 5/15

VIO (Max) (mV)

7 7 0.6 0.3 0.6 1 0.75 1.75 1 3 1.5 3 1.5 100 50 0.7 0.45 0.3 6 4 3 10.5 8 9.5 6.5 1.6 2 3 1.5 1.75 1 0.95 2 2.5 1.6 2.5 2 2.2 1.7 2.2 1.7 2.5 1.6 9 9 9

IIB (Max) (nA)

300 300 45 30 1500 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 10 10 90 90 90 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 1.8 1.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 14 14 14 14 0.006 0.006 50 50 50

AVD (V/mV)
25 25 250 500 25 100 100 10 10 50 50 15 15 200 200 800 1000 1000 20 20 20 93 93 93 93 20 20 50 50 10 10 700 700 750 (typ) 750 (typ) 950 (typ) 950 (typ) 32 32 32 32 20 20 4 15 15

B1 (MHz)
0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 1 1.9 1.9 0.21 0.21 0.73 0.73 2.18 2.18 4.7 4.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 6 6 0.71 0.71 0.2 0.2 0.052 0.052 1.75 1.75 0.55 0.55 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 4.8 4.8 1 3 3

Slew Rate (V/s)

0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 2.7 2.7 0.12 0.12 0.55 0.55 3.6 3.6 2.5 2.5 0.65 0.65 0.65 3.4 3.4 3.4 40 40 40 40 45 45 0.55 0.55 0.12 0.12 0.02 0.02 1.3 1.3 0.25 0.25 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 9 9 3.5 13 13


High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Analog Family
Operational AmplifiersQuad
Device LM124 LM124A LM148 LT1014M LT1014AM OPA4684M TLC2264M TLC2264AM TLC2274M TLC2274AM TLC54M TLC2254AM TLE2024M TLE2024AM TLE2024BM TLE2064M TLE2064AM TLE2064BM TLE2074M TLE2074AM TLE2144M TLE2144AM TLV2254M TLV2254AM TLV2264M TLV2264AM TL064M TL074M TL084M TLV2464EP TLV2464AM TLV2465M Supply Voltage (V) 1.5/15 1.5/15 4/18 5/22 5/22 5 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 4.4/16 2/20 2/20 2/20 3.5/18 3.5/18 3.5/18 2.3/19 2.3/19 2/22 2/22 2.7/8 2.7/8 2.7/8 2.7/8 5/15 5/15 5/15 2.7/6 2.7/6 2.7/6 VIO (Max) (mV) 7 4 6 0.55 0.35 4 3 1.5 3 1.5 1.75 1 1.2 0.95 0.7 8 6 4 10.5 8.5 4 3.2 1.75 1 3 1.5 15 15 15 2.2 1.7 2.2 IIB (Max) (nA) 300 100 325 45 30 13 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 90 90 90 40 40 40 60 60 1800 1800 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 50 50 50 14 14 14 AVD (V/mV) 25 25 25 250 400 50 50 20 20 10 10 400 800 1000 20 20 20 93 93 20 20 10 10 50 50 4 15 15 32 32 32 B1 (MHz) 0.6 1 0.7 0.7 250 0.73 0.73 2.3 2.3 0.21 0.21 2.8 2.8 2.8 2 2 2 10 10 6 6 0.2 0.2 0.71 0.71 1 3 3 5.2 5.2 5.2 Slew Rate (V/s) 0.13 0.5 0.4 0.4 750 0.55 0.55 3.6 3.6 0.12 0.12 0.7 0.7 0.7 3.4 3.4 3.4 40 40 45 45 0.12 0.12 0.55 0.55 3.5 13 13 1.6 1.6 1.6 Package J, FK, W J, FK J, FK, W J, FK J, FK J, FK J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK J, FK J, FK J, FK J, FK J, FK, W J, FK J, FK J, FK J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK, W J, FK JG, FK, U JG, FK, U JG, FK, U

Special FunctionsPrecision Timers

Device SE555 SE556 TLC555M TLC556M Supply Voltage (V) 4.5 to 18 4.5 to 18 2 to 15 2 to 15 Supply Current (mA) 5 8 0.7 1.4 Bandwidth (Typ) (MHz) 200 200 +100/10 +100/10 Differential Output Offset (mV) Single Dual Single Dual Log Linearity (30-dB Sections) 10 s to hours 10 s to hours 1 s to hours 1 s to hours Package JG, FK J, FK JG, FK J, FK

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
TI is a recognized leader in the field of DSP and DSP product support. Spanning nine product generations, our SMJ320 family of DSP chips offers cost-effective HiRel solutions for computationally intensive applications. Continuing the tradition of providing leading-edge processing capability to high-reliability products, TI introduced the HiRel C6201 in 1998, and the C6201B and C6701 were released in 2000. The HiRel C6201B offers fixedpoint performance of 1200 million instructions per second (MIPS). The HiRel C6701 supports up to 1 billion floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS). In the third quarter of 2001, TI released the HiRel VC33, which offers performance of up to 150 MFLOPS in the smallest available package. The C6203 was released in 2002. This fixed-point DSP features 1600-MIPS performance at 200 MHz over the full HiRel temperature range and offers 7 Mbits of on-chip SRAM. Continuing our commitment to the HiRel DSP market, TI released the ceramicpackaged C6415, which provides up to 4800 MIPS of processing perform ance at a 600-MHz clock rate. We also offer a HiRel graphics processor in the 34020A. In recognition of the continually changing demands of the HiRel market, TI DSPs are offered with a variety of processing options, including MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class Q), enhanced products, and QML Class V for space applications.

Product Nomenclature1 (Typical Analog Products)

Example: SMJ320C40GBM40 PrefixSMJ SM = commercial processing SMJ = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class Q) SMQ = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class N) (order by SMD) SMP = production prototype SMX = defense preproduction TMS = commercial qualified TMP = commercial grade SMV = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class V) (order by SMD) 320 DSP Family Designator320 or 32 320 DSP Product DesignatorC40 BC = CMOS boot C = CMOS E = CMOS EPROM F = CMOS flash LC = CMOS 3.3 V VC = CMOS 1.5 V/3.3 V 14 = E14 15 = C15 25 = C25 26 = C26 30 = C30 31 = C31 32 = C32 33 = VC33 40 = C40 Package Type/Pin CountGB JD = CDIP FD/FJ = LCCC GB/GF = CPGA GFA = CFGP GLG/GLP = FC/CSP HFH/HFG = CFP HFP = CFP KGD = KGD PCM/PQ = QFP

GNM = FBGA GAD = FCBGA GJC = FC/CSP GJL = FC/CSP GLZ = FCBGA GDP = LQFP PGE = Plastic LQFP GGU = BGA GGW = MicroStar BGA integrated circuit package PGF = LQFP GHH = PBGA Temperature RangeM M = 55C to 125C A = 40C to 105C (TMS320C6000 DSP) L = 0C to 70C W = 55C to 115C S = special per data sheet Blank = 25C Speed Designator40 12 = 120 MHz 16 = 160 MIPS (VC5416) 20 = 200 MIPS (VC5421) 33 = 33 MHz 40 = 40 MHz 50 = 500 MHz (C64xx) 60 = 60 MHz (600-MHz C6415) 60 = 60 MIPS (TMS320C54x DSP) 66 = 66 MHz 10 = 100 MIPS (C54x) 14 = 140 MHz 15 = 150 MHz 16 = 167 MHz 17 = 175 MHz 20 = 200 MHz 120 = 120 MFLOPS (VC33) 150 = 150 MFLOPS (VC33)

Not all speed, package, process or temperature combinations are available.

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Texas Instruments


Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
Device 320LC31EP 320C15 320C30 320C31 320C40 320C50 320C32 320C80 320LC31 320F240 320C6201B 320C6701 320C6203 320VC33 320C6414-EP Feature Size () 1.6 2 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.5 0.72 0.72 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.18 0.12 Data Format Fixed Fixed Floating Floating Floating Fixed Floating Fixed/Floating Floating Fixed Fixed Floating Fixed Floating Fixed Bits 16 16 32 32 32 16 32 32 16 16 32 16 32 32 Cycle Time (ns) 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 33/40/50 3/4 33/40 1/2 50 50 6.7 7 5 20 2 Performance 12.5/10 MIPS 6.25/5 MIPS 50/40 MFLOPS 50/40 MFLOPS 60/50/40 MFLOPS 33/25 MIPS 60/50 MFLOPS 50 MIPS/250 MIPS/ 100 MFLOPS 40 MFLOPS 20 MIPS 1200 MIPS 840 MFLOPS 1600 MIPS 150 MFLOPS 4000 MIPS Package FD/68, FJ/68, GB/68 JD/40, FJ/44 GB/181, HFG/196, KGD/181 GFA/141, HFG/132, KGD/132 GF/325, HFH/352, TAB/TBB/324, KGD/325 GFA/141, HFG/132, KGD/115, PQ/132 PCM/144 GF/305, HFH/320 KGD/132, PQ/132 HFP/132 GLP/429 GLP/429 GLP/429 GNM/144 GL2/532 Compiler C Ada, C Ada, C Ada, C C Ada, C Ada, C C Ada, C Ada, C C C C

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Texas Instruments


First In, First Out Memory Family (FIFOs)
TIs first-in, first-out (FIFO) memory products provide the speed and features necessary to optimize system performance by eliminating the data bottlenecks common between DSPs, high-speed processors, memory devices and analog front ends (AFEs). DSP Synchronous FIFO Benefits Optimizes system performance Eliminates data bottlenecks between DSPs, high-speed processors, industry-standard buses, memory devices and AFEs Designed for a variety of systems, including real-time DSP applications, telecommunications, internetworking, instrumentation and high-bandwidth computing Glueless interface with C6x and newer TMS320C5x DSPs Output edge control (OEC): Reduces simultaneous-switching noise and package inductance Distributed VCC and GND reduce package inductance Programmable flags provide design flexibility and control Generates and checks parity to ensure data integrity in fault-control systems Synchronous retransmit feature provides a user-defined point to transmit data Mailbox-bypass registers permit the user to bypass the internal SRAM Bus-mapping feature sizes data from 36 bits to either 9, 16 or 18 bits Byte-swapping feature converts data from big endian (Motorola) to little endian (Intel), ideal for mixed systems Defense Temperature54 54 = 55C to 125C 74 = 0C to 70C TechnologyABT ABT = advanced BiCMOS ACT = advanced CMOS LS = low-power Schottky HC = high-speed CMOS (CMOS input levels) HCT = high-speed CMOS (TTL input levels) Circuit Designator3614 J, JE = ceramic DIP (300 mil and 600 mil) L, L20 = ceramic leadless chip carrier (CLCC) Package Type8HFP J = CDIP HFP = CFP KGD = KGD PCB/PN = QFP FK = LCCC GB = MicroStar BGA integrated circuit package

Product Nomenclature
Example: SN54ABT36148HFP PrefixSN SN = commercial processing SNJ = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class Q)

Synchronous FIFOs
Device SN54ABT3614 SN54ABT3614 SN54ABT7819 SN54ACT3632 SN54ACT3641 SN54ACT3641 SN54ACT7881 SN54ABT3614 Organization 64 x 36 x 2 64 x 36 x 2 512 x 18 x2 512 x 36 x 2 1K x 36 1K x 36 1K x 18 64 x 36 x 2 Technology BiCMOS BiCMOS BiCMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS BiCMOS Process Level SN QML Plastic SNJ SN SN QML Plastic QML Plastic SN Pins 132 120 84 132 132 120 80 132 Package HFP PCB GB HFP HFP PCB PN HFP DSCC SMD Number NA 5962-9560901NXD 5962-9470401QXA NA NA 5962-9560801NXD 5962-9562701NXD NA

Asynchronous FIFOs
Device SN54ABT7820 CD54HC40105 CD54HCT40105 CD40105 SN54ABT7820 CD54HC40105 CD54HCT40105 Organization 512 x 18 x 2 4 x 16 4 x 16 4 x 16 512 x 18 x 2 4 x 16 4 x 16 Technology BiCMOS HCMOS HCMOS HCMOS BiCMOS HCMOS HCMOS Process Level SNJ SNJ SNJ SN SNJ SNJ SNJ Pins 84 16 16 16 84 16 16 Package GB J J J GB J J DSCC SMD Number 5962-9650901QXA NA NA NA 5962-9650901QXA NA NA

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Logic Family
TI offers a full spectrum of defensegrade logic devices to support the rigorous demands of the defense and aerospace markets. Standard process options include MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class Q) (SNJ prefix) and commercial processing only (SN prefix). TI HiRel is committed to supporting defense and aerospace system requirements and will continue to release new logic devices that leverage TIs most advanced processing technology to create world-class performance.

Product Nomenclature (Standard Logic)

Example: SNJ54ABTH162245WD PrefixSNJ SNJ = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class Q) SN = commercial processing SNV = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML Class V) (order by SMD) Type54 TechnologyABT No designator = TTL ALS/AS = advanced low-power Schottky diodes and advanced Schottky diodes AHC/AHCT = advanced high-speed CMOS HC/HCT = high-speed CMOS BCT = BiCMOS AC/ACT = advanced CMOS ABT = advanced BiCMOS LVC = low-voltage CMOS LVTH = low-voltage advanced CMOS with bus hold CDC = clock distribution circuit CBT = crossbar bus switch GTL = gunning transceiver logic FCT = fast-CMOS technology F = fast logic Special FeaturesH D = level-shifting diode (CBTD) H = bus hold (LVTH) Bus/Scan Options16 8 = SCOPE/JTAG 16 = Widebus

18 = SCOPE/JTAG Widebus 32 = Widebus+ Options2 2 = series-damping resistors on outputs Device Function245 (See page 18 for device listing by function.) Package TypeWD PZ = LQFP PW = TSSOP DW = SOIC DL = SSOP D = SOIC DB = TSSOP DGG = TSSOP DCK = SOP GQL = MicroStar Junior BGA ZQL = MicroStar Junior BGA J, JT = CDIP W/WD = ceramic flatpack FK = ceramic leadless chip carrier (CLCC) HV, HT, HFP = ceramic quad flatpack GB = pin grid array (PGA)

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Texas Instruments


Logic Family
Advanced BiCMOS Technology (ABT) 54ABT ABT devices offer high-speed switching with the benefit of low noise, low power consumption and high-output drive current. Based on EPIC-IIB BiCMOS design, ABT offers numerous improvements over BiCMOS technology (BCT) while retaining TTL compatibility. Advanced Bipolar54ALS, 54AS, 54F Advanced Schottky (AS) diodes and advanced low-power Schottky (ALS) diodes combine to provide the designer with a broad range of functions that aid in optimizing designs. The 54ALS, 54AS and 54F families enable a socket-by-socket selection of devices for optimum speed and power. Advanced CMOS54AC, 54ACT Advanced CMOS devices offer advanced bipolar speed with low power consumption and low noise. Industry-standard pinouts allow for ease of design and cross-referencing. Advanced High-Speed CMOS (AHC) 54AHC, 54AHCT AHC and AHC with TTL (AHCT) provide the HCMOS user with an excellent migration path to upgrade speed performance in low-power, low-noise, low-drive applications. Standard offerings include compatible functions for both CMOS (AHC) and TTL (AHCT). Advanced Low-Voltage CMOS (ALVC) 54ALVC ALVC has typical propagation delays of less than 2 ns, a current drive of 24 mA and static power consumption of 40 A for bus-interface functions. It is the industry standard for speed-critical 3.3-V designs. BiCMOS Technology (BCT)54BCT A standard bipolar/CMOS process featuring high drive, low noise, low power consumption and TTL compatibility. CD4000 SeriesCD4 This series of high-voltage CMOS devices offers a spectrum of functions that range from simple gates to complex counters, registers and arithmetic circuits. Crossbar Technology (CBT)54CBT CBT enables a bus-interface device to function as a very fast bus switch, effectively isolating buses when the switch is open and offering very little propagation delay when the switch is closed. CBT devices can also be used to translate 5 V to 3.3 V, allowing designers to mix 5-V or 3.3-V components in the same system. First In, First Out (FIFO)54ABT, 54ACT FIFO memories can connect data buses operating at different clock rates. These memories offer different flag configurations and different data widths/depths to allow greater system optimization. High-Speed CMOS (HC)54HC, 54HCT HC and HC with TTL (HCT) deliver low power and low noise at a low price. The HC family offers CMOS-compatible inputs, while the HCT family offers TTL-compatible inputs. Low-Voltage Advanced CMOS 54LVTH The low-voltage technology (LVTH) product line consists of bus interface functions with bus hold designed to operate at VCC = 3.3 V. These devices feature very low power consumption and provide performance comparable to that of 5-V advanced BiCMOS technology (ABT). LVT input- and outputvoltage levels are compatible with 5-V TTL levels, making them ideal for mixed-level systems. Low-Voltage CMOS (LVC)54LV, 54LVC With a range of functions that includes gates, MSI and octals, LVC gives the designer a solid choice for migrating to low voltage in mid-range applications. This family supports mixed-mode signal operations on all ports (5-V input/ output voltage with 3.3-V VCC). SCOPE54BCT8, 54ABT8, 54ABT18, 54LVTH18 SCOPE devices blend test circuitry with standard logic functions to facilitate testing of complex circuit-board assemblies. In the normal mode, the SCOPE device is functionally equivalent to a standard device. In the test mode, the test circuitry can be activated via the four-wire test access port (TAP) to take snapshot samples of the data appearing at the device pins or to perform a self-test on the boundary test cells. These functions are offered in both standard and Widebus packaging and are compatible with 5-V and 3.3-V components. Standard TTL54LS, 54S, 54 Standard TTL devices offer a large number of general-purpose logic functions with standard pinouts and standard packaging. Widebus and Widebus+ABT16, ACT16, LVTH116, ABT32 Widebus devices offer 16, 18 and 20 bits of bus interface logic in one space-saving package. Widebus+ devices offer 32 and 36 bits of bus interface logic in one package.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Logic Family
Devices by Function
Function1 00 01 02 03 04 04 04U 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 37 40 42 45 47 49 50 51 54 64 72 73 74 75

Description Quad 2-input NAND Quad 2-input NAND Quad 2-input NOR Quad 2-input NAND Hex inverter Unbuffered 04 Hex inverter (OC) Hex inverter buffer Hex inverter buffer Quad 2-input AND Quad 2-input AND Triple 3-input NAND Triple 3-input AND Triple 3-input NAND Hex Schmitt-trigger Triple 3-input AND Hex inverter buffer Hex buffer Dual 4-input NAND Dual 4-input AND Dual 4-input NOR Dual 4-input NOR Quad 2-input NAND Triple 3-input NOR Quad 2-input NOR 8-input NAND Quad 2-input OR Quad 2-input NOR Quad 2-input NAND buffer Quad 2-input NAND buffer Dual 4-input NAND buffer 4-to-10 BCD-to-decimal decoder BCD-to-decimal decoder BCD-to-7 seg. decoder BCD-to-7 seg. decoder Dual AND-OR-INVERT (expandable) Dual AND-OR-INVERT 4-wide AND-OR-INVERT 4-2-3-2 AND-OR-INVERT J-K master-slave flip-flop Dual J-K flip-flop w/reset Dual D-type flip-flop w/set/reset 4-bit bistable latches

Function1 76 83 85 86 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 107 109 112 114 121 123 124 125 126 128 132 133 134 136 137 138 139 140 145 147 148 150 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 161 162 4-bit full adder

Description Dual J-K flip-flop 4-bit mag. comparator Quad exclusive-OR Decade counter 8-bit shift register Divide-by-12 counter 4-bit binary counter 4-bit shift register 5-bit shift register Sync. 6-bit binary rate mult Dual J-K flip-flop w/reset Dual J-K flip-flop w/set/reset Dual J-K flip-flop w/set/reset Dual J-K flip-flop Monostable multivibrators Dual 122 Dual VCO Quad bus buffer (/OE) Quad bus buffer (OE) 75-W line driver Quad NAND Schmitt-trigger 13-input NAND 12-input NAND Quad exclusive-OR (OC) 3-to-8 decoder/mux 3-to-8 decoder/mux Dual 3-to-4 decoder/mux Dual 4-input NAND (50 W) BCD-to-decimal decoder 10-to-4 line priority encoder 8-to-3 line decoder 1-of-16 data sel/mux 1-of-8 data sel/mux Dual 4-to-1 sel/mux 4-to-16 line decoder/demux Dual 2-to-4 decoder Dual 1-to-4 demux (OC) Quad 2-to-1 sel/mux Quad 2-to-1 INV. sel/mux Sync. 4-bit binary counter Sync. BCD decade counter/ synchronous reset

ALU ASP C-O FIFO Gen Inv Mult Mux OC Reg Sel Sync XCVR UBE UBT UD VCO Arithmetic logic unit Addressable scan ports Complementary output First-in first-out memory Generator Inverting Multiplier Multiplexer Open collector outputs Register Selector Synchronous Transceiver Universal bus exchanger Universal bus transceiver Up/down Voltage-controlled oscillator

Function1 163 164 165 166 169 170 173 174 175 177 180 181 182 190 192 193 194 195 197 221

Description Sync. 4-bit binary counter 8-bit shift register 8-bit shift register (serial-in/parallel out) 8-bit shift register (serial-in/parallel out) Sync. 4-bit U/D counter 4-by-4 register file Quad D-type register Hex D-type flip-flop w/reset Quad D-type flip-flop w/reset Binary counter/latch 9-bit odd/even parity generator 4-bit ALU Look-ahead carry generator Presettable sync. BCD decade w/ U/D counter Sync. U/D BCD counter Sync. U/D binary counter 4-bit shift register 4-bit shift register 4-bit counter/latch Dual monostable multivibrator

Logic devices are available in a number of technologies. See Product Nomenclature on page 16 for details or visit www.ti.com/defense and click on Logic.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Logic Family
Devices by Function
Function1 222 224 237 238 240 241 243 244 245 250 251 253 257 258 259 260 266 273 279 280 283 286 298 299 323 348 354 356 365 366 367 368 373 374 375 377 378 379 381 390 393 396

Description 16K x 4 bipolar FIFO 16K x 4 bipolar FIFO 3-to-8 line decoder/mux w/address latches 3-to-8 line decoder/demux 8-bit buffer 8-bit buffer 4-bit transceiver 8-bit buffer 8-bit transceiver 16-to-1 line decoder 8-input multiplexer Dual 4-to-1 sel/mux Quad 2-to-1 sel/mux Quad 2-to-4 sel/mux (INV.) 8-bit addressable latch Dual 5-input NOR Quad exclusive-NOR (OC) Octal D-type flip-flop w/reset Quad S-R latch 9-bit odd/even parity gen 4-bit binary full adder 9-bit parity checker/gen Quad 2-input mux 8-bit shift register 8-bit shift register 8-to-3 priority encoder 8-input mux/reg, three state 8-input mux/reg, three state Hex buffer Hex driver Hex buffer (4-bit and 2-bit) Hex driver 8-bit latch 8-bit D-type flip-flop 4-bit latch 8-bit D-type flip-flop 6-bit D-type flip-flop 4-bit D-type flip-flop ALU function generator Dual decade counter Dual 4-bit counter 8-bit storage register

Function1 399 423 480 521 533 534 540 541 543 563 564 569 573 574 576 580 590 592 593 595 597 598 620 623 628 629 640 645 646 648 652 653 669 670 673 674 682 684 688 697 756 760

Description Quad 2-input mux Dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator w/reset 8-bit dual parity generator/checker 8-bit identity comparators 8-bit D-type transp. latch 8-bit D-type flip-flop 8-bit buffer/driver 8-bit buffer/driver 8-bit reg. transceiver 8-bit D-type transp. latch 8-bit D-type flip-flop 4-bit up/down counter 8-bit latch 8-bit D-type flip-flop 8-bit D-type flip-flop 8-bit D-type transp. latch 8-bit counter 8-bit counter 8-bit counter 8-bit shift register 8-bit shift register 8-bit shift register 8-bit transceiver 8-bit transceiver Volt. contr. oscillator Volt. contr. oscillator 8-bit transceiver 8-bit transceiver 8-bit transceiver 8-bit XCVR and register 8-bit transceiver 8-bit XCVR and register Sync. 4-bit counter 4-by-4 register file 16-bit shift register 16-bit shift register 8-bit identity comparator 8-bit identity comparator 8-bit identity comparator Sync. up/down counter 8-bit buffer/driver 8-bit buffer (OC)

Function1 804 805 808 821 823 825 827 832 841 843 853 857 867 869 873 874 885 996 1000 1004 1032 1034 1035 1244 1245 1645 2240 2244 2245 2827 2952 3614 3641 4002 4015 4017 4020 4024 4040 4046 4049

Description Hex 2-input NAND driver Hex 2-input NOR driver Hex 2-input AND driver 10-bit interface flip-flop 9-bit interface flip-flop 8-bit interface flip-flop 10-bit buffer/driver Hex 2-input OR driver 10-bit D-type latch 9-bit D-type latch 8- to 9-bit parity transceiver Hex 2- to 1-line multiplier 8-bit up/down counter 8-bit up/down counter 8-bit D-type transparent latch 8-bit D-type flip-flop 8-bit magnitude comparator 8-bit read-back latch Quad 2-input NAND buffer Hex inverting driver Quad 2-input OR buffer Hex non-invert. driver Hex non-invert. driver 8-bit buffer 8-bit transceiver 8-bit transceiver 240 w/output damping R 244 w/output damping R 245 w/output damping R 10-bit MOS driver 8-bit transceiver and register 36-bit x 64 x 2 FIFO 36-bit x 1K FIFO Dual 4-input NOR Dual 4-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Johnson decade counter w/10 decoded outputs 14-bit counter 7-bit counter 12-bit counter Phase lock loop w/VCO Hex inverting high-to-low level shifter

Logic devices are available in a number of technologies. See Product Nomenclature on page 16 for details or visit www.ti.com/defense and click on Logic.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Logic Family
Devices by Function
Function1 4050 4051 4052 4053 4059 4060 4066 4075 4094 4316 4351 4514 4520 4538 7266 7819 7820 8240 8244

Description Hex high-to-low level shifter 8-channel analog mux/demux Dual 4-channel analog mux/demux Triple 2-channel analog mux/demux Prog divided by n counter 14-stage binary ripple counter w/oscillator Quad bilateral switch Triple 3-input OR gate 8-stage shift and store bus reg Quad analog switch Analog mux w/latch 4-to-16 line decoder/demux w/input latches Dual 4-bit sync binary counter Dual precision monostable multivibrator Quad exclusive NOR 512 x 18 x 2 FIFO 512 x 18 x 2 FIFO 240 with JTAG 244 with JTAG

Function1 8245 8373 8374 8543 8646 8652 8990 8996 8997 16240 16241 16244 16245 16260 16373 16374 16543 16601 16640 16646

Description 245 with JTAG 373 with JTAG 374 with JTAG 543 with JTAG 646 with JTAG 652 with JTAG Scan test controller 10-bit ASP Scan path linker 16-bit 240 16-bit 241 16-bit 244 16-bit 245 12- to 24-bit mux D-type latch 16-bit 373 16-bit 374 16-bit 543 18-bit UBT 16 bit 640 16-bit 646

Function1 16652 16823 16841 16952 18245 18502 18646 29520 29818 29821 29823 32245 32316 32501 32543 40103 40105 162244 162245 162373 16-bit 652 18-bit 823


20-bit D-type latch 16-bit reg. transceiver JTAG 16245 JTAG 16502 JTAG 16646 8-bit identity comparators Diagnostic scan register 10-bit bus interf. flip-flop 9-bit bus interf. flip-flop 36-bit 245 16-bit 3-port UBE 36-bit UBT 36-bit 543 8-bit binary down counter 4 bits x 16 words FIFO register 16-bit 2244 16-bit 2245 3.3-V 162373 w/output damping R

Logic devices are available in a number of technologies. See Product Nomenclature on page 16 for details or visit www.ti.com/defense and click on Logic.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


CD4000 Series
Product Nomenclature (CD4000)
Example: CD4XXXXXXXX PrefixCD Device Function (up to 5 digits) 4XXXX Supply VoltageXX A = 2 V max B = 18 V max UB = 18 V max unbuffered Package DesignationX F = ceramic dual-in-line package (CDIP) K = ceramic flatpack D = metal seal CDIP Process LevelsX 3 = mil-temp commercial processing 3A = MIL-PRF-38535 (QML) B = MIL-M-38510 electrical (QPL)

Product Functions
Device CD4001B CD4001UB CD4002B CD4006B CD4007UB CD4009UB CD4010B CD4011A CD4011B CD4011UB CD4012B CD4013B CD4014B CD4015B CD4016B CD4017B CD4018B CD4019B CD4020B CD4021B CD4022B CD4023B CD4024B CD4025A CD4025B CD4027B CD4028B CD4029B CD4030B CD4031B CD4034B CD4035B CD4040B CD4041UB CD4042B CD4043B Functional Description Quad 2-input NOR gate Quad 2-input NOR gate (unbuffered) Dual 4-input NOR gate 18-stage static shift register Dual complementary pair plus inverter (unbuffered) Hex buffer/converter (inverting, unbuffered) Hex buffer/converter (non-inverting) Quad 2-input NAND gate Quad 2-input NAND gate Quad 2-input NAND gate Dual 4-input NAND gate Dual D-type flip-flop with set/reset capability 8-stage static shift register Dual 4-stage static shift register Quad bilateral switch Decade counter/divider Presettable divide-by-n counter Quad and/or select gate 14-stage ripple-carry binary counter/divider 8-stage static shift register Divide-by-8 counter/divider Triple 3-input NAND gate 7-stage ripple-carry binary counter/divider Triple 3-input NOR gate Triple 3-input NOR gate Dual J-K master-slave flip-flop w/set/reset capability BCD-to-decimal decoder Presettable up/down counter Quad exclusive-OR gate 64-stage static shift register 8-stage static bus register 4-stage parallel-in/parallel-out shift register 12-stage ripple-carry binary counter/divider Quad true/complement buffer Quad clocked D-type latch Quad NOR R/S latch (3-state outputs) Device CD4044B CD4046B CD4047B CD4048B CD4049UB CD4050B CD4051B CD4052B CD4053B CD4054B CD4056B CD4060B CD4063B CD4066B CD4067B CD4068B CD4069UB CD4070B CD4071B CD4072B CD4073B CD4075B CD4076B CD4077B CD4078B CD4081B CD4082B CD4085B CD4086B CD4089B CD4093B CD4094B CD4097B CD4098B CD4099B Functional Description Quad NAND R/S latch (3-state outputs) Micropower phase lock loop Low-power monostable/astable multivibrator Multi-function expandable 8-input gate (3-state outputs) Hex buffer/converter (inverting, unbuffered) Hex buffer/converter (non-inverting) 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer Triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/ demultiplexer 4-segment LCD display driver BCD-to-7-segment LCD driver 14-stage ripple-carry binary counter/divider and oscillator 4-bit magnitude comparator Quad bilateral switch 16-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer 8-input NAND/AND gate Hex inverter Quad exclusive-OR gate Quad 2-input OR gate Dual 4-input OR gate Triple 3-input AND gate Triple 3-input OR gate 4-bit D-type register Quad exclusive-NOR gate 8-input NOR/OR gate Quad 2-input AND gate Dual 4-input AND gate Dual 2-wide 2-input AND-OR-INVERT gate Expandable 4-wide 2-input AND-OR-INVERT gate Binary rate multiplier Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt triggers 8-stage shift-and-store bus register 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer Dual monostable multivibrator 8-bit addressable latch Device CD4502B CD4503B CD4504B CD4508B CD4511B CD4512B CD4514B CD4515B CD4516B CD4517B CD4518B CD4520B CD4532B CD4536B CD4541B CD4555B CD4556B CD4585B CD4724B CD14538B CD40103B CD40105B CD40106B CD40107B CD40109B CD40160B CD40161B CD40174B CD40175B CD40192B CD40193B CD40257B Functional Description Strobed hex inverter/buffer Hex buffer (non-inverting) (3-state outputs) Hex voltage-level shifter (for TTL-to CMOS or CMOS-to-CMOS operation) Dual 4-bit latch BCD-to-7-segment latch decoder drivers 8-channel data selector (3-state outputs) 4-bit latch/4-to-16 line decoder (outputs low) 4-bit latch/4-to-16 decoder (outputs low) Presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter Dual 64-stage static shift register Dual BCD up counter Dual binary up counter 8-bit priority encoder Programmable timer Programmable timer Dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer (outputs high) Dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer (outputs low) 4-bit magnitude comparator 8-bit addressable latch Dual precision monostable multivibrator 8-stage presettable synchronous down counter 4-bit by 16-word FIFO register Hex Schmitt triggers Dual 2-input NAND buffer/driver Quad low-to-high-voltage-level shifter Sync programmable 4-bit decade counter w/ async clear Sync programmable 4-bit binary counter w/ async clear Hex D-type flip-flop Quad D-type flip-flop Presettable BCD up/down counter Presettable binary up/down counter Quad 2-line-to-1 line data selector/multiplexer

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Process Flow
Several process flows are available for TI HiRel products. The flows are typical and may vary depending on changes to applicable defense standards such as MIL-PRF-38535. TI offers three different types of QML products, processed under MIL-PRF38535 Class Q: JM38510Processed under MILPRF-38535 and electrically tested to the JAN slash sheet DSCC standard microcircuit drawing (SMD)Processed under MILPRF-38535 and electrically tested to the DSCC/SMD: SMQProcessed under MIL-PRF38535 Class N (order by SMD) SMVProcessed under MIL-PRF38535 Class V (order by SMD) SNJ/SMJProcessed under MILPRF-38535 Class Q and electrically tested to the TI data sheet All QML products are marked with the quality designator Q on the top side. Enhanced Products (EP) Testing and screening of an EP product is performed in accordance with its TI data sheet. TI performs configuration control and processes EP products per best commercial practices. Proc ess ing and screening is documented in the TI Quality System Manual and is in compliance with ISO 9001.

Process Flow
Process Flows DSCC/SMD (See Note 1) SNJ/SMJ SN/SM SMX/SNX (See Note 2) SMP/SNP (See Note 2) JAN EP Description Standard microcircuit drawing products processed to a MIL-PRF-38535 flow. Electricals controlled by DSCC/SMD. Products processed to MIL-PRF-38535 Class B for defense applications. Electricals controlled by current TI data sheet. Commercial-level ceramic processing. Test flow defined in this section. Electricals defined by current TI data sheet but may not be production tested. Experimental products assembled and tested by TI HiRel before qualification. No minimum screening or testing required. Electricals controlled by current TI data sheet. Prototype devices representative of production material with defense temperature-range testing. Shipped before completion of qualification testing. Electricals controlled by current TI data sheet. Processed per QML MIL-PRF-38535 flow. Electricals controlled by JAN slash sheet. Processed in compliance with ISO 9001. Testing and screening performed in accordance with TI data sheet.

QML Processing Flow Covering DSCC/SMD, SNJ/SMJ and JAN (See Note 3)
Wafer fab certication DSCC/TRB Certied manufacturing lines DSCC/TRB Wafer fabrication and device assembly Traceability to diffusion lot Optional pre-burn-in, electrical parameters Internal visual, method 2010, condition B Bond pull and die shear (sampled), methods 2011 and 2019, condition D Sealing Top-side symbol Percent defective allowable (PDA) calculation Burn-in test, method 1015, condition A or D (see Note 4) Post-burn-in electrical parameters External visual, method 2009 Group B, method 5005 Group C, method 5005 Group D, method 5005 Temperature cycle, method 1010, condition C Constant acceleration Final electrical test (see Note 5) Quality conformance inspection, group A (method 5005), sample size = 116/0 Fine/gross leak detection, method 1014, conditions A/B and C (see Note 6)

Note 1:  Although TI offers SCDs, it is not the standard or preferred method of procurement. Note 2:  These devices have not met or completed TI HiRel Semiconductors internal qualification requirements. These devices are for prototyping purposes only, and standard TI warranties do not apply. Supply of these devices does not constitute a commitment by TI to release them to production. Note 3:  Per MIL-PRF-38535, if sufficient quality and reliability data is available, the manufacturer, through the QML program and the Technical Review Board (TRB) may modify, substitute or delete tests.

Note 4: Condition A or D at manufacturers option. Note 5: A  ccording to device type, electrical parameters are defined by the slash sheet, DSCC/SMD or TI data sheet and method 5004. Note 6: Ceramic packages only. Note 9: L  ead-finish options must be specified by ordering the DSCC/SMD number.

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


Process Flow and Symbolization
SN/SM Processing Flow (See Notes 3 and 7)
Assembly Top-side symbol Burn-in (optional) Final electrical test (see Note 8) Fine/gross leak detection, method 1014, conditions A/B and C (see Note 6) External visual, method 2009

ESD Markings (Optional)

MIL-PRF-38535 ESD Class Designation 1 2 3 Marking 1 Triangle 2 Triangles No Triangles ESD Voltage Range (V) 0 to 1999 2000 to 3999 4000

Offshore Class V Process Flow (Texas Instruments/Unitrode)

Wafer fab acceptance SPC bond process monitor 100%/100x internal visual, method 2010, condition A Temperature cycling condition C, 50 cycles, centrifuge condition E PIND, 100, 0 rejects or 5 cycles Serialization (symbol) 100% X-ray monitor, real-time video inspection Pre-burn-in electrical test (as required) Fine/gross leak detection (see Note 6), method 1014, conditions B and C Burn-in 240 hr External visual, method 2009

Post-burn-in 240 hr

QCI groups B and D, group C by wafer lot

Post-burn-in electricals, PDA = 3%

Fine/gross leak detection, method 1014, conditions A/B and C (see Note 6)

100% high/low electricals

Quality conformance inspection (QCI), group A (method 5005) SS + 116/0

Note 3:  Per MIL-PRF-38535, if sufficient quality and reliability data is available, the manufacturer, through the QML program and the Technical Review Board (TRB) may modify, substitute or delete tests. Note 6: Ceramic packages only. Note 7:  Lead finish may vary. For example, ceramic PGA and ceramic QFP packages may be gold finish. Contact the PIC for detailed information.

Note 8: C  ontact the TI Product Information Center (PIC) for detailed test information. Note 9: L  ead-finish options must be specified by ordering the DSCC/SMD number.

YQBF YYWWLLZ JM38510/30003BCA Example: Order as: JANB 54LS161A JM38510/3003BCA 00XXY USA Q* SN54LS161AJ 00XXY THAILAND^ Example: Order as: SN 54LS161A SN54LS161AJ 00XXY THAILAND^ Example: Order as: SNJ with no SMD SNJ54S381J SMJ 320C30GBM40 5962-9052604MXA 00XXY Example: Order as: YQBF Q* TI bug is optional = ESD marking is optional YQ = diffusion date, B = die revision, F = wafer fab code (optional) YYWW = seal date, LL = lot window, Z = B/I split lot * Q marking denotes QMLcompliant product Q* # Where TI is an approved source ^ Country of origin may be located on package underside.

SMJ 320C30GBM40 SMJ320C30GBM40 or 5962-9052604MXA

SNJ54LS161AJ 7600801EA # YQBF Example: Order as: SNJ 54LS161A


THAILAND^ Q* SNJ54LS161AJ or 7600801EA

YQBF UCC1806JQMLV 5962-9457501VEA YYWWLLZ THAILAND^ Example: Order as: UCC 1806JQMLV 5962-9457501VEA

High Reliability Guide


Texas Instruments


TI Worldwide Technical Support

TI Semiconductor Product Information Center Home Page support.ti.com TI E2E Community Home Page e2e.ti.com Japan Phone Domestic Fax International Domestic Internet International Domestic 0120-92-3326 +81-3-3344-5317 0120-81-0036 support.ti.com/sc/pic/japan.htm www.tij.co.jp/pic
Important Notice: The products and services of Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries described herein are sold subject to TIs standard terms and conditions of sale. Customers are advised to obtain the most current and complete information about TI products and services before placing orders. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customers applications or product designs, software performance, or infringement of patents. The publication of information regarding any other companys products or services does not constitute TIs approval, warranty or endorsement thereof. The platform bar, C28x, C54x, E2E, Excalibur, LinCMOS, MicroStar BGA, MicroStar Junior, PowerPAD, SCOPE, TMS320C28x, TMS320C5x, TMS320C54x, TMS320C6000, Widebus and Widebus+ are trademarks of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated Printed in U.S.A. by Texoma Press, Durant, OK.

Product Information Centers

Americas Brazil Mexico Fax Internet Phone +1(972) 644-5580 Phone 0800-891-2616 Phone 0800-670-7544 +1(972)927-6377 support.ti.com/sc/pic/americas.htm

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Asia Phone International +91-80-41381665 Domestic Toll Free Number Australia 1-800-999-084 China 800-820-8682 Hong Kong 800-96-5941 India 1-800-425-7888 Indonesia 001-803-8861-1006 Korea 080-551-2804 Malaysia 1-800-80-3973 New Zealand 0800-446-934 Philippines 1-800-765-7404 Singapore 800-886-1028 Taiwan 0800-006800 Thailand 001-800-886-0010 Fax +886-2-2378-6808 Email  [email protected] or [email protected] Internet support.ti.com/sc/pic/asia.htm

Contact Product Information Center for specific product availability.


14950 F.A.A. Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas 76155 Address service requested




Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TIs terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TIs standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Further, Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or "enhanced plastic." Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications. Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS 16949 requirements. Buyers acknowledge and agree that, if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions: Products Amplifiers Data Converters DLP Products DSP Clocks and Timers Interface Logic Power Mgmt Microcontrollers RFID amplifier.ti.com dataconverter.ti.com www.dlp.com dsp.ti.com www.ti.com/clocks interface.ti.com logic.ti.com power.ti.com microcontroller.ti.com www.ti-rfid.com Applications Audio Automotive Communications and Telecom Computers and Peripherals Consumer Electronics Energy Industrial Medical Security Space, Avionics & Defense Video and Imaging Wireless www.ti.com/audio www.ti.com/automotive www.ti.com/communications www.ti.com/computers www.ti.com/consumer-apps www.ti.com/energy www.ti.com/industrial www.ti.com/medical www.ti.com/security www.ti.com/space-avionics-defense www.ti.com/video www.ti.com/wireless-apps

RF/IF and ZigBee Solutions www.ti.com/lprf

Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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