Speiseoel - Engl Edible Oil Westfalia
Speiseoel - Engl Edible Oil Westfalia
Speiseoel - Engl Edible Oil Westfalia
Westfalia Separator | 2 |
Separation Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharm
Oils and fats processing Chemical refining Physical refining Clarification of press oil
4 6 7 8
Water degumming Simple acid degumming Special degumming Super/Uni-degumming TOP-degumming 9 10 11 12 13
Standard neutralization Neutralization of undegummed oils Miscella refining 14 16 17
Wet-Dewaxing Cold refining Polishing filtration 18 20 21
Dry fractionation 22
aceuticals, Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy +
| 3 | Westfalia Separator
Our core competence in oil edible refining: s Press oil clarification s De-waxing s Degumming s Fractionation s Neutralisation s Soapstock splitting Special applications: s Ni-catalyst removel s Lecithin de-oiling
s s
Our competence in oleochemical applications: s Transsterification s Fatty acids s Glycerin (e. g. for making biodiesel) s Epoxidised oils s Soap s Mono/diglycerides s Fatty alcohols
Westfalia Separator | 4 |
Oilfield + Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Se
Vegetable oil is one of the most important primary foods and therefore requires maximum quality. The quality of the final product depends on the refining method and the nature of the raw oil. Westfalia Separator offers a wide range of solutions designed to boost value in this respect. Ranging from a separator with a daily capacity of 10 tonnes for operators of small oil mills right through to separators with capacities of more than 1000 tonnes per day for large refineries. The practical production processes and technologies must be as varied as the different types of oil. Westfalia Separator Food Tec therefore designs and manufactures a customised solution which is
tailored to meet the requirements of the specific application. The centrifuge is always to be found at the heart of the installation. Whether a self-cleaning separator with a maximum level of automation or a discontinuously operating system, every customer is able to find the best solution in economic and technological terms for his specific production tasks. We not only supply the mechanical separation facility; we of course also supply all other components and systems necessary for an efficient and reliable production line. Satisfied customers throughout the world have placed their trust in this know-how and technological potential. Developed together with the customer in the course of demanding day-to-day operation.
paration Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
| 5 | Westfalia Separator
Chemical Refining
Seed Press cake Pressing Extraction Beans
Animal feed
SoapStock Neutralization
Soapstock splitting
Edible oil
Two processes have been developed for refining edible oils and fats; the decision as to which process is to be used depends on the types and qualities of crude oil to be processed. Chemical refining is the traditional method, where the free fatty acids of the crude oils
are neutralized with caustic soda. The resultant sodium soaps are separated by means of separators. The neutral oils are subsequently bleached and deodorized. This method can be used for reliably refining virtually all crude oils, including oils of low quality, with the exception of castor oil.
Westfalia Separator | 6 |
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield
Physical Refining
Seed Press cake Pressing Extraction Animal feed Beans
Edible oil
In the alternative method of physical refining, the free fatty acids are removed by distillation in one stage during deodorizing. A fundamental criterion for using this method is that the crude oils should be degummed as effectively as possible; however, this is only possible to a limited extent with some crude oil qualities.
Other oils, for instance cottonseed oil or fish oil, are fundamentally not suitable for physical refining. Westfalia Separator is able to supply suitable process lines for both processes; we have limited ourselves to the processes in which centrifuges are used, or which complement centrifuge lines.
+ Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
| 7 | Westfalia Separator
Continuous. Economic.
Press cake
Screening tank
The oil which is discharged from expeller presses has various solid content levels depending on the oil seed type and the condition of the press. In order to remove particularly large solid particles, the oil is usually fed into a settling tank, which is also used simultaneously as a buffer tank. In some installations, a vibrating screen is used for pre-cleaning, or the oil is taken directly from the press to the press oil clarification unit. In order to support the separation process, the solids are wetted with hot water. A water quantity of 1 % in relation to the oil quantity is normally adequate in this respect. The water is mixed with the oil in the feed pump to the decanter. The decanter which is a horizontal scrolltype centrifuge continuously separates the solids from the oil.
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As a side effect of adding water, any phosphatides which are present are hydrated; these are then removed together with the solids. In order to avoid oil losses, the solids are returned to the press. The purified oil is either processed directly or, if it is stored or sold, it should be dried in a vacuum.
Many Features for Your Benefit Continuous solids separation Low cost of automation Lower space requirement Simultaneous degumming
Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
Water degumming
Steam Hot water Vacuum
Vacuum dryer
A gentle-action pump is used for conveying the raw oil to a heat exchanger, which is used for heating the raw oil to the optimum process temperature. A quantity of hot water corresponding to the volume of phosphatides in the crude oil is added to the oil and mixed intensively. A special centrifugal mixer, which simultaneously conveys the oil directly to the separator, is used for this purpose. The hydratable phosphatides swell immediately due to the particularly intensive mixing of oil and water, and no additional reaction time is necessary. A separator is used to continuously separate the phosphatides which are insoluble in oil. They are either added directly to animal feed or dried in thinfilm evaporators and sold in the form of lecithin. Lecithin is a valuable side-
product which is used as an emulsifier, e.g. in the food, animal feed, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. The degummed oil is either conveyed directly to the refining stage, or it has to be dried in a vacuum if it is stored or sold.
Many Features for Your Benefit Lecithin recovery Reduction of losses in the following refining stages
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield +
| 9 | Westfalia Separator
This degumming method is suitable for pretreating palm oil, palm kernel oil, coconut and olive oil as well as animal fats with the aim of reducing bleaching earth consumption in the physical refining process. This considerably improves the economy of this method. The crude oil is initially heated to the optimum process temperature in a heat exchanger. A metering unit is used for adding a small quantity of phosphoric or citric acid, which is mixed intensively with the oil in a centrifugal mixer. After a brief reaction time, hot water is added and mixed. The heavy phase which contains phosphatides, proteins, pigments and other impurities is then separated. The oil which is treated in this way is generally sent directly to the bleaching stage and deacidified by means of distillation.
Westfalia Separator | 10 |
Many Features for Your Benefit Reduction of bleaching earth consumption Better end product quality Less fouling of downstream equipment
Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
Special degumming
Steam Acid Lye
Hot water
Hot water
Holding tank
This degumming method can be carried out with slightly modified neutralization lines. Depending on the quality of the crude oil, it is possible to decide whether the oil can be refined by chemical or physical means. However, with respect to the residual gum content, it is necessary to accept a compromise in comparison with the more demanding acid degumming methods described in the following. The crude or water-degummed oil is initially heated to the optimum hydration temperature. A small amount of phosphoric or citric acid is then added and intensively mixed in the centrifugal mixer. After an appropriate reaction time, some of this acid is neutralized with very diluted caustic soda, and sufficient water is simultaneously added for hydration of the phosphatides. The caustic and water are also mixed together with the oil in the next centrifugal mixer. The mixer conveys the oil through a hydration reactor to the next heat exchanger, which heats the product
to the corresponding separation temperature. Phase separation then takes place in a separator to produce gums and oil. The residual phosphatide content which can be achieved in this way may be adequate for some applications. In most cases however, further reduction is recommended by means of washing the oil. If this is the case, a certain quantity of hot water is added to the oil; this is then mixed and conveyed to a second separator which continuously separates the wash water. The oil which is virtually degummed is then either conveyed directly to the bleaching stage, or it is dried in a vacuum if it is to be sold or stored.
Many Features for Your Benefit This process line can also be used for neutralization (flexibility)
Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
| 11 | Westfalia Separator
Super - Degumming Steam Modified lecithin Acid Cooling water Steam Hot water Hydration tank Sludge
Vacuum dryer
Degummed oil
After the crude oil has been heated, specially modified phosphatides which subsequently facilitate phosphatide hydration can be added. However, this is only necessary in exceptional cases; under normal conditions, a small quantity of citric acid is added to the raw oil and mixed very intensively with the oil. After a certain reaction time, the oil is cooled and the necessary quantity of water is added for hydrating the phosphatides. When the gums have finished swelling in an agitator tank, the oil is heated to separating temperature and the gums are separated from the oil in a separator. This concludes the super-degumming stage. However, depending on how the oil is to be subsequently treated, it may be necessary to remove the phosphatides more efficiently as extremely fine particles
Westfalia Separator | 12 |
cannot be separated. A further process stage, the Uni-degumming method, has been developed for this purpose. The oil is cooled for a second time and a small amount of caustic soda is added. Mixing of the caustic with the oil in a special mixing tank is followed by a further reaction time in an agitator tank, during which the fine phosphatide particles agglomerate to form larger particles. These can be separated in a clarifier after the oil has been heated. The oil is subsequently dried in a vacuum. The hydration and agglomeration of phosphatides at low temperature produces a positive side effect for wax containing oils (e.g. sunflower oil and corn oil). Some of the wax crystallizes and is separated together with the gums. This produces a considerable advantage in the subsequent refining process of these oils.
Many Features for Your Benefit Parallel partial winterization P-content < 10 ppm possible
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield
Steam Acid
Holding tank
The crude oil is initially heated to the optimum process temperature and a small quantity of acid is added. Following intensive mixing and a brief reaction time, some of the acid is neutralized with diluted caustic soda and, if necessary, water is added for hydrating the phosphatides. Both are mixed in a centrifugal mixer and the gums are separated from the oil in a separator. Because very fine phosphatide particles cannot be separated, a certain amount of water is again added to the oil. Following a brief reaction time, the mixture is conveyed to a high-performance clarifier which is able to generate an extremely high g-force thanks to its special design. This enables the fine particles to be continuously separated with the water. In order to avoid oil losses, this phase is
recycled into the feed of the first centrifuge, where the fine gum particles are separated together with most of the phosphatides. The oil which is degummed in this way is subsequently dried.
Many Features for Your Benefit Simple procedure Brief reaction times P-content < 10 ppm possible
+ Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
| 13 | Westfalia Separator
Standard neutralization
Conditioning Steam Acid Neutralization
Holding tank
Drying Vacuum
Vacuum dryer
Neutralized oil Mixer Wash water Separator or soapstock Mixer Wash water Separator
This method is suitable for neutralizing pre-degummed edible oils or oils which originally only have a low phosphatide content. The free fatty acids are saponified with caustic soda, and the sodium soap is separated. The oil is initially heated to the optimum process temperature. In order to condition the non-hydratable phosphatides, a small quantity of concentrated phosphoric acid is added and intensively mixed with the oil. Following a brief reaction time, diluted caustic soda is added in order to neutralise the free fatty acid and the phosphoric
Westfalia Separator | 14 |
Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
acid. After mixing with the oil, the mixture is either conveyed directly to the first separator or it passes through a further reaction tank. The latter is recommended only for oils with a relatively high phosphatide content. Self-cleaning separators are mostly used for separating the sodium soap. However, the residual soap content in the neutral oil is still too high for the subsequent process stages, and it must therefore be reduced further by one or two washings. For this purpose, hot water is added to the oil, intensively mixed and the soapy wash water is removed in a further separator. In general, one wash stage is adequate. A second washing is only necessary if very low residual soap contents are required. However, a low residual soap content can also be achieved by acidifying the wash water with citric or phosphoric acid. A second caustic treatment of the neutral oils is only advisable in exceptional cases. This mainly applies to cottonseed oil, in order to remove most of the gossypol. This oil should always be neutralized in 3-stage installations. Depending on the subsequent bleaching method, the neutralized and washed oil is subsequently vacuum-dried.
Many Features for Your Benefit Very reliable process, e.g. for poor-quality crude oils High product quality guaranteed All oils can be processed
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield +
| 15 | Westfalia Separator
Holding tank Vacuum dryer Sludge Sludge Crude oil Mixer Soapstock Separator Mixer Wash Separator water Neutralized oil
This method has become established mainly in the USA for refining soya bean oil. The process is a combination of degumming and neutralization. For conditioning the non-hydratable phosphatides, a small quantity of phosphoric or citric acid is added to the crude undegummed oil. In some cases, the acid is added in the feed tank with an agitator upstream of the installation; several hours reaction time must be taken into consideration. However, a more effective method is to add the acid upstream of a centrifugal mixer. The intensive mixing enables the reaction time to be reduced to a few minutes. Dilute caustic soda is then added in order to neutralize the free fatty acids. It is necessary to ensure that adequate water is present with the caustic in order to hydrate the phosphatides. Following a reaction time of several minutes in special retention mixers, the oil is heated and
Westfalia Separator | 16 |
added directly to the first separator in order to separate the soapstock. The neutral oil is washed in order to further reduce the residual soap content. For this purpose, a certain quantity of hot water is added to the oil, mixed in a centrifuge and separated into wash water and oil in a separator. The residual humidity of the oil is further reduced in a vacuum drier.
Many Features for Your Benefit Prior water degumming not necessary Good end product quality
Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
Miscella refining
Holding tank
Holding tank
This method was originally developed for neutralizing cottonseed oil. It enables most of the gossypol to be removed with simultaneously low neutralization losses. The miscella which discharges from the oil seed extraction stage is preconcentrated either by adding the press oil or in the first stage of hexane evaporation. The miscella temperature is then briefly set below the evaporation point, and the necessary quantity of caustic soda is added in order to neutralize the free fatty acids. Mixing is followed by a reaction time in special retention mixers. The soapstock is separated in the separator. Because of the high specific density difference between miscella and soapstock, the separating efficiency is at its optimum level, and it is not necessary to wash the oil after hexane evaporation. If it is necessary to treat oils with a higher phosphatide
content, it is recommended that an acid is added before the caustic. Because of the risk of explosion posed by hexane, all installation parts, and in particular the centrifuge, are explosion proof. Due to special safety considerations, the centrifuge is even blanketed with inert gas.
Many Features for Your Benefit Low losses Good gossypol removal for cottonseed oil No waste water if the soapstock can be added to the meal Less fouling of hexane evaporation columns
Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
| 17 | Westfalia Separator
Conditioning Neutralization Winterization Steam Acid Lye Steam Lye
Holding tank
Sludge Sludge Crude oil Mixer Mixer Soapstock Separator Mixer Wax Separator
Hot water
Some vegetable oils, such as sunflower or corn oil, contain waxes (long-chained fatty alcohols or fatty acid esters), which crystallize at lower temperatures and result in turbidity in the oil. Wet winterization in combination with neutralization is suitable for removing these waxes. The crude oil is initially neutralized (see under neutralization). This means that, in order to condition the gums, an acid is initially added and the free fatty acids are then neutralized with caustic soda. After the soapstock is separated in the first separator, the oil is conveyed to the actual winterizing stage.
Westfalia Separator | 18 |
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield
Vacuum dryer
Cooling water
Wash water
Chilled water
A small quantity of caustic soda is again added in order to set a specific residual soap content in the oil. This soap is subsequently required as a wetting agent during crystallization in order to bind the waxes to water. After mixing of caustic and oil, the product is cooled to the crystallization temperature. Wax crystals form in two to four crystallization tanks connected in series; due to the soap in the oil, these wax crystals bind to the water - which is added to the crystallizers. In order to reduce the viscosity, the oil is carefully heated and conveyed to a separator which continuously separates the waxy water. The oil is washed again in order to further reduce the residual soap
content. For this purpose, the oil is heated, the corresponding quantity of hot water is added; after intensive mixing, it is separated in a further separator. Vacuum drying then takes place.
Many Features for Your Benefit Integration of winterizing in neutralization Fully continuous operation
+ Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
| 19 | Westfalia Separator
Cold refining
Holding tank
Chilled water
Hot water
Vacuum dryer
This process is an alternative to winterization preceded by neutralization. However, use of the process is confined to oils with a relatively low FFA content as the oil losses are otherwise too high. Sunflower oil is therefore an ideal product for this application. A small amount of acid is added to the raw oil without prior heating. After thorough mixing and a short retention time the oil is cooled. The caustic quantity required for neutralizing the free fatty acids is admixed with the oil. The oil then flows through crystallizers with a dwell time of several hours. The oil is gently heated to reduce the viscosity before the soapstock is separated in a centrifuge along
Westfalia Separator | 20 |
with the waxes. The dewaxed neutral oil has to be washed to reduce the soap content. It is first heated, the required wash water quantity is added and, after thorough mixing with the oil, it is separated again in a second centrifuge. Finally, the oil is dried in a vacuum dryer.
Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
Polishing filtration
Pressure leaf filter Bleached or deodorized oil
Winterized oil
Chilled water
Filter aid
Pre-coating pump
The wet winterizing method described above does not guarantee that 100 % of all waxes are always removed. If particularly strict process guarantees are applicable, additional polishing filtration is necessary for coldstable oils; this process is carried out either after bleaching or after deodorizing. For this purpose, the oil is cooled again and allowed to crystallize for several hours, it is then filtered using filter aid. Despite this additional filtration, the entire winterizing method offers economical advantages in comparison with methods which only use filtration. The major advantage is that much less filter aid is used and longer filter cycles are achieved.
Many Features for Your Benefit Minimising the consumption of filter aids Higher filtration speed Longer filter cycles
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield +
| 21 | Westfalia Separator
Dry Fractionation
Oils and fats are a mixture of different triacylglycerols. If these contain a higher amount of saturated fatty acids the products tends to crystallise partly at ambient temperature. Fractionation is a process to split fats and oils into a liquid part, the olein, and a solid fraction, the stearin. The fractionation process consists of two stages, the crystallisation and the separation of the olein and stearin. The crystallisation is a batch process, where the oil/fat is first heated above the melting point. Then a slow, controlled cooling takes place, following a specific cooling curve adapted to the kind of oil/fat. The aim is to produce stearin crystals which can be separated from the liquid olein phase. The process is called dry fractionation, because there is no detergent or solvent added to the product, as in case of some other known processes. This separation is done with a specially designed nozzle separator. The stearin crystals, having slightly higher
Westfalia Separator | 22 |
density, are discharged continuously through nozzles in the periphery of the bowl, whereas the lighter olein is clarified in the disk stack of the bowl and likewise continuously discharge from the centrifuge under pressure. The stearin slides down into a melting tank, where it is liquefied and pumped to further processing or storage.
Many Features for Your Benefit Fully continuous stearin/olein separation Adjustable stearin and olein quality during separation Low installation and maintenance costs Hermetically closed system No cooled room for separator required
Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
Technology + Beverage Technology + Dairy Technology + Oils and Fats Processing + Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
| 23 | Westfalia Separator
Processing of By-products
Soapstock splitting
Water Sulphuric acid Splitting tank Intermediate tank Split fatty acid Decanting tank
Saponification column
During the chemical neutralization of oils and fats, socalled soapstock (sodium soaps of the free fatty acids) is obtained as a by-product. This can be split into fatty acids and water by means of acidification with strong acids (sulphuric or hydrochloric acid). Fatty acids are a valuable product in the animal feed, soap and oleochemical industries. The phosphatides separated together with the sodium soaps during the neutralization process frequently have a significant effect on the splitting process during the formation of stable emulsions during phase separation. This can be prevented to a large extent by means of secondary saponification. For this purpose, the soapstock is exposed to higher temperature and pressures. During a reaction time under these conditions, part of the phosphatides and the neutral oil in the soapstock
Westfalia Separator | 24 |
saponify. After saponification, dilution water can be added in an intermediate tank before the soapstock is conveyed to the actual splitting process. In the splitting tank, the pH value is reduced by adding a strong acid. The soapstock breaks down into fatty acid and water, which are then separated continuously in a static decanting vessel. The split fatty acid can be directly processed. The acid water is conveyed to a fat separator with an upstream flotation chamber. The defatted water is subsequently neutralized with caustic soda.
Many Features for Your Benefit Fully continuous operation Lower level of emulsion
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield
Capacities of Machines
(t/d) 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 50
Type of machines
Type of machines
+ Industry + Environmental Technology + Engineering + Second Hand Machinery + Service Worldwide + Separation
| 25 | Westfalia Separator
When you are choosing a business partner, not only the quality of the product is important. The parameters associated with the machine must also be right. This is the Westfalia Separator philosophy for an optimum life cycle benefit. This includes individual solutions tailored to your requirements as well as intelligent service packages, the availability of genuine spare parts and economical operation throughout the entire service life of the machine. Comprehensive service starts with the first discussions. In close co-operation with customers, qualified specialists from Westfalia Separator will demonstrate solutions customised specifically for your requirements. This starts with the project planning and extends to the production and installation of the machines.
the modern Westfalia Separator training center. If rapid aid should unexpectedly become necessary or if a spare part is needed at short notice, Westfalia Separator is at your service immediately. This is ensured by the global presence of around 50 subsidiaries and service companies as well as agents in over 60 countries. Your satisfaction is our objective.
Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia The Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Lithuania The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia (CIS) Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey
North America
USA Canada
South America
Argentina Brazil Chile Mexico
South Africa
China India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia The Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates
Australia New Zealand
| 27 | Westfalia Separator
Biotechnology + Oils and Fats Recovery + Starch Technology + Industrial Biotechnology + Marine + Energy + Oilfield
Beverage Technology
Environmental Technology
Dairy Technology
Global Presence
The information contained in this brochure merely serves as a non-binding description of our products and is without guarantee. Binding information, in particular relating to capcity data and suitability for specific applications, can only be provided within the framework of concrete inquiries.
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