Examination Branch: Osmania University: Hyderabad - 500 007
Examination Branch: Osmania University: Hyderabad - 500 007
Examination Branch: Osmania University: Hyderabad - 500 007
A. II-Semester (Regular) Examinations to be held from 31.07.2013 to 19.08.2013. Time: 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. DAY Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Friday Monday DATE 31.07.2013 02.08.2013 06.08.2013 08.08.2013 13.08.2013 16.08.2013 19.08.2013 PAPER Human Resource Management Business Process Re-Engineering Financial Management Research for Marketing Decisions Operations Research Operations Management Decision Support Systems Date : 08.07.2013
Sd/ACOE M.B.A. (Regular) Copy to:1. All the Principals of MBA Colleges
Controller Of Examinations
2. The Director, Academic Audit Cell, O.U. 3. The Director, University Press, O.U. 4. The Dean, Faculty of Management, O.U. 5. The Head, Dept. of Business Management, O.U. 6. The Chairman, B.O.S. in Business Management, O.U. 7. The Dy. Registrar (Academic), O.U. 8. The Addl. Controller of Examinations (Confidential), O.U. 9. The P.A. to the Registrar, O.U. 10. The Addl. Controller of Examinations, (EDP Section), Exam. Branch , O.U. 11. The Supdt. (Stores Section), Exam Branch, O.U.
EXAMINATION BRANCH: OSMANIA UNIVERSITY: HYDERABAD 500 007 No.008/MBA/Exams/2013 08.07.2013 TIME TABLE Time Table for M.B.A. (Evening) II-Semester (Regular) Examinations to be held from 31.07.2013 to 13.08.2013 Time: 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. DAY Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday DATE 31.07.2013 02.08.2013 06.08.2013 08.08.2013 13.08.2013 PAPER Human Resource Management Business Process Re-Engineering Financial Management Research for Marketing Decisions Operations Research Date :
Controller Of Examinations
1. The Principal, Univ. College of Commerce & Buss. Mgt., O.U. 2. The Director, Academic Audit Cell, O.U. 3. The Director, University Press, O.U. 4. The Dean, Faculty of Management, O.U. 5. The Head, Dept. of Business Management, O.U. 6. The Chairman, B.O.S. in Business Management, O.U. 7. The Dy. Registrar (Academic), O.U. 8. The Addl. Controller of Examinations (Confidential), O.U. 9. The P.A. to the Registrar, O.U. 10. The Addl. Controller of Examinations, (EDP Section), Exam. Branch , O.U. 11. The Supdt. (Stores Section), Exam Branch, O.U.