BSC Presentation
BSC Presentation
BSC Presentation
Presented To
Adnan Alshiha
Workshop Outline
Introduction to the Balanced Scorecard What is it? Why do it? Brayer Break Balanced Scorecard Fundamentals The Four Perspectives Measures, Targets and Initiatives Roles and Responsibilities
Business Strategy
The Balanced Scorecard Measures that Drive Performance January - February 1992 Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work September - October 1993 Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System January - February 1996 1996
The Balanced
Scorecard is translated into 18 languages
Selected by Harvard
Business Review as one of the most important management practices of the past 75 years.
The Strategy-Focused-Organization
The Balanced Scorecard is the main management tool that has been used by successful organizations in various fields Private and Public Sector For- Profit and Not For- Profit Different industries These successful organizations placed their strategies at the centre of their operations. Their strategies, guided Their day- to- day activities In this workshop, we will learn more about strategy- focused organizations, and how to develop Balanced Scorecards
Satisfied SHAREHOLDERS Delighted CUSTOMERS Efficient and Effective PROCESSES Motivated & Prepared WORKFORCE
Satisfied SHAREHOLDERS Delighted CUSTOMERS Efficient and Effective PROCESSES Motivated & Prepared WORKFORCE
The Balanced Scorecard Provides a Four Perspective Framework to Translate Strategy Into Operational Terms The Vision
Financial Perspective If we succeed, how will we look to our shareholders?
Profitability Growth Shareholder Value
Measurement is the language that gives clarity to vague concepts Measurement is used to communicate, not simply to control
Customer Perspective To achieve our vision, what customer needs must we serve?
Price Service Quality
Internal Perspective
To satisfy our Cycle Time customers and shareholders, at which Productivity business processes Cost must we excel?
Learning and Growth To excel in our processes, what must our organization learn?
New Skills Continuous Improvement Intellectual Assets
A Good Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map Tells the Story of Your Strategy
The Revenue Growth Strategy Improve stability by broadening the sources of revenue from current customers The Productivity Strategy Improve operating efficiency by shifting customers to more cost-effective channels of distribution
Improve Returns Broaden Revenue Mix Improve Operating Efficiency
Financial Perspective
Customer Perspective
Internal Perspective
Understand Customer Segments Develop New Products Cross-Sell the Product Line Shift to Appropriate Channel Provide Rapid Response
Minimize Problems
Learning Perspective
A Good Balanced Scorecard Tells the Story of Your Strategy Through A Set of Linked Cause and Effect Hypotheses
Strategic Objectives
F1 - Improve Returns F2 - Broaden Revenue Mix F3 - Reduce Cost Structure
Strategic Measurements
(Lag Indicators) Return on Investment Revenue Growth Deposit Service Cost Change (Lead Indicators) Revenue Mix
C1 - Increase Customer Satisfaction With Our Products & People C2 - Increase Satisfaction After the Sale
Share of Segment
Depth of Relation
Customer Retention
Satisfaction Survey
I3 - Cross-Sell Products
I4 - Shift Customers to CostEffective Channels I5 - Minimize Operational Problems I6 - Responsive Service
Cross-Sell Ratio
Channel Mix Change Service Error Rate Request Fulfillment Time
Strategic Job Coverage Ratio Strategic Info Availability Ratio Personal Goals Alignment (%)
Statement of what strategy must achieve and whats critical to its success
Flight is on time Lowest prices
Fast ground
30 Minutes 90%
Cycle time
The Balanced Scorecard Supports a Complete Strategic Management System by Linking Long Term Strategy and Measures to More Tactical Planning & Budgeting
ABC Hospital System will provide excellent care in our selected specialty areas while maintaining margin and growing share
Customer Financial
1. Strengthen innovation 2. Improve customer satisfaction 3. Assure consistent high quality 4. Provide operational excellence
Access project
Mkg. Team
$ xxxx
% patient mix
Complete by 2003
Dept. Chairs
$ xxxx
Deadline met
HR Committee
$ xxxx
Chemical Bank
1993 1998
X 20X
ATT Canada
1995 1998 1999 $300M loss Customer base doubles $7b spin-off
Southern Citrus
1995 1998
Measure Improvement Operating $18M since BSC Days in AR Decrease 16 days Margin implementation Overall 15% Hospital Point Duke Childrens Hospital Satisfaction Measure % Improvement Operating 25 Family 11 Margin Length of 25 Satisfaction Readmission 63 Stay Rate
Shipments on Spec On Time Delivery Rework Absenteeism Employee Turnover Cost per Pound ()
#6 #1 #1 #1 #1
..the question..?
Environmental Scan
Strengths Weaknesses Threats
Opportunities Values
Business Strategy
Business Strategy
Corporate Culture
Corporate Culture
The beliefs and values shared by people who work in an organisation
How people behave with each other How people behave with customers/clients How people view their relationship with stakeholders Peoples responses to energy use, community involvement, absence, work ethic, etc. How the organisation behaves to its employees training, professional development, etc.
Corporate Culture
May be driven by: Vision where the organisation wants to go in the future Mission Statement summary of the beliefs of the organisation and where it is now
Corporate Culture
Corporate Culture
What corporate culture do you think the following businesses have managed to develop?
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
First Stage of Strategic Planning may involve: Futures Thinking
Thinking about what the business might need to do 1020 years ahead
Strategic Intents
Thinking about key strategic themes that will inform decision making
The thicker the planning document, the more useless it will be
(Brent Davies: 1999)
Taking time to think and reflect may be more important than many businesses allow time for!
Copyright: Intuitives,
Strategic Planning
The Vision
Communicating to all staff where the organisation is going and where it intends to be in the future Allows the firm to set goals
Strategic Planning
Once the direction is identified: Analyse position Develop and introduce strategy Evaluate:
Evaluation is constant and the results of the evaluation feed back into the vision
Strengths identifying existing organisational strengths Weaknesses identifying existing organisational weaknesses Opportunities what market opportunities might there be for the organisation to exploit? Threats where might the threats to the future success come from?
Political: local, national and international political developments how will they affect the organisation and in what way/s? Economic: what are the main economic issues both nationally and internationally that might affect the organisation? Social: what are the developing social trends that may impact on how the organisation operates and what will they mean for future planning? Technological: changing technology can impact on competitive advantage very quickly!
Growth of China and India as manufacturing centres Concern over treatment of workers and the environment in less developed countries who may be suppliers The future direction of the interest rate, consumer spending, etc. The changing age structure of the population The popularity of fads like the Atkins Diet The move towards greater political regulation of business The effect of more bureaucracy in the labour market
Developed by Michael Porter: forces that shape and influence the industry or market the organisation operates in. Strength of Barriers to Entry - how easy is it for new rivals to enter the industry? Extent of rivalry between firms how competitive is the existing market? Supplier power the greater the power, the less control the organisation has on the supply of its inputs. Buyer power how much power do customers in the industry have? Threat from substitutes what alternative products and services are there and what is the extent of the threat they pose?
Required Inputs
Changing strategy will impact on the resources needed to carry out the strategy: Specifically the impact on: Land opportunities for acquiring land for development green belt, brownfield sites, planning regulations, etc. Labour ease of obtaining the skilled and unskilled labour required Capital the type of capital and the cost of the capital needed to fulfil the strategy
Data from sales, profit, etc. used to evaluate the progress and success of the strategy and to inform of changes to the strategy in the light of that data
Information from a wide variety of sources can help to measure and inform the impact and direction of the strategy.
Copyright: Mad7986,
Types of Strategy
Types of Strategy
Competitive Advantage something which gives the organisation some advantage over its rivals Cost advantage A strategy to seek out and secure a cost advantage of some kind - lower average costs, lower labour costs, etc.
Types of Strategy
Market Dominance:
Achieved through:
Internal growth Acquisitions mergers and takeovers
focus on what you are good at (core competencies) or seek to expand into a range of markets?
Types of Strategy
Price Leadership through dominating the industry others follow your price lead Global seeking to expand global operations Reengineering thinking outside the box looking at news ways of doing things to leverage the organisations performance
Types of Strategy
Internal business level strategies
Downsizing selling off unwanted parts of the business similar to contraction Delayering flattening the management structure, removing bureaucracy, speed up decision making Restructuring complete re-think of the way the business is organised
INTERNAL To satisfy our customers and stakeholders, in which business processes must we excel?
LEARNING & GROWTH To achieve our goals, how must we learn, communicate and grow?
Customer Perspective
Internal Perspective
To achieve our goals and accomplish core activities, how must we learn, communicate and work together?
Possible Performance Measures
o Employee Satisfaction o Retention and Turnover o Training Hours and Resources
o Technology Investment
Why Measure?
To determine how effectively and efficiently the process or service satisfies the customer.
Measurements Should:
Translate customer expectations into goals. Evaluate the quality of processes. Track our improvement. Focus our efforts on our customers.
If you dont know where youre going, youre probably not gonna get there. Forrest Gump
Targets need to be set for all measures Should have a solid basis Give personnel something for which to aim If achieved will transform the organization
Careful not to develop measures/targets in a fragmented approach: i.e. Asking people to increase customer satisfaction has to be backed up with the knowledge, tools, and means to achieve that target.
Once measures and targets are established, it is the responsibility of management to determine HOW the organization will achieve its goals. Measures are used to determine the effectiveness of strategic initiatives.
Indicator Target Stat -us
Indicator Target Stat -us
Indicator Target Stat -us
Indicator Target Status
Adjusted Discharges
Choose key focus areas for improvement Complete survey development in CY 1999 Select indicators for development plan Complete reporting process and inventory Complete survey in CY 1999
Arranging Care
Determine outpatient phone model, conduct pilots Determine outpatient model for registration & scheduling
Cultural Development
Complete communications strategy Complete physician survey Complete employee survey Complete plan to maintain Catholicity Accomplish pay equity
Quality Improvement
Implement system-wide governance structure Complete external quality report in CY 1999 Meet or exceed standards for SMDC accreditation
Providing Care
Determine model for patient delivery system for clinical divisions Complete system strategy for ambulatory surgery Complete plan for decentralized coding and charge entry
Information Technology
Operating Margin
Excess Margin
Market Share
Complete baseline
Complete report of funded grants and publications Complete Perkins & Will plan
103.6 77.7
108.6 82.8
C = task completed; CY = Calendar Year 1999 task; M = task modified Finance section: Target met; Target not met
Strategy Map
Link it together.
Hum. Rscrs.
Univ. Police
Maximize High Margin Opportunities Implement Managed Growth
Leading Edge Technology
Develop Leading Edge Programs/ Techniques
Develop Corporate Balanced Scorecard Define template for rolling out BSC Train subordinate units Streamline project management Quality checks Online education
Thank You