Concept & Methodology 2010

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502. CONTENTS AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING ENGLISH - I December ] [ Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 80 Marks SECTION - A (10 2= 20)

Answer ALL questions in about 70 words each. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What are the advantages of silent reading ? 2. What are the techniques applied in writing skill ? 3. What do you mean by a lesson plan ? 4. How will you develop your students vocabulary ? 5. Give three uses of language games. Turn Over

2 6. What type of pictures you will collect to prepare a picture album ? 7. Name the various types of objective type questions. 8. What are vowels and consonants ? 9. Write a short note on drilling. 10. Write the importance of probing questions. SECTION - B (6 5= 30)

3 16. Is English necessary for facing interview boards ? 17. What are the advantages of learning a foreign language ? 18. Explain language lab. SECTION - C (2 15= 30)

Answer the following questions not exceeding 750 words. 19. (a) Draw a micro cycle and explain the concept and procedure of micro teaching. (OR) (b) What are the different types of teaching aids used in an English class-room. 20. (a) Discuss the role and function of English in India. (OR) (b) What are the different types of tests? Explain.

Answer any SIX questions. All should not exceed 250 words. 11. Discuss the importance of supplimentary reader in English. 12. Distinguish between intensive reader and extensive reader. 13. Differentiate micro teaching and macro teaching. 14. Describe various activities to develop speaking skill among your students. 15. Mention the steps that should be followed while teaching a poem.

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