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On Summer Industrial Training at Public Works Department Division-Sahiya Distt.- D.Dun (Uttarakhand) Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of B.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering Submitted To: Civil Egineering Department G B Pant Engineering college Pauri (Garhwal) (Uttarakhand) (2013-14) Submitted By:Manisha Sharma Roll No. :- 10090107059

INTRODUCTION & PROJECT FEATURES 1.0 GENERAL The Pabbarriver is in Yamuna basin in Northern region originating from GangdariDhar in Great Himalayan ranges in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. SawraKuddu Hydroelectric Project is a runof the river development on the Pabbar River in Rohru&JubbalTehsils,at a distance of 130 kms from Shimla. Location is shown in Figure1.Hydel Potential of Yamuna basin in Himachal Pradesh has been identified as 1044.82 MW. Giri (60 MW), Andhra (16.95 MW) and Gumma (3.00 MW) are already in operation. Proposed SawraKuddu HEP (110 MW) development utilizes the water of Pabbar river. Shalvi (7MW) and Renuka Dam (40 MW) are also the proposed Hydroelectric Projects of Yamuna basin which is likely to be taken up for execution in future. The MOUs for the implementation of Tangnu-Romai (44 MW), Paudital Lassa (36 MW), and Sainj (5.50 MW) have already been signed with the various IPPs by the H.P. Government. HPSEB has created a Special Purpose Vehicle, namely, PabbarValleyPower.Corporation for execution of Hydroelectric Projects in Pabbar Valley. It has been allotted SawraKuddu Hydroelectric Project(110 MW) and ChirgaonMajhgaon Hydroelectric Project (46 MW).DhamwariSunda Hydroelectric Project (70 MW) has also been allotted to Pabbar Valley Power Corporation (PVPC) subject to decision of the arbitration case for cancellation of Implementation Agreement with IPP. ChirgaonMajhgaon Hydroelectric Project being a tail race development of DhamwariSunda Hydroelectric Project (70 MW) can only be constructed once arbitration case for DhamwariSunda is decided. Thus, PVPC has taken up construction of SawraKuddu Hydroelectric Project

1.1. PROJECT FEATURES SawraKuddu Hydroelectric Project has been contemplated as a power generation development on Pabbar River in Shimla district. The project comprises following features:

- A 15.5 m high diversion barrage at aaverage river bed elevation of 1410.5 m. Barrage is used to raise the level and divert the direction of water with the help of gates.Eleven gated spillways at cross elevation of 1412.5 m have been designed to pass design average of 3000 cumecs. Energy dissipation arrangement would be in the form of stilling basin. - Intake structure having four bays of 4mx3 m on left bank of

theriver.The intake to the pipeline can be a separate structure .It is used to prevent sediments from flowing into the turbine ,a sediment trap can be built upstream of the intake structure or within the structure;or immediately downstream. - A surface desilting tank comprising of four basins 80 m long, 19.5 m wide and 10.5 m deep. Maximum particle size to be removed would be of the order of 0. 2mm
5 6

- A 5m diameter, D-Shaped concrete lined head race tunnel having 11.3 km length and design discharge 65 cumecs

- A underground, restricted orifice type 14m dia, 73.10m high surge shaft at the end of head race tunnel.A surge shaft is an add -itional storage space or reservoir fitted between the main storage reservoir and the power house.The main functions of surge shaft are: 1.When the load decreases ,the water moves backward and gets stored in it. 2.When the load increases additional supply of water will be provided by surge shaft. In short surge shaft mitigates pressure variations due to rapid changes in velocity of water.

- An underground steel liner pressure shaft 3.5 m diameter and 312 m long having 3 branches of 2 m dia each and 49 m long. Pressure shaft is used to increase the pressure of wateR - Tail race tunnel 5 m diameter, D- Shaped concrete lined, 440 m long would discharge the water back into Pabbar river on the left bank at the boundary of Himachal Pradesh and - Uttranchal.

The layout of the plan is depicted in this figure


1.2 HYDROLOGY 1.2.1 LOCATION The Pabbarriver originates in the GangdariDhar ranges of the Great Himalayas. The river flows in a southwesterly direction downtoRohrutownship, some 55 Km from its source where it turns insoutheasterly direction. Some 20 kms southeast of Rohru the PabbarRiver leaves HP territory and enters Uttranchal, where the PabbarRiverjoins the Tons River, which is a major tributary of the Yamuna River. Atthe proposed dam site the catchment area of Pabbar River is about 1034Sq. Km. 1.2.2 RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES The Pabbar River is a major tributary of the Tons river which in itself is a prominent tributary of the Yamuna River. The Pabbarriveroriginates in the GangdariDhar ranges of the Great Himalyas at about5100 m elevation above mean sea level. The bed gradient of the river;over the entire stretches ranges between 15 and 40 m/Km but reachesvalues up to 200m/Km in the upper most regions. The river valley islocated between steep and high mountain ranges in its upper regionsand is very narrow. Along the lower stretches, the valley is usually wider, and part of the flood plains form cultivated land. The PabbarRiver delivers a substantial amount of sediment load, particularly duringsnowmelt and flood seasons. originates in the GangdariDhar ranges of the Great Himalyas at about 5100 m elevation above mean sea level. The bed gradient of the river; over the entire stretches ranges between 15 and 40 m/Km but reachesvalues up to 200m/Km in the upper most regions. The river valley islocated between steep and high mountain ranges in its upper regionsand is very narrow. Along the lower stretches, the valley is usuallywider, and part of the flood plains form cultivated land. The PabbarRiver delivers a substantial amount of sediment load, particularly duringsnowmelt and flood seasons. It is joined by various nallah/Khads in its course from its origin toHatkoti. It is joined by Supin&SundruKhad from Right bank and Pabbarriver from the left bank near Tagnu.

Further, it is joined by KhanjaraKhad from right bank, GumaltiKhad from left bank, Andhra Khadfromright bank, Peja from the left bank, Masrat from right bank, Pakhal from

the left bank, ShikdiKhad from the right bank near Rohru, DogriKhadfrom the right and last but not the least BiskaltiKhad from the right banknearHatkoti. The Pabbar Valley is mostly narrow and characterized by steep slopes. At diversion barrage site upstream of Hatkoti, however, the valley is wider and offers the possibility of creating a reservoir for diurnalwater regulation with storage of around 4 hours. 1.2.3 CATCHMENT The catchment area of Pabbar River at the proposed dam site is about 1034 Km2. The elevation of the catchment is between 1400mabove mean sea level (M.S.L). and 5000m above M.S.L. About 25% ofthe area is located below 2,000m above M.S.L, 35% between 2000 mabove M.S.L and 3000m above M.S.L. and 40% above 3000m aboveM.S.L. The permanent snow line in the basin is approximately 4500m above M.S.L. Only 2% area of the catchment is situated above thislevel. 1.2 POWER STUDIES 1.2.1 DESIGN HEAD Average net operating head for power-generation has been worked out as 198 m between Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 1423.50 m andNormal Tail Water Level (NTWL) 1210 m, Minimum Draw Down Level(MDDL) 1418 m and Normal Tail Water Level 1210 m. Losses in waterconductor system corresponding to design discharge of 65cumecs from intake to generating units, have been worked out as 17.67 m. Net head,therefore, has been calculated as 194 m as follows in Table-1.2.

Table-1.2 FRL 1423.50m MDDL 1418m NTWL 1210m Losses 17.67m Maximum Gross head 1423.5-1210=213.5m Minimum Gross head 1418-1210=208m Design Net head 211.67-16.67=194m

Sawra- Kuddu Hydroelectric Project is a run-of-the river development on the Pabbar river for generation of hydro power. It has been contemplated as a peaking station. Installed capacity of the project has been kept as 110 MW comprising 3 units of 36.67 MW each with overall efficiency of generation as 0.89 1.2.2 INSTALLED CAPACITY STUDIES The design discharge of 65 cumecs which is available 18% of the time affords most economical results. Studies of Power Generation with different installed capacity have been carried out. It was found that no appreciable energy gain from 110 MW to 115 MW was found and accordingly the installed capacity has been fixed at 110MW. The annual Generation in 90% & 50% dependable years works out to be 385.78 GWH & 506.61 GWH. 1.2.3 UNIT SIZE Minimum Power Generation on average ten daily flow basis in 90% & 50% dependable years will be of the order of 22.8 MW & 16.8 MW respectively. The unit size of 36.67 MW, keeping in view if generation is required through out the day in lean flow then alsogeneration at any given time will not fall below 51% of the rated capacity. Considering the Pattern of flows and minimum generation three units of 36.67 MW each have been proposed.

1.8 TRANSMISSION OF POWER It is proposed to evacuate the power generated inter alia at SawraKuddu project by laying a 100 Kms long, 220 KV line with ZEBAconductor up to 220/132 sub stationGiri. The transmission line wouldcarry the power generated by other projects also in the valley. Power house

Depending upon the topography and geology of the area power house can be located on surface or underground power house. Surface power house Underground power house Surface Power House Surface power house is preferred if a sufficiently flat terrace is available near the vicinity of river which does not require very huge excavation. Surface power house is generally economical and easy to construct. Underground Power House

If no terrace is available, rock is sound and massive, an underground power house may prove to the best choice. Underground power house is generally costly and require thorough knowledge of geology of the area and rock mechanics. Underground power houses have strategic importance also. If the rock cover is not sufficient and the rock is not very sound, a shaft is dug into the rock formations with vertical walls only to accommodate the substructure to reduce the excavation for surface power house. The draft tubes are made as small tunnels.

At Sawra-Kudu HEP underground power house is constructing to install three Francis Turbines 37MW capacity each to generate total power of 111MW. It can be divided into two sections. A substructure supporting the hydraulic and electrical equipment and a superstructure housing the equipments. The substructure is usually concrete blocks with all the waterways formed with in it. The scroll case and draft tube are usually cast integrally (specially in low large head plants) with the substructure with steel linings.

Supersturcture usually houses the generating units,exciten switch boards and operating room. At present work is going on in the power house: POWER HOUSE CONSIST OF: (1) Main Access Tunnel. (2) Control Bay. (3) Erection Bay. (4) Machine Hall. (5) Transformer Cavern. (6) Busduct. (7)Adit to bottom of power house and pressure shaft. (8) Gate Shaft. (9) Turbines. (10)Dewatering/Drainage sump. (11) Waterways. (11.1)Penstock. (11.2) Draft tube. (11.3) Tail Race Tunnel (TRT). (12) Cable Tunnel& Ventilation Tunnel. (13) Switch Yard. (14) Main Inlet Valve (MIV) MAIN ACCESS TUNNEL (MAT):

It is approach way to underground power house from the main road outside the power house. MAT starts from road outside and end at the Erection Bay inside the underground Power House. ISMB (250 x 125) @ 37.3Kg/m and Flange Plates (280mm x 180mm x 16mm) are used to support the sides and crown of tunnel. Concrete lining has been done for finishing. It is 239m

long, ModifiedD-Shaped Tunnel having 7.5m dia.andslop of 1:17.73. EL at portal invert is 1227.20m and EL at junction with Power House is 1260.50m. Control bay: Control bay is a part of power house which consist of all controlling equipments like switch room for switches, operating devices for turbine, gantry. Actually control bay is a building constructed in a power house in front of the turbines. It consist of stair case and lift also. All the operations are look after by the operators from this building. Gntry controlled by control bay for placing turbines on their respective place and also for any repair work. Specification of control bay in Sawara-Kuddu HEP (111MW): FLOORS 4 LENGTH 14,000mm WIDTH 14,000mm HEIGHT 20,000mm ERECTION BAY: MAT ends at erection bay. It is also a part of power house cavern. Bottom of erection bay is also at EL. 1216.50m. Erection bay have no framed structure formation like in control bay, it serves as a platform where any equipment can be first brought in the vehicles, and then bye EOT placed at their proper location. It is in continuation with control hall as shown in drg. Length and width of erection bay are 18,000mm and 14,000mm respectively.

MACHINE HALL: It is that portion of power house where turbines has to be installed. Three vertical Francis Turbines of capacity 37MW each has to be erected. Each having 30m distance between

them.Out of three turbines erection of only one turbine is in progress. Spiral casing around the central vertical Francis turbine are being put at exact location. One end of which will be connected to the Penstock and other end will throw water on the blades of turbine at very high pressure. The whole assembly is supported on a raft foundation. Machine hall is divided into three unit bays. Each unit bay has one vertical francis turbine. Total length of machinehallis 42,300mm.and width is 14,000mm. As it was mentioned earlier that total height of Power House is 39,200mm and height of control bay is 20,000mm. Therefore bottom level difference of machine hall and control bay or erection bay is 19200mm i.e. 19.20m. From this it is clear that there are two different levels inside the power house cavern. One is bottom level of control bay at EL. 1216.50m and other is bottom level of machine hall at EL. 1197.30m. TRANSFORMER CAVERN: It is another underground hall comes first in the way to power house through MAT. T/C is at same bottom elevation that of control bay at a distance of 30,000mm i.e. 30m. Bottom Elevation of Machine Hall 1197.30m Machine Hall (Length) 42,300mm Machine Hall (Width) 14,000mm Machine Hall (Height) 39,200mm Unit-1 (Length) 10,250mm Unit-2 (Length) 16,025mm Unit-3 (Length) 16,025mm

Generators for power generation and Transformer for transmission will be installed in T/C. Generators will be connected to turbine rotor through a shaft. By the transfer of rotation generator coil will rotate in magnetic field and electricity will produce. Transformer will step up the voltage and transmit it to switch yard through cables. Dimensions of T/C are (73m x 14m x 22.25m). All the sides of the T/C are supported by shotcrete and rock bolting.Rock of the sides of T/C are very loose therefore heavy shotcreteing

and rock bolting has been done. Rock bolts used are mostly 20m long an 32mm in dia. Top of the T/C is supported by steel I-section ribs, M.S. plates and anchor bars of 32mm dia. Cable tunnel of D-Shape and 5.0m dia. starts from the top of shorter side of the T/C. it will carry the cables from T/C to switch yard. Another component inside the T/C is Gate Shaft. Three vertical gate shafts are being excavating from T/C to the draft tubes. Bus duct: In power plants, conductor bars are assembled with insulators in grounded enclosure. This assembly is known as Busduct, can be used for connections to large switchgear or for bringing the main power feed in to building. One of the greatest advantage of Busducts is that they are capable of adding or removing a branch circuit without removing voltage from the whole duct. Busduct are small tunnels provided between Transformer Hall and Turbine Hall. It act as a way for cables from Turbines to Transformer and finally to cable tunnel situated at the top of Transformer Hall. In SawaraKuddu HEP (111MW) three bus ducts having 12m length and 5m width. ADIT TO BOTTOM OF POWER HOUSE AND PRESSURE SHAFT: This adit is provided to do construction activities at bottom of PH and Pressure Shaft. This tunnel have junction with TRT at RD 175.935m and EL 1207.550m and junction with PH at RD 244.39m and EL 1202.671. Junction point of adit and P/H is at EL 1202.671 and RD 244.389. ISMB (250 x 125) @ 37.35Kg/m, ISMB (150m X 150m)@ 27.10Kg/mm and 2mm thick MS plate @ 15.69Kg/m are used for rib paylining.

GATE SHAFT: Gate shafts are the vertical shafts starting from the bottom level of D/S wall of the Transfer Cvern. Three gate shafts has to be constructed, because we need gates to regulate flow of water in three Draft Tubes. Construction of gate shafts has been recently started by excavating three tunnels of 5m length and 5m dia. normal to Gate Shafts. After 5m length dia. will be have

reduce to 3.5m. These tunnels will serve asadit for the construction Gate Shafts. These three tunnels will progress in downstream direction and have junction with adit to Surge Shaft in TRT. Adit to GS-1, GS-2 and GS-2 will have junction point with adit to Surge shaft in TRT at RD 20.91m, 37.932m, and 53.973m respectively. Gate system thet will be installed in the Gate Shafts will control the flow of water in Draft Tubes. Fig is showing plan of the Gate Shafts and adits at EL 1216.50m. TURBINES:

Selection of type of Turbine Heads and discharges are the major criteria for the selection of turbines. For low to medium heads, Kaplan turbines are recommended: for medium to high heads having moderate discharge, Francis turbines are recommended, for very high heads, Pelton turbines are favored. USBR recommends the selection of turbine as under: Head Type of Turbine 18m or less Kaplan turbine 18 to 300m Francis turbine 300m and above Pelton turbine 19

At Sawra-Kuddu HEP three vertical axis Francis Turbines has to be installed. Each turbine is having capacity of generating 37MW. FRANCIS TURBINE: The inward flow reaction turbine having radial discharge at outlet is known as Francis Turbine, after the name of J.B. Francis, an American engineer who in the beginning designed inward radial flow reaction type of turbine. In the modern Francis turbine, the waters enters the runner of the turbine in the radial direction at outlet and leaves in the axial direction at the inlet of runner. Thus the modern Francis Turbine is a mixed flow type turbine. DEWATERING/DRAINAGE SUMP: In underground structures seepage of water play an important role in destabilizing the structure or in causing failure in the structure. As already mentioned at Sawara-Kuddu HEP underground Power House is constructed. So we must have arrangement to drain out the water seeping inside the Power House. Dewatering sump is a tank like structure at the base of the power house. It is below the Raft for

Framed structure in Power House. Water that seep inside the Power House from periphery get collected in Dewaering sump and then pumped out of the PH by usin pumps. Fig. is showing plans of Dewatering sump at different EL. : WATERWAYS These are those components which provide way to flow water in the P/H and out of P/H. There are three waterways Penstock, Draft Tube and TRT (Tail Race Tunnel). PENSTOCK: A Penstock is a sluice or gate or intake structure that control water flow, or an enclosed pipe that delivers water to hydraulic Turbines and Sewerage systems. It is a term that has been inherited from the technology of wooden watermills.Penstock for hydroelectric installation are normally equipped with a gate system and a surge tank. Flow is regulated by turbine operation and is nil when Turbines are not in service. Flow of water in the Penstock is

regulated by MIV. Maintenance requirement may include hot water wash, manual cleaning, antifouling coating and desiccation. The water from the Penstock enters a scroll casing with completely surround of runner. The purpose of the casing is to provide an even distribution of water around the circumference of the Turbine Runner maintaining an approximately constant velocity for the water so distributed. In order to keep the velocity of water constant throughout its path around the Runner. The c/s area of the casing is gradually decreased. The casing is made of cast in plate steel, concrete depending upon the pressure to which it is subjected. Penstock made of cast in plate steel is used in SawaraKuddu HEP. Three Penstocks are installed at the end of Pressure Shaft each 26.096m long and having 4m diameter. DRAFT TUBE: The draft-tube is a pipe of gradually increasing area which connects theoutlet of the runner to the tail race. It is used for discharging water from the exit of the turbine to the tail race.This

pipe of gradually increasing area is called a draft tube. One end of the draft tube is connected to the outlet of the runner while the other end is sub-merged below the level of water in tail race. The draft tube, in addition to serve a passage for water discharge, has following two purposealso: (1) It permits a negative head to be established at the outlet of the runner and thereby increasing the net head on the turbine. (2) It converts a large proportion of kinetic energy rejected at the outlet of the turbine in to useful pressure energy. Without the draft tube, the kinetic energy rejected at the outlet of turbine will go waste to the tail race. Hence by using draft tube, the net head on the turbine increases. The turbine develops more power and also the efficiency of the turbine increases.

If a reaction turbine is not fitted with a draft tube, the pressure at the outlet of the runner will be equal to atmospheric pressure. The water from the outlet of the runner will discharge freely into the tail race. The net head on the turbine will be less than that of a reaction turbine fitted with a draft tube. TAIL RACE TUNNEL: Tail race is a tunnel which carries water away from the turbines after the water has worked on turbines. The surface of water in the tail race tunnel is also known as tail race. Tail Race Tunnel provided at Sawara-Kuddu HEP is a D-Shaped, 387.178m long tunnel having 5.0m dia. (finished) would discharge the water back into Pabbar river on the left bank at the boundary of Himachal Pradesh and Uttranchal. . TRT has junction with adit to bottom of P/H at EL 1207.55m and RD 175.935m. From junction point TRT U/S length is 112m and TRT D/S length is 257.178m. So the total length of TRT = U/S Length + D/S Length = 112m + 257.178m = 387.178m At TRT outfall gates will be installed. There is provision of installing one Fixed Wheel type gate. Size of the gate will be (6.0m x 3.2m), which is designed for 7.65m head.

CABLE TUNNEL& VETILATION TUNNEL: Cable tunnel is at the top of T/C. Its purpose is to carry cables that will conduct electricity from T/C to the switch yard. Ventilation tunnel is at the top of P/H for ventilation. Both thetunnles meet at EL 1237.17 and RD 172.00m. Cable tunnel is 277.00m and have 5.50m dia. Initially cable tunnel serves as a construction adit to P/H and T/C. They reach at the top of Power House Cavern and Transformer Cavern, thus excavation of P/H and T/C started from top to bottom. SWITCH YARD: Switch Yard site is situated near opening of cable tunnel near the border to Uttarakhand. Switch yard is not underground it surface type 45m x 25m switch yard.

BARRAGE: A barrage is a type of dam which consists of a line of large gates that can be opened or closed to control the amount of water passing the dam. The gates are set between flanking piers which are responsible for supporting the water load. They are often used to control and stabilize water flow of rivers for irrigation systems. According to the World Commission on Dams, a key difference between a barrage and a dam is that a dam is built for storing water in a reservoir, which raises the level of water significantly. A barrage is built for diverting water, and is generally built on flat terrain across wide meandering rivers, raising the water level only a few feet. Barrages are larger than headworks. Barrages that are commonly used to dam a lagoon or estuary as a method to capture tidal power from tidal inflows are known as tidal barrages. A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed Spillways release floods so that the water does not overtop and damage or even destroy the dam. Except during flood periods, water does not normally flow over a spillway Chute spillways

Chute spillways are common and basic in design as they transfer excess water from behind the dam down a smooth decline into the river below. Most often, they are lined on the bottom and sides with concrete to protect the dam and topography. They may have a controlling device and some are thinner and multiply lined if space and funding are tight. In addition, they are not always intended to dissipate energy like stepped spillways. Chute spillways can be ingrained with a baffle of concrete blocks but usually have a 'flip lip' and/or dissipator basin which creates hydraulic jump, protecting the toe of the dam from erosion. Stepped spillway Recent advances have permitted the construction of large dams and reservoirs and channels. These have required the development of new spillwaydesigns. A key feature of a spillway system is the safe dissipation of a major component of the kinetic energy of the waters to avoid damage and failure. It can be achieved by a high velocity water jet taking off from a ski jump and impinging into a downstream pool of a standard stilling basin downstream of the chute

where a hydraulic jump dissipates the flow energy, or the construction of steps on the spillway chute to assist in energy dissipation: i.e., the stepped spillway. On a stepped chute, the steps increase drastically the rate of kinetic energy dissipation taking place in the spillway, thus eliminating or reducing greatly the need for an energy dissipator at the spillway downstream end. TUNNEL A tunnel is an underground passageway, completely enclosed except for openings for ingress and egress, commonly at each end SURGE SHAFT The purpose of the surge shaft to damp surges in the headrace tunnel of the underground hydropower plant. It dampens hammering in HRT and prevent it from bursting. It actually consist of an orifice, which helps in regulating the flow in HRT gradually.

A surge shaft is one of the components of water conductor system of a hydr Power Plant. It is not a part in Dam but Dam can be one of the components of an hydro power Plant. If you have a very high head hydro power plant with a water conductor system or so called HRT, Pressure Shaft and a Steel Penstock then a Surge Shaft is necessary to dampen the Water Hammer pressures immediately occurring due to the Load rejection cases which are frequent and are related to fluctuations in the load demand and other deficiencies or machine faults or line faults etc. Due to water hammer pressure the flowing water into the turbines gets rejected and the water starts travelling in the form of back pressure or oscillating waves with a very high velocity or celerity. This has to be dampened or else there is a possibility of cracking of Rock bolting
A rock bolt is a long anchor bolt, for stabilizing rock excavations, which may be used in tunnels or rock cuts. It transfers load from the unstable exterior, to the confined (and much stronger) interior of the rock mass. Rock bolts were first used in mining starting in the 1890s, with systematic use documented at the St Joseph Lead Mine in the US in the 1920s. Rock bolts were applied to civil tunneling support in the US and in Australia, starting in the late 40s. Rock bolts were used and further developed, starting in 1947, by Australian engineers who began experimenting with four metre long expanding anchor rock bolts while working on the Snowy Mountains Scheme.[1]


Typical rock bolting pattern for a tunnel

As shown in the figure, rock bolts are almost always installed in a pattern, the design of which depends on the rock quality designation and the type of excavation.[2] Rock bolts are an essential component of the New Austrian Tunneling method. As with anchor bolts, there are many types ofproprietary rock bolt designs, with either a mechanical or epoxy means of establishing the set. There are also fiberglass bolts which can be cut through again by subsequent excavation. Many papers have been written on methods of rock bolt design.[3]
Rock bolt holding chain link fabric

Rock bolts work by 'knitting' the rock mass together sufficiently before it can move enough to loosen and fail by unravelling (piece by piece). As in the photo, rock bolts may be used to support wire mesh, but this


is usually a small part of their function. Unlike common anchor bolts, rock bolts can become 'seized' throughout their length by small shears in the rock mass, so they are not fully dependent on their pull-out strength. This has become an item of controversy in the Big Dig project, which used the much lighter pullout tests for rock bolts, rather than the proper tests for concrete anchor bolts.

penstocks or collapse of tunnel linings etc. 1.3. METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERSTICS 1.3.1. RAINFALL The year can be divided into four seasons determined by thebroad climate conditions prevailing in the region. The seasons are thewinter season from December to March, the summer or premonsoonfrom April to June, the monsoon season from July to September andThepost monsoon seasons October and November.In the winter season higher regions of Himalayas receivesprecipitation as snow while moderate rainfall occurs in the foothills andadjoining plains. The summer season is the transitional period before the onset of the southwest monsoon. The southwest monsoon normally strikes the region towards the end of the June. Normally the monsooncurrents from the Bay of Bengal brings monsoon rain over the region,but sometimes in association with certain weather conditions bothbranches of monsoon i.e., the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, arrivemore or less simultaneously and cause the onset of the monsoon overthe region. The post monsoon season normally lasts for less than twomonths and is comparatively dry.There are three rain gauging stations in Pabbarcatchment area i.e.Rohru (1525m above M.S.L.), Jubbal (2020 m above M.S.L.) AndKhadrala (2596m above M.S.L.). All these stations are however situatedin the lower part of the catchment and upstream of the proposed Sawara-Kuddu Hydroelectric Project. At Rohru&Jubbal, data is available since1951 but some years are missing and the series contain frequent gaps, at Khadrala data is available during 1951-1983.Mean monthly and mean Annual precipitation (mm) at the three stations within the catchment based on daily data is as follows in theTable-1.1:


FEB 93 74 146 MARCH 89 88 104 APRIL 54 59 54 MAY 51 68 77


JUNE 72 82 111 JULY 185 214 311 AUGUST 170 185 297 SEPTEMBER 115 112 157 OCTOBER 36 43 63 NOVEMBER 15 13 24 DECEMBER 34 39 189 ANNUAL 1003 1068 1673
1.3.2 TEMPERATURE The daily maximum temperature in the region varies 30-40C in Summer and 10-20 degree centigrade in winter. The daily minimumtemperature is about 10-20 C in summer and a few degrees belowfreezing point in winter. The available data on temperatures in thePabbar river basin are limited to observations made at the AndhraHydeel Project during the period Oct. 1983 to April 1986. Theseobservations indicate max temperature of 35-40C in summer and 15 to20C in winter. The minimum temperature is 10-15C in summer and 2to - 6C in winter. 1.4 HYDROLOGICAL CHARACTERSTICS The catchment Area of Pabbarriver above the proposed Dam site of SawaraKuddu HEP near Hatkoti village is 1034 Km2 and iselongated leaf shaped as shown in Plate No.1.The discharges of Pabbar river like other rivers in HimachalPradesh is least during winter months i.e. from Nov. to Feb. and startsincreasing from March due to melting of snow. The bulk contribution isfrom June to August. Discharge measuring stations at Tagnu,Dhamwari, Mandly and Sawarabridge have been set up by HPSEB andgood data bank is available for these sites. The maximum and minimumten daily discharges at the diversion site are 292.64cumecs and 8.38cumecs respectively. 1.5. WATER AVAILABILITY

Based on available/computed data of Pabber river atdiversion site from 1978-79 to 1999-2000, a flow duration curve hasbeen drawn using Welbulls distribution method. The flow durationcurves for overall period been shown in Plate No. II. The curve reveals that 13.00 cumecs of discharge is available for 90% of the period, 30.00cumecs for 50% of the overall period and design discharge of 65.00cumecs is available for 18% of the total duration of 28 years.A flow duration curve for the lean period flows (Nov. to Feb.)reveals that a discharge of 6.40 cumecs is available for 90% of the totalduration during the lean periods. 1.6 DESIGN FLOOD In the DhamwariSunda Hydroelectric Project report of the 50 year flood at Sawra was estimated to be 2,000m3/s from thecalculations made at Dhamwari. Since the catchment area at Dhamwariis just 230 Sq.Kms. and the figures were just an estimate as the same was not calculated from the values at Sawra.The difference in catchment areas at Dhamwari&Sawra is aboutfive times and the precipitation mostly in Dhamwari is in the form of snow and at Sawrain

the form of rain. The flash flood in the catchmentduring the year 1997 suggested to adopt 3000 m3/s design flood. 1.9 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Project has been planned to be completed in five and halfyears period including one year for infrastructure activities andpreparation of tenders etc. With this schedule the Project is likely to becompleted by September, 2010. First unit of the Project would be commissioned by March, 2010. Second and third units are proposed tobe commissioned by August & September, 2010. 1.10 GEOLOGY AND SOILS Detailed geological appraisal of various Project componentshas been carried out. Fresh and hard, light grey bedded quartzite withgneissosequartzite belonging to Jatog formation are exposed on theright bank of the proposed diversion structure. Geological investigationsin the

form of seismic refraction measurements have been carried out atDam site. It has revealed overburden/well cimpacted strata to the tuneof 50m at the dam site. In view of thick overburden in the riverbed it hasbeen decided to construct a barrage at the diversion structure.Headrace tunnel will pass through greenish grey quartzite, chlorideschist with bands of quartzite aguen gneiss, carbonaceous phyllitesandquartzite gneiss. This will generally be good tunneling media. Quartziteand schist will fair to good quality tunneling media and phyllites will varybetween poor to good quality tunnelingconditions.Rock mass in the underground powerhouse cavity based on subsurfacegeological exploration has been found as good to moderatelyjointed. Rock mass likely to be encountered will be quartzite phyllite.Quartzite is assessed to contain 80 to 100% quartz. It is highlypermeable in nature due to bitterness and hence grouting would becarriedout.It is expected that 40% of tunnel rock mass encountered would be good to very good, around 37% would be fair, 13% poor and 2% verypoor. 1.11 SEISMOLOGY The Project area falls in the Zone V of the Seismic ZoningMap of India. The Magnitude frequency relationship of seismic events ofthe area within 31-32 N and 77-79 E corresponding to Yamuna andSatluj basins show that the maximum acceleration in the area havingmagnitude of 6 has occurred once. Magnitude versus frequency curveof this area is enclosed as Plate-III. Detailed spectrum accelerationstudies for the Project are being got conducted by IIT, Roorkee.Diversion Barrage and underground structures would be designed as perthe peak acceleration response spectrum obtained from these studies. 1.12 IMPACT ON SURFACE WATER, GROUND WATER & IRRIGATION The diversion structure of SawraKuddu Hydroelectric Projectis a small barrage with 13.5m height, hence small storage of water vis-avissubmergence of area will be involved. Most of the

;reservoir would beconfined within the river banks. Through Head Race Tunnel (HRT) andpressure shaft water fed to powerhouse would escape back into PabbarRiver through a tailrace tunnel. In view of these aspects, no impact onground water or surface water is

anticipated. The HRT runs parallel toPabbarriver and very little area in between HRT and Pabbar river isinvolved. The ground water position of this area will not be changed dueto existing steep slope of surface. There is no major irrigation scheme inthe area. In view of the above, this project will not have any adverseimpact on irrigation, ground and surface water position of the area.

SHOTCRETE: Shotcrete (also known by the tarde name Gunite) uses compressed air to shoot concrete onto (or into) a frame or structure. The greatest advantage of the process is that shotcrete can be applied overhead or on vertical surfaces without forming. It is often used for concrete repairs or placement on Bridges, Dams, Pools and other applications where forming is costly or material handling and installation is difficult. Shotcrete is frequently used against vertical soil or rock surfaces, as it eliminates the need for formwork. It is sometimes used for rock support, especially in tunnelling. Shotcrete is also used for applications where seepage is an issue to limit the amount of water entering a construction site due to a high water table (WT) or other subterranean sources. This type of concrete is often used as a quick fix for weathering for loose soil types in construction zones. Mix design of shotcrete used in HRT and Power House at Sawara-Kuddu HEP (111MW) is given below: Cement 500Kg 10mm. Aggregate 550Kg Sand 1030Kg Block oil (WRA) 8Lt. Fiber 39.25Kg ADVANTAGES OF SHOTCRETE:

Shotcrete is used in lieu of conventional concrete, in most instances, for reasons of cost or convenience. Shotcrete is advantageous in situations when formwork is cost prohibitive or impractical and where forms can be reduced or eliminated, access to work area is difficult, thin layers or variable thickness are required, or normal costing techniques can not be employed. Additional saving is possible because shotcrete requires only a small potable plant for manufacture and placement. Shotcreting operations can often be accomplished in area of limited access to make repairs to structures. There are three application methods for shotcrete: 1) Dry Mix: The Dry mixture of cement and aggregate is filled into the machine and conveyed with compressed air through the hoses. The water needed for the hydration is added at the nozzle.

2) Wet Mix: In the wet mix process the mixes are prepared with all necessary water for hydration. The mixes are pumped through the hoses. At the nozzle compressed air is added spraying. 3) SFRC: The one of the important properties of Steel Fibre Reinforcement concrete (SFRC) is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. As a result of this ability to arrest cracks, fibre composites possess increased extensibility and tensile strength, both at first crack and at ultimate, particular under flexural loading; and the fibres are able to hold the matrix together even after extensive cracking the mix proportions for SFRC depends upon the requirements for a particular job, in terms of strength, workability, and so on. Several procedures for proportioning SFRC mixe are available, which emphasize the workability of the resulting mix. However, there are some considerations that are particular to SFRC. In general, SFRC mixes contain higher cement contents and higher ratios of fine to coarse aggregate than do ordinary concretes, and so the mix design procedures that

apply to conventional concrete may not be entirely applicable to SFRC. Commonly, to reduce the quantity of cement, up to 35% of the cement may be replaced with fly ash. In addition, to improve the workability of higher fibre volume mixes, water reducing admixtures and in particular, super elasticizers are often used, in conjunction with air entrainment. ROCK BOLTING: A rock bolt is a long anchor bolt, for stabilizing rock excavations, which may be tunnels or rock cuts. It transfers load from the unstable exterior, to the confined (and much stronger) interior of the rock mass. Typical rock bolting pattern for a tunnel: As shown in the fig. rock bolts are almost always installed in a pattern, the design of which depends on the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and the type of excavation. Rock bolts are an essential component. As with anchor bolts, there are many types of proprietary rock bolt designs, with either a mechanical or epoxy means of establishing the set. There are also fibre glass bolts which can be cut through again by subsequent excavation. Many papers have been written on methods of rock bolt design.

Rock bolt holding chain link fabric: Rock bolts work by knitting the rock mass together sufficiently before it can move enough to loosen and fail by unravelling (piece by piece). It can also use to support wire mesh, but this is usually a small part of their function. Unlike common anchor bolts, rock bolts can become seized throughout their length by small shears in the rock mass, so they are not fully dependent on their pull-out strength. This has become an controversy in the Big Dig project, which used the much lighter pull-out tests for rock bolts, rather than the proper tests for concrete anchor bolts. PROCEDURE OF ROCK BOLTING: 1) A Surveyor marks the point on the wall of tunnel with the help of total station. 2) Then holes are drilled with the help of tam rock.

3) The holes are drilled in horizontal direction at an angle of 50 degree. 4) The length of the holes is upto 12m for loose strata and 6m for hard strata. 5) Spacing of the holes is 1m horizontal and 0.75m vertical. 6) The capsules of cement are inserted in the holes. 2 to 3 capsules are usually inserted. 7) Rock bolts are inserted in the hole with the help of Tam Rock with a rotating pressure, this rock bolt burst the capsules of cement in the hole. 8) The setting time of the cement is 2 to 3 minutes. 9) Then the process of padding is done by screwing an iron plate around the Rock Bolt. LINING: Concrete lining aid fluid flow by providing a smooth and insure against rock fragment falling on vehicles using the tunnel. While shallow tunnels are often lined by dropping concrete down holes drilled from the surface, the greater depth of most rock tunnel requires concreting entirely within the tunnel. Operations in such congested space involve special equipment, including agitator cars for transport, pumps or compressed-air devices for placing the concrete,

and telescoping arch forms that can be collapsed to move forward inside forms remaining in place. The invert is generally concreted first, followed by the arch where forms must be left in place from 14 to 18 hours for the concrete to gain necessary strength. Voids at the crown are minimized by keeping the discharge pipe buried in fresh concrete. The final operation consists of contact grouting, in which a sand-cement grout is injected to fill any void and to establish full contact between lining and ground. The method usually produces progress in the range of 40 to 120 feet per day. In the 1960s there was a trend toward an advancingslope method of continuous concreting, as originally devised for embedding the steel cylinder of a hydropower penstock. In this procedure, several hundred feet of forms are initially set, then collapsed in short section and moved forward after the concrete has gained necessary strength, thus keeping ahead of the continuously advancing slope of fresh concrete. PROCEDURE:

First of all gantries are prepared of different size according to size of Tunnel and different Adits. 1) The required concrete mix is prepared in a nearby batching plant. 2) Then the concrete mix is transferred to the site with the help of hoppers. 3) A team of foreman handles the lining process. The ready mix concrete is poured on the specific mould of definite shape. 4) For this process concrete pumper is used which spread the concrete in between Gantry and Tunnel. 5) In Sawara-Kuddu HEP the size of the gantry is 5m to 7m. 6) This Gantry is placed on the girders, which help in further movement of gantry. 7) The Gantry moved forward after the setting of concrete on the walls and crown of Tunnel. 8) The whole process is repeated till the completion of tunnel or one Adit. 9) In Sawara-Kuddu HEP M20 concrete is usually used for cable Tunnels and Adits. 10) In the process of lining two problems are faced one is Deep Cut and other one is Over Cut.

HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 1 of 7 Enhancing Awareness on R&R: Competition Scheme for School Students I. Introduction: HP Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) is mandated to construct and operate power projects. Towards achieving its objectives, acquisition of land and other assets (private, public and community owned) is inevitable, in addition to causing impacts on local communities in myriad ways including those due to construction and allied activities. Acutely aware of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), HPPCL is committed to adequately compensate the Project Affected Families (PAF) and improve their lives and livelihoods. To

realize full potential of Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan and other welfare and confidence building measures, HPPCL felt the need to involve communities in the process and

create awareness about its activities, R&R and safeguarding measures. To this end, it has started several schemes aimed mostly at the adult population. Recognizing the fact that students play a crucial role in spreading awareness, building opinion especially within families and in allaying misconceived apprehensions, HPPCL desires to involve students of the Project Affected Area (PAA) and Project Affected Zone (PAZ) particularly those from PAFs, and benefitting them in the process. For this purpose, a separate scheme aimed solely at the student community is required. II. Objectives: Objective of the Scheme is to: 1. Create awareness about power and energy, energy efficiency, awareness of R&R matter, environment, social and health safeguards in general and in particular about HPPCL, its activities, its projects, best practices followed by it and various compensation and R&R packages it offers to the affected people. 2. Generate a sense of participation and ownership in the communities about HPPCL, its Projects and R&R measures. 3. Involve students from PAA/PAZ and PAF in spreading the awareness further on the above especially within their families and neighborhoods. 4. Inculcate a sense of competition, justice and fair-play among students, while rewarding the best amongst them. 5. Get feedbacks from the students through alternative means. 6. Convey the image of HPPCL as a sensitive and responsible organization. III. Purpose of Scheme: By organizing competition on topics relevant to power sector and specific to HPPCL create awareness amongst masses particularly in the PAA and PAZ. IV. Scheme - Area, Eligibility, Activities, Topics and Period:

1. The Scheme shall be implemented first in PAA and when found successful, it may be extended to PAZ. HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 2 of 7 2. The target group of this scheme would be the High Schools and Senior Secondary Schools in government and private sectors. It may, at the discretion of Managing Director HPPCL, involve High School(s) and Senior Secondary Schools in the vicinity of PAA/PAZ also where majority of the students from the PAA and/or PAF go to study. 3. Competition would be organized within the premises of the chosen School preferably but not necessarily a Government School. 4. Competition may be organized separately for each such High School/Senior Secondary Schools or a group of such Schools (depending upon the number of students and area served) at the discretion of HPPCL. Number of such competitions would be fixed in

consultation with the Corporate Social and R&R in the beginning of the year. 5. The Scheme may be implemented either separately for each project of HPPCL or in combination of two or more projects. 6. Students from class 6th to 12th from such Schools would be eligible to participate in these competitions. 7. Annual competitions would be organized by HPPCL in the High Schools/Senior Secondary Schools of PAA/PAZ in the form of Debates, Essay writing, poetry composition, Slogan coining, Quiz, Declamation, Painting, Cultural Programmes, etc. 8. Subjects covered in these competitions would be in conformity of and in harmony with the objectives of this scheme. 9. It shall commence on allocation of project to HPPCL. It will remain in force till

commissioning of the project. 10. It may be extended to the operation phase of the project after a review process. V. Organizing of activities: To facilitate the activities and competitions/events covered in the Scheme, following is an indicative list of roles, responsibilities and rights of the parties involved. 1. The scheme shall have two heads of activities. One competition in schools the Second Annual fair/VarshikMela. 2. HPPCL through its project level R&R and other staff shall organize these events. A. School Competitions: a. R&R staff of the project shall contact the schools in PAA/PAZ and prepare a list of schools ready to participate in the scheme. b. The R&R staff in consultation with Head of Project shall prepare a list of topics for the event to be organized as also the type of event to be organized, whether debate, painting or any other competition. c. The R&R staff in consultation with Head of Project shall decide the time period of organizing the competition. All the competitions shall be completed within a time HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 3 of 7 frame of two months. Schools shall decide the exact dates and convey to R&R staff 15 days in advance of the event. d. The R&R staff of the concerned project shall associate in the chosen event in each participating school and shall keep a record of winners for their participation in the Varshikmela. e. Not more than three judges for each event shall be detailed by the School concerned. One of the judges shall be a representative of HPPCL project. B. VarshikMela/Annual Fair:

a. Every year one Annual Fair (VarshikMela) at each Project Head Quarter or a location of convenience in some institution or school with their help. b. Venue for the event shall be provided by the institution/School concerned free of

charge. c. The name of annual fair will be based on the name of the Project such as HPPCL RenukajiVarshikMela, HPPCL Sawra-KudduVarshikMela etc. d. It may be combined with other schemes or people from outside may also be called. e. Each Annual fair may last up to two days. f. The date of organizing the Annual Fair shall be decided by the Head of Project in consultation with the participating schools. g. The R&R staff of the project shall prepare a list of all the school that participated in the school level competitions. It shall also keep ready the list of winners of various schools. Invitation to schools shall be issued by the Project R&R staff. h. A competition amongst the winners of the School level competition would be organized in the Annual Fair for various events/subjects/topics like debate competition, slogan coining, cultural programme etc. i. A panel of three judges for each event shall be formed by the Project R&R staff keeping fairness in view. j. Annual Fair shall also have exhibition, cultural events and other events for encouraging participation including games etc. k. Head of the Project shall decide the nature and topic of exhibition as also the kind of cultural event and invite the concerned agency or team. l. Prizes to the winners of competition shall be given in the Annual Fair as no separate function for the same will be organized. C. Steps common to both the activities (school competition and Annual Fair): a. A prize distribution function at the venue or within school premises shall be organized at the conclusion of the event. b. HPPCL R&R staff shall use this occasion to spread HPPCLs message and address

the gathering. Special attention would be given to the career counseling for the students and investment counseling may also be covered in the address. HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 4 of 7 c. Prizes and certificates would be given to the winners at the prize distribution function. Separate prize(s) and certificates would be given to physically and/or mentally challenged students participating in the competitions. Certificate of participation may be given to other participants. d. Activities of the competition, its output and prize distribution function shall be photographed, video-graphed or documented using appropriate means. e. All expenses on organizing the event shall be borne by the HPPCL except venue (hiring or renting) charges and participants material and equipment. f. Ordinarily HPPCL would not provide paint, brush, colour, pigment, pen, pencil, eraser or costumes and dress or any other material and equipment etc required for participation in the competition or event. Participants shall have to bring and use

their own materials for such competitions and/or events. However, such material may occasionally be provided by HPPCL as part of its publicity exercise. g. HPPCL shall provide the prizes or prize money and certificates for the winners and/or other participants. h. Prizes and certificates would be given away by its Project Head or his representative. i. Giving publicity and ensuring participation of the students in the event and detailing the organizing staff from school shall be the responsibility of the High School

concerned, while the HPPCL would arrange publicity outside school premises in the form of banners and display signage etc. j. All the material and outputs generated in the competition/event shall be the property of HPPCL. It shall exercise copyright on all such items. As such, it reserves the right to take any or all such material, document and any other output and put to its own use. k. HPPCL shall be free to use the events/competitions outputs, photographs, videographs, filmsetc in its publicity material, pamphlets, brochures or in any other form. Wherever feasible due credit may be given to the concerned participant. l. Appropriate token of recognition to the organizing school may be given by HPPCL under its other R&R measures, which is beneficial to the students and facilitates learning process. For instance, Lab equipments, Library books, teaching and learning aids worth Rs. 5,000/-. m. For Purchase of Lab equipments, Library books, Teaching & Learning aids a committee would be formed, which will also assess the requirement and make the purchase. Following person will be the member of committee i. Headmaster/Headmistress of the School ii. One Member from field level R&R staff iii. One teacher from the School. HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 5 of 7 n. Winning or participating in any such event will not confer any right whatsoever for employment in HPPCL or nomination under any other scheme run by HPPCL or sponsored by it. VI. Financial _orms:

(A) Financial model as given in Annexure-A for School level competition shall be followed till further revision. (B) Financial model as given in Annexure-B for Annual Fair including competition shall be followed till further revision. The expenditure shall be regulated at the level of the Head of Project. VII. Documentation & progress reporting: 1. The R&R staff of the concerned project would document all such events. They shall

collect all the material/output of the competition and retain in their offices and make available for use by HPPCL. 2. A report at the end of each such event shall be prepared and submitted to the Corporate Office. 3. Monitoring of activities of this scheme shall be done internally by the concerned R&R staff and monitoring report submitted to HPPCL Project Authorities as well as HPPCL Corporate Office. ******* HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 6 of 7 Annexure-A Financial Model for expenditure on School Competitions S.N. Prize Qty Rate Total Amount Remarks A. Expenses on Prizes 1 First Prize 1 500 500 First Prize will be 500 rupees and it will be given to only one student 2 Second Prize 1 250 250 Second Prize will be 250 rupees and it will be given to only one student 3 Third Prize 1 150 150 Third Prize will be 150 rupees and it will be given to only one student Total 3 900 900 B. Expenses on Prize for Challenged 1 First Prize 1 500 500 To be applied only when such students are available. 2 Second Prize 1 250 250

3 Third Prize 1 150 150 Total 3 900 900 C. Expenses on Certificates 1 Numbers 35 7 245 D. Expenses on Prize Distribution Function 1 Refreshment + tea 250 12 3000 E. Token of recognition to School 1 Number of schools 1 5000 5000 No.of schools may vary year to year. Grand Total 10045 Excluding Prizes for Challenged. Or say Rs. 10 Thousands

Note: 1 Challenged student when available, the money set aside for their prizes shall be applied. 2 As such, the norms when challenged students are available, would be increased by Rs. 900/HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATIO_ LTD. (A State Government Undertaking) UttamBhawan (Dogra Lodge), near 103 Tunnel, Shimla-171 004 HP Phone: 0177-3206511; 2658397 Fax :0177-2633813 HO: New HIMFED Bhawan, Panjri, Below Old MLA Quarters, Tutikandi, Shimla-171005 HP India Page 7 of 7 Annexure-B Financial Model for expenditure on Annual Fair (VarshikMela) S.N. Name of Prize Rate Numbers Amount Remarks B.I Expenditure on Prizes 1 First Position 3500 7 24500 These are meant for all the competitions in the Annual Fair. 2 Second Position 2500 7 17500 3 Third Position 1500 7 10500 Sub-Total (B.I) - - 52500 B.II Expenditure on Exhibition and cultural events etc 1 Exhibition 100000 1 100000 2 Cultural events 10000 1 10000 3 Other games etc 1000 5 5000 4 Miscellaneous L/S 1 20000 I/C expenditure on any other event organized in Annual Fair Sub-Total (B.II) - - 135000 B.III Expenditure on Organizing the Annual Fair 1 Certificates 20 210 4200

2 Memento 800 21 16800 3 Encouragement Prize 500 14 7000 4 Expenditure on Prize Distribution function, Tea Refreshment, Venue etc L/S 1 34130 I/C expenditure on any other event organized in Annual Fair 5 Token of recognition to School 5000 1 5000 Sub-Total (B.III) - - 67130 Total (B.I+B.II+B.III) - - 254630 Or say 2.5 Lakhs

Background About Organisation:

Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL), was incorporated in December 2006 under the Companies Act 1956, with the objective to plan, promote and organize the

development of all aspects of hydroelectric power on behalf of Himachal Pradesh State Government (GoHP) and Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) in Himachal Pradesh. The GoHP has a 60%, and HPSEB, a 40% shareholding in HPPCL. HPPCL is entrusted with a target of achieving 3000 MW power generating capacity by March 2017 and 5000 MW by the year 2022. Towards achieving this target HPPCL is engaged with development of several power projects in various parts of the state with a total projected capacity of more than 1000 MW. So far HPPCL has following Projects in hand: 1 ShongtongKarcham HEP 450 MW 2 Sainj HEP 100 MW 3 ChirgaonMajhgaon HEP 42 MW 4 Sawara-Kuddu HEP 111 MW 5 Kashang HEP 243 MW 6 RenukaJi Dam HEP 40 MW For details of these projects please click here HPPCL is a fast upcoming power generating utility with all the Technical and Organizational capabilities at par with other generating companies like NTPC/SJVNL/NHPC. Efforts are afoot to

further strengthen the respective departments with professionals of proven credentials and qualified technical manpower. Diversification HPPCL, apart from Hydro Power Development, intends to diversify its power development activities in other areas such as thermal, renewable sources of energy, mainly solar power etc. The basic idea is to have a long term corporate plan for planned implementation of power projects to meet the growing energy demand, ensuring environment and ecological balance for contributing towards the progress and prosperity of the State. HPPCL intends to meet the challenges of dynamically transforming business and environment to build a sustainable

relationship with the stakeholders for maximum benefits and economic growth by achieving performance excellence.

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