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Neter: Tehuti

Dates: 22 August to 23 September

Appearance: He is portrayed as a man with the head of an ibis wearing a crown of a full and a crescent moon; always writing. He may also apper or in purely animal form; as either an ibis or a baboon. Symbols: Ibis, Baboon, pen & tablet or papyrus (writing implements), Full and crescent moon. Principle: Resonance - (word/sound/power) Function: Communication Energies:

Tehuti's powers are concerned with the recording of 'facts' or 'data' for a cosmic memory that when necessary may reveal its ancient wisdom to whoever calls for it. Tehuti's energy is said to break through mental barriers; it allows information to become known and secrets or 'lost' or 'forgotten' ideas to be revealed.

Tehuti assists in the discovery of 'lost knowledge' but he com-municates more directly with the mind in such a way as is said to ease mental confusion. He may be called upon when learn-ing new skills and languages (especially symbol systems such as programming or codes), as he is patron of scholars and scribes. He is one of the patrons of divinatory activities (such as libation pouring - an act of tapping into the cosmic memory).
Myth: According to KMT mythology, Tehuti was the inventor of writing and language and was therefore the patron of professionals known as scribes. Tehuti gave Medu Neter (the Kemetic term for hieroglyphs) or "NTR's words" - to humankind.' As such he is interpreter and advisor of the neteru. Recognised as magically powerful, only the elite, it is said were allowed to learn to read and write these hieroglyphs. Others had to make do with cursive writing.

Tehuti is the guardian of divine order, of all rituals and of secret knowledge. He is also the god presiding over magicians and all learning. He represents the em-bodiment of all scientific and literary attainments. He was in command of the House of life (Per Ankh) which was a revered resource centre accessible only to scribes and contained a wealth of knowledge recorded on papyri - all under the protection of Tehuti (for example medical manuals and instructional documents). In the hall of judgement; he is record keeper, he records the verdict of Ausar. At the end of a person's life; their judgment on how they lived is assessed by weighing their heart against a feather of truth (Ma'at). Tehuti's presence is re-quired for the Weighing of the Heart. It is his duty to record all the souls entering the 'Duat' (underworld). Both the Ibis and the Baboon, Tehuti's symbols suggest lunar symbolisms. The Ibis' curved beak suggests the crescent of the moon which is always shown in his crown. The Baboon on the other hand is said to become agitated at dawn. Arm waving and chattering has been interpreted as a greeting to the rising sun by creatures of the moon ntr. According to one myth; 'the eye of the baboon watched out for scribes who abused their power by applying it to illicit self-gain. As record keeper he was depicted in coronation scenes as listing the names of kings and the years of their rule. As a moon god Tehuti's responsibilities include the calendar, the measurement of time, and mathematics. When Nut was forbidden from giving birth on any day of the year (during the time when years were still only 360 days long); it was Tehuti who intervened and by beating the moon in a game of senet (a board game similar to chest) managed to win enough light to create an additional five days referred to as 'days upon the year.' On each of these days Nut was able to produce one of her offsprings (said to be ASR, AST, Seth, Nephthys and Heru). These days were then added to the calendar and originally did not form part of any month year. The Greeks later referred to these as 'epagomenal days' 'unlucky days' or 'the days of the demons.' How ever we need to be careful with our value judgements of lucky or unlucky as well as how our interpretation of demons may have changed over time. The skill of his words is said to bring order to warring factions in Egypt itself, ("the peace of the gods is in him") but he could be merciless to enemies of truth; decapitating them and cutting out their hearts. In the myth of Ausar, Auset and Heru, Tehuti protected Auset during her preg-nancy and healed the eye of her son Heru which had been wounded by Ausar's brother and adversary Seth. He is an advocate of Heru, who he is shown (on temple walls) with him in the ritual of pouring ankhs (signs of life) over the mon-arch between them. See illustration (fig. 1) As one of the outstanding divine figures in the Kemetic Neteru; His

main cult centres were found all over Egypt, from Nubia in the south to Lower Egypt. His identification with the Greek Hermes 'trismegistos' = three times great, appears to come from one of Tehuti's epithets found in the temple of Esna: 'Djeheuty pa aa, pa aa, pa aa' - Tehuti the great, the great, the great. Tehuti was worshipped through out the country from the Old Kingdom onward. His main cult centre was in Central Egypt. "In the individual's search for enlightenment - Tehuti is the symbol of right rea-son; our link to the higher-self. Once we decide to pursue the Divine, the strug-gle becomes a holy war against ignorance and illusion within ones conscious-ness. If the process is misunderstood, the energy of the struggle becomes di-rected to the world outside of oneself in the form of political/ religious/social/ethnic/gender etc. conflicts." (- Muata Ashby). Personality Traits

From the patron of the scribes - we can expect those born during this pe-riod to display the following personality traits: A remarkable capacity for analysis Direct, mental communication that lead to light-bulb moments. Sometimes a razor sharp truth that cuts through fog. Painstakingly careful to the point of being nitpicking and pedantic and precise regarding detail Enquiring mind Most self critical (but dislike being criticised by others) Usually the one to initiate, plan and organise events An abundance of mental energy Excellent memory Neat and methodical Sociable and amenable Practical, reliable, loyal and dependable Suitable occupations include writing (including music/symbolic writing) Natural entertainers* Excellent teachers and lecturers Tendency to be extravagant (money burns a hole in their pockets)* Body parts The parts of the physical body usually linked to Tehuti are abdominal or-gans, small intestines, duodenum and colon. Gemstones Peridot and Sapphire Both said to be stones used in the breast-plate of high priests. Peridot is said to regulate cycles (e.g. physical/mental/emotional/intellectual and life cycles. It helps with a bruised ego by reducing anger and inspiring happiness. As a heal-ing stone, peridot can be used in the treatment of disorders of the heart, lungs, spleen and intestinal tract. Also said to improve nearsightedness and provide re-lief from ulcers. Sapphire brings lightness and joy, with depth of beauty and thought to the user/wearer. Also known as a stone of prosperity, sapphire is said to sustain the 'gifts of life,' while peridot is said to have a warm and friendly energy. Other Correspondences for Tehuti: Neter Tehuti Season Inundation Month Panchons / September Planet Moon Element Earth Body part Colon Gemstone Peridot & Sapphire Tree Citrus/quince Food Orange Flower Marigold Colour(s) Yellow, orange, rust brown

Number(s) 8, 5 Incense/Perfume Narcissus Metal Silver, white gold or platinum 12 Tribes of Israel Zebulun Suitable Occupations Writing, journalism, entertainment agents and managers

Neter: Maat

Dates: 24 September to 23 October Appearance: Usually shown as human form, female, she is often seen in a kneeling position with outstretched arms/wings, wearing on her head an ostrich feather which can stand on its own instead of the full depic-tion of the goddess. The feather is also the hieroglyph of her name. Symbols: Feather, Winged Angel, Scales Truth, Balance, Harmony, Justice and Moral Integrity Principle: Order Function: Structure, order, Harmony, Energies: Maat powers are concerned with recognising when conditions have been disrupted and are out of balance. She ensures the orderly progress of all long term plans, the ordered structure of the universe and opposes the forces of chaos (otherwise known as izfet). Maat ensures an expedient and orderly return from chaos. And as celestial tutor, she will give assistance in the understanding of com-plex issues and ideas. She is said to bring fair judgement in legal cases as well as new rules and ways of solving, seemingly unsolv-able situations or cases. Myth: The neter or principle Maat can be traced back to at least the Old Kingdom (c.1886 - c.2181 BC). She was worshipped with the gods of the Old Kingdom at Karnak and Memphis. She was said to be husband of Tehuti and daughter of Ra. Maat was said to have been with Ra when he first

emerged out of the primeval waters. She is symbolised by the pedestal on which all creation stands, representing the order which was put in place of the chaos. Maat is a cosmic energy of force as well as a philosophy and a spiritual symbol. This goddess personifies all the elements of divine or cosmic harmony and bal-ance; including Truth, Mathematics, Justice and Moral Integrity. According to Budge the name means 'straight' hence that which is unalterable and steadfast etc. Maat is associated with astrology and divinatory arts. Pharaohs saw Maat as their authority to govern and would stress how their reigns upheld the laws of the universe which she embodies. Many examples exist of the kings being called 'beloved of Maat.' In the Pyramid Texts ASR is called 'lord of Maat.' She is the goddess or neter of justice. Her presence is required at the Weighing of the Heart; in the 'Hall of Two Truths' where the dead person's heart is placed on a pair of scales to balance against a feather; the image of the goddess Ma'at symbolising a blameless life. She is judge of the dead (the deities/gods of the ENEAD in their role as tribunal judges are described as the 'Council of Maat.'). The role of Ma'at was crucial to the deceased reaching Paradise. Only if the life lived is sufficiently blameless could they enter the realm of ASR. The concept of Maat stood for the principle of the structured world, that is, for order and equilibrium, ethical values and justice, culture and creativity. Maat was thus the opposite pole to all that was disordered, chaotic, destructive and unjust. It was the main task of every king to guarantee maat/order, and thus maintain not only the State of Khemet but the world itself. The world cannot maintain itself without maat; which must be renewed and preserved constantly. The neter Maat was the personification of this principle. In continuing from Tehuti, she translates divine ideas, and was consulted as an intermediary to other gods. Both the legitimacy and efficacy of any pharaoh's reign was ultimately based upon the degree to which they could be viewed as having upheld maat. Any laws laid down by a pharaoh (who was the person from whom all visible authority proceeded) had to have a close association with the principles of Justice, Truth, Reciprocity and the correct order of the universe. Inscriptions would then be written calling such monarchs 'Beloved of Maat.' References were often made to 'Priests of Maat' who were probably magistrates or similar who dispensed judicial decisions on her behalf. Thus this system and view of justice became a very strong incentive for pharaohs as well as individuals to live a righteous life as they believed that they would be answerable in the next world when they would be required to give account of their actions before gaining entrance (to Duat). Personality Traits Excellent Mediator Affable Charming Will insist on fair play Good negotiator Argumentative Sometimes unable to compromise Arms long and graceful like the outstretched wings of Maat Persuasive form of expression (give/see both sides of argument Able to argue their point May have an eccentric streak which you either love or hate Body parts: Maat = Kidneys [functional/metaphysical faculty = Excre-tory/Transmutation Gemstone: Opal can be used to disperse infections, to purify the blood and the kidneys and to regulate insulin production.

Other Correspondences:

Neter Maat Season Inundation Month Payni / October Planet Venus Element Air Body part Kidneys Gemstone Opal, Tree Cedar, Acacia Food Sunflower seeds Flower Carnation Colour(s) Yellow, gold, maroon Number(s) 6 Inscence/Perfume Jasmine, Rose, frankincense Metal Electron 12 Tribes of Israel Issachar Chakra Heart Suitable Occupations Lawyer, Judge, Administrator, Negotiator. Famous People under this sign
Johnny Mathis(30/9), Johnnie Cochrane (2/10), Elijah Mohammed(7/10), Jessie Jackson (8/10), Dick Gregory 912/10)

Western Zodiac 12 Tribes of Israel

Approx. Libra Issachar

Yoruba Deity


Neter: Wadjet

Dates: 24 October - 22 November

Appearance: Female form with either cobra head or crown (or a cobra entwined around a papyrus stem). Can also be repre-sented as a lioness

Symbols: Cobra, Uraeus, Papyrus stalks, lioness Principle: Sovereignty (backed up by a superhuman force of destruction) Function: Procreation Power to bring forth or to beget. Energies: Insemination The power or energy dynamic to sow (to plant) To introduce semen, (male to female of specie). Myth: Wadjet is represented as a cobra, rearing up to strike with lethal force, any enemy of the king. Her name is said to mean 'Green One' or 'To be Green' - a reference both to the colour of the serpent and to the papyrus swamps which she is said to have created in the Delta. To be green in this instance is said to; mean 'to flourish like the papyrus marshes.' The form of a rearing cobra on a crown is termed the Uraeus. The sun-god Ra also wears the Uraeus which envelopes his solar disk within its coils, here Wadjet is Ra's agent of annihilation, especially of the hostile snakes of the underworld which might threaten the sun-god on his nightly journey. According to the Pyramid Texts the god Geb awarded the cobra to the king as legitimate holder of the throne of Kemet/ Egypt. More than any other symbol, the uraeus marked out royalty in ancient Egypt, and was worn on the crown or forehead of the pharaoh. In the myth of the upbringing of Heru the son of Ausar and Auset; she is said to be the nurse. Wadjet /Buto was nurse to the infant Heru and helped AST (Heru's mother), protecting him from his uncle Seth when they took refuge in the Delta swamps. In some myths Wadjet is a form of

Nekhbet or Hathor (who is the female aspect of Ptah and in western astrology repre-sent the opposite sun signs of Scorpio and Taurus). The major delta shrine the 'Per-nu' is under her protection. The serpent shaped Uto/Wadjyt was patron goddess of Lower Egypt; her home there was Buto. She and Nekhet, the vulture goddess of Elkah, are the "two ladies" thought to protect the king, embodied in the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt that he wore. She can also appear as a lioness in her role as 'Eye of Ra. Compare also to Sekhmet and Tefnut

Personality Traits Eager and quick to learn Logical and calculating mind - (they will formulate plans) Excellent timing (patiently waiting to strike) Find practical solutions to problems where others have failed Great Dancers / love music The have a mesmerising almost hypnotic quality Thrive in hot climates Passionate and sensual Can be unforgiving Do not handle break ups (relationships) well [Functional/metaphysical faculty} = Reproductive/Generation

Other Correspondences Neter Wadjet Season Inundation Month Epiph / November Planet Mars or Pluto? Element Water (liquid) Body part Testes, Ovaries Gemstone Tourmaline, Serpentine, Varisite - turquoise Tree Date Palm Food Lemon Flower Hyacynth Colour(s) Green, black, lilac Number(s) 10 Inscence/Perfume Rose Metal Brass 12 Tribes of Israel Dan Chakra Root Suitable Occupations Excel in financial careers - like detailed or complex calculations. Eye for detail: proof-reading, design, research, teaching. Famous People under this sign
Pablo Picasso, Mahalia Jackson, Prince Charles,

Jawaharial Nehru

Western Sun-sign
12 Tribes of Israel Yoruba Deity Oko Dan

Approx. Scorpio



23 November to 22 December

Appearance: Usually represented as a woman wearing a vulture headdress (sometimes surmounted by the double crown of upper and Lower Egypt). She has also been portrayed with a feline head. Symbols: Vulture Principle: Incubation: This is "to maintain under favourable conditions for development," to cause development (slowly and without outward or perceptible signs. Function: Protection Mut's function is to guarantee immunity from harm, to shield from injury or destruction (while development is taking place). Energies: The powers of Mut are concerned with nurturing and protection under 'secretive' or a 'hidden' circumstance until a sustainable stage is reached, whether physical or spiritual. Myth: In mythology Mut is the divine mother, the name 'Mut" means mother or 'the Great Mother'. Her name is written with the hieroglyph of a vulture. It is said to have the same root as the Egyptian word for mother and reveals part of the character in that she is one of the pharaoh's symbolic mothers. Mut is also a feline goddess (and can be portrayed as either a lioness or a cat). Her powers are closely related to those of another major goddess; her northern counterpart Sekhmet. In many representations, the lion is the main manifestation of Mut, when she can become Mut-Bastet. Pre-eminent goddess of Thebes, Mut is said to be the chief wife of Amun. At Thebes her tem-ple precinct a quarter of Thebes called Asheru/Isheru and was connected to Annum's sanctu-ary by a processional road through the series of pylons leading to the south. She appears on temple walls enthroned beside Amun or as 'mistress of the nine bows.' This is the sign that would later be represented as the 'archer.' Mut is nature itself; she exemplifies its capacity to recycle. Her main symbol is the vulture. Just as vultures eat carrion and turn it into life, so too the goddess take in death and brings forth new life for the spiritual aspirant. Also the vulture is a bird with the largest wings span (in Egypt) and so became symbols of maternal love and protection. She is one of the few deities who were self created. She was known as "Mut, who gives birth, but was herself not born of any."

The worship of this goddess in human form, shown wearing a vulture headdress and the Double

Crown, was/became directly dependant on the worship of Amun. From the New Kingdom onward she, Amun and their son Khonso formed the Theban divine triad, and her maternal role is indicated by her name. Amun and Mut were also regarded as the king's parents from the 18th dynasty onward. As lady of Asheru she had a cult of her own at Karnak with a crescent shaped lake, and was depicted there in the form of a lion. She was closely associated with other vulture or lion goddess such as Nekhet, Uto/Wadjyt, Sakhmet and Bastet.

Khonsu Mut Amun The Dendara Triad

Personality Traits Mut is concerned with philosophy, idealism and spiritual growth as well as generosity, honesty, justice and morality and the teachings of these. Inspiring Can adapt to any situation Lively Affectionate/sensitive Impetuous/rash Body parts: Thighs [functional/metaphysical = Muscular/purgation]

Other Correspondences: Neter Mut Season Inundation / Aket Month Mesora / December Planet Jupiter / Venus Element Fire Body part Thighs, Hips Gemstone Topaz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli Tree Ash / Sandalwood Food White grapes Flower Hyacinth Colour(s) Lilac, purple, Yellow Number(s) 10 Incense/Perfume Rose Metal Tin 12 Tribes of Israel Gad

Suitable Occupations

Anything involving travel and knowl-edge of foreign languages, any kind of work with animals, teacher, nurse. Famous People under this sign Mark Twain, Sir Winston Churchill, Walt Disney,

Sammy Davies jr.(08/11), Frank Sinatra, Shirley Chisholm (30/11), Don Cheadle (29/11), Dionne Warwick (12/12),

Western Sun-sign Yoruba Deity

Approx. Sagittarius




23 November to 22 December

Appearance: Usually represented as a woman wearing a vulture headdress (sometimes surmounted by the double crown of upper and Lower Egypt). She has also been portrayed with a feline head. Symbols: Vulture Principle: Incubation: This is "to maintain under favourable conditions for development," to cause development (slowly and without outward or perceptible signs. Function: Protection Mut's function is to guarantee immunity from harm, to shield from injury or destruction (while development is taking place). Energies: The powers of Mut are concerned with nurturing and protection under 'secretive' or a 'hidden' circumstance until a sustainable stage is reached, whether physical or spiritual. Myth: In mythology Mut is the divine mother, the name 'Mut" means mother or 'the Great Mother'. Her name is written with the hieroglyph of a vulture. It is said to have the same root as the Egyptian word for mother and reveals part of the character in that she is one of the pharaoh's symbolic mothers. Mut is also a feline goddess (and can be portrayed as either a lioness or a cat). Her powers are closely related to those of another major goddess; her northern counterpart Sekhmet. In many representations, the lion is the main manifestation of Mut, when she can become Mut-Bastet. Pre-eminent goddess of Thebes, Mut is said to be the chief wife of Amun. At Thebes her tem-ple precinct a quarter of Thebes called Asheru/Isheru and was connected to Annum's sanctu-ary by a processional road through the series of pylons leading to the south. She appears on temple walls enthroned beside Amun or as 'mistress of the nine bows.' This is the sign that would later be represented as the 'archer.' Mut is nature itself; she exemplifies its capacity to recycle. Her main symbol is the vulture. Just as vultures eat carrion and turn it into life, so too the goddess take in death and brings forth new life for the spiritual aspirant. Also the vulture is a bird with the largest wings span (in Egypt) and so became symbols of maternal love and protection. She is one of the few deities who were self created. She was known as "Mut, who gives birth, but was herself not born of any."

The worship of this goddess in human form, shown wearing a vulture headdress and the Double

Crown, was/became directly dependant on the worship of Amun. From the New Kingdom onward she, Amun and their son Khonso formed the Theban divine triad, and her maternal role is indicated by her name. Amun and Mut were also regarded as the king's parents from the 18th dynasty onward. As lady of Asheru she had a cult of her own at Karnak with a crescent shaped lake, and was depicted there in the form of a lion. She was closely associated with other vulture or lion goddess such as Nekhet, Uto/Wadjyt, Sakhmet and Bastet.

Khonsu Mut Amun The Dendara Triad

Personality Traits Mut is concerned with philosophy, idealism and spiritual growth as well as generosity, honesty, justice and morality and the teachings of these. Inspiring Can adapt to any situation Lively Affectionate/sensitive Impetuous/rash Body parts: Thighs [functional/metaphysical = Muscular/purgation]

Other Correspondences: Neter Mut Season Inundation / Aket Month Mesora / December Planet Jupiter / Venus Element Fire Body part Thighs, Hips Gemstone Topaz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli Tree Ash / Sandalwood Food White grapes Flower Hyacinth Colour(s) Lilac, purple, Yellow Number(s) 10 Incense/Perfume Rose Metal Tin 12 Tribes of Israel Gad

Suitable Occupations

Anything involving travel and knowl-edge of foreign languages, any kind of work with animals, teacher, nurse. Famous People under this sign Mark Twain, Sir Winston Churchill, Walt Disney,

Sammy Davies jr.(08/11), Frank Sinatra, Shirley Chisholm (30/11), Don Cheadle (29/11), Dionne Warwick (12/12),

Western Sun-sign Yoruba Deity

Approx. Sagittarius


Neter: Khunum

Dates 23 December to 20 January Appearance: Male human form with the head of a ram with horizontally projected horns. Symbols Horns, Goat Principle: Fermentation Khnum represents the procreative energies that enliven, bring the life force or excitement,; the process of kick starting an

oth-erwise inanimate entity. Function: Embodiment Energies: The powers of Khnum are concerned with giving tangible form. He gives body to; or makes perceptible, and concrete: Procreativity in the natural world. To represent in human or animal form or to incorporate. And to 'put health nto these bodies.' - A reference to breathing the life force into them. Myth: As a creator god, Khunum is best known for his role at the potter's wheel, where he fashioned gods, mankind, cattle, birds, reptile and fish. From calendar liturgies and hymns carved at Esna, detailed anatomical records have survived with explicit details of Khunum's actions in the formation of the human body: For example he orientated the blood stream to flow over the bones and attached the skin to the body's frame. He installed an apparatus for digestion, a respiratory system and vertebrae to support it. He is said to supervise conception in the womb and initiated the stages of labour. Another myth states that after many years of creating and maintaining life Khnum is said to have grown tired and thought of a device to relieve himself of the task. He set about to put a potter's wheel in the womb of the female of all creatures, and by so doing transferred his creative powers to them. By relieving himself of creating the physical, he is able to concentrate on maintaining the creation of the life-force. Khunum's creative forces are usually depicted as being at the behest of another deity. As in the 'Tale of the two brothers' case where he is instructed by Ra-Herakhuti to create a wife for Bata. Khunum proceeds to create a ravishingly beautiful woman in whose body is said to be the essence of the gods themselves. Khunum is also said to be the Ba of the sun-god or the soul of the sun-god. He controls the annual inundation of the Nile. It was at his command that the god /deity / neter Hapy caused the annual Nile inundation. According to one myth, after a seven-year famine, when Khunum relents from preventing the Nile flood (on being assured that his temple will be renovated) and Egypt prospered again. This was said to have happened during the reign of King Djoser (Dynasty III) His importance can be traced back to the early dynastic period. Rams sacred to Khnum- mummified, adorned with gilded head pieces and buried in sarcophagi have been discovered on Elephantine Island. Other Titles: "Lord of Crocodiles" - His connection to the river "High of Plumes, Sharp of Horns" Personality Traits: Khunum's have a very confident and authoritative stature. Those born under this sign can create opportunities from very little. They are said to be one of the most enterprising of the zodiac signs. Body parts: Knees [functional/metaphysical = Muscular/purgation]

Other Correspondences Neter Khunum Season Emergence / Proyet Month Jehudti / January Planet Saturn Element Earth Body part Knees Gemstone Quartz, onyx, Jet, Black diamond Tree Almond, yew, hemp Food White grapes Flower Lily Colour(s) Indigo or black Number(s) 1 Incense/Perfume Eucalyptus Metal Ram, goat

Suitable Occupations

Architecture, engineering, research, great at working under pressure and most successful when self\employed.

Famous People under this sign

Mohammed Ali (17/01), Mao Tse Tung, Isaac Newton, Elvis Pressley. Martin Luther King Jr. (15/01)

Western Sun-sign 12 Tribes of Israel

Capricorn (Approx) Asher

Yoruba Deity


Neter: Shu

Dates: 21 January to 19 February

Appearance: Shu takes on human male form wearing a plume on his head and holds a sceptre in his hand. More often he is portrayed with upraised arms separating the earth god (Geb) from the sky goddess (Nut). Symbols: Feather,

Principle: Inhalation: To breathe in - to take in the universal life force The endless reservoir of possibilities Function: Breath

To rejuvenate the spirit and restore the body: To take in or expel air from the lungs as a regular physiological process/ admit or emit air or moistures. Breathe new life into something/ reinvigorate. The source of peace and recuperation. Myth: Shu is one of the first two deities created by Atum (the sun-god of Heliopolis. He is first born of Ra and twin brother of Tefnut. In one of the Ancient Kemetic myths; the creator sun god is said to have sneezed out Shu, The name Shu has a similar sound to the verb "to sneeze" in ancient Egyptian (roughly pronounced "ashesheh"). This 'air-god separates earth and sky by holding the body of the sky ntr Nut above that of her husband/consort/brother; the earth ntr Geb or (Seb). She brings healing dreams and insights. So this first born of Ra, represents air, space or ether on which all life depends. Ra com-manded that he separate Nut and Geb who were said to be in a 'sexual embrace.' Since then he has kept the two separate so that the sun can continue its cycle and creation can continue to exist. Human interactions would be impossible without space and air. Shu is also referred to as king of the gods and goddesses as he is able to lead aspirants to the divine (he links the two). Father of Nut and Geb The god of sunlight and air, he is usually shown with his arms raised supporting the sky-goddess Nut whom he holds apart from her consort the earth - god Geb, Shu is said to have originated from the mucus which Atum sneezed from his nostrils. In the creation myth of the god of air, Shu was born with his sister Tefnut from the mouth of the primeval god Atum, and then divided the sky from the earth. Human beings, like gods, need air, and temple-lofts open to the air were often described as "windows of Shu." "My mouth is opening now" Shu opened the mouth of the gods and goddesses with the iron harpoon of heaven Personality Traits: Being the sign of air; Shus can fit into any situation and have tremendous creative po-tential. Many are theatrical and are able to effortlessly captivate an audience. They are able to argue their case or that of less unfortunate with eloquence. Between Nut and Geb (sky and earth) they share a close affinity to nature as well as a highly devel-oped spirituality. Intuitive / Instinctive Body parts: Ankles [functional/metaphysical = Neurological/elevation] A highly active immune system means that Shus may often suffer from problems like hay fever, asthma or skin rashes. Having opened the mouth of the gods with an iron harpoon - Shu is capable of elo-quent speech

and enabling other with such.

Other Correspond ences Neter Shu Season Emergence / Proyet Month February Planet Uranus Element Air Body part Ankles Gemstone Moonstone, Amethyst Tree Silver Birch Food Lychee Flower Iris. orchid Colour(s) Purple Number(s) 9 Incense/Perfume White Sandalwood Metal Radium/Uranium 12 Tribes of Israel Naptali Psychology, social work, teaching, conservation and animal welfare

Suitable Occupations

Famous People under this sign

Nelson Mandela, Angela Davis, Jackie Robinson, Michael Jordon, Langston Hughes, Rosa Parks

Western Sun-sign Yoruba Deity


Approx. Aquarius

Neter: Auset

Dates: 20 February to 20 March Appearance: Usually depicted as a woman with a crown headdress or sitting on a throne alone or holding the child Heru Symbols: Throne Motherhood, female wisdom and nuturing. Principle: Fruition The archetypical mother, she gives birth, nurses and protects

Function: Birthit from danger. Energies The energy of AST is to bring conditions to their utmost realisation or completion.

AST possibly pronounced Auset was Sister/wife of Ausar and mother of Heru. Auset married Ausar they had a son Heru. If only it was so straight forward. Husband Ausar was murdered by his adversary/ brother Seth who stole his throne (Egypt). According to mythology Seth tricked ASR, firstly into a coffin which he had made for him, floated him off down the Nile, then by murdering him and chopping his body into fourteen (14) pieces and scattered them around Egypt/Kemet.

According to the Pyramid texts, in her role as wife, AST finds and reunites the pieces of her murdered husband (ASR); she is the chief mourner at his funeral(s). Through her magical powers, she brings him back to life and conceives a son (Heru), who she hides from Seth (the murderer of AST) until he is fully grown and able to avenge his father. Auset

outwitted Seth with her magic and the throne was given to her son Heru. She brought up her son in hiding, protecting him from his enemies. "I have come so that I can be thine protector" Auset is symbolically the divine mother of the pharaoh. She had to use magic to protect her son Heru against dangers when he was a child, so she was invoked by Egyptian women when their own children were sick with fevers or bitten by poisonous animals. She defended her son against attacks from snakes and scorpions. Auset governs pregnancy. She is the embodiment of the instinctive faculties that govern our ability to care for and nurture others - qualities that were most desirable in mothers and wives. Her virtues are best expressed through family life. It was through the meditation of the women governed by Auset that the cultiva-tion of wild grasses into cereals was first discovered. It gave birth to agriculture, and hence to civilization. She is also associated with Tehuti again, as together they taught man the secrets of magic, medicine and agriculture. Her chief aspect was that of a great magician. She was worshipped as 'the great of magic.' She is said to have created the first cobra and used its venomous bite to coerce Ra into giving her his secret name in order to gain his power. Although portrayed as crafty, she is also shown as merciful and compassionate, never as cruel or selfish. Auset's earthly environment are large bodies of water and their inhabitants (oceans and seas), hence her connection to fish. Cured the sick and brought the dead back to life. Consequently she linked this world and the next, and was both the mother god-dess and goddess of death. With the rise of the cult of Osiris she was wor-shipped throughout the country. A significant feature making Isis increasingly popular from the New Kingdom onward was her possession of special magic powers in her capacity as a protecting goddess. She was the most important of the deities in the Greco-Roman period, when she was worshipped throughout the Roman Empire to as far as England. More popularly known as Isis; she is/was the most popular of all Egyptian goddesses/deities. There is evidence that her cult survived on the island of Philae in the sixth century AD. Isis followers are still found today. AST was the purest example of the loving wife and mother. The images of Ast suckling the infant Heru undoubtedly inspired the multitude of icons depicting the Madonna and Child. Other titles: Her name means seat or throne Personality Traits A model spouse The shelter she provided her child gave her the character of goddess of protection. Amenable Intuitive Crafty/cunning Easily swayed? Holistic views and ideas Tactless & speak mind too readily? - Court case with Seth Body parts: Feet

Brain [functional/metaphysical = Autonomic/Regeneration]

Other Correspondences Neter AST Season Emergence / Proyet Month March / Hathor Planet Sirius Element Water Body part Feet Gemstone Lapis Lazuli, Cowrie shells Tree Sycamore Food Avocadoes Flower Rose Colours Blue Lucky Number 7, 2

Inscence/Perfume Metal

Ambergis, Lotus Aluminium, Lead

12 Tribes of Israel Joseph

table Occupations Loves the limelight - any entertainment + hardworking/workaholic anything offering a challenge. Famous People under this sign
W E B Dubois (23/02), Nina Simone (02/02), Spike Lee (20/03), Queen Laatifah (18/03)

Western Zodiac Yoruba Deity

Approx. Pisces Yemanja

Western Sun-sign

Approx. Pisces

Neter: Ausar


21 March to 20 April

Appearance: Usually depicted in human form (wrapped as a mummy with his arms emerged), holding the crook and flail - both sceptres of kingship. He wears a distinctive crown known as the 'atef' - a conical centre piece with a plume on either side. ASR's skin is often shown as black or green, both very positive in Kemet symbolising fertility and life. Symbols: Flail and Crook Principle: Renewal: Having been chopped to pieces and put back together again; ASR stands for that which has been broken, or diminished and reconstituted or recovered. He is the neter of new life and second chances. Function: Germination: Energies Ausar's forces Infuse vitality in the innate life force that is in all things. Allowing appreciation for life especially where this force has been hibernating hindered or blocked.

Asuar as the first divine king; taught the people agriculture. He therefore has a role as an agricultural god, and is referred to as corn or barley. His hands and face are often painted black to evoke the Nile silt or green the colour of living vegetation. Ausar to qualify for rulership.The traditional kings of KMT had to strive to become the living embodiment of ASR. He establishes and trains the priesthood. Ausar teaches the people how to pour libation. Also he usually gets the title of first sign of the zodiac. Ausar taught the people to revere their ancestors. In Kamit this was done by constructing monuments in their living memory. According to Ashby Asar is also an Avatar, a divine incarnation into time and space, the incarnation of the Higher self, the soul, into the realm of time and space. In another Creation Myth it is said that Asar uttered his own name and thereby brought the world and all life into existence. This is the process of Divine incarnation whereby the Supreme Being becomes the universe. Asar, Lord of the Perfect Black, is the personification of the blackness of the vast un-manifested regions of existence. Asar is the essence of all things, and the very soul of every human being as the Higher Self, who through ignorance, has become involved in the world, has been slain by its own ego (represented by the god Set), and struggles to regain its original state of perfection. Asar also symbolises the fragmented ocean of consciousness which has been cut into pieces by the lower self. No longer is there the vast all-encompassing, allknowing, all seeing consciousness. The Divine has become limited in association with the human mind, body and senses, due to the desire to experiences human feelings and egoistic sentiments. Instead of looking at the universe through cosmic mind, the Divine now expresses (him/herself) through billions of life forms whose bodies, minds and senses are too limited to see the vastness of creation.

In one Myth, as the eldest son he inherited the right to govern Egypt. His jealous brother Set however, killed him Ausar was the first born of Ged (earth god) and Nut (sky god). As the eldest son he inherited the right to govern Egypt. His jealous brother however assassinated him. His rule over pre-dynastic Egypt therefore came to an abrupt end. The myths tell varying versions, but generally, his body was dismembered (into 13/14 pieces), and scattered throughout the Nile Valley. They are all later gathered up by AST (and her sister Nephtys). All, except the phallus according to some myths. With her magical powers (and with the help of Tehuti), AST put ASR back together again and was impregnated with a son (Heru). ASR's domain is Duat - the Egyptian Underworld. He is a protective funerary god, guarding the west of the Nile where most of the cemeteries are located, and where the sun descended into the duat. As ruler of the underworld, ASR ensures that the souls of the wicked and undesirable do not pass into his realm. He is both a god of fertility and the embodiment of the dead and resurrected king. Once the ruler of Egypt died he became AST (who then gave orders to the living). Seker is Asar's title when he is resurrected and he takes his place in the Netherworld as the king. In this aspect he presides over the judgement of the heart of the aspirant. His union with Aset symbolises the achievement of striving for spiritual salvation or resurrection The union with Nebethet symbolises bondage, suffering and the cycles of birth and death, known as reincarnation. Personality Traits: Body parts: Feet, skin [functional/metaphysical = Somatic/Dissolution] Other Correspondences Neter Season Month Planet Element Body part Gemstone Tree Food Flower Colours Lucky Number Inscence/Perfume Metal Suitable Occupations ASR Ausar Emergence April/Khoiak Orion Fire Head / Brain Ruby, bloodstone Cedar Pomegranate White roses, tiger lily Black, red, white 1 Sandalwood or musk Gold or iron Sales, teaching, or anything to do with the media as they are excellent talkers.

Famous People under this sign Diana Ross, Leonardo da Vinci Western Sun sign Approx. Aries

Other titles: 'Lord of the lvining' 'Ruler of Eternity' 'Lord of the Universe' 'Mighty One' 'Lord of the Perfect Black' Ausar is perfection in the Astral Realm. He is the essence of all things and the very soul of every human being as the Higher Self, who through ignorance has become involved in the world, has been slain by its own ego (represented by the god Seth) and struggles to regain its original state of perfection.

Neter: Ptah

Dates: 21 April to 21 May Appearance: Smooth headed (or wearing a skullcap), dressed in high collar garment with a tassel (shrouded like a mummy), with his arms protruding through to hold a sceptre of dominion (the 'was' which combines at its upper terminal the ankh sign for life and the djed column for stability) Symbols: Creativity, Materialisation/fertility and Metaphysics/virility Principle: Animation The energy of Ptah is concerned with the state of being full of life or vigour - the state of being alive. Ptah's powers are concerned with the rising life force in the earth. Virility; a creator and mover of the innermost being of every living thing. Function: Fabrication; as a creator deity, he is able to invent, construct or manufac-ture (especially from already prepared components) Ptah heralds the return of the growing season bringing together the ele-mental forces that conceive life and augment its form. Energies Myth: Ptah was the creator god of Memphis pre-eminently and one of the oldest deities of Kemet and found on all major sites in Egypt and Nubia. He is said to have created the world by thought and tongue. According to the inscription on the Shabaka Stone; In the beginning when Chaos reigned, Ptah appeared on the Primeval Mound and by the effort of his heart* and mind he created Nun and a female counterpart Nunet . In turn Nun and Nunet brought forth Atum (who became the thought of Ptah) and Te-huti (who became the Tongue of Ptah). In Memphite theology Ptah is self-created, thinks about the cosmos and speaks it into existence. Life comes into everything from Ptah's heart* and tongue - gods are born and towns are founded (and order is maintained). His methods are intellectual rather than physical. Ptah is also associated with the god Khnumu in carrying out the mandate of Thehuti (the divine intelligence who gave expression in words to the will of the primeval creative power) at the creation. * heart/mind: The Egyptian/Kemetics thought that the heart was the seat of man's being and of his intelligence Self created and 'Opener' of the day, Ptah is said to have 'opened the mouths of the gods.' Ptah was one of the most active of the three creator deities, who carried out the commands of Tehuti, who gave expression in words to the will of the primeval creative power. He is called "exceedingly great god, the beginning of being," "the maker of things which are, the creator of things which shall be, the source of created things, the father of fathers and the mother of mothers," "closer of the night and opener of the day" He holds the emblems of life, power and stability. He is credited with the invention of crafts and is therefore said to be the patron of craftsmen especially sculptors. The Greeks identified Ptah with the divine blacksmith Hephaestus and the Romans associated him with Vulcan. The sacred Apis bull was associated with the great temple of Ptah at Memphis and. During the New Kingdom the name given to the Temple of Ptah was 'The Mansion of the Soul' (or Hwt-Ka Pth).

The bull was seen as a symbol of procreation and virility. Only one bull at a time was regarded as Apis rather than the whole species. In ancient Kemetic 'religion' the sacred bull deity was worshiped at Memphis and became associated with Ptah and the solar cult, often represented with the sun-disk between his horns. It was seen as a manifestation of the god who gave oracles. When an Apis bull died (which averaged about every fourteen years), it was buried with great pomp at Saqqarah. A search would then be mounted for its replacement. Priests of Apis would search the land for a bull with the necessary distinctive makings which included a triangular white mark on its forehead. God of craftsmen, Ptah was thought to have created skills in design and sculpture - "supreme leader of craftsmanship." One artisan community near Western Thebes, believing that Ptah determined the destiny of the individual artists there; often carved stelaes dedicated to him. They would sometimes carve ears on these stelaes to encourage Ptah to listen to their prayers: Which probably linked to one of his titles - "The ear which hears." With his companion/wife Sekmet and the youthful Nefertem he was one of the Mem-phis Triad of deities. As a mortuary god, ptah was often fused with Seker and Ausar to become Ptah-Seker-Ausar, Ptah's importance is also reflected in many associated cults; for instance, he had a separate building to himself in the temple precincts of Karnak. Ptah was recognised as the patron of artists and craftsmen and the Greeks therefore equated him with Hephaistos. Personality Traits: Dependable and Focused

Other Correspondences

Neter Ptah Season Harvest Month Khenkhet Planet Mercury Element Earth Body part Throat Gemstone Turquoise Tree Oak Food Damson Flower Violet Colour(s) Blue Number(s) 4 Incense/Perfume Cloves Metal Red gold 12 Tribes of Israel Rueben Suitable Occupations Banking, Accounting, Banking

Famous People under this sign

Duke Ellington (29/04), Stevie Wonder (13/05), Ella Fitzgerald (25/04),

Janet Jackson (16/05). Western Sun-sign Yoruba Deity Approx. Taurus


Neter: Heru


22 May to 21 June


Total falcon shape or anthropomorphic to the shoulders with the hawk head.

Symbols: Crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt Kingship, Triumph and Redemption. Heru is perfection in the physical realm. He also represents the rebirth of the spiritual life - aspiration for freedom, the new life of the resurrected soul, the union between the spirit (ASR) and creation (AST). However, unlike Anubis (Anpu), who also represents the union of Spirit and Matter, Heru represents the higher aspect of this union because Auset is the embodiment of wisdom and truth while Nebethet is the embodiment of nature and the grosser physical elements. In this aspect Heru represents the subtle spiritual realization of spirit and matter united as one. Principle: Ascension/Exaltation

Heru's power brings courage and confidence to one's convictions; allowing progress to take place despite ob-stacles. Function: Mastery/Initiation Heru brings rewards to great effort and dedicated work His influence brings sound decisions when managing the affairs of others in family or business. Advancement and acknowledgement come through the intercession of Heru. Energies Myth Heru is the son of ASR and AST. According to the myth Heru's father was murdered by Seth who then contested Heru's heritage (the royal throne of Egypt). Although Heru finally avenged his father's death by defeating his uncle Seth; in the fight his left eye (the moon) was damaged and was healed by the goddess Het-her. The figure of the restored eye (the Wadjet Eye) has become a powerful amulet. In his young years Heru the child is vulnerable to attacks by the usurper Seth. He is protected by several goddesses including Mut while he is being reared in the papyrus marshes. He is depicted as triumphing over dangerous creatures including snakes and scorpions. Heru and Seth were perpetual antagonists who were reconciled in the harmony of upper and Lower Egypt. The lord of the sky, the Falcon god. He who limits the two lands. (Geminis are said to be thought and intelligent in all things, especially in the search for wisdom and religion according to Ptolmy). He is triumphant contender to the throne of Egypt. Heru is the divine light that enters the mundane sphere and brings its particular illumination to every dimension of human experience and nature. His eyes were said to be the sun and the moon. Personality Traits (Geminis are said to be thought and intelligent in all things, especially in the search for wisdom and religion according to Ptolmy). Body parts: Arms (lungs) Shoulders

Other Correspondences Neter Heru Season Harvest / Shomu Month Mechir Planet Mercury Element Air Body part Arms (shoulders) lungs Gemstone Jasper (green or brown) Tree Elm Food Olives Flower Cowslip

Colour(s) Yellow, ochre, pale mauve Number(s) 3, 10 Incense/Perfume Patchouli Metal Yellow gold
Suitable Occupations Sales, Travel Famous People under this sign Miles Davis (26/05), Marilyn Monroe, Paul McCartney, Venus Williams (17/06), Naomi Campbell (22/05)

Western sun-sign

Approx. Gemini

12 Tribes of Israel


Yoruba Deity


Neter: Khepera


22 June to 22 July

Appearance: Human form, male with scarab head Symbols: Scarab Transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Principle: Metamorphosis Transformations from mundane to divine Central symbol of salvation

Function: Revolution Complete change Accomplishments in certain disciplines such as medicine, the-ology, and astronomy; also spells and sorcery fall under the realm of Khepra. Energies: Metamorphosis

Myth: Khepera is an aspect of the resurrected sun-god at dawn on the eastern horizon and so syn-onymous with rebirth. The god of cyclical renewal and of the daily rising; variable aspects of the sun was depicted in the shape of a scarab beetle. In the course of the sun's journey across the sky he represented morning sunrise, while Ra personified the hours of the day and Atun, the evening. A manifestation of the creator god taking shape as the rising sun: The dung beetle/scarab was seen forming a ball of dung and rolling it over the sand. According to mythology this beetle lays its eggs in this ball and this life cycle was seen as a microcosm of the daily rebirth of the sun which was rolled across the heavens. Self begotten and self produced; Khepera had the attribute of self generation and self renewal. The scarab symbol of the enduring human soul; and is said to ensure its continuity. The ball represents the Earth and the scarab the sun. The 30 segments of its six legs are said to represent the 30 days of each month. He represents the type of matter which contains within itself the germ of life which is about to spring into a new existence; thus he represents the dead body from which the spirit is about to arise - salvation. The scarab represents one of the most important symbols of dynastic Egypt. Scarabs of vari-ous materials form an important part of Egyptian antiquities. Often they are inscribed on the base or decorated with designs and are simultaneously amulets and seals. Used as funerary talismans equipped with replicas of a falcon's wings; large basalt 'heart scarabs' were placed in the bandages of mummies and were symbolically identified with the heart of the deceased. A winged scarab might also be placed on the breast of the mummy as well as a number placed about the body. These scarabs were often inscribed with chapter 30 of the 'Book of the Dead' with a spell that instructed the heart on how it should behave at the Judgement of the Dead. "My heart, my mother; my heart, my mother. My heart of my life upon earth. May not rise up against me in judgement in

the presence of lord of the Trial. .." EA Wallis Budge. One of the most popular motives in Egyptian art, the seal type of scarab was the most com-mon and many have been found in a variety of different materials including semi-precious stones in various sizes with inscriptions, magical signs and a wide variety of designs. The in-scriptions vary from mottoes referring to deities or places o friendly wishes or words of good omen. The most valued of these though have been the ones bearing royal names. Often used as a personal seal; when set in a ring as a bezel or hung on a necklace as a pendant its flat side could be inscribed with the name and titles of its owner. Scarabs were/are also used as a protective amulet. Carried by trade throughout the Mediterranean, numerous examples of imitations have been found in the region outside of Egypt and are still a most popular souvenir for visitors.

Personality Traits: Intuitive Initiative, Drive, create their own opportunities Industrious, very active Well intentioned Cheerful, optimistic, Tendency to champion the plight of the unfortunate (Self effacing) Power to inspire confidence and enthusiasm in others From childhood they make it clear that the have a will of their own Courageous with competitive spirit Never boring to be around They are content to be on their own but are not shy or reclusive Their need for occasional solitude can some sometimes be misinterpreted and taken the wrong way. They make encouraging parents always encouraging and supportive. They have a tendency to 'not know when to quit' Body parts: Quote: "He who is coming into being" "To Become" "Coming into Being" 'He who rolls' Stomach, [functional/metaphysical = Lym-phatic/conversion

Other Correspondences
Neter Season Month Planet Element Body part Gemstone Tree Food Flower Colours(s) Khepera Harvest / Shomu Pamenoth Pluto Water Stomach Amber, pearl, moonstone Alder Date Lotus Flower Amber / maroon

Number(s) 12 Incense/Perfume Myrrh - Saffron Metal Silver 12 Tribes of Israel Levi Famous People under this sign Bill Cosby, Louis Armstrong,

Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela (18/07), Mike Tyson (30/08), Missey Elliot (01/07)

Western Zodiac Yoruba Deity

Approx. Cancer Olukua Approximately Cancer

Western Sun-sign

Neter: Sekhmet

Dates: 25th July to 20th August

Appearance: Usually depicted as a lioness, a solar goddess, or represented as a lion-headed woman wearing a solar disc crown with the uraeus serpent. Symbols: Fire, Lion, Cat Kingship/sovereignty, Female power, fire, protection/guardianship Other titles: "Eye of Ra" "The Powerful One" Principle: Purification The energy dynamic/power is directed towards removing invasion, intrusion and disorder. Her influence is formidable and should never be called upon for frivolous purposes. Rituals of her temple were known to utterly destroy those they were directed toward, and may have been the only ones that used blood sacrifice, though none have survived the ages. She is protector of soldiers, law enforcement, and psychic healers Function: Purgation As healer, Sekhmet removes impurities from the body, though her presence may bring fever and eruptions of the skin. However, she brings the appropriate medical assistance when invoked, and she is patroness of all healers, therapists and physicians. Energies: Myth Sekhmet is a goddess of war and destroyer of the enemies of the sun god Ra. She is associated with both disease and with healing and medicine. The dreadful lion-headed daughter of Ra, like other fierce goddesses she was called 'The Eye of Ra' and the consort or wife of Ptah.

Her titles include:

"The Strong One"

"Mistress of Life" "The Powerfull One" Also the eye of Ra She was both a warrior and a champion of the gods. She represented the ferocious aspect of female divinity. Mistress of war and strife, she helped the king to slaughter his enemies. According to one myth there was a time when Sekhmet almost wiped out the entire human race. The sun-god at one stage felt that humans were plotting against him and sent his daughter Sekhmet to punish them. Sekhmet slaughtered so many people that she had to be stopped. Afraid that no one would be left to look after the temples and make offerings; Ra poured out a lake of beer and coloured it to look like blood. The following day, blood thirsty Sekhmet drank the beer thinking it was blood, became intoxicated and wandered away - she then had to be reminded (by Tehuti) of her divine self and humanity was spared from extinction. This blood thirsty goddess who could kill could also cure (she could be persuaded to remove epidemics through the performance of the rite of "Appeasing Sekhmet." Sekhmet also drove away sickness (making her mistress of healing). The title 'priest of Sekhmet' came to mean the same as 'doctor' Her arrows were said to bring death and illness, pestilence (archer) - (Sekhmet Bast) Text from the Cairo Calender (24 November) says "The gods are joyful with the offerings of Sekhmet on this. Repeat the offerings. It will be pleasant to the heart of the gods and the spirits." On the assumption that she could kill as well as cure, she was later worshipped as the 'lady of life' Duality - Bast and Sekhmet combine the opposing nature of the cat - domestic/untamed. "She is the one who paves the way to spiritual evolution by destroying the evil of ignorance and sinfulness in the human heart." - Ashby. She defeated the serpent Ibipi She is the Goddess of Military Battles - Much of Milliary insignia today still carry a representation of a lion

Her chief sanctuary was in Memphis (considered wife of Ptah and mother of Nerfertem; and thus a member of the Triad of Memphis. Personality Traits: Strength and stability Lion Heart Honest and loyal

Courageous Determined / dynamic Hard working Extrovert and fun-loving Generous nature Stubborn / bossy Can be aggressive, deceitful and annoying Obstinate spirit Tendency to offend without intent Frequently fail to seize opportunities offered on a plate Preserver of status quo rather than revolutionary

Body parts: Heart [functional/metaphysical = circulatory/individuation]

Amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. It may be used on the appropriate charka to facilitate opening and cleansing. It stimulates and opens the crown charka. It was burned in medieval days, as a fumigant and as an incense to clear the environment of negativity.

Other Correspondences Neter Season Month Planet Element Body part Gemstone Tree Food Flower Colours Lucky Number Inscence/Perfume Metal Sekhmet Harvest Pharmouthi Sun Fire Heart Amber Yew Apple Foxglove Red, Deep Purple, Gold 3 Frankincense Gold / pyrite

Chakra Crown 12 Tribes of Israel Judah Suitable Occupations Famous People under this sign Halle Berry. Jennifer Lopez Western Sun-sign Approx. Leo
Quote from the Hermetica:

Atum is the Whole which contains everything. He is One, not two. He is All, not many. The All is not many separate things, but the Oneness that subsumes the parts. The All and the One are identical.

You think that things are many when you view them as separate but when you see they all hang on the One, and which flow from the One, you will realise they are united linked together, and connected by a chain of Being from the highest to the lowest,

all subject to the will of Atum

The Cosmos is one as the sun is one , The moon is one and the Earth is one. Do you think there are many Gods? That's absurd - God is one. Atum alone is the Creator Of all that is immortal, And all that is mutable. If that seems incredible, just consider yourself. You see, speak, hear, touch, Taste, walk, think and breathe. It is not a different you Who does these various things, But one being who does them all.
The Five senses The Five senses
We have all been told growing up; that we have five senses. -Eyes/sight

- Ears/hearing - Nose/smell - Taste/mouth -Touch/sensory

However according to KMT we had more

1. Heka - Magic
Creative and regenerative Automotive responses and processes - the shiver, the sneeze, the heartbeat the things that we do without thought. This Includes our creativity

2. Sia - Innate intelligence

The things that we may think about but have an almost instinctual responses to sensations e.g. thirst, hunger - drinking and eating. However includes basic choice and will. Enables us to process knowledge. Potential or intelligence quotients.

3. Hu - utterance and taste

To make communicative sounds, to taste and other oral processes

4. Maa - sight
All visual processes Observation

5. Sadjem - hearing
Hearing requests and prayers

Other Cosmic Powers

Maat - Order and definition & Sa - Constitution and affinity Five methods of perception.
References are also made to our 'sixth sense' the term used for our extrasensory perception which would involve the reception of information not gained through the five recognised senses mentioned above and not internally originated.

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