International Marketing Fall 2013
International Marketing Fall 2013
International Marketing Fall 2013
****The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus, course content and requirements based on the learning needs of the class. The number one goal is to see students progress as learners throughout the time they are in class sometimes adjustments are necessary****
Course Summary:
This course is intended for students who already have a basic understanding of marketing but now will apply that knowledge to a global marketplace. The course will focus on current issues and events while offering conceptual and analytical tools that will help students apply the marketing mix to marketing in different cultures. The course will use real world examples and case studies. Students are expected to use their critical thinking skills to analyze various global marketing situations and articulate them in discussions and writing.In addition to the concepts and topics presented in the text and lectures, the class will research the market and cultural environment of specic countries culminating in a nal group project/presentation.
Manner of Lecturing:
All lectures will be conducted in English. Weekly classes will usually focus on a chapter in the textbook combined with interactive class elements and supplemental materials. My class style of lecturing is interactive, both with in person, online elements and with your peers. Students will be expected to participate in open discussions during class and online discussions after class. Students are also expected to practice and apply their critical thinking skills whenever possible. The class is considered a "low context" environment which may be a new dynamic for some learners. Some of the class elements will take you out of your comfort zone, and you will become stronger thinkers and learners gaining skills that are transferable to your work life when you nish school.
Course Objectives:
Identify the issues and factors involved in the decision for companies to go global or international, especially as related to Korea and its growing interest in the global market. Describe the research methods for assessing and selecting global markets. List types of global market strategies. Outline the process for developing an entry strategy for the international targeted market. Identify the challenges and considerations of cross cultural communication. Discuss culture difference and importance in global marketing. Discuss the issues in structuring and controlling an organizations global marketing program Develop a realistic and potentially viable global market entry strategy for introducing a Korean product or service to a country where the product or service has not been previously marketed
Required Textbook:
Global Marketing, 7th Edition Warren J. Keegan & Mark Green ISBN-10: 0132719150 ISBN-13: 9780132719155
Terrill Reid McLain
Attendance 10% Individual assignments and participation: 20% Midterm: 30% Group project nal: 40%
You are in class or you are not in class. If you are in class you get credit, if you are not you dont. You get 1 free absence that does not count at the end of the semester. Use it wisely! This class is a participation class, you cannot get credit for being here when you are not. I do not accept excuses regardless of the reason. If you have extenuating circumstances and think you deserve an excused absence feel free to ask me, but 99% of the time the answer is no. Some things to keep in mind: If you miss it when I take attendance you will be marked late. If you are late 3 times, then it counts as 1 absence. If you show up too late to class, and were unable to participate fully it will be counted as an absence. It is impossible to get an A in this class with excessive tardies and absences.
Individual Assignments:
Assignments are due by the due date. Since many are usually graded as a completed or not-completed any work turned in late can only receive half credit. Completing your work is your responsibility, make sure you know your due dates.
Due Dates/Times:
You CANNOT get full credit for an assignment if you or your group turn the work in late. Turn your work in on time. Example 1: If a group discussion is due at 11:59PM on Tuesday October 8th and you upload it at 2:00AM or 12:00AM Wednesday October 9th online. IT IS LATE! You will only receive half credit. Example 2: You were absent for a class, and you did not complete the task and you turn it in by the next class period. IT IS LATE! You will only receive half credit.
Group Project:
You will be assigned a group for the nal project and presentation. You will work with the group to complete the project. Details of the expectations for the project will be outlined later in the semester. You will be graded on your participation by your teammates anonymously which will affect your nal score.
I use many different types of modern technology in class. This includes the use of smart phones. Please feel free to bring your tablet computers, laptops and smart phones to class. I will actually use them in class for some participation. You are expected to view the class websites and technology outside of class. In order to do this you need to have access to a computer that has a modern web browser (which is possible on our school computers, even if you have to download it each time). Chrome and Firefox are examples of excellent web browsers for modern functionality and you should be able to download them easily. Most of the technology tools I use are also tablet and smart phone friendly, this is for your convenience if you are unable to make it work on your phone use a computer.
Class Agendas:
I prefer an agenda method of class time management. I will post the agenda on the LMS site before the class starts and once we complete the agenda class is nished for the day. Posting an agenda helps students know what to expect in class and helps us manage the time well. It is also a reference for due dates and assignments. It is your responsibility to know what is on the agenda for the day and the assignments for the week. You should check the class blog/LMS regularly
Putting it succinctly: I do not have time for academic criminals, so dont be one in my class. Maintain your integrity for the work you do. Do not use Google translate, or any other online translation service for your English use. I can tell when you do it, so dont do it. You will hear me say time and again use YOUR English. Do not copy or use someone elses work unless you cite it properly. Use YOUR English. Do not cheat on quizzes or exams, you will receive an F and I will report you to academic affairs.
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Date September 3rd September 10th September 17th September 24th October 1st October 8th October 15th October 22nd October 29th November 5th November 12th November 19th November 26th December 3rd December 10th December 17th Introduction
Class Focus
Introduction to Global Marketing The Global Marketing Environment 1 The Global Marketing Environment 2 Approaching Global Markets 1 Approaching Global Markets 2 Review Midterm Week The Global Marketing Mix 1 The Global Marketing Mix 2 The Global Marketing Mix 3 Strategy and Leadership in the 21st Century 1 Strategy and Leadership in the 21st Century 2 Presentations Presentations Finals Week - Final Packet Due
***Anything that does not make sense to you feel free to ask me for clarication