Prealgebra Syllabus
Prealgebra Syllabus
Prealgebra Syllabus
Teacher: Bonnie Casteel Phone: 580-864-7849 Fax: 580-864-7644 Website: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @MrsCasteel84
COURSE DESCRIPTION: 8th grade PreAlgebra is a class designed to reinforce students prior
knowledge of middle school math: fractions, decimals, measurement conversions, and basic algebra. This course will deepen students understanding of algebra. We will focus on linear functions and relationships solving, graphing, analyzing, and writing. Prealgebra also has a large focus on geometry skills. Students will learn to use tools such as rulers, protractors, and compasses while drawing and analyzing both 2D and 3D gures. Students will develop the ability to: explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with others, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly. Students will learn all required concepts to help them succeed on the end of instruction exam given in May as well as material that will help them to succeed in our future transition to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
PreAlgebra Textbook Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ($85) PreAlgebra workbook and State Test Prep Workbook Composition Notebook and 2-pocket folder loose-leaf paper, pencils, and erasers
**The above materials are the property of Covington-Douglas Public Schools and will be returned at the end of the school year. Nonconsumable materials not returned must be paid for.
GRADING: Students will be graded on their understanding and completion of homework, in class
assignments, participation, Interactive Student Notebooks, quizzes, and tests. Grades are weighted on the following scale:
Interactive Student Notebook
10% Grading Scale
90 100%
60 70%
80 90%
F: 0 60%
70 80%
Parents and student can access grades through the Covington-Douglas school website. A login is required and this can be obtained from Mrs. Sharp at the beginning of the school year.
Interactive Student Notebook: This year in PreAlgebra we are going to be working with an
Interactive Student Notebook (ISN). Im very excited about the notebooks and hope you will be too! The ISN enables students to take ownership of their learning, and serves as an organizational tool for collecting information. ISNs encourage creativity and active learning, help students extend concepts and make connections, while naturally linking reading, writing and content area strategies. ISNs will require complete cooperation from all students. We will be cutting, gluing, folding, etc to make a notebook that will serve as a great tool for this year and years to come. ISNs will be unique to each student - students will choose their own paper color, marker colors, etc. The notebook will be split into left and right pages. Right pages will be used for note-taking, foldables, graphic organizers, etc. Left sides will be for students to show what they have learned with practice problems, word problems, critical thinking skills, and much more. ISNs will contain a table of contents, making it very easy for students to reference them for upcoming quizzes and test. ISNs will be graded frequently throughout the semester in a variety of ways. It is important to keep up with your notebook even if absent.
Warm-up Problems: Students are expected to come to class prepared with all materials every day! Once
students enter the room, they need to begin working on the daily warm-up problems. These problems will be
presented in many ways problems on the SMARTboard, a short quiz, group activities, and possibly even games. These problems must be completed in a timely manner so that we can continue with the daily lesson; thus, its very important to come to class prepared and begin these assignments immediately.
HOMEWORK: Students will typically be given a daily assignment that will be due the following day. Students
will be informed of due dates on all assignments. Although ISNs will be colorful and lled with markers, crayons, pens, etc, HOMEWORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN PENCIL ONLY!!! Also, all work must be shown. As we move to new standards, logical and critically thinking are essential and these can only be measured by writing logically NO WORK = NO CREDIT! All assignments must contain student name, date and assignment with page number and problems in the top right corner of the page. If any of these elements are missing or if the assignment is completed in something other than pencil, the assignment will receive a grade of 0.
LATE WORK: Late work will not be accepted in this class. Homework must be in the classroom and ready
to turn in when the tardy bell rings. Homework that is not turned in when due will receive a grade of 0. Students should use their time wisely and have homework ready by the due date. ***Each student will be given a FREE HOMEWORK PASS at the beginning of each nine week period. This pass can be used to replace a homework assignment that a student does not have ready to turn in. It must be turned in when the assignment is due. Students may only use one pass per nine weeks even if you have four, you may only use one! Passes may not be used on warm-up problems, quizzes, or tests.
QUIZZES & TESTS: All tests and quizzes are to be done in PENCIL and all work must be shown or they
will not be graded. Quizzes will not always be announced. All tests will be announced in advance. A practice test will be given one to two days in advance of the test to help students review material. Students are expected to be prepared for tests. Practice tests will be reviewed in class, but if additional help is needed I will be available before school, at lunch, and after school.
PARTICIPATION: Students will be expected to participate daily in class. This includes but is not limited to
completing the warm-up problem, asking/answering questions about homework and lessons, and cooperating with classmates during in-class projects.
TUTORING: Students in grades 6 8 are required to attend weekly tutoring. All students will meet with a
designated teacher Tuesday morning at 8AM in the high school computer lab. Their tutor will inform them of their weekly progress. Students with an A, B, or C average in all classes will be free to leave. All students with a D or F average in any class will be required to attend tutoring Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 8AM in the computer lab. This is MANDATORY. Any student that does not attend mandatory tutoring will be referred to Mr. Smith for disciplinary action.
Absences: Regular Absence: It is YOUR responsibility to obtain warm-ups, notes, and assignments from
any absence. If you miss class, you may come in before school or after school to get help on any assignment. You have as many days to complete the assignment as your were absent. School Activity Absence: If a student will miss because of a school activity it is their responsibility to come in advance of the absence to obtain notes and assignments. Students will NOT get credit if they have not met with me in advance. If the student needs help with the assignment that they have missed, they must come in before school on the day they return to school. If the student does not come in before school, it will be assumed that they understood the assignment and it will be due in class. Students that are absent the day before a test will still be expected to take the test on the scheduled day. Students that are absent the day of a test will be expected to take the exam on the day that they return to school.
Bathroom Policy:
Please use the restroom and get a drink before class, however you will be allowed 5 bathroom/get a drink/locker trips per nine weeks. If you abuse this privilege, it may be revoked at my discretion.
Classroom Procedures:
Before class: Go to the restroom and get a drink. Entering class: Please enter quiet and calmly. Sharpen your pencil. Sit down and get your homework out before the tardy bell. Begin the warm-up problem posted on the SMART board. Work individually on these problems. Once everyone is nished we will review the answers to these problems, as well as any homework questions. Homework will then be passed in to be graded. During class: Take notes, ask questions, pay attention! Participate! End of class: Stay in your seat. Do not line up at the door. Once everyone is seated and quiet, class will be dismissed.
Dear Students & Parents: I am looking forward to a new school year! Please contact me with any questions you may have. We have gone over the syllabus & class procedures and policies in class. Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have read and understand the syllabus & classroom policies and procedures for Mrs. Casteels classroom. ________________________________
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
_________ Date _________ Date ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Email Address